this matter ispromptied by a B.en1se ES ZAR 111 E CAP _F OM EL PI CRSE0F of dutiy to, my people, and isi no hvmy deepest spympathy, both soso eEat 1v SiOlwic' yorank of thU Winc olwe, hike mys-f te negatr C paid no attentinn toeac-: Th-ia Enenyý fault than bfhaigeený bnin ings divine. (I~.moIrnI i second wife o! our- father accord- While thus, they were growing pre- "Sp~ k~e i cldren -of Israel, Crime in society is laxgely the in5 MIfOîg te the inepetto of 14 cupun rn blld, saying. V1,p1 -t eut for you cities product of leisure. Most of the or-Ir l; a Tbe, esum tpead ther dol ! TieKn Yen HaveAlasB gtad hchasbe cf efue. Joshua, xx. 2. diaymoral lesions could be UI I-~ The, e-,_iosed cpo!m ltersîl\ er and gold, in. use for over 30 yeùarsý Liasý boneth "ery i-ndiv-:dLial 'soulNhas a his- eired by-,- awing woed. 'ý ,fntr ('ofisAd sd hl tep so ofi,, th,,-Os date to rehug Ueur mfCam n sd hi~ ah fd-ad ha benmd ndrh-pr to Ver'y sintiilar to chat of soci- Te ecd iyc reue A famous scientist states that Consti- 'is respedfiully stbitdfer, y our struetion tbey trod, naspevsosncitcy et. caîducci. cied order. 1 find that if 1 do pation, or non-actionof the bowels, causes 1informnaüio. Cpe haebn Th selbogtfrhfomAononeodeiv ina Amon th uncentJeu s thçy not coipe myseif te system and more deaths than ail other diseases forwarded to iih Archisho_ý1p of the Temple cf God. Ail Counte-rets lmttosad"uV=sgo"aeb- hditieýs cf refuge,. The rash regular hours I get nothing dione cOmnbined. Constipatterbnryamethe ationer oft Rhematsm poiscs there biood and others, and theý samill aise The king te the hegisof ambi-. infants and hirnEpeineaana xeiet thouýght,, mîght fiee to anv une of teit likel-it you coul"]d put it in, your causes Headaches, Neu1ralgia, Nervous: oe forwarded to thle pubici press, tion attained, teeand he, safe, troini the wrath o! eye. The gr-eatestl_ huimbug looso ness and Insomnia. together with ie ofý aIl corre- And then came a vision by which iie paeoplun who. Thus had reis hs inspiration. Pei haps this sh.ould Constipation is caused by a weak or sp nec no m ko 1ofdn he_ r, ai d bequliid hu:ocasoal in- sluggishliver. flile,theonlypurgtv ia.Frtrethe wa il f hdpaac inadmlerosinfrherspiration is a humbug. o! the body, is secreted by the liver, Fo"Yo n h aloft6plc -nadmd ,>oisofo1th1 rwhich in turn shouid pour ont itito the tior afltontirohr e saw Castoria is a rmesubtutfoCaor01Pr. on wcakn<ass. For the divine affatus hs a stream intestines sufficient bile to mnove the "ON" What filhed him n îth feelings of gôene, Drops anld Soothing ýsyrUps. ti lesn. For ma'i's intelligence mnay be- that runs in greeves, as inedal bowels. Unless the liver is active, there "To King George Y., wonder and awe. contains neither Opium, M1orphine or ter aeoi ~ ~ ~ b gagc hy hipnwcdg fendablen, mto be troaind dcre canot el reugli bile Cnpti on th BciganP1csusacIsae1 t uaate tdsry hii, own sot-omirngs than by tihedbema etaie uc e bwl regularynontpto "Londo î, S. W." Sfi ange words were there writtei tan ce alla s veisnes its ure lrheaadW C(nrsciousness- of bis own strength. ut certain, hours. The beart has yh resit an iasFv i s [,u And the one pers-on against sibos-e its habits. 1T 1 le world's betwok "Fruit-a-tives", the farnous fruit nue- To say the least, this is cool anid - by par t o! a hia.