Nidbois3' Ail ual Sale Saturday, MAY 22nde For yearsý we have held a special sale every May and this we Iwant to make the biggest snd best. Grand Opening Sale of Sumîner w car which you will want right away.11 50 doz ladies and chldren's hose reg 15c, sale price .,. .., 3 pr for 25c Ladies' vests, regular 25c, sale pruce............ ........... 190 Childlren's vests, reg,15e, sale-price..-.-......................-100 Ladies' elastic bolts, reg 25c, sale price ............... ....... 15e 4 inch taffeta ribbon, all shades............................ 10o Ge 's ikin handkerchiefs, reg 15c, sale price................ 10e -Men's shirts, reg 75c, sale price ............................ 49o Gent's neektics, reg 250, sale price..............100 Reolier towelling, reg 1.0 and 15e, sale price., ..... ...... 7, Table linen, reg 27e, sale price...... ............. ........ 19e Ladies liale thread gloves, white or back, reg 25c, saie pricop .... .15o Ladies' and gents cuf links, reg 25c, sale price... ý............ 15e Wire eoat bangersa...................... ............... be Jaaese Iornn-g Wax, reg 5o, sale price....... ....3 for bce -Jlaiad painted Japanese bread and butter -plate; 25e each, sale price ................ .... ............... 2 for 25o Rand painted Japanese eups snd saucers, reg 25e, sale priee.... .15e TVowel rings, aIl colors, ................... 1.... .... ...... 5c 1 qt tin dipper, reg 10e, sale price........................... 5e 4oat collar springs, reg 5e, sale price..................... 2 for 5e Fishinig poles, jointed, reg 25e, sale price ........... ......... 15e White enaînel curtain poles with trimmings sale price .......... 10o Cloth bound books, standard authora, reg 25c, sale priee ........ 10e Buggy whîps, reg çM c, sle price ....,,....,..2S Udastîile s0aps, reg 5e a cake, sale pruce................. 7 for 25e White byacinth aoap, 25e a box (3 cakes> sale prce .... . -15e Butuermilk soap, 10e a box (3 cakes) sale pricee......... ...... bc Comnfort Soap, sale puice....................... ....... 4e a bar Eclipse Soap, sale price............................... 3c a bar Morse's Best ....... «.......... ..................... 2 for 5e Olive 011 Castile, sale priceeý........ ........ ........... 2 for 5e Also a lot of embroideries, laces, ladies' and ebldren's collars ,nt greatly reduced prices. Uemexnber the day, Yeniember the date, and bring this list aith you. During this sale we cannot accept due bills. A. L. NihoiS Bowmanville. hU1TS FOR MIEN. Jus Jeffsry & Son are msklng a ope cialts of iret cdase guarantee/e11its for meu aud boys at very 10w prl e-black and blue worsted suite fov $44 10 $16 Satisfaction guarau ,t éù l i style sud vorkmauship, ai tT'é Star Heuse, Bownanvilllo S spE 'the material. We supply ail the wauts of men lui gens' furnishings nt prIcos for tte limes. J Jeffery & Son. Peopie Often Say lThey have neyer had better satisf action-bet- ter service than we give them. As the well known Postum adVertisement says ,'There's a Reason" The Reason Is that we MUST GIVE SATISFACTION OR else we are the most dissatisfied G r o c e r y Store in town. Bring the goods back if they are flot just right. SCOTT & ALU]'N, 8OW MA NVILLE SPRING WEDDINGS. A pretty borne weddlng vas quietly celehratod at the home of Mr. and TIrs Bobert Podger, Mcregor St,1 Oshawa. Weduesday M'ay 12, wheu thoir eldeet daughtor Bertha May vas uusted lu nammiage with