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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1919, p. 3

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haeawelldeserved repu- tation as a safe and effec2tive remed-y for stomacýh ail- met.They eare -helpful i i-a s tacs sick headache, dy-speps!a, h.eartburn ýand constipa-tion. They act gentiy and surely on the organs of eliina- tion, purify the blood, tone th sstouai Wpry qu1l to Pra et XVHERE SJmi .MciV ~t 'WassiegenD. C uý thJ!, ieSât bis wil, ated ctobr 6th 190, whicà was admitted te probatitise Iasî cwilJ et thbe said deceased, bv; Is, upe Court o2ý the UnitedSatsonne 17Lh, sqO8, and lu sud iby lai 7 'lf -,saÎd dýceard did devise ta i. Wf, e B&cGiUiailhieal estatco bensd and the sid c0d% teThe Corporation ofthe Town ot c wisxau on the ANO WIIEEAS athe i2disuc on% AND WUEREASattelm fi Q -deat cf Il.- îai dececed tsre- de t c aed, menig îo6ucoW nd Mot- esîinlitedc sad ane r salte a an WHIfRsaS i iaoMo Ad AND YlRICAS 'thet-pion ha alleis, sdriuarl nain încp Corporat 1ý Ion.te tak endu_ P,sugi goba tie telane lu is e sad istrict e exxctee tic ewr e ae iqn sot gse byadriigtieq o ss luda osr a AND 'HRSAesa tise ewCorisorato lie Tewnof et Bemail b iuetat I siixd o u psition teu pruen 0£s a o tsllretat nbc alae Th CroainetTofwu n ye ofBo wusa0il lu e ie ociaideasembwly et tise Po andActrgiviug tiseweaie orportion ow aaôrecit sedsdforsu urpiessti,x appoin- u heiea ual rliýc çtci ov îaojhr apo at unA Sae1 g'is ate I IEHEDITOR ?ALKS. The weonder is nlow h ýwever hl kA leenum~bes o ¶s ( clcae hv fiospita,ýl and i is a, favorit'e place Fur Inaternity paientIIs. As' tifie pataese more peuple reéo(gnize thirnprtn of seeking tretment in hos4pitals when seriotiy ill. The h oft et p nuýrsing, even with prof es-ziiouïial urees îlu attendance, cannot ota ta f heptas A hospital is one et the best assets any coinniuui'1 osess aud should never ho e x itte sufefPreithese bniaswhich Thlererethas beeneteepese that people show ail tee 11411e itre lu tihe transaction efthtie busineMsset their ruunicipaiity, and w,-, stili tke isse ith Municipal Woriwhen iLt basta thýý businesssyti of any council shoufld be sucisais %viii!uc tiuecezsity' for tise atdacee 4aepyrs a t cUnecInmelings'tea mninimum, -We agree with in th ý1is that in t hese strenueus d9,ýýs rtp esadc-uncillorF canwi aford te xvate rneaud it becomes týý isedtY et ail;ornli e onut hirbsiness wistÀ t itheffiienvïad adue re- ïh etu s nice cipn ?-"De locali~cwpape' ledei~g fo thèa free -te thein ailt0-ie?" eyyear the loalnesppe gv c frein$l500 te $1000 i~i fre lnostc th tenmetlhil wbich it le ioatd. No other aeccan or wiel do)hi The eit.ran p U1ser p-'Poorion t isuns dees ore ýcforbi towntha an oter aenand in a ýilfair- c_"ou lkehm di re h0DI ÎOC'i e wrii-gesbut menta cmmuitvcan make. t may neot' hobilinîyedited or crewded i ýth , thought ut*financialiy [t is m.ure enfi .