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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1909, p. 4

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WorcukurSocity AINUÂL ME@ETI'«GFIAY o. .lý The annuel meeing of the Bowuian- vleBranch o! thellert~'ltUral Secleti of onarl.o will be held ln the COUNCII BOO NI la t'ais towu ou to begîn at 7 *~icwiŽen the annuel reports oritthe 'l, Sau D'ýre~tors wil be preRented H-i 01ec,11Iicue!ot'eerS i the ensuirg 'Pear wllI tke paceand other -ene-r.,bues i l'bu trausact- ed. Everv rmemberIs partk.u'srýy request- S. J Jacman, J. A. McClellan, TORONTO EASTERN RAILWAV NOTICE IS HItREBY GIV5IK that applieaý tion bas been made te ttue Parliameut oc Capada at its nexi Session for an Act 1,i Cooratng a Company under the naine cf the TrnoEastern l»ailway Company, witl Powers te construet andoeperate aline of rail ; rI po int11 inn te Ç ty cf Toronto,. toc 'yn 'ater l".4rolcr -earthe rcwns of Witby, r shaw il d Bwflatoille to Cobourg, hlb ern ,es therr in a.foB w5- A, Krem an point la or near Ccbourg te Peter- .Frei 'a peint Scarboro Township te Marlebain, Stoup.ffvtIllle or Uxbrldge, C. Frein a point la or er Oshawa Northerly via tbe Eastern Bide cf Lake sucgog te Lindsay P,. Front a poin t tn er near Oshawa Southerly te a Point on thse waterfront cf Lake Otario. Aise declaring thse works of thse Company te be fer thse generai advantages of Canada, and autherizing ainalgamation with cther Cziapa- vies with otiler usual and cistoinary powe s, L. K. Murton 0f Ise TL,,ocf (Miava, S licitor for -and signing on 3sehaif of Lbe appliüauts. Osbaw Oct iii, Wii43 S5w centrai Bu sýn es s I Ot Torontoha tatetlQswosed cf yeung Ime)ri i.oid wnmrenonu te easy wey to e1 lepende0ee a (1 snecess. Let D gîVe en UtILî rîglitstart. ftct or Catelcg i-, ,snd plan t ' ýd the next ix mentir' with -u3 Enter a- y turne. Addre.9s W. H SUXWPrincipal Y orge and C'eLrîard Streets, Toronto. G ET TE BEST. IT PAYS 011e school tbat stands at the liead iu Thor-oughness, Popularity,. and Genuie Met lathe Toronto, Ont, lt sris alare ptroageb"ecuse Ps suprso wrk s s wli new.Cet your treiÎnina hýerýe end yen Will be satIstlad. AIl grdute esiy get positions. catalogue lres. Eniter now, Cor. Yenge and Alex- W. 3. Ellilot-, Princ'ipal LADIES' FANCY WORK. 1 W e bave received 'this weebk a very choice assortment of stainpedy 'linens for Doilies, 'Table: Centre s, andi Tray: Clothýs, Cushion Tops in alil shades and pat- terris, Wsjrk Bags,, Tow-i el Racks, Tie ilolders, Silks and Mercer- % ised Corttýon fo5 orkg alsoCusionCorcis. W. . LLEN Ih f ey M g y TEEt STATESmAN. pu hished aby àM i 'Jawes & bons, et Bowmavllle, On' id stands eut conspiecus',y arracng ou -rumerelis excisanges beeause c! it wide-ewake and comprceesive gras o!f the doings of that towývn and distriei d arî- is attractive methc-d of dishing, Mp lpriîît. Tbere'e an. individualli ariout te paper which Lt maRiiert I *everyiàsue, and wbhcienetfeui ettrBc:t thse render, aul ls a rinigc levait s>thIe cid,,c0unite ol Durbs.n portant mion -Markdialc tndr A TOWIF S RvAL bTRENCUTH * Irom Toraionto Wely Sun TiE BowmAýNVILLE STÂTESMAN las waek called the rell<f mon wihhav made their mark lu ag-riculture in Dut, ameu, aid un appeai lS made te us t veung f., r merlsoetrtue cunty 10 repari therne t es forIltk(i echieverneuîs ii futur e. Tbis is about eue etidenc, a mor.g milny of'is aie and luteli gent ilitereet 'IlrsýTiTE3s1mA bas ai wayetiPni k l e oiret f tise fata It wcutd ha well if more of the ProviL ciai weeklîes teok, the sanie course-wel buth for Ibeiselves and. the tewns Ji mt hicb tisey- are publisbed. Whai 1hi Grain GrowerB' Guide esys of Maultobî is truc o! Ontario as Wàll-there etc many towue wblch