Mr. Chianios H. Legge, son of Mv. Thos. Legge, Bowmanville, Bey Jas. Ilodgee, B A., 'pastor o!tithe Preabytemian church, officlating. The bride vas given awsy bv hem lather sud woro her travelling suit of blue hnoad- lolh sud carried a bouquet o! white carnations. Mise Graca Podger assIsted hem elster as brldesmaid. Aller patak- ing of a weddiug supper the happy couple Isît hy the ovenlug train for a houe3 moon trip oset. The bride vas vemy genereneli' remeinbersd by hem frIends, mny beautiful gifle being recolved. Mm sud Mme. Logge viii reside on Cocil St, Oshawa-, Awong the relatives attoudiug fmom Bovinan- ville vere Mr. sud Mme Thoo. Legge, Mr. sud Mri. E G Legge and Mr. sud Mme. Jas William i, HARRY WILKS, JR. BREED FRON THE Busv. HARBY WILKS, JR, (1004),.e brigbt bay wIth star, standing 15.3 bauds htigb,' weigbino 1100 Ibo; be le the sire of Harrv rilike, 2.31, Hazel Wiîke. 281. Eva WlIke, 2 26, Murîsi WlIks, 2.18à~, snd Gamsly, the vînuer of the Grson Race at Port Hope laut vinter, The following sales have been made o! the progeny o! "'Harry Wllke" locally speaking : A. J. Bovsn muId mare to T. W. Rob- ertson for $300 A. J. Bowea bSld hore lu J, W. AI- doue for $20,5. A J. Bowen eold mare b BRobert acoyle for $300. Ueo. Pollard seld horse to Crowo and Murray for $250. J. F. MatIlan sold mare tu C. G. Armstrong for 8200. James Wood sold horses b James Hodglne for 8200 Geo. Robinson sold mare to L. H. Benett for 8200. During soason of 1909 viii be at Bon- net House, Bovinanyllieten Saturdays. Terme, $10) 01 te uer. A. A. GàMSav, "Maple Ave.," Orono, 16 Si' Froprietor. -TIIE- Roy al Bank 0F CANADA INCORPORATEO 1869. Pays Specîal Attention to Savings Accounts, Capital paid upà Reserve Fund Total Assets $3,900,000 $4,600,000 $50,000,000 F~ J. Mitchell, '~ j I~Ianagem Bowsnanville Branch. DARL1NGTON The Base LUno Union Saxnday Sebot witl bold Choir anniversary Sunday May 123. Bey. HuRb, Muuroe, B' A BowmanvIlle. wlll speak at 2 80 p m and Mr F L Fowke, M P. ln the oven lng. Special inging at both services Collection lu aid of the echool work. Un May 24th Bowmanville le holdine a big day cf sporta-two basebail an( throo football games, 5 mile Marathoi and other races, Harsh purgative, remadies are f as glviug way to the gentle action ani mild effects of Carter's LitthoLîver P111 If yon, try them tbey wiii certaînli please pou. MOUJNT VERNON The annivereary services of Mt Ver. non Sunday Scbool wIll be beld as foL lowe; On Sanday, June 6th ' sermonf willi be preaobed at 10.30 a. n. and1 p n bv Bev I Snell. Prince Albert Collection la aid of Sunday School funds Music by tbe choir at botb ser- Jvices. -On Monday, June -7th, -a lawn Isocial wiil be hold et the home cf Mr C W Soueh. At 6 p m a match game of football botween Taunton snd Mt Ver. non teans will ho jrlayed. after wbiclj refrçghmvnts sud Ie creaux wiliibc servod bv thé ladin 0f thc çongrogation to be followed by a firet-ls program given by local and foreign talent, Admîission 20e. cbildreu 15c. Evcrybody come sud eujoy a treat. P. STONZ, J. A. JEMWELL, Tt. A., supt! Pa0tor- lu the Pootball Touruanent at Bow. mauvi1le on May 211h Mt Vernon play Taunton eai W Bp m. Tur ut nt ufull force and "root" for our boys. The change dietary that cones witb ePring aui summor has the off oct lu weak stonachsof oettlng up Inflamma- tion, resulting lu dpsentry and choIera morbus, The abnornal condition wil continue