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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1911, p. 3

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ha la1ahut to relate occurred ~ata ubeitcfLondon which I wvil If ws itoa new sUbar-b, and stii ore, igt p tIOsot of the boues Th lstrow of hop-lun rad , c a vacant piece ofbligi anatthe end ,and a big meadow lay bet h ie gcoùd-sized gardens tJitey had e t the back. There were j dwllig-bososover te shops, and the gardnns were for the benefit cf "he touns but thoy wcre not al 1ýt. rfb11y did noV belong to mne,, ut to nsy cousin J;im, who had hauth em. He eselso sia builder, but l a nucit larger way of busi- neýss, -at the otiter 'end of Mugit- The;, lastsbop-in the row, next te te vacant plot cf land, was a china and glassostablishutent. If was kep tbyayou1jng couple wbo had had it them,, for 1 fau_1cied busineýss esne ver bis, ndTheyadahidt wýyas unilet, and then cam 1vmy pace. Ooday in October Jmcm te se m i a bit of a flser -I'm frid 've made a mess cfÀ it for! once- in My life, Je. 2Anyýhow, il wvish I'd never seen Sandiugbam p , iaade The baker at the crorner has ie notice to quit ini Decem- b,,ý and that ýpoor ca at the -roker sop's on bi lstlgs. fHe Ceuld't pay his ret et Michael- m as, and nexýjýt wekI' oing to ratier srryfor ooryoung -lie- wot, i'ho ad his wife were veery decen e o1,P'ple, and the kid was a jely itIeebn bout trewith A fe de s aVer a big, dark inan, aboutï ory, shabbily dressed, and qmte a iagel- to me, came into my shop 'I)and said he wan1-, rted sorne wailpa,)r. 'Is ài or f'Clictrade l" cOh da r n!ii io nly -want cno iigh Vo- )pape- smali r4-)m." liatceou d ouwPt'Dr "Oh, en oo. tdnt met- I stowd iim omebooks cf pet- teuand houbt"fino(ver seen isuc îî ita od ca a il f e. lHe didut knw whtberho wanted gr~,or blue, i-r rd, or yellow. r lu fa4, Vite desi'gi ,Îddn't matter- at &ll1, so long as it. was cheap. At, last 1 thought cf some roîls 1', 1'd taken for a bad dot; but thtey ,,e re s-o ugly I'd given, up sbowing item te customers. '1 put you titis In citeap, if you like," I said. "fiW mauich do you want2" Iïf ui believe me hie had't tite shgtetidea! "I mnean o haug it mysef," ite si."Can't I bave it to use from? Thoen, if here's euy ieft over, ycu cha fve it back." 'Ys you sital for' cash dlown-." Selie paid me what I'd flxed, anId vent off witb thoeolls. 71 y7ke ep1thâe 1 Lito doo) ri-nold tweed co)af caugbt Jny oye Inoticed, as eue doos whole SYStCm ntVce riLin tiags, teat a baud- in te iR fkerchýif wa SLdan1)gling neariy eut, of con itin.Gooduelýs coiy knows wity I gave titat handkerchief a secon.d giance, Tiersingular curative pro- but I did, and thon a sVar worked pe t;esdicoveredby an Indian in red cotton in one cornor ar-est- ed my attention. Witeýrecd I nos rly Pacenitury cge-corn- It te i tehandkercýihlef outi pounded1 since 1857 in thse cf to pooket, and cxam- .rined iV ,clcselJy. Titere was an "i"merked Comstoit abç1ratorie8 et link Abeside te star, end as feýr Broovill, Otarl, Ias I co)uld judge without se