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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1919, p. 1

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M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $l.50 a year in advance. BOWMANYILLE, ONTARJO, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 1919 VoLuM~. LXV No, 6 -I Chocoates of'! Hi ghest Quality We ai-e soie ate-ts tor Wilard's and -Ligg--ett's Chocolates The highest grade Chocolates in Canada Our' stock is-tresh and our assortment is complete U irr&L Graduates of Bowmauville, Ontario REXALL {Chicago Ophthalmic Collège NewYork Scbool of Optics Detroit Optical College Canadian Optical College Phone 78 music Bec! Wine & Iron1 Means Happiness In Makes Pale Peopie Rosy Makes Weak People Robuat You cannot have richï red, hlood unhess you provide a sufficieut amount of iron to build red celis. Rexali Beef, Wine & rou supplies just the elements that are needed to make the blood ricb and pure.. Everv iîîgredieut in this remedy is eaqily and quickly assimîhated and guood resuits frose its use )areci almost immediately. trlice $l.00 If you-f-cl rn dowu take it uow Jury & Lovel Your Home Nothing eau possibly contribute more joy and conteutmeut to tho home than music. Cali at our store and bear the Pathe K..Brunswick Phonographs whieb play ail dise records per- fectly. Witb these pbonographs you eau eujoy an entortaiument by the world's best artists. The monthly installmeut plan is very popular mnetbod of paying. Jury & !Loveil Items of Importance After Dinuer Mints have arrived fresb from the factory. & Loveil. again Jury1 Guse, 3 5e packages Rexaîl Gumi Spearmiat or Peppermint for 10e at Jury & Lovell's. Buy your Kodaks and Supplies aud bave your films developed and print. ed at Jury & Lovehl's. At this season of the year keep your bauds sofn and smootb witb our Cream of Violets, Big bottie 25e at Jury &Loveil's. Soibbler, plain or ruled, bc, and a lead pencil free with eacb one at Jury & Lovell's. You wilho more than delighted with the JONTEEL Toilot, Prepar- ations: Jonteel Extraet, Jonteel Cohd: Creani, Jonteel Combiuation Orease, Jonteel Complexion Powder, Jonteel Talcum Powder. Sole Agents for Bowmanvilie Jury& Loveli. It is now kuowu that eaeb eye must be fitted se parately after the most careful tests and measurements and with a complete kaowledge of jus;t what the eye ueeds to belp it most. This is the sort of examiniug and fit- tiug that we do, and our work is guaranteed. Jury & Loveil. FARMERS, ATTENTION-At preseut you are gettiug higher prices for your stodk than ever before. Therefore it is a good investmeut to buy Stock Foo d that it pays to feed. Caîl at our store and g6t a FR.EE sample of Dr. Hess Stock '.onîc. Jury & Loveil. I FARMERS' MEETING ATTENDANCE LARGE AND SPEECHES I PRACTICAL. THE STORE 0F QUALITY Couch, Joh-nston & Cryderman Ltd. GREAT WAR VETERANS REV. CAPT. CLARKEWRITES' HIGH SCHOOL PRIZES Fi C1e~arance 0fAlLad* es' Winter CÔats We must get rid of the balance of our stylish winter coats before we take stock. We refuse to carry any of them over. Our loss will be your gain if you take advantage of the wonderful bargains being offered this -week in our-Coat départmont. --iedu-etions have been made- to olear- quickly. Asto nishing Val ues In Furs Satisfy that desire for a new set of furs by vi siting our store and picking ont just what you want and at rock-bottom prices which will astonish you. Just a few sets to clear at remarkably low prices, LinoIeums and Oilcloths Dont believe it if people tell you Linoleums and Oilcloths are off the market, our largesoko trctive patterusinay be just what you require.' Bûy An Overcoat and Suit Now Ment, by buying an Overcoat or suit now we allow you 15'/, discount.. Orstock must be reduced. Cu Ch, John sto n& Cryderman, Limitede Mr. W. E. Pollard, Seeretary of West Durham Board of Agriculture, presided over tbe me ýting lu the Council Rooni, Bowmanville, ou Saturda-y afteruoon, The room was well filled and keen in- terest was sbowu iu the addr;esses by the Government speakers, mau v questions be- iug asked and profitable discussions took place. Mr. W. F. Kydd, Fruit Specialist, Tor- onto, diseussed iutelligently the manage- ment of apple orchards, a subject of paramount interest lu this district, which Mr. Kydd said is the best apple section iu this Province. He stron-gly