$1.00 a year ini advance; s1.50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, T-HIRSDAY, NOVEMBEJR 41909. n a The James Paper~ Visi't Thirty-five Hu * _ Our Fal M IfMPORTATIONS S>- Are Now Bei'ng Opened Out.' We have already opened out a grand au- collection of Ladies" and Misses' Cocats for Eaul and Winter wear,? These Coats are new,i perfect fitting and, upto-date in every particular. 'Every lady is invited to eall and see them, ' dek- Also a beautIf ul lot of new..Dress Goods and Suitingîs ini ail the mnost fashionable - A very fine Stock of Men's and Boys' ready-to-wear suits and overcoats.ý New goods made in the latest style. No better value anywhere, * ouch, Johnston & a z t III PUBLIC SOHOOL CONCERT. BANI OF Tie commencement exerciaes 0f Bow- iavil BANKieISchBIl ln the Opera~ HIf AE yT1tr  UI NESEDA iHus nesda vnn ar r FuwRnnn RPARTICULARS,* 1 OI~LrEVEULAJD'S NEW PFACTICAL EDUCATIONÂýL INSTITUTI0Içý -Editoricd Correspond ence Our article in last lssue gave apretty comlplete idea of Oleveland's N&ew Tech- nical Higli School and its equipmient witli some conception of the clourses of stuày. This article wifl inicate liow eacli subjeot tauglbt is turnedl to practical effect. Canadians are only recentiy coiJng to a, realizing senlse of the true valuae of the piractical in school crircu- lme, and it is because that we know that, years iu the iEU of the ordinary seholar in our Public Sohools are ams uselessly spent, or, to pLut it in another way, are flot empl;.)oyedl for best resuits for iife's callings, Éthat 'irde-vote soinuch time In obltaininig and space in publisli- ing the information. gatliered in visit ing one of the most modemu, best equippedl and very ably conducted ecuia sohools il-, the world. It lias been al great pri-ývilege to us to visit this Splendlid institurtion of practical instruction, and we trust thlat our visit anid effort to conveyI to our readers sonie conception Of its aime,;'purposes aalc i(comDpliel- ments will be appreciat9d by ail who peruse these3 columuiis and are iiu any way interested cl u the education of the youth of Canadaý. Mr-, W. 11,lon Superintendent off Sehool's, and Princi- pal James F, Baker gave thie Toronto teachers a pretty f ulliIf concise :.account Lu their addresses, and we have hadI access to the printed îliterature of the school from which wve have drawn mucli of Whiat follows, Refeýi5rg to the description of the courses in Clev;elan.d's Techunical Hligli School we sta rt at Innib. luthe teaching of Englisli literature, the c--e. stant aim is to mnake elear the relationt of literature to life, A developinent of thie power of appreciation, is souglit, A sense of formn can be devýeloped minie better by the study a! good mnodele, wliere the pupil sees how ak ast r writer pute lis material together, tlians by the learning o! mies. Suci of tlie college requirements as lend theniselvesE te this treattm eut are retalied, Only1V those, substitutions will beý made whichl will mee3t witli the approval of the prom Jiieiitùscientiftia cho.Te rk ofour great English an.id Ame(ric,-inin-1 lustrial wiriters will1 have a promninentc place in the course. Tho euppfeininary ' reaidinig will inclucle imociv that is best n inventionad discoveiryiaý.ufacture o aid distributio.n and the ïtatlant n dustr.ial and labor problenis. The work in En-glish compositioDnalso, rn is n entîre harmnony wiLh tic spirit of n lie school. Little einphasis is laid on t- drills in'formiaI grammar and rhetoric, A but in tlieir place exercises in original t, reative -,ork is one of the rmost beauti- j] !ul arts. The pupil is made 'acqunainted a witli teclinical metiods and devices Of d the trained writer, wnd tauglit to use Ihese metliods and dlevicý,es conscîously. t( rlis systemn admit's 0f an attenind fu th th VOLUME LV. E0. 44, M.