gtite tji1o'tegether, thte laundry-marks 011n i,,-, eidruatical nih thiose-on r, ore ~ ite cllerwora by my recPen as- over it, terd a iteavy fotse,4 R oot R~1II.Sand Mrgnoppeared in te oor w7ayv, g)arng et me. bave a rernarkable- record for NoInoe-sas a clever citep- consistently curing constipa- my if e scys I can't tbiuk of more titanee thîag et a ime. if I'd tiou,biliousnessandîndîgstion, eenWise 1 cor teinly siouîdin'Vhave purifying thte blood, bnsigcle Morgan's erteatidu Vo the headacites and cern the h-1andikercitief I stili beld in my band. "I found titis in te pooket 28 skin, 25c. a box evrtee f ttat coat," I1iegan. "Ifts 'Hke f' and Frn pretty sure, 1 didn'V live et my sbop, buýt lot dd etaiI b nsVofe off tLhc upper part te a dentist who wt. u Vtt'ut nana came every day. But in the beckh'sbrneidgsoebren parler I kept my desk aud acceuint Vite promises, ust ea of oig V books, aise a few Vamblers Cnaaan anvdee idu 1 r - nnd abtin hi-n- tl i thicfmu -Rin Tday, fading rmy stock o umber bcd dwindhod Vo eue, I went t lfewett's Vo roplenishit I. 1 nover was more astonisbed titan Vo sco, not fiewett or his wife, but iVte black iaired stranger wbe bcd bougbt Vte wall-paper fwe deys bo- orstanding beitind theý counter. "H'uileo," I said, '"wbef are you "ve bought tebusines," ho said-shortly. "Bought iV f roni Mr. fiwothck, stock, andter - and o'lis gone." 1Gn! repeeted, dumfou'sd1. ed. fiowstrenge I nover heerd aufigabout ;t.' And i -1« di ho manageto geV bis uritr anlwlthout eybdsoig 1iÉl2, "fedidu'V take ii, away.I1 bougUit VwithtViteusnesani iV's be re. " Ianteeveuing I miet ,Jîm, wio starod la amazomeaf LwienI e1 hlm te news. "I couidn'V have boiieved iV of fiewett!" ho cred. "fie must simply have done a bunk Vo g,,V out cf payiag my rouf and Vteres of witat heowces bore. If I kneow witere ie'd gene I'd soud Vte police cftc-r hirn1" "Thon you didn'V evon kaow holi wa-s goîagl?" "No more titan you. Witt's more, it'd ne rigitf Vo sublet Vite bouse witbout my authority. fie eugitt te bave found out flrst wt- ther 1'd acept Vte new ma as a Vouant. Besicles, I don'V bohieve haîf te stock lunte shop's peid for, so e homust have regalarly Veken lunttis stranger chap. Fli go round and sec him tc-morrow." fie did se, and iooked lnaet mny place ou his way back. "fiewett's ,clearced ouf sure enouigb-sold te business Vo titis uew Johnny-bis namo 's Morgan-and gone Vo Can- ada." Tito same afteraooa I cycled over te Upper fiighbbadge, about Vwo miles off, to col 'lect a debt witicb had been owing te me for som-e Vime. I had ratiter a large sum stowod away in my inside breast- pockef n-bon I startod back again, as Vte Nos ember dusk was stting, in. r~r I was SpInning aleug a narrow as av lene wiit a hnickfield 'su one side, _______ J andtite ailway emhankmeutounte otiter, whene bigith auts and bcd- Z.YongWomfan-.-Searco-ly gos mcdo iV se denkt Vat I could T'isec notiig but te reflection of .eLfl--.