's Mc1ek HeA<ých sb e issýe ilt the roibisfnef-c Anntt 'u tte(o f the ayiem.sia 4,at ire. lu lath')Sie. o. hilethetir mont asiarlabe accee u beu ho n i uring Iledahoyo <s~'ers Lt-ieLiver Pille are lial-rer anid reuaetoowi.Een ltroni who onetrrteawilJndtesîttle Pîlivau- ablian o zaistatteyzljinet be wil. jlgte do iihn hm u fe i ikhs latho banse 0 mnyiiO 5tht es i.wlîere %vamaie Ourgrt oa.Orpii.uethl others do DoS. carter's 11511 e rr Ile are very emali and very easy tetake. One or wo pilla male adose. They are strictly vno:ia and de net gripe or purge, but by thï oir geOil ation piease ail slIt use thom. CATE Z C IIIthif ..lO 1 Y lE 13e J'0-r Sl~,t,-and Cnoacr Ible ratel,. 5t G LD MEALS of -ïrinityU- ire aty Teoue;For yesàAttedlùg Phyleanau SrgenaiM. Carmel Hospitar t'terIts O0Û. aa Rsîh oe elin-ton Rt. Tel bhoueNo. ]oif. NEW IDEAS. T ja{fi,ea is m;LcL nsýd for escuîng WVaist linos ý--are lîigh sudisJ ig- ne1( w'isasu casts tiss ear. Etamin-e la extremnoly popular in ,ery dogmce cf weavo. 1 Plai'n leatîjer boîtsare aie ùm abte, espe iaily iniblueSsu ad niit'. An effective matenia! for snmD1'r diess5blas a bonder done in beaId effeet Strikingtr is a stisite(2ctton mur- quis. ttc boîddt-!i n adsgiof yelcw1.,v soat. WidAe colorodrbnad narrow widtbs cf silk ai-o tscd iii ah 1sortsc cf sab ffects. Tieciarmuig narosav, detacbed train ,romains nitis us for ut lenst Wi*de bards o!. l' ac<flbewisis a border cfnibisos are nh used te trim 1klrts oýr tuiesý. A citrn vileblouse, lown iu eue f tse ssop, lad a sti-ipýjed e! feti seliseas IL yko -cas octlied lusi1su thîad ovr ae cotput in-,itboLuiît fulînesa at tise to, ut at aigtsfnv-ie off iv,»ith a siiall turnLbuck caf!. on a f'cw b utons. Most every smait gewns boasta some toucli cf lace, either in its n e guimpe or chmsteo solow worked into tishurpiice-liSe ho- I(ices o o C00< ffahiunalhlP AT EAWSODR ROM SAVEUOHOLY DY S"FRUI-A-l ES CI.ANBRA5SSI, ON'r. "Toyears ago, thi- (doctor made foIrty-foulr clîs ounvme, and then said lie had done ail lie coffld] for me. I was suffering with intense Kicney Trouble iand Inflammation liad set in., Two other doctors were anutd a greed that nething could be done to bielpme. On the recommendationi of a neiglibo, I tock IlFruit-a-tîves" and they cured me. To-day, 1 take "Fruit-a-tivea" as mny oaly medicîne, I arn in excellent health, and Il Fruit-a-1,ives Il is the medicinie that cured me after 1 had been at Death's Door for monlth s. Iagam Id to be abie to give you this testmonil. trnay benefit tome other womu sffeicgas 1 suffered, as I beliee tht I wuld e olilve to-day MaRS. P. E. WEBBER. "Fruiit-a-tives" - by its miarvellous action^ on the i idneys - compietely restores these vital organs to thcîr normal strength 'and vigor-and cures every trace of Kidney Trouble. "F'ruit- a-tives" i8 the cnly medicine ini the worid made of fruit. soc. a Cez, 6for $5,tilsz,25c_ At dalers-or fromruit--ie mtd lIEDUC -N IN NUMBEII OF CO0CKING UTENSILS. The Diseovery of a New Yorhk Chef r COROATIONDAY, Tise Cruto a rn er And loyal bosts wiil scenjý appear In places-cf reuewn-îj:< Upon the king cf royl race A loyal people saccu will place Tise bighIslmpe2rial crossa. Tise