F RJM F-OR SALE-50 acresj, in Darlinetoss. easey terms. Box R, Bowmanville. 18-tf School Shoes For Girls and Boys These lines are made by Canada's best shoemakirs, noted for their style. and durability. Girls' high or medium top in black or brown caif priced from $2.15 to $4.50. p~-Boys'- caif -or -oi-grain boot'with double or single sole from $3 00 to $4M5. In women's sizes made on an English walking last we are offring a fine var,ý iety in black or brown f rom $4,75 to $10.00.-l Knox s Shoe Store j Phone 120 - Bowmanville gei e arpetu nteslANTEI IMMEDIATELY One or two eneri yet sentok.reret n .inthe dal nurserytokLiea commission and free outflt to the right parties. An excellini opportnnity for anyone having spare time ai th',ir disposai during the winter montés, Appi> te B. D. SNITIT &SON, Limited, Nursery'men. Winona, Ont. 3 4 Websoter' s The Store For Men and Boys Bargaïns Await Yon Boys, Suit s and Overcoats 10 per centroff $4,95 to $13.95 Men's Suits Ready made or Ta4lor made 10 per cent off' $13.95 ready made to $3 1.50 $22,50 tailor made to$55 Furnishïngs for Men and Boys Men's Shirts, $1,25 values for 95e Men's Shirts, $1,50 and- $1.75 values for $ 1.25 Men's *hose, 75e value, 3 pairs -$1.75 Boys' tockinge 3 pairs $1,00 Boys' ail wool stockings, epecial 85o Other bargains too nurnerous Vo mention Seeing je believing, came in and look. them over. Webster's Wherê yoù get most for your$ 111 Phônè 61 Bowmanvllle1 Order Coal Now We are prepared. to supply Coal in Any Size and in Any Quantity you want it. Phone ,153 Our advice is to order early. while we eau supply, you as the dernand will be great. John A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts, J3owmanville _____________tal Cold Weather Foods HOT COOOA-Before retiring a cup ofhot cocoa is an ideal drink-Baker's and Fry's, in l15c and 25c tins. CONDENSED COOOA-just add boiling water and serve- 18c and 35o tin. OONDENSED 003'FEE-18c and 35c tin, OXO CUBES-per tin 10e and 25c. BOVRIL-in 2 oz. botte, 50c oaci. SPAGHETTI-Clark's or Heinz Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Cheese is a delicious cold weather meal-1 5c & 2 5c tin. SAUSAGES-Por breakfast there is nothing nicer-Rose Brand, fresh on Tuesday and Saturday moraings, 25c lb. PORK and BEANS-A steaming plate of Park and Beans for dinner or supper makes an ideal meal. We have Sniders' lark's and Hejaz, 15e, 20e and 25o tin. ]Poe65 Archie Tai, Bomnil Bowmanvi lie Hospi tai' This institution provides skilled nursing and care at very moderate rates to those able ta pay, and witbout charge ta indig- -ent persans from the town. The Hospital is supported by: I. Fees from paying patients. 2. Grants from the Goverameat and Muaicipalities. 3. Donations and, Subscriptîons from Churches, Corporations, Societies, and individuals, the last being the largest source of revenue, You are asked to assist ia this work. Parties reneenbering the Hospital in their wiils may stipulate that bequests made bv thern shall go to an endowment fU~ormation freely furnished by any member of the Board. 0 . ]Rehder, L. A. W. Tole PRESIDENT. VicE-PRESIDENT jH. R. Jollow, See-Treasuver *BOW-MANVILLE, FEB. 6, 1919 LETTER FROM GeRMANY *PTEn, AR.THRR-W. CooPS WRITI PROM AcInOSS THE RHINE. Mr. P. C. Pethick has given us t priviiege of publisbing this interestin lettes of De-. 