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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1911, p. 8

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B OWMANVILLE'S CIVIC 1IIOLIDIAY Single are to ai points. Tickets gon)id going Aug, th, 6th and 7th. Tickets good returnîng Aug. Sth. Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duff. District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ontario. Secure tickets and fu information from jury & Loveil. LO. B, 0F QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO. tL.imITED) MAIL AND EXPRESS SERVICE BEI WEEN Rochester, N. Y., Co- bourg, Port Hope. Str. CASPIAN COMMENCING MAY 29th, STEAMER 'Loaves Cobourg ............. 1.30 p. m, Leav es Port ilope,.......... 2.30,p. m. IDaily except Sunday for Charlotte, Ný. Y., (Port of Rochester). Tleturn- ilkg steamer leaves Charlotte at 9.15 a.m., daily exeept Sunday. Full information from ail agents. E. E. NORSEY General Manager, Kingston M.L A. JAMES, J. H. H. JURY, AGENTS, BOW.MANV',ILLE. -1O0Y AL î11A IL ST EAM E RS PýiCTURESQUIû[E ST. LMARENCE ROUTE lMonitreal. to Liverpool. Isi. Jan1e 23 \ ictorian Fri. July 21 F! . 1 Jvue 10 Corsican Fsi. Juîy 28î Nsi. Jaly 7 Virginian Fri. Aug. 4 ~F i. Jnîy 14 Tunisian Fni. Aug. ilz Montreal to G lasgow. Sat. L àune 24 Ilesperian Sat. Juîy 22 dat. Juîy i lonian sat. July 29 Zat. ýJu11y 18 G ranspian Sat. Aug. 5 Bat Julyla scotian Sat, Aug. 12 Montreal to Havre & London Th is Service is composed of one class, second, cabin steamers, saiiing fromn Mon- treal every Saturday, rates moderate. For full particulars of rates and sailings apply loi. A. JA 1MES, Bowmranville, Ontario. OnIy 4 Days atSe Service Sailing Weekly Between ,MONTREAL - QUEBEC -LIVERPOOL 1)y the the twin and triple screw steamers LARCEST, FIN EST, LAURNTIC MOST MODERN LAU E'ET C STEAMERS BETWEEN 'I'l, ECANADA AND EUROPE MEA TI ORCHESTRAS CAR- RIED. TÀUONI1c UNE CLASS CABIN (1j)î VANAA MAXIMUM FACILITIES1 Replete with the latest devices for com- fort and safety, including Marconi and Submarine Signais. The Third Class Accommodation is the best experience can devise. Closed rooms only For all information apply to M. A. JAMES, Agent, BOWMANVILLE. FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS -$10,100 Tr, UIVINNTPIEG And certain points in Western Canada, -iia Chicago,, Duluftb and Fort 5Frncis, ,318.ou addifîonal refturniug. AUGUST 3rd F rom Toront o f0 Sarnia Tunnel inclusive ~'aStraiford and ail stations lu Ontario Souil ihereof. AUGUST l2th -From ail stations noril of but not $ncluding main lino Toroufo f0t Sarnia lJunnel via Straiford f0 sud iucluding tlie ine fnom Toontfo to Northli Ba su weat in Ontario. AUGUST l6th Tnom Toouto usations esa1t in Otn oM,' also os o iliaauSotia J3-ctlu 'omali statins Too!u o cl ay, nd Fves7luOui nlo IBOWMANVIILLE, AUG 3,1911.' ADVERTISE DURHAM' Some of oun farmner readers will ha sur- prised fo leanfiai somne Ontario Count y Councils are votiug considarable suma for advaniising their county's advaufagas. Citlas and fowus have beau doing ibis for years. Prince Edward Council vofed $500; Norfolk county bas beau advertising 3for seima years, aud Lambion flua yaar proposes to apend $iooo. The plan is to place amaîl advanfisamenis lu local counfy and cif y paparas, drawiug attention f0 fie various attractions and possibilities offer- ad by the coisnfy, nequaating ibose inter- aafed to wrif e for information. A foldar contaiuing atatistica, phofograplis aud oth- an information relative f0 dairy and stock induatry, fruit grnwiug, canuing iudustny, cereal, grass and dloyen seed