cisese cf a sosenlino, To) n icis h îis abet ig 'Ihi( daïtatidesineid te 500C ,is erewng e!. tis ku Tise Coonatien Day wili l r 0f uunity snd streugtb wiidwl W'bore Britishs ule is kDuown;t For as tise centre o!. that tbhrong Wbicb makes tise Empire vast and 9tcn Ring George will take tise tismone. Ahnd for t1ie csc-caonise îý)slaros \Xitb lira tise bordens wbicis ho isears Wiii loyallovbc ho ccu TisonigbionttiseEmpire, ercry- wise 1me Tisete i i ascend tise earnest prayeor God ilss tise Ring and Queen. Long may tise Ring cf Singe bestow Tise gra e that tisoy ail good may And long ise septre sway: While 2,amnest iprayers te eso lin onouesa miay tise Empire blond Ou CorQunat-.icu Day., T. WATSON. io-ns Station, Olut., 1911. SIMPLE BE3MEDY. For Baekaehe aud Kidney Trouble "Tete de gre" ta is muelIy eoutoi Tise simpiest sud mot -effoctive fasîe fr moumning. IL rarely remedy for ieS kiudneys is Boi' CAALGI asycolon,iat tl ise sme imeieu rsiige-e is ieie f cgstien, inflammation or acre- a li ticsoftr tisu bueS.Brooks' Cluib, New York, is a mag- nos-, Booi's Rde il uci REO SSilsuFits ae no- bsin adoeician 'irose magie is liieiy te ne- orenlesi le up'nmilitany style. Stripýed ne- volutionize Lon geuly aîmît t ï~~Vers, co airs anîdenuf e, aaut sdco -Cismouicte. tentsnsc 2 buttons sud aiitary toris cf thse IHo is M. Soyer, sud briefly stat- e kidugey, dris pepinms cf jackets are in evidenco. cd bis disoovery that food wbicis is awanysbacivie, - Tise og'e. for transp---cnt ra eucbosed iu a paper ba g sdpuLeaicpi brieislbas exteuded tili voile and into an even ils eookcd far Mc eo P u dizzins "' aî-quisette are now used for chic quîckly'tisan by tise old metisod. rl, addzies A Dusuless uo and littie nnliued Eton jackets sud ho Food cooked in this nay les-esden psu bore'asd trimmed witb suSk braid neitîser seight nomnuntriment. Tise nregulate tise Cfors. m auds c f satin or taff eta. envebepe in 'iriicis it is eaclosed u rine, sud e- Blae(k ývivet baudýs, co or two, prerents evaporaticu, sud ail tise store a pet foct fl]týring of tise bicod. z-lpy ii itaeneta ool dise. tocbd itis old r jesveleid esncsae .rud ine, yet Best of-111, t1iss rle eperi ïa ie it. iheeisnou b terîh, tO Brtis isokbs re ertise ciassie style1 sobstautiai, bouefits are a redue- A mgit o u urue Ainerecea Business Ceile.50c. box. A Buld g h onc, Oc iho ta f ofrwiitIOmoe eqnt tinlutise number cf cnokiug uten-Bti' Rdey Pla 0.bx ,anyvStc n'uûthainemnen gi ise fnisbed niti s Meuey back if tlioy fail te reliere. Canîd hav aaeded.stdents ent uss iaghoad -rie fr ataogu. uoton ae aie, sraycf il Mm. SOyer pirepared tise following Write te Tis R. T. Booths Ce., Ltd., ver aigrette ou eueide or a-isnucb dîshes in juat over au boum : Loin Fort Erie, Ont., forafeeti. T. M. WATSONro-(,, cs. f lambl, 45 minutes; ebieken, 25 Sobd sud guaranteed,-c in Bowmiau- Princpal, cf doopiîg sîk rse hllsminutes; "amytew," 30 minci- ville by Jury &Ltcl tes; son<ed mlac.kes-ei, 5 minutes;- 27Ï.BERLIlN BREAKFASTS TWICE. oasted apples, 15 Minutes; rosi ' sud humi pie, 35 minutes; encrant coo's o~Roo ~Four Meala a Day at Leist Jollycae,2mius;ppetr,1 MURDIIBER MAY ESCAPE. The great Uteine Tonir, sd uehen