have more te hopý for froni lncreeeed returus by the farni lui tbeir nuigbbood hpn la te bc expucted as a resuit o! the local bonut ing e! menu!aeturlng enierprîszes. DURHAM TEACHERS' COIqVENiTIob The aunual convention of the tosch. ers o! Durham ceunty wae beld lu thE lowu hall, Port Hope. Thnrsdey aud Fniday. Dr. W. E. Tîhley, Bowmaa. ville, In-si-ecter Public Scîcols, preield tlube absence o! Preuident H J. fioldge Tise session epeý.ned Tisur9day mornint wilh dvlca exercises by 11ev E. Daniel. ýOver oee undred teaclierm enswered the roil cati, sevunty-five per cent of which were ladieL,. A verv instructive eddress on anith- nie by Mr D Welker, B A. Princi- pal cf the Normal Shbool, Peterbigro and thse addre6s on penusausbip bv Mr 1'. F. Wright, Principal of thse Reming. ton Business, Collae, Torno, ws istuued te with muelb intereet. Iu the aiternoon Mr. Wel-er coutin. ued tise treeitient cf tise teschlng or arîtliuretic-aurd Mr Wright unfcîded- the best and most modemn methode used In commercial lettere and business fcrmns. Mr Jehn Eiliett, B A, Principal Bow- mànville Hîgh. Scbeci. gav'e au address on "Reading lu the Pubiic Sciseols, In tise evening an At Home was field dur- ing which the Port Hope Orchestra iiupplied the usee Alter tise prome- nade a gocd pro grami was rendeted b,' Nliszes Jean Clarke M Day and Audirey Rosevear, vocal soloists; Miss Ruth Thompson, elocuticuiet;, piano duet ý1M1sses Edua, Clarke sud aM Trotter. Refrshments were seryed at '1he close. Friday merning the fOrst heur cf the essim was given te geaurel business, Elect:on o! cificers reie sfuos President-John Elleiot, B A, Head- masterBowmeaville H S. First Vice Pres-E E Solder, B A, Hleadmaster Port Hope H S. Second Vice Pros-Rqbt Gillies, Prin- cipal Port HopePublic Scbools. Trezsurer-Mlsý EdaFilding, Bow. man ville Public Sehool. 1Secretary-J W Bradîey, 11ead teecis- er Newîcaslle PubliecheooI, 1',Representatives-Dardington, F J er t, Hampton; Clarke, M-I J Hoidge, 0A, . iHope, Miss Anule Walter, Quey Cavais, ers Margaret Whit- field, Millbrok'; Mavers, Mise Elle Staples, B8thny;- Cartwright, Mise Laura A Orchiard, Blackstock.; Senths ý,onagban,'Milss Jessie -.Brownïlee, Sonth' cuagisan;Port fHope. Mise G M Sing; wmknvlIe~MiseEdua Fielding; M l5beek, n D ampnüo; Newcastle: Mr -C Sulnder, B A, Head master port' Elopeiigh Sche ci, gasva a l ucid address eu inat ter and meunner o! covenlng l'art 1 Eubjects o! the Public School prograin. A lively discussion ou recent changes ia seheel lew and regulaîlons wes led by Inspector WE Tilluy. It wassi;ated tbat tisera are th-irteu6n teachers in Ibis iesPectoraIte wilh extentied or validalud turtificates and twelve wi!th temporary tertdeats. t was t4,.î and etrongly exr'resssdj that every renaneble means Ëbeuid bu taïken t'Wleïseri the number of zhese specially quaIilfied leechersand ;ket In ne case souldStcis bu allowed as a resuli cf ùniggardhiinLss ou the part of th<3 LchoolBc1 ds u the usctter eCf sularie,ý-q flecitetIos and smgs werae ûntr1i, u d. -arioun Éh3 ) lV Beje t î J, 15y jîaIld For W7omen Who are Discouraged Bercause of lagering weakriese nd nervous ders ngements there le new hope anid cui". If your systm 'îsl weak and run down, your blot d thin and watery and your nervous s,.rstem exhausted cheose a treatinent such as Dr. Chase 's Nerve Food, which bas neyer been equaicd as a menas of building up liealth, strength aad vigor. Thiat Dr. lae'Nev Food is par- 'icu!arly sFucc(essfufl ilatlie cure of ail- inà ents and 41eraugemints froin whick wo-ýmcni sufer most is attested by sucli letters as this frein Mrs. D. D. Burger, ileather Brae, Alta., who wrîtes: " 1Mrs. Armi5troug, my niece, had great weakuess, heurt trouble and indigestion. ru fact she was ru down ia every way and, had lest ail hope of ever getting weli, again. She had been in poor healtli for over four years after the birth cof ber first child. The persistent use cf Dr. Chase 's Nerve Food lias proven cf marvellons benefit te lier. She feels real well-now, is looking fiue and flesh- ing up se that eue woffld hardly believe lier the saie person. 