positive Defiaite Knowledge-ff of itsr Matchless 'Quality and Value has bzeen the îorceYuïl power that hats crýcated a sale el 25 million packeits Annualy. - - jýZMgm kQàî5ý- -- - TRY TT aTea-Pot Test Ms better than a TRY l' ~umGo Argwtnenta8- PRISONERS HAD TOe BRITISHERS VILELY. TREATED BY THE, TURKS Canadfien Captain of Royal Air -7arce Sp ent Five Days ii Filthy Constanffnople Jail. "Now my, name1 must, not be men- tioA~d,1" said a captain of the Royal Air Force wben asked regarding bis, experiences as a prisoner. for 14 monthe iu Turkey. "Unlesvou, Style E -Gk PliE W, S 0" n STYLE For Mor, Wom-en and Chidre AloBOO)Ts, r$HOS and SENT FREE Write for a copy to BRLL CLOTHING CO. P.C. BO0X 426 TORONTO THÏE ROYAL AIR FORCE Great Britai n at Close of War Lead promise not to mention my name 1 the World ini Air Service. IIJGSV Sremained tetry ngaii. The -iert 'bave notbing to say." UPOn te Geat Britain sprce-eminent i 1j1ý? of origé al dea 01 On , ach 28 tinued: "It was about 8 in the-, even- the Britisb 'air force was tbe largest ED IIU HOPE~an teteck etee Opynnd Neuville-in on the last day of September, in tWeworid, acriigte a report St Vaast was launcedIn. order te 1917, three of us went -u rmMd id ulcrcnl.I ogto extndtb sothrasuces. heros in-,a adetPget obCn more fronts than the air service of KASE' GAD FFNIVSGerman staff wr confident that they stnn)tinople., We had only been up a any other nation and its.. successes bl ,ould recover iyRig n capr- 1short tume wben the engines went were propor)-,,tionately grenter, it is 0F 1918tueArsytewegtothfit 'dead? and we bad to come down aboutsid blow. As is known, they failed comn- v.miles offSuv Bay. The Turks l uut 94 b rtc aa pleely. scn aw s ad bganshelin USand military air service together Wrecked by te ny IldiugFront Uuyielding Valor of, Britisli. luearnest. We managed, however, te mL.re 85o\ esa- ,83nsaj©MCL Presented by- British Infantry, The rensons for the failulre whîch get te shore and bid aîl night in a of othe'rr acks. In November, 1918, appare ontheGeran ideof hecave. In the mrnyýingthey foundus tere were 30,000 ofilcers and 264,000 Teutn Exert dmit. b were: Firat, the ,ai tiîîery pr:epara- adw eetkn men. At tbe outbr.eak of the war Weligonusdte ao ehdspn inwsnot sfiietbecause te Te etu ihterrfsabtGreat Britdin hbad 166 airplanes, 45 ~~~us ~ý - etrylis!nlryngt guess iolnothrngvpeouh n .un and generally misused us and sent us seaplanes and sevenairships, avhile Wa nabunuac fgaei h what wsgoing on onthe otker sida !-tien fast enough n eonter-on to thePca1 ewsn eetat tecoeo otlte b a 1-afo~aoth1li aed ei ndh oi the l hilI, says a a correspondent.1 sistance of the British infantry went eog bpedgv sago ie 000 airplanes, 1,300 searlaneswnnd 2103't 1 oue uba i h gaet Hitioryhasto stit.d the tm-byniI German calculation. But that wvan'Atot last long. We were jairebips. Besides this there ee2, ipiiygie eagw. MCI teic aese, ndarcd the e Arq aiynd ea n t ,e-sbunted off to Constantinople and Put 000 airpînnes and, seaplanes