production, special and miacellaneous cropa, gnod nroada, tran ,sportation, manufacturng and business, fisianias, iahor (possibilitias for lahorens and fthe positions awaiting lahon), climata, soils, sceuery, and rasonts, achools, churcias, etc., is sent te0 appli- cauf s. Theasahame is a gond oua and quita worfby of adoption. Northumber- land and Durham iliru grant a for fruit exhibits bas accomplished some good lu booming ibese countias as a fruit district and prices have advanced gneaîly. WORDS OF APPRECIATION. If will ha nemembered fIat the aditor puhlislied, with an accotait of bis necent trip f0 New York, coma parfîculana about The Garden Cit y whicb the Board of Trýade seama f0 hava appneciated as the taxt of thie foliowing would show: Movad by Mn. G. W. Hodgetts and secouded by Mn. C. A. Heason, fIai wbere- as Mn. M. A. James, Senior Editor of The James Papers, fie C-AADIAN STATESMAN aud THiE.BowmANVýiLLE NEws, of Bow- manvilla, on hi-, netuinu home affer a short sojourn lu Is fthe CGardon Cit y of Can- ada, pauned and puhlishad a lengthy, iimely and well writfen article descriptive of oun cif y, ifs manufacfuring industries aud othar institutions, whicli article lias broughf forth considerable comment fav- orable f0 oun cify, and wbeneus tle pub- liahing of suci articles-by newspapen men for othen than financial cousidenation is unusual ; flirefone wa, fia Council of fIe Board of Trade of Sf. Catharines, ap- praciating Mn. James' wonk, lis opfimism, and broa -dmindeduiesa, do berahy tender bhim oun moat heanty thauka, and wheu lie again visita St. Catharines wa hope bis stay wili ha longer that ofli'ers of us may have the pleasune of meeting him person- ally and exfeuding our most hearty greef- ig. St. Catharines Board of Trade. W. B. BuRG-OYNE, T. F. WRIGHT, President. Secretary. JULY WEDDINGS Nolcas - LAMB A pratty but quiet wedding was solemu- ized ai île residance of thie brida'a miofler, 'tns, M. Lamb, Rossai streaf, Lindsay, Wedneaday, whien lier second daughfar Graca Ellen, was uuited in manniaga with Mn. J. H. James Nokes of Bowmauville. The ceremony was performed by hanr brother, Rev. P. Morland Lamb, B. A., of Sf. Cufhbert's Churcîs, Leaside. The bride was givan away by baer mother and was uuatteuded. The house wus tai e- fuliy deconated wifh pink and whitea car- nations, and lillies of thie vailey. At fie conclusion of fie ceremouy, Miss May Lamb, siaf an of fie bride, sang "Because". Afte onhfe weddieg breakfast, Mn. and Mns. Nokes lefi for thii future home lu Bow- mauville. Among flic out-of-towss guests wena Mn. and Mrs. lames Nokes, and the Misses Nokes, Uxhnidge; Mn R. Trelevan sud Mn. T. N. Rickard, Bowmanvilla; Mn. aud Mrs. Richard B. Ankwrighi of Rose- dule; Mn. and Mns. C. J. Lamb, and Mn, Robi. Heflinugion of Fenelon Falls; Mn. aud Mns. J. W. Lamb of Bnacebridge; Mn. and frr. S. P. Lamb of Graveuhurat, and Rev. and Mr&. P. Morlaud Lamb of La- side. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY TORONTO 5 0c AND RETURN PER STRI ARCYLE Bout leaves 7 a. m. Reatunning leaves Toronto, 5 p. m. fnomn East Side Yonge St. Wharf. Coma, and enjoy the sal. Low Freiglit Rates -Quick iDespatch IF. C. PETHICK, Agent, Argyle S. S. Co.1 SFALED TENDERS, eddrossed ta theuder- signed, and edorsed "Tender for Public uilding, U'xhlidge, Ontasi,' will horne- ceivod ai ibis office util 4p. in. os, Monday, August 21, 1911 , for the erection of a~ Publie Building et f'xhnidge. Plans, specificatiais anC foris ofaicontrcacn ho seen antIoinas oi tender- abtaised et this Dopertisuent, on application ta Mr. Thas. A. Hlastings, Cierk