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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1919, p. 2

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it a ieSar pubiished every ilbrrdaY nd }i il oruiaig. Te spcctively. afi 1 LETTEMIAN Cffi( " . ,aaea$Block, 26 andt 27 Kixng-et. WeiS. isen. l'Puilisiiers and proprietors. at $1.50 car anint:m, p ayable in adVanceeý2 00atter frât threc JL~.. AZLEW00OD, M.D. C.M.. Ç01D mEDÂ)LI qT or TRINiiTYi fli! veruivToronto. Four Year e ;At IOndlnfr PbyoieIafl ard surgeon at ML ýlrn,ai -lognitral. Pltf'ihurt. KIL oSife, andS 1te1d4=c& V.,Iinéon L gali.Uone0 No. 10&. RAILWAY TIjME TABLES, FOR BOW MAN VILLE. C CU\ G EAST . ONWEST EXprt ýs îý,52 a. -. Local 6.57 a. M EXprens 10.-50 .Lcail 94 -5 a M-*, IPasEeDger 328S p.m Pass'ngr 1 56 p ' mn. Local 6 1;4 p. a\'*Pass'ngr 7.21 Pl M1 Local 7.21 p. mn. *-Daily-,ex,ç-ept-Sunday-. CANADIAN PACiFic RAILWAy 0 1 ~I~T 0 GoRc A4Y E> piess 58 a,M. Express 10.20 a.m. *Local .8.2eo a.m.* i, 3.05 p.m. Ezpîesc 4.44 p.m. Local 9.48 P. M. 7.,42 p.m,.* Expres3 12.03 a.m al)ailv except Sundav. C. B. KENTr, Town Agent CAÏNADIANNORTHERNRkAILWAY CoINýG EAST GOING WEIST 1 ruEss 6.45 p.-nm. Express 9 .40 a. m - Dcîily except Sunday. 4ýi i ud>! donc te you,ýr stsat on v itliý,Asonablcprice by Leis Row (ucsste John i1M.Rw) Cal lt hcbidonc- cor, Ont1mi) a nd Vurhai-s(t00-ext oor Lout of M, Jbu Qigge. 3-tf Timei Table Changes A change of time wýll be made on June 129th, 1919 îrnfor mation now in Agents' haîd, J. H. H. JURY, Town Agent, Phone 78 Bowmanville. Boys' School Boots Well' made, buit for service, and' guaranteedtotegive - 'satisfaction, al leather, sire 8 te 13, priCe $2 7510o $375. Boots 'or Meni Goot m aterial, well made, try a par of these at $4.25 1 have stocked a few sampie -boots tamo- men antIbeys. Come sud inspect them Repairîing Dione Dont throw thase olt shees awav, have me repair themn. Goot] workmanship quick service, reasonable prices. Sergt. Geo. W. Humpalge Late Sheemaker te Hic Ma jesty's Forces Opposite McCeîlan & Cois. Elevater. Notice_ Wo& alPh6ho ü3.o, ,orý5 On wTl 4cegi iniý clues h drugist.or ned in pl in ke. 0" ,e fllood( f.Xr w POn"r. ll let ae uwIlre. Sold by aIl ELIÇNF. Q.,TORONTO, ONT. (fermsig WadngcJ OP ONSON W RLD ROBLEMS DYV CI-IS M. BiCE, B.A., LL.B.,, DENVER,iCOLORADO. IME JOMING. PIGEONI. it s imest ,seenied a piece of vile1 sacs] le gata use the dove famly- the ,be su symb-i-ol of pue geuth ness and love, as -war'c mes-i seuger~, but i, had te be; it -xas se eiderzd' by tbe enemýy., Whien thel' HTua s ucbine w,,as set goiug the car-i reler pigeon was iin erid.gnce. It was au im-iportant liln uwa.Spies weme a-g-t iin Baîgiuin the first iveek of[, corc'utipt'ns; buit iwhen the scapiel andt ' microscope anid theý, lab9raeiteýy utlenl Is hýave donc thc'tr best th, lere renir nis mLach te he accauuted for. The , is a gpta be filled between the jl'iysical and pisycïiceýl. L( ;e of hmthat bu"s bat]sncb influence over man sudf hic transi- tien, is ut the bottom of the pigeon instinct. The ancients mii-ade use of it whenu-theýy had no othajfrfam, of quick communication. Thausands of the stuggle witb pigeons eneceled;-yaars uago igo p'"w-are fan-I lun thair belmets, made 'for the pur- ilium te t he ests.Caccsar made, pose of canreying thei.Meses use of the gautle fumily in bis ecam- wvere sent buck te eaqnrer 1W paigus. >Eridently thara, is net much thase ageucies. Other nationis- had! ta tilt is new under the sun. f oliow suit. Before jlng the aiesI- There is but littie differance be- weme able ta keep iu tauch thm-oug-h tween a doresud a pigeon. Tha word tha igeo -wIl afl ae faipde dore is a numa more generully sp- The -h oininj, istinct bwas made e p ied te the smaiier membeme of the of~~~~~~~~~~ tud]ttebearaddsieIpigeon family, but nY sar dst.