13, 1918, from German'3 Vhe writer being a Bownianville bo who workéd in the Gotdyear-Factor before enlisting-Artbur W. Coapi Ho writes: We had soine walk since we le: Cambrai, France. We are now acrai the River Rhine and 1 thiuk very clos ta aur destination and l'in noV a bi eorry. We had sorne time on the waý hers, the band was with us ail the waý and it gave us mare encouragement t, walk wben we were tired out. Thi load we carry over here isn't ver, light. We managod ta have oui packs carried-a few days but whet tbey conldn't geV gasoline we had ti carry them. When we entere( Germany, Generai Currie took thý salute, as we were the flrst CanadianL Va enter'and the maving picturg machine was sure working. Yester day wo crossed the great River Rhin( and General Plummer, Commander ai the 2nd Army, took the sainte on th( bridge. Its soine bridge too. WE came throngli Cologne with fixci bayonets, battalion after battalion, and the bauds playing 'There's a lanq laung trail". -IV *as same sight. think Vhe Germians must feel cheap. I often picture what it would ho if il were the other way about. Sanis civilians don't like ta take haVs off to us but we have men out advance ai the Battalion on the march Vo taki them off if they do noV. Yau had a big time no doubt whesi they signed the armistice. We had juet came ont for a rest then and General Currie reviewed Vhe 1st Brigade that day. We sure, gave thrEe gaod cheers when hoe said, _"_Baye, I think the last shot le fired", IF noe thoy caulci have eaduii London. Ho started Vo makre a speech but I gnose hie thought of the1 dead boys who had paid Vhe suprense sacri- fice, and lie broke down. Tie boys like Gen. Currie ovor here. Seeming- ly when tbey started ta pusi I guess the7y broke Vhe Kaiser's heart. IV was iust one wave af Ver anther till they quit. My brother was iu IV right Viii the last, Vhe P. P. C. L. I. takiug Mous juet a few hours before they quit. I saw hlm there when we marched tirougi. on aur way bere. Ho was mighty glad Vo see me, not knowingi .hether I had met with any niefor- tune or noV, They had a. big time ih Mous lhe toMd me. Gen. Currie wea on. the job there. It'e somne town. The British, I think, were1 a littie lenieut with Germany. They ebould havel laid down a few artiiiery barrages lun Germany like they did lu France and' Belginni. You can't imagine what the war-scarred country looks like- nothing but ruin. The Germans! thought we Canadiaus were awfuLý mnbtthey seem surprised atoaur ':ood behavior. Tbey make caffeeJ and give us bread and butter. Tbey look at us and think that we woro going ta: demand it like they did coming, bhrougi Behgium. But hike the officer said yesterday, Vie reason we don't le >ecauee wo are n,)t German, I thiuk, bhat wae a true saying. Will telli you mlore when I geV back ta Canada. Is vour, subscription paid for 1919? Rural mail couriers enjay this winter. Sec F. O. Mason's advertisement for )argains. Electric heaters, toastors, etc., at F O.: [ason's. McLaughlin & Gray Cutters at F. O. [ason's. Luke & Boys are prcparcd ta holhow rind.your skates. Give theni a triai. Cheer up and sil.Buy a 20 lb paji ) No. 1 Davies Lard for $6.5o froni Jesse E Cale, and save IMoney. Any amount of faîl ryc waated. I wili Jsa pay the higliese pricc s for poultry and .nk. Phone 289. J. Roscnvald. Balance of piush and clafli coats beiag eared this week regardless of profit, ,ucb, Johnston & Cryderman Ltd. Nover befare Vie war bave 80 many! )opie in tbis town and caunty been ond halders, sa that if may ho of ntereet ta aur readers ta knaw that ie Canadisu Victory Loan Bonds] Lve been sefing and are stili selhingj ,an advance on the issue Pr 1 ce. 