adviscd tborough mauuring of orebards with good, barnyard manure, not necessary to put any fertîlizer nearer than four feet of the tree, nor to plow nearer than that. Some successful, orcbardists let grass grow under trees'with good resuits but they -use Iargely ba-rnyard-manure ý-which acts as amulch. This m'ethod wo)uld only be suceessful of course where there is fi<st- class soil that bas no teudeucy to dry ont. Good land does not reqire as mueh cultivation as poor soîl. But like auy other crop an orchard ust be -wëllý fertilized. He said there 1s no betteri land in Canada than lu this part of thel Province. Mr. Kydd is a strung advocate1 of sprayiug-thorospraying, too. Average men don't put enough spray on large trees, Trees sbould be trimmed to around 2oft bigh.- Don't use tar for pruniug salve. Pruuiug shocks trees- don't-eut too mucb off at one pruning. Fali plow orchard but do not cultivate late lu summer. Hairy veitcb aud rye make good cover crop. The most start- ling statemnent made by Mr. Kydd was this: If I werc a Durhami cunty famer I would plant 50 acres toorehard-Snows, Melntoshes, Scarlet Ribston and Bleubeim Pippins, Ducbess, and Wealtby, are best varicties. Spies are not moue-makers- Jtoo slow bearers. Plant trees witb 300 lean to west. Iu repiy to a question he said bie wouid't plant a Stark ojr Baldwin tree., He gave high praise to Newcastle Apple Association, saying it la one of the best lu Canada and this nor(h shore of Lake Ontario is the best appie district lu Ontario. Mr. A. R. G. Smith, Newý Hamburg, was the other speaker and he told tbe farmers enough about stock raisinglu 30 minutes to afford food for thiougbt for the rest of the winter. Iutn opinion of the writer hie is one of tbc best agricult- ural speakers the Goverumeuýt bas dis- c,ýovercd. Histherae was nïaînly Uic 1i stock indnstry and be tohd the farmers to go into it in a community seuse-seleet one popular paviug breed and aIl raise that breed of cattie especially. He claimed that the basis of successful fanm- iug is live stock brecding. The searcest tbing in too many -barnyards is good muanure. Properly fed stock will produce it. He agreed wîth Mn. Kydd that good farmyard manune is, the very best fertil- izer. Hc advised young farmers to tomn their attention to production of heef and milk with pigs and poultry as side lines. The beneifits are twofod-it is profitable as a fanm industry and stoek-raisiug builds up rîcb soil as notbiug cisc will do. He secs the radius wîdeuing around the larger cities for tbc daîryîug îndustry. Fanmers witbiu 50 miles of Toronto, for instance, witb railway facifities bave suie business for ah tie. Witb cheaper power and the returu of the soldiens cities, will go ahcad and s0 the dcmand for al' dairy and other farm produets wil lu- crease accordiugly. Hc is optimistic on western markets and Ontario farmers eau supply very largely tbc farm produets tbey require, ineluding apples. One condition Ontario farmers should be grateful for,' tnat is, tbey eau grow ciover wbich ris a splendid crop for kcepiug up the fcrtility of the soil. Mr. Smitb then directed attention to the use of only thc bcst sires in cvery class of farm stock. Goverument should give more liberal prizes for stallions, bulîs and other stock. Hec tohd the advantage of communîty breeding and hie saw tbree $1000 buils witbiu six miles lu Bruce county. Do not seli your best brccding stock for any moncv. Not neccssany to seIl off ail your common stock and buy a wholc herd, but -byaera-gotfeaeadbed-u tbc best available sire and build up a berd in this way, Corn is tbe baekbone of stock farming. Waterloo county bas 2,500 silos and grows 15,000 acres of corn Iu bis part of the country witbin a radius of five miles a dairy association rcceived $i03,200 for butter and ebeese in 1917. Turnîog again to coru growing lie said the caru crop is the most reliable field crop that eau be grown in this Province Be very careful to test seed corn as lt is very deceptive on the cob. Buv it ouly froni reliable finms. Neyer plant befire tcsting tboroly for germin- ation. Wben coming ont froni the- Hall fanmers were heard to say tbey had neyer listened to a more practical and inspiring address at an Institute meeting. Miss Reta R. Cole passed bier Senior Sight Singing Examination in cunnection wîh Toronto Conservatory of Musie hast week with Honors, bier mauy