If net attended to sund wll cause an exhaustive drain on the sys- tem. The best availlabie niedîcine le Dr. J. D. Kellogg'e Dyrentery Cordial. Il clears tbe stomacb aud bowels cf ir- ritante, counteracte the Inflammation sud restores the organe lu hesithy action, 1 NESTLEr.ON Canadien Order of Foreeters held thelr-aunual parade Sunday wben a goodly number of nemhers turued out te hear Bev B A Doive deliver a good practicai sermon well fltted for the occasion.... Mr W W MaÉon, Toronto, who atteuded the funeral of hie nother. ln-law, Mrs W Martin, Port Ferry, callod ion hbislsiters, Mrs J L Power snd Mre J Veale sud other friende near bore, Congratulations le Mr and Mrs Geo P;outt-ite a bouneing girl .... The romains cf Mrs W Martin, Port Perry, for many seare a resideut cf Cartwright, near CtSgarea, wero inlerred lu the Mthodiot burylug grounds, Blackstock, Saturdsy... Nestloton S 8 aunivemsary June 27 sud 28 .... Properly at Neatieton Station %ie coaBiug lu value very rapldly. Mm Qeo Martin bas bought a lot frein Mr Wo Muirbead at the -rate of about $1000 per acre aud wyul bulld a dwelliug lu the near future.. . Mr John Gordon bas vurchased anoîber lot and expacte te bulid anoîher bo~uge Ibis sIlmmer ....Pleaeed to ose Miss Aunle Gordon back again fron the city. Cune PoR. WHOOPING COUGH. Mrs. Wm. Bail, Bracebrifige, Ont., writs- "My three boys bad whooping cougb sud we csula get notbiug t10 heip thon until we usod Dr. Chase'@ Syrup cf Linseed sud Turpeutine. It arrested the cougbs at once sud they kept ou inproving until they wers cured et the 'cost of one dollar. This vas not a large bll for so dangerous and is. trossiug au aRlIment, LESKAU Misa Emma Morris continues quito 111 .. Mr Thos Martin has brightened hie boume with a ceaI cf paint... Mm sud Mme Botvright visited Cartwright frIends recentiy.... Mine Bertha Coran entertslnsd ber Suudsj t3cbool clans at a blrlhday parti' recently ...Staîker Bros rocoutly lest a valuablo hefer.... Ajsew feues han been erected lu front] o! the property rocently purchased by Davld Bell fromn A W Caveth.. .. Messrs Ashton and Staînton bave been drilling for water ou the promises cof:Mm C J Thornton, M P...., Mme John Spry bas been waitiug on ber father, John Corn- lob, Antioch, vho bas been II, ..Officera of the football club vers re-elected: Preidnt-W W Cornieb; Captain- Harley Billogeo; SecretaryTreaurer- borne Bobbius. . . Mrs James ColyIlle and son Colin are coutemplating a trip 10 Scotland 1h10 summer ...Herbent Hooay aud Margaret, daüghten o! Mr Williama Brown, lot 32. cou 10. Clarke. wore married by Boy fI S Speuce Wed- uesday lu the preseece o! a nurn ber o! invltod gueste ...Thers viii be a big lime la Bownanvllle May 24 vitb three football and Ivo baseball gamien. How is a CoUd tobeCured When it has reached the chest, le develop!nq into bronchitia and threa- tefla ta becomne pneumnonia. So gradually and stealthily docs a cold pass froîn its simpler forînof a cold lu the head jute inflammation of the bronchaI tubes and then on te the lnngs that ïuany do net realize their condition until pueumnonia la upen them. sWhy shonid net every cold lie taken ,.sernud Dr. Clisse 's Syrup of Lin- Reedl aud Turpentine use4d before a se- vers ilîness is upon yen. There are many reasons why yen should use 'Dr.,Clisse 's Syrup of Lin- secd snd Turpentine. Tit is more thor- ough sud far-rcsching in its effeets on tie oystem than -iany nîcre- congl medi- ie eau possibly be>. Tt Ikccps the ccngh buose and open, il nids expectoration and alîsys the inflammation. Mrs. Geo. Geed, Ticliborne, Adding- ton Co., Ont., Writes: "lit is witb pleasnre that Iîertify teithe wender- fnl enccss of Dr. Cise Syrup of1 Linseed and Turpentine rns:a cure fer celds. It is the besFt and sujreit treat- n ýintfor ceughs suacnde tha w hv ever bcs ab l e j.