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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1909, p. 7

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Ï7lFor Sale 7, 0 pargai,; prfuselv jilustati, mailed fJrec; we pay n ee . R.fan.S. A. STPOUT CG., Bock Cl1. rI'LszgetEanaDealers, University Bd., syracsejiY YOUR CORSE In ShortËand or Buinees aHI brin% you be8t reaultesi taken atour odestabIsh- ed and thoroughly rellable school. Wlnter terni beglus Jan. th. Cata- logue fre British American Business Colege Central Y M . A Building, Toronto. 1909 ArgFyle Steamship Co. TIME TABLE Steamer Argyle Commeuchag Tuesday, May 25th Every Tue day and Friday Boat leaveq Newen'30e A. 80 a ni. Return Fare 70C Bo aville 7 00) 700 0ýhawa 8.00 60eSO Wehlby 8 45 60o Oilidr en under 12 years, half fate. -Arrlilng in Toronto 11.15 a mi lOtur: Ing, leaves Toronto, Youge Stre-t wharf il00 P, i. Bcok Ticketg-Booka oontaining 20 One VaY Cupons can be obtaineti from tn lockl agents at followlng 9 :.Nwstand Bowman ".00e ; $ oo;Oawa and Wliltby, ~.0 Thece tiets a-e good elther way dlurng tle seasu Fr,,thf han dIled oaréfulty and ,)romiptly and a't Ver,ý,, ,rates. AgnsA'Lake ,Ncwca&tle; F CPethick Bowniaville; W Hetiry, 0,h awa Haborý D J Broa'n, sh.w a Tcwnz Albert W Jackson Whtbye F T F{utchinson , 12 Slmcoe Street, Toronto, Pres Argyle S,.S. C'y. it ilail and Express Service BET WEEN Rlesd681r, N. Y., - Poli Hope - ctJ9tW, Str. North King. Commenlng M a%- 3st, steamer will leie Cobourg at 1 &) p. mn and Port mnape at 2 30 p. m dsIR1Y except sunda, i r Charlotte, N- Y. [ Port of Rtochester] Btrl steamier leaves Charlct',e at 9.Lo a M. dail.y exceipt Sunday Pull Information from ail agents L. F. tlorsey, .tott & Jury, Gen. Manager, fl. A.IarrÀcs Kingston Agents, Ontario, Bowmatnville ABOUT THE HOUSE' THE SEWING 1100M. To Pût o0n Banid.--Mcasurýeband iengthwise of cLoth, longth desired. PUt edges together, cease, andl baiste near top to holti in place. Turu niader- one- -tige, t-îlen -h se cond edge over first, and crease, separate edg.cs. Put garmenýt ready for band in betweni edges, sujre to tiave edge first turn.ed for right side. Stitch on tnis side and un- der ýedge will always be neatly caugbt, as it is slistutly the deeper. Try it. Mocb. Heu-stitieliirg.-When rnak- ing tucks in fine sheer materials, m-,alce -the -tit-clj-on yetr machine losrttan for ordinary sewing. Wheýn you have' the tuek stitched the desireti iength, take the goods and pull hightly across the tuck, and Io, beh'old, you have it hemn One Color Idea.- Wlien your chlrncan wear the saine colors buy afi dresses of those colors and sce hdw much easier washday will be:. Soak and wash in saine weater. For istnc, il bluies and graysT. ~Too&'~ Pho~pb.od~o1 Tlee areait Englisie Remedp. Toues and invignratee tho wholo nervous system, makoa now Bloodin old Veina. Cures Nerv.. o ne De~i1îtg. Mewat and Brain~ Worry, Des-. poaPn y, ,J&cuc6 ffeakness, Eneiseions, ,Sper- iuolor,-îeoea, ne-cl itfpects afd5ure or E~cesaes. P oeil per box> ~txIor $3. Une wiiI please, ax ~niI e-me. Sold by ail druggiete or mailed in plain okg. on eceOt 0f prico. Ne te pamphlet non», cifree. The Wuod Med~ino Ce. ouscely W .uiae-) Toronto, Ont, v T 111E SPRINGS OF CIION Every Life Is Determined By Its ln= ner, StrQngest Motive "Cast away,- from iiyeu ail your transgressions and mnake you a 110W heurt andi a new spirit."