friends wili be glad to know. Two pupils of bers were also successful, Miss Thco Martyn 1 hil M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $1.50 a year in advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA, THTJRSDAY. FÉBRTJARY 6 1919 Var.ums. LXV No. 6 fi t] m si a h h 0 a c b ri fi p b m 1 e d n q r tg 1 d tg n a c t, 'Y 4 ORGANLzE LOCAL BI<ANCH-HOLD VERY 1NTERESTINa LETTER RECEIVED LARGE AUDIENCE ATTENDS COMMENCE- SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL EVENINO. BY RjEv. S. Sr iautv-, M. A., B, D. jMENT-GOOD SINGING AND SPEECHES. The local branch of the Great War Germany, Dec. 29, 1918. A splendid audience of parents, friends Veterans' Association of Canada got off1 DEAn BRo. SELLERY.- 1 have and ex-pupils of Bowmanville High to a good start Thursday night when a just cicsed my first fulil day's Sunday, Scbool foregathered ini the Assembly goodlv number ôf returned soldiers held work with my new baftaiion and itî Room on Friday evening when the'annual an organization meeting in the Council haàs been a busy one. My day's commencement exercises were held. Room. Mr. F. C. Pethick very kindly as- program began with a Communion Mr. W. B. Couch, Chairman of the sisted the soldiers in getting the meeting! service at 9 a. m. for my own batta- Board presided and on the platform be-. started by acting as chairman, with Mr. lion, 2nd. B'n Canadian Machine Guu side bimi were the other members of the Arthur J. Frank acting secretary. Mr. J. Corps, and the l4th Field Ambulance, Board-Dr. J. C. Devitt, Dr. G. C. Bonny- C. Wilcox, Secretary of Oshawa Branch whom 1 also serve, At 9.45 a. mi. I castie, Rev. D. W. Best, Messrs. F. C. and Representative of the Provincial had a church parade of the'above Vanstone and jas. Deyman, Executive, gave a very instructive ad- nunits. At 10-30 a. m. 1 had a churcli Ms ee elwle pndtepo dress on the aimns and objects of the parade for the 4th and 5th Battalions grMit a e Yetty e- pan slother association, which in part are: of Canadian Engineers who are quar- which the Chafrman made a few timely (a) To perpetuate the close and kindly tered lu the saine City and whom I1 remarks on the number of students, ex- tie ,fmutalsericein heGret Wralso serve. 'At 11.15 a. m. 1 had a des:)fmutalsericein heGret Wrcomnmunion service for these latter students, members of Board and teaching the recollections and association of that AtL5.m.IhdaBil staff-nearly 100 in ail who enlisted. Dr. experience, and to maintain proper stan- Classwhich Lreadym. Ih l amembe Bonnycastie wbo recently, returned froma dard of igniv an honur btwee ah shîp of 2. aWea h ave edto aîloverseas, after presenting prizes to drud solniadie. tee lléi o 0.W av l Cte olas"students winning them gave a brief retuned oldirs.ourselves the IlVictory Bible ls" account-of personal-experiences -over-seas. -(b) To preserve -the -mery-and re;;--We have a-lso elected- to- study -the His address was very interesting9. cords of those who suffered and died for general course of subjects to which ' the nation. To sce to the erection of we have given the titie "Victories of Mrs. C. Arthur Cawker sang a pretty monuments to their valor; the provision the New Testament" beginning the song-"Lover and Lass" and on being re- of suitable burial places; and the estab- sevies next Sunday with the first Cialled sang a pretty selection, "Don't lishment of an annual memorial day. victory IlVictory over Temptation", Hurry". Mrs. Munroe A. -Neai- ac- Jesusmnthe Wilderneeg-Matt- 4.- -At companying on the-piano. (c) To ensure that proper provision is 6 p. m. I held a Song Service. We had Principal W. J. Morrison, B. A., pre- mdadete de aogtho se ,wo ave "ireswprepared with the hymus and sented Diplomas and gave an outdine of ed ad nedy mon thèe wo hae tr.wthe hymuns on the screen. We the work of-the different forms inci- served; inciuding reasonable pensions, also had a very effective film put on. dentally giving some excellent and in- employment for such as are capable, At the close of this last service four structive hints to parents and sttîdents soldiers' homes, medical care and equit- able provision for 'dependent familles of y oung men came forward of their o wn which were well received. enlisted men. accord to me to say how much the Miss Reta R. Cole sang "The Rosary" services of the day and evening bene- and as an encore "Keep on