~ Colle. . It relieves Teething TroublescrsCntpto !olly and enrnity one needs most tei noblest poetry, and divinest pro- dicine, will always cure, Constipation cacualg inot drarnatic, on the Whicbi move-d witb percision ma-, and Flatulency. It assimilates theFodrguatste relieves the congestion-increases the o! it if ayt1ing, finie wiil revea]. The wis,, men o! Babylon s'eeTe Chuldren's Panacea-The Mothe'Fied "I haivetbcrefore my own cities were peUnding axxay soi many hours qnantity of bile--and strength .eus theInteitrum v edno s-t nva; ufrefuge, whitber I fiee toesc, a day. bowel muscles. iyipaal nny--msl.Fr O course, Out o! tee way. hints 5üc. a box, 6 fr$.oortil tate te aeknovledge George as iFeri Daýniiel alonecolthi this~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~o e$in5nn, repcaloe hfadwipr oeat~dmmns2 taldaes r r rialtie, 1-ngland"s legal Kinag anid Emnper- maigepan.C N IEA oe t 1. t d a ro r wF uý atv- r., exp!m E a Irssup in as goocd cehsas I f towu, and mon is not a tread- LiieOtw. _--- itbi courage anid wisdom hie sp ke Bearse the sigof canj buy and woul bave a1l pe- il; utee IVIIe depends upon intr pIetbik t be sber hib indd, eeinghkeit e o bs wrksoo JON TE RETNDEI. DISPLACING TUE COMP9ASS. to tbe king. sef-otrîe ndgodyetht CE-ASES TO FEEL LIRE IT. Ands failed ne o'smsag I av x-n a fme got-ct u, tnpba yssetyuntoî co- h hoc sMie as(hlh The fGyro Coînpas la Poed fore himi tu 'br ng; piand on platforms and, made pîish so much morîe but you ugeta (heChs . ie Relitble Be as fo .urhimenths ,~ pi eacb and lecture fo honest folk, peculiar puise and a blissful sert Byee Chs..BcD0eCl) Temgetcnel si agra rprd :Iellingthem o! contentment witb yeurself, the The abolition of one ef the rnot e! beiný -displaced. The maglietie The words and their meaning bie WHAT THEY OUTGHT TO DO. sanie sensation yeu get from sec- picturesque features o! the corona- compass is easily deranged, that is clearly decîared. As there w-ese three cities o! re- îing a swept and tidy roon. An un- tion o! British kings'bas i-sefrd yt sr eue great" diainag.Ifsv The KîR You RaveAlwa s Bo gli luge ' in Jewry, -so I wiiî give but ordered day is like a cluttered eiesl bii h pa s ofJoai Tis thevc are acopsH,,Io eM ilseF rG rP ohe f mine, fhoughl there a r desk or a frowsy woman. de Guelph in pregenti. sg bi clait Thiser devîc carnesm aaopndH' ed others. The third city cf refuge is called to the thi-one iii rnust dramuathi card o! the ordinary description, "Gi ubrthknge adIn U FrO e 30 Y rs First~~~~~~ a1 foeotiswr. I e. Any man wouild be asia'ucd maunet' during the coo-ainand is placed sin-ularly ini the bin- bast'ce-,s ifs 'J" CNAROMNY7 URYSRT.W work flot because -I like it, for I to, tell bow many v-ie and black- ceremonies o! King Geor)1ge, y.Fo nace Th heiv dsis outd nd <Leel"delarefh wit mieanl- 1 ad at im týiii 1:1ý-witbin the machine in a f ramework igfs'l sý und', wldrather spe-n' money than gaard thougbts haveý'C maint- m maiiy centuries at the. priinr floating on miercury in sncb a way Texe-ghed .in tebocs eanit andIcudu!ath- only, te bc xxarded o3ff by this hcart teeuuyfhe "Kinig's-, Champion"thebaanes ougbly as the nextman ; nor be- ivall. IHow somnetimes ber pros- -c kIýigh1tii full ainor, Mil inxta b h etasoueyn.Ugatfus. ON A NILE DAIBAI alIy as ucaprtrmordil cuuse .I need teo make a living,, for:1 ence and the, teucb o! lier baud ing plumes and ýunsheathed sword vertical and the axis horizontal, nlf, any une can knock off werk: and give peace and avert a panic, as bas ridden inito Westninster Hall1 accordauce wifh the linos laid dowvn iiUTpiarsin'ii declaretb by connsel ýjn 890 MileSl sNt die o be aparaite;some one ivilî ai- if an army with banners bad mev- and xoiced a challene ft qnoe by Foucat, Ithe ei ent rec of hieavien., -a Man in a Rurry. I ae an skaydrg~ ways look eut for the lazy ais ive-11 ed to the succor o! a beleaguered te, deny the rigbf o! the Prince to scetit IY isduonb eans o! 