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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1911, p. 8

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OU Eastern Ontario and Montreal boys and girls expect 'Santa" around when, the snow flies. This year the- biggest Cereal Firm in the British Empire has induced Jack Frost's old, churn to appear now... A hot job this for "Santa" but a pleasant one. be- ca-use-he's giving away dandy littie Sh-,etland Poiny "Tu-rnouts" and Diarnond Rings to boys and girls who love ponies. Wouç,,ld yo-uIlike to get one? Go to your grocer and buy two packages-one Toate CrnFlakes, Zand on-e Toasted Wheat Flakes When you get home cnt bottoms off --aýrLons and mail to us. You'l have very pleasing information by return mail-inside information that will show you how to secure these splendid prizes for yourself. They'll only cost the win- ners a liattle time and a littie energy. And your chance is excellent right now, On July 101hI we gave away three of these beautiful ponies and,_outfits complete to the boys and girls of Western Ontario, Let us tell you whÏat they think of the f air-. ________________________ ness of theý, contest and the prizes. Namne..........................------ N.B. Fi incopn mail Street Address..................... it to und er-mient-ionred address, and let us en- City or Town ---- - ---- ------ roll you as a contestant. ______________________ CONTmî,-iEST DEPARTMENT, ORANGE MEAT CO., KINGSTON D31i TIIROUGH TOURIS7T PULL- MAN SLEEPERS TO W'innipeg and Edmonton, froin Tor- onto il P. M., July il and 25- Aug. 8, via Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Very low rates. Winnipeg Exhibition Dates July 12-22 THE POPULAR ROUTE TO Musk;1oka, Lake of Bays, Temagami, AI- gonquin. Park, Georgian Bay, Kawar- thia Lakes, Magnetewan River, French River, etc, L-ow round trip tourist rates. Convenient train service Literature and fuit information from any Grand Trunik Agent, or address A. E. .Duff, Distýrict Passenger Agent, Toronto, Secuiretickets and full informa.tion from _jury & Loveli. MON,'TRE'AL - QUEBEc LVERPOO by tth ti winantrpesew tams ÎCANADAMANU D'51 A MYýIE C",A NT IC £I r)e' ', CAR- 21SEVI, A0RDN iAX-e.MýU"M f ACI'î'1IjESP- Replete, W;ih thlatsi evcsfo esi ý exeinecan devise.Cosdrooms ~~A iy ENFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Port Perry, visited at Mr. jas Giibert's; Master Levi N iddery Hampton, visiied friends here; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey and Miss 'Verna, Kin- sale, at Mr. Eliis Pascoe's; Master Russel Gniffin, Enniskilien, at Mr. T. Wotton's; Mr. John Campbell has beeu visiting ai Toronito; Miss A. M. Robertson has been engaged as teacher for S. S. No.,i5 .. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith spent a day with some friends in Nesiieton at Lake Scugog recentiy..Mn. and Mrs. W. G. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith along with a few couples of young married peo- pie from Enniskillen, spent Saturday at Prout's Landing, Lake Scugog. Mrs W G. Smith was the oniy iucky onie to catch a fisli. FaIl Term Open Aug. 251h in lte Poptilar andProgressive Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. TORONqTO, ONT. tt tt ienti nou u ,larg"e catalogue1, W~~~~~~ý' riet, aifron.5]ajofferedOUnr gradute, bis ea lrerran ever befure. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princip al. CLLEG BELLVILLE, ONT. Se~teber th, 911.For Calendair Prnial Dyer, D, D. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barite, , Soicitorg, Notaries Publie. A. K. C0ODMAN, D. C. CALgRAITH 508 Lumsden BIdg. Yonge & Adeiaide-sts. Toronto. Ontarîo. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS PICTURESQUE SI. LAWRENCE ROUTE Montreal to Liverpool. FAi Jun'.23 Victoria,î Frt. Jniy 21 liii. Jvne30 Cursican Frt. Juiy 28 rui. Jliy Y7 Xirgiian Fni. An.u 4 Fni. .uly 14 'funisian Fni. 1g.i S Montreal to Glasgow. Sat. Jîue 24 Hesperian su. juiy '2, Sat. July 1, lonian Sat. Juiy 29ý Sut. July 8 aui a.n La. Ans ý. 5 sat. Juiy 15 Seu-ijan Si. A ilg. 12 Mfontreal to Havre & London This Service la composed of one clasa, second, cahin steamer-s, sailing fnom Mon- treal every Saiunday, rates moderaie. For fu panticulans of rates and sailings apply t10 lY.A. JAMES, Bowmianville, Ontario. A JULY WEDDING The ýmarriage 0f issJessie M. Hicks, daughter ofM, Jacoli Hicks, and Mn. George W. eneyoffteMLuhi iook place ai beredne of ic ubnîdc% bmo;tbr-ini-laiw, Mn. Ale-x. Walker,ý Pinnai- ciest,-BilviieatII o'clock Thunýisday monn.The cenemrony was Iperform--ed liy R:>eV'.1Dr.Bisbop, pa1stor of Briîdge-st, ebo iachncil i e presenice of a largo umerof tihe 1moat intimate fienids of the bride, whio was dIressedl in a gownl 0f V, iie satin witb výei1 and oranigebo- sm.Miss Violt Hny Toronto, wals lnesad dessed in whitemaqiet ovn whte slktTe ieian was Mn. NomnHenio-y of Oshawa. The sln di-d dipaef preýsenIts wa-s Lasuent testi- mony, 10 tice stem ilaic i2 !e bride and, groom are cld Hbyheinnueru fninda Te hpyCouple lefi on the 1.0tri or tic e ýst7 , hene thieir lioneoy- moon il le pot, afier i ICh theýy Vil takec up he rsicnc l Ohaw.-,s BOWMANLlY LLE, J ULY 20, 1911il SOLlNA. Miss Mona Vice lias reiurned freon vis- iting at Niagara Falls......... J.' Won- niâcott as been i il...Mn. S. E. Wenny lias instalied a hrydraulic ram to pump the waien 10 bis liaruis.. . .Master Wîifrid 'Werry, Monitreai, wiho lias been visiting ai Roseiandva-àle, l ias: gone 10 Pont Stanley .. _Recent visitons: Mn. Herbent Scott, Tyrone, Mliss Ethiel Bragg, Providence, at Mn. T. Baken's; Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Dan- deno and fam-iiy. Bowmanviile, at Mn. J. Reynolds'; Miýs inene Argue and râccc, -Miss-ibbons, Toi onitoçat houiw, -Mn. W. Morris, Enfield, at, Mn. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. Leo. jxelFrntai .jas. Vice's. Sons of Temnperance are liaving a raii Fdy niglit. If you are a mem- berlie on baud. Good program and three gallons of ice, cream. EI-NISKILLE14 Misses Emm!-a Potier and Clara Tnibe, Toronto, are hlidayiog with Mr. L. Pot- ter...Our Raspbenry on Sommer So- cial passed off very successfuily. Good attendance. Pnogram by Goodyear Or- chestra, Mi.ses Ril-1-da Siemun, Eva and Ruby Pascoe and Esther Stevens, witli short addrcsses hy Revs. C. W. Banret and J. Robeson, waàs thoroughiy appreci- ated. Pnocýed1s about $32 ...Rev. Mn. Robeson wýýas caiied to Toronto Monda liv tbeheai of a utile grandison there..L A numenicof y ounig people fnom bei e on- joyod a picnic ai the Woodiey Milis, Hay- don, last weck. -.Satunday the young mannied people and a few unmarried oncs- spent a pleasant day ai Caesanea'pico$dck- ing and fishing. Mns. Will Smili was fontunate enougli 10 catch a fine fiali. .. Next Sunday evening a son of Rev. Mde Robeson, from the United States, wili oc- cupy the puipit bene... Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Lee and Misses Cliristina Sanderson and Hazel Pascoe speni the i2ih ai Lake- view House, Caesanea ..Receat visitors: The Misses Potier, Toronto, ai Mn. iJas. Morey's: Misses Mary Smiith and Soie Hall, Cartwright, ai Mn. Nelson Suny'i's; Mn. and Mns.'Wm. Stainton and chi iren witli friends ai Orono; Mn. and Mr-sT, Brown and ciiuldrn, Onono, a-t Messrsý '. J.Werry's and! Wm. Siainton's; Mrn, Mrs., Ed. Werry, "Roselanvae," pcnY Sunday ati\Mn. Jas. A. Wenny's; Mn. Branscombe,'Tononito, anid Mrs. Wilson, Ciaremont, ai Me-sars. Ha-,rrison's and C. E. Stewari's; Mn. Allient Stainton, Ton- onto, with the home fricnds bene; Miss Grace Slimon spent the week-end witli Miss Florence Clomens, Tyrone; Mn. aad Mns. Clarence Bain, Taunton, Mn. and Mrs. H. Douglas and daughten Boatrice, Bunketon, ai Mn. F. W. Loe's; Mn. and Mrs. Eber Sandenson and childncn, Osha- wa, and Miss McGiil, Janetvîlle, ai Mrs. F. Sandenson's... Amer Herring is iii with pleunisy. OSHAWA Mn. L. K. Murton recoived a message Saturday i eliing of li e satety of bis son Harold,wb is in the Poncupine Distnict. .. Mns. (Dr.) Hlawkeyandhonfaîher, Mn. HadIcy, of BeIvideeity, Ii'iî\, Lhave been visiig ienbosisMr. and Ms W. L. Law.. Miss Evelyvn White, Hmtoand Miss M\ary Hal have heen visitig thieir cousin, Miss 1,dns .Law ...MissMitchell, Winnipeg, i s guest of Mrs. Geo. Eva..... Mr. Geo. Hený,iey, onganist and choir lead- er of Sîmicoe-st Meibodist chuncli, was presentedtwith(I a handsome silver tea uro by the choir mnembers pnion b bhis mar- niage.. .M'\essns. Norman Henley and C. W. Detenbeck attended the Honley-Hicks wedding ait Bellevillc Tbursday ... Mayor Sinclair, J. S. Beaton, A. Dnew and J. Cooper aiienided the Imperial Council of Mysiic Shninenýýs Convention ai Rochester ... Mayor Sinclain's brother, Rev. N. R. D. Sinclai ro-f the Preshyterian- chuncli, Cochrane, loi is churcli, bis home, ail of bis books anid effecis in the recent fine, but wïtlh bis wife and chiîdren escaped ..Miss Ray Parr, Toronto, is visitingý Miss Louise H-fawkins ..... Mn. and Mns. T. Hl.Evso retunned Friday fnom their trip throuigh the Nonthwesî ... Mn. Gor- don Buniker, wbo bas been ieaching la Saskatcliewani, is boiidaying with bis par- ents. ý,..Mns. J. Squires, Toronto, is vis- iting r7elatives in to..... Mrs. R. Arthur Wriglit, Boisevain, Man., la visiting ai lier fatlier's, M.W H. Kinby, We3imount ...Mns. W%. A.- Kinby and litile daughten Marion, PonitiaLc, Midi., are visitiag lien parents, Mn. and Mns. W. Adams and oth- en relatives.... Mn. P. Douglas aod son and two dauglitens, Chicago, Ii., are guesis of bi's niece, Mns. F. E. Luke, King- si . M. .Iiss Stella Houlden, who reconi- ly resigned lber position as bookkeeper' with ibe Williams Piano Co. was present- cd wiib a henidsome cabinet of sterling silver by the finm and a nicli eut glass waten set by the office staff .. .. Miss Gra- ham, Ciaremioni, bas been guesi of Miss Stella Houlden ... . Mns. W. A. Haro and daughier Hilda, Toronto, are visiîing ai ber fathen's, Mr, Geo. Rice ...Miss Mahelle Goodmnan bas noiurned home a'ý- ton spending ie pasi m onth witb lier sis- MisesLiziean CanePanto- o. liasrenndhm allrapesn ii Cih Ms .Hwe...lts vewnb Collingwood, s vstn irduh ,Ms (Dr.) G M.,T ...i . M r. .R. Lýavis quey,~~~ l DeoEgad esailed via the RylE'ad n cf th C. N.-Rs aeiw bas 0Bitl HAMPTON. 1LAKEVIEW CAFE-Ice creamr, ice cream sodas, SundSs, chocolaieýs, canidies, nuts, fruit. Oysters in season. Best of accomodation for the travelling public. 25-tf A. E. Jennîings. Miss Pearce, Toronto, lias recturned home after a pleasani visit wiih fins. . Mr. W .Baey Waterlo, visi 'ýted ai Mr. C. Hora's ...Miss Litta Ruse, Tor- ento, is home for lier hoiidays.5 ev- eral fnom here attended the excursion to Rochester Friday. Two of the young men did not reiurn ...Mr. Frank M.