11 50 cents a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at al Cealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Torouto. FOWMANVILLE, NOV. 4, 1909 KIND WORDS. NINE TG ONE. Nine ont o! every tan mea ln Bew. mauville aud the surrounding country are buying thuir leîhing and furnisis- luge freinTise Mason Cltt'ing Ce. iThera must bu a ruason-there is a reseon, Thc Mason Clothing Ce. have the larguaI stock cf lothing and furn- isbings between Kingston and Toroute, By buying la sucis large quantittes as we do wc gel discount tisat tiesemalier cueiers cRnot gel We give oun whoie lime and attention te ibis oea linaccf for us if %we are pleasing our customners. We guiarautce5 everythiug we sali. If an'. ~ - tiigtsI'ou purchaeufrein us doenetttuu out saîiçfactcry briugit baca sud we willmake il gond, jual as egreeebly as we seld it . If ibare le auy lhing new cornes eut lu the way of Cîethiug. Hate, Shirts, Neckwear we set il If we haven't wbat yen went we wili get it11cr yen. If yen are n et eue cf tise ine that are dealiug wiiia us, why bueue that la net P Wu cas. save sou mouev ou uvery purchase, give yen a much langer assortusent Item wlip-h te ebeosu, and use yen rigist, Give un a au. T-EE blASO;N CLOTIMN Co TOWN COU14CIL, Baguier meeting o! the conncîl wase held Monday night witb -Mayor Mason lu the chair and ail members prescut. Minutes of sact meeting- were read and cenfirmed. Petillons, frein several citizeus asking rebetes and revision ef taxes were referrefi te Court e! Hevi- slou. Nine tuterments were ruperted lu the cemetery dnrlng October. The greater part o! the meeting was teken up lu discussing water works, It wes decîded te subinit e referendum to the ratepavers J amuary next Manulse- tureils Comamittee was urnlowered te obtalun ecussary information on which te prepare-, a stetemexit for ineteliing water works, An engineer wlll bu engaged toge ever tbegroandtboroughi. ly. AccouaIs paseed 'were: MOClelian & Ceo, teemiug ..S 15 75 J W Kuight, d ...14 O0 G HlBickle, 9 7 00 Gao Power, lebor ............. 25 50 H Meader, ".......... 8 0u S Huari, -1-«* O*U.3 0 C Fletcher, "....... .8 0u Jas Elilott, gaseline ..... ...... 21 29 Electrie Light Co. service ...292 10 McCielein & Ce, ceai and weod, 29 8 Chas Hueai, repaire............ 2 50 Clerk's advance ...............il1 4t Selectors of Jurors ecct---------. O0 J Lyle, mselnos.....626 BOWMANV1LLE MARKETS, t !(3 10 iba.......2 70 e 810 WEaEAT, Fai, buISh,., ('-O00n î V2 c (1 G t 1 v O" u98 -c oeosuO OU j2O 9 2,swhr î. .0 5"leOC a> BY, i---------0 00 00 n~~~ aadnBatesO90 c O915 n Si ari'i 0 00"C080. B] Bne n 00<>" 0 89 CLOEREE.......4 50j 55 BtTTF"R, best tabýý1l, 5_~ U'iO2 Ll,"oz . ý. . ý.1..... 0 " 2 Yoaes uh...OO 'O3 Mias the "Black Kuiglit" corne to your home? Let himn show yeu tic quick and es way to schine thle Steves, "Black Kngt " takes ail the liard wr and dirty woerk out of1 stove polishing. It's a paste--so the.re ie neo watery mlixture to blie prepared. luet a few tubis with cleth or bniasii brangs a rairm'r- like shine tha't "yen cen see your face in," And Ities ane lests I Most dCelets lhendie anid reCoim- Mnend ',3iacLk Kncgit-st Stve eii.. Ifyordae canirotsupply it, send loc. for a 'big cansutaid. TMIE7 F. F. DAiLLEY Cc. LMTD GaMcs nt. 18 sa Nc or neUibl lâ iuaiaioi ai ier, te peints reaehed by steamers, 0Vaîlifornia, Mexico,, Fiorida. Constat nearest Grand Trunk agent regarding 10w tonna:t rates. JURY & LQVELL, &. P&T.Agents. Beýwmanvlille Atlantic 8erviee, 1 and Quebe-C, Live-rpool. Nov 5 Empnjres. of Brtai Ot 22 Nov. 13 Leke Chnerplain Oct.2 Nocv.SiC Lake IErie'Nv Froir. St. John , Fo (West St. John.) Lirol Dec:. 