'Thy hemz4)i divided te othersI bc crowned king o! the realm. - a smî îcrcmotor at 2O,ÙiOO re * "If a man wishes te take a course Or daler i eîîe hti 'suton a'n piputer afraid net te, voi-k. ,1A good bachelor must be either Here would bave, been an oppor- vou this a instute ttet The meis-ge thus sp,--heun was swift- in advancing by going bcwr otPP as fork 1he sipc:bt hecsë In m an ci ogadnbemn ratiYfrtye.o tru ~ 1 fiîled and in hastening by sitting stili," for painsinte oisath lunr epc msi n masrogadnbemn ratnt o h Pic. ns geographical and flot the inagnofie1io-MsCe0 atpaewifh tee infinife witbout bliodes paste. Most o! us are î-esideut, o! Los Angelles, Califor- Iot gidctd hlmroe orb h -vdes es-za asa-ie nteCnrga " r e a ý )i h n 1 ý W e t w o rk n e it b e r eu e n oir thk ierileden a,. t a g n c h a o ld n a list a n d C h ristia n W o rîd , le t b i nm g a n ie a)n1i vi 1 me ul bn at dare sîmply hu ,an-d a human man doulit becomne historice . it is not affected by the metal i' try to, sail Up the Nule in a daha tell 1 htD.Toa'El-ti the ship as is the ordiuary magnet- aut yoult oo meta t eb i ngrae ehdta t tatouf mnerely to lis e a life needs a wife as a, locomotiveieeds It woui-d scarcely be possible te ic compass. BuAt fniel tee wereqo restire. When other. The isaso foins st cf-f ease; I wouîd ho afraid o! Mr. an engineor, to prex eut a wreck, imagine the c' o.isterniatien amlong The gyro compass i, it1e inventionAtfr weeersiv.W nohr T 11Hyde. Work hs simply the salva- as welI as te, make him go. the assembled -royalty, the lords e! some German seuisand in For fatfli in- ourpose ho al- the rver fook a great-curve and we -it possessegearhein u1. tio eote euh nt osiby n Tes cpis ! efue ndthseandlaie o te and ad heth lad ! fsorgînexautie 'as rmane: 9tnd nrpiou pontd u te festha ay thr il anes'îe]cl ene oaa leastbl in arsfndnyso!hvigen'laihndrrsetaivso!tndord' thtsteav ptehittehS telannde xh irctofte au n Nrh ta nsea ! heSuter cem en 'e, becauýse- if saves me perhaps, upon the reason wby 'ors, if on this Occasion, thêe Chai- able that if is now being initrcduced tile wAMil Cross, we feit v r,,onged. We want-I F-OR IFHG AS net foni tho'ological borrors I there is iinserted info the Lord's longe o!fere chamipiont s!Ould into the Germnan nav,%. The Brit- Hae saîcd J flic, ÏiLfeous, "they ed tu go sentbi au ir ýe were gomng1 1-owutbing about but !rom my-1prayer the petifien: Iho the signali frýoeeu u tn isb Admîralty propose te subinit ner.1 shah;v fait" son wilc prodaceün lage andmor sef wib sa horror that "cornes "Lead us n-ut into ternpfation, up and proclaim, "ntenn he neto osacig trials. T.wXSI. trogression. perfect pVýigsta avr euge hm temeni's ues and bos- but deliver us froin -evil !"John George Edu-ard Il. uep, Theone obvious-weak spot is the loaSain Ot,11.'Thewnerstn o!i u ta ftuul Oui-S." f DR- FRIANK CRANE. rex et imperater de jure, 1 hI rotation e!) the disk. Shouil tbis ed our provui1iug fai nind ijute al tatmtt as alpg crowned King o! Britain and would becenie rînreliable in opera- NAT URE STOPS week on suha curve ut Korosko. perfect systn !buigfrth DUTIES OF SHIP'S PURSER. I walking enclycopuedia. For sýome Iieiand and o! Eîiiejor- o! I-nýdia.