minutes; bonne boucle (puf!. paste) -i ionly tsfe e*etuai men,,thly Thete was not rancis teho get by 10 minutes; chop, 10 minutes. GesaLwPrttsRsxc- letgulator onewhich Nwomeu eau infrLe f dniiain Sdepend. Sold in three degrees tise Berlin citizen in the way cf ABSOLUTE SIMPLICIITY. te o ake dniiain rs cf so-catogthN.l l rnksstsmîyapc fer 3 oWbat strikca une muet in tise new A mut-dorer ynuder sentence for sinecia-s eii r entboasd a roll or to-but aiong about cookery is its absointe sirapicity. cf deatis ut Pesesi, Gormauy, isI SolS _by ail draggîsil, OO o k1eo' ybcdy starts for tise Ivery ceeS, evon tise piainestcfieyteeapeeniobcas prepaiS on rec1It of pice. O dock execaeuxeuio bcas COO ~caf e for a "second breakfast," gen- them, may become a cordon blean. bis ideatity caunot ho cstabiisised. ____eruily a meut orua cheeose sandwich. Tise loin e!. lamis was put inito tise Tise ciccumastauces snrrouuding the Ho, maSos np for bis lîgist refresis paper bag wîtisout evon tise cern- doemed in are extraraery, ment at tise 1 'cbock ("cmittsg- paniouship o!. a dressing cf fleuir. 1 sud by a emarkabbe turu cf fate stuek' cf aoup, meat, vegetÉabies, Tbree-quartons e!. an heur later, te o mye nniyg re ihui ~~MPTLYSE~UREDI pnesemvcd fruits, pudding, sud tise minute, it cemerged front tiseitbsseapodoyudildit M witte uinesso orlcur ,wî mboom ut diacretion. Tisen ho cren, sund tise seorcised but intacttiahoigityftsesasn- -neadohî'xofeiiîe thces -Idoes not huston bacte obusiness, envelepe -cas removed. Tise joint tha ie 'sgit fteassia Eniy oes hainSurir Patent buseaiesthsa secte i but pisys or jokes ittisis cîiid wasscf a dolicate golden tntsud . mniauotep'e hy Fxperis. Preliiminanyadvice free. Charges mon 15 or 20 minutes, resta or siecps wa accompauied ou the disis by a Some motsaoftebrtisn moderate. Our Inventor's Advleer sent lapon 3 oe ~!wbo gavetise namne ooetKn reuaet. Main& Mrin, New'iorkl, ,fe Eldg, for 3 oe basa chat, ac c f, gen<eus qnsntity o gravy. Jndged moulirel t and Washt,'gton, D.C.. U.S.A. e izie, was tniedl for robising sud mur- eoffe sud a cigar, sud returus t by tise supreme test, tise meut 'i-as drn uce ae ocesi business at 3 e'cicck again, per-. teuder sudjuîcy. deînlg ieberame Roieblaai. of R s te to S tili 8 cm 9 iin tise c-Ts iag aspoed giit ovr>YEARS PP' UTIEPUE is.Ohapaý)i1(Lindt EXPE1~NC I nîug. Tison le coeome again PAE MSTB PUE irsu ho ua cedaedt -to--supper cf ceid mas lc Sometiig slouid ho said about deatis I cîeese sud been, wih ,vwil pro-teppe.lt u1o orsbtWisen the, uewspapera mrecorditng- babiy be followcd by more beer as ur uddeidcf o uoxos tise tris] reacised Amierîca aul old fiende drop in te amoke tise blueScis'emicais. When tisere is a wide, German couple uamc-d Rinzie there Germn cgarsandplayska ordemaudi for it, as thene must bu learued te tisoir homrocr tiseir son,' À Gennincgrxu.pa kto presentiy, tiese appiy wiii meet it. Robert, 'ias a- murdierer. Facta TRADE MARKS _________________ The papen is net exponsive-fer a - i is eot, asotehie date gironinterpt, CoPVRIGHrna C 5 ~Middle-clas family it ueed net cetatn sd place o!. the mnurdeme-r's birtis Ancao eninr seth nddescrIption m;y eIE i m ~ Illmore tissu 36 centS ts'Aeck-and, ~t ov ednt qI ie.1y sacsetin étroeinio fesri htlîtcenfl ammuate,~inseemed olaem tien1stil y confldontabl eKo atns-wiseu tise saving inu îteusiis sud tise Ts i epowcutatsid setfr0 Odataenyfr seOuOr 01patens. laber in cioauiug thora is tuken in- ioeorfrwenlthudfra Paetftk otroe Man paenresié. hov r frwe la-l , ,:r m spci1noieiittotchrel t~Suffered From a Heavy t cout ieecnmif ieuwtueur soun \las un Ga1cutta The rcs sesident. Enebosed in a ad ere ýVe . Gl, lurtePainS in! paerbg, tihe food ia exposed te oasîue uune n eme Cen d. i. sca, c'tae reaî Sed - lisat shiis tie !.tishiat tiseir son t-vs stili in lindia, An ne tra ieted elrna lema ur'haw i oe step rs fte aitlitfi jounac vit or Sie lCnsâ Cougl-i..ieut sudmita tise siuew. Ne- sud tbat ho aras in- total ignorance j g.tiug is lest, because tisere en ftseuodnsdtietii i MU ~3611roadway. ' xpri ypIrotiii'c te llg.rtyo Bruci ffie 15FS..Wali ork ..ecsapomatiou, sud cauefîl pn-exinto c i1smiaiyc ____________ ____D. Q "AnYcue th-at goés threugh ai! t- monts have proved that tlise weigist 'namea, -ise stated that rauny yearsi suffereti lastitn Wii aplreoftothe e!.flcooked food is exactIy tise befoe esome oe ladsoebi - value of a remedy tOut cures liste Ner aa ie weig4st o!. tise aw uaat passpomt snd other papena, sud ad- vitino cure i me." Tîsese are ths acfl ra.dod tisat t1recriminai uigst b h ie E gwecds cf thse soieýnîn declaration eoAft eet xcssi.1 We iif viclîiatetMIidotn,"ofwni i puaper bag ioke ,(beomeq tise Titese facta isere puesent-ed tetise ,, me eut ('la te 'at uight, sud iain Iogtue, miemonoeiiis buqutL c Posen court, sud i s rse col dmftyplaosiougnv Oa se- 'j-, ied odorsns greet ts îe httise piscur wasnet ihentd 8ecs cotd Isaandettougn z-chocs. 1 distes ut a sal l oi-tac r flat -loere Riuzle ut ail, but,atiogshad 5u'uop~,0f andia NoihesiLalilI s~i a arh nckng eJis and sonore tsi kitchoî s lose te tise diuing raits that bis cnicinwajuat, ;hornes jo nymie oher 8roeLld N rlio bogom(adsror Tise scout cf tise foo. ilSc e horefuses te state wiso hois. Asi înay 111 a quarýter sctin lait Iand settioti in iny otîser esseces, is reti uil it t ise Gormasa law dip-ares isat ne abieIl DnlinlntaManicoa. l) 'C usdns "e d seresit pepr uîpman nay b aL1ezýic-aorAbeta he applîcanlat (iifES reii ofso-îv, la its ppeo e.tii-inu is xeu ulasli il-os-or t iLecs er O iî't1--l , S, ltinreiat î.desaity is imade plain, sud as tise fpoeS oio iiO oiîthen La >îis MC1bt iesb ro plicap Ilt ii-by proxy mashomade utdar sg tti- àetilltliri seS d'---- oieh-ootryfie eacr estler sn cuondie. terorns, ee______________ cdi n.nîy nINeekNlý s DAt<s-i ete bresdne pnngooteoleL t omrns-1ak Oegud adle cs.ssreaiiy is, itick as thougis 9 b anS uitvaio,îuS te tnd n oeis ~ ~ dah Oc ain tisppered (gsbe'od i bn to su issigaîi t......at . Ah m scdr m ris o i a.R allcî i t,,ch a iî 'lo] ia , - urderne ________ý an piemtsothsheicd na am us cvisuiyex ItckForzneiii,'-- ut~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ï" etlatf-Iarsuoms znd n tmoio)len nt BN uTAEDD occnpid py Om or b Oit- a.mt eisarSsaccîctl j:tupteuueeglocfoiigsae. <rso, eaiser.brthr r iser. - idstentheic. ino sig Nrv- otstndin