Di vaz nese N u ea riin e , 3.?D i le area vongthisano: acmllxt uatbay ais. &ora Il disodrso tatmachstinliate the ,&chtheyonide alostpioel IftotheewOn ner fomiisditesin omlIl stfortIl. vhoonerthmliSu hslilq pullvai. 113 te bans of-aBesnany lires tat here leasehers Vemac nt grathoai.Ourpiuleereitwhie 1ythers do jnot Carter's Litte irer Pille are very emali and yery easy to taka. One or two pille male a dose. heby are strictly voetabieauad do mot gripe Ot' yrge. but )>y their gentle action plone &R ail A. E. IcLATJGHLIIN. ilarrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Offce:-BleakleY Block, King Street, ]iowmanvilll,. Money *, ban Uat reason-. aible rates. Ï81ly. W.TENNANT, V. S-, TTYONORAFtY GRADUA'TE 0F 11 Ontario VeterÎnary Colege. Offie tn ltt c f Mr- WilliaMmll, Iniuture store, Calis issswered day or night. Phone 58. 10.1 () LD MEDALIST of! irlty U Y veraltyToronto; Fnr srsAtntp pÇ,yS cel*ian n s1 fSurg eeat. UarmeL 1ognîta~ Oe R egidence Welil-gîon i Tait, irslcittebuiness of Maunfaturers, ngnesadothars who renlize the advtsabii. j giieir Paient business tîansacted pra Priimnaradre fec.Charges C-xt Or lnventor's Advlser sent upon ~qlieet. ',a, ,)1 Daron Nwork Lit e Bldg, QALmi rgrlgteOf thP Domti-is,n), 1l- C~~ ~~~~~~Hý Mlcs sktosaAbr thle YukOln Tervltor .thle NorthU-Wesýt uecri tores und Brieh oüiumbia, may ue leased for & tirm of tweuniy-One years at an anïuAl]ena 4f $1 a acre. Not core than 2.560 ce h leleased in Oes l)plicaut Api)!Cation for a Jeansemust lbe made to the gettOr Sub-Agent of the dstrict in whlell tb"Ilgbti aPPlied for are sitoatud, le srveY ed tarrtOry tise tand must lhe des llb s ections, or 1ligal u'>dlta-ions of îtctiri, ud inu nnurveyed toriitory t1je tract *p£Ied for shail he staked ont. &C)application umn t *haaecomaletba lt of $O, bhcu l;î hiTenddfhexht AppâleO for ar. n t a hlal ut ruot oterwviee,1 4 royalty shall be paid 01n tLeiei*nercanu"iulc eu t ofethenolie nt thse raie0of ivâ ceL-te-er Xvcry iàe 01 o!Coal mindi: gright8 wiich are Mût being operatesi shahl furisi the ditrict gsen: 01 Dominion Lands wth a sworn sëtate- ihi!t isthai sffect ai iat once ilu esSh yea- he lenor'e wlliIneludetse coti miningrighs »aiY-bot ths e- seMsyee t4ase mwat6ver availbe ufce rights may be Coflsdeed secerjsary for the wor Wîg of tle aluis at thse raie of tic an aere. For fusl info)rmation application sheuid be mee tiesa ecretarp of the Deparîment of the i terior, Ottawa. or tn any Agent or Sut> Agent of Domir.ion Land& W. wleOuRy, Deputy MInIster of the Interlor. X. B.- Ulnauthorized publication efthIis ad- vertiaemeiit wil net be pald for. al- 6m 5YInOPsis of' Canadian Northwest land Regulations AN Y person nho fi tise soie bead of a Jfamllvy or aanp maie over la pears oid, May n iestea d aquarter section of avait acl e :onu an filuManttoba Saekatehewau -or Al beTfa.TeaPplcant muât appear la per- ffona at e Cmlin Lanldq'Ateîcy-or Sala Agnêy erli, lrirt, Entry by Proxy may 0i c ai aat naga-Y, on certain condîsiono, iat ahe",ni ther, soi, dangister, brother or "li'ter 0of lnteLdluhi oineêteader. Iltei.hl othb' residence opon and eutirsaton elthtie land lu sach oft itres penns A )ilomeîsader may ire wlîhin silos mites o! bs a Soireote-xd an a fan 0of et ieat 8o ncrec Soilelp c-wned snd occupied by hlm or by hte faiber. motiier son, Sauglter brother or sieter. XIn certinudistrictq a homeàteader tlngood atcnlcg sy penu4 a qujarter sectionaig tds Ihoms ead. pr; ce $3 00) ptr Acre ~utieg-Must resïde six monthi ln etch 0f six s-ears freni date of homesteati