-A. JAMES &SONS, Propriaers. climatie and pli The localization causes for sucl worked ont in a location and grüv causes whici gov growtli are poini the course airus t( acquaintance wi oument iu 50 fari ïcal conditions u Excursions to f ac o! interest in 0. are made whene% ini connection wit] trial Geograpy, In allied subjeats. The course in1 general survey o beginning witl ti hours are devoted hours to laborati work is an import and is given in adc indicatede The c( of native plants ai niDodes of -guowth,, to t1leir utilization teacbilg In resPE etorage of proteids tlie growth of mo plant s clo lc the cooking depari work in Botany l course in Pliysiolol study of the proceQ ilng iiuobservation witli a cosicleratt T11e girls are segr laid uipon hygiene wOm1en. Special laboratory work ai Ohemristry for gl ated wiV-th L'omeet( is to give suai exç( p2actical value tot .ng school. Some clieistry is given of the course and time, in connectic work. The applied ud ofcombusl ats and d1proteins phiases, the manufa detection o! the fac ucli as starcl inuce etc.; the detection orne simple anal egg's, etc, Cliemistry for b eparate, and disti 1enitary uhemistry ndff year and isr Conisidcerationi is tal ation~ as far as a -hlitry is taknei iaul elective.Tià atîeusely pracical mucl elementary nature, uses and n bure of cliarcoal,c will be considered, ;pes of industria breated. Modemn, inalyses wili be quv liscussions and pro] Courses are off ere ýry and tlie Histori lurine the third aAr iysiograpiiic conditio-ns. les. These they apply directly in Coni- the qualities of materials and t "ic proCeess. of industries and the struative work, as in borders for gaýr-1as ai thin preparation -o dsrbuin h locali2ation can be ments, draperies, napieries, and in em1- and facility inapplying the funidamental ilarge measure. The broideries, in the decoration o! pottery prinaiples of constrtioni are tlic chie! ýwth o! cities and the and leatier work ; and in the desig 1ng, ends sougit. This work is initended týC vern their location and decorating a nd making o! utensils and bc educative and creative as weillAs ted out. In general, articles o! iousehold and personal use technically constructive. Fromi elemient,ý ogive tic student an froin varions materials and fabric.as d principles tauglit ni tiec mechanical li tie physical envir- The work tierefore cormelates in and as it governs the pliys- definite and practical ways witî mress- drawîng and shop classes ecdi pupil under whici lie lives. makiing, mnillinery, domestie science nmaies bis own dcsigns, which, wheu tories and otier points and tlic e dianie arts and crafts, and approvcd by thc instructors cancernied, Jleveland and vicinity witi thee many occasions iu daily life ilulhe executas from wîorkinîg drawing11s. ver deemied profitable which an intellilgent appreciation of Withiin due limnitations as taercicblt th tlie study o! Indus- fitness and beauty add greatîy to voca- and suitability aofaimrr and mnatar.ia,frcC udustrial History and tional success or persona lihappiness. - scape is. given te his inventive talent lui 1 1In Domestie Art the aun isto give th, mking f bis desig;, but tius once Botany aims to give a such training as will enable girls as tîey decided upon, lia is held ta Strict acr Of the plait kingdom grow to womnaniood to appeciaite th~e acy and workmanship in its cecutioni, ie lowest fomras'. Three practical, econamie and artistia value Thc course prcscribad far tha first two 1 te recitatians and two o! various materials iu their application years is: turniug, cabinet imakin1gt. ory work. The field to dress and home furnishings. Tic tor.ern akling, faundry prectice and florg-. tant part of tic course course includes p!ain sawing, tic mai- ing. One quarter is aisgo requir'ed lu Idition to the five heurs ing o! outfits for use lu tic departmnents machine shap practice. If etai ie end o!ý ,urse includes asuyo! domestic science and domiestia art,tstîepuiradtîîiyian nd tracs and o! theif' undergarmen ts, shirt waist suits, simple given Cdirection bacicams U eieut t upl with special refemence summier dresses and mil]inery. Prin-preto teaciier, spcaiation aan n lu applied art. The ciples of handwork lu thie way cf rolied this 1 crmited inarclertietî ýec t cel trutue, dgssetting i fLice, hanrupon s 1graduation a pu ilmay habe Ctter Is and oils in seeds, and and elemientary einbroi'dery are it tte for l ieswrk i hieo oids and o! the yeast duced and applied to underwear. orig-t )rrelated- witli tlat O!, ial designs made by the pupils are used a vocation is forced upoýýn amaoty f rtment.' Part o! tic for this wýork.