ai wonls, postal station F, vonge street, Toronto, Ont., anC ai the post office et xhridge. Persoars tendering are notifieS that tenders wil ual be eansidered ocles sadîe on the priai- ed fanas supplied, and signeS witl, their actuel signatures, stating theis occupations anS places ai residence. lu the casa af iCross, the actuel signature, the nature ai. the occupation sud placeoairesideuce ai each useusher ai the fi mustilhe oj on. Ench tendesrtoast lho accompeuied hy an se- cepted cheque onua charte, roC banlc, payable ta the arder oai th MIrsab!,,lethe Minuster ai Public W anksý, oqual t,, tan-,ipor cent (10 p. .) of the emaunt &ai thetender,,wÎsch ,ill ho fofeitedi if the persantuSrn1,1 Secii ne1111101ta enter ia a i contract ahen celleS-d upan ta, Sda-Sa, or fail4ta comipltethe w ark cout rectoS for. If the tender b ot aacepted the coueiii ho rettorned. The Departusient Saces nat bunlitself teaeccept the Iaw est or any tender. By order, R. C., eboc es Ottas, J uîy ", 1911. Dopartuseut, l CANADIANS AT BISLEY. (Con cluded fic»n last week.) A despatch from London, England, says that when the Canadian sharpshooters sail for hotpe they will bring much gold with them. Some winnings were: Personal Pte. Clifford....... $1780 00 Lieut. F. H. Morris...116 2 Sargi. Russel.... Pte. Bibby....... ..... 121 75 Corp. Mortimer ....... 1o5 on Lance Corp. Trainor 66 50 Sergt. Imat. Bayles..66 on Sergt. Martin.......... 44 25 Sergi. Patterson........ 20 00 Sergi. Carmichael ... 20 00 Capt. Milne........... 16 25 Lieut. W. O. Morris . 15 on Lieut. SpittaI.......... 5 00 Col. Sergt. Hodson . 5 00) Staff Sergt. Freeborn 5 00) Major McLar e.....- Lieut. Meikejoh ......- Staff-Sergi, Hall ........- Sergt. Guilians. Corp. Roberts.........- Team $116 25 184 25 141 25 îo6 25 86 25 121 25 25 00 50 00 15 00 25 1G0 81-25 40 0 -25 10 76 25 20 00 30 00 Io 00 10 QO 30 00 Lieut. F. H. Morris, if will ha seau, waa the higliesi cash winner for the Bisley Team and only third lu personal cash wiuninga. Add f0 bis total cash wins $300.5-his wiuuinga lu kind-fha $5,000 Challenge Trophy, Canada Company's Gold Waich, cupa, cross, medais, badges, etc., and if will ha admiiiad that ha bas made the greatoat record of any mamber of the Canadian Team. EBENEZER Ebanezer will bold aservices lu conneci- son with their cbicken pie supper on Aug. 27-28. HAMPTON4. LAKE VIEW CAFE-Ica cream, ice craam sodas, SundSs, chocolafes, candies, nuis, fruit. Oysfera in season. Basf of accomodation for the travelling public. 25-tff A. E. Janniugs. Mn. J. L. Scott and son Frauk, Toronto, visifed bis siat an, Mns. William Paters... Mn. H. Wilcox la improving bis nasidence with a coat of paint .. .. Mrs. Jesse Aruot lias refurned from a laugiliy visîf ln Western Ontario 4ccompauiad by bar granddaughf an Jessie McDougall ... Visi- tons: Mn. and Mrs. Levi Bruni, Enniakil- Ian, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Cryderman, Brad- ley's, at Mn, S. J. Williams'; Mn. Malcolm, Nesilef on, ai Mn. R. Kaienson's; Miss Irma Sal ane and Masters Harold Salfen and Howard Pniceatai Ceenbank *and Port Penny; Mns. W. N. Brown and Misa Ethel- eau Johns, Macdonald Institufe, Guelph, ai home; Mn. and Mns. C. Blanchard ai Columbus. Are free fnom ahl crude and irrifaiing matten. Coucentrafed medicine ouiy. Carfe's Lititle Liven Pilla. Very small; very easy to take;n pain; no griping; n purging. Try fhem. IVIT. VERNON. Recest visitons :-Mn and frsr Claude Bain, Taunton, Mn aud Mrs Chiarles Aluin and chidren, Bowmauville, ai Mn Eban Millson's; Mns and Misa Holden, Whitby, Mn and Mrs Robant Holdan, Presion, wiih