3 Empres cfBrtai 0NV., Dec. il Lake Mnitoba Nov. 24 D)îc. !T Em1preas wf lrcelsud Dc. B', De,. 24 Steamer DecQ 10 AlSteamers equCipps îti wieless and ail coaývenlenice for tise sefety and vcifori cofpes To, book or for fris nemto e gai. digca team-fers appivy ,te 11ereet' C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - P . a e t o . J I I p,7--ngZtr e STARKVILLE. The first sod of the Canadin I'orthern Railwa 'y in Darham county was turned here TueSday mornlng by -MISS Agnes Fezrguson, daughter of Robert Fergus- on, a promiînent farmer of Clarke town- shlp. Heeve John Hughes, Couindilors John Stewart and Stlubbs and others made addresses and the proceedings closed with cheers fer Mackenzie & Mann and the local contractors. PLEASAftT SURPRISE. About twenty.five frlends assembled at the residenice of Mrs C. Murdoif, Silver Street, Thanksglving evening and gave ber a very pleasant blrtbdav surprize. Mrs. J. MeIntyre on behiaif of thfi company presented Mrs. Murdof! wilh antýeaut!!ul gold sunburst cf pearîs aftier which gaines ocf various kinds were ej y d Mies F. 'Wiev, T ronito, fur"1i&hirng a number of fine musical selections, Refreshments were aserved and a very pleasant evening spent. REAL ESIATE BY TENDER. The undersigned cifets for sale by tender In the village of Cadmus iu the township cf Cartwright the fellowing real estate: 2 storv trame dwelling, woodshed, stable, with ý acre lot. 2-story frame building suitable for ,store 1 [rame dwelllng house. î acre lot wlth number cf apple and ether fruit trees. Tenders recelved by the underui&gned up te December lst, The highest or auj tender flot neeessarily accepted. T. W. HoBERTBON, Cadmus iP O. TUE FARRERS, OPPURTUN1TY A splendid epîrortunity te suppiemont kbe- regular revenue of the farm is offered to those who eau compete for the large cash prizes which will be given at the Ontario Provincial Wiuter Fair te be held in Guelph on December 6ýh te luth, 1909. About $14,COO wilI becifered as prize moriey inthe difierent depart. ments which include the principal breeds cet Herses, Dairy Cattie, Beel Cattle, Sheep, Slwine and Poultry, and aIse Seedis. Thbe Fair cornes ait a couven lent senson when the fittloig eau be douýe durin.-the slack tîme off-dll and early wiater while-the few days spent ln Gueîph witb the exhibits isa pleacaut and profitable outing. Write A. P. WESTERVELT, Parliament Buaildings, Toroute, fer a prize lis-- Save-Yor Cull Apples1 mast thlnk I !for a ton of peeling apples yen eau get the price o! e ton o! ceai ut the Evaporator opposite the High schocl. J. R. Finkle, Proprietor. BowýmznviIle, Oct 27, 1909, CARD OF TRAN KS I desire te thauk my many custorners 1and friends for their very lîberal pat- ronage gî ven me dln.g the pest twelve mouths whlch doses my first rvear lu tbe milk buisiness. Hpn for a eju- 1tInued support end promising the haest o! service. Y0lnrestrul Y, Phoee164 HARVRY S, BARRIE. Bowmanville, Oct 80, 19,~9, J'EFFERY'S $15 SUITS. Have you, seen the5>Iegaut lrnported FaIl Suitings joseph Jeffrev &son are maklng up te order for 815? The.? are styllsh geoda - worsted and tweeds - and will be made up eqaalte the best. !First casoknnhpl a wel known feature et StarHoe suite. Yeuug men, mlddle-pged and eider are Invitait te call and see these pepuler $15 Fali ,suite. Yen neye-r saw better bargains for this price, quality and work ccnsid- aed. Ceil as early as possible as there will be a rush for