entry <neindli g te tînie reqnIred to earn homeâtead patent> and Cutivais fkiy acres extr a, A homesteadar wbio bas exlîanateâ hie ho)me. stead right anS cannot obtain a pro em tiUn may take a pureisased homertead ln certain dittilets, Prices$8.00 peur acre. OnIties-Muoî irentfle six monthe tlnee hsof tiscee pearp, tntîretefip acres snd ereot a bonne worth W. W. CORY. Deputy Ilinser o! ite Irterixr. N.B-Urathorized publiceation of ibis aS. vel tisement ai not be paiS for. à 6m ALWAYS )WITH IUS. Ap n iqiirer wants to krow m, here the hLans go te, but up te date there îîe ci uiderce they baive gene SA rowlbere. MEksCto Ro opud CURRENT TOPICS._ Net many years hiave passed sinc( it ivas takeni for granted that il science could be credited i ith aný unchalcrnged achievement it wau with the formulation of a standard diet fer mankird. The corrctrjest of the researches, hoivever, cf£ Voil and ethers, on îvhich that diet ivaE based, bas for somte tiw-e been dis- utdby-Uhïtterïde7n from-a scier- tiflc xiewm peint, and on populai rodsby Mr. Horace Fletcher, whi lasrnaîîaiedthat most ol the lîls of hf e may h, avertIed hy Lhe, pnolenged mastication of food. lu other words1, de net -eat much, Isut est sloîvly, Now 'cemes thE London Lancet, on the oth-en hard, ard! tells us that thre data, breughi foiadare fouind, when 'carefuII3 inse te, t-o be far fnom upholding the Chinden-Fletcher theory that tihe vital machine needs only a smalil qu-.antity of fuel pro-,ided it is stoked in a peculiar w0ay, btau a matter cof fact te be very ar t recoucile therewîth. It îs an address delivered by Sir Jame Crchto-Brwneat the RoyalInstiut4_f Public llealt4h- nili-I' aLrssn iud in bock fenm -onwhch heLancet reiesfe; lare mentefinformtisa w3 ith regard to the miuniumquartIity of 7food required b)y the huinu ani- mal fer the proper maintenance of its istrengtb -and activity. Exact nîcasuremeuts of dietetic require- inents are mostiy easily made in the field of protein metabolism, and 4t is Wýte th i lld therefore that Sir James qCr'michton-Browne' s inquiry is dirctcdmaily.The, standard cf ruriiu, eare remindcd, laid dlown- by Voit, --demande -d 1i8 giammes -of protein foodfe the av- crage man doing ordinary wýomk; and ub sequtrtly Atisater raised thîs amount; silg-htly, calcuati-"ng the p-roper pretein ration at 125 grammes. Chitterdeni, on the1 te bardA, th0 sietilobaýckeI(r <of Flet- che, hldthat 60GO a'-c is an, f vr a mn - ziaere egtThe norm' dit cftheJapanese inay bc~ cted n Osiim-a's autlîri-ty in upotcf Chittendent's es3tîmate, btSu' Jamnes Chniebten-Browrie 11,'n te pertinence of this argu- nietsionthe Japanese are a small acead corsequertly reed pi eîtînately Less food than do Enropans.it i roteworthy, bow- ci oer, that duning the recent ýcam- paign iin Manchuria, iiherc the Japarese displayed se much îiger and endurance, the protein ratier supplied te tiroir army w as more aburdant than had fallen te the lot (--f any soidiers in previons ti:rcs. Tiîrning frein Morgeliar te Eu- ropear experiences, we learr that fromt tinte te time attempts bav e been rmade toeut duwn 'the nour- isbment of pniserers in jail te the lowest lim,-it compatible w itiî exist- ence, Jr Englard, fer instance, neot long ago ordirary prisouers ivere kcpt on a diet centaîning orly' fifty-sever grammes of pretein, a re-duction uhich breught them to a state of semi-starvation; îvhile fer conits on îîhat is termed "light laber" cicr 130 grammes proved in- sufficient. Then again, in France a ratier--centainirg nirety-four gr-ammies of proteir was Lourd, by Gantier te he"too poor in mcat.,"We are at the sanie time cautioned by thec Laucet te bcear in mind that in Do urinais reaser h Tînis is a îeny cie] question, but the dobaies ci or it g-e cii as n igerousîy us tboutgh it ucro oîîC cf the îeuson's revelties. lu bas provokeit an acnimonieus discussion ivithin the No. ioo George St.' Sorel, Qncbec. Isnffered front wonib diseuse for seven years, w.