~teth cmmniythan the pra 0"ro the acer.On moral questione rincsetoet Stha pper arje on- cýthe 'right side, Editors: ~ o! lcal paere d the meet for the es m 'ney et an people on earth, te Parenits night do their young 'Felka, ;t kindness by readisig te them tbik of a. e' yoning man te iseoi: Thuirý jei just le eue great meaus te an en-d îi my1lie 1 tsthMSL.My futuremy jj e ;t3 DP'roR JllîGLt otice! Ai! kinsofbo and shoe. repirsnealyand prompt- ly xeutei.Neolinsoe Rit By Zeppens--has only been ti that thie Br iih ceor -2 aliw*e en deail tebe n~bishd of .he ri-tage doue -by th vaio Zeppein ride oer Lndon. Now h t al dager ijeneo, thecerultain, hasbee lfte ad to pbucaifaletphtograpjhseslepermittod. Thi A J1Î a bouse ru the wevst en~ fxdouwic a 'i ya hm rmaZep- WhetherontILte1o aisiig tising. depends uplonuMe tisg ajone, anîd thit i3l m y -,c, l',I ,A m jM -%Y OWN" heriauce parntag orpedligree ameut tenohug if 1Ido not maSs thou ns se ehing can be o! any good te meo tt É1il-do nt ae pfor moyséif. itlIs entimey Ep Ate m wi htsr ied te cle o pporuuty or f siepwisiie it Snacks ut puy deonR. I1Ihave mney and I debase myei ad tisere witUisit, t tiso mey às ne good t me. If I !mstprestige frens n-uky fausily sD nlif I1axp nt tise' sivig exampleetf Ibis eir ofe!My fahrthon I haï btter bho witiseut OUR GENEROUS'CITIZEN4S" P in respeuse te appeal made by Coel. T, H. Race for aid te Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Ceusumuptives thes Treasurer grtflyackniowiedges these contribu- tions reccived iu Bowmauville. GoderFactory $-41 00e A.L.icol 00 M. A; James &Sons GO00 RT.W.C. Wailugou1200e S. W. Masen I 00 A. Tait sc J. H.H. jury 0 Wus. Catin ro F. C. Vaustono -TIOu FJ.Coleo BomavileFoundry no!e McMrtrY & Ce,,2O F, F. Morris 2o J.~~ AHgt 00 S.. Po1r 00 .Infeutine 'T. C. Jewe I 0 W. H. Duelan I0 5-ceà Ce., t 00 J. A.Webeter 1 I00 Alex iet I 00 J, J, Mason I 00 $ 0 2 50 voîniîtiug 1rogisthor action lu aiu nu- Sot¶xd clomacis, Uiýt tue leS ouly manif"esta- tie e tsor ieueugpower, ne indicat- iontit leyar buîfl.Tiey cen ho Chr i eendupon to clear al worrnsfein lie systemiü DARLINGTON7TCOUNCIL TOWN HALL, Hamptonu, Jeu, 25tb, 1919. Regular meeting, Iu absence et Reeve leeuDep.-Reeve Baker presidod. Afttr routine a btter troxa Munxcipal Representatien cf ,Repatriation, Coin- rniîtee, Ottawa, was read regarding a local commitîco for Darlugton, Members ef conucil, tise Clerk, Messrs. W. J. Bragg, A. E CIe mous, S., Snowdeu, L. Niddery, C. W. Sermoin, M. D., W. E, Courlice sud R. J. McKessock were appoiuted, Reeve Stepicus, Chirmau, sud Tp. 'Cierk, Secretary. P. Werry was given perunssson le baild wire fnce for bonus, Norman J, Woedley sud S. A. Nortis-, colt wer.- appointed seep Inspectons f-- _or 1919, lie fermer fer east eof ne Ra sud latter fer west et Scugog Riad. Auditors prc3ented annuel report h - iug receipîs et $65,269I6 sud expenç,ees ef $61,139.5'. Balance ou iaud le $4,12959. Repo,-rt was sdopted!, 50 copies te ho Ordee woe drwa-n îT-Raurer- I-f Wicex wok o rod $2 50 Wm Muujegrve sd ok 9 32 F. J raaiio 25 A. L. ese, ulie 12 50 '1 W.Hynde advt 1 O ~~~~M.