~ o oatathveeseof wr adtien-canb-a ranbetween -igtons An instinctive lcture a deirer-asd dores, and in geemal literature2 cd iu Denver. eatyb rdC, the twe words are usad almest lu- L .incoîn, hbaud >of the City Park M, -diffîently. No species ceau ha poiuted eum, a soldier whlo was wrk n inout te which the wordd'ora, takanl Fiance witb the carrier pienir! alone, seenis to hae absolutely prepe3r. war. Generul Persing, we believ e. Th laîgest. of the group ta wbich the decorated a p igeon thut bat] bénane is. applicable is eraîhp th 1e waunided sereral times on) the danger-, ing-oe rwodpgnavy ous missions it had been put ta per- common bird throughoutt Europe. The fom m for the ummy. Sto)ck-Dore is a smaller sýpecies wvith 1Raturning regiments, chemish fw,7- mauy of the habits eof the ingDoe enite pigeons witb remaarkzable records The writar bas a ïry vivid recel- of, devetien. We are toit] that byt etiuofthe wild -pigeoni of Canada, the' cnt]of the wuî France, badl an! that wemecenumerous in iicisboyboed army aIoOyU ieos rtah atda-ysbut wbielr appear foraie-I- as many, the U. S. witb growing cl- koncuat aabcm ut oo es, and, the anemy- as, many as etýI net. Frnc. lndiing pigeons bacamre an A dietingioished writer and orne- imnportant paît of the service. It he- thologist bus recorded-thut lha saw -a came sa well organizet] that with a1 i floio theseý pigeons that coutained wimes down and thae ncounter &'( 2,230 'millions. H1e doas net informi us fieîcethat buman runvners cou! lont how ha wac able te count se rnany ha emp loyet], headquartars conît]bha pigeons. It le recorded, howe-ver, keptý informcd froni the first I.ue' that su eurly days they were ce nuni- trenches by meaus of the pgenerone, that thay mravaged the eurly route. cloite rope nea;r Vontreai,,and Science bas viteg arnaely -7 thutI the Bîchop of a chuîch waz con- gardug he ixtbsen e fith ba frgstmined te eueorc2ise them with holy pigLýeon that gives it an sinctmare wtr as if thbey had baecome damons.- man dacs niot ases 11szin p thIe Teîp fih fteebrsi lay aI tlie lant] anti eurigtesmtin 1 nreilas coma. where it w-us taken f , asthe crev w a hh ave ba_ c-kiled iCanada files, tc brain, its -ayýjean! its e a inhs eroisco 1ntaîadunsghaesed bave been deled into by anatamiý,segan'frc htms aeba aut(] woudemùsl recuits bave coma frem ,short]y bel re pluçka,ýd and.- swa-low the, ctudy. d ed ilu Se. CJsioina eýr Georgia. The ,eye le talescopic; tiha ear is The, French peicop)le t]uriug the pri evai as well as a sount] recipi- Frauco-Pmussian war of 1870 were eut, and its brain is niarvaelu its isamLÉnaits l ieue~ h ___________________________carrier pigeon. Befoma the organi- ____------------________ zation, of thaeeeê,trie telegraph pi-g- seswaîa regularly eminpIoyed býy the .5 naw s bes of the Stock Exchange fer caueyig arlyintelligence of tise stata pf ltha makets in Paris, etc. As3abtious o al the important fortreeses Toronto, appaul te ùàii wq ûfFrance sud Germnany Wadthair Students whe do net caeetea oe stf f aaeu*rhoigpien two r tbee idute tma. oiitsut ,w-re w-el traiued for' 50 to 100 may euter any day and continue to,,- mirles, se tbey conît] ha relied on fer Graduation jute a 'good 'position.i communications, froni fortrass