thie former's daughtan,- Mrs E Anuis; Mn Percy Gilbert, Essex, who lias beau takiug a special course ai Guelphi, ai home;,Miss Allie and Mn Orse Gage, Toronto, witli Miss Nellia Hillien ; Rev and Mrs J J Jolinafon, Syracuse, N. Y., wit h Mn A Abraham'a; Mn James Annis, Chicago, and Mn Harold Anuis, Detroit, under the parental roof; Masters Russel and Cliarlia Smith and Misa Lofa with friands ai Kad- non; Mn Jack Yellowles and Miss Ruby Pascoa with friands near Tyrona ; Miss Lydia Taylor home from a veny pleasant visit ai Pontypool... Mn Ed Millson la uudan ilie doctor's cane, aiso another of our youug men? ...Miss Eva Pascoe lias returned f0 hon home ai Blackstock.. -..A few uew phones hava beau inafallad lately .... Suuday Scliool bas sa aned again witli a fair tunnout, Rev. J Robeson tak- ing change. Qtsarterly meeting will ha lield liane nexi Sunday. Cornsaran caused by the pressure of tight boots, but no one need ho froubled wiih tliom long when an simple a nemedy as Hollowav's Corn Cure ia available. DAIRLINGTON COUNCIL TOWN HALL, Hampton, July 28. Regulan session held flua day, membens aIl preseut, Reave Milîson pnesiding. Af- tan routine a communication waa nead fnom D. B. Simpson, K.C., acknowladging receipi of $îoo, account Beacnm soit- filed; from Railway Commissions confirm- ing public noad crnasing Toronto Eastern electric road befwean lois 26 and 27- fiied. W. E. Polland's dlaim for bonus on wîne fance was not eutentained. Alex. Smith's bill for work ai gravel pif was laid over. Clark was naquested f0 notify C.N.R. of daugenous state of bridge ai cnoasing beiweeulofs.28and 29, audG.T.R. nf bad drainage ai Allin's aubway. Reeve and Councillor Stepîseus were authorized f0 have a new fence but lu front of Town Hall propant y. Ordera wene granted on Treasuran as followa: Wire fence bonus- W. Haifacre $2.75; James Countice $4.25; J. Brandi $4.65; Wesley Oka $5.85; W. J. Clamons $7.5o; J. Wakely $7.75; Colin Smith $9; J. Somers $9.55; W. Cann $io; J. T. Cola $10.05; S. S. Bragg $12.50; G. J. Nonilicoit $I2.5o. L. Allun, cament for sluicaway75c;Rice & Co, bridge iron$2.82; J. F. Ashton, naila, $5.50; Pediar Peopleý met ai cuivert fubing $1 1.02; Dr. Slemon, madicai services Si2.75, C, H. Otto, gnav- el $1.40: F. Goodman, gravai $2; J. Don- land, ctay for noad $3.30;- H. C. Boweu, gravel,'53.50; 'Wesley Oka, gravel $5.40; J. Aluin, gravai $5.5o; Jouas Samis, gravai $6.40; A. H. Moore, cedan $11.64; A. Huag- gins, cedan, $22; H. Wilcox, cedan $35.95;r D. B. Simpson, on Beacom suit $îoo. The Council adjnurnied fo Safunrday Auguisi 26 ai 1Oza.mi. HI. ELLIOTT. Townshi)p Clark. For Iunfants ;and ilden 1Th eKinfi y DU H yve Aiways 8Bou"glIj Bearsth signature of, 2ýV SALEM Report of Promotions for S. S. No. 9 Darlington; names in order of menit: Jr IV-Elmer Plunkett. Sr. IJI-Leta Cor- nish. Jr. 1II-Ewart Pollard, Harland McDonaid, Dorothy Punchard, Violet Kiveli, Howard Challis. Sr. II-Clara Pollard. Jr. 11-Laila Wilkins, Leslie Plunketf, Lottie Cîsallis, Nora McQuarrie, Harry Allan. - -Marjorie Collacott. Primer (a) Ethel Smith, Barbara Wool- ner, Willie Woolner; (b) Hazel Plunkett, Willie Allan, Mary Woolner; (c) Elfie McDonald, Willie Cator, Grace Fraser, Walter Branch.', OLGA M. HOAR, teacher. LONG SADULT. Report and promotions of S. S. No. 13, Dariington, for year i91-ii; names in order of menit :- Entrance - -~ Clarence Woodley, Edna Virtue; Jr IV-Everett Virtue; Sr IH1-Ruby Hooey (honors), Harry Smith, Milfon Virfue; Jr III- Percy Byers, Willie Tape; Sr II-Greta Virtue, Reta Hooey, Marjorie Oke, Ethel Smnith, Edith Smith, Cecil