being Pattern No. 867(:, Ladies' Pas'u.T Y e Aani eaenecessary torei the civil jail. Filthy il ne word buiît and 55,000 airplane quie 4t 4 ut rc,2 ents. c(ý-_c\ýî _týýh porer f iî,ý'ciiierth stuton ad hi tm egies6thîsi 4 t-1 Pîme20ce j. hasconehn~th pener o bs- Monsie r ffte si.tuation, tan hd dy nîofforramein .dunder contract. No. 8677, Lde'TrsPeeSit tor ae egnnngtoreue te hao mrs~rfondyth rsitace The next dya l1ï The Womnen's Ro)yal AL-r.Force,, In 6 sizes, 22 te 32- waist.Pre,2 of th a-r eorder. bc--en s srng-he- cb-eck sson-oreedu«o iepo r iormeU -S w Pnot. exietGence in 1 cents, I aebefore me evidence whicb aging aad the losýýses se beavy that We rfuse, ad hexve tot return nunbered at the clore of hostilities, shows mor clëarly than anything vyet the Gern staf dec-ided'te give uip wth two soldiers -witb flxsdu bayonets.2,0. pulislid hat was happening-on the altogehber the original pflan te break 23webdegie0por0.',W Gmasidýe of the hill during those through te the sec north of Amiens. op ied cIvronbti a anxious mneths in theprgof 1918., They looked for a nw n f comlie eeeynbti a as a gne;thon lhe went inte the emaller forces and with some Chance "ThuDech1Lgaton f edus ai'~servce ad ~oked ith rtil~y ~ bt stîî te se wasthewith 'civies' and ~heîpeéd us along. W uee 1g iel ai Sgh ltsan woming aqutarns. lo scss ure. ltese astewore in jail five days and then were as Cïi u reeiedastffapontsn N17 RedgtisGrabarofhe sent off te Gedos. The made us s WhenGeneal vn Beow sns n Vicaeadig of 1918enr.stoind h e u p pasage a-cross the --,a of Matr- Ul. nr Itaie frntin 91, Shwnk eredof 1918e beast irne iera,, and G5 miles aior,gthe road. VI tti caItt.s1NUv wit- -m Wefli p ne-Iiercr hikîjfcFelTa e ewythey d (id1in-Turkeycl' ----o-ao. sctviy ad ormn ope siftd e btig te brstat chut hbu aîong; i fyoudidnthve nmoney you Becc!use styledcee that wome,ýn Pa'ncc ou~ei-tvwacpusslt i o'-W n uabete neotadh hoplesa' didn't eat or do, anything else. 0f cro d dbuckle ip their tender toes Pu n th e ghinjýan yield,ýlng only;coe d Turks do-'t lknow gny bet- in hy ufe roui med tt eetenhArmy, and Wben battered sd, üwouned by hie e.Tesr ret uhhahn corns e tehe u andtirm et these Scwn etwllihm wn de-bemationlie sinka exhausted they oniy give their soldiers a cî aiipl ,este wbch erely miakes the - The Gernan Obcet. siij i aa.o ra a.corn grovv hard-,.,This suicidaI habit still n his age. fmcyacause .lockjà'w anti womnare The main ie of the great Germian1 Stiil trying for- the ses th,- Germans Peîted With Stones. warnedtet stop it. ý,,"-,ý ofb iea n 1918 i, b as c uogazdth tsko pi .au "Weil, we got to Gedlos. The chil- %A few tdrops. of 1a drug cailed freez- f brek troub t th so, cttig te o Ypes.Thi, sys cbwnkhaddren pelted -us with atones and spit one appleti tirectly upon a aore cora British cm notwo -partfsone Ofî l- 1 îiCbtsn isojettetubt te in' utusmc. gives quick relie,f <and soon the satire chnl pore wle tevasonthe snd froin the oý psniaig of'the atacýk l Tefiu i mnh set~ cern, root