GO0HO EASMTnsWs ......ger..81 P. Pa.euer 1 48 P; Loa....649 ,.I passenger..- 7.44 J!7ny & LOVrLL, Town-Agents. le8flot a inatter of trylng on many pairs of reuàdy made eye glasses. Its net guesswork. 12e Scientlfie mfeasurlng cf the optical power of your eye. One reason for the general confidence lu our optical service le that we always maintaîn eux hlgh standard of work never 10w. erlug to make catch-penn v balts, Our optIcal room le prîvate and la lu charge cf experts. No charge for examinablon, Jury C&c-Loveli Trhe sate, sstisfactcry IDruggists and! WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PRO PERLY JURY and LOVELL (Oraduates of: Chicago, Nlew York, Detroit au, Toont. Optioal collegte Summer Term Opens Jue th soail Departinents of CENTRAL Business Collegle. of TORONTO. peilprovisions for Sengior Rlgb ISehoolstudents, ail for Teachers who may wisb fo prepare for Commerial spec alist Examinations. Particulars sent free on requcat. W. B HA11W, Principal. Wïtllpaper Clearance* HIG101 CLASS Wall Palpere print- cd on 21 lnch stock, ?ery suitable, for parlors and dining-reome. Green, white and browu back.- grounds, cellng te match. Re- ularly 20e and 25e fer ...10o *Soo ROLLS odd ceilinge ln var- lety cf lighb celorings and neat 'ýdesîgns, Rogularlî 6ýý, e, and 1efor.................... Se 500 ROLLS, gilt, ambossed gilt and glimmer bordera, 9 and 1.8 luches wlde In ail colors, Single Roll ... .. .. .. .. ..5 W.T.ALLEN Bîg. 20 Rookstore 1 FNt'TELEPIIONE1 DIRECTORY. ITHE BELL TELEPIIONE CO. 0f CANADA * l about bo issue for thse District of Central Ontario, lnclud ing- Orders for new conneetiong, changes of frm names. changes e! street ad.- dresses or for duplicete entries sheuld bc banded ini ai once 10 Alex, PriGe. Local Manager. INOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. N OTiCE IS HEREBY GlVEN that GOeorge Robert Buttonahaw of the town of B3owmaîîville in the Oounty cf Durham in the ProvinCC o! Oîît)arlo, sand cutter, wili apply totheparlam to! Ceiada et the next session ibrolfr - PJjIl ut Divorce f rom bit, wife Rostu'a Mandcý e RgïnButtonshaw oftbe eitvof Toronuoin, the CoUn,ýty o!YrkIn said Provfnrce on the grouInd o! adutery and desertion. DateS t owmnvllle afoesaid Jnly Sili, 1909. D B SIMPSON, o! BaowmanviUle aforesiS solicitor for fie U p28 i îa14W BowmÂANVILLE, àJULY 715, 1909 Local and Personiale, Read aIl about D. R. Excursion to- Mr, James Camnuthens receutly visitad friand» ln CeIhemna, Mm. S. H. Reynolds, Bothwell, le vIitlng friands banc. Mis Ella Wade, Fort Hope, is guost on Mies Beatrix Joocas, Mn. Herbant Meyse le Êolidaylng lu Peterboro and Rlea Lake, Mentreal market repent drassed bege ut 812 pan ewt; aliva 88 50. Mr. Ernest Seott, Toronto, opeut Sunday ut Mn. J. J. Mason's. Misses Helen and limace Haig, Cal- borne, are vIitiug friande bora. Arrange with atour hast girl fer ex- cursion te Peterboro Auguet 2. Mr. and Mme, James Goard, Toronte, baye beau yllting friands hore. Mr. Luther Klrhy, Oshawa, wae guet cf Mr, C. C Washington over Suuday, Mme, Wm. Coombe bas beau vlslblng friands aI Peumyn and ethar places ansi. Mies Ada L. Wight passed tbrea pupils from Bradlay's sebool aI lise-Enîmanca. Mme. J. Bulsen and Mre, W. Peland recently visitad the latbe' father att Brooklu. Mme. F. H. Morris le visiîiug ber' brother, Rev, A. J. G, Camcaddcn,' Sandford. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Sharn are vIeil- ing thair daughter, Mrs 'F. Magon. Pelaerbono. Mm. aud Mme. Donald Patter and son, Patarbono, ara vilnig ban amit, Mme. W. B. TapEon. Mn. Georgis W. MeGillis bnklog a teachcm's Cadet Dm111 course aI Stauley Barnack s, Teoto. Master Wilfnid Wer, Montreal, and Miss Gisela Luke, Kedron, wer ecut gueste at Lorne Villa. Bowmanvilîe pUpIls 100k bwe finst- cItes and anc second clase honore ai bbc Enîanoca Examinatlons. Mises Clama Salnebury, Buffalo, N. Y, bas beau visitlng bar unec, Mr W. H. Williams, Libcrty Street. Misses Bassea Sparllng and Wiunie MbrrIs, Beach Ave., anc vistiug Mme. T. J. Sowden, Eliznbetbýille. Mr. Henry Ganhuit, Sycamona, LI., le vieItinc bis hrotbam-Iu-lnw, Mr. Alex. Wight, Reave cf Danlingten. Misse Edua and Eva McGili are nttanding Fummer session fer teachae at MeDonld IuBtItute, Guelph, Durham Rubbar Company Baud will giva au open air concert on thea Baud stand Ibis (Tbursday) avcuing. Miss Millia L. Jackson, Mb Carewell Sehoel, passad foin pupils aI Entrauce Examinatlous, twe baking honore, Mr and Mns Colla McDonald, Norval,a and Mr and Mme, C. M. Scott, Senfotn, ara visitiog thaîr mother, ire B. Young. Mise Mary Henry and Master Boss 5h11 aac i8itiDg Mn, Jas. H. Stuti,C Wroxetem, and Mme R, J. Evans, Tees- watar. Mn Arthur Stock talla us ha bas au apple trac with eue section ln biossomu whila lise obiser parts ara ladan wltb appîe. Messrs. Evreatl PotIer and AnuuP Chapelle, cf the firm Bica, Lewis & Co., Toronto. visiled at Dr. Pottem'e ove; Sunday I John Menie, agad 10 yaars, made 605 marks aI St Mary'so Entrunce axam- Inalien wlnniu bbe c sholarship. Thisd la a remarkable record. Robant Gillies pulled off tisaI old joke of hie azalu sweeplng bbchel t i ahe Entrance Examlnntions, His antIme ,close passed, fifleen taklog honore.- SPort Hope Guida, d Waîconre and haavy nains Saturday, Sundav and Mouduy w111 Bave tua crops lu mccl cases. Ou dry enndy selle tise patare and lute crops were tee mach purcisad te revive, jMr W B Concis19la avera- cnthaaiaslie fisiserman and auj î)yed a gond ouliug witb Mn Tises Wickatî oi Pont I lope on Dominion Day. Wae ommeud fcr tiseir penusal soe paragraphe undar Curruerit Topies. Tisa Canadi-n 11gb Commiasioner 's Office, London, Englaad, lsat 17 Vic- toria St., S W. Ii Otisa proper lhîng for Canadiana te regieter Iheir namas and Englisis onr bisar addresses tisera. Lallame and otiser mail may ha saut lisereaund w1îll bai forwardcd on nequcat. In tise list jast te baud wa fiid lise names cf Lieut. F H. Morris, Biwmau- villa, and Mme James Cnaick, Port Hope. New Potatoes-Saturday mest Mrý Editeme' daek tise frîî uaw pttes tisa Eeasen, aufficient for a î;ubstauti<i, mealifer two familias. Tisetubens wèiý- langer than han'seaggs and were quite dry. Tis ecdlbor'e dinuer wae uew pobatoas, green peas and moael veat, witi satrawbernlac and ermfor dAqcmt i -niica bill-cf-fame fon JuIy 10h, s! 0raugemen from Ibis secîonateuýdedj tise 'Walk" lu Port IHope ou tishe cs D O& P. Ce Baud acAcmpanied Ty- roua Orange Lodgc and Durisani Rub- ber Co. Band waut wîitiste Newtouvïlla Lodgc. Eversbodyv had a glonieus lima. Severul celtiz3ns accompangd tbam le Fort Hcpe. Tyrcua Oie m3n made a fine ebowinganr Lh jMur- cisad te tisa station wlii*l5lneautiful banner. Tisacisamplouship of lise Midluod District bunded te Havelock football tcam Dominion Day coaedtj boots tencuer fer Ina Intermediafé Ontario