~~~~~~ Afaus& os 'istUîet 1 W, . LLNTe Cou mk- Mr.Jan. Hoît lSas been visitiug hon Miss Minnie Taasnspt we witis Mrs. 1B.SorTutn. MsI Glays ewe, Trouo ce~y ~few ~y at~ ~~~l hoeLm.M su r.Bla e Short -a~tn pent Sue-,dny wt VisPearlr,- TrmnPowerî, Mal rove,bane 'Wo wasPa pr1 0Zisoer C;et 'Wriluï tGQI lffl ', tor oveýr tmw3 years. He le newrýCnnr- land, and my retunu te Canada" la due TIIE REAL LIVPIERFiLL-A torpld liv;- or means a dsree systexa, menital dp rassie, la~itul nd iu th~eend, If care ho l t ý cen-,ar, epte sC 0 e debiý ýLit1Y. The very bet mdcieto roc;ue tise livor te h.eltýiy aci-tio l.Prm7e'sVegetabIe PuIs. Tiey arec oepouudeed 1et purely vegetaleosustncs tcaric elcto sud ne other pille have thisiine qaîis Tbey do net gpep- or pain aDnd tbiey are agreeshle te themont sensitiveeomcs CANADlANlS INGERMAU'NY. We harvýe.osmission te publis an- otherneen lttr tren0. Sert Maj Ma Qickrwich we know Our neaerswil peusewih genuine zest: P-n Avnx ,-errived lu tiss sî 11ewiieawedeveagood long reet. Since t- etitis heur o!tise litS ~ Lh day-f ise ls outiset 918 aud it isnejk.Btwcrail are seeing crevreye of ury Tise hast ouue ï, I tiulk, wE have paesed theugs ,it.lugxtise Vamiley et about txvo d a go, Tise epInl tisis country uu very cisilly. Tt le tise only ra frthin te Lake, ,a4 we Oaadiana de-put stband--four-auiy foui-- iug. <As ne mri legsdtisek-ds colleot, tbey alsqjnte Our oficers Èrous tise oungest up. Thsis sot Is diidrýghLlutenco isem freii tise cýradle. We miýn Into a tewra Prussiasswio ould, net sainte if 'Îu Rnd isad oieia eerif tise ~tlutgrsp tseh2e. d 'ise led ýnvtvs the hu, rtand. atosnu1Ah nrve. he ilsg0 e.d d h rsm pn seare ~roeun -A That last iu -st danercas o al-frm- o ,f*sroui w0kl, ndthees diieab U ttcket eptaejrscieo t0th heeys loue, prct eov te.~ ~ P LIeete.t tpery temus Tommy, us xAy ns lr deutrlds frmppe carr bxatusn theboui be of tat hose :Vsrcer. àoThe. Tetiseut abunanceef ~t, p-iaily buero the boy u t i d.asssede fthe od Nitrtoct te simptout khae sin- the He Qualifled, beD o't yqufbrlieve luth e IË) rakes i ,tatuam av- att tried te break throcugh our rneas _________ we pues aiong, but a good tap o! is pick haudle I carry, ceeu brings thfs ÀW)TO FIG I te ~ ~ ~ ~ n ba-a.oI eeeIpced u last Spring sund fIL Sas been cpd iL oulïy takes eutepqe se ttiese. I expectusy nan'k teconetirousgh a u .w oea to-morrew ase C., QM. sud IL wxli ho Ao td rwds,, cougiesucow11 s as good as a comiso r do net bt sus Ithrgem nr Ln11 expet we wili bave a godUaLime np btlu îe em e e lu th!, part et tish ola e Suhd li Keep tise Sstem iu 9oododetk Franuce. We iceld net wisis for a Ipieuty oet exercee la tic treci air sud btter Lime on aChisaDay tian pratice cleauiiness. PRememher a clau xve iad mest year. meti, a dlean sia, sud ean bowielq We are net Worrying mueSè about are a protecting armour agaluet diseas-e, cur Christina dinner. 