ta Firce Booklat. Write W. IL. fortress, etc.. .i Shaw, President. The disputchas carmîed by the pig,- eons were lu tise firet instance photo- graphed on a reduced seule sud on thin sheets of paper, tha original Get the Best. It Pays. wrsting being preserrat], but, au in_- proret] systeni was sean organizet], ,The dispatchas w-re printelJ in ont]- isîary typa, ant] micro-photogruphat] on te thin filme ofcqllot]ion. Eacb pallicle maaeurad lacs tissu two suchas Yonge and] Charles Streets, Taranto, by oe, andtheis reproduction of six- Is-notedt treugbeut Ca >nada for high taon folio pages of type contaiuad grade business educatian.. The de- aboya 3,000 privata letters. Tbey niant] feraur graduates during the las£ w-rea s light tisat 50,000 dispatches faur years bas heen mïore than five w-are ragardat] as the weiybt for oe limes our ,surpbf. Open -ail year,> pigeon. These films wema reflet] up Write for 'our" illustratet] atalogue. tîgi tly and] placet] in a, small quil Courses may be commencet] aI any w-hicb w-as attaciset longitudiualiy ta timeeac of the tail feathers of the bird W. Ji ELLIOTT, Principal, ant] thus cnmried. S 0ALt TEýïND1E §addressed le the under- t;gud, nS nad "Tender for repaira ta pier aS PortHoeOn."wil be received at1 thin office until 120o ock faoon, Wedneiday, Jnly 2 Ois9, for the ontcin irepairs ta puer at Port Hope, Durbani Cousty, Ont, Plana and forma ai i contraet can be aee,, sud npLtitIcatiôw adC iorma ai tender obtalined at this lieparbment, a the offlce of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont.; and atth Pont Office, Plort Hope, Ont, Tender, wil!iiîut be considered unies, madeon printed 'forma su3plied by the Departmeat and in accordanca with conditiens contained tisera- Each tender muas a accompanied by an ac- eepted choque on a chartered bank payable te tise order cf tise Miniter ai Public Worka, equal So 10 p. c.o ,I tiseaount af tisa tender.' War boan Bonda af thse Daminion iili aSic be acccpt- ed aa asecuity, or War Bondsansd cheques il re- required ta make up an odd amonut. NTE.'-BlUe prints can be obtaLned eat thia Departinent by depeaitina an uecceted banIk chaque for thee aum aif10.payable ttise aier ai tise Itilalter of Public WaVrkE, whieb icl l be retnrned Il thee ntendin-g bdder buismit a regu. lac bd, By aider, IL . n aSiocuans, - Secretary. Department ai Publie Works, Ottawa, Joue, il, 1919.22 MVAIL CONTRýACT SELR EN DEaS, add bea a iePa eýoaveYaýneceofais uaMjeatY's M ailsaor.ap:apoaad Con.traei foi, four'. as.thrt v en t uresper wek oanthue rtonte BOJWMANVILLE A-N*D RALW,ýAï STAION, GADTRUNRý, saa onditincaiproposed dotracibo h ae- 1ud baFk o ora i eder ImaY h ataine at the 11-a1 Offic, (la-i Bauwmdvil ,anS t h office ai i ePot Ooc Isetr.Trn, Pari Office npcac' fie laotJn ILOis, 191ý9. 1253S .A. SLTPUa11LANPIT,'1 MORtE PROPAGANDA. Since tisa peace treaty w-as draited, Mathias Erzberger, Ganmauy's chiaI representative, wrote' a latter wbich isus fallen into Amanican bauds sut] bac beau publichet] lu the New York Tribune. Iu it occurs, thèea striking para- gpariss:, "We learu from reliabie sources that pacifist prapaganda wili ha pusis- et lu erary possible way lu tisa en- tente countries, aspecially ameng de- mobilizet] coldiers. Indeet], it aven now- le being danca.opeuiy lu newc- papemss, pamphlets unt] speeches. Tise tandancy aI tise Frenchs War Cabinet w-i be.combatet];,,the returu afI'AI- sac-Lorraine,,te France wili ha criti- cizet] and] a plebiscite wil] ha pro- peset] a& tise'hast solution of