ý 25 0t3. a ale ah al c dalers, or Edf;mao, Bates &Ce., Trne n a i wu SOLINA. Annvemsany services of E idad Sunday Scbool yull ho held as follows: Suuday May 80 sommons wyul ho pneached by Bey John Garbult, chaininan of Boy. manvIlîs District aI 2 80 and 7 p mn. Stalng Ing uthe aftsmvon by the ochool sud choir under Ibm leademshlp of Mm A B Crydomman Collection aI each serv- ice In aid of echool funde. On Monday May 81 s good progmain yull ho given cousistiug cf music, songp, recitablone, e, hi' the nehool conmouciug at 2 p m, afbsr vhich à DarlInglon League Fool. bail gains yul ho played belveen Hampîcu sud Mt Vernon leanus. Gaine cslled at 4 o'ciock. Tea viii ho somved from 5 o'clook, Grand lecture vilI ho gi 7su lu the eveuing by Bev A P Brace, ,B D, Bichmond BIII, aI 8 o'clecic. Sub- ject-"lKalin, Kool, Kourage Kouti§," Suttable music will aIso eogivon, Ad- missnn: Tes, sud lecture 85c; lecture euh' 20c, boa onîy 25c; ebldren net mnembems o! echool, tes 15e, lecture 10a. REv T lH F ANDicRsoN, l'aster; B G Svzvnxs,Superlatenduî;NomÂeq RunYN- oLOs, Secretari'. If yen once try Cartem'e Lîttîs Liver Pille for sick headache, hilicuues, or constipation, sou wll nover ho vîthont thon. They are purely vegetahie; onali sud easy to nko, Dou'l f orgot this. The annual meeting of Solia Branch Womeu's Institute vas held on Thura- day, May 13, sud vas a very întenostin C session, The eleetion o! officers mesult- ed as follove: President-Mrg S Short- nidge; Vice-President-Mrs J T .Run- die; Secretary-Treag-Miss Effie V Taslon; District Director-Mrs Thos Baker. The preeldent gave a zery irelp!ul sud iuteresting report of iael yeas'o work sud thsnked ail for tbelr avsistance lu the pasî. Secretary- Tmoasurem'a report of the finances vaE moatetstîsfactori'. A very intonestlng sud heîpful discussion vas beld ou "Came sud Uses o! Milk," led hy Mrs b Shortridge; Mme Thos Baker gave ecine very beîpful points lu the discus- sion. A short iscuselon van beld on , Garhage sud Waste," led hy Mme Wm Taylor, Secretamy thon read a splen- did papor on 4"Flovers," prepamed hi' Mdiss Lena E Taylor, whlch vas gmeatly eujo'yed. Ail ladies of this viclnity are cordially invuted to juin Ibis hranch aud aselot lun aklng the meetings more 1interesting...Miss Laura Hogarth sinco coming home frons Kînsale le lin- p movlng niceli' .... "AI Home" ut Div. Wou Fulday -nigbt .... Sua Diviscu vIslîod thoir bretbren atOshawa Mouday evoningsud report au excellent tino Mr Robert C Scott oceupied Ibo chair. Oshava Division Is the oldest Divisten l1 ,nOntario ;cday Il bsvinR heen iu exIst- once over 59 yeare ago sud neyer mlesed a moetisg.. .. Mies Lots Giford spent a f'evdays at ber home at Oshawa ... Extensive arrangements are ln progrose for the conIug aïuversary.-the best se.. owmm.uviile b certainli' going tu bave a big day et sports May 241h. Our section yUl ho well represented. 