Cisampieusisip and bas ee drnwn te play tise winuams o!f tnc SouoW Ontario Lague, Claramont. Tisa fret gama to ba played att Claremoul and tisa second at fHavalock on datas te ha selctad. Tisa wiuners o! Ibasa Iwo games will go mb tiste finals for tise Provincial Cisumpiensisip, Wc wiah tisem succsse r thay are ail riglit. Patembono Bavlew rapenhiug tise, Summer Scisool aI Cisemeng Park savs. Rov A H Poster made caverai an- nouncemente, and a Rund Tahae Con- ferance ounSocial Depanîment was condueled by Mr F R PFoley, Bowman, ville, Prasidaent Confenance E L. Mnny valuable suggestions for sociýal evenlugs wera givan, and biss confemence pmoed lo e aeaof tliýs lielpui e!fishe SummerIScisool. We should bava car bnightste aud.meai wPi'hlg werkers on lise Sccinl Comuiitîea, bautM'aebohulti net let brigistnass davelop until Lt growa labo ligisîness. It la bard le realize Ibat such a large vrlaty cf good saleable geede could bc gathered unde n e roof, but rememben that Ibis le the iangeLlt Variety Store betweeo Toronto and Belile 7111e and le llad wilb ergblnaw goodsalal the time. People travel mlsto do busi- ucas tisaeeBowmaaviile lç,tiz3nq have a nigst te ha proud of tlir Varioty Store as conducted by A. L. Nichells._% Hotwl -nwau le the new ma Me. Mas egivlng bargaîns every da3 Nîcf1holis'5e Bargain Counten le2 startler. Tollet Sets from 81.50 tlp. ai F. A Haddy 's. -__Br-ig-htcn-up-witb--P.-C.-TreblcMk Wall Papar. Ice Cream supplied lu any quantity ut Luttreli's. Rcv J Goedman's obluary appeare on another page, "QGoId Medal" Twluie ouly iüjc per lb at Blc & Cols. Odd Fellows' Installation la reported on au tuner page. Fielding Famlly Re-union le reported on another page, Mise Mabai DîchIneon le visiting friande at Pourvu, Prame work of shed and part cf baro for sale. Seo advt, Join Durham Rubber Ce emplosees te Hamilton Friday. Bowmanviilc Public sehool promotions appear on imide page. Oshawa Entrane eport and other uews appean eleewhe Vîsît Mayer, Jib store and buy a goed bat for littWi cash. Canned peas,' cern aud tomatoces, 3 for 25e at F. A. Haddy'le. Peterbore eouuty poEsed 122 candi- dates eut of, 249 who wrote. Miss Clara Robhins le visltlng ber sieter Mme Calian, Toronto. Leave vour erder for funeral desigue at S J Jackmau'e. Pbone 80. Mrs G Stedman, Toronto, le vîiltlng ter cousin Miss arnie Knlgbt. A dieh of Lutnll's Ice cneam on a bot day gees great. Try oe. Bowmau' îlle-Oshawa bowling match le reported elseehere lu this paper. Mire Donald Jamieson, Woodvlle, le visltlng ber uncle Mn Thos Blngham. Misses Mary and ArvIlla Werth toi t Meuday an route for Vaneouver, B C. Mme, J. Payne, Poubypeol, vIsitad. ber nepbaw Mr. J.- C. Ellett the paet week. Mise Gladvs Saundere le epeudlug ber helldays witb ber aunt at Stanley, N Y, Qtialiby ie tiret wibb us, alwaye bas been, alwaye wlll ha wltb A. L. Nîcholle Caîl and gret a free sample battle ef Furnitura Pollshf. L. Morris & Son. Se our naw Limoges stock pattern lu China. F. A, Haddy, China Hall Groery. 