ý and i ic de (ecoration o! tic youti at an eariy a;geý, and if a propqer is preparatory to the tic table linen f;5r tic dinîaig rooni o! choice can tlien be l nad(e it is a great )gy, inasmucli as the tic domestia science departmuent, edvantaga. Ta illustrate nmore cleariy, an f ieatrabign A course lu spring and fall i liner take the case ai a young man who finds iocno!loer !orms.gu is provided for girls wlio have, learned th i aW n talents mun alang tic ;egotedfand refrssianie o! the fnaetlprinciples o! lina ai inaciinary construction. Aftite reate a nddstrysiooyfscin. Mlincery affords tic girl a in. Mý'completing bis two preliiminary years lu ýeatnt.pio s aidfor broad expression o! indiVlduality and waad andi iran warking andlu machanîcald attetio ispaî teaims to create au appreciation o! arti stic drewing, hae may tien devote a major! nddeostaio, color comrbinations and qppr:opriate!1ess. part of lis last two year1s ta tic pJar tictl- iris is directly correl. The subject is eceey connected vii,'h lar branci along wvhici ilis abilities lie, ic Science and ite aiu tic ,ours-ýes ilu dressmaking and applied In tuis selection afila ocaionad lhlp., erimients as will bc o! art antd consists lu tali's on matemiais ing aboy<Lta "fied iiiMe lf ticsehluoo tie girls after finish- used luni.linex y, wiring fimte, mauing 1ceni exorcise an important funation._ o! thc elementary7 buckrain and straw liats, wrrýe frarnes, A caurse lu practical printing' is offared iduring the first part !acings, b)uildiiig 'bowýs and averîng as a fourti year elective. 'Ticscoo 1 more, frour ttue tii frames, mnovation o! olti material anid niaintan a rtigso ofi-Mui Lon with the applied trimming hats. Attention is givûi en to ins aiinncag sop a! mniederî dý work comprises the economy, simplîcity, suitability and the aqipnte hl u chargedainatepeteng tion, carbohydrates, cultivation of artistia taste i lluinouspofnter.o Tuscia lns tiled lu ic prntina s iu many different of worî,o i fica ins rorm n u lacture o! foods, tic nauncamaents of tic sîhool. Muai af )od principles lu food, Tic purpose o! tic work lu Domestia tic instruction lu the various caurses is emeas, sgarlu miiScience le tirec-fold: (1) to teach al o!eas adtransat ujet eiiig occm nt dut-o o! speciala ciaracter that no suitable a o f a d u t e r n t s a n d s u b e c t p e r ai n n g e t e c r e n d u t r t e x t la y e t e v a ila b ie f o r it . T ic s c h o o l tlyses, suai as mili, les o! a hiome, that girls may be pre pesi irfr rui nofeun to, teacil ail tlieory rclatïing to the. above requisitian foir t'lc supplYng Of pinted bo0ys is giveU n lutxo subjeat as applieài science, tit girls copies af the instructarse notes, diagramsw not o0urseîs. Thc cie- may acquirýe intelî,cbatual eVelopmnt and explanatary text ta tic students. A1 n is tak-en.in lithe sec- as well nts patical si lîl; (:3> ta teacli periodical editcd and imanagad by stu- requireti o! ail boys. insýtituctioaaicooicrýy anti]kitahen milanl-dents of the Eniglisi dprt ti's pub- %soifth e rcici apiu- gemienit as trade subjects, ia stuens lcdas tic official i orgatai icf alool wl r1ýTic advancei may be prepameti for catering as a voca- Tis lilustî-ate'd "-y tudei1ts o! the thbe. flh e ar ati to, oatani edo!triing i for daigdprmet. Tiaeis thus i cl oure il eatiehoan epigail wori must neceýSsarily afforded ýâabundantopparunityfor prea- ii courd wll ic de be very practical anti comrpreiansive. tice la tie arius ranches a(if tic pria- and ill incud6The liome Isa very complex institution tar's art. mue tail1urýgy. Tic anti its management luvolves tic study Tic inteat L ruady cvincwed by nmec- coe,jlron an stal and practice o! preparation of foods, cants ndaua ctursoF tic city Gas produces andte cooiig anti serving entire meals, wasli- means tiat tui shool will binig cînplay- G al fa ra ce rs and be iug aud ironing claties, cleaning, firt r i n o c se t u h w h s u e t e k . àl urnceswil bcaid to tic injurei, caca o! invalitis ant i 9rs mut conse Tucheeitiesuets sei- ,practical figures and clilîdren, liauscioltiaccaunting expend-îgpstos u colcntu n oteti and used lu the iture o! incarne, marketing, house plan- clude iits duties thc bringing together Dbiaxs. ning, sanitation anti houseliolt f uruish- of tisse two Classes. M. A. J, cd lu Industrial His- ing and decoration. Ail tiese must bc ~ y o! Art (European taughtitheti most specific and practia adI Amo--- --- -- - tlca_ E gllpppDDD ANlgn iî fflDn"Iî