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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1909, p. 8

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You get a delicate flavored gratifving cup of tes when 3ou ~ - ,, *drink Ideal Tes. . 4 The 25o Tes gives general: satisfaction. You can get i ilV, lu -black, green, or mlxed. 4 The 40e Tes te unequaled nt i S *f the prise in fact It la equal to .fi many 50e Teas. -Bl-ack, Green (0 or Mxd (à Oranges, Bananas, Lemous, Fineapples, aud ail Fruits in their sesson. A Snap in Vinner Sets We were unfortuuate enough ta have a few Dinner Sets arriveS wlth an unusual percentage of breakago sud cunnot replace the 4 broken -.1eces. To those who can use them we will sali them eheap. Groceries Crockery Fruits Chine a lIIrocery The House Oold"A T IRE SETTER to-date tai allines of aur huai- Reassns why this tire does Its w9rk btter than the aid The ties stay tîght longer, Thore te no eharîng or burning oi the wood. 1-,o danger of overdiehlng the wheel . Th'e paint is nci» ecratched or injured. Cýn rt your job doue lu one-quarter the time. We wilil guaranteail wark doue by thie machine, We are also prepared' to cut down whe;elî or auj ather repairs that yaur rlg may Ine-ed. Lawn Mowere sharpeued sud averhanled as usual and ail kInds oBcycle ropairing doue proznptIv. A. W. PwICKARD, I Corner King & Ontaria Sts<. BLACKSMITH Barley 41- Wtantecd -AT- Caledonian îMiIts5 I 1IOlirTpIRice PAH~ID PôRANV QUANTITY 0F GOOD BARLEY. 34-3m* A A Free trip to The West.ý» fi for the main wbo buys ae haIflsection of at prices ranging fo 1,0per acre up , "Easy Term-Is of Payaient, ; 4R Noýw is your chauce, o-nly 4 mzore ecrsos fi Don't miss thr'em, Now is tt-e tinte 1to buy your lads hile they eare 'j CHEAP, in 5 yearsthoey -ilbc )wOrg over fi ~For ifrai~rt UE, L ý.ýLLAING, -~ wnnilont. Li o Ai7,be-r ta R ea lî _ly iane,EBox25 4, 2 , I ORONO PAIR. Orona Fair Thursday ard Friday Sept 16nsud 17. Biggersud better thas ever. S'pocial attractions-Named race, 12 entrius, purse $50 OO; 1 mile heats, beet 8 l 5, conformation, etyle and epeed tabe cousidered. Ladies' Driying Coutesi, Beet Gentleman's Turnout, ~eelal prizes bv H Greenlees, O .A Gam-by. Expert judges lu ait depsrt- meute. Grand concert Friday evenîng. JNo. RicKABY, Secretary, Orona. EN1NL SKILLEN Miss- Kate R-ss,-Peterboro,-'vlited- her sieter Mme, B. Hall. Mr Andrew Sharp loat a valuable a ye&arcoft Iset week,- Mie C Sanderson has beau etck, Her mother M r B3 ors le wàltiug oen hem. Strength and vltalitv'are comblnedte the iuvlgaratiug toute Ferrovim, whieb consiste of fresh lean basf, Citrate ai Iton au pure aId Spanish Sherry Wlne Nothlng cauld ba more beneficial for anamie wameu sud chlldren, elderly people whose strength te failiig sud ail porsons run-dawn sud debilated. $1,00 butties, E Hastings te vislting lu the citY, Lewis Pase, Tarrno, visite3d hie father. John WIII13 sud wife have returued ta the ediv. Edgar Horn eanuOuow usehiefrsetured iimb a litte. Chas Pascoe Le uaL lmproving eluce ies accident. David Perklns sud w1fe, Gzeeýnbank, vieited at Theo Saltor, YY A abd FPrOd Martii% sud sans, North BaY, Made a brief visit herPe. Stephcb