*th dreadfni pains over the front of the body, over the bnck and down the legs. 1 had indigestion aîd chronic consiipnion and thse constipation ,-vs s0 bdiat 1 went sornetimeýs for 1ien te fifteen dnys iithout any action cof thse boweis. 1 was iii jr bed for one mho1e pear, At one tume J ivas se lose that everyone thouglit I was going te die, and Use-last Rites-of fine Churcli iere admiistered te mie. I wns trentoit by six differeni doctors wiihout any benofit. MADAME JOSEPH URETTC Then I got a saniple of "Fruit-a-tives," but I had no failli in them at ail, and I wonld not bave taken, them oniy my husbaad begged se hard for me to try them. As soon as I began to take "Fruit-a-tives" I gr'ew better, the bloating sens relieved, the leeplesess was cured, my stoniacl acted, and the bowels were moved, but above ail the fearful w3nxb pains were made casier. I 1have taken eighteen boxes in al and 1 air noýw7perfectly well agan." (Signed) MDA JOSePH LIRETTE, 5oc. box-6 for $2.5o-or triai box 25C. -at dealers or froni Fruit-atîven Iimited, Ottawa. last f( -v ars. T he Engisme bave row taken il upî and omi« tnem a4ds to11m<th it -e-es in- stn c o ethat secret Influence by Wh ich very species is 'compeliid niaturaily to pursue at ail timnes the same wxay ýor track without any meonkey iit that is different frem a mere instinct thýat might have kept him plung-idi jrectiy a t ,the glass. QUAINT SCHOOL CUISTOMS. eerdeal for New BoPfy at Rugby-Thc "Kis" utMarlborough. J. L. Paterý,hed strc Man- chester Gaminehe, a speech ai rlebd e rrefJ-edte a custom at Rugby eol iifor- bids a- bey-ef les ha tre-ya standing te tun up bis treusens and irsists on bisdoing so after thut-peried, sayýs teLendon Daily Mail. The custem Èje cýnly a miner in- stance cof the qan practices that exist at ail the great public achools, and are maintajnced wïtb religions care, though in mary cases their enigin is obscure er unkrown. The Sbrovc Tuesday tessing of the pant- cake at.Westminster Schoel, witb its ensuing seramble for the larg- ýest fragment, which gains for its possessor a guiine-a fîom the dean, ,s pcî-haps the,,beit k1nown among tbcm. A curions custen i a Marlboroughî requines every boy te bring te school w ith bîm a cushion, techni- cally termed a "kisb"-with the "P' long. This article is bis in- sepurable companion in scbool time, and in additionî te the eordinary flînctions of a cushion is employed t-> carry beoks from one foi-m roýom te anether. At Shrew'sbury Sehool at the be- girning cf eacb terma "hall edc tiens" are heid for the posts cf bal crier, bal conistaie, b al post-iar and balsaenes The genial brutality of yeutb oft,ýen seleets fer the position cIf Ehall crïier citlier the nîest nerieous beüy in the school or one who is afflite nith a stammer. The new boy jr the sebeol bouseý at Rugby is early ealled upen te tako partirnbosesirgine." At1 tbis functien, wih is hldin one et the dornhtoýies, holias te re- dem a ngttestiatinc ls. adecthe pealty boingthe swallwng of icutfu eýorr spû apy A rersrdet-,choolcstem i bluie ea bons befor the Lnd I <)f the, selîol ar resented îîitb rew shillings. Eîtablished 1873 0F CANADA 77 Branches ' FORTUNES IN'e"CORNERS" MILLIONS WON AND LOST IN A SINGLE DAY.