Hooey, Willie Virfue; Jr Il John Reynolds; Sr I- iMary Alldred; Jr I-Lifian Stock and Henry Miller equal1, Winnie Aildred, Marjorie Alldred, Kenneth Fraser remov- ed ; Sr Pt I-Hesper Deane, Hazel Vir- tue; Jr Pt I-Francis Farrell, Grace Vir- tue. FLORENCE 0. ANNIS, teacher. HAYDON. Recent visitors: Mrs. David McQuarrie and family, Toronto, at Mr. C. Cooper's, Mr. lmer Siemon Sundayod with friends in Blackstock; Miss Kate McNeiI, Toronto, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, iToronto, at Poalmaster Creeper's; Misses Rilda and Addie Rufledge and Mr. C.. Lowens, Bowmanville, at Mr. S. T. Mount- joy's; Mr. and Mrs, Theo Siemon in Tor- onto; Miss Annie Mountjoy, Cadmus, with relatives; Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Ridge, Pontypool, wifh lier parents; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Poliard, Preston, Mr. W. E. Pollard and Mrs. F. Fitzgerald, Bowmanville, guests at Mr. J. Rundle's; Mr. John Avery at Mr. Wes Oke'a, Enniskilien ..Harvest- ing la in foul swing in this vicinîty, DARLINGTON Visitors: Misses Minnie Tliompson and Florence Burk with frîends at Highland Creek and Toronto,...Mr. Allen Diehi, collactor of revenues for Dominion Express Co., Mrs. Diehi and son Earle, Toronto, have beau holidaying at Mr. Ai- bert Goode's ....Mrs (Dr.) E. Downey and chiîdran, Chicago, III., are visiting lier fathar-in-law Mr. Geo. Downay..... ...Mr. and Mrs. S. Nicholson, Neafleton, with lier sister Mrs. W. H. Woods ... .... Miss Maggie Stewart, Enniskillen, with Mrs. E. J. Burk ......... Miss Nellia- and Master Harley Mason and Miss Elva Power, Bowmauville with Mrs. Arthur Burgess ......... Miss Margaret Oke, with Mrs. Ed Wifheridga, Bowmanville, and in Toronto..... ... Mrs. Wm. Bradburn, Cartwright, with lier brother Mr. Thos. Vancamp. Ask F. H. Mason & Son about silos. Ministers, Lawy ors, Teacers, and others whosa occupation gives but littie exercîse, should use Carter's Litt le Liver Pulls for torpid liver and billiousuass. Oue in a dose. Try ihem. iVAPLE GROVE1 Mr. D. H. Coates, B. A., and Mrs. Coates Brantford, are spending thair vacation with lier mother, Mrs. Samuel Cola . ....Mr. Exvart Everson is -visiiing Mn. Leslie Snowdon.. ......... Mr. George Stevens and wife, Poterboro, recanhtly vis- ited friends liera........... Miss Mar- garai Kerr, town, visited lier oncle Mr. R. Trimbie.......... Mr. Garnet Gil- bank, wife, and child, visitad ai Mr. Fred Hockins'. ......... Mrs, A. Trenouth and Mrs. George Taylor, and Mrs. Thos. Pascoe, Poferboro, recently visited Mrs. Samuel Cole ....... ... Mr. E. J. Moore, B. A., Toronto, occupied fthe- pulpit Sun- day in thie interest of the Dominion Al- liance.......... Quarterly service at Ebenezer ncxt Suuday morning. Sunday school liere at 3 p. ni. and cliorcli at 7.30 p. m ..... ..... How is if thaf south- west of Darlingion nover lias a look-in for a parlianentary candidate? We have timber good enougli for reeves and depu- ty-reeves and vef men who have neyer ýbeen conaidered for even township coun- cillors receive honorable mention. Wliat about Reeve Courtice? He's ail riglit! In the freatmeut of sommer complaints, the most effective remedy that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysenfery Cordial. It is a standard preparation, and many people emplny if in preference to other preparations. It la a highly concentrated medicine and its sendative and curative qualities are beyond question. It lias been a popular medicine for many years and thousands can aticît ifs superior qualifies SOLlNA, Silos, sold and erected. F. H. Mason & Son. Quantanly