tohue udfiind Beneon, Winnipeg, ai C Stonhoit8e'e Mies Lottie Hrnm8lea s it eLtTor- Onta, Aurora sud Newm,ïarket. Grocer Willams has sacld hie biness ta S Champion o'f Little Britalu, Mller's Grip Powders cure. Sold by R. M. Mitchell & Ca- Drugglets, Mrs T j Clsrke lai home from Toronto Fair sud a pleasarit visit with hem- brothers. The house ou the Stewart farm, oc- cupiod by John MeCrae was bumned Thursiday night. lîelbat nearly evor3 - thlng. Thor gn Le atio augood effoot on the syetem mMakes tliem really a perfect uitie plu. rhey please those Who ueo thcm. Cartor's Little Liver Pille may well be termied 1 Perfection " Miese Anue Johns has returned ta Sagluaw but le comlng later to Bowman- ville where ehe bas secured a gfoad pasi. tion wtth D B Simpson, K C, 1Doos your back ache ? Do' experf- mieut with Imitations butgetthe genuilie "TheD, & U'" Menthol Plaster. It cures, Davis &LweneCa., makers. __ Emnt v1sitors: Danjiel H1-eddau, wife and bMias Trenouth, Est Witby, at Y, Treueuth'e; A B Criderman sud wlfe visited,,Orono friands; W Moore suid W N Brown, Torouto.-woere harne overtlah holiday. In the repart of aur W M S entertain- ment lu last week'e issue, the follawng was omitted: salos by Miss Litta Ruse and choruees by W M S Gîce Club, bath of whtcb were weli roceivod. ~csof -Chclera and dyoerutmy Çome ing af the vieiL. R2modIal action mueot be taken just Fas qu'ekly if the patient 15 to be spared much snfferlng sund perma- nent lejury ta the iulng membrane >of the bowelf, The roadlest preparatiant for the purpose le Dr. J. D. Keilog-g's Dsseutry Cordial. IL cau be got st email cast at auy dmug store or gene*rêi deaýer's, and L will affora relief before s doctor eau bo calod, FifLt-eight jeare aga on Sept. 1 Ham- ptan Post Office ase opened wtth thet late Henry Eliiott as post master sudt lie contlnued te 110!d thlat office tubl decllung -Veare compelIod ,hlm ta giveE it up BIs eldeet sou (Heniý) te the9 presenit iucumb3nt aud Is efficiently fillltUgtho position, ot iaTwsl Clerk audTreasurer sud onmductesa genieral store. THE ONLY WAY, TO GOOD HEALTH le ta Kecp the Blaod Rich, Red and Pure by Using Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pibis. The o'l'y way for every girl aud, aroman ho be well sud at bem hast le te koap ber blood rich sud red sud- pure. Impure, weak bîood le the cause af the wrethbed feeling cf languor sud taint- nase, pains in the back sud ides, head- aches sud ahi thoot Ller indeecribabie suffernge wbich makes the livas ai se mauv growiug girls sud aramon a dail-v torture. Thora le oua sura way ta ha wteli, sud thaLles througb the tonic treat- mont supplied »by Dr Will-iams' Pink Pfille for Pale1Pop5arhege PIle s. tuîvmat e the uew, mchb bod which gmoaring girls sud vworren need ta mnake themu weilI sudkep ,'hem weill.Thons. sudsaifmathers asud their Cdaughtars have foundanffechua11 cu7re 1'(or ausîmiq , genemul w1akneýSs, inhigestion, palpita- tion, rorvous disoilrdom, akin troubles sud other aliments lu D2,WIiarme' Pink Pille. NMme J C Maos, Breton, N S. eSS Last sïpiug aud suinmam my nagte e aalth ava ont. CSho had no euergy, wae vemy pale asud nerveuse, sud had no appetihte, As the usual