'anada le the aniy country lu thej vorid, any of whose war loan issues, uch as our Victory Loans, are selling glior than Vie issue price. The Tnited States, Great Britairi and 1rance, and lu fact all other Allied ýIntries, war ban-isues.ave ail - "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUTNS-ALI,, Qe81gner and Dealer ilà MonâumentTbets, Markers, uto., il Granite nMab. Bowmanilýle. On IryAIanM.iIa s, uneral Dire ctor - Emballa No extra charge for distance ini coui or to City or outside places.' Embi is ing done in the most scientific man se Charges reasonable as my expenses it low. ay Phone 58 or 159 ay G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ur L. D. S.,D.D. S., to Honor Graduate in Dentistry Bd of Toronto University. e Graduate of the Royal College ns Dental Surgeons of Ontario e ý. Office King-st Bowmanv le Office Phone 4o. House Phone of le re d, DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST [ raduate of Royal Dental Colle Toronto. it Office: King-St. East, Bowmanvý ;0 Office Hours: 9 a-m. to 8 p.ni. da except Sunday Phone 90a Hanse Phone1 d"Licensed .Auctioneen e LYCETT & DISNEY 55 KlIng Street Est OSHAWA Phones. 793 and 589 Sales of ail kïnds condneted anywhere, a time by conspetent anctioneers. For ter , and dates write or phone. 3 Auctioneer 3i Having secured a license as auctio eer I amn prepared ta take a limit, jnumber of sales. . For terms and dat apply ta THEO. M. BLEMONq R. R. 6, BoWmANVILLE Phone 239-r-1-4. 32-7 I I Insurance Have you PROPER insurance pro tection against fire damnage ta, you borne, furaiture, clothiag, provisionE etc.? If you have not, you are ruaniag needlcss risk. My Campanies arc pre< pared to protect you against hoss b3 fire at a slight cost for a tbree yeai policy. You cannat afford ta carry the risl yoursclf, Dehays are ahways danger. ans. A fire miglit occur toaight. Dc it ta-day. Sce me for fullest-information.1 wiIl cai at your borne, if you wisb, ai any time that bcst suits your conven. ince, day or evening. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell Phone 189. Bowmanville. Fali Rye Wanted Any amount of faîl rye wanted I wiil also pay Vie highest prices for poultry and junk. JRosenvald Phone 289 Bowmanville Cheap Insurance I can.insure a resideace un EBowman-- ville for three vears for from 5o cents a hundred t0 7oc a hundred according- ta the company I place it with. Which le fthc cheapest insurance? Insurance is like everytbing else, you get what you pay'for and the best is usually the cheapest in the end. Chis applies ta Farmn and Village In- srince well. 1 1(- inosi important tbîng about insur- tac, th~e guarantee that you wiil be tl and promptly paid if yau have a ts.e. You bs.ve to depend largely on the Agent ta see that you get this. The large amount of business 1 have ta place with the companies issures the very best ternis- and settîrments. Insurance is an IMPORTANT thing, be sure you have it RIGHT. Write, phone or caîl John J.. Mason Insurance and ]Real Estate A Cail Soliciteci IPEACEFULLy AT REST. ANOTHER BRIGWr -YOU)-NG GIRL CHEER- FULL Y ANSWERS THE CALL. ns mer Mtry ýam- mer. s are 255 t -t a fi mia ni tes ZO f1r n- E. 50 C H B. smi goi Cr ogo ta eai ,t r- Sp': Early on Wetinesday- morni ng, ja th., 1919, the eall came ta anather, àr bright ambitiaus young girls-Isob innifr-ed Bounsaîl (Wycn) seco iughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bounse this towa. Miss Bouasaîl was born wrnanville and attended Public ar gh schools, afterwards hearning tl llinery trade witb Mrs, Edmonston ith whomi she afterwards worked fi Inie.time, later going ta Oshawa whei ,l warked for Mrs. F. C. Davidsc id where she made many new frienc nry in the sprng of 1918 she gave u ,r situation and came- home. In Jul Lwas taken ta the Sanitorinniý restan, where she bas been gi-yen ti wy best attention. Thursday, Jan 23n se was- strieken with influsenza ai thugh the best medical aid and nursir