tise - "It is certain - that if the war sheuit] be resumet] anti-miîtarism wouid play a diff erent Tele in the unmies af the, entente nations than befoma the armistice. Tise entente is es;entiîially- waakenet]inlu figbtiug streisgth,,adrocates baviug anisen for us in tis e ry ieant of oui enamies iii orerpeweiug force." The pacifist propaganda bas mnada its appeananre as HIein rabr pradictat], It is beisigfait luGreat! litaini. i-saffect le lacs eridarntu Franice, buudoubtadiy it is ut wek Rumors burevreeaciset]us of tisa inca- corIy oftise Cieecean Mitiy, tisa "Facba Cabinet" te w-bicb tisa sjiie spacficAly refais,isa Ant] pac ifi2t pr-opagauda le n- creaasinýgly' activýe in tise Unitet Stut;s. iftis netceu oïfinedt] t tie tise beirun f ise wI-n.It q ie ft- il~ tit's-ay lutoue pprclu s w-Xhaie its pieseuc cc asossn 1 prise. lawyer." the water, bridc-custi4 "Wby, iawyers are Uic vary mien who hnah in the mare argues" btit UcdrgStonr "But net withoiut a ;fee." uric aci, onrt put uj To buîldup tce &trc thc blood, take un ir The Abilty tering a simple pas1-1"rt "mvAufatur sagaecfpmusic atsigbt v=ithou Aan btehohad in tables af e1vemy choir niember sbould etîrirve ta maýde fromi wild rootes a ucoubealeohll. and rDut un in1 The, peace treaty is not perfect. MURDERED BY M Modification of its ecouoxnic termis! inay be necessary in ordejr th-at Ger- Cver Twelve Mdlion Dl mnany can lire to pay lher j7ut-bia Throuý "lu tions. But if we are sw2-,ed bhy t j ý el sentimentality of pa c ifist s, u pOtIIJt l"sestniatd ha Iwhose propaganda th'le Erzberge,,rs ~ t rrley ii and Scheidemanins and Bernstorîf suledfiom ,ýlhe grea are relying, into making f1ar-re-achîng of ilifiuenza eplJdemics. concessions so that Germiauy may bie An appalling deathr spared "hmlain"We Wlll simplY, but although the numb( play into the hands of Men wbo 12- been so gigantie, the] gard ai] sucb concessions as an evi-- deaths is flot estimateg dence of weakness,, and who at the, than seven or eight per first opprtunity viill presume upon also1 be. borne lu mir our kiudness to take advantage, or' races suifer less than1 to do us injur3y. What we nee(l more Fifty per cent. of the than allse is to be, firmn and to Nrhr ~~o back, our demnands with force, if tewne rma p necesary.One village, with a popi 200, wa s wiped eut, whi' A. LEAGUE 0F CLASSES. Bebron --only a' few of dred iuhaý)4tants were 1 The, ope cirumstauci(e thiat more sick and di pose of the than any other hias m.)ade the thought 'dead, meldical 'aid belol of internationalwaae intolerable, lu sogne South Afric is the -fuet tha-t ne -war can be 'car- deathe hav-,e numbered ried on under moem iicon ditions of the cises. lunEngl Without -iufiictinig enormous b hard- harclly thlreeper cent, ships and hideous erg l0 'i The greuatest miortal lions, of noncoxbatants-women, chul- disease at the preseni dren,, and the aged. 1choiera, of which there It is the tragic experience, of the! in Bombay. One in eve: civiian populatîçus aud their sacri- f atal. fices, direct and indirect, that have Smallpox am ong unva impelle men 'everyvWhiere te cry for is deadly in forty case: safeguards against ,fuirther war. The lu Samoaý smallpox brc League of Nations is the answer to villarge of Hapaa, aud,, that cry., dred euo0ffour hundrE But,,what is true of international lawed 'Dy tuberculocis, - warfare is ualso true of industrial ff twelve months the stri fe. No great etr ýuggrle between two curv-ors left. ,workers and eplyes au be'rest- .l1n the Pacific Islands --icted