remedies givon lu such c2as did not halp ber, we ecm much alsmmod, sud an the sddlce ai a neighbor beganý could 3seon seaneau sd as secouiuued ta labo ethe Pillas ho gain'- ed in aribsud aizor; hem color ratu'ru- cd sud hem whole systeru seemod Lt- bha huilt un ugalu She le noar the picture of heaîth sud )a;in u ecomMendirg Dmr iisa Plink PIll. These Pille are so'ld alnÏedcins8 deaters or -wilI bo Seutby m tip*L50 cents a box or six. boxes fer $5 50 by addressiuEhe Dr WiLlams' Medicinel Ce, Brockvilia, Ont. Miss Vice, Salins, wlLh her sster, Miss Edith Vice. The Adnum family bas moved to Frenchmen's B%-, Pickering. Hloward Couch h&d his thumb brok- on Mlouday while playing football. Hieury Welch sud sou, Milierta, New Ontarta, gusets ai hie eter, Mrs Bete fiaWke, Mlrs Chas Dawsou sud Mies Edith Dawsou a re visitlng har daugbter Mre A W Cle-Mge, Saru Biughaei and wife, Bowmauvilie, suid R. 1H. Bi qpgham sud wita, RasLinge, cai!ed on friands hera. ,Caniadiian Bear grosse te lu B3earine, ,K ith ather va lu sole agents, makîiag iL the) be>st pomamde. 50e a j-1r. IAmehie Hoimea, wile sud daughters IMarguýierite sud Pbyllie, Lindsay, wore rec2autguestelcf J, H. Mutton, Be'isure ta attend the iiiustraied lec- ture "Vh Stranger within aur GaLes", lu tse Lague roamruriday aven ing. John, A MeFPeeters,'Owen Sound, and Miss Mlaggis M-.Feeters, Toronto, me- cently vlsited their uncles Charles sud Samuol iiooper. On Manrday Mme, J H Mutton met with a paint ut accident by tripping on a loss board lu the sidewvalk sud eut- tinig hem kuse vary sever-ly, necessitat. ing five stitehles. If pou had taken Lwo ai Carter'e Little LIver Pulis befoa rettring Sou wauld not have had that coateài tangue or bsd Latte lu yourmouth thie moriing. Keep Lanr ay ,vieltors, -James-,Vîrtus sud Miss Mande Curtis, Toranto; Misses F. Houlden, Blanche Baillsud Frank McLaughlin, Oshawa, Misses Alma sud Mabel Wiabt. Jessie Bingham, Aima Poliard, Lilila MoLean sud Mary Congdon. Bawmanville, Raymond Dav. ey sud famiiy, Orono; Mme L Annîs, Mme A Wiborn sud Della Wynoru sud Mjiss C' M Werry. Courtice; 11. Scott sud wlfe, Chas. W. Wemry, wlfe and daugh- ter Audrey, Soiua. Joseph sudn( Miss L-11ie Peipfaund, Basa-Lino. "'Your friend Nits. - isleolaing Much iutproved in beaithi" Yos we per- iýuad1ed hrr to Lry Millet'i3 Compound Ira n PIlle, with the result you observe " 91old by R M. MItëh4I& Ca Druggists That Tyrans B1arvefit Home i3 an acUnowledtged ccasion of intemest was avldened by the large number of per. sous who attonlded the services on! Sun- day 5th aEcd Labar Day, J-loy. W, M Emaiey, Napanee, favor- ibiy impresscd hie audience Snnda-y whýn hoap elu the momnlng tram ERom-us 8: 13, dweling isrgoly au the beauty o! Christian charlty sud in the cvou ing f rom Isaiah 63: 14 touct'lng on the misesaud growth af Methodi8m, Whl-'- ýhodlà beloet vpfune uaIncite cnristians ta barger effolî luths further s ofneana thetetukndom. Choir wae hindtly aes,,ted ýat night by Miss, Lauma Bagwb à aiea sang asola very sweet- [y. Tlhe usuat menu af dellescies was served at Moniday'e supper after which thoec who enjoy witsud humar cor- tainiy had s treat when iRev, Emsiey tellved hie lecture-"Look