ere given ber she passed away as state the presence of bier mother and sistei arnu she assured af lber perfect willing ýss ta depart and be with the Saviou arn she has always loved and servec Lwas vivaciaus and ambitions ani rought aillber trving illaess she neye ce lost ber cheerful smile, and hie preciation of ahl the kiadnesses showi rmade bier a great favorite with ai ,nurses, and doctors who came ii tact with bier. They called he: tthe Sister" and ail took the keenes ght la doing the littie helpful thing! tmade bier suffering so much easier tc r. Through --the kindness of th( torities bier mother was -alhowed o bt th ber tbrough ail bier last sîckness 1when the ccd was drawiag near thE )ghtfuiness and care of the- nurseç )ved the- high esteern in which theY d their suffering patient. A short eral service was held at the farnuly ieacc, Wellingtoa-st., on Thursday 2 P. mn. by Rev. D. W. Best, M. A., :atr of St. Paui's- church, of wbich eased had b-en an active member il ber sickaess. Mr. Best spoke very ingly toL the friends- present, of the cius lufe which had been cut off ln hi. The interment took place ln manville cernetery, tbe bearers being of ber boy friends-Messrs. Harold tt, Ross Stutt, David Marri- Lieutenants Herbert Fowler, Stanley rson and Norman Harnley., The ny and very beautiful floral offerings uded : wreatbs fram the Farnily, Mr. "A. and Reeve T. S. Holgate; sheafs " Mrs Edmonstane and Miss Ding- 1, iss Perrin, Miss Harris, Mrs, dson, Oshawa, Misses Caldwell, bard and Moyse, Oshawa; and sprays a St. Paul's Church, Messrs. jury & ,eîl, Miss Vesta Manning, the Misses ,, Miss Wickett, Miss Mingtaud, tbe es Morris, Mrs. A. L. Darcli, Mrs. 0.Burk, Mrs, (Dr.) B. J. Hazlewood, es Soucb, J. Roenigk, G. Bounsail, Bouasali, D. Morrison, S. F. Ever- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Coucb, Miss sey, Miss Coanors, Miss Otton, Miss se, Miss Palmer, Mrs. A. Christie, Bernice Bagneil, Mr. and Mrs. D. e11, Mr. and Mrs. D. Morrison, Jr.] svmpathy of the entire commuaityj out ta ber gricving parents, three' s, Evelyn, Lilian and Marjorie, àacd mother, Bert, aIl at borne. helc fun( Having rented the store recen 1tly by Rd. Snowden, I arn having it led and f reshly decorated and w ill for business about occupied rernode] - be ready Wednesday, Feb. l2th with a fulli une of fresh cureci and .cooked meats, also a compIete stock of provisions. Watch this space' for further announce. ment next week, A* Edodstone q King Street Bowrnanville Flord'Car .Owners Do your Pistons leak oit and dirty Up your spark plugs? If 80 we'can re- bore your cylinders and fit oversize pistons insuring clean plugs and more power, als-o you, will ugele8s oit1. Corne and let us tel] you about it. We have a large qua1ntity of oil on hand of ail grades Ail the différent kinds of Gargoyle for Tractors, Steam En- gines, Cars, e. Our price i8 right. Sold in quantities trorn one gallon to one,,barmeil. Ail kindd of Ford parts and accessories' oan hand at ail tirnes. Luk& M y Phone 188 GARAGE Bowmanville, CARDS 0F THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Baunsahlland 'farnihy sire ta expresstheir hcartfelt gratitude ,al their frîends for the syrnpatby cx- nded to theni duriag their reccat ber- xenient. TOWN COUJNCIL An unusually large number of citi- zens attended council meeting Monday night. Every seat was occupied and, Mayor Mitchell presided, all mem- F"EotE a H I bers present excepting Con, Stevens. ?Wslo.t.doq whh John Morris, Beach Ave., asked > i. ..15 permission to cut down tree in front o iyl al of bis property. Referred to Roads f.