-eemedi to, Be,- my îamp, when et a corner some- Dy!ng 0on ler Feet. body' or somefting gave me a vio- lent bang -ounVteboa-J. Tite noxfl thing I knew wes that I wes lyiug Dr. Hmiflo's P U ured fiat on my heetlu inte muddy i-ced, wif b te bicycle auywhere or ne- "I hmisIV heldbe ir dty f howhere, a-ad stnaggiing despenatehy 5icilools te teacir childi-en hoiv to keelwivth some useen assailant. IV was -el?," -,,rtes Miss 'Nanulo E. Naydon, Veo denktVo sec his face; eren if 1 a weli-.known and highly esteemed badn't heeon oo -dazed Vo realize resident o! Bristol. "ignorance of thE' àaws cf heaitir and thre use'cf 1improper ayting cleanrly. remedies destroyed -sY vigon, and led Sout ime aftenwcrds I was found me t e ie rge of invalidism. I was as by a- mounteJ policeman wbo hep- a girl nuddy anud strona-. Nothing iee seemeci te affect me until I was about Ple o corne deug, still lying ou thry. Tien a-as boa-an te form lu tire thte grouud, my clotites tomn and stoutacir. 1 suffered with bloatinga-and Jirty, auJ my srncsied machine inu a geueal failare, in stnength set lu. I' te dilcit. Wben 1 was able Vo sit )[ went apstains my breath hart. Myr systein was rery irrea-ular, and until j' up auJ looktoVetiiga a-utIle, 1 g-ne-w protty bcd I did't pa-y much heed fouid lte mcaey, sihit bcd heen teý m1 condiioi.. ejOhen I got blue, wor-. la a wasit leattor ha-g, clean gene, rled a-il Vicetim- ,wakesed lu tire'nia-ht, andi couldu'ta-et Vo sleep cga-lu. Noue my head bleeding fren. an ai of the medicine 1 toek helped me. One cut, and te only cîue Vo te scoiau- 4ý,ay I wcs readina- of a veny iutenesting drol Who ited attacted me e cnump- case ire mine cuned by Dr. 1Ilamiltonsldcle itn utbs ?illls. 1 took the samne troatment. wen cbed fro; wis eemt -sIage- wýa s just ialit-dîdu't pirysie me to wece rmh-ncka rp iîeath, but took hold cf tire woak, siclc pied witb him. parts of my system, anti set thlngs Wio rigirt. It scouts a-s if Dr. Hamilton's i te police bit upon a chue Pis have ma-de me younga -aaie, and îi il a srpnisiag enougit, for a' all my 7color, spirits, via-on, andi hea-itih auïdreý1w4ol aiefron of fo)"ýrmer daîrs have retitruedt tetay.' jor tsvo as, n-ho iensied for co gr eil-ns is neganla.Thyla-r as te )-jeprop ont f fiewett, fr help a o-'ih.n ma-ny ways. Bwar -merly cf Llite cia o.Site was or te ca-Inho asa-s rou tta-ko n quiýte pos,[iieitwsbifo h Plfe i.rpllOun-iich bis profii s h- n--e ttisl v iecl iarger ira-n on Pr. IIamiltou's'. Soi la nr- ýl! ,l in y.liew bxe,25e per box, ail doal- Von, and site bcd ifi>ereat -Lý!imrs' enrs or The Cataurrbozone,CeIna-frc-ccsom. ston, Ont, Ll u ,lm as 'g~tagiAu CUR D hignotoruha- seOe àxainrisJrInne on ii le Yen cii alnlssioreova-ycrte- o-tnepsnbhigsin, elîhr hard.sofi orb'eeina, b 1 aout îiA aie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ngPta' ou xîco. ad xetV lc ne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~',1 jirdev, osa, otlsn e- i a cti îestp u înJ an ebldke a hre. Neaier Vo nimthan te us, -a -gate i te"fuce gave aL:css te the staircseiad' E to a narreii-w i big,only Imeýaut for the use cf raLs î eployees, whichi spanncd the moptals, very wide just bero. Before either 1Thorpe