ý A' Great Many Anlericans are Neyer Hiappy UnIess Thmey are ~~ himemely arother na me fer a trut r monopoly. Ono mar. %, firm, or a syndicate ef. finms ar- range their speculutiens witb a î'ileî te contmoliug theirbele of a cer- tain commodîty, sucb as meat, wheat, er cotton, for instance- If tbiey succced in ebtaining this me- nopoly, thon they cati create a scareity wbich causes tbe prices te mise, and erables them. te ultîmate- iy seli eut ut huge profits. It is bv thîs means, that Mn. J. A. Patter, the celebruted Chicago financier, made profit at tbe rate of $500,000 a day recertly, through "ecemnering" miany million b ushels etA uheat. The censequence ivas that the "man in' the street" had te pay more fer bis bnead, altbeugh Mr. Patter maintuins that it ias the shortage cf the erep and unfav- orable wcather conditions wbich nmade the pnices of fleur and ubent go up, and that bie w as simpiy shneîvd enougb te take advantage of that circumstance. PITTSBURG BREAD KINGS. And w bile Mr. Patter bas been busy in the Chcg wheat "pit," Messrs. Wand 1ard Ev'ans, thc bread kirgs cf Pittsburg-, have been inauguî-utirg a u ew conîpaniy, capi- taiized at $8,000,000, which wiil pro- bably "cýornerý' the bakery trade. Th is rneiî company is said te have aequired large u-beat aîeus in the West, and wiillho able te ebtain, its supplies w'itheut the interv-entier ,Ai the idd7ý4leman. Ir fact, the ni ceminaionfrom the wbeat-fioli hý tie 1bake hose, wuhîl maire a streg fgbtte centrol the uliel Wheter tcy iill sîîcceed ornont a!anotier _matteLr, foi- thes-e at--- tepsat "cemncnrirg' are efter at- teddwitb disastrous resuîts. [laer ay mememiben bois Mn. Jeseph1- Leiter endeaîorod te estub- lisb a ivieut "cerner" ton years ugo, miscalc-alated, a-id onacor of the slump in prices Lourd birnse'z nitb 35,000,000 busheis cf isheat oe a kard, and lest $1.500,000 irna feu hers- LOSSES AND GAINS. tîcoducced, an enonmeîîs profits ivere cstimated, But people in Englnd j cfusd te bave aiîthing te de uitbi theida, and, thus an anîazing m ----------------- ------a... iii -.qualifleit sense, fer there are I stu htM- . .Rt1-eî tlain a sitra intnc in nbîch -instinct d<1 A ( tes t gota eti enîl ominfmiia-i koîni. Ol ional business w as ereud avury une]ccofoi;,n te thecrcmouni- Ovr 4 l îes. whtbm'aotket plece ce;rcl cf t>ie uy-PARROT AND MONKEY TRUST sJaýýe fpaeadcueince odn va irg at 75 cents a bushel and îLling It ixas reportedin i 1906 tl;at tle -- orir ef subunys, er ,1'tube2s te uselat $2.50, made an enommous for- tesof thîe Jordan beheen Jrn the letters te Thre Spectat cm the British, ramefo an under- tue; but w ber, two ) yeut-s lutes-, cem)ieed," a certain Ameicari reaon ertiûl t-iupbs T 1regreu-nit lino. These od haie been ltbose noi-y sbre wd men, Mr. Mac-,- colonel liaving ebtuineit fr-oi tbe reso crtiny rimps-Thre onistructed uand are stii owlîod kay undt Mr. Floodt, ciect9-ïmibGovernmee-:tt the exclusive .s but one doubter. Hie bus berdneamd epeiated et byw blly or pumtly 000,000 buihlîcs, tboe3 w re Lue] teconcession toe eypert the wsater of that herses, after ami exorcise, cf indeperdo4nt ýon-ipunies. I escape uirh alos-,cf $2.50-1COoO. IJoth-is fumotîs river. Irdecit, theme the reason, ham lameros, but lie Thîmi, sut s Moody's Magazine, tbe'soevorties Mosi-s. E1 orn ae] Ce. scenis ne limit te 'cerneriîeg" pro tlere i'- theMetropoitan lire (the idropped$00,0 cve ferit,, este fte mrcnfnni s's