ACTpaefo ire«~~s.'ia h sicion ioagîethOoeta.Pis t scuoNeiln etin ie-t nîtl filinoc i'0 r. socain h homostesd coter (Iy inlctîadtîîg -th',i o e.medciai iicipes beaîsif Oai iS riunatictctan dfirequiring bu ok ,"!ltiv n , ei-s-acre edra A ~ ~ L bootti'e z-oisehntdli ett crnlc iepi-hs c sut- giiimaedsuu indiselile, ,ible hnmostcad nirll"lanS cannt ohtîclinn IecuoshyiOnae'iici, tia tdjie!.ieuîlgeadur-op Ebr tende-, û.1 uC, a, feoiritit. ruS~i stmtcon t ~ T adrertîement ilotne ro aid for.- W'OULD BUILD UP MIS SUB- JECTS 1-N ALL WAYS. Ie Shows a J{een Iaterest in the CoitiOs sSronigthe Ring George V. bas jus-t eom- pieted a full year cf active king- sbip aud the eveut bas drawu at- tention te one important charac- teristic in thse British sovereign's make-up nameiy bis zeal for re- ferra as a trait whicb it riav be trntbfully said bas netiways or especially disiniguisbed t!he sover- eîgas whe biave o !cupie h hrone cf England witsa Lnd rrones- Se marked bas, bee tis e!present kinds cf iNonk tise o2ffer2ts cf-w hicis bave tended tewardj making tise lot of tbe Briton a mo)re nisclesoire and pnomiaing eno than vital stat- isties proVte it te 'vbe cu drîng tise iast tae gnectic 'tat thse titi0ce Gogteoif u -iner is be- ginning evu i at1tiîs eacl ry stage, te be m entioned as we u iat uom b co(mes hiî. ,Amd isat tsece Èbas! been ncthiug per fuucto ry or sinipily1 spas ýmodie inthe ativite ola essential logic cOf tise etod thatd underlies bis procedure_. lût*- clear! that be goos about the wuck in tise best possible way, iînasmucis as be makes physical reform amoug these wbe moat require it, precede tise important matter cf intellectuai or MORAL IMPIROVEMENT. Hie was one cf tise very flrst te support tise mevemeut for an im- yeri isshown s ,httstically, tise physique cf Englishmen bi as detor- ioraed e scb an extentast maetise matter eue that spoiliaa real national peril. Tisat deterior- iubas coincided, it is aise shown, with tise introduction cf a qnaiity cf bread cf whici tise nu- trimeutal wiseaten -essence bas been rednced te a minimum, owing te tise greed cf ,wisolesale makers, During tise same time, tise ractice cf cheap cigarette smok-ýing lbas as- sumed,. espeially amen-,g ise 2risýiug generatLic, tise proportions c, f a nationial vicýe. For ail their se- cailed' love cf sports, moreover, Britons are new allowsing sport te become tise menopoly cf a speciai cIa-sof professional players, while th-ey tisemseives are moretisan con- tent te ho spectators cf tise great displays cf foetball and cricket, tise principal expouents cf which are paid professionals. In pursuance c f bis pelicy cf making England wake up f rom au unwortisy torpor, tise, sovereig- eue cf tise mlost active cf mon lira- sof-bas - studied tise' needs cf bis subjeets f rom tise PHYSICAL POINT 0F VIEW. He is backiug tise standard bread movement; ho bas recentiy ap- pointed Eugene Sandow, tise pisysi- cal culture expert, te ho bis owu body tramner; be bas giron bis sup- port te a campaigu wbieb seeka te erradicate, or at least te represa tise vice cf cigarette smoking; ho bas aceeded te Lord Derby's ce- quest that lie sisould become eue of, tise active patrons of tise Rughy game cf football; ho bas provided a football ground for tise youtb cf tise Windsor municipality, and be bas become' oeeof tise most ardent -suporers cfthie- iscy scotr- e ment.. Se mueis for matters tisat conceru the physical weifare cf bis aubjeets -e-b are entening cordiaily into tise beneficent scisemes cf tiseir severeiga, and are begiuning te e- alîze fulli) tiseir momentens ira- po rtance.