-Ezek. xxiii , 31. -e--tles nceet new hearts. There noter bas heon a turne when mon tli nut neeti regenerat ion. As soon as , onC get tieep eneugh inte any j-, ble u find it to be a natter of tliceiincr hife, of motives, afý fections, habits, anti tastes, a mut- tto te h remetiieti by changîng, ce- non iug those and net by anyexter- rial means, Many talk giibiy about a change (f bcart anti of being bora agaîn, as if it were a process instantane- cusly accomplisheti, affecting only cotain soparate, hititen, anti unre lateti parts of the perseni. Religions leatiers have calieti for, a change cf heurt because it means sornetbing vastly deoper and more significant tban any emnotioiqal Wave; it incans ebanging the wboeoprimai spring of the lefe. XVe bave been trying te redeoin the race by forcing mon inte the Mxaîs cf virtue, making tbern walk ;n the straigbt çatbs by the persua- siciiýf bigh'anti unscalable fonces. \Vebav been trying to secume sal- vation b ýy igsato restriction, direction, anti other meebanicall m e an,. We neeti to,,get at the springs cf action, te change life at its ceai sources. DOES A MAN LOVE THE EVIL; caa yen turn hum,,te the love cof tbe gcoti by forcing hum inte virtue's < paths at tbe, point of a bayonet I Just as soon as tbe man xitb tbe banyonet goes te sbeep t!ino cviI over wiul fiee to his old wuy. 1H, neetis that wihîcb will give .irn a love for fibe gooti as streng as bis present love foc the' cvii. Every mran fol- l0ws bis own hert; tbey xiii ho soiveti, not by changes cf atirini- tiations, nt by fixing this law or tbat erdîniance. Laws anti ordin- ances are effective, as tbey grow eut cf the willa anti ideais cof a pee-î pie. No socety can ho matie îigbt mechanically; the right cornes vit- ally, by our hearts being set upen iil, hy its ideals bocoring the pas- sieno cfour wbeie being, There is a- sense in wbicb mon are hemn agin ; tbey begin life anew under cutiiely tilleront niles, pro - pelleti by entirely different motives, cobbolnt substitute fer huttonholesà on chiltîen's clotitos, ant its useý saxos rnany lieura cf teticus n'ork. Baste a sfrong narroxc tape cr corti aloag the etigeocf the garmont to1 hoe buttoneti anti stitcb upon mu, chine ifh strong tbcoad. When ,exactly opposite a button slip tape te one ide encugh to escape stitch- ing the loength cf the hutton, thon lite tape back iu place- anti con- tinue te nexf button anti repeat. The spaces not stîtchoti shoulti ho the exact length cf the button anti 7the tape shouît lie fiat anti extn,_ wth ne extra lcnýgth locti1/o aippeti ovor huttori it xiii lie fiat anti firni. For the amaîl boy wbo 5is sf111 weuing bis wuists anti trous- ors huttoneti together if is comfort- able te muke these buttonholea in the back cf the t-ousors cf elustie tape, as this stretches a lîttle when ho bends anti ccnsequently fonce buttons are pulieti oit. S ou >'S. Mixeti V eg et able Soup.-One quart shretlteti cabbage, cne piîît slhbeot potafo, cite-haîf pint cf rainocd carnet, turnip, anti onion, tire tornatoos txvo tablespoonfuls eacb of mirîceti cebery, green pop- por, butter, or drippinga, tire teaspoonfuls cf self, one-haîf tfou spoonful cf pepper. Have, thîe quarts cf waten boiliîig hriskly in asten pan anti atitiah the vego- tables save the potutoes ant tomna- toes. Boil rupitly for feu minutes anti thon lot simmer for one houe. At the end cf au bouc uddthfli potatoca anti toniatocs anti cook an bouc longer. Albcxv the steani f0 escape turinig the elifiro cooking. Dilîcrent kintia cf vegetabîca may' bce useci for this soip. Green Peu. Soup. -One quart sblled peus, three pinta n'ater, one quart miik, one onion, tire table- spoonfuls of butter, one tablespoon- fui flour, tbree level teuspoonfuls of saît, onebalîf teaspoonful cf pep- por. Put the peus in a_ stcnwpan -vith the boiing Wafeanti camon -and--coolt-ifi e4c--whc-wiIe about hall an hcur. Pour -off the wnter, saving for use later. Mash the poas fine, then att the irater ino wbich tbey weire boileti anti mb tbroigh a piiF-Oe sieve. Retura to the saucepali, att flour anti butter boutoni togother, anti the sait anti pmpper. Gîadualby udt the miîk, whic inmust ha bolmng bot. Boutt ilb anti cook ton minutes, stirring Onion Clio-xeder.