thut lic bus ahi uts been taught Udrnuntimiles jrin er;inr eat icr cin 187 dcci,- rîies,rf ithougAmem ia fmani sat w'heitv; w bileain 18875Fitevmrand, umazing tbougb it may sec 5o elci bt aberc cnci-ilums ilerrh th MtrooltuniDstr tw-ai-e] amper, in a whleut dca] on a comrbin e was actaahi formed tu-o This, bom-ever, is ci-ieized us false i lire, 28 miles in leîîgth ; the Gr-cnt i be Chic-ago Exchnge. leost 43,500,- c-r bmee yeurs ugo, uith a capital tcachiig by the editor Ihîiînîelf. liH e Not1er3 are] Piceadîhly lire, 9' 000.cf $500.000, te 'ýcorner' morikeys, declures that the correspondent is miles inr igtb, w bicb is adnilbie An Annieari syndicate scînse tinie 1pummots, and ahl cage pets. sinulnlyfotunteir lît b lastunnel urotby dlOctrie noter age ci-cateit a "corer«i-'ibiscuths ___ snoierlynet n atfuln hrse lasuc euo; o aker Street are] Wat- --capital $55,000,000, Betuen lSait> JV EVTFLIAR ene ýjjjloer;irýe 81mies ii engEaAUt½n4ieUontPv4xî4 a boise, if ho dislikes a particular u-bi was oriîally one cf Whi- the east, St. Paul on the notb. are] Rew cften do w e heur tbat ex- ride on is bercedut rot haviuîg bis tukoriWghos tîoepasnsd He pNews Orleans oi tlîe souîtb un aieaea.toof ,crai mn' accustemeit equire cempanion or orCaigCos uso r ap'msoi oal ibeusard squareme nues- flai n c a certain a' isait. 1 stead lune, about 8 miles jr iengtb; lne porion w as able te eut a bs-bi racrti u' nr generallh if hiv ishes te make hini- the Cenria odr ire nilscilwihît s-n tiueteîîî A proetîctscientiht arend r iself iareb, -is veî-y pt te in lcrgtb wic cnssi f ueccîmrîa ctuus f'por'alist empbaticully stutes, undt adopt a puce that is îindistirguisb- sepumate amllltunniels ive nmriankeit bspoýethtan a o o abl frni amencî,"by cletni meo ercmon tîhe jnul- COTTON "CORNERS"' imncao bhaieluxuriant, Instcous aipelne sstcrtematnlo J 181anateap wî ud lhair, by usirg afanmonis pescrîp ail clth ae 2 n18 u tep aqmd tien calleit Pai-isian iSage. Otho corespndets srenthenl itz lireab otheruilesd Liverpool te "coinon"cotteon. te Parisian Sage is rcu imde unit Othr cnmeponent srenibe legtb: te rea Netheu ae]loomi in Lanei-a p bing ;topped;so] in Canada. Jury & Leeh, the edi-r's case by Citv lire fmem FinsMu-)-lPark te - --ij Týetlue drggmsts, are the agents ini Vîtb exanîples. A herse lnailed in lrgcb, unit teL Ciot ar]% mte' 4c errer caîîîe te auenditnhoa few îl3ewmanville, and thîe rcadeu-s cf Spetian uic bcae iritefLoîdînliefruaClphm er day s, Mr. Morris Ranger-, a groat th-is papor eau buty rom thoni daily stunts hc fctyfie iles, Lnon etbint erd cfC itt rl ouitetteiniPeculat ',fuiling tive ors'foi- ely 50 cents a lai-gobottie. Isligto, wih a autoried in lter amie] ausing mîuch i1isuste1-. Ju-y & Loi cil knocutlut Pari- I .robe eut cf lis paddock after a Iig o, uib an aut-benomie- This w as the fini cof seî ouah cotton 1smon Sage ivili beauîtify the hai-, etuy's rest te prenent tlîe rosuuip- hlait' f v iui his ijr etoi-îit. 1-corneîs attenîpteditnhiLiiveîpool 1cure dandruff andt stop fnlling ball, tiou of the urpîc asant reutinîe, are] Theselie cross unit intersect «urirg tbeo cighrles, al cf w bicb unit for- tiîut eason iho selîs it whnh ascuh aamds in- i ariens points, making ih ys poed unsuccessfuh. un-dem a guarnu-ne te cure or wben ho iras cammghfshamnuxego sun- prAbout tihe tine tb.it Mr. Leiter mcrey back. nes inhi of hid eg. "Aferantuhere undtergrouund. The total trîidtot "corner" theo -or1d5's wbeat If ton cannot obtaîn Parisian fine miles," says bis owrer, "'I w us niîeage-ceustntîcted, autîîoized, supply, a