1 think wh st le on every one ot our msinde is wisen To keep tise liter and howeis egulur we are goiug te get bruie. If they aud te carry tway Lie, poisons within, hoid firu te tise Armistice rules ,IL le best Le take s vegetable pill every &emmauy wîlllho like a heu svitisaeh acadoc e ay-plae pair et broken wiugs as far as hrb he aîa sudiua of ceaa le, o, u flgisting ctraugtis gees. aaadfaa-oaet eh,'da This Lowu is net to vry big-abonr i Most drng stores , knowu as Dr. Plae e like Newcastle I w'ocld say, but I have Pleasant Pellets. If tic-o le a cnddoui ne kick coiniugý. I.7have -une nI ti enset ofwt iilappears iIIe a isard coid, Jarastbiletsi sbou. Aflu bi be1 oee hould go te -ed, rap warm, taise wîth xxhite shot, ie hoccobehoogS a hot mustard foot-athsd drink copi- te a Pîlast sud Tho -ertainiy bas a uyofhtlmn,- I-Î de!s dandy. Tise frs Yisuikuow 1 wMî ul lbtlmud.I andvlp be spoiied as tisebas ru as civ chat- runiead or bock, asUise inug ist for xugwaer eay i tsemoruing and Anurie (anti-cdc, LaPdî These wsl boots and 'butos ossy cultorti aillflushi tho bl.dder aurd _,17iysandcar theu, ~e hve Comauysergoants' dpioosgre T oto i Màess lu th,, saine hocc , Wo usetheir pains aa,ýd noies takce -"ouaurie ablet disSs wicisareet tse astsd tiseemyi.o hocîs, wdh froquet drinks of dsiu ron i mreii~ g bail lemona1.Tie pr - umn:,Pa apeare lu eavics )leapar-nl eovmc u r.Yoc ceh my isnsaru sparrot, fenabi fnSe ule? rpin didye ne ? moih 1ie yctsosîxnîi b biiv-u "Yes usuus I dd."nits agiodieral ouie snh a Dç "Anil yn old hm ut cnld1)ai, -Piem e's olen euca Doey,mad or rathei(r, eul, fdpstsaLea, moree laoeru -! alse. -3It txuaiiy cosonafmtes tise cattàg off;, lé the mlenbuein tun ieet,-me- i.4ytit m'ay ,,,a.peear dris teat- tack, thse gravity etwbiudim14reatiy àuceas , Itia parbiaiy tie resuit et- a nený,t'Ilitia. r of' snsttu e c- taslurletes, ibreghtu by actin A tise dipircatiserua texm. test Ibsinlu ie thrat uscles, seiscis lesethoi top audfaii te act Lu A'gth tochset niiwighe tiseî- marayJh afect th e muscls tisa ~ Uh ùain neets e e f ora- aud ees ae tis oni eue areted i ute cula oesveectsts ar- ysieteAnd tise omucl e etespina- tiil', andte theeery'6ft rtie er éms .0tie OTu rase cases ise uffecrrte se cern be- caeteiy picaiyx1da te bgicu etieiy T ese oee isqus cases auna uw fa hih 'e ar4lysis attaosts he tis grat erv-4lse aaye-ththear ~~~'les ~ ~ ~ i À îssae ni ý'vstoetets Phone 131. F . O. Mason Onen. Day andq NiAfht, MHeeBaet ordered 2 years agi and carried over foals Rugs and U(RobeS, fear su i(Itaio, rie xo ren se yar a savtýig offrin$400 e 100 Mittà and Geo tlasi ea'sprices Coats, Fur linaed i Ituatioa fur at a saving of Lfrom$5Oat $10,00. Aiso Rain 0 oata. "Stovos of ail kinds con very closq margins for quickç sale, Paints at less than present prices. Walkinig Plows at $5.0abolow preen pico Separators, Ma-ssey Harris, De Laval and Sharpies. G-ramophons-Braýntola, ]?honola and Pathe at reduced pricos ti .«Novemiber 14 ,ramopliene rcrs i ije lelgtlarge assortr-Anu. Rooflog etail kîinds and RUo int -r

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