antd ail, lifts eut' Fithout chbite ýîýIi t was to be drivenI-ý-t hrug. pain. Ask the drug stýore man for a be~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 thosuhsr te vst a neddt ubWttrub Turke r aotas lim as oesceuld quarter of anl ounce cof ~eanwhlch' bth renhAithat dý,,lisrderpon Again, it sofm(lte.problen cf feed possibi xporienc. Genercly epeak taheeecfs-French.ms s< n ee sffoin'ycetsveylitibti ufitcient f0 ýre- wcrd wac in the natr fetmpa tdedadaan hsbccho h ngItikwe ;f ared btter than tie meve e',ery irdo ufcr .cius to reDair t1he plani which ha- gene ser>uice comp11 onliOee in e e.The pioesi GrW, u frtef-rnoe ot awry, or V usius- os-ohrdfftlyo b rud o , fi-at wqbileS07,it was pretty tough. A hstr~l néhrcmoniat Is,'if se had ne m ioney -we cou!iîLdnt.tiuai oetat iul'crv whih hd nt ben rýiil.Iil co_ ý (,ýýi-1 tuchwt thie coin wifhou Ilengoreven thîch ad oenoii. ieopeetdVhs bvy ct ilery cnd es1t and I ceuld not get in tuc I rtating 'tise surr-uning tissue or For the plan, ccording te oncet1 m C.n dviinsintb ï-c home. Somehew we ail mancged tho." skiaL. Clip this ottuanti pin on your Scbwink, did go awry froni the fe ac on uniiso yupti Speaking of tberi"Ces chcrged byý wife's tresr et fal'egb r smat u day. Even whîle thie Ki'sr -wcs sn-t;,ctrluead o rîk he Turks tofe he Psoners hee- ti tis ne ilhhng eowte it ngabout tlgmmwlils h riii Fnhy n s a "thercistnceprisonIà saýid!: "Toc cs$1,4rf a -)n ohts ohng"Tmm nwe-lne ososc an unusu te al srt-i publicexsas raiganizl c htofteEglsttoos secclbotbter$ r on, nndb-I d $2 , cd "At Znbrugge.hL-,ewere tbrcee lne is. MseCiss Pattf n Ne. 8744,r hurried retreet uo iinte Gem- Givenchyý, lied tode's."l6af. oyuseecudntm ag erman submarines sunk lu port . Misses' Dress. In 3 sizes, 16 te- 20 ma staff kncw,, that they bd failed.. long on n -ivspot. A "YaiikT and a "Tomimy," t'hiown yeaxis. Price, 25 cents, So diffameitnt refatefronmpe n Iog caclavns1 "aG cds ehad to provile our togetýher in Franc,,were vyingwih Tseptra mybeoasd desre, e ifr5teiinl okon tite iItf îuLou e coeythýe story own a-onocinadoi w od cbohri eln aleois {foT your kpat'e-C aili e oluror oteradeofte il.etthsnothr ofesvereobla h tmnsinacoct Vrrribly, about foth______o,_0_on >S'. Fo, r. i that great oý (fielsive of Ma-ch that 0Fcf h frtgreat atatenî.pt te the $125 to iuponee, scilroomn, -----'fotVsMCi e,7 odS 21 the main weigl't cf the attack wcs soutbh. PBoVbt begen -ith a apectacular "WVe -were asked te give or paroi'17LUL oronto, Dept. W. te have faîlen nortb of the Somme., auccesa which thte generel staff con- but refused. The commnandant told us' iadsLnmn ue lss~r The Germnans bcd no intention of iSidccrsd a taîlure; in býoth titere fol- wO would be sent, cway to another B3 pI 7,%& massing dvsossoiuth of c line o low an ctemptte rep e hs damai-e, cainq Rthr hPhae hi hppa U R- Rïýter hat 'ý;iis appn 1"Presida" and Paradise., drcwn frorfi ïSt, 'ietnt mes ostte lno f esean iit epeie oecp.So we îte us, rne famtter whtuantlty. We The Bulgarian word for "suirmender" and se the atulresýcuIof tesevere ofttack cf Arl 98 n h io-bdtbe lmUncf ths village. The. coni- py hihges riclso expreai .