meeting at Zion Sunday af 10 30 a m .... Recent visitons: Mn. Hanny Falla, Oshawa, ai Mn. W. N. Paacoa's; Mn. and Mrs. Russel Wonden, Bowman- ville, ai Mn. Wm. Wonden's; Mn. Clarence Vicc ai Torntfo; Mn. T. Baker ai Pont Hope; Mn. and Mns. J. A. Wenny, Ennis- killen, ai Mn. W. Warry's; Mn. Cecil Vice, Eani Hill, and Newman Dale, Oshawa, at Mn. Geo. Vice's; Miss Vena Fletcher ai Graudma Hogarth's; Messrs. George W. James and E. C. Higgiubofbam, Bowman- villa, ai Mn. John Baker's; Mn. and Mna. W. C. Wanny and Audrey ai Mapie Grove; Misa Stella Panfouud, Courtica, and Mns. Ed. Rundie and Rutli and Robent of Penn- sylvania ai Mn. J. T. Rundie's. Mns. J. Balson bas retunned home from vîiiing býer dauglitar ai Si. Mary's.... Misa Nora Wenry is rotiurniung home fnom Si. Cati- arines for lier holidays ... . Mn.-R. J. Me- R-essocýkhlas had a be-autfifl ornamenfal fence erected lu frontý of ha spnopat..., Hlarveat la passiug oiff napidiy,, cufiing ha- iug nearlv aIl doue; soDme w7ill finish ibis week. The yieid willbhaveylighf..-.. ýMn. Fred VanNeati s engaged as fonamran wiih Mn, Jas. Cameroni ... About sixiv y young peopfle anjoyed a pleasani fîmie ai Mnfi. T. Bake1r's SaIturda 'y avasîîrg, àif eing MNiss Minasbirnthday ... . Women.'s ,Inatitutai wili hld then reguar meigai thec home of Ml-J. . I kThnsayAu . 1. AIL membens invifed.. TYHONE. Miss Wright, Whitby, is guesi of Miss Florence Clamons..Mrs. Weslev Me- Feeters and son Gordon are guests of Mr. S. Hooper. . .. Miss Lizzie Virtue is with friends in Port Perry ...Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoimes and daughters Marguerite and Phyllis, Lindsay, visifed at Mr. J. H. Mutton's ...Mr. Gilbert Bingham and Mrs. J. I. Bell, Marshalltowu, Iowa, and Mr. Thos. Bingham, Bowmanville, were recent guesta of Mrs. J. Bingham. .. Messrs. Mervin and Herbert Morris are liolidaying at home .. .. Mrs. G. Eastman and daughier, Toronto, and MViss Evelyn Bedford, are with lier sister Mrs. Byron Moore .... Mr. J. H. Hicks, West Toronto, visited bis father Mr. W. H. Hicks. Ail were giad f0 see "Jack come liome again" and were pleased f0 hear bis familiar voice iu the choir Sunday ...Arrange- ments were made Monday evening for Tyrona annual harvest home on Lahor Day. Panficulars later. ..Miss Edifli Woods, Toronto, is holidaying witli Miss Ethel and Mr. Norman Woodley .... Quar- terly sacramental service will ha held next Suuday at 10.30 a.m. Ask F. H. Mason & Sou about silos. Report of Tyrone Public Sehool pro- motions, names in order of menit:- Entrance:-Garnet McCoy, John His: Jr. IV to Sr. IV, Myrtie Moore (linors), Elgin Higgins (onors), Ceeul Ralim, Lance Phare, Roma Phare; Sr. III to Jr IV, Irene Farrell (honors) Breta Hawkey Lornie McCoy; Jr. III te Sr. III, George Rahm, Cedrie Congdon; Sr. II to Jr III, Gordon Farrell (honors) Harold Clemens, Aima Cuff ail; I to Jr. II Irene Werry, (honors) Walter Rahm. (lonors) Edif h Clemens, Mary Richards. Primer f0 1, Marie Werry. E. Rundie. echr M. Stinson ~Tahr NEWCASTLE. Mrs. L. Bennett, PortHope, visited Mns. F~. Benneft. Miss Jessie Anson visifed lier, uncle Wellington Bowen.1 Mrs. Ernest Brooks, Thedford, ia visîf- .ng Mrs. R. Spencer. Mn. F. Vanstone, Whifby, is relieving if fthe G. T. R. station. Mrs. J. R. Fisher and son Emerson have beon viaifing frieuda lu Otfawa. Miss Florence Allin, Bowmanvilie, via- ited lier cousin, Miss Edua Allin. Miss Edifli Uglow visifed Miss Alma Douglas and ofher friends in Toronto. Mrs. Lancaster and niece Miss Teur, St. Mary's, are visiting af -Mrs. Tlios. Douglas'. Mrs. Wm. Mcliosh and niece, Miss Beatrix