-Theco quarts iuiling x>uw.ter, one pint rict 'ieo , n qu)artptoset ilîto -'~ ~ ~~ te moifl ppprthe utc nio ant buter ogeherfor anti sekîng laima quite otcm ruîaD those that once îhey set beforo thein. Men turn frein self seekiag te serve their fellows, and, tbing ineredible te thoe e ho have nover experienceti it, tbey finti as deep satisfaction and keen joy in the,0one as in the eother. The oltier axiom dteclareti self pre- servation te ho the first law cf our natures anti ackrewiedged as tbe çominant motive that of the brute enly baif doveloped. But that anci- ont law bas been denieti hy the in- eoming cf a new nature, cf eicb the first law is soif-giving, service cf othors. No one n.edste spendtimre specu- iating as to the seurce cf the ncw motives; it is sufficient te know that thcy do exist, tbat many lives have passeti frein the power cf individu- alisin anti selfishinc ss to the pleasure anti pow-er of love anti-service anti sacrifice. THlE GREAT QUESTION i1. not whence dees this new life corne, but hal"ve I got it? Is Mny life governed by \ the elti self-seeking, or bave I passeti into the, fuller life of service b The now heart is iargely the de- velopmont cf the olti; it is the full- ness ýof that wbich began in the-lew- or. Tbe most slfisb life may, if t wili1, tom te unselfisb action, the basest may yiel t to lfticr motives. There is ne one wbo may flot tomn the force that bas been appliedt t cid ways te ncw cnes, no life tbat s focever condernned te its _present level. Tbe neW beart cornes with the turning to ncw ways, xith the re- j'ection cf eld loves and motives, To say once, I wiil do thîs thing ho,- cause a igber principle beltis bore is to begin a new life; to, recognize anti thon rejeet the cempulsion -of tbe lower is te move teward the higber. It is werth wbiie tesece that bet- toc ways are a matter cf life, tbat the new beart me.-ns the beginniing anti otrance of nexv vital powcrs, that the wbole force cf a life, cumu- lative, incrcasing-, and becening babitual at lengtb ranges itacif on the side cf the new ways; they cease to ho strange; tbey become the nature anti essence oif the> hfe. RENRUY F. COPE. b al an houe, but se slon IL that the- onion iili net breira. Atthe-end cf thut fume att the, boiling irater, potatoos, suIt, anti popper anti cock one boue longer. Atti the fine herba anti serve. SUMMER SALADS. Chitien Salat.-One fat chiceon, houl anti chop fine, Six bard boil- et egga. Three lamge bunchea scei- ory. Six large sotm pickles. One table-spoonful of mustarti. One- baîf tapoonful of black pepper. -Sat- te-faste. -Mix mith-oe-te-a- cîîpfub cf vinegar. Mash yclks cf eggs nith grecas'cof fowl. One tablespoonful cf celery seet. Use wbites of. ogga. Mix ail anti ]et stand severel heurs beooe serving. Potuto Salati. Take about tn'elve gooti sizet hoileti potatees cut in amali picces, throe cubions eut fine, fw'o grooncucumbers liceti thin anti noil sulteti. Dressing : One anti -one-huif- cupf-ul-vin-ogar, -net too strcîîg; lump cf butter sîze cf egg, two oggs mel-beaten, xitb tmo spoonfula cf fleur anti haîf a teuspoonful prepareti hcrseratiisb. Cook sloxly so not to ho lumpy. Fi-uit Salut.