a-ver my Shouler", is keen witttcisms sud epi1ey humior entortalning sud smuslng !is audience a Lthe f- u!l. A tastefuiiy docorated aesmbly, room sud beautilul waather add.od ta tho interest af the occasion wlioh wss aise a succees fin- anoially, Pmoceade 8185.00 DARLINGTON COUX.CIL Counicil met la regular mouthly ses- alan ail mombers prosut exoopt Cons. Wead1ey, wYho was I. Reove Alex. Wight iu cbaîr. Last meetings' min- utas w1ertsedad d onfirmod. W Pointon applied for emunration for taking came 0f M Wyan, indigent, who bas b(,eau offiieted wiîh cancer for a long pero-o. $20 was -ranted., Mme Mer ton was granhed $3 for oadway thmough hem land cou. 9 bah the arrangement ends Clark was iueructed ho colleci $4,5 from Walter Laugmaid for ile, sudl ho have tho Township Bail sud couàtente iueured In the Mapla Lest Ca for $50j). Councill 'or Mileon wae deput- cd ho havP 'the Township Hall palnted- Applications f corn t' several Boards of Sehool Tfiustees were reccivad requoeh- ing collection ail oc.al rates. TheO clerk was requýsted tLa incorporat trio samne Iu the ganamal b -law ta calleet rateis. B o s-awhovy t.ho dlfieront rates was eonieoed sud fiea:ii pased. Treas- utrer ackuowieýdgeýd ecipt et $206 from R-:e3ve WighL tom,)timber îold. Roo3ve waas anthorizod La grant arders on the Treasumrer as Lfolbwsz Mmes Ele, bonus for wima onrc...$6 îTBlck fl, do;..........75 G Cochrau1e, do ..............00 A Petars, c o--...........-- J Nesbiît, do-----------.... 9 W Coauh, d.....--... .11il25 J Aldswarth, cedar--------------.25 G A Staphene, bumbqr .... ..... 50 o o E J Mîoora. gravai .............i0o ia Wiibnr, gravel ........40 B Clourtice, gaa...........- 0 Mrs L-ana, support ai Fred.. _.....8)00 W ooif NIamaetM yuný. 0 00 A W Plekard. repaire........ 2 751 Mme MarLon, for roadwa7.......il O Ul F Hollsnd, le g1al expenses.10 (C0 J Aldsworth, efund statuto labor 18 0 M A James & Sons, prlntiug-8... i12 0 Councll adj 3umned 'lI Saturday, Sept.î ,25., ainO . E. ELLIOTT, Tawnshfp Ceg 'EXCURSIUW4S TU ROCHESTER'. M A Jam3F, Steamship Ticket Agenat, will sil vou Fa tickhet ta Chrlotte, N Y, Port of R)ohester, from Port Hope or Cobourg, and retum, good Frlday or Baturday ta Miondav inclusive, for only $2 25, by Str. North Klng sud Caspiau until furt1er notice, The regular single fare oua wav ls $2 25. These week-end trips ehould ho very papular. HAYDON Mrs S T Mvountjoy le vting relatives in Hfamilton, 1Miss Etfieda Wmig-ht sud frlend, Foutyp oûl, Simdayad at -hume.--_____ Messre Wm sud Gao Creeper, L Gmaham, Jas MeNeil, T Grahsm sud -wffuan4 W Marks -racenily aede rorouto Exhibition Are you uaL well ? Are yon pale, weakly, depreseed lu spirite, melancboiy tired, nervous sud irritable. Try Mil- ler's Uampound Iran Pille. Sold by R. M. Mitchell &: Ca. Druggiste. Vacation le over. Again the school bell rings at morning sud at noan, agala wlth toue of thousands the hardest kind of woric bas begun, the renewat of which ts amontai sud physical stralu to ail except the moet mugged The little girl that a tew daye aga had4 roses lu bem cheoke, aud the lit' oeboýy whe lips waro thon so rod you wauld hýave masis ted that the3y hudoam"issed by