McIntosh have returned fromn Vluskoka. Mrs, S. Bonathan is visifing friends in London. Miss Lou Bonathan, Bowman- ville visited bore. Prompt srelief in sick headaclie, dizziness nausea, constipation, pain in the aide, guaranfeed to those uaiug Carter's Little Liver Pilla, Miss Bertha Rutherford and cousin Misa Syhil Wood, Toronto, are visiting rela- tives ai Sf arkville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Moffaf, Oshawa, Mr. Chas. and Miss Etisel Toma, Tornto, vis- ited Mrs. Wm. Toms. For the benefif of those wiahing to visit frsends ou Civic Holiday, the Grand I'runk have authorized the sale of returu tickets f0 ahl pointa at single fare, good goiug Aug. 5, 6 and 7, returuing Aug. 8th. For furîher particulara onquira at jury & ..oveil'a, ENNISKILLE14 Rev. T. J. Reed, M. A., and Mrs. Read, Selkirk, Ont., are visitiug lier father, Mn. N'eil Thompaou ... . frr. H. J. Werry and Mies Edifli Virtue eutertained their Sun- day Scliooi classes recanfly ... . The "Daiay Mission Baud" are preparing an enterfain- meut to ho lield ai the home of Mrs. H. J. Werry Thursday evening Augusi 24.... Congratulations f0 Miss Marlon Orchard and Mr. Wilton Sanderson ou succeasfully paaaiug Higli achool outrance axam.... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stainton wlio have beau speuding their holidays witli friands hase have returned f0 their home su Ton- onto accompauîad by Miss Tana Stainion ou a viaif f0 friands in thea ....... . Mr. F. W. Lee lias been q'uite ili for caverai days ..Mr. Percy Gilbert, wlio has beau tak- ing a course ai O.A.C., Guelphi, sinca bis achool ciosad ai Sarnia in Joue, is home at "Linwood" . .. .Recanf visif ors: Mra. A. Hayes, Prince Albert, Mr. and Mra. W. Trenouili, Norwood, ai Mr. C. W. Souch's; Miss Helena Werry wifh friands ai Urono; Mr. R. Atchason, Toronto, wiih Mn.' Jas.' Marny; Mr. aud Mrs. W. Werry and grand-daughtar Audrey, Solina, and Miss Olive Luke, Kedron, ai Mr. James A. Werry's; Mrs. W. M. Wason and children, Warsaw, ai Rav. J. Roheson's; Miss Short- ridge, Bnwmanville, ailMr J. . Virtue's; I a I 1 E BUSTER SHAW PLAY SUIT Long Pants or Bloomers, Blue, Tan, Gray, Plain and Stripe. Splendid Wash- ers, regular 75e, Sale Price.......... 50C Just the thing for the Hot Weather. Ail other Summer Goods selling at reduced prices. The Anderson Clothing CO BO'WMAN VILLE. -~FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA Goiri Additional for Return on Trip I Followind Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd-From ail stations on ail lines on and Soauths of the Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, inclu ding ail stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Detroit and Branch Lines including Guelph sub-division fron Guelph lei South and Brampton South. AUGUST 12tIs-From ail stations North of Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, includiag C.P.R. points, Bolton jet. and west ; also Grand Trunk points, Toronto ta Calendar inclusive. AUGUST 16th-From ail stations in Ontario, Toranto and East, Orillia and Scotia jet. and East on GITR. also Azilda and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 23rd-From ail stations Trouta ta North Eay inclusive and West. AUGUST 2Bth-From ail stations Toronto and East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of Orllia, Scatia Jet. and North Bay. ONE.WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WILL BE SOI)I TO WINNIPEGVONLY Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Goverii- ments will raeet and engage labarers on arrivai at Winnipeg. Free transportation will bc taraished