* Bnown entertained a number -of bis oid schooi mates while home on lis holidays. -ae--returied te Newcatl-Sat-urday-j.1 Several from here visited Mr. and Mns. rToelie free frnm sick headaclie, billitous- ness, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pis. Strictiy vegetabie. They gelatiy stimulate thie liver and free the stomacli from bile. NEWCASTLE. Methodisi S. S. picnicked ai thie Lake Fr'day.1 Rev. Fred. Farnlcomb, Stayner,hlas beeni visiting oid friends here. Mr. Cecil Carveth recently shipped a- bo it $1500 worth of wooi. Rev. R. W. Allen, Port Perry, receniiy visited bis father Mr. J. K. Allen. -IAfter mucli discussion il, was decided tcontinue the Higli School here, _Mr. Wm. Batty, and wife, Oshiawa, ne- cently visited bis sister Mrs. Martin Ar- g-alil Mr. W.vý W. Jardine, retiring Higb School Principal, is removing bis family to Wards- ville. Mr. Ricli. Kaierson and wife, Hampton, necenilv visited bis sister. Mrs. S. W. Wben Hoiioway's Corn Cure is applied toe a corn-or waris il kilîs the roots ýand cailosity comes ont wiihout injury to the -M'n. S. A. Perrin bas found no trace of the burgiars wbo recentiy robbed bis jew- elry store. Mrs A. W. Carveth bas moved from Orono into Mr. W. Pickard's residence on Beaver-si. - MVI. Goodail had bis ankie injuned ln the biacksmitb shop recently by a honse stepping on it. Miss Reid, Orîllia, who gave an address to the Meihodisi W. M. S. was guest of Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Not one in twenty are free fnom some littie ailment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pis. The resuit xiii be a pleasani surprise. They give positive irelief. Mn. and Mrs. Reynolds, Britisb Colum- bia, Mn. and Mns. Andrew Moffat, Osha- wa, visited Mrs. W. Toms. Mn. Asa Gibson, Standard Bank, Pen- hoid, Aita., and Mn. Alian Gibson fnoma the west are liolidaying at home. Dysentary Corrodes the intestines and speediiiy eats away the iining, bninging about dangerous conditions that may cause death. Dr. J., D. Keilogg's Dysen- tery Cordial..clears the intestinal canais of thie germs thai cause tbe infiamation, and by protecting tihe lining from furtlier ra- vages nesto)res tliem 1teleaitby condition. Those subjjeeto1 dysentery should not lie wïthout thus simple yet powerfui remiedy. OROMO (1Pronz Teflc es.) Mr. Stanley Parker la visiting bis moili- .....Mn. David Moffat- and famiiy have moved 10 their farm, tonmcnly owned by Mr. Geo. Davidson ... We regret 10 learn of the serions ilinesa of Mrs. D. Jones of Gainsboro, Sask>..Mn. A. Henry visit- cd in the city ...Mn. Addison Rickaby, Toronto,, was home recenîiy...Miss Kate McKay la visiting lier parents at Un- derwood ..Miss Kate Locke Wiiliamson, la visiîing fIonda on the sixîli lin .. jMiss Greta Pope, Toronto, la. visiîing lien uncle, Mn. E. Piador.... Mn. A. W. Ma, guire bas returnerl 10 flgany,' Aita.. Miss Jane Knox lias, gone te Toronto 10 undengo an oporation....,.........Mrs. Joba Hughes, Newtonville, visitod lien daughier, Mns. A. Henry. .Mns. (Dr.) W. G. McCulloch lias nturncd home from a proionged viait witb fnienda ...Mr. Douglas, Thompson, Toronto, visiîed bis grandfaiber, Mn. Win. Tbompson.. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Lord, Camplielicrofi, visitod frienda bere roccnîly ...Dr. W. W. Andrus of Myles City, Mon., visited old frionda bore nocently.ý-,Mrs. Thos. Hughes and Mns. Oncliard, Bowmanville, visited ai iMr. John Edwards' .... Mn. Fred Stapies, of the Gordon McKay Co,. Ton- onto, is hloidaying bore... Mrs. Alfred Truil and Mrs. Herli. Russel, Millbrook, wene guosts of Mns. A. A. Gamsliy.. Mn. Harold Rickaliy lias been engaged as teachen of one nf tihe Barrie public schools .... Mn. C. W. Vinson, Montreal, Que., an Orono old boy, visited fnienda bore. Clan- ence, wbo is an expert pianist, is emplo3 cd with tbe big Goodw.in firm, Montreal, de- monstnaîing music ... . Mns. Graham and -family, Winnipeg, are visiting ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. josephi Campbiell...Miss Lucy McComb, Toronto, accompanied liy Miss Valada Raibay, Port Hepe, la visit- îng, ber uncle, Mr. Thos. ModCom .... Mrs. Arnold and dauglîter, Miss Ada, and son, Mn. George Arnold, and niece, Mrs. Hel- son and son of Lindsay, and Miss Arnold of New York, wene an auto pa-:n ty recenîly ai, Mrs. X m. A rmstrong's.... Mns. Gen. W. Allan, Petorlioro, gave a pi,-y con July,, ist hi honon of ber sistor, Mrs. Wm. Veaz- i ey, Fleming, Sask. Among thefins oui of town wore Mr. Ailan of Baetn Miss Lizzie Wannan, Kendai, and îMns. Wm--. 