% is -presida," but when Tommy Atkins check tthe orhensecti'jlOn ftecteviefrotwc eeteoe mnat ae dcu hep and wheu hre.wsbs etigo ihtewrh offensve en thei gmeatadvane in ut thenortiern clientand gietciw got hs prienthsfreaiKut-e th sut wrecorierd yte Ger-,chncecof frbrarneas oiia-Amama we bcd a fiastinme. 'We ai1 ryone nt yuar asuodO!coîng be petedte eome mac staff-i bOrrow th)e very guard- ;ly întended. This aiso tailed sud thon worked bard, studied sud learuled nonetlsfaatien, hitIe tbing hike thet e& phirase--"as scMewhc in he ne-'te Grnian staff thrsw up the gaVe end of usetul Vhitngs. We bcdl an R18- ABY FRCM A Y Oedy- ede a ldbtre ture et a ftailure." linhs, nortb andti aride their hp pieorchetaa a ctytomnany,StPalW Morsi The ttak, n fe, id nt rcced jet ite ec, putbops ochesre, vaiiet ' ~a thaie olnelanet ed if itwas true sh tali ie ë,o h e.adudtoVon seme stunt every tew days. Reftre,,: BnC f oi! î .a 1ta iebd aontda uga as hnd bec, expected ,except entt e Von Shinwito may, Peritan "The otiter camps, howve, ivere Herybd surrendered te bu. St. Quentia ;Theo Swiftanettere speck fol-resec-'hoIof otGermnan mili- inoVse well fixed. Inu'a great nme nuicsfr3 e-uTt ode eit hehty I merey - - -was titis way, ir," hoexiplained. "fie was judged o bhof et rvmîinor 'tamy opinion, thinke thtiis was efVhs prisoners were tmil rae importance. The Gsi-nana bcd hoped serieus mistalke. ýs iviow is titat if TeTrIsS- sv îei n tti~ Sn orcone up Vo nie on eutpost as muni te' gain au equal auccese nil aleng simi-bdhe itoalV Vsame ice nngdà hsCommnat.ia qso. ay eb:'aI the_______________________jonfrottoo, because te were re- peradise-pemadise!' And ns ho did- Vite lins. 'offensive ontheBtbneprs GojbVy fite l3ermans would "cal erain-' gular devils," ' nwmTsn uVtr! ly" have eacbed tIhe channel ports. Titis offlcer was in Geos twe.va- MONEY ORDERS. In te fightissg oethe whole cani- mniscd o oEgl nD-It is always safe Vo senti a Dominion - paiga et 1918 wit tMost imnmessed! comber l6th lest. Hi l at pesent on Express Money Ortier. Fîve Dollars - Scitwink -as te discrepency hetwee'-u hres meonthe' beave, wbicb ho is- coats thti-e cents, the Grinan staff's estimnate et the spenîding at hic homne in Toronto. figbtiug valueetfVite Britisht divisions' Battlefield Coïncidence. and the actuel velue, Tho Gemmnan, j UE A TAE urieus hattlefield oecincidecce is 71a re general staff consistentiy and con-!CiVi L o -esTa a related by Vhe lieutenant-colonel et siderably underestimcted hs value o ertanKdso sie TtWr te British divisionis which bcd been coPoabe 42 Vierdfusm.isttethti Zt54 Paul 'St Auguat, 1914, hie regimeat, atter ther~s neay egegd. Sme uee ce prfitale reds W 1t 1 having been railed up fi-ont Rouen, -waeky OU+- LasV cand moatirriteting oftacltitese have 'come into bel. g aince 1914. r O NTRP, EA'. 