or 1 could reach him, s.purt -as we would, Morgan w as through thie gimp the stairs, and rinIg acràath bridge liko amamn M cuwhlothe meu atthe roie- graph polo, seu something was ws ong, were bawling "Stop him! Stphim !"'as tho ji]ied us in th'IL ase so that th O o, e ight eaybe hardaý,t1te taio.But p~rhps nrgn righ ~.i11have a trap, and -be -kiew ii, Jusý,t thon two, pierciug shiek-1s fîielod the air, and in a coc fds afa -1-'lus Scotchexrscm roarYig ntoview. cen tii,;Liisbve owwen Ji tbo it. In a, flas, Mo'-ýrgan bcd iept over the ligbtIiiing of itbidge, straigbt in the petit of tef adwancing train. Wkeu the ex- pres ia.dpasser!over bi, wbat was Ieloftof itim asPny sogmothing for, oriayhumaniLY Voi,,ddýer, at. l'us net going Vo ho foohed 'any, Evea ttl, beweve2r, wsn uq loagor. Imeen Vo seerch e buededuia ia ie oiefud until 1 flnd hlm, rogue au- sn-wtnVe egnargdsaotc ber Vtet lho is1" Vte chia10bp. Tite bct ro Wýith that I strole Vosvardsite ie effcdedA tte first ïciao Vo, staiirs. wbich were close te !V,ite frwbe ognugm k .,)e dor, but Morga, bsh ac aagitVtevahIbd is ovusdwith passion, gabdpiaced om of the uew pap, b d àse by te anit. 'you fool1" lie i ly bang by an amateur, tus ro hsd."I tell you fieweft's noVi vecliug sinister iothscdsan bore! fie's boon gone for moti t'ýS1";beneetit. Seoug iope gazn e I Vried te pusit past hlm, buit ho toem ha-clscre Mrgnkuwiug bardmy wey resolately. "o'ete dentcecrt it use1ited. noV ,going ap those stairs! l'miea For ihe bcd aurd Vt od iigr man titan you aend 1 meeý,nwiladsokatreoftebu- 71it Mnesbosde Vte aritre1uJah auJ rused t hlm. luInohrVtsipeposacwiigufie iut-,e w o re engaged ia tre- ontirfaiy mnosgý ia)ppi- Iarnm rf T fowand witeu ite dl IVwas nover ir, teui only arid-sedectyteabthmstav 1i as emgit o dixed ý gme bckbin aVde itopeFor oftenthe ape stop ;)Y stop, munt iweelatHe i bPbn hrebdbe ce parlor biid h0bp. B 1iis ful cmvd ie walis wee ouuid Vime I1 sou ,cfbreati cdqlitde t osatrdsihbodtis os for a c mitl I sagerd a frm obseprvain byvte isolat'd I eginstVit naî, pttsu mybaudpostion ef the chiua-sitop, ho bcd on it V teaumslf ohvey uried bis victims ii itle gardon. Vti;ng was w1iîn.gabu m.As ho lived qite cloneiV was IL Vwas lueukier ferme itan I easy te cea te tr ,-iýilaces cf bis guessori tiat et Éthat moment e suis- crime et bis Desue.Bt ho-musf stautial form loe in Vte door- have beenfigtulydspone way l ,in ut: cf te sitp - my Vo ±nd thait, insteadcf curn frieadTtrpte superinteadent a flojur-,iiug usinoss asiite rewaý,rd of poieof bis horrible ci rie, ho bcd mere-ýly "fluo1" ho said steariag, eutailedl on bimsý'elf a, load cf debt "What's all titisle'auJ difficuity. Thoýn ho suddeuly ransferred bis Nobedy ever came fcrward Vo gaze VouVite walh behiud me. I wcu- ideutify bim, and bis provioas bis- deredi if ho wcs admiriag te bide- tory was nover knowa. But I've ous pattera cf te peper. fils ne douht it was a terrible eue.