'Excursion te Paterboro. Lakefield, and Cther side tripe Civie Holiday, August 2. Mies Irane Hollaud, Denver, Col, le home atter four jeans' absence iu Unele Sam'e domains, Archie Tait wants ail jour butter and eggs and i wll pay the highast prIce lu cash or tirade. Mises Neilieanad Margaret Ballon and Miss Cameron, Toronto, are vislling at Mrs Webster's. Mn and Mme F H Frost and daughtar, Pertih, are bolldaviug at Mn Jos Van. Investigate. Compare. We seek your busiunesouly on the basts cf mut-. ual intarest. Nichelîs, Don't horrow jour neighbor's paper wben a uew subemibar eau gel this paper for 25a te Jan, 1, 1910.,1 Misses Georgie and Hilda Langmald, ziop, are vlsltlug theîr grandparcntsi Mr n d Mirs T C Laogmaid. Mrs James A Byers, Miss Nelson aud Mr1 H G McInlyre, Toronto, speut Sun- lay with Mies Minule Martin, Farmans! Bring in jour bindar cao- vas te J B Marlyn's haruass ehep ana bave il properly mapalrad. DO IT NOW. Yeî wli save monev ifjeu buy3jour irugeand patent nhedicinas at Jury & Leveil's, the big store witb the littie price. Mr and huisR TStephens and Miss Carrie Hawkins Ici t Tuesday for Indian Ilead, Saak, and te yisll othen places eu route, Mnr David Ellioît. Mn. anid Mira. Jack Paterson motorad from Toronto and vieited with Mr, j C. Eliott, "Maple- îurat. " Mira John Wonnacott, or, les ltting her sieten Mire W M Britten. Boleau, Sa&k, aud ber brother G A Koighl ln Mnitloba. Mre Geo Frank left Tucsday on the Western excursion and wll vieil rela- tives lu Winnipeg and et ber peints ln Mlanitoba. Wa are selllng lots of Our 25e tea. le it anv wonder ? Il would be good value at 80e a le. Have you tried it at mereTalt't3'? Pr lei ad MrsR Dav!Uonand Miss Paters lef I Tuaeday te spend their hon1Ida'e at Calgary, Alla, and Cther ~o~npeinte. Tlhà girls and beys who made a C"'ASTORF; lA For Infants and Ohildrn. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of 4 1 ' D WIN¶EFR-I0 Orono, Juiy ith, Robt Winter, aged 75 years. BRaDLBY-In M&nVers. Joly 6th, Eliza Jane beloved wlfe of tMr Richard Blradley, aged 54 years. HaNDEaSON-In Tulemeen City; B C, J ly 7, William John Hendereon, aRed 50 earo, for- meriy of Orono, JOBLIN--At 23 Havelock St, Toronto, July 8, Lena Mller. beloved wtfe of Mr John Joblin, formerly of Bowmanville, Goyi-At Humber Bay, Jue Ilili, William Goyne, formerly of Oshawa, agea 66 years. lioiioN-luOreno, Jniy 9th, Robert Moi ton, aged 96 years. LAIDLEY-&t iNana!mo. B C, J'ly Sth, Rev Robi B Laidiey. Brother in law of M ré W Bi Kuight, Boiamanville. LÂPP- At Toronto, Juiy 12, Ernest W, eldest son of Mr C A Lapp, publiaher of The E nsien, Brighton, ln hie Sth year. "Lest We Forget E, R. BOUN8ALL, Designer %U4 Dealer tu, Monuments, Tablets, liarkers, etc., la granite and Marbie BOWliANVILLE. ONT Football boots at Foley's. Niebolla' 10eceunier le a sensation. Dînuar sets aI reduced prices at F. A. Raddy's. Town Coincil mlinu'es appeanr ou au muner page. Sec ilamilton witb D. R. employae tomemrow. Newcastle and Orono news anaeoen Inside pages, Seud Ibis papan ta abseut fiends-25c la end of 1909, Speclal patteras cf Wall Paper at P. C.Trablcock's. Wntch Nichelle',windows for bargains i--real hargaIns, Fresh reliabla gag'den, aud field seeds at F. A. Haddy1s,,4 Tics, Q3lâaný, gleves, ba.ts-alil var y cbeap at Maérs. GetIbaha bit. Watcb Nicholîs' windows cf bargaine. Plymoutb Binder TwIna, aIl bhmndts, lvemy ebeap ai Rica & Cals. F. A. Haddy bas on sala corne large and lusclous waîanmelone, Cali ai Luttrall's auy lime and gab a neirebhig ica cenm sunda, Mn. Walter Sînter, Toronto, 19 visit- Ing hle aunt Mme, E. J. Sautar. Hava a look aI cuir Baby Canniages and Go Carte.' L heris & So n. Niebolis' policy lu a nuntseal le8emal expeose, smail profile, large salas, Excureion le Paterboro August 2- waiî for l. Waich for particulans. Mises