1 citaptore ef disilusion muet have been Smclfortunes appear te ho mcdoe en anfcuesSe!clbyigt . eV eMueugeiranoetof et enl- BeingnearuMeuiteuge, aud modeboffiVoLBei- ffees zno head- hsdiscvery tt, as Sctwinik pute in he streets. fia kers, ficed for Bel weaiwaysaassuîe thelae radhe u4 ,,d,. the,,,. ',,,, . On nvpmi p 1 aohe,no sleep- Iessness, nouer- vousness ni A pleasA.n and eaI'SeiM soommke it tN,~ ~fa kliten it, "te fighting velue ofthVie Germa profiteeriug in matches, bave been division§, wac generelly ovresti- fouud receutly witb large anme i n mated." notes on their porsona. A vendor ------t-ofamnphor in London, wlio usedti o Europe's Most Corrupt city. stand on he curb, bas decided siace Prussen cpita basbeentheoinfluenza epîdemie Vo open naeitop, The Pusa!cptlbsbe There la e groat mai-ket for Vhse known for nieny yeams as hserîrst!tetofdgii hs ay.Ty corrupt city in Europe, but f ew Gei-- aea mrialvalus tIsat is net ma newspapera have espoxret 0siscoe yVied1ir, u ïeel fraunkly eheut it as the Cologne Voîks. iseoe titan eue fidi buLondon mn u zeituug inesthe censor's hban wae od hi ete Vts1gns liti loel1 ie1e 1 idcte aqiebyeepenttveh u- cimsde,, i-s- Vie horible ,Babel etf Berhin.I "To beillwitb teBe-iepepeitacaesoascrt rde e with-out soul andi withoùt c hea eviee"fon, rne plecele tees ofet aIl ultur. TVInte Aout werf wto mad e pe r vig gi-oct record bock etfîsamz..rity aia- eut e thbeotac s ançi.ppe- unarS streus debt et blooti le iascxibedheoeVtwahsried nbs ,lopye oafitsfere n t e hast ihee yeaý,r s a egaint Berlia. fie who bas ntyb 1inee ots i ot m.atie hinisoî cqueinteti with te me-a itumeresiture t aierPus wit volin sentients hic hve 'pro- Vikmutce.feeu otg valt etePruissien capjitel fr inSurey aw Rerlin sanimes mrl es- -Ffyterttîit odesare pool. Werefuse ay longr te betaklc;iuig', a splecialagieualous unlrits sw'ay.",i st lbrt Uiivasiiy oprcIia ssed but WC grtaentee te hold your skine epayate ulitil you accept or aruiect Our ofe-. 90 last, the>,Srd Hussars wereý riding through the sarne'Houtmnent in pur-. suit of Germans when- the telegrarn announrcing the signing of the armis- tice and the cessation of hostilities at lni. on that day was received. Xlad' diaî=et C=res Garmet la Oow» A Mixture of' two or more boneys Always la darker tItan any of the b ybL y àdigenetdfo;tege tim t.15te30drope cfO MeterSege'sSyad ilcorc Field MarshaligTh Wmesse oofteMi- A ) mao ro)n band, but gni ear.t, tba Gr in Gre r dptedarse And hml disposition, lent bis aid lution asking the Dominion Goverra.. To oertrowthe monse ha a ment to crante a Federal Heaith Rua,- made eau. Such hvci the worid,. whose high- est, art Mlnardeu Linîment Cures~lbtere Waýs saubt of the nationsý, witb a dart MOS Forged je the dptsof bell by one] i'%cçAPEDBLAcR F-ýOX. vAY sujIî- Who Strayed I"i s-he re*ard. Reid Eo. ohel iOnt. Froni due devotioni, and ,gain essayedj To lure. the master from the better 1~ S*.LZ9 part. W 4LLEUP'D ESAE , vendJob iprnitlng p ltin ate The great rman is, indeed, the One' Ontario. Ineurance carried $,o.witu that servecs 4M eo for $1,200 on ouick sale.Bo 62. While in this rugged world, and never jenPIlthn o.Ltd., To!rto. iswerves W EEKLY NEiWSPAPEUiR FRSL Until the Talent-giver comnes te dlaim France. WilsePlt,0.Wrhdut flic own witb usury, and thon bestow that amnount.