- flxed stare arrested Morgaa's et- Pearson's Weokly. tention, toc. Thorpe wes between w- bim auJdte door leading info te sbop, ad tte next ting we kuew HOW'S THIS? was Vtat Morgan bcd macle a wihd Ws olTer One fIundred Dollars Re-. leap Vtroug thVie wiudow, glass and waad for any case of Catarrh that ail, into Vte aarrcw passage witicb cannot be cua-ed Le' Hall'a Catarrh ran by Vte side coftVite bouse. Cure. Thougit I couid see ne reaso-i for F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. snc a cd rocedig, juped We, the unclersigued, have known efferhlm, fporfnaediy ga VieF. J. Cheieey for the last fifteeu spiiers i o glatictiaog inite y,,,,, and believe hmus perfectly hon- splntrs f gassstikin intheorable in ail business transactions frame; and te supointendent wes and Ounancially ahie te carry out any pantin-g hiid me by the time ne obligations mcde te' his firi. viewed canr quarry, hathess, and WIALDINýG, KINNAN & MARVIN, wiVls bisciotitossom, recingglown Toledo, 0. e uarrew bane wiii stîrfed tise temually, acting directly u pon the meadow et te beot . If led no- blood, and ucous surfaces of the svitos-o xcept Voete raihsvay ste- systein. Testineonials sent fre6. tien, and wes little used lu an or- Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by ail dinary way, as it was se ratty., dreggists. "We've geV hlm now !" cbuck!o'd Tuke Ilall'a Fcmily Pilla for con-. Thorpe. Tite statioin wcs in sight, atipation. and a buadred yards fuirtiter ou hree or four mon nwere coing MORE MOLY TITAN RIGMTEOTIS sonefting to a telegrapit pole by- At areýligÎir:e moo-:ug a lady pýet- Vte side of Vte lane. AV sigbt cf sisfoed lu standing on a henc t Vts Vtem. Morgan pulled up suddeuiy, arln h iwu to- hal ITERNAT ONA)lÊL1 THE MERRIAM- WEBSTERI The Only Ne-w unabridged die- tionary in xnany years.i Contains the pitlc and essence of an authoritative- library. Covrs every field of knowl. edge. An EneYclopeçlia in a single book-. Thé OnlyDitorywt ii New DivfiedPiage. 400,00 Word ,2700 Pageà. Let us tell You tabout this rmost taculars, etc. Ime thmI paper and uu'nS seyd(free i'ocket repeatedly requesfod Vo sit dosru. An olJ gentleman -af lest rose and sa-id. grarely :- "I tint if Vte lady kuew Vhsat site ha-J a-large olobin ea-ci-cf ber atoctings site sould noV exhibit hersel! u intis wey." Titis bcd Vte deisired effeet: site iutmedialely sent down on ber se at. A youug minusten standing ity blîîsled Vo Vte temples cnd seid:- 'OI,librolicer, hw culd yca say itat na-s noV ei-a-cf l" "-NoV c aot rjsCedthe od gentlemen. "If site idnoV a large bole lu each cfhonstoc(-kiugs, I would likete Vokuow hcw site gets Vlsem ou.." Tlhey lea-use Wbile TtyCureý. niitParýmeee'S YVogetahie P is are repoJmiy dcel-n a-d ntstne_!' eltelosmat-. er auJ estre itedrngdo- tite areVitebestremey fr in- digeVionaraiebleVo dy.ÀAtrial ca hov, ri 4lten o Voe phs Utlo 'Vses om 'ese s ors ho n." Pioe-'Yî isnthard te fuid. If y-m-r eyes are copeinmuddy; if yen have ne * ~ i.nitis cosmoties, Dou't nîsk bcrinfu] A DIPPING VAT FOR SIIELPý. enatthnenwlhveteb A farmer e-sgaslmnyas- sbeep sioud ave egodapp vat. Tteemay oma-de o! wood motl r couree For asnîo nauhe c at p ian 25 te han- acwodnlaîistuawmeuauJwo elueJVsa-dtepýgS WPIi o ifennca-lo, eak aunetup Vo afod Vopurcheoor build ast ocamsPhscrrcceis Aà gond g-rnzdvat-i o fo te'at atveke bs n rg -te a rerlf.