Hlopin", Miss (d) To constantly inculcate loyalty tO fitted these. One of thern is an R. O. Lepha Doncaster playing the accornpa- Canada and the Empire and unstinted 1 took the homne addresses of their niment. service in their interests. parents and have concluded the duties rjC.Dvtmaeahpysec (e) To guard carefully the good name, of the day by writing the parents at in Dao pr.JDvttadanmhratparspeec int rests and the standing of our Comn- home of-the decision to which their the development of every boy's life, He rades, stili overseas, and to which they boys have come in the service of the presented the Field Day prizes. should be entitled upon, their return. blessed Master. Mse ilt haadDrsDya (f) ToÀinpressa upon its members,, that My own battalion and the 14th rendered a pleasing trio on piano, violin tbey are to continue in their service to Field Ambulance, as well, are quarter- and cello.> Canada as citizens, the samne spirit of ed in the commodious buildings which ReDW.esBAprendth sacrifice and lovalty which they have up until November were a vast plant Rv .WBsB . rsne h slown to Canada and the Empire as for the manufacture of pow ýrand HighSchool Entrance Certificates and soldiers, and to remain as' menibers of war munitions. Among other prov- Public Scbool prizes, congratulating the the Association, non-sectarian and non- isions foi' the entertainment of the young students on their success aud partisan. employees of this great munition wishing thein continued good fortune in Mr. Dan Douglas, President of Oshawa plant, the Germans had erected a large the future years of study. Branch, spoke briefiy on the benefits and Cinema theatre fully equipped., This The valedictory address was humor.. splendid work being accomplished by as the right of an army of occupation ously given bv Mr. Robert R. Parker of their association, and gave some advice we have taken over for our own use, the 19!8 class now attending Toronto which had been beneficiai to their branch, plant, cinema and ail. The Y. M.C.A. University. He took, as is subject h>s-5 Kuowing Bowmanville as hie did he felt use the cinema every evening of the years in Bowmauville High School, sure this association would also meet witb week, putting on free movies for the relating many humorous pathetic (?) and the success it deserved. men. I have it ail day Sunday for thrilling events familiar to many of the It was decided to eîect provisional my Chaplain duties, I also turu in students and teachers. He kept the officers for three months as itwa pet with the Y. M. C. A. on the week audience laughing at the wit displayed in edbv that time most of the soidiers would evenîngs at the close of the evening's bis remarks. be home from overseas. Elections re- prog rami and co nduct a closing 1 Good The National Anthem led b-y Miss sulted as follows: Night" service of Song and Pray er for Yellowiees at the piano closed a pleasant Presden-Geo W.Humpge ail who choose to tarry for the service. evening's entertalument. sVePresident-. . Haes The 4th and 5th Battaions, Canadi- Prizes were awarded as follows: Hos.. 2nd Vice President-HryCog an Engirneers, are quartered in other kmn prize: Constance L Conneil and R. R. Treasuer-Wm.Kelma parts of the City. They parade to the Parker, equal. Secretary-John Graham cnm eddb hi ad o~n Gilfillan prize-Ewart Poliard. Executive Committee-Geo. Crombie, duties lu serving &Il the Canadian Fibinpie-om 1 lzbt AlxBgel'o eaig .R iu Corps quartered here in this City leave Fibinpie-omI lzbt Arthur J. Frank. mebtfwde moments either on s;Fom1,Pul îly The Association will hold meeting son weekday or Lord's Day. Squair Prize-Constance L. Connell. theIs ad rdMondays of each mont h at 0Centraily located amoug the mn Couch prizes-Elizabeth Best,' Laura pm. lu its Club Roonis. bieigs of the great-powder wnorks Virtue, is one vast building in which are Miss Smith Prize-Edua Fletcher. Membership lu the association shaîl be immense kitchens, messrooms for Upper School Entrance to Facuity, Any person of good character who has nîen's dining hall. The latter is big Knox, Catherine Warnica; Part II-. seen active service in the Great War of enough lu itseif to seat.couifortably Constance Conneil, Jane Grigg, Gertrude l914, etc., with the forces of the aIlied and commodiously 6,000 men. This Hamley, Evelyn Joness, Robert Parker, armies on one dif the belligerent