etraw- bairrles, " hsve already lost soniethilig cLf the appearanceocf health. Naw leaa Lime wheu mazny children neod s tonte wPhich may'avert much serions trouble b3 recammended s lod's Sarsaparilsa which strengthane thu nerves, porfectes igestion and aeebmtlatlan and aide mental devoiopment baiidirg Up the whoie systeru. MAPLE GROVE QoerRI Trlmiiie, LQwn, visltçd at hie Mbs e ille Bgino Oshawa, at ber homo,I R Suowden, wift5 sud sons, town, spont the holiday wth finonde bre. m Mise S>alla Pentouud, Cuiavii- ed hem cousin, Mie Edua Snawden. Misses Lois sud Sherle sud Leslie Saowden vlsited Miss Lys Everson, Oàhawa, Mm Wordster sud wioe, Boston, aud Mr W bite, Liverpool, are viziting ut Mlrs. Htggiuson's. Mme W m Jeff ery and ebldmen, Rhea, Stella sud Stephea, recontly visited T, H. Cisytan, Whiîby. Tins VAt cE uor TURPI-NTItcE-Whe]Î al else fatis thse phslcian recommende his wealthy patient ta take a trip te the turpsentinoa graves as a cure for throat and lueg troubles, The turpentise of commerce casueL vemy weil bo used but by extracting thîs ingredlent tram guru wnd by adding Linsoed Dr., Chase eue- ceeded lu gethieg up the moet effective tteatmou 't 'for Ibroat as uiwg troubaes bhat was ever discoverea, Lt is known as Dr. Cbase's f35 rup ci Linsecd aud rurpentico. DARLINGTON Ira Pearce and wife visihed hem mohh- or, Mrs S Bamiser, Oshawa. Mme John Cor 'v. Moorefield, visihod hem brother, John F Motcali. John Boit bas gans west sud wîbi vieil friands ah Rouleau Sask. W Barhmnph, Alvin' Ferry, Roy Van- Camp, flrt W H Woodsansd ehiîdron visited Toronto rocontly. Mis Eua VanCamp bas etumued tram Orono sud iattended Mrs W C King a few days. Neýw lite for a quarter. Miller's Com ponud Iran PlIbs. Sobd by R. M. Miîtch- ell & Ca. Drugglets MliseLidabelie Jannings, Terruta, le speuding a couple of weaks with hem sister, Mme FP Blackburn. Mm sud Mme Fred Blackbunu, Mis Idabe1Lie Jeuing; sentSudcay wltth, Miss FaecOsreCourtica. Ouiy the unlnfommedl endure the agany ai carnei. Thelknawing oneapplylBol- 1owaVe Ceirn Cure aud gLyotrelief, Mme Fred Blackburn eutertalned a tow vouuig people Wednesday lu houer af bar sier, MissLiabeîbeJeunluga, Visitors : MmeMAlan Deib sud a Esne, omnto, at .1m4rAlbomrtGoie Fred Withtridge, Tomosto, )'withhRus- sell LugZtnaldi; Mr Fred G ale sud tamD- llv, antvsd Mise Foster, Omano. i t rem Thoo VanCamp>ss: M'ise Lalla VauDvkc with Mlis Ne!illo Towns, Tom outo; Mise Morse of swatlthe uiew teaécher st szhool No 8ý, spont Sun da7 at home. AUCTION SALK$ MONDAY, SEPT, 20-Mm. John Spry, boi 32, Cen. S.cîsmrki, wLil sali bis valu r able faIrr stock, Implaments, etc r Sala at 'I p. mn. Sea large posters 7 L. A. W. TaLez, auctioneer. APPLES WANTED. Any quantt ai apples for avaperat- isg pumpases debivamed beginnlng Sepi 1 ah Ciark's Evapamator, South Wamd, Bawmanvilla, Hampton or Oshawa. CL.ÂsKE & BOwaILL, 34 8w* Praprietors, Bawmanvitl........ ......Set2- Blackstock........ c........." 28-2 Cobourg .................." 22-22 Castieton.................." 27-2E Lindsay .............. Sept 28,,24, 2.? Oshawa .......... ....ept 14-11 Orono........... .......16-17 Warkworth............ ..... Oct 7-8 SOL11q A. W C Werry le building a new silo. Mme W C Werry sud Audmey visihod aht Tymane. Bruce Hozsrlh haereturned ta Wbitby sitar sponding vacation home,_ W B Rundle sud Miss Edua Lang, Oshawa, e slted ait T Baker's. ___ Editor M A James, wle sud sister, Mme WB Bond, Oshawa, vlsited, at W Wemry s, Oshawa Division vlelhod heme Friday night aud gava an excellent programt Norman Morris, W P. Oshawa, made a modal chairman. Retreebruents avare servad sud a pasant tîffie spent. Mise Mary Courtica spent a tsar daye with Mmes Wm Courtice, Mies Eîls Wsbster, Boarmanvlle, le vlsiting Mme 8S SBrooks. Mies Laura Jackson, Daneville, N Y., calied on Mme W E Courlce, Kenueth sud Mite Buby CGurtise atteudod the Harvest Homo ait Tyrans. Mme A Wybamn sud Dalla ayant the holiday wlLh Mme Wm Moore, Tymona. Mislia Short loft aturday fer Tor- auto whema site expacte ta take a posi- Frank Hosbumgh sud wife, Cleveland, aud Mme Ilarwood are vieiting Mme A F Elundie, TheRenewal ASiraj* ENFIELD G Chapmqn toak the services Sunday lu a very able ucauner, Mme lmer uibut "-ud son Fred, Kemb2o, visitod relatives bore. Mme. Wilson, Tilsanburg, sud Miss A Hogarth, Solica, vislted ai E Paecoe's. When you go to tho cauntr v take a in ai Davis',Menithol Salve along IL le unequiled ta relieve earachfe, epraine. bumus, cuLs sud bmuise. 25 cents. A'ex Smith ba3 possession oi 50 sere of âlecui,,ough f arru watt et bis, wheh ha bought from Arthur Ormistoni, RecoguIzod as the leading epecitie for the destruction ai wormm. Mather Graves' W orm E xterminator has Proved a boon ta snffering cblîdren everywhere, John Ormiston sud wlfe, W J Ormie- ton, Fred L sud Miss Ireno Bray, Gea Ormiston, Jas Gilbert, Arthur and Edwin Ormiecon, J S Aiihton, Mise Burroughs, Johh M1cCulloeh snd How- ard Ommiston visited Toronto Fmir. the system 7la avnrloýded w!th oion Oua wDste matter. You epct tabe, tired when you have en o hn ard, for the activ- ities af the muscles or brain cause a L-reaýing d (on i celleor burning up, we mih a,nd Ifter while the sys- te[, becomeseogd with this waste' matter or achs nd you get tired. But you a ýre aiten t ired when yen have flot been waring bard -and lu thie case then Conditions aremu, th saine but the rne o'i licpisnu washe nmatter le due to the drneet kiduc('y's sudboes Under seh circýumeneec(s yon cannot possibly de0 bette'r ta'ueDr. Chiase 'e Kidney-Liver P'ille foýr thiey hiave a di- rect, seifeand com,)nbîined action n 1tho liver, kidaey.ýs -a1d !bowý%ele, thoroul1y clcansing the cretrys yem nand me- There is ine mned'iine aifsnore fre- querit or effect'ive use tan the 'famnily than Dr. Clisse 'e ine-irPUIS for t1hey 1have rno equai 1-as uefor constipation, bjilîluenees, live-r troubles aud ltidney drangemeuntse.e spil1 adose, 25 cents aýx box, aIaI l dealcrs aof ma oBates8 CoToronito. MOIHER2, TAKE lIME TO HEST, A yaung lady wae r 3balng Ma nis- Ing experte1noo wbich1 e 7eryone present seouned ho ieijoy btut ber umothier, spd sppareutiy eýhe was paviune atten 'tion at all te anytuiug around hem, foir juet ah the mosioteresilinz point, le a liai- b3se tlred toue ste sald:- fiDaughtor, ont talýk soabn;i hav the hekdache." Thon n1 otiCîng tha, dampeoing cfect et hem rernark