-Cnt into amal pieces the fclloxing fru its: Two large oranges, six banaus, coe pounti green grapos. six apples, 10 cents woth of shellti maînuts, fwo-thirds cf a (,an of pineapple. Pour the tdressinîg upon tho, fruit: One tablespoonful cf mter, juice of onîe linon, butter size of wul- nut, eue tableapoonful vinegur, pineh cf suit, tiro tubiespoonfuls cf sugar, 0110 hall teaspoonful of greunat uustarti. Boul all thdade in- grecients unfil it thiekens. Thiîeu pour this dressing into the beaten voiks cf' two eggs. Place over a peu of bot ivafer unfil tbick. One cup 'of creuin ixippet', nty put ail, fruit anti tresEing, info the n'ippet crearn. This umnount ser- ves tweîve people. J)ID YOU EVER? -Rae-e-a-pi- sh-l--, 11with-- hickl Dip a lice of ice cream in meltet checolute anti serveol Serve ice creuin in canfaloupe anti garnish with greeni Uset canneti peas, cucumbees, cm sliced epples inateuti of celery in chieken salut l Use ebocolate creuns for cake,7 fîhîinga, aIse place on top and'ti thn frost over al l Frost erunberry pie inaiv c,,, f uising an upper crwa'i U1se fruits ant iinuts to formi the PesaeIckeî in ayra, uing frat e layer cf iutthnga' scoop, fry in fat, anti serve with fish ? fil anti cover la witb whippeti crearn ae ikryntckad Cut celery in twc> inch iengths, f ringe eaeh end, leaving a half incb in center, let stand in ice water anti use as a garnish ? Serve pineappie: Cut the top anti bottorn f rom a nice pineapple, tbe conter, lice anti pile- the -,lices up w itb powtiered sugar, eut tiown the side cf the pineapple shoîl, re- place the suices, thon the top, anti serveI WARM WFATIIER HINTS. To Cool Water.-If you bave no ice anti want to cool, bot water in a short, tino put the xater in an air tight jar anti place untier colti running water. 14 xiii hbe c colti in twenty minutes. To Take Place cf Meat.-Stuffeti cabbage: Open the leaves of a cabbage, scoop ont the heart, anti fIll the cavity with a forcemeat matie cf one cupful cf b coud crumba, 'enre-haîf cupful cf -grounti nuts, haif a cupful cf street nilk, one tablespoonful cf butter,, one egg, pepper, anti sait to taste. Tie the cabbage in a dlean napkin anti heul in sightly salteti boiling v.,ater for two boucs. Drain anti serve witb suices cf capoc anti bard hoileti eggs. Slbce in haîf inch slices. SEASONABLE ITEMS. A chutcal hag hung in the cist.emu Wil1 pucify the wter. 1A sinall quantityof green sage piaceti in the pantry will keep away ced antsi. Stuif a rat booewith a cioth sat- umateti xith a solutbon of cayenne pepper anti the 1rataswbbl iave tbat Turpentine aixeti wit s--teve o- 1 ish prex enta mast anti gi(ssa brightem glosa thun the use cf water. To prevent kacta in cotton whie sexving always tbread youc neotlec hefoce cutting the cotton froi. the spool. This will prevent bath knots- anti twisting. If the knife anti fin gers are siight- ly butteceti xhen seetiing raisins, the wock wbli ho cobbeti cf ita stickiness anti tiscomfort. TUE BOWVMAINVILLE NEWS. (Frein Motreal Witno-ss.) ,ournalists in Ontarie' have iateiy beon remarking uponi theipoet apparacoin ho)th matter and nuke-up,' of 'Th 1e Bwnni Newsa. This )i e ecroteiit cf the 1Piew publisher, Mr. GereW. Jame, yongot.