- On tise inteliectual or moral side, tise activity cf Ring George bas net been bs marked, and isere-in oe sees on more than eue sýide, tise gniding -counsels c f a womnanl y fectaof tse ahuens tlat hd log sick- o id nd rek!nd.m. S grnt s rhai e,-ver ron any ac be owihu Dr. MresIda otPlacc Býowve]lsuidi a,;aswelas iÀventrub les, sud keep yn ealhy 2cabo 50c. a box. If your druggist has flot stocked them yet, send us bOc. and we iii mail You a box. 3 »sioa Dvg and Ceia opn fCodUie. - Mïtel and falirs ro you <f your ard ea.ed dolars. nervounessbasb I 'irsadsobie wlth Naersleiliyesbcmebt ht h faceful an clar, eerg ers etl o th I bcand hmo vral hsl n rplerngare ailndnt ase didn mm, care.tehetberh and akir robYouo ookead catmeUer.d y ecet enter Eo S mcr eadIand5 sdfetwr Il d, trou <n the morv oorapeti anr ersk ay sytase lcre ier Telgrssta d the doctor tl e o fee inrayie. 1 tec ie krycf , - medi:ne adt m sd y sret.a lmysiva d wre am nht eafr ee mo-nhebtceied adlittebn inthe Kick oýdy houghIband s a feta la dcc<oe. Le a don rdiagmnIn he ongd the Nsw e'cTlxx sdf 50e erve f ae te muest In nd hes&i,elbv en hmmyptet ho fearedtamlys to1 te sz We <rse nd ~uo VAieOnes n VE, NRUS BI c. LOUU TURINARY C0MFLAIt4TSl, KIDNE-y Aà LDDe ý5S Md lDiGc"eca CONSUL.TATlON iEO RE fuabet a!wiefraQemtien Allet tors from Canada mu st'oe -LId&essed te our Canadisu Corresodecl~eat ment in Windsor, Ont, If youi desire -to 1ScE u esoai ci t u edijcaj Institute in Detroit as w e n ra àt paietle) or inso ofces which are for Correspondence ,anid Laboator forCanaia l.usinSS Only. Address al l etters as followvs: Write for ZourmivateWindsor, Bible, the directors of, the, public libraries in the whole kingdom de- creed that ail books whieh were of doubtful eharacter, or whicb were iný any way likely to pervert tihe minds <if thse yeung, should be re- moved f rom the sheives of their iending ',rtets part froue j this, tisirsg emphasized THEf ALU 0FHOLY WRI frera the point cf i' e-w efitýslsuper- lative literary uaiy.Aaihe displayed a pnîtulýar Y edof mind in issuing his ecrnmand for the performance cof Money, the old 1{obertscpaiian corncdy, during cor- onation tide. This comedy ýcarrnes with it a moral wh'ch is particular- îy applicable te Fngland. and, ia- deed, the werld, during tise preseut age. Its lessons bit at money mad- ness, selfishness, iuflated social ambition and tise heartlessu"ss cf the so-called smart set. There can be no doubt of the appositeness cf the play at this juncture, following as it does, elosely to the relegatien cf Londou's boisterously smart coteries to a condition of compara- tive obscurity. Ilecent visits made by King George and his consort to tenement areas, situated in tise poorer districts cf metropolitan and suburban London indicate