ýtdd netIe and Streets Comimittee. ;tomhen , Ù. , Moa Resignation of H. B. Creeper as Supt. of (Jhemical Engine was accept- cntn ed. lbeio'wcc .4'o f, I Reeveilolgate presented Finance mm , and Re ort-adopted. . Rss RosandSreet,adopted:r fDiS hd Recommend that cernent sidewalkj be put down from corner of King andj Division-sts., ta King and Ontario on t n ".A fl-dP south side, and old himber be used for ixi.d y D. , nr repairing other walks; Division street te e-fi-aooa5cot be lowered and gravelled from King te me.. t to Lowe; Ontario from Wellington toe Lib~erty to be gravelled where needed; What la Your Foot 1 Carlisle ta be graded; tJoncessitsîsfronsm Study the MuWuranUcfl - chi, pg..Th, Liberty to Horsey graded and gravel- - bRd 1~- ntD led; Elgi,,n north of 0. P. . bridge P2111114111 "Z làoriodb, graded; dlScugog ta Prospect and tfruble. Sk orh. du~o Prospect OdeIl to C. P. R. bridge - Ï f REE 800) gravelled; Scugog-C. P. R: to King " 'm. r.t and nfl C-4c .." i W D' grddadgravelled; Chappel graded L_" " ~ OtOPd sco. and deep ditch in front, of John THE $CHOLL MFG.1 Poultiui's property on Elgin north fifled in and cinder walks on Elgin and Higli repaired; that by-law allowing awner aof property teo dig their tren- "WthY rF ches for se '. ers and water connections be acsended so Town Engineer can compel propur fihing in after cannect- % l v e o 1 on bas been msade._%P Resohition was passs d ta mènorialize p c a e o Goverinenitt. latzik over road on Kirsg st., fi-cils Scu 'og ta George on h rs a & Frd j same bas.is as surs s snssricipalilies- rd y & F i a town ta pay 30% ancd governmnetst 70g of construction. Resolution was paýsed to beforward-r l y s o t Board favoriag the isnmiwediate cons- pletion and operatior. of Toront o and _________________ Eastern Ry. Mayor Mitchell, Reeve Holgate and! officiaIs for 1919: Covn. Quinn were appointed deputa- Clerk-John Lyle $950 tion to go ta, Toronto on Fridlay ini Trensus er-J. S. Moorcraft $500 L reference ta above resolutions. . B. Whiting $200 o tjayor Mitchell informed coancil Trîx Collector - R. Jarvlis $250 hait had practically been decided Chief Constable-R. Jarvis$800 that Government take over Vanstorse's Night Constable-W. Adamis $700 Bridge as a county bridge. Bridge Supt. Cemetery-Wm. Bagneil $750 wîll be raised 4ft and will be 255ft in Street Consmissioner-P. Newhouse length. $750. . Y( Grant of $150 was given Bcwman- SQpecial Constables-S. Glanville, A, nvi ville Public Library. Matbews, W. H. Barrie. Wol hoe tr report was adopted: Fence Viewers-Harry Allun, W. B. ness Nonecessary trimming of trees; hi> e Pinch, John Elliott.th man about April Ist and retain him as Pound Keeper-Willard Caldwell. Our long as comînittee deems necessary.- Truant officer, Fruit and Noxiaus posil Supt. be paid $750 a year for digging Weed Inspector-R. Jarvis. er t] noV nmore than 80 graves, over this LV.-Col. W. S. Dinnick was appoint- gooi amount counicil pay for same; Town ed Industrial Commissioner. br Clerk deliver personally ta Supt. all It was decîded that Mayor callilfuil1 arders for digging graves, public meeting ta discuss ui table 9one. By-law was passed appointing town mnemorial for soldiers. New Butclir Shop istration, Peb. 6th &Yth tShop uçk Is Invariably the resûlt bfStùdy and ilard Work. ange and Charles Streets, Torontoý ites Ambitions Young Men and men ta prepare fao' choice busi- i positions. Fortune silles an one who icNOWS and ean Do. graduatespromptly sectîre good tions. The demand is far great- bhan aur supply. Riglit aow is a ) time ta, commence a course e. Our large Catalogue gives information. Write taday for W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.j shc L. Bowmanville