gigantie milk trust, uitb Sage wbene t-ou luve, you c-auî gct almoit pi-opareit to put him in dock unit projecicit is 145%~ miles, unità capital cf $12,000,000, furnishoit a bettle fer 50 cents fi-o-m Giroux as genuimîeit lamne uben a mounteit the total autheized capital cof tho hiieflt by Brit',b -pecumutom-s, mas 14fg. Co., Fort Eric, Ont.. expres policemnn a finee mg ovemiook rire exisîing ý rimpaniesis 61- prjeceti ew.r itwbl tla o1prpi] - 553.996. > ~'about the saie turne a Buitish_; -m____ os. sporrsma. un once cecaîro ýxious t sow Off bis puces, w ont aloung spleiîeidly, tet-ting, carter- îng, galioping, are] endeit the ferty- five-mile duy in goit fettie." 0Of course if lie huit reasoeei deeper be minght liaive coîntrohleit bis eme- tîiOuls, but bis actions heur a m- mubable m!,escnîblamîce te tînose c f bumnns nesw heare sui'tItel'yl cureit ef sichreis by the prospect t f a goit tino. There are' mun- stories cf e]egs îii supp ort jthe reasomi theeý-. us, might i c ,,e£cid, but wc e j' thonicrveifor the tale cf the mon- ko3 a,,-it tUe lookîng glass,. Ue anmnal îîa' ucb st-r oi! t rlti nitsrgtetebk Don't let an unscrupulous dealer force on you an imita- tiQu of the "D. & L." Menthol- Plaster, ,Look for the "D. & L." trade-mark on t1ie tin. -It guarantees the geinie and the Most effective 1-cmiedy for Rheumnatic aches and pains, Lumbago, $ciatica, Backache, etc. -25c. each. Yard roils equaling seven of the regular size $1.OO. THi E:EzTT 7 CI;lO for Zailesickly pcCople, T ke nWnCblood emîcan Loipematien ecraîneel practi-' cal cenirel cf the fisbcniei cf the gi-eut Cunudiami lukes, tiîunks to a trust witlî a -capital of $5.0o0,ooo. The coutless mllions cf fish clis- poîtirg in the waters of tbese roigh- ty hukes car only de se by permis- sieur of those mîienopoisis. CURJOUS "CORNERS.'" The niodeiru histemy cf steel unit ýCil, eof cOui-se, proî ides sonne of the mesi stî-iking exanriples cf the pow- er of truste unit combines, unit sncb memi ns Mmr. Rockefeller- unitMr. Aînirew C'arnegie ou o tleir milhi- orns pmacýtIcaiy te t1ie 'coi-nem-iig" cf the îkes Thoee somne uîsmgfatures inte nistom euf 'cîo-,'aie]c semIle cuiýmn omecilenterpi- os1 baie ue sggstdof laie yeýarî. h; ehtuoàcarsug ciers hongb ont asehen er ilUegti pitineni di 111E CZAR'S FOURE Dt GIITERS Ilealtlut, Happy Girl~s Iio Iave Beeil Brosught 11P Sirnply. The four dauigliers o)f the Czar msade a pleasanti nîprossbon o)n i Pose ulîý,o suis theun demiug tise vii- t ofibe Russian impeniai famili utCo , Jîe eof Wight. Ir their sntiiitoe dresses, blutereefeî- c a;i ni hu ,traw bais tnimmneit wib oit f whbite chiffon, all ex- ac( iiy uike, tbey fermeit a prott pictur:e cf heaitby, happy cbildbýoi. TheirV finit trip of exploiaion aucuane]Cou-es )nus madc wiibtuet goi-emn aîes ar]beacemplisied a, gmeutitealiniitieherburing ahi solrts cf things aut ibe shep pesear1s0deis, s1 nr pes fure w kanit all tUe thiogi :ntIIar guiscf frînn8[te14 lk epsos usisîbertbe~are randduchsse Mi juîteItia yngts. bo girl, w ith the roseleaf skin, cuirIy cark b air and regular feaitures oý axEngish chiid. She is theon3 delic&te oue of the four gui. arreý i5 plauid, well bchaved and ob*,ýlig, Anastasie, the youngeat-, is dk. seribed by býer goî erneis, MsaEa ger, as '"a iegular littiepifl. 11cr rame Anastasie, wh-hren cliain breaker, or prison opener.p was giî en te ber because to 'cele.