these suite aIt this prlcE PUBLIC, ATTENTION!I first ng secnredà the services e! a frtclass batrber> Mfr Cameron Mertin, patrons may be assured o! first class work luevery partieulair. Ex'ery branch e! the busineszs wilbe ot the highest clas3a adlItrust g-entlemen wbo like tiret cleesBwork mwilI appreciete saeaby patronagezr. Bring your r&z3rs and shears te ulae te be- sharpenei. Ladies requlrlng swItches mae up can depend on first ciass work as 1I'amn the agent for Prof W IL Doreuwand, specialiest lu hair geeds, Torouto, F. C. PETHICe. Bewmanville, Nov 1, 1939, Tbe wel-k-nown strengtbeniiîýg pro- parties ef Iron, com~binadt w1iother touica and a mlàst peýret nprviirîe,'are found lu Certer'eý Iron POisa wbIch strengîben the Rrvsand b 'dv, and improve the blood audc complexion. A pretty wcddlug took placq et the borne o! Rev H Andris, iSimpson Ave, Toronto, wben Mies Mary Vodden, of Bowmanville, wes iunltud ln marriagu witii Mr Williami Laird, Londouderry, Lreland. Rev Mr Andrews performed the cerurnony, Miiss, Grace Lyden et. teuding as brid'eîrlseld, and Mr Sarnuel J Thomas suppertiug the groom. Tbe bride was daintily attired lu white silk mail and lace, and carried a eluster o! îvbîte roses. Afler a wedding repast nt the homt, of tee bride's siàter, Mrs D .3lxoclalr, Geirrrd St, the halppy pair .e!t for a boneymcon ecross the 1hue. Thes wi! i resiide eýt 1034 Gerrard street The berne o! Mr. and Ms James Neals, Manvers, wes ýtLe sceaue!o a N ery pretty wedding Wednesday, Oet, 27, wben their daugbter, Olive Gertrude, was united In marriageto WalterFu:e son of 2Mr Wm Brown, Cadmus, lu the presence of about 100 relatives and friands, Rev. J..C. Forster offlciatlng. The bride was attuudedl by ber sister, Mise Miaule Neal, bath. bein-' becoin- ugly attired, tefermer ilu uavy'bIne ~ad the latteýr lu wiue-coIored silk. Mr WVm -rowa J.-, s' pported bis brother, he happy _ouplo e wre the-recipieuts Ï of a large number o! beautiful as wl as useful giflE2 indicuting the estueulu whIch tbey ara held lu the ccmmuiî. The grcem's present le the bride wias a beauliful geld bretch. cf meple lest B esign, le the bridesmald a bandsome racelet set with peerls, anîd le the recuisman a pret'ty pair o! geld euif i nks. Mn. and Mrs. Brown wili reside it Bleckstoek. Our direct lm-' New striped satin elothinuthe new Autumn shades with 2eif.stripe, bright satin finish, medium weight for gewns. Per yard 50c. New Satin Seliel Cloth, a very fashîconable dress fabric for gewns, new shadez and colora, bright finish very dre.ssy. Fer yjard 75c and $1.00. Just reeived a siipment of Soutache braida in ail!Leadin, shade3, black, white, creani cardinal, navy, myrtie, taupe, grey, wisteria, brown, reseda and purpie. c u try Co, 3àmit ed BOÙIUVI ANVI FLLE.7 Wg furnisb the WekY Mail end 1 Empire or Tise Wý6eel lbe frer ow jOW hie SlrDofill te Jeu 1, 1911, fer t61. inlePaefor llu ter. 1Good advertiing inýspires conDfidence. OA MAIL STEEAMSHIIFs a.ruan bas,,, onfidëence in yen and lu Montreal', Quebec, Live,1rpool. To Temagami, Muskoka, Lake of vour goods yenCanrseLL 1te hum. Yen Laurentie...Ncv 6 Megantje. -. - i .L is ýays, Quebee, New - Brunswick, cannet malte any sales where confidence Lergest and most modern steamrs on St. Law- ýovaScoa, tc.is aeking. If your prospect lea cOu- lence route. Letest production cf thse sbjp- ovaSct4a ec.fideuce lu rau then yeur entire efforts' builders' art; passengers elevetortesrving foýur- mustgo t buidingup i hisdecus Every detalfcf Cmfert and lnixnry of xood dally until N o thMutgot ulin pl i m d a present day travel wili be fennd on t!,,_,e Retun Liit jfeeling e! confidence. Now the greatest steamers, RetrnLiitbuilder e! confidence Is publicity-ad, Moderate Rate Service. D~c~r