(snfbMr. MA., Jamies, c-f Bcwrnniiîe. The "'News" is coec f The James Papers. The Canadian Statesmian is'the other. Betwoen theax they, are xeometi, anti eageriy reat ibn 3,- 500 bornes,. lacgeiy in' Durham anti Northumberland eunties, Ontario, ,exery week. The ativýrtisemenitsI are as carefuliy select.ed, anti edit- eti as the ordinary reatiing natter, betb bebng ebosen te meet the neetis anti improve the conïidition cf the numereus subacribers. The "News" 1iik-e the "-State-sîna," b'ahs asplen- did corps cf cerreapontionts tbcougheut the townships, anti as tbe latter is pubiisbod on Thurs- tiays, anti the fermer on Fridaya, tbey, together, are nearly as geeti as a daily paper, in many respects. Before taking over tbe4c management Mm. G. W. James was an ativertis- ing expert, possessin a tbocough kaewledge cof the printing anti ncwsýpaper business- The "'States- 'nan" bas been pubIiabi db'y Mr, M. A. James, ex-Mayor of)'Bexvwman- ville, for over thirty yearaÏ. lis second son, Mr. Norman S. B. James, is new associateti with bim in that enterprise. High idoals, produce -motici papers.-3x. -WEDDINýýG AT WIIITBY. HEODGE-ALLIN. A quiet wodting took place June 3th, at 4.30 p.m., at the cosidence cof the bridc's parents, Mr. anti Mrs. John Allun, Whitby, xvbcn thoir daughter, Helena Mautin wu5 uniteti in narriage te Mr. Wm. Hetige. Rev. V. IL. £mecy, cf Picton, performeti the eeremcny. The bride, who was given aw-ay by ber father, ivue daiintiiy icsstiin a gow'n cf ccam veibe antd i net anti Piiss An.ni Alun, cf BoWnunvlbe PRIOMOTIION EMINA1IONS BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC SCITOOLS. TO SIR. FOURTII CLASS. ýcx, Glatiys Westaway. Pesa-Kathleen Knigbt, Grace Barten, Myrtle- Peate, Carnie Pain- ton, Eva Witberitige, Helen John- ston, Gordon Manning, Bort Boun- salI, Esten Darcb, Harobld Elliott, Andrexv Nicholîs, Milhlie _Davoy, Norman Peate, Agnes Christie, Actica M(t5ynobds, Jack Meath, Pearl Vareoe. Recomniendet-Eva Mocrow, Lot- tic TbickWson, Eva Spcy, -Elsie Lux- ton, Kenneth Ccx, Frank Tueker. TO JR FOULRTH GCLASS. Houtrs - Alan Gale, Wianie Kytit, Muriel Chartran, Noîbie Bot- troul, Norma Lescembe, Hamoldi Os- borne, Greta Bebiman, Elva Mer- cer, Cyril Souch. Pass--Archie Miageauti, Roger~ Birl, Alecia Creeper, Lily Brown, Greta Morris, Gertie Moyso, Nec- mean McCrimnmon, Wilton Elliott, Frank Britton, Lily Burna, Lelanti Etiger, Olive Morris, Herschel Hooper, Alvin Staeey. TO SR. THIRD CLASS, Honrs-Kate Warnica,' Grucet Trerneer, Grace Lbnton, Louise Hardy. Pasa-Frank Caiver, Lena Hamn- loy, Elgin Vurcoe, Mary Hume. Murguerita Raînsay, Nelson Bragg, Hubert Staeey. Wiihert Dudley, Harolti Jeffery, Keaneth Fletcher, John Clougb, Arthur Tueker, Fes-, ter Snowtien, Leenard Blewett. Recommendeti Richard W/ibe(r- itige, Rae Kirkentiall. Arthur Watts, Chanton.Spcy, Thornas Hug- gett, Ted Southey. TO JR. THIRD CLAýi, Honors- Reta Cole, Bruce Berry, Tom Norton, W innie F-rank, Isabel Bye, .Evere3tt Hardy, Evecott Hayes, Nellie Burk. Pass-Mat-tha Conners, Ida Sharpe, Alfrýet Reiti, Ina Burns, Rosa Gale. Laura Pointen, Theî- ma Meyse, Ch.-ristina Gr-ant, Lloyti Diliing, William Levett, Jean Du- mas, Melville Westan-uy. Haroldi Mutton, Jack Mayer, Marion Mor- ris, Wiibie Veale, Lou)a Souch, Les- lie Gibsea, Docothy Jobsiston, Olive Beilma, Lena St<tt. Recominendeti - Olixe Mutton, Gordon. Cornish, Perey - Luxton)1, Fred ýTcccy, Arthur Tercy, R11-sell Williams, Olive Clark, Timot)'hî Iarkin, Netta Dover. Heonors-Gertrutie Hurniey, Nel- lie Merrisey. Pas -Lorne Jaekrnan,Age Haddy, Ina Pe-tic(k, IDay Warnica, Atitie Thonîpsoni, IHattie Lambhert, Viola Brewnn Annie Burton, Louise Mercis, H-azel Darch, Gurnet Rich- ards, Howard Plummer, Henry El- iegett, Lizzie Dover, Jean Doncas- toc, Victor PRewe, Gertrude Good- man, Hilda Bettreil, Evelyn Dick- inson, Gladys Wiliins. Recommenieti Chester Dilling, Fieýyd Duïdley, -John -Buttonshaxv, Birdie Scarbing, Otaca Scucîing, Donald Snoxvden, Lewis Reenigk, Evecett Biceol, Lorne Creeper, 01- lie Piper, Nina Leoscombe, Greta Denserni, Lena Bird, Willie Crossey, Elino, Mayer, Emma Burna, Sydney Ccwan, Alex. Grant, Cyril Les- combe. TO JR. SECOND (CENTRAL> H-11nors .