in-its-efees--to those iTalry r1bT§dïRstructivewhils engaged iný it. Tlie noncombatants -car, durinig a receut ep suffer-the poublic-d epend(ent for cent. of those whocý eommodities or srieupon the co- died. op)eration of the two clas3ses.. The At its -worst, scarlet recognition of? tecpublice as a third per cent. Typhoid fevei party ,, with very dýEfinite interests to be feared nowQ»daycg involred, îs au essential factor In any case twenty yearc ugo. attempt to solve our industrial prob- lun 1884, a very large pri lems. forcesecontracted it,a TheLeague, if Nations proposesto per cetof ail cases prý enforce arbitration or conciliation in 1he Nîie, lu 1898, wl international disputes. The n1ation sashe the power of that. begins 'hostilities' before it basphidroefaltot exhiausted every mneans provied fer hundrlilled, aUld the avern reachînig an amicabi)le settlem.eut ýiý the ,samne i n the South to be-oI dee an, offi encler gaa'l'The mraltfromn th1e Peace andwlar of the world do1wn-1 to seveniteen per and subject to thje discipline of thje buit încuitioi1i appears League. au ed altogethier to th Why not apply the camne rrineiplei ed disuse. to indus trial disputes? _Why not a- league of lasses to prevent war iný "Father, Forgiv the indus-tri,1ld'fr? The emnpleying case the wrigFuther, foirgive us,fo class and lftbe canisuin-g ,class-thesci We've passed Thee thireec ould be organized into a whlle gazing fer; league that would enforce arbitrDtion Wev okd eodt or conciliation. The emploe wo we lire, resorted to a loc!kout, or t:he no n ouhhew that callda strike, beore exhuaustinig, ,uiitsae the means p)rovidedfr an axrica-ble Help us te know Thoi settiemeut, wouldu be considered an . by sîde,ý offender against the commiunity.,and > Whatever and where-V subject to snch discipline as the coin- Thou art net far-off st munity could impose through laws close that it hias the power tp euact. Our-bauds may every It is the consnming ciass-tbe cdues to Thee. that suffers deprivation, and pays%, through increased prices, the cost of Fatber, forglre us; industrial warfare-thlat must act in bour its own protection if a plan for in- How near Tou art. dustrial peace is te beevolred. rbee iiear,1 If there is need of "class couscious- That with unfailîugfa heurts ness" auywhere, it \is bere, among On1tieonlvg those of the great noucombatant, but ourhieaonrin dependeut, public, squieezed1 between aufer the upper and nether milistouies of ___________ capital and labor. It possesces a vastly, greater pow- ~ 7 tl er than it realize-a power that ie unorganized land, therefore, ineffec- A touch of, D. D. D. tire, It is a power less likciy to be sore- or itching eruptan i used destructirely on the one baud, t0 rest and sleep once mc or opprescively on the other than the a touchl is it worth tryin pwrof either of the other classes. bottle te.day. Your moi powerbottle dees,,fnot relieve, It is, indeed, a mediaLingpower. But Loveil, DruggitsBow it must be organized in order that gs, om it may, become effective te avert con- flicts and te promote the gradual and peaceful adjustreentý of industrialD relations on a better basic.