*' tion, wbile dependeuce upon the eil-_ We asked the( r-eis (captain), a n'iz- winter. 1 time I ivas in a bout thut rau to prince John lia- ïjis iî 3sces'ered ectnie motet' might arouse nliisgii'- en'e h iays«- lt -oed olilXaaotifai osi Springpi$cn etlngvr J l a la y u ie -i lw v il the coast of N nîway, n di the ques- that- the Royal Court o! ClaiSs, ings. Ibs is fot the firFt atferpt li wa fuilfi,- the ift y1 a. m d an o re u .ltien tht I was asked more often held t the C et-ontioi- ef Edyoard te supplant the ancient rempass, Do YOU feel th'af you sirnply can'f "i astJocbs !ha ulfJosph f d in wil whunts etr ex et 1 iu t e d ut e o s a- on tha an other w as "W hV at ine V lII. s t e speak -pu one ov and w ether if null m e t ivif any go a y farth r- t bat yo iî us uav 1 e sh f e y a r bo t r a e s an earth bas a meretig nbed thn aes tache inite that tse sun - m," by declaî-iug tfie office o! greafer measure o! sces th erst for thuf lame an d aching back 1Egypt in a state o!* terrible f amine- -a sbip's purser, says a wri ts atte, in n t ithat the Ku ýing's Champion extinet, so fliat other effor'ts in the saine direction -relief from that constant dead- ai nd the n be wter o! tine come an pedimta hgi twendn-fe ers. 'te haroeve set thre firedu feeling-fîeedonm fromn thicse to the Southland seeking a suppiy. com anpr Lodo usçr. For the 1lasftb pa1ne îoka ot.uw the rival claimalît înighfi as time alone eau showr. taiug duriîi pains h ha wtr o tvcaclto- INý iben th1 base beend in ivel seud bis trusted eniis-ary to tbigdainpisNlende tdo noEgyt that -cpct on is ufewe hr asbe o aturc's warniug that the Nd n e fdu noEy t aveuger bynauebt eco- thf apciy umany first-cîasso okt o h usrgtsn tîtow bis gag ut the feto! the 'triding 1imself -on ý-,ometlîiug wbieltii hrvsbte o enfe inail-boats, and I amn paid for be- of for to dor th-re ugts no megutherium in the muiseui-n. A kitchetn goldeil nuIle iN te Ciean kîducys are the rois sispposo-d te ho eue o! those and idceu srrani 1 inig polite and courteouts, whaterer' gie o woo he ngt.Iving eut and r-orakable nheels descibe y Fe ag o osde o happens, if sbould be easy te, see 'l a h aineo teml-srbdb rer tha te lteo!a prsr s nf ilest of mon if, affet' sucli an exper- te b-e King, becauise, hoe says, that la-ber sud fatigue. you h elp o!hBet h, adape as a il. tc b a mn n tho ih asad hog bee Iau she ites ecf au heure ue turin autl King Edward, wîile Prince et Kieyo Pilîhs "Hote s a bvele.aya i to the nho's focs Ifayo h w uadpo bis bunk te, be asked if he tbought Wales, alvmrre a. gir of Kiie ands "Hen lie traeed Ktîroakd niht,1 nveyig coue -rt c p fec rigth fa o de a d pe oe t e ship w ere, g ing t ro l or noble am ily, and flut lic was hein thide y u ra e ed . bamý,h e xc eod n l weary s- an _ E b ui e pe f c ]y t gb , and w t os oad in agterncrhe wwhfeerlihe lige upanea- ! ha uio. CI TI A u iey iaahnrdebe rope ofep. Tiefhe-eceletnir !n11.at5~ ptstauteihmalaoti.raýnge a dock cricket match, -please. '11e claims, that Queon Victosia0AY"'la11 The. smi]e with which the purser coielled E-Award fo senounceethat EXPECTED DEATH ANY AYcne tre is w1we sîrer d de au befoeio auatre hsl ne Mi ujcossaof smiling, or-eupr thaf ocudrcvrita aeti atr fooking grav, aeorî te whjat ireplies on those occasions is hiable mr' 1agel and kept tee ,siowxldge W"---'-etsorks thec bard- j errti curecve n itheý rixe, e!