b~r 41-x ertisng, Lck c confdenceisusally(ed Second CIass) -4 t deoignorance. Unleassyenkncw a Te Liverpol 45,00, To Loiidi, 47C, r ntil cos o nvi .tin f rnianyou havent confidence inhlm. i Our Fail Blbs Just received. Leave: your order early. Beat Value in Teas and Coffees in town. Give me latlrîal9 order. Ideal Pence canýL't be ba in. Quaiity +, Redueciin Price, cPoultry and Stock FoodI Fe now vwhen eg aud dairy pr-oducear high. -P E T RMUDOCil L-0W MANVILLE. Montreal Por1'ýInd. Dominion Nov 20 Canada Dec. 4 Dominion Dec. 25 Tisird ClasE. ceeriedi on al Steamers, See Plans and rates et local agent, or Compeny's offices, lFer aIl information apply te <M. A. JA MEs, Agent, AlanLne Steamners ST. LAWRENCE SAILINGJSI RECORD PASISAGE-Tise Trbine S., S. Vic- to ieblas made tise festesi p)assqaeon re- cord betwsen Liverpool and Montreal, G days, 1,5 hours, 3 minuties-. AlONTREAL TG LIVERPOOL, VQctorien...... ..-N'ovi.11.. Crie.......Nov. 1,)0.. Hlesperien........-Nov. 13 ......... .oie.............o. M2c ý. ..... St. John Ulalifax VirgnianNov. 25 NoV. &~MI Lan i .4 VietoriLn ID c, )o 'e.i .Heserht ceo17 Dc.18 Rates cM Passages Accerdiug te Steuiner, l5tClx5..$65o...$7tOQ...77* '75 ..d.... 0.. tii5 0...45and ~U0 Fo'r priula f alnad rates sels à. A. Jaims, Prepare for the Cold Weather, -___ Hlave you thouglit of the necessity of warmer clothing, etc., for the. cold days and iights to corne? We are ready te 1111 yeur wants, our immiense stock neyer was in better shape fer suppiyin g just the artiele wanted at priees whieh will miean big, valuaes for li ttle money. Mens and youths' overcoats madle up ln the latest Cuats and styles, aiso the more suibdued deasigne. We have ant immuense assortmenî Im ail SizGs Up to 44 inciesoiest measurement. These are Meltona, Beavers, Cheviota, Tweeds, etc., lu a great variety of colora and patterns., If you want an overcoat or likely to want one we offer you the best values ever offered at the beginning of the season. Corne now, Special prices 86.00 te 8M0 Men's and youths' suit-s made te make one feel well.dreused, They are the best and neweat styles, with first class workmanshipand finished iu every detail te masure entire satisfaction to wearer. We eau fit you perfectly, Give us a trial. Prices $750to $18.00 len's Underwear. We have recelved a large silipinent o! ne w winter underwear in fleece lined, union and ail wool. Our sizes are complete. Each garment la maed full and will give good wear, Per garment 50e to 83k.00. Men's flue quality Engliîsh fiannelette pajamas made îl unl l argezes a very Coin. fortabie and luaxurio-us sleeping gret Per suit $1.25, You wiJl need some o! our very fine qualities of Scoteb and Canadian woel blankets. They are made o! very fine qaality seleeted woolasotdaie and weights. You eau gel the best values ln. wool Blankets here. Prices from $î.00 te 8.00 per pair. 1Fl1annel S-heâetingt New fiannel sheting f ull 72 îuches wide, e-xtra g-oüd qali:y firznclswae. . very desirabie fabrie for cold. ni1ghts. Sep, Our quality at per yard 751- We have the ceiebrated [Maish Comifor] he are luxuriously wvarm and wenderfil light. We would like you to know about these, cemforts, Cime and let us explain thern, to yen. We wll show you the filling and explain théir superijor qualities over the ordinary comfort., Prices te suit ail purses. F4lan nelette. New asre Engliài fiannelette in neat stripe designs also plain white and creai, very deàirable for niglit wn, iidenan omen's wear, Prices 7c te 16e a yard. New Dress GoodS. Beautifuli new Faîl dreEs fabries li the, latest shadesa ad weavus. portatien the assocriment la attractive and ou rpnes always at the iowest. OMM i-ý

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