1 -PORT, HOPE Ii Death came with great suddenness to y, Mrs Margaret Webb on i3aturday even- A, I11. W ith ber sister, Mrs 8 Woods, i, sho had been enending the evening n- with Mrs J L WèBtaway, Fine etreet, ;and when returning home about ton o'ciock was taken suddenly iii and Ig paesed away in about baif an bour- d hoart trouble. The funeral took place nu Tuesday afternoon from the residence of Mr J L Weetaway. Fine street. id ENNISKILLE N. >'The anniversary services of the Meth. odIst Sundav Bohool Witt_ be heid_ as follows: On Sundav May 23 sermons will be preached a 108amniand 7pmniby %ev A M Irwîn, B A. B D, Newcastle. Collection Ina&Id of Sunday Sohool fande. Singing by school at each service. On as Monday May 24. Victoria Day, tea will 7 be served from 5 - n.-.At 8pmia grand tconcert wIil be rendered by the following Dldlstingutshed artlsts: Mis eesor, solo- lo It, Peterborc; Miss Florence O'Brien, eloc tivntot, -Ontarlo -LAdies! Coliege, Wbltby; the renowned Mâle Quartette, Pet9rboro, and an addreee by Bey A m l liu, B ,p D. Admission: te& and hconcert, adulte 85c; eblîdren 25c; con. ecert or tona 25e. JAS STAIN'rON, J A JZWELL, B A, Supt. Pastor. H~AMPTON. lVhile Mr J E L Cole was returnn frein BowmanvIllo Saturday night with hie meat wagon hits horse frlghtened at 1the llghtnlng and run the rig into the ditch upsetting, the whole business,. After cailing for soma timo help came land the cart was r1ghatcd with but iittie damage.... Mr W N Brown returned to Toronto Friday and teit for Manitoba' Saturday on a business trip .......r Bruce Forguson who bas been con ed to hits bed with rheumatIim for 1some tins lo recoverlng ...,.. Mr WJ WUl. ilams, late of Picton, bais 6pened a grocery business lu the store vaoated by Mr Thon Creeper, We welcone Mrh Williamxs to Our village ..,..Mr H Wilcox la eufierlng from la uripp,.., Mr C Bastings bas purohased a nov heroe andIn the future will tale no man's duit ...... Houseeleaning has been theot order of the day..Mr J Clatworthy visited the Queon citv Saturday on bus. Inse...Mosâe Doidge, Wilcox and a Buruett were la Cartwright last week ] building fonce.... Mr B Jennînge and Mrs F L Ellis bave orected nsmo wlre fonces aroand theîr proporties wbIcb t greatly Improvea the appoarance of the place,.... Mrs C J Kerslake lo quite 111 *... Mr F G Keralake lost a valusbieT vouug horse recently .... Everybody la going to Bowmanvllle on the 24th to 0 see the Football Tournanent and otherO sports, Don't bu, surprieed if you sea r our boyecome home with the sllverware. d ....Mr Rd Avery ana son Milton tï spent Sunday lu Toronto .... Mr John Wcstaway attended the funerail of tbet lato Mrs Webb, Port Hope, Monday. t A FRIiEND To WOIIEN. What Most tc women noed to make tbem estrong and E. healthy, and to mate good complexion ti and a more rounded forin le more bbood. rE more rich, red blood, snob as le added vj to the5 systemn bv the use of Dr. ChaseleSI~ Nerve Food. 1.Ieadache, Indigestion n and the weakneeseesuad irregularities nt wblcb accompany oxhausted norves of soon disappear when this great restor- fil ative treatment la used. X LAWN NMQWERS.