____________ The time bias come for the great, amorpphous, undirected publie to seek W ý TL> some methed of' sbaping itecîf into asl ieK defiuiteness of form and aim se that it may insist on recognition, and After B-ad Colds or 1: employ its power te, defend its own Look to Kidneys rights-rights,that cone, nearer te - being ceincidentaI -with the general welfare than those of any other dlace. -i e ipby D-,,are îgth, anAiiprv sun tnii ,,ueli~ ed b1)vD ieUc, ,t dpig s o oi'c sucb,0 D' licai L)scovcmy, ud harks witbeout tabletsi or liauid. seaths Resulted Epidemnic. up, to e epa lon'deatlh bva. atest aadi worst roll te be cure, )or of casas bas percentage of ed ta ha more ýcent. It must Ind tbat white black. iubabitants of idajuic of "fin." ,ulaltian of ovar le ut another- )fthe twa bun- laft te. tend, the te bodies of tlie ig unobtainuble. ian kraals the forty per cent. l1and- tbay are Àity f rom n iy t tinie is from lei an epidemie ery two cases is rccinated races ts lu a bundred, roke eut lu the killed ana buin-ý ýet. -It wasti uud u Otle end mre wecaouly 3measels is'tar-' :t jin Mudagas- 4iTlemfic, 8-0_per :uugbt males ferer kilîs ten- Br ie mucb las 9 tau was tbhe intha Soudan, aud tbimty-iue roved fatal. On heu Kitchener tbe Mahdi, ty- wenty-eighit par Afrcn ar lypbloid ile uow tn.of cases, s likcly',,ta put his mucb-drau- ve Us," we fear ut times ou the m oud, he valley wilere lee the sblniug nwlest sd ter wa muybe :audiug9, but se 'Y manment cding show us erery 'Haip us te ladl tb wa reet üoui ;beart, and loe ta apy ecezemia and you'iî he able ore.ý ThÎnk-Jasit mg? Get a trial oney 6ack if first 1you, Jury & ainville. De Influenza and Bladderl Owiug te bad golds, t]ver-ea&c iMg or intemper- DANCE RECORDS W ITH 1a Victrola and "HiffMaster's Voice*" Records, anybody can dance now-a-days, anytime ay wliere; anird we may danceto alny MeasUre we please, from the 0l- fashioned waltz or mijinuet, to the Lâtest'gIide, one-step, or trot-. 90 cents for 1-inch, doubie-sided- From Hae te Shanghai-MedIe!g Oe-Sep-and-. Pappy Tiane m lasOk apa-CrotFx11 Viciai Miitary Bauld 18267 Pain Pom--Mea7ey Ont-Siep-and-Honky Toaky- Vicio ai Mlry Baud 18039 Yoaall Fiat] OIt Dixielanad, lnFraaie-'Pelro-and- Just i Ble-Fasr Trois ýAIl Star Trio 18547 Dear Old Pal af Mine-andi-Whea You Look ln the Heaït of a Rse- Waltzca J. C. Siuuth'a Orch. 18543 The RoyalVga d-d-CIa-FxTos . C. Sndth'a Oeclsedtra 18541 SwetSlamese-Foxz Trot-as?--Ba' Had No Lovîn' for a Long, Long Tine-Osa- Steplu Franizen'a Society Orchestra 18546 $1.50 for l24ïnch, double-sided Someime-aaud-Choag-med4eyFore'trois Smihs Orchestra 3568-4 "~ed ovaie laaadlm lasCiasin Rtai- Trw-- ox is m&niih's Orchestra 35682 Lepyç Ilt toJanle-Med¶y Fox Vrot--and-Rambler Rose-MediiOe-Sfcp Saaith's Orchestra 35660 Esnienad-cnd--Cecile-Waltz Hesilalo0n Cal ouse Orchestra, 25373 Millçei-WltzH~sa1ln-cnd MIblyLak' a Rosae-Hesiiaion McKee'a Orchestra 55676 Missoi w k-n-isM ~l at Snmlft's Oraiestra 3S663 - Vicirlaû'o0n $)4 Sq $597 <aç l neasy pay- nianîts, if clesiredi). Aak for f ree copy of our 6 ~2Q page uscl nCYclepeçlia,'lisiting over dotealers làa '-Y 'i ed Tise practical.utility of tise Overbid, Model 90 basu attractet] tha attaution af autiro coiemuniticeanid createt a sentiment of approral tisât i-s eoustantiy, iuÇ~asin, luawakening pu ilie prei tot the economnical value oi tise automobile îin gencial, the Overlta'd bas playet] au important part. Oiver je 00potfes dependable cars are toçlay sçrring tiseir ow eeïeniatly aeut] aconomically. 0f ail tisc 600,000 cars more.than oua-fil tb ara Modal.90 aCar Of. uch atrciv ppearancic and saligper- formance tiat owunï,ei- evryw,ýbera praisa e onomy1 awIpa iaIvaille. , Publie, reitinthewOn-ý aind exprac,e1i),syoui sie guide ii, hu i aïar Cal] It 11q garage ýiud ec ithis yeaa<e0vrl modlejl'iad swsk for n eostain A. W. Pckard

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