1Hooey- and chîdren, Oak'-ý.. Mn. Wm. GUnderwooïd is sponding a pari o!f bis holiday downar,>und bis nId hmKn dL.. . .Mrs. J. E. Richards wasilnJih2 city lasi week waiting on ion sistoer,Ms.Go JolI1, who underweiî an oeainfrts removýnai of a tumior. Weaepasdt learo liai ithe oainwsscesu and sbçe is makingsaiacoyrcey .D.Grayv, p Trnopeaedmo- ing and cvoning in ryeianchanicil Sun'day Vwek ý liaid of KoxCoe-1ge. For Enfants anýrd C__drn Ibe Kind You ve Aî,W a s C Bù'gh; SignLature of ýi We have had a trernendous seaso, anid our stoýck has; become broken, sone lunes did flot' go as uel s we thought they would, so, to clean up our stock, and to muake room for new Fal goods, we are going to make tremendous cuts ail through the store. We want to seli these-,( goods and we are gigto mk the p)rice do) It Men's Suits About 15 men'ssuits, good strong tweeds, in sizes 36 am'd 3'7 only, regular $6 and $7, sale price.............................$3,8 Men's light gray twevýed suits;, three piecýe, sizes ýý3 to 40, reular $10, $8, and 7.5-0, w;hil( e hey st .... 1...... .........$59 Men's two piece sýummer sumits, lighItcorsse 3to4 reua $9, $8q-50, $7.50 sale pric'e.. ..... .................$,0 AIl our regular $ 8.50 Men's Suitsý for $ 59 ý9 10-le.00 ce- " 7.95 12.50 " " 89 15.00 " 1.95 " " 18.00 " C4 13.95I " ' 20.00 e4 " 15.95 22.00 " 4" 16.95 Boys' Two-Piece Suits Sizes 22 t0 28. Regular $2.75 c 3.00 94 3.50 99 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.01%7 Boys' Three-Piece Suits 35 suits three piece good tweeds, sizes 27 to 33, light and dr colôrs, reg. $4 and $3 sale priie................... . . $1.9-5 Regular $3 50 Sale Price- $ 9,.75 4.00 3.25 4,50 3.50 5.00 3,95 6.00 4.95 7.00 5.95 8.00' 6.95 Children's Wash Suits About twenty suits, sizes for boys, from 4 to- 7 years, dark colorsý 1regular $1 and i75c, sale price............................. 25u Regular $1.50 Sale Price $ 1.10 1.25 850 1.00 " / 75e GKRE.AT L'-BARluK"GAINS IN Summer'Underwear $2.95 2.5 25 3,25 3.00 4.70 Regular 50e Sale Price " $1.00 " $1.50 39e " $ 1.15 Fancy Cotton and Lisle Sox Regulan 25c Sale Pnice 19qe &£ Oce 4e 39e, A sanl lot of fancy colons, wort.h-1Up t,e Ocapir , sale pn-ý1 ic 5 Shirts ŽNegligee, ail colons, stift band and cuifs, about 10 dozen, reg.$12 and $1, sale price .......................................... 69e, Soft Shirts, collars attached, rexersible, ail colons, negular $1 Sale Price....... ...............................69 Soft shirts, separate soft collar, double French cuifs, Rogulan $ 1.50 Sale Price $ 1,10 2.00 1.39 2.50 1.95 Washbýties, regular 20 cenats, sale price 10 cents, Ail oui' regular 50c Silk tics, for....................... ............. ........ 39c Straw Hats Great Reductions in Straw Hats Five doz. men's sailor and soft briims, Regular$ 1.25 Sale 1.50 2.00 2.50 reg. $1, 75c, SOc, for,,25e Pnice 79e " $1.00- 1.2 i1.7 Pana-ma Hats iRegular $ Sle rc $39 Great Reductions in MIade-to- Order Clothing been gven te grea redu ti tatthey areputgonnthr Gret Ste.Theereutin are in co!ored tweeds and wor- Regular $ ;1,Sae nc $145 The Anderson Clothiùng Co c 9

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