-cigbetce Longad fourif- tdeP ut ep)- ±yfuc h c : ooi chesecd for Labo-ut $1,2.,or r smabher sizes titan titis 21a o g ,l yThm.nah purcbased for ls bas i ue.Co-Ddevrwer i and r creerats ca-n hohut et a jnor l'Lý mal cost. Thtree or four fermess ca-n club togetiternd-Jpurchase ,onre cf, tegalrauized tanks a-ad h i, EXCURSIO2ýN TO W 1EST RN1 it Votteir respective ferma as if-is ANDA .wanited. A Jlpping va-t fer sep I ioudh narnew enougi t t pro- Tite Grand Trunt Ileilway Systeut -etuthVie siteep uruiug ar ouji n lu cnounce that on Tîîesdcys, Jane if, a-ad deep enougi tVo swimrncigo - 27tit, July Ilti aucl 25t, August siteep. Tite length of Vhe rat sitould 8Vb a-nd 22ud, September 5tit and dopeudi upn tite numbeno hepI1th, 1911, fiomeseetens' Excun- a- man tep( u ia place, as te fions wilh ho rua frorn ahi stations longer te rat te groater the nîsm- ta Ontanio and Quhe o Western, hon o! sheop -,wiicit eau ho dipped Canada, via Cieoaa Dulutit or .--r TRE CROWNG. Tite follewing peslwa 's ritten by Sir Gilber-t Parker for TEe Peo pile, a Lon-don newsqsaper, after ho had seen and visibedte ceatiageretn cfý Coloznial reoprs from Canada.ýý Sir GilberV forwcrdod a, copy Vo ) hi old friend Ci. W. N. PntnaAd tson Monda,,ng- ta t the tiare o! he )fia n,,uoT. -,.- - 1 ro àses î-_ our chee, do not lbothie dusGet good, ricbod uor ghtiook and charmi of perfect' healh mlen UlokooI orbl s por- the mr-orsoahado~n cause. They wil elp yoto'coddg nlar bwl-ofedmfo~tobe ating 1sod r I rt n elou 1;, St. 2elne, LAnceahire,~g '. ee. In oe 25 ceni 111 a aay_ L nerp. -m Ylçb rm'il f lLTldý ivi Innpýý- . -1- --4ý 1 A m np ýnnii 1 aion as fo t-e widcf ïvatsfoqýundý on different farmsnan as a-uul thsug Vtey arider Vhap aces sary. Titen, toc, iteaerwe ite vait Vteles Vlite clip rqir t o fil it. A vat Vnecty u;inchýs svu et1 Vte tep and eiittinite wie t Vise bottom isa a iI-ravrae s e- gercis nsdti, attui ot o preeticalsiepenostctiei vats a oass itenicie t Vte top anix ýiIncite etCite bot- to)m wben Vtevatis four foot deep., Thtesize cfsÀ ep eptoua farm rnlust, cf cushoVknjute Con- Tit d 1,pig is betinaedl Vite() drvday c ite hcg boutse siteep aïd yungpigs. TIV is built entirely o)f cnrt Viewiso! Vwen iteva -aL'd drychmbr end i prcidedwitb au ncln whIch is quitedepy rerodS fteat Vite an Mc-u l- u.T &or-around teedc t a fromwhhViesepe rgis5 gradod Vtitat cicrppasr tur o thvin wVhtits ut-tt1eale cf .witich is, locat- n tVite dr-y citus ber. Thetoedof Vte sower pipe in Vte -vet isprovided svith e graVe and tnap so as Vo catch bits cfi wooi and droppingýs wticb wouhdi otherwise clog Vise pipe. The dry ciamber alhows Vte ax- tendant carefully Vo control te dipping. break ap tick scais wîit c brusit, and if necessary help Vte sheep up Vte incline and aise goi te t-a aid o! a sboep .