that has mindfuiness cf the needs cf the poor is cf no perfunctory kind. Tbe visitsanad inspections were as uuprýet,entiously made as they were tbiorougihly and initise most detail- ed mnanner performed. Ner bas tise Ring! s-- ixierest st- ad nt- these-î matters that concern thse poor. No- th.ing flattersanar Englishman cf tie wage-eacning clasa as mucis as an interest taken by bis sýuperiors in tise partieular -cens lie lives by. Ail matters ceonnected witli mech- anical labor bave their attraction for ihe practical sailor King, and few branches cf labor have bore- tofore eseaped bis energetie survey aud inspection, M1AYORS 0F E-NGLISH CITIES. ln Nany- Places They Are V npaid- Some of Their i unetions. "Tise office cf a Mayor or Lord Mayor in England is, in a sense, non-political," United States, Con- sul Genoral Gi-iffitha writes fromn London. "Tisat is," ho continues, "Caltisougis he cf uecessity belengs te a politîcal party, hedoos net at- tempt during has year cf office, 'which lasta a year, to shape lgs lation.for politicai ends. Hie pre- sides at the Conuncil meetings. but presýidea impar-tially, as far as i have been ab le te discover, ,itb- eut indicatiag àany party basor prejudico. "Even wher cmpesaioni ai- le-e ed it isoriaiyatghrii adequate and nly , ver atc thse expns atul, nei idb the Mayor or L jord Mye.To a prociate this it mllt be ncrto that the he-ad of ise u vcC enii a IBitish cuity is, du1ingt'hi erni cf offic. th pubic cich lt. lise1 to nhal s bcenrecfsoia c Baid Patron flr! li've rubbe thsdope on my b ead fer tbroe veeks witlihout ceitu1t, pet yoa aid itwould growý, hair on a billiard b" 1Well, hcw do yen expect it to grow isair ou a billiar-d bail we you cuis it un ycurhe."-f. usually at their annual meetings. The Lady May cress aIse sscits hierself witis him in tisis branis ofI his work. "It is estimated that, as a , whate 'r(compensation tiseche! executive cf a Britishs city cf anyc censiderabie size may receive hoi spenda at ioast as ranch again ur ing his year cf -office eut cf isi. vate fortune for officiail.ross "The, Mayor or-ýLord Myrcf a British city is its chief citizenj, anad is invited te every publiýie or quasi- public function, and alwayýsgie the place cf houer. lis unique porms- ition-e-mph-assze-s -anüthes--n±iest------ ing fact, and that ,ils thie asýt amount cf voluntary public social service in Great Britain. Ins1teadi cf rusting out in, business, aigeait many, Englisis retire absolnitei,I\ k in, a large measure, frem aciv business life at a comipartive ear age, say fifty or se, and teefr ward devote a grcatdelcthu time and thoug-.-andenryt the sxell-being cf thoir ct n Empire. "The justices cf tise pea<ce ilna large city, wsitis the exetinc oe:e paid magistrate, recoure neG compensation and considler it an honior te act in that capacityý. Thoi memisers cf City Councils,, as a mile, serve wiitisont pay. Thýe 0chair- man cf oee cf the moatimotn public boards in oeeof the lre-i1b- cities liiiEngia d saidtme tisatlhe gavetw-tsrd o is ime t tisa atf on1ce if anuy slr eeatcs cd, because!biscopnainre ont (ficf hefa'ct hat holieold hli heipful t is iyytotroi~ ing an), monleta-ry returu1."