eh. added, "Itemombar ,mawma leettinýg aid." Ber dauzhter, burt athermomth. em's lack off lutoeect 'td provoked ah the interruption, replled etsiaI,Prïad lt's a pîhy for a girl te bavea as oid a mnother s you, are. " True. iL le a pity for a girl fullaoflus. sud elub3rance cf sriîste h have mather, net aid In ) ears. but soa-aeà witù. ho sund came ias rnetotaapprocistaý hem soilety or ta enter luto hier gimlishi plans aud sports. Mothers, d'O ho wlee sud haka ime te, reet. Patranîze the Omono Creamery sud rehain jour south. LT PAYS. ORONO CREAMERÏ1 CG.Y STANDING FIELD CROF COMPATI- TION FOR 1909. CÂRvWn.iowr ýAeRIOULTURAL SOCIETV Oats was thhe crop chosen thîs ;ear by the abovo namûed Soclety. Twebve entries were mûade sud the- judge, Nqm -Sexs-.mithaf Ridgaeway, awarded the~ prizes on thaeO6. sud 7th Auguest as Jas Malcoîru, NettCetou, Lst prize, Fred W Tai bm, Blackshtark; n D)avid Miam Nestieon, Bmd, Abram Beacock, Nestietan, 41th, Robort Philp, Nestbetoni, Sth. Prîzes wero $15ý $12, $10, $8, and $5, Contribouted b the On$trio Gove,,n, me,,utq$80, and b-y the ALgrieubtuIal Society 8120, msud wili ha avallable for rsyment Le the pertQ-owhora award, ed ou the slx:h day CINovexuber, tho data upon which the tither prIzes ha be awamdeýd ït the FaIt pair wil ba paid, 'Tha3 Judge expresea4iuimself as belng higzhiy pleased with thue quaiity ar the ïexbiblts andI the geniLlonlîýy treatMeat accoded filinby PaIl with whorm he had ta) do Curing hie short stay !lu the 1towW.u sàip. t Just Arrived Our ew ailand Winter Suits and OurNewEauOvercoats, They are beauties. Corne in and bave a look at them, Swhether you are ready to buy or not. 3. We would like to show you the Iatest styles in elothing. -We hbave-established -he reputation -of - being STYLE -- -LEADERS, This season we have gons beyond anythiing ®hore-to-fore atremipted. VALUES-We have "given this ocur greatest. consider- 39 ation. Have seieeted the g'reatest snaps from seven of Can- .8 ada's Iargest eiothing inanufacturers and being in a poesition to 5 bay ln sueh large quantities, have secured better values than 5 ever before. Boys, Suits, Tweeds, serges, worsteds, singl e and double breasted, three pioced suits $2,95, $3.50, ~>$4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $6.50 to S$8.5G. Two piece suits $2.25, ~ $,00 $3~084.00, $5 00.-- Men's Suitse Tweeds, worsteds, bine e ® and black serges, single ® breasted, double breasted, one, t.wo, three and four but- tons, plain or with fancy cenffs ® and pocets, Browen. Lgre,. green, bine, amkplain st.ripese shadow stripes, checâk5 $4.8, $.~0 $750,$8 50, $10) $25,$15M0, $18.00, $20,00. New Eall Ilats, LaLest shapes, nobby, des,$2.00, $2.50. ~ . .MASON CHAS. H. ANDERSON Bettor f TùatiSoap.. SNJAP le an antisceptic hand cloaner whlch removos grease, acid and oils of &Il kinds, better than sap does. It doos not injure 1ýA1SPI even the daintiest hands., Get a N i LAY fiftoen cent cau and try it sud ' your houseold will nover be with- ont it. It lesafe. It is economical0 Il is effective, ILl i pleasant, At 411 khids of 5tOres, 15-nap Co mpany, Limrited--fi"'ontrealJ tii b, mi ci tt CI ai r

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