fronts, dining room is about 300 feet square. Violet Rowe, Marion Worden. or ln England, or, lu the opinion of the Ilere on Wednesday iast, Xmas Horor Matriculatiou-Wesley Lang. brauch of which hie purposes to become a Day, we served a splendid Xmas maid. member, has seen equivalent service with dinner to the men of the 2nd B'n. Middle School-Entrance to Normal the forces of the allied navies, and who is The Field Ambulance occupied oeeSchools: Morley Burgess, Percy Gilbank, still lu the service or has received an corner of the great space, and then Ewart Pollard, Lyda Taylor, Herbert A. bonourable discharge therefrom, shall be there was plenty ofroora lef t if wehiad Van Nest, Wilmott Wright. eligibie for active membership. so chosen to have a football or cricket Junior Matriculation-complete: Mor- Provided, bowever, in the case of a field-one or both in other parts of the1eBugsEatPlrd Wimt person who bas seen active service lu enormous room. eWrg,ar olad ilot Englaud and bas failed to reach a bellig. Choice meats, oranges, nuts and Junior Matriculatiou-partial- William erent front, lie shall first show to the raisins candies, pluse pudding, etc., Metcalf, Herbert A. Van Nest. satisfaction of the branch of whicbh le etc., _ýere provided lu abundauce for Lower School, Entrance t o Normal purposes to hecome a niember, that such al, Right here 1 may say how much Marjorie Collacott, Laila Wilkins. failure to reach a belligerent front was the generosity of the Girl's Patriotic through no fauît of his own. Society of Bowmanvilie is helping on Soldiers eligible to membership and the holiday cheer among our splendid wisbing to j oin Bowmauville Branch ma y lads over here. And there are many The Churches sccure application blanks from any of the ways lu which gifts of money can be above officers. used to help these, not only lu adding Teuie ogeain fWc n The progressive euchre party and dance to the good things for Xmas cheer, Te nithed cgreationsD.oD.Wic-n beld in St. George's Hall, Friday night, but lu purchasing good litera ure, GreenbakhaecldRv.DD.M- under ~ bTheý-gcis ... M ohr-MwSdh G. W. V. A. was a decided success, the they sent me bas reached me frire lu Bowmauville and Darlington Township hall being filled to capacity. First part thp right season and I ame deepiy Sundav Schuol Convention will be held of the evening was taken up piaviug cards grateful to the Girl's Patriotic Society. at Ebenezer, Friday, Feb, 21. afier which a verv temptîng lunch of There are three branches of the Rev. J. F. Chapmau, B. A., Greenbank, coffee, sandwiches and cake was served army which have been specialiy stim- has been iuvited wo become pastor of St. by the Cortupanions of the fýorest. The ulated by the contingencies of this James Methodist Church, Peterboro. remainder of the evening and util the war, one hune is lu the developrnents Rev. S. G. McCormack, formerly of St. wee small hours of the moruing was ini the air service, another is lu theJ Andrew's Cburcb, Wbitby, bas received a pleasantly spent iu tripping the light invention arîd extensive use of tanks, caîl to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, fautastie. The prize wiuuers at euchre while a- third is the enormous muiti- Comber. were-Ladies-Mrs. W. Matbews, Ist; plication and use of machine guns. St. Paul's Cburcb-Rev. D. W. Best, Miss Palmer, 2nd. Gents-Mr. Alfred Oue can readily see that n service mînister. il a. m,-Where Greatness is Kershaw, lat; Mr, Weggel 2nd. Booby has made greater demands upon the Revealed. 7 p. m.-Our Lord's Appeal. prizs-Mrs. R. Nicholson and Mr. A. J. courage and physical tltness of the 2.3o p. m.-Suuday School. Milmine. individual soldier than the service of the Machine guns. This has been. Metbodist Church-Suuday next Miss- vervgeuraly rcoguzed 50muc ~ionary Ariniversary Services will be held. that eeaycne gun se ctin a Rev. S. J. Shorey, D. D., Port Hope, will A BAD FIRE received the somewhat grueý;ome but be the preacher for the day. Pastor siguifigant nickuame of the "Suicide -Sellery will preach lu Port Hope, Metho- Club". And as onue might conclude, dist Churcb. Dr. B. J. Hazlewood's haudsome resid- they are ail young men Not only of CHURCH 0F CHRISTýSunday moru- encc on Welington Street was barlvl- -1e1ank butthe ffc--rs as_ --ll.-n's.semonwillbe1 ontiuaton o th

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