- brate hoýr birth the Czar pardon<ýied and reinstatt-d the etudents taing part in the neits in MoscowanSt Petersbuîrg in the precedùiog w'ip- ter. Aill'the grand duchesses sea English, French and s,@me Gia I esides Russiar. From an eaniry age they hav e ail had lessons iin piano rilaying, drawing and jpaiýnt- ing. AIl fou- are excellent rideî-s, After their lessons and games they alu ays spend an heur or s we>rk-- For Christmas thcywork aill sorts o' gifts fýor relatives and friends. Last. ycar the Czar reccive4cd a ket- tic lielder frmnione cf bis angh ters w ith au inscription wrkdin cuosesrsiteh, "Poliy, Put thne Kt Oni," w1lic twe of the other girls wcat ie tpartnership andkntd him a pair cf slippers. The Riîssîan grandduhse have heen, bîoîght 11p withî jutths samne siînplicity whieh hasînre the cbil4hood of the littie Wle chiidren. Iîîdeed it w as oniy late- ly that tlie.y hegan. te retlize, tiroir rank. The magnate of thiL Rtii ýan nivrse-y is the ~ugCaoih AIl his sisters bow befor,ýe hhn aind bis will is ]am,. -- a.. - AN ELECTRIC CLOCK. An interesting clctrîc cdock, mun b-y a single -dry ceil, and quite ini- dcpendent of external connection, lias just been put on the maîket iii Eogiand. A heavy balance-wheel is, kcpt in motion by an clctro- mnagret mounted diametrically across it. >As the balance-w heel swings against the, action cf the coiled spring. a stud on the axie niakes contact w itb a ligbit sprinig, tixusý ,ompietirig the eleetricciut, ai.id eneigizirg the magnet-, uil nets; for a moment upen the bal-i( an-ce-w heel. This impulse is g«;-ii o-ne ci ery fou- sceoncts.It. is si that -a dry cclli iii n the ýocýk for 1,000 corsecutive heurs, Thîý moi crnent is noiseless, and th i'c nay be placcd in anypsto wihutinterfer-ing w îth its ruai- o in g. jEVERT WOMN Il ntualbut tiue OiUa SomK culoolakwbt: asdcomraiîM<o! the bhoince bcalllfn 'In adlare heorc !aner Wa sy xprss haresone uap on0, j goos he outet twîî 1 is a great conven>îiencc- ; and gthe family fund.ï,it s pencd jr the namnes of two mebers àf thej fami1y, and bot'h may M'akýedeoa or draw checks, over their own jncividujal -signatures. This form Of iaccount i,, particularly convenient for 0those h five somle distance froma town, You cani open a Saivings Account wi th One Doflar. Why rot do so at once ? - Bow anvlleBrac :A. J. c M x r- * acxnl a air e Brances alO at Newcastle, N4ewtonville, Oronor MENwa, Whitby arad BroolUin. Nervous Debility and decline stealiDg - upon you. You lîaven't the nerve or ambition you used to have. You feel you are not the mnan yeough to be, You feel like giving i u despair. Tou get nroSadek h ave littie ambition, -pain in the I back over kidne3 s, draina at nilht, i. hoilow eyes, tired mornings, prefeýr to be alone, distrustf ti, variab% ~ appetite, loosenese of haie, poor cdt'. cuiatiou-yme have Nervoýs Debllty. Our New Metked Treatment je pour refuge. I1 will etrengthen ail waak organs, itaiizo the nervous system, pnrify tlic blood and reetore pou to a man- ip condition. Pay When Cureci. R EA D RAie you a viction? Have you lost hope? Are you Intendlng te H ABER-aziry? as yur bood en dseasd? Have pou any wenkness?.. Our New Method Treatmaent wiUl cure pou. Whet il. bas done for hundreds of others, it wii do for you. CONSULTATION FIEE. No ratter Who bas treated you, Write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE-"'The Golden Monitor" (illustrated>, on Diseases of Mlen. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS-CURES GUAlFAN1ýTEED. No Tresenient sent C. 0. D. No naines on boxe& or enyelopes. vytsn confidoratial. Question 14at andi coat et Home Treatonent FRE.ý Co. 77-a Ae5adGisodS. etot ih THE SIýNDA