VauHorn and Mm. Wm Edwards, Tornto, arc guests of Bey H. F. Weîr. Wa bava al sîzes and pnice cf maî- tresses and epnînga. L Morris & Son. Mn ;Fnd Mre, D. Hledden), Columbus, werin hatowa 'ruesday vlstilog friands. Mise Gladje Wastawav la vlslting han ccusin, Mies Gludys Wesbaway, Port Hope, Mm. Wmn. White. buleher, epent bbc Glonxoue 121h with bis panants lu Port Hope. Haddy's Ideal Tea Is stililishe stan- dard, To becisad onlv fromn F. A. Haddy, Mr. Thou. Wetawu, Po-irt Hocpe, bas beau viiîig hie cousin Mr. Jerry Wastaway. Ladies' Spring Coats selliig off at raducad pnîcci ai Coucis, Johoston & Cydermau's., Footballs, siin pade and ail spcmting goods aI Tnabilcock'e Wall Papen and Staîionary dapot. Rev. Norman Johuston and famlly,' Ganuvu, Ohie, are vîsiiug bis brother, I Mr. C. A, Jehnston, Do net forget bisaI J B MartyÜîèaen and head-quatars for Dm Wililame' Fly and Inseet ])estroyer. Mme. Herbent Creeper was lu Toronbo last weck viinig ber sister, Mme. Rogers, who le very ill. Wa pn cm faitb te houesi goodp, roek.,botte.mpn'ices and strighl.iemwand methede. A. 1, Niebolle, A zlass o! iced "Salada" Tean wll ha t oun d most rafresblugthie Wamm weaîisa [As eooling ne a summar breeze. Misses Annie and Marjania ana Mn Barman Wastaway, BowmanvIllla, racently visltad ins' J. L. Waslaway, Pont Hope, huis.B D. Morilson and daugistar Sylvia H. Mornîsea cf 167 L'inwiay Ave, Toronto, are vlsibiog Mne P. Tslar, Ifilora Villa." Tisaeis ne ethaçr nreatcFien wbicis w IVafforiWyoüMu se mu -i nuuapTeaur as phoîograpisy. Cameras irom82 up sat J ury&Loe'. Miss Mn7Y Mutton le delagate le tisa Hlgh Cincla Ceai anions of Forest wisich maceslu St George's Hall, Eim St, Toronto, Aug 17. Fer tisa fineet stock o! musline, ging- ham, lînen aud collon sultingesud wats goeda cf aIl kinde Gaul ut Coueh, Johuston & Cryderman's. Mi-s, R. Cherry, Mise Cannie Cherry and Mise Lalla Cherry ara visltiug Mme. L E. Morden, Slmcoa, and with rela - tives ut Schenectady, N.Y. lin. G. A. Watts bas encngad wltis Mn. A. W Pickut-d. Easîend Smllthy, whose buiinescsLt iecreaslng aso ruridlv Ihat another good herseshcenlenas sary, Coucis, Joiston & Cndrmn1ow Wear Cloîiig, boagist orcash from Itheet and most relabe aknsl Canada. Mme. S. GlbbDna, son Sîmual and daugistar Milduied, udeMIsses'Stella and ffilda Wu3ohiug ton, Toreonta, ara I~~Rv W.esigtn0.A Pars rea 2ecîaoil~25c, lalcuai pewderIle elactmie Il 5eCanîer's pus 5e haespil .,; 'frultatives 7e zlid' othier patent mneclualns ai, *whoiîes&îe prices aI Jury & Lceal'sý 1 Ad~and lira Bradbury ai tise Sai-j vallon .Anmv Yfarawaed onSuadai, F RSALE-A Food sow ai seven y')onung pL-s one week oid; a!so sZme cisoine bred Berkshires six iweeks old. Aisply toH. S. BARR3IE, Concession St. E Bowman-iiie. 27-2w* rj~EACERWANTED-Ooo holding ..LlstAor Snd claie prefesgienal for S. 8, No. 14 (Bradley 's) Darlington. Salary $400 Per annusu. Apply te CHARLES Boasias, Taunton. 27--tr Br1ýA N AN D S IE)D FO R SALE-l'ho D raniawork o! a shed andi part o! harn af the p)rice 0f firewood f0 the hlgbest iidder be fore Aue 18t. APPlY 20 JAMES CLARKEs, lot 25. B F, Dari o gion 28 Swt S TEERS ESTRAY-From Igit 26, con 4 tiarlingfon, about latter part 01 Jaue two red ateers, yearlings Information leading 20 iheir recovery wili be tnankf ally reeitvea P J LEAsK, Taunton. 18tf B ROOOH L03T-A trold Deari cres- JL>cent somewhere 1 eýween Bowînanville and Newca8tle on cif ber Kingston or ?nd cetn- cession roads, Bewarýd for return te STATrSi mAS Offie., Bowmauvillie. 