À: mat t-le ircmsancesdemnd au t a itlestraiued. The pur- e! IL fsiuhewîd Auother Case -Whr nd gives ouf firsit. Thle kidnev7S corstc re, anow d oc oui',( wof ITRN(EPLCF O eevicigthe piissenger that the ýset s1u eadi htteps eei h etsCepinrt Was Saved and Hlealth w r uih u aadntrly "e nee amazed te icee O The. scenintceo a u griraco ulhe enes dat uysonger goos away and says the pr- and mailed to King George : a li!0 o! unusual activîty doubles reacising Wadi Rai! a in teSudun i and flic ofiese01ecutpe cest, if posilblermvda ser is eune o! tise nscesf meu hoe My Dean Bi'utier George :- Iltrdb Nriie"tèduiso h iny n n c)The ifompais saible. ud bsevr et"thugi1o ifl kwa y ntnton t hve Retre b 'Nevlie. teduie o tokines u i Itht ny ueote dhaeuish eedngf aplt ! iotee r Th cmpaitsae eid nfýinie the strain tells. The kidney s sailed the 8()0 miles frorm Caire, in a case upontesoi yn wonoruiut ures su dspaythe dreauns that flic purser may haie taken the unecess-ary stopis f0 ace give eut sud naturse cries "stop " the lust trxenyyrsmastefitisaceoiskn. mestl extraoî-diuay inrne a udri i er lc oît fi -'Calege" o! flic It is because hoe £0015 it his selemn Bo ' inyPlaa- odb Ont' daiahbealu beau-s the naine Cases havebenhadial ot Quiter ignorancee. o!ou lonuaî-s a esmistrHal iiNeviin catVito Pa-re, naks ospad ro TseGzelesu bass ha tehaseb !ofer laer A!e rcîpl g a ietrcnl naprnliti u pparentiy so amiable. "Kiug's Champion" ut the pre ýduty te tell le the wor eorrs,50 Ltd. Foi-t Erre sw!est heels bo!s la oub hleNe ius b a eyiIh whne isene avoiding the RIed Sou. lives is that at the beginniug o! icunnection witb the fortiilting years I was iu the Royal Mail setrvice, Ouf. There is ne pili just us good. She is 8o feet in l-ntbas pleas- ho examined, eamgsrt u uahiy log voye rte wboer li-.-.oaton itha ie t appeala aud ini ail lcinds of n-eather had te Seud for a Fe-e box. Tbe test wilh anu1t statesoorils foi- ns ail and a, the parties u, etd ott i We ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 nos-e int those waters peopl~lngvoa e wh 1usr i onatof iî to appeari -eet cheoi niuht tres Dm as celd e tIhe truth o! eîr statemet. p-tysen.Somewhere she bas ps'ivafe bouss-ihus o ut J soke aJi, 1 told him se, but pepe igf h !hns,~--~and exposure breuglîr on adiatica that prospetyslon clalyIid Pot bohieve mue tunfil hoe niei s"h efc eid a-id chu aIry o! the people o! the affected niy left side. Sunietinies au ofdi s"h efc eey_ S'slJ auJ gunrantecil, in BoInng kthnsdiundrN, sun ceie naplc or o h ieh cererîsoni-. un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it thut ,inn Kirron Ont. Pt I------- - um suoee 1ffui î-yî Extracor indige tion , aensd utnw ey "B-j u t eut huilqos ady hîo haty argo 'f tp f li"aaý rs un Is Cue mposase soduigm fîe i oe tr thnd Pa the 'Burta o!u nrü uy t Wc îilru Imci fi'î -kp~~ ouete Ir eicig to Opotcin 'dhWs uùw-r tIe. Reue mee's V gtul ui. Teyac by spu li a i 'II,.i' ~ ,î1Ni, a k g i i m t e o f s p n i n , m y e c ti o r i n O R N E X T R A C T O R U eb t h e m -o s d d li a t e i y>w o sÇ, u t i e e g s , r e j i,& ýl