at Winnipeg ta points an Canadian Pacifie where laborers are needied, east of Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, imci di sg branches. and at nue cent a ile each way west thereol la SaskathwnadAbra BOW LING TOURNAMENT DR. HAZLEWOOD's RIZK WON THE UMg- BRELLAS AND MR. ROD. MITCI-ELL'S THE POCKET KNIVES The hast local founnament yet lield on the grounds of thie Bowmanvilia Bowling Association was witnessed by an infenesi- ed crowd of spactators Wednesday afier- noon when aiglitninka entened the compe- fition for four umbrellas and four poaket kuives as prizes. Excif amant began witli the atant and increased f111 the consolation prizea were won atio1.30 p. m. The fluai iug-of-war was befwaen, Mn. Rod Mit- chell'a and Dr. Hazelwood's rinka. Mn. J. J Krr of Kingston was the Dr's lead and lis akili helped materially in the victory achieved. Mn. Jas. Deyman'a nink won the final consolation prizes, aff or a hard fighf with Mn. J. H. McMuriny's rnk. The rinka and scores were: FIRST SERIES J. J. Kerr Geo. C. Roy Dr. A. S. Tilley J. B., Raf lbun L. A. W. Tole Hanny Rice Dr.Hazlewood,skl3 J. H. McMunfry, S12 Geo. R. Mason J. MacConnachie M. A. James F. J. Mitchell Principal Baker Major W. C. King R. M. Mitchell, sk Xi,1 W. B. McMurtny, s 9 W. L . Mallony A. W. Prat J. A. McClellan Dr. Bonnycasila A. Mitchell E. C. W. Meafb John Lyla, ah 16 C. H. Anderson, s la J. J. Mason R. Oshornn John Halyar A. Whit e J._S. Moorerafi R. F. Be1ýifl las. Deyman, sk 10 D. C. Baffa;, sk 9 SrtMI-FÈNALS Dr. Hîazewoodt 1, 3y. H cufys1 R. Mi. Mthls 5J.Demns 3 FINAL S Dr. Iazlewo0od, s17R. M. Mitchellp S 6 FIELD CROP PRIZES. CARTWRIGH1T WINNERS IN COMPETITIOtm FOR STANDING CROPS. Judga F. P. Jackson, Pool county, awand- ed ihese pnizas for standing field cropa, oats boing thie grain selecfad lu Cartwright fownship for 1911 compefifion: i. Albert W. Wright. 2. J. EL. Daviti, M. P. P. 3. John Mounijoy. 4. John Wright. 5.Thomas Stinson. Eleven enfnies were made ENFIELD. Mns. Wm. Shiaw, Pontypool, naceutly visitod han aister Mrs. Alax Smih.., Miss Venu Fiat cher, Ralamazoo, Mich., andà Miss Annie Hogarthi, Sauina, visited re- latives liera... Mn. and Mrs. John Grey Toronto, bave been guassa of An. Arîhur Ormiston... Mn. Silas Tlapp and M,l W. Hicks, Toronto, wene necent guesta of Mn. W. J. Ormiston. Miss Ethel Gl- hart lias beau angagedas t aacben ai Enfield adhool inafead of Miss A. Robertson-., Mn. James Stanka wbo haa beau under tle doctor's cane is impnoving...Mnr. Wmrr. Knapp aften a few minutes ilinesa died of indigestion Sunday monning July 3o ai theaugo of 74; funenaI onThursday ai 2.30 p. m. in Hampton. . ..Miss Annie Mount-. jny lias beau succesafol in passig ifie Enfrauce Exaas. -. Mn.R. Pascoe lias beau visitiig lis dauiglifen ai Rinsale, Oua of flie commnoneat complainte of infants is worms, sud fli oaf effectivec application for fhem la Mothen Graves' Worm E-ýxterm-inaftOr. BURKETON The personal effects, chattels, stock, im- plements and farm of the late John Smith, first concession, Cartwright, were offered for sale by iuction on Tuesday by the Executor Mr. John Larmer and Barrister H. L. Elibels, Port Perry. Auctioneer Porteous, Nestieton. wielded the hammer with rare skîll and hîgli prices prevaiied. Fred Bailey paid $211 for a young farm horse. The McMillans of Port Perry paid $224 for its mate. Cattie, sheep and swine sold well. The ton acre farmn was not soid the reserve bid of $2,49n.oo not1 beîng reached. There was a large at-] tendance.1 1 EDUCTIONS IN GOODS CHIDRENS' PLAY SUITS

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