î ,) ly J. l E. r ilso n His guerdon on eacb faithful one below, M80LLA i'S Surpass,9ing-- far this'transient eartbly'lTL DIES WANTED TO DO PL, 1 ' fam. jL4and light eewing- at borne, whole o(r untic-,oi get the 8panieh Influenza, USE At to iret sigo of1it. ite daling TE OLD RELIABLE. MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., Ltd. Yarmouth, N. Iieletion Anticipeteti. Aunt .Mery-"Did Sente Claus bring yen overytiiug you asked for la your letter, my da? Little Ethel-"Oh, dear,,mie! -But betore wrot-e Ihearddadysay tal lots et betterr are cno- i5dv se I wsil, 1 got m-oretaiI - pected!" Sandwiches Madie oet rowa bra fililed withb oney and chopped. ival- You don't have to rub iL iii to geL quick, comfort- ing relief Once you've tried it. on Itati7Tîf joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu- matie- twinge, lame back,,you'il find' a warin, eoothing relief you neyer thought a liniment could produce. Won't stain the. skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to giveck resuits, A large bottle means economy. Your own or any other druggist has it. Made in Can- ada. Get it today. j aiare time, 9good pay, wori'sent nny dils- tan-e, char-ge, s raid. Send istarmp for Comn. 7Montreai fIANEIITUIoS. UPS ET. ~Jint~5,e ;ind externat cu(,red wtiJ isnely- our hometrtm t Wit e buy mai s eth'mi od alrr rera mail. CANADA REliMNNG COMPANY 84 Vlctor-ia Streeýt - Torentolý a bî kne lie thsout Yourlà,,he may avea bnchor bus ni anie hck sife, kne Tho . u iI iea t ff nLcu lajsu the Y91V he lrse. z-i ister, nu h41c sio:icernes.: eu1~~cera endYfr o on' n I ~ ~ l »M, 'dI a U~enn. h crîne aumssr i n etrh'esra.d 10nw 1 ar nd'.hd ae .bd froealepnytu hcaln wscîzen aaly, and uhe. IV lace waa FO CVUR HOiRSE ý"T!HI WINErzr- le te bet ~ropylaie gaInst diseeare. Twenty drops 0 ~ SOH'Sdally wtli act as- an effectIve preventatîve-wîîl 2 eueyou'r horses and Mulesa esainst Distemper and . ~f ~fiuenaa iln any form. ý When there is no mucix disease, wheu O your hers. e sno often exPoeed, keep your horse on hIe feet bY startins- the useo f SPOHN's eariy. Youx drugglst Ihadlea IL ~R G0 SPOHN MEDICAL. COMPANY, Goshern, IndI;;n, U8A 0f ou rmrkbe 1,0.0 apsSyrur and Ber pie opeitn r iu anniounc"ed. 1hi t pentto a2lUw3-ases of orJdeoabe'~ EVA0EA'Q.. aab p ix to ta-val ue -of 8000ý.00 wili ' redleth Sru Ôn<t' 8000I l the Ogar EnL0-ieg cn or, niade lthr (or bt c*aaýe'j e. Wflp 1ons to ho had by F1tn o Gu. 1rWEe oDtto O'na'. ofl!, cijl~~oii~PI pwefuly ppaltonn zIqere cf u Catn"ahn-b Evapratr ~1tng100 s. WVhy dely yur purebase ner l'oxt4nr? B~~y ne, etr1.cnee .dFnaCahpie n ths eduese uat cf thomahlt Tho rm auatrn opn,58Wtl0o t, MnraQe or wis t. 'i~itno. O . W ~eI P fl Frjes.~d,, STOCKS 105-106 lTRANSIPOR PTA T 1ON a U G.D N à-,~ rý-