27-tf JOU~S E FOR SALE-Oni thaeSouth .Âsidc o! King Street, Bowmanville, nine rooms and bathroom, new Pease Furnace, Iflectrie lhghf, stable, ail convenîeni.es under' cover, quarter acre iand. Apply te D. G Ml. GALBRAITH, Bownianvtlle. 8t 90o ACRE FARM-A reliable farm ef ,îý 200 acres, for caleortu rent, beie g the sonth halves o! lotS 2 and à concession 4, E ast Whitby, hall a mile frein Taunton and 4 frcmn Oshawa. F<or further particulars al ply te M. rflE~CHER WANTED ForSN. A.Darlingion, Duties t0 commenlce after bolidays one holding second class profession ai [ certificate preferred. Salary 8400, Applica.- tiens re elveo Up o ATîgTY eAPpaY Witn e cr ençees 2eW. BRAGGes Scretary-Trerourer box 100, l3o;wnanville. 27 -t! 7ROO'4 RIED BRICK BOUSE FOR S SALE-water works, bard and sol t water. I, bot aud cold upstalr hatbroom, storin windows and doors. allktnds of fruit trees, barnhe bouse heuf mile west of Oshawa. How liss 4& MÂwReal estate agents, wbitby Ont. 23 -tf ' ARX TO RENT-130 Acres of land A!2 in good state o! culfivtion, lot 18, con. 3, Darington. Good buildîings. Plougbtng pos- session IL sthe fah); fulPossession April 1, 1910. For f011lpri.itvtculzrs appiy on the premises te i~ Mas. W, -,. JEnFREY. nerth o! Maple Grove, or LAYSPUR-E LORT-Iu Bowman- L uanilj or on Secogog R o ad be twe en teowi and Eniskillen, lait o! May, co,talninga titre dolrbih, ome silverand possiè.ly a ene dollar b5ÀI Rea for ]îefurn teM. A.' JAMES Whlo wilh -ý're t i, the ow ner, 263w _FINE R IENEI OHW We't Oshawa, with large front verandali facing the cast, Te,î minutes' walk frcin Poat Offie Alil modern couventences, double cellar, good furnacc; bath room with bot anS colS water fruit trve; aise goed stable and drivtug bouse. AppiyW E OStîIsq, Oshawa. 28t! I - We AreShwn This Week. Tise graudeet aseertment cf Ladies' Balte, in wash, faney leatisar, plain leather, fancy silk, pla-in silk, f».ncy elasti , plain elastie. Wash Wash Collars, n i b Wahcollars in lace and linen in Dut*chan lth newest styles. Aise dollar aadc Cufi sets, Wash Nets For Blous-e.s. Thseverny lateat up-to-date gcedsti large 1assortmcnt of styles. Ladies' and ,Childrei' s Lace ilosel lu aill fashionable colore, Gloves, Parasols and Muslinu Waists. New gloves, parasols and maelin, walpts, wasbi dress matarials lu muslin, linen and Indien IHeaci, This Week's Extra Specials SZ, long Corsets, reg. 81.00 for 78e a pair. 6idzie' extra isaavy Bocks, r g. 1.5e for 10c a pr. 12 oz. mn's cambrie Shirts, ail sizes, reg. 75c for 49e caei, 5doz, Vice President Fracas, reg. 50e for 29o a pair. Z- #a Gents' Furnishings. Naew fancy 1 hose in liele, cashmere and cotten, T:es ln latest Amarican stylas. Negligea and cuting shirts, up te data to thse m'nute, Very latastin usbraw, stifi and acf t faîte, inen and boating hats and men's atnd boys' caips. Men's and boys' Icather halts, jhrscys anid sweaters and a cemplate aesorbmanb cf balbriggan and fine wool shirts and drawers. Grocare' duc bills taken as cash. j NexiDoan ta Standard BanlîB~anil Chicken AN D Hocg Feed SFor. sale cheap At i ý-Cledonian Milis, John M),acKay Lîimited. 28--2w Bowmanville. 