ý The old reliable le ou dock again sund would solicît ycur, patronage as ilu thé past. 1 wiii guamanîe 10 sharpen sud repair your Mower tu givo entire satis- faction, I have tha le-toot impmoved, [deai Grinder cuupled, vlth s very largo expemienco, you eau deaend on a izood jib doue. Aiso ah ,:dge Ioula gnoussd such as kulves Fescîssor3, otc , spsbbanponed, sud ail general 1joblg voe ith nosîness udsrngb Thanking 'vou ahlI for pproge ThG West End Sinithi', K tBy PIi 3:TW2W Y,ÏILIAMS, TYRONE Congratulatlone to Mr BRlRdley and bride, (nee Mise Pearl Welch,) Milberta, New Ontario, who, are homo ou thoîr weddiug tour vlsiting ber grandparents Mm sud Mme Thos Gardiner, sud hem kaunt, Mme Basle Bavkey, aud other friands. ..Fleased 10 note Mlsa E the'l Hooper is improviug after ber receput Illuese. . ... Speud Sunday 28rd lu T yroue at the S S Auuiversanvrvie<lb wîlI ho conducted aI 10 80 a ni by Our pastor, Bey H S Speuce B A, and at 7 Pmi by Bev John Garbutt, Bowinau- ville. hMusie bv echolars of echool ... Bey T W Jolliffe proached very impres. sively froin Pealm 187, 4 sud 5, 10 the Sons cf Eagîand Suuday eveuiug, when a nunhor vere-preseut frein Bowmiau-- ville lodge. The cbureh vas euitably dscoratod for the occasion wlth floyers and picturea of Qasen Victoria sud King Edvard Vif ..Our football club dld voîl to vin the lirst gaine lhey played Ibis season in thoir match with Ut Vernon boys Friday ovonlng, scor. ing 2 toi 1. Aller the game the boys, asl3stedt by a number of youug ladies, treatedt iboligclub ta me freshmnts of -sandwiches, cake sud coffee. For the beinefit of Solina cor. we might sai' Mb Vernon boys certainly did «Itrim'> Tymone bovs in grand style, tlmniud them vlth freeb laurelo of victory. Such are alvays woru grraceiislly by our boys. Whovl ho the next te "brin" them P Come aloug ...... Be murs 10 attend the Pie Social aI tho League FrIdai', 28th. Foreign talent vtil assist lu program,.... Boy H 8 Spence and A. E Qlinene sttendo4 District ,Meeting ai Oshawa Wodnenday. . ýese the Football Tournament lu Bow. aauvllle, May 241h, SWall people do net vormy. Take Iller'e Compound Imon Fillesuad bc reli. 50 doses for a quarter. Soid by Eý. M. Mitchell & Co. Dmuggiets. DARLINUTON FOOTBALL GAME Tyroue 2-Ml Vernon 1e On acoouuî cof the vol veathen Friday c uigbt the Mt. Vrou-Tyrone garae looked rather doubtful, but Mt Vernon was gaine sud came over In autos, rubber-tired buggies, aimehIpe, etc. E'yrone boys veme laie ia arrivlng, -but hey had the, necaasàmy eleven mon when the vhistie hlev. For the firet on minutes the play vas about aveu. rhsn P. Wsnry made a nice pase Into q coutre from right wlng and Clemeus added the flniehing touch for a score. The gosîkeeper nade nu patîsumpît1t stop the hall as ho thotught il 100 hlgb. No more scoring vas doue lu this hall, bhe play bolng su Mt Vernou'e tormltory wheu the whistie blew. Alter the testa Itenval both beais cane bock etrong. Tyrone kept Mt Vernon dateuse busy wllh thelr rushes. Collacutt teck a shot un goal which Dewoîl turued off 10 bef t wlug ta Clemons who scored on the olturn kick. The load of lwo goals .idn't dishearten the visitors et a&l as thay piayed harder than ever sud bv a th Tyrone defeàse Bille scoring. Mt, Vrnon pnessed bard but vae unable Lo do auv f urther scortng. W. J. S. Rundle, Haydou, acled a refene,se te officiai roferee dtda't show up until efvreshmeuts vero boiug -served the lsiting team hi' the young ladies la the uons' Hall,.lit leofot uecessamy bu con- ment ou the play o! the Tyrone tesa as 1ey have already earned the reputation ýf playing fast football As thlisethe Irt ganse Ut Vernon has played 10. oethen they vers s 11111e ohy in teain work, but it look s eifl hey ilî be the zarn 10 beat foar The Mason Co Cup 'fheu bhey get a little mure pracluce Tsrone-Goal. H Scott; baeks FP Veny, F Moore; ball bocks, W Staple.a Cuts, (Capt>, A Vîlue; forwande, O0 Firtue, P Clemens, N C ollacutt, P fferry, L Thompeon. Mt Vernon.