- .Ethelda---Hazolwood,- John, Gambie, Fred Gibson, Eva Gibson, Norman WVilliams, Marjor- ie. pluarmer, Jane Gcigg, Vilda Slrnons, Etiith Pincli, Joseph Le- xett, Fblora Richards, Eva Moî se, Gordion Mocreraft, Gordion Wight, Margaret McMurtry, Howardi iMe- Clelian, Marjerie Bounsubi, Har- oldi Burrna, Cluyton Cornish, Myrtie Rois on. Pasa.-Ebîston Varcoe, Phiiip Tii- ley, Gludys Vanistonle, Fred Mec- mscy, Mercedes Harriagton, Erîna Grant, Irene Wibliams, Evelyn Jo- nesa, >,agacet Kerr, Enit Souch. Receonentiet - Grace Botidain, Nelson Lawten, Francis Cîough, Etina Fletcher, Dorothy Martyr>, Irena B.,ancb. TO PART SECOND (CENTRAL> Honors-Ailean Haze'Lîv-ooti, W/ce- ford Soucb, Marlon Belîman, 1<01ý Foster, Garnet Sînsons,_ Lib.lian The K'ind You Hlave Always l3ought, and which has bý,een in use for over 30 ycars, has borne the sgauec and has been made Lnde hisper- ~~' senal spriinsince itsinfncy AlIewnu on te e cive yen inth, Al Counterfeits, Imitations nd "Just-as-good" anre buil Experiments that trifle with aind endanger thse heltis c o Infants and Cide-xeineagalnstExeiet Castoria is a harmnless substitute for Cast'or 011, Pare. gone, Drops and Soothlng Syrups. It i8 Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine ner other Narcotie substance. Its age is ls guarantee. It destroys Wernis, and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wieîd Collc. It relieves Teethf àing Troubles, cures ConstIpation and Flatulency., It atssiîllates thse Food, regulates thse Stomacli and Bowels, giving bealthy and natural sleep, Thse Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE AL'AYS The KiRd Yoll'nuave Ai ays BoUlglit In Use cir-Over 30 Yeas flCCEFTIIR cOMPýAY. 77 ff1-1 Av SIE-91 1, VO - CTY SOM1E NARROW ESCAPESi DiN GERI 0fBEINI\G BURIED ALIVE. Instances Whcrc People Have Awakeîîed Frein a Trance in Their Coffins. The other day a corpse n'as being prepareti for hurial, wben if sut up anti asketi for a drink. This circuin stance, in allits ludiercu gusb ness, us but oeeof nanv lerî persons bave "corne te ile" on the very hiink cf thteir graves, or else bave rexiveti eltecr actual burial, or, noïrse sf h ave coën consolons Itrougbont the entire procesa cf their funeraba, saî s Lontion An- swe ns. in' one instance, rebateti by the seccetary cf the Association for the Preventien of Prernature Burial, a lady actually suw the preparations that weno hoîng matie for ber bnci- ai! The tiocters bati heemiunable teo close ber eyelitis, ewing te diffi- culties whicb frequently attend thîs opecation in tropical climatea, ant site wutcheti ber cîibtren us they ceî-e--b-o-u-ht -foi theo- lst- fine-to- look upen their deadti nter's face. Iiappiiy, the nurse ebserveti a tre- mer, anti, by epening veina anti burnbng feathers under ' her nos- trils, lufe wus restoreti. ANOTHER GRIM $TORY is the following: A ormmun medi- cal professer hati the corpse cf a suicide-whe bd atbnigeti himseîf-- tielîvereti-at bis coilego -for dissec- tion.* The ccrpse wa placet upon a table bn the tissecting-room, anti covereti with a cieth. At mituignL, xvhile the professer was wriiting in an adjoining study, ho hourd a greut noise. Rushing into the dissecting- rocin, ho founti the "corpse"' ne longer on the table, but standing trembîing in a corner. He turneti eut to be an Army deserter, anti bis terrible anti unusual predica- mont induceti the professer tc give bim 'a chance cf escape. Yeara afterwards ho met the saine man in Hamburg as a presperous mer- chlant. 