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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1919, p. 2

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,~ 11111FC'ANAD l T aFLn sd l'HF naBowM~AN 'nila awsarcpubtseve~ ry 'Ihursday and Prlbian Oiloriling. rcpCiiveiy, st '1 H'K SrÀeS1eA, (Aicre, 'ames Biock, 26and 27 Ki*ng-a;,. NVnest, m~~nawiviiie, Ontarie. Canada. M. A. James& îons, ]'nblishere andi iroprietorg,. et 550 pC eîrnum, payable lu adivaucc; ï200 ater firat three bmenthm. B. 3. JIAZLEWOOD), IM.D C.M- B 0WY A IVTr T 1. * wy. ( OLD MEOÂIIST 01? TIINIT Y TNfI- v eralty. 'toriito. Four ieart Atdarpbvs*lclan aS, ru~nrgeon M 741 Carmei lospi1ltl, Pittwburî. Re. ~' GOfrle, and 5tleîicea.Wellna.oo St. Ki1,i.hoii, No. a108. RAJLWAY -1IME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. cYPAD TRuNK RAiLwAy Con'cEAST GoING WVST lixrcEes 852 a. ni. Local 6.57 a. ni,* Express 10.30 a.- ni. L(cal 9 45. a. M-; Passenger 3 28 P. . 1- 'P;)ss'ngr i . ni;.M Local (;5 4 p. nM.' Pass3'ngr 7.21 p. nM. Local 7.21 p. nm. Mill Q958 p. nM. Daily exnept Sunday. CANýADIAN 7PACWIiC RAILWAT L, il 0 iVE GiH AST ElXPlIe8F$ 5.58 aan. Expr . 0.0a, *Local 8,2o a ni.* ". ,05 P.nL "1~ioea 444 an.Local 9.48 P. M- ~' 742 pn."Express 12.03 a. 'laiv xcept Sundalv. CB.KUNT, Totwn Agen t Errs6.", 5P. ni. E-xpress 9 .40 a i )Daily excep' Sunday, I DecoratingI Ur ,h1klnds done tQ your sati8fact- on ---10 -ý caýonalble prices by Lewis Rowe C o tJuin I I{owe) Cal] t h1 s esience cor.Ontario d t) i dn.t next door solitli of\'Ir j C hj rig',1.3r The Double Tý rack Route between Montre ai Toronto Detroit Chicago Ulnexuelied dînýin--ig car service. ýSIeepinu, cars on night Trains and Parior Cars on the 'principal Day Fulli â5orration troùû sny Grand Truîjk Tickhet Agent ot C., Horning, ])îtrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. Rl. 11. JURY Townt Agent,- ]Phone 78 Bowmanville., Cream Wanted! Pricles of (reani are hïgli.' We pay good prices for good crearn. We wanit p urs. If we fail b cail on yen. we, would appreciate a pon call orwite us Orono Cleamery Coe, Oronol Notie B Tenus a nd Ivierts hewOle ruod i