-Goal, M Dewai; backs. 1Smith. J Alexauder; hall backs,F P imltb, C Wllbur, H Anis;. forwards, 1 Rogers, B Bille, J Baker (Capt), B lîlbert, B. Beabey. LAI FOR WEEKS AT DEATII'S DOORI 3u t Dodcl's Kîdney PUIS Cured tIrs. '1homp- son 's Dropsy. Started villi Backache and grew verse tli the docbor said she Muet die. Boi Ont., Mai' 17 (Special> -AIl theý ouutrysine hors is runglug with the onderful cure o! Mme. Samuel fbomp.- on, vho lay at the point, o! dealh for racks. swollen vith dropsy so thal the 1eo d -_e f .ifeetlno 0- w i aiS. ""lu I 111111 dii,,, j ai,., LAWN MOWIERSJ SIIARPNED AND) REPÂlIRED. Don't put off getting your Lawn Muower eharponed Do it nov, so ihat i il i1 be ready vben you neod it. I use the Ideal Laiwn Mever Grînder whlch bas glycu such good satisfaction lu ithe past A trial will couvince yen ot its supenioribi' over others. I Ordors promptly atteuded, 10. BICYZLISTS TAKE NOTICE. I an doing al kinde of bi- cj c.o ropairlug. Bring your wlieel lu and -have It-put ln- good runnlng order. My prieos are toery moderato. A. W. P1rCKARD Corncr King & Ontario Streets. 7oeI~rne Voudur New Suit and Furnishings for Victoria Day.- We have a lot Of uew sUits juSC lu for Victoria Day. Thay are, sorething differeut to auythin you have seen. The styles are 4fe. ent aud se are the colore. As we cater to the men's aýd loya' trade- enly of coure we eau do it mucli botter than anyone oIe, sud thenu r assortment la so large that we cau suit any TASTE andLsjiy pure. Our nien's $10.,00,812.50, $15m0, aud $18.0O s-Uite caunot ho equalled. Wo would like you 10 corne lu and ses them, Thus sitsewill do the reet, We have a lot-of new scf t sud sift hlis, 81.50,-82.00, -2.SC, a.00, Boy9s' Sits Two and three pisce sauits jast arrived, sme very nifty, Brown vorated suits, twc piece, $2.50, $2.75, 83,00, threo pisoe, $2,95, 88,50, $4.00, $5,00 te $8,50, Nvew Shirts. Corn, tan, bine grossi, stripe, check sud spot, 75c, $1.00, $1.2bý ind $1.50. Bat and Bail given with each Boy'sSuift, ASiaugliter Sl OFUP4 DAEOOOSand SIJOESI ý eFr2Weeks. For 12 Weeks, clddAil shoes lu the store, Dolly Vardeu and Foot Bite in- S $5.00 Boots for &4.3D $4 50 Boots for $8,83 * 84.00 Boots for 83.39 $3.50 Boots for 82'99 83.00 Boots for 12.41 82.50 Boots for *1.99 Also a lot o! meu'a working boots fronu $2,00 to 18.00 Sfor $1,79. Now these are bargains aud wo have ail sizes 4 *and remomber the prie whule thsy Ist $1.79. Remember this sale le over the 24th cf May. Now is the Stime to, buy. Every pair a bargain. Cail and ses for yotursel1f, Reid &Parn * Opposite Balmoral Mlotel. First cool le net the prie of paint. Heow long yull 1 afford perfect protection from the weather ? ow long wïi ft the film remain unbrokeu ? IIow mueli preparation wiii1 be required before painting These questions must bo au- swo-red beffore youa know the ruai coat, On every count the moisî eououuicaî paint te urne je. I' forme a tough, elastie film which will romain unbrokeu-will uot erack or niak- is- only years cf wear wiii remove it. Il epreads uîet cî overs best, looks beel, wears lougest. Il -adds an air of ro- 1ý finement whsrever il le 'used. IPrism Paluts are guaranteed le hoe pure, If lbsy are moCt what we daim them tobe yongel your mney bazk. Soiod only by XAJ H.Dusar