1There livea in Kensington a lady xvho actuulby posseases ber death- certificute! She >"dict" in byster- i'cs on beaiing that she batileat al bei- property, but bappily she caine fo as she nus being measureti for lier coffin. Perbaps cime cf the weirtesf graxoyarti ucenesocecurceti wheu a "dei" man JOINED IN THE HYMN that wus heing obunteti ever hum. If bati been bis favorite yma, anti instinctiveby he respondet to its tuiine. On another occasion, in Austnia, a man nus saveti froîi pi-erafuce btîrial hy lis dog. The faitli.'ui ani- .mai couit not be inducet to leave flic coffin. atd eotntte day of the funeral it attueketi tbe hearors so fcreciously fliat tbey droppeti the coffin te the grounti. In1 tho ,sheck theu liti floxc off, andtihte man insîde- axcoke,, from bis sîeep. Sncb net-ce-vescapes senti coiti iiv-adoîvuî our spines. Yot the tragetýie' that baie bheenaverteti l .ý n lsc boascf1-s tar'cc rpen, andi the skelet.on of a man buried fifteen years proviously was ciseovered in a sitting posture in a corner of the vault. Anether even MORE TERRIBLE INSTANCE records bow a "living eorpse" had broken fromn its coffin, and had susasheti several ethers in a mad frenzy, strexiing thoir contents up- on the greund. 1A certain Dublin physician pos- sessed so great a fear cf being pre. niaturely burieti that, aft-er he bati taken a dose cf poison in mistake for a sleeping draught, he fixeti this notice-above bis bcd: "Do not bury me till I arn deati Dcn't mimd the doctors, unless tbey puit a kaife threugh my hoart. N o mio-tai cati tell if a mnan is -doad 'un- gooti bol through bis hoad." The majority cf adivancedi physici-. ans o Ver that putrefaction is the only certain sign of death. At pr ,- sent there is but eue way cf sait, guartiing ourselves to seineextenit, anti that is hy leaving in cur wil. speial instructions. Costivoness and Its Curýe. -When the exeretos-y organs refuse to per-. forin their funections properly the known as costix eness and if nieglect- oU gives risc to dangeroas comnpli- cations. Parmelee's Vegetable Pilîs tvill effeet a specdy cure. At the first intimation cf this aun-ent the sufferer sbolild procure ai pack- et cf the pills anti put himqpl2f un- der a course cf treatient. The gocd effeets cf the puis xiii be, ai- mest irnmetiat-eiy evident. VACATION IHINT[S. The best way te spend a vacation ms te beave al eonventiooality be. hinti Take a long walk or an ex- tenti bicycle ride. Tako, one or myore companions %vitb you if con- veienrt to ti, se. Go te the sea- shore or to the mountains, avoid theo sty lisit hotels, seek eut the sinallor plâces xvbere a full dress suit is net reqi-ired at dinner. Divest your- self absolutely of exhausting or straining responsibilities. Give the nervous system a roat, divert the mind, seek fer pleasure which iýý net overtaxing, w hiieb is net in- inriously stirnulating, or productive of aft4er-eff-cta that are exhausting anti depietinig i11 nature.-From July Physicai utue US1FU L. "Life is lreymteu-p cf il- pose. I hcewr oilsos lberc !_,d e fa les slf este Lm.' COT BCKAT HýLM 1"The ,awkwardcst thing I1evr saw,' saidth le Q-'îiealbceor "was a wornnnholding a gun, "Evitiently," rejoinedti te faim widow, 'you never say a înan bandlinig a bab-y." 'zz% scuSent o b ttdiseased parte by the lmp>exc nlwe! he 'l t c lci , I-T.; Cie air ass- s op i - in lu he - tioat nd pcxan iyerea C iacrh and Hayr Faner. Bluwcr (e.All deatler%, or Dr. A. W,. ÇChasa 'ns McdicineCo., Tornto adBfao , 1 ý 1 Imam -TT-

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