19001 ISLANuDECRIN On WednedRy, July 21, an exeur elon will be mun ta the Thousaud Is- lande, ioder thec auspices cf the Co. bourg Ct!zeus Band. Train leaves Bowmauvllla at 7 04 a. m. Fare 82 15. BARGAINS IN BLOUSES. Coueh, Johueton & Cryderman have hought a lot cf muelin blousas at a great bargaîn and they are selling tbem off at the Io w price cf ONE DOLLAR @aeh They are easlly worth from 8i 25 te 81 51 Yen can sec eeme 0f tham Iu their wlndow thie week, RAVE YOU A BAT? A Mau without a bat would ho a bare- headed féllow, The ctiap who gzoas hatlese when M Mayer le selllug ail the kînde and styles lu stock from 10e tc, 85 60 would ha a guy. Fure, gaonts' furnlsblngs, glovas, everythlug must be sold. Caîl te sec what a lot -jeu eau buy fer lubie money. Noticca of Birthe,2 eis angs 5 0en t a; D .a.th.5 ens ao n sertion. Whon fanerai carde are "i d at thle ofie, Insertion free BOUN PHL.P-In New York City, at 1520 Parker t, Westcbester, N Y, July 7j tolMr and lira A Phillips, a son. (Frank Bray) EA2TB.IiBowmauville. Juliyil, toelMr nd liaFreýd W Battle, a daugbter. LNOHAM-OARFPENTR-At St George's Charch, Oshawa, JuIy 3, by Bey J H Talbot, Arthur William Bellingham and lis Olive AilieCarpenter, botb o1 Oshawa. liooaE-TTLon--A t the reaidene of Bev G Ul Sharpe. Osbawa,JnI th, Mr Frederick C Moore and Mies Emily Taylor, both of Oshawa. MCCLAI-FRUELÂND-At the res1dence of flhe bride's brother, Mir George P Freeiand, 168 Indian Boad, Toronto, July 7th.b? by ev Alex Leslio, Eimwood, Miss Emily Roberta Free. land. Nortbfield Semiuary, eldest daughter or the laie Robert and lirs Freeland, formeriy or bowmarîviie, and Mir Albert Snyder licCiain, Rorne, Georgia, Hoogizi-WnISKEa-At the parsonage of Nirsi Bapisi Church. Toronto, by Bey Wm Struit, June Sût. iss 1 Minaie Whisker. Toronto, and Mir W A Hocklit, formerly of Oronu, son of lir lOch Hockin, Bownanville. « Pure flapie Syrup, . ' We have our first shlpment of Ibis reason's PURE MÂPLE SYRUP, the kind you aIwa3 s get from us8 when we advertlse pure / Syrup. We want you to test its qua]1:y so do flot fall to get soine witb your next order. AiIid SL*ar Oued Jea1J We have the eholcest of aIl smoked Meats, cured for our own special trade. If you have not used them, do so and get the best. Cholce Smoked Hams............ 17C a lb. Sk1nned Baeks ,...,.....,.......... 20o a lb. Euglish Breakfast Bacon ........... 20e a lb. Rail Baeon...........15e a lb. Pmente H m...,...,.,., 15o a lb. Frankfort Saugage...... ...... 2 lhs for 20c. Bolonga Sausage............... 10e a 1ib.- W e ffoing he ines Calforla avelOragesat the follow- 20o ............. 40o ...,........ Oc doz Grape Fruit ..... .. . ...100 each. Lemons .,....... ..20ad2e a dos, Pineapples ......,............... 2 for 25c Bananas ...............,.....25eca doz. Highest Price Paid for ail Farm Produce. CRCEArch je"Tait 11 'IMM4 Time FLes and Fly Time. lI.- poSsible to stop cither. Sinoe it le im- possible t evade fly tlme lb is bçtter to eontrol the littie pests and keep them out by the use of good sereons. It won't do to use old and peor sereenÀ when you ean buy them so cheap at SH. "DUSTlrAîNm PHONE 74, 4 FUNERAL DIRE QTORS LMORRIS c£ SON Il Most ccmpiete equipment Il SundaY--auld night cals I jj PrcmptlY atiended tb, S0W MANVILLE PHIONES 10 - 4 Branches OBONO HAMPTON R-EMOVED-Dr Gr. C Bounycastle -bas remnovefi his office f0 rooms upsiairs ln Luttrell's new block, Bowmanville, 25-.iyr C OLLIE PUP STRAYED - C0ler black, about two weeks &go f rom lot 15,1 con. 4, flarllngiso. iFinder returote S. J. Horsay, Hiampton P. O. 27-tf - il 1