-uickly if iV shows sigus cf sfraagiing. A vat of titis tind lin a building sheuld ho closed. Titis caho doue by pac- ing Vwo-by-four-iuch pieces into te concrete six incites frou te top of te floor and tbrýee foot from the ends of te vat-abhosvance for titose pieces sitouid ho macle witile te vat is being constructed. They sitould ho, inserted loosely se that tbey eau ho tatou ot et dippioig timie. A niche two incites wide aadc Vwo incites deep) sitouild ho iefV, at- Vte ends cf Vte -vatand dry cbam- ber. Thon by laying twc lacit plant ou these overlays and on te niches la Vte ends Vte fleor wil ho strcng enoagi tVo iold be.avy loacis and bho lordl witi Vte floor c fitebuilding. Titis vat is iepnse If te. sheep aqre bcdly afflicVed wilth scab, Vte Vtie scabs shoald ho softened provicas te Vte dipping cf te siteep hy pcuring sorne cf te clip 'ou thease places and rahbirtg tit-em witit some smooth instrument, or Vte soehbs eau hosoftened witile Vte sheep are beiag dipped, hy rubbing the thiet scaba wîth a itrusit. Caro sbould ho tatou, iow- osver, noV Vo drew blocd, as on coagulation it will proteet te mite from teclip. Leurbs do noV aeed te ho dipped for s0 long a Vime as older sbeep, as Vteir wool is short. Titey are aise more delicate in constitution, iteuce ca-nuof stand te dîppinig as svell as older siteep. ,Ahneys svater sheep before clip- pismg, otherwise Vtey mey drink Vt e clip whicit is sometirnes fouud lu ilittie pîsddl.es in Vte dippiag peas. EA TING IBY WEIGMT. Tite mn-eso! the club were Vol-. bgyýarais, wien tte quiet maiu te cererwa cked Vo',coutni- hat.'011 "sai h, "Ionce< entre a rsturntwhere tliey1 weib on î hetoeeatiag, ý.andtI hon1 aftr etluind thon charge yu hy weigitt. Ic a god fe d, au was cia e e hlig. The i auJ nbltei a weiýghed, and T et lw and was weigh' eut." I paso. "1 uiu' br."Wby," answLere-JVisequie a-pois, atreduced round tnpl fares. Tieie i-w dole tract li, Jnoý o! ILGad[,k rmteEs vie ha s frDY hyi il,'ino, i- cia-diug ithe famous'"Internuational Limied" îomMontreal daiiy at 9.0 in(I.,au witich is tue inest and fastest t raînin laCanada, meuy passongers wilh ho1113-eattracted titis way. The out via Cicagio is c mos îuerstig oetatîng p- as- sengerstitrougtVitepripal cities auJ' Minneaoi scfrd Owing V'o the great nuimbrý cf Canadiens wto rsd in Cîicag,1o, St. Paul, Minneaplis, Dulutit and other cities von rout!e, tere is ne deuht lthaVte Grýý ,and Tsunt "wIl fîd mia-ny pjatroný-s wito wiih fate cd- vatguf Vte e pT)nrtunity titus e!- forded item for a rief visit etbte fremsecahd mmgrtonExm ulatien, aUd teeis nedeon0 o et any pointý. V,"ite part cfIVite passengor. Inspec- tion i noV-eccssaryet cul- o!fit Aucotier fe tur hiat will appýeal1 Vo te bomseeeer is te comfor- table transfer at points lite Chi- cago, St. Peuhlaad, Dulutht into froshly veutihated clean cars, evoid- ing te necessity o! travelling a long distance lu the same car. Iu addition Vo te above routes, Vte sale o! --tickts is aise autheniz- ced via Sa-nia-, and te Northern Navigation Compauy' s maguificent Steamers across Lake Huron anJ Lake Superior. For furtiten particulars apply Vo cny Agent o! the Grand Trunt Railway System, on write Vo Mr. J. Q ainlan, District Passengor Agenît, Bouave-nture Station, Montreal, or Mn. A. E. Duif, District Passenge- Agent. Union Station, Toronto. 24- te Sept. 19.J DOCTORIING EIND1ANS. Aecercling Vo Mrs. Neilie L. Me Cluug, wiote revelled two titousaudi mlles in a canoe witb Vte Commis- s-.on that anra-nged Treaty Numrilt To.n wift ite Saskatchewan mdi- ansý, and -irisewrites iu uhy Can- a-Je Moutitly (fonmerhy Canada- WesV) Vte stony cf ber longtrip, tte, doctor o!fVte parfy nften bcid cunlous expen-ien-ceis niitVte In- diens. Msa. IcCluu.-scys: "Eci Commision rings a- medical ma aloag witi t Vem Vo prescrit-e for te nrd mna's ils. Dr. fi. A. 'Stewart, of Saskatoon, nas te' dooVor witb titis commission, aud V-be Indiaus, lookeýd up0flhsrn wîth te greeýte£ot awo. Hie ways wene marvellous luntteir eyes. Mis lit- Vie alcohol la-ssp fillld te-m wit superstiticua fear. 'White MeJi- ciae-'n mates water hurm,' Vhey- said. "Canof teir namber ha-c a bcd flajgerï, and wlsea Dr. Stew art toited if, se hbadly diseased was tIse hioue thet if came off a-tVte seodjoint. Tites brrifled spee-1 ators Voto Viýte wocds. Titrou;git it)( iuterpreter D- r. Stewart fouuid1 eut Vt-cttVhey thought ho could lpic-t houes out f o! tor a y place1 1 penued l r StewerV's inedicral rnlisty braUc bcnd gir'erua1t 'ta o îae.Tt et a inh cia for2hei.t bias offore-d flfty pouuldsseriga a rize Vo'tecoperwoih tIsrNi,à h the bewtmsclstigV 4A iostandyearn o ow A itousumrhs oe Tho arsbond ens urdoe B-nw-th ie new MKig'sse-luý:In Sf on f itencts adstiig Svýousofthe vmoo, n ted bas.;Dý ThosnedViat et hem usý f , daig Char i<.rythete cal1 cf the bÀuc- Bsn henwKigVtheoIIg -L f con flint care A 01 duc býý Outi onrh set, ndbeiend Carrpod noVie spra o!t e l, Prsit it rp f ieve Griuod hig V hat a Vii em) i Ean for ite ero ieKs Joynus au'Jng tsple ndhprsae Oe ite visioondhey ring!ci Pearch fer hisve ad-he ae Eaith ufo Vfit for ciLanghic Trasuresnothath nne sionvd Yacitfor e theer ilopleato, et i forte natiofor eacb flore, giigh ras ad oblans Pedgngca-ve and alian eth Fathruon fiitfr ie1ig Makin necatin efLaue, 'ctiag, "No calene o lîgA Yet for tane goudrc Soure'wn lisre, sitb r ryes n o st tins,et.ifno Plotede ear lies te theî When placking or thecouubr cdttage, di oulfer our box Zan-Buk aud jour Zain Bklsoaep poisnrsinsuou, scrathesrin- bateed we, ac, re ikete pi yoe acng toubetfronttoe haunds; heals bazby's c.iafedples clstitose suabura pi'ites, an, prevents, frecities. No, mother sitouldbe wititcut if. Pureiy ber- bah in its composition, Zan-Bah is superior Vo te ordi nary outet ceatainfing animal cils anid fats, and mineral colering matit.er. AIl1 druiggists asud Eotres t50c. bex. Use also Zam-Buk Soep. Best for Baby's bath and for tender s'idu. 2,5c. abet. NO NEWS. Visiter (who bas been going fo-c Vitýe la-st italf-hor)-"You )iikneýw, 1' VnnoV pitysicclhy stroig, but Iv good stayiug powors." ticed titat." A BAD STAIRT. "I dn'tbolevesit'lieveAgu marrieAi "W)hyThotl" "Me frend haentare e-

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