__________________________________MAMMOTI PIC.-NIC, BousEBOF lusW CUPEATOJbADI A y Ve r9s aUir, V go r DuRiiÂm DisTitior DiviSION AT HAmpTON Committes of management cf flouse Oshawa Fruit Growerp, Lhmted, îg anu STOS FLLNG IAI A ELGAN DESSNGON LAKE oN JuLY 21, Rtefuge, Cobourg, reported te Counties Organization that la progressing sud ,STOS FLLIN HAR A IELGAN DRESiN- Cunel tht thre açobeau admltted that bias bisofo great benefi te the W DESTRQYS DAN DRUEF!M A K ES lA IR G R W Wedaeaday July 21 wIll be anothor asine last report, 22; diasi and di8cliarged grOwera o! that district during the four big day -at Hampton. A mammotli 21, ieavlng 7J inseates, 53 men andi 17 Or fivo yearb ef its existonce. ,W, H. hIgredientS - Suobur. Gtycerin. QutihSodium CdSid. : ewl M eatWhy Pbgluatnl2 pofnrthwomen; estimateci expeudîture 87775; Staluton O! Oshawa gave au Illustration Capsium. age.Alcoas. ater Pedme. hen o carthy A Pas fNrcos ot o!fuel $60000; salaries 811W'; gon- O! the valus of ce-oporation. From an As Our djoctor if hr sayhn u eG W P, Mayor Mason, esidnt mnIt- oral asitat 8200; 4 wornen assistants orchard, mosty SpYs, lie toek 260 bar-- Ask yourensoand othererpublicnareakerajuwîîîs h00; provhaions $31175; oleetrie llght rois Inet eson. kils net roturu fer thia Ask- hlm also if there is not genuine menit heme.delver- addresses. DO & P Ce Band $450;, wstor $4ý00; extra feed for stock was $565, or an average ef 8217 a barrel. wil furniali mushe.- After the speeches *150; furnlhhng sud roplenishlng $200; As buyera wore paylng oniy $1 te Si 25 Coutie ud alm asbai tam ylt!encing snd repaira 8150; suadries 8200,- a barrel, Mr. Stainton's, profit due te CoreadSlmbe At t team there id an income from pald inmates; co-eperation cau easlly be calculated.- gosn t . l r t i ai r i in ahors decobanTauntonodal thttÀ.-ace ! aada oriutui Do seo o o h l I footall tfas- io layea udgana t land bo purcbased wau adoptod. Tan HBART A GREAT WORKER. Wliat _________________________________________________ heuld be played. Eserybody corne, A safe and sure medicine fer a child a wonder le the heart. Day and night brhng bagkets weil filed aud have a troubled with wormg la Mothers Graves' Itworks away pumpiug tous ef blood . l go ftrcn.Clecinfor Worm ExtermInaton, througli the body sud neyer tires or u;eses, flot and cold water supplIed wearaeout se long as It la supplied with icli red biood sucli as la formed by Dr.' -Mors csesetslek lsdci, Iiu-NESTLETON - C__ hase-8 NNrve Poed --Whiile s-endîiug SThe Beî4t Jnvestmnent; on BEarth is Earth Itself èb risse, constipation, eau bcecursdInlubs-supilies o! nutrition te othen parts o! timswit ba meicie, nd er ees Gao M marlow is gsttlag aiong fine the body the heart roniews [te owu waated 4Q Therefore Buy m~~~~~~roney, by usiug Cantor!s LIttie Llvor wîtli hie nov hous. cleado ean elhadsr h 4 Pilo, thn Thereforeer eBuy Pillethan y any ther enus.John Gerdon lias started building isel u e oan oih u tegh nov houes. OSHAWA MAPLE GROVE MseWhnnifrsd Heoshp has retnrned L n s in u ertethe City. Mies Frankie Vickeny la camping at 4Î ____________________________Hugli Taylor ha uypitn hs aeuog The relatives o! Mn sud Mne James days. ba anigtoeLk cgg ~.Woods gave thora a complots and John p Coulten, Wheoidhi ni Miss Ethel sud Mn Ed liane vislted iu Rh it Uplasaut surprise July lot lu houer oe! hi akc the City recontly. 4~d I1IIIIiIi.fl. tus lSth snniverasry o! their woddiog prained whie piaving bail, ha recover- M uetHmh ildydl 5eI~esr coinbiuod dinuer sud tes set. A Pl Mrs F Bolngham lotends îoavîng forCoorrenty au OtV l outy etwe. Manager F Martyn has liadt the Opera STheà"SirIoin of~ Canada and the Bread Basket e>lcoe .... , Messns R B Stoen s J D roady arnivsd for Caearea. Melu rovnce o ce eliayu of the OrIent, Woods with their vives sud familles 1h16 week, net having onougli horsiee tgsiMu en , m ( ralee, l guest et lier took a pleasurs trip ou Angyle tQ Ton- puppiy the dsmuud. ltrMo(IrKas. e;nte Frday....A football match vas Warttsa h ioalsdaiuset MisFcrneMngmrDto in l the Letbbnidge district o! Southeru .Alberta at prices ~pae ewe eravlesdtliat troubles ma-ny ladies, Hoilowa3e gtoMsAFaeei raningfrot $0.0 to$2500 er creonMaple Grove junloe teame Tuesday Cern Oure will remove the blomilih, MisaeRate Hamnia, Gleuâcoe, bas beo raghg ro 80,0 e 2500pe are ~e veniog nesultiug lu a the 0--0, Mr Rich visitîog Mme Arthur Kemp. o Now th«at the hot weai Easy Terms of Payment. TÎ n'efeaesd the gaine. MrSLIs AMrs A McLean, Mary St, la vlIatIng Dest utiw- codtte ra ancae._Mrrelatives In Leckport, N Y. u h Thes lans wil poduc fro 30 o 6 buaëls f wîter and Mna D H Coates snd son Lynn, proeeeda'of gardon social nt Mn J G Miss M Lloyd vlolted at lieoleu ho wheat per acre, 25 te 40 bushels of epring wheat, 50 te 90 O Brantford, are speudiog vaocatien wth Langmahd's vers 812,5 sud flot $15 sTorouto ovor tue week-end. a1tfnIi.d- bushls f ote,30 o 6 buhelsof aËly pr are.barmothor, Mre B3amuel Colo ... Mn repetesi. ...Mr Chas M Elce writes lu- Misa Ruby Williamus, Toronto, le al- ÂNgII*geeýjIhiL3, buseiso! ats 30te 0 bshls ! btle pe ace. ie Collacutt met wlth an aecidentiand telltgontly on the Angle-German situ- dayhug svtl Mica MIiain Roid. Nov je the time te buy a Sünuy Southern Aberta farmi whlle la unable te work,... Mn and Mns W H atieona n luer pagre,.. T Shertnîdge, Miss Idra Law la holidayiog with lier Soit shirts with collars at- the eu h h.dCRE.P N ladeyu hoobaiabl l ~ Nicholesud iss Addie, Osliawa, have Columbus, le building a nov concrets brother, Mr Ivan Law. Sellas, taed, luett, duek, silk front, 4~the course o! 5 years under 850.00 per acre. Baiy a farnl been vsligB rW .mne ile for J1 W Brooks,.,..Alfred -Hogarth -Millen's Grip Powders Cure, Selsi white, bine, grey, pink. Aise nowforyou sos ad____a________for___r fturilft Tuosday for Mt Clemeos, Michigan. 19. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglsta. soft front shirts withont ce]lar, w fthan or y o rtusand area fundatinorigthirn f usf on treatruont for rhenmatiem. Misa Mise IreSwinyard, Ottawa, hala i l colore, 50e, 75e, 61.00, weihadcmot Yuaeudrn blgto fyu ~ ASUSTAININQ DIET. Helen 1Hegarth accempanied hlm_..sedn e vctothm. L? o8,0 W Taylor la having a atone werk '; p eu lglo aaina hm,$. o8.0 Saak for information, se write - under hieslieuse lu ths village ..,Mosane Mrs D A Valloan sud son are viitIng 4Î EO IlLIN These are thoe ervatlng days, vheu T Baker sud A L Paeeee, G W P, are relatives at Napauso sud Kingston. um 4~ G O. a>wmsaavile, Ont, Ve as seme have saad mon drop by sun- ateudlng the National Division at T B Mitchell and faeally have bisen TesrsA 1. OR etroeas if the da ngf 'ier d te. orhestrMass, Mn Baker viii vîsît liolidayhng wth relatives at Watfond. 'White Duek $1.00 and L- They are frauglt ith agrtpol i rte at Delawamo afterwands. -.. Jos Ogden and daugliter, Bycamons, White Flanneli 82.50 te o 5 "'ha Alberta. Realty Exchange, Box 254 w vole 0 ystemal are peorly sustalned; and Recoot visitons: Mr Wesley Bareclougli, Iii, viated relatives l tovuneerly igcare8hmspnsinpli A. Alta. leads te say, lu the lotenoat o! the wife snd f aiy snd Mr sud Mme John- gI s V Hagemman, Port' Hope, le n atou Lethbridge, Ala.esrobust cf oun readers. that the f tilI ten, Oshawa, at Mn Hennv MeLean ;gus f Mns EsnI Monre at the Lake. ted $4,50.ns $2.00, $2.50,'.$3.001 » fect e!Hoed'a Sareapanihla ha snch as, Wilfrid Wory, Motreai, at GrandPs isEhliLv itdle îten $.50 êbte euggest the proprhety ni calling this Wenry's; Mn H Richarde anae Miss E dos Ms dt oevstd rMtr medicine semething besidesa blood pur- Spry, Bovroanville, a-t Jas Vico'a;, MtiteMm Jack Carter, Toronto, over Suuday. l'homo trousers are made ifion sud tonte ---say, a sustainlng diat, Hess, Toronto. lias retumued home- Mn Thos Tremeer n d ifo have beeu with or without cuifs, loopa f or lt makes It mucli -îr osn ea-n tho hoat Mn Wiii Menodttli, Stroud, at H W guestse!fha isteàbr Mra W Hl Staloton. boit, lisps on 1p e es,an assures re!rashingr sloop, and viii villi- Mereditlis; Mosans Ceeil sud Clarence Mn Leman R Usian, M A, sud fuît peg to' p plte.n eut sny doubt avert mucli sIceusàaat Vice at Columbus; Mr Robent Arm- bride, Brampton, are vhating bis pan tye ~ ~this lime et yean. stnong, Vaughian, vIsited his cousina, enta. Mr oiePtroMs teMesdames R C Scott sud Blake Steveus; Misa Hazel Edmunds, Toronto, le ý UInIl1I NieckweaU -TYRONE Va-oNeat, Editor sud Mme M A James gest iercosn,__BlnceCao -at loooisudval, .. Hayhug ha practi M n r ukradsnBsl FOigBi ik,4c * Missea Mabel and BeatnIco Cinua-mon, cslly ovot' sud the crep lîglit ,...... The MmsdMeJBukr dsoBah FownEdStk,4, hS p ar n g sugg o t e snytiosa. u Lhudsay, .are vistiut ithoin uncees mcn-ueed s ud ong-looked-!on rg4n- vîeîted relatives ha, vmauvIllie Sun-- Bows, Fotr-ia-Hlands, Derbys. ~fTeare n ly in at hf e o the tmanyar tic Y Mn T Goodman ...Wm Williamus, casme i3a- day... . _ Congra-tulations to df arMedu ttî esno h erta Acten, mcontiy visted hie brother-lu- -Master LeerlhHiklisud Miss Getrude flarmeuy Suoday Sehoel picalcked Delta, Garters. Suspt 4* we eau supply you from Our H rd, Iaw W H Moore...,,Mrî Azbuzy Wilsn afflQ O o pa b Ç tieqtr&!Içg Eu§ %t Oaawa--en-the-Lako Fiday altenr..s ess -w-re~Dearten~3ansd-dauozter--Eiea-er, Kms, - arà ...MiRg Ada. W1 tateahet t uoil vtulng br pa@ut ~ ~d Mr Wm nanIEy, Pasaed three Entrance pupila Rolanuae, Boston, mass, ie spend- LanRksCharns ~Breut..... Mn Vctor aloepen vlatted -Masters Wilfrid DeweIi, WillIle iVet- iag a fowwevoke vith bis mother, Mme EIIUlI'U G~ ardle He ryes..sjouqd4rmi§iRoua Vrille. Tenont .1 IfOW Cn<>uptî bn&naI). f thons le h Mn r g g j S5MMs sud son, THE q SJ ard ea Hes Saphrs , Iondaj lu grMISSto, et il ana -'d- aI *aea inCocu Buse Dr. Chose'§ ~4 Garden Fonke 1411k Paîliasuld-lghrq,,,Me te be-ayuel aongueD.Csstoroto, visited frionda lu tova ever Lawu Mewens ~lyreul ihe ne4~otHpe Syrup of Lineessi sud Turpentine sud Sunda-y. J .SO .... 0i -,Mr John Awde hitotumnesi frein provent the terrible stiuggls o! the littis Mme Richard A lien, Bowmanvll, The Men's Store, atnd 1 flue Stone s~~~ pleasasit v1@ iSî :a ¶i nnda lu Torno nete ombrcath. Il you know nothiog o CiE d e agioMsWWHre ihe sM Blu Stne ., miti aite oopr, orototaAtnuure Hooperugl cOfTerontusothvllaâ ba-tugh[tMroWotilgeyhthec theMe r~ urn daPaints sud Olia u m. iea MnWm Lindsay spent the chuisi te tmuggand onesc-a .u , ecsntly, Gar en ttiu Wsin Ma1îa twelfth with tIonda lu Toronto,... Mr Syrup o! Linsoed sud Tûrpentino Ire- -Mns Walter Couthard &nd Misse _______________ GaityNdeti oglLaanMahne.sd Mns Archis Virtue and son Robent queutly lnuamati doses te, prevent ne- Conthard arme vliting lu Cobourg and loftt b Thuraýday te visit ftiende In Toronto poated atta-eks. This great medicine la Port Hope. msignation of Mn M F Smithi. 'lR T I N dÙ3 OOv DS. ~and Michigan eu route te Seattle expos- vouderfulIy effective la curing croup The aalary e!f&Miss Cruikshank oi the Mr Jas Ross, Barrie, son-u-n-av o! Mi îiein. ... The L O L lodgre ort an en- andi bronchitis. Higli Selipl staff lisa been raised frem W Cead, is openlng up s nov lhardware joyable day at Port Hope 111nday ......MOt 9 soeithMcwblk.Rsmy No need Of going out of to wn for y our sporting congratulations te Albert Morris sud Miss Eiva Tmulilboft Tuesday te vIait fnIeude lios i bs eyery succesaS. . ~ goods when we carry 8 alrg tokofLS Plilp n t eai 'aios .a-.t. eHMiPsNrelatives at Edmonton, Alta, sud other Mr Chao Doucaster, Toronto. liai the f amous Spauldiug brand. We can supply: 4Ec Ho enrgla, amnts,, - ,iss -vopeite In tihe West purchaaed Mna (Dr) ltae's dvelliug, C4 z ~~ ~P. MugghtHoêtreen ak anve mOweus, Toronto, lhatilg M10ss'MeLaughlunExcursion te the Falls- Division Streot, sud Intendas elînq Base Ble Foot Balls home Monday whIhl comp!etes the Litta- Ruse-...Mn Thornas Cuvn sud Saturday vas very lamgeiy attended boes, ling seenred a position viti S+n uad~appy Iarnly reunion tisatMn andsi MMISS Campbel. Exeter" wihli rleudeansd gneatly enjeyed. theielliml irsnahuCoson. wi Ba se TO BtsSîn Ga atlna Charles Hoopen are eujeytg lug vtoi h bers .,... Lomne Hastings, yeungeat son ,Mr Ueo Harvev's maoy Inieuds are rsd ihhrosl otn er Coi oas kther iîs with us why inot -en it can be do-e'fat littie eost? Summer liais. Straw Sailors 50c to $2, ý0. Soit brim 75o to $2350,3 Can vas ilato, liglit and dark 50c, 750, $1.00. White Duek Bowling faas2 * White Feit Hats, .50e, 75e Mlottled Camping Hats, 5O(ý, Fa ncy lHait foe Lisle, Cotton, Cashmere, ~ enza Silk and Real S11k 25ý, 35e, 50e, 75c, 81.00. Sumimer Underwear Bal briggan 25c, 35o, 50e. Zimmerknjt, Aertox Meh Ellis, Sprîng Needie, Poro, Kult, a. V. D. Athleic, 0 and 75c. Long sleeves, shoürt sevs long drawers anashr drawers, eomabination and, two piece suits. 3LOTHING 0. 0ffA8. H. 'ANDEBIHSO,1b Hieadquarters for up-to-dateý Bn's Yurnishings ASSURANCE re Whie marke( quotaitons, fer butter IY are not as firm ne we *hoýtld liko, wa venture this assuranc1 e o Ono patrons Sthat the price for Jutv eream will shoaw au advance over last iuonth. ,r The hot weather monti s la3 a trylng :perlod to * busy housewifle wzio Lm- I truggling away wIth the farm work and trylug to make butter as welI. fBot h"ia -to -conni-ue hîR Med, a CoUrs. T~ot ioeaefrN -makerom fezn Team Ujlom Sayin tuf~ evg e 4* rosior sng ors or ao e Onr urne «î rl hspoeb:"tpv ep * D. AVIi II I~ ~ I~edsudPur-Ge4 Bood ean hoe uar ranon, he attr t viit Kntralaretistineherfater r Ffolowin prgraiwa wei rnderd: oul soici you paruke a Inhee BOWMA VILE ianee., W vehs eet visit1 hw Lon lu Ns' Aïdas. . h a Ofcso hotw ibercttos Miss al-btS cHrp pln oardorMwr egv nios o! th scat) bood spplythat hame failin moa o te latte oovor, Venre ise are iltivg er lu e PortHp an thake prgthe a c geaion r egre ui skies eaoa t. IlyIN ead sckaeso an0d sidahs- a odtm uahro i elr il rbbKhensdlrbre su ca, breà tad dbutter. oewt etca u tegh q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ige îahe îOfI -olowu m îhMu lht, onavle ihodOhw.navî uuuo î>u Beasud contan os.t f andnda listf reeu i. Th he îe Tho ue w nfies ofd th e o c li- 16 rec Wa Hne MissLLIAMS.p E. You gel dêlkats favored * Uleathy ginhed s heond Pt lo Ce .el path frot boai! cf Jno §Chese iaa ped uty J'lc Ha i y e atu, ay p r .n s_______________ ('S - grti<u cu o ta wonou healthy womahod Thd a 111e of eka 1"M e otet eydsrydb iea neryhu mue d. a Cura fotr Ptailxte SaoLns naey Nohn u h lo.u Ld ace ta y . Thup e d t pupit hot ay rnis uîg JâyadAg.. ,ojc flh etn ald o r * hg .lhlitie o aho Dr.s Wiia a' P n w Pill andela Mhun Juohn moxnîngnd.ndro, h av sota * ctsa-po a girl wbu -cshe unertakeg a O ith e Ii lealth Wo Ha pig Meere s~D e ufrfom sc edce~ o tnafdaw y ik- o The 22 Te giva geersi tho riaissud ashao! winaniood lresge bimositon ase d&y aup ere moenong Ite lae nort over. G uei R HAESON- -Iiti Twsi fMne ~ obak re. o dhemandaupn h blood pytt a ppiy a tde the oston. ch !u on- doe n ense tlie Smll pnihce.ertin S and thnedI- ' th o Pre enforth ,r1J he4)Tess neuaed t 0Wro lch gilsod whfeh rm t tsose kinnsccafuldpaedlir nraco Msslbe Fecl o heShol !cuedbvte s o r.Chs ' On- S lStrfo F rMnnn, u the pri~~e swxed. acDr s Wiliiama' PkPlan dactuail m ake a grtl t m in a bde arn Ail dre .r Al plirb are n Mriand asferer m, le a bteer, n-rce n R P eiLsol 'il lu fant t is equalai tea de anda s with sase au tti sdmpl exmnth . e .... R Mns pe son BotnI D e , Sougth m t, ftr ortia he failed ad1itao fteett fJl e ________ ~~ acientifle way Dr.ý liama'o dePink ianc aur frieda in etdcogalar mer moItnthihle parents M s Hudedjoabo thousanda haveo s api d.oetlI filssi onh and thnstant oBIinn curc.h rau Eolsllo hepomse n usd ~xed. reugîli, II frerm abor BêwcmnviUe .....h Sheee r~ h a ê bou se ned n iatorme l teii Mr.'Ara t ine, a so ereyrnutnasi neah Dounisd AebonN.S 'to a . Co bu Mor ln rtrndt the marrhllciageeselstpedb J ! H ler datmugltr, Mis touhoglitnie wman mediine It 111t ..r. Er J ana eet. No r W e str Mylr e ute C u a u saglo wh îch Tueis-e ooeaed~ o h ai onhp fMnesana *raivn the ofsa teoo until I Rd Iiey Nothin hus bohda 1e1h ifuneeteir- 0ar .ohngt do me-bîl 1eean o5upe they, puptI h w ormni apeiaegu e l St o r e hr.for Files T~ t¶~1- unbs mnyi we ,eunfortuflate enough to havesaîisw Dinner nets arrive gIfe te dsonx î es aumu u rsy It-stimue uw uL~A tiuc nteeiigeturnehoeofÏ.--d, andàn'(.1 Jls uc lo a ithun ja11f8emda 'of ncfiateL wlhanuusa eretaoa be.rsesu -mntrelcete holp me, sud siter talkhng a halldzns eyhteetn meIga- oeo broka n3alprthose o ea se wanwllh I treaent he boef a aanasru, eih r ho acewin -nme îSeveral propertieslia-vo clianged One of My dûeetr odm ol ýnhpam tepucae hb ',roen-lce T tos wo auus tamwawIl al tamchap esnecesitly, Mr d-j tephnsonSud te !r0 o Ici int-,II (Vgr.1aeohadia-ny Iliness since. gcod ideas Xvers gîven bv those present ovur m d Sopesn aet udrolntereeaien bat c of sale ha ïq, gbut slouldI1 again fbel run dowua Dr. on the subjecte for the day and ma-ny having purchîases tlie brIck r-e'hdenc6 T w*C, netieB.t ft. Grocenies Crockery Fruits 4 Wiiliam& Pînk Pille wili bem v 0111Yvaluabie sud seasonable recîpes ox-oColins -nýSrretosi bDrW Ties igck M ahr roneo tteRch--hacae * 1-b. ~~~ .L.~~ T , ~them te every wsak Csud ,Iiiï;ggIrl. F14sC J Keraha ke on Aug tli. Our Yveidoeceon Division S-, sud TssD.(hs sOnret n w oe e utsrpriuasadcniin !sh Dir. Williams' PkPilla ais re saIs by lInsttitts isa acceptesi su invitation teottte1rcknsdec o lietScrc e îId dnlo e any Loo ntheieuii appiy to uts -boxor sx bo 7s fr 250bya-t home o0" Mna J W Splarllg, Lbny Mn W J',Burns ha-s ea ppointod believe the euIrê nm a praetee" AItosemrit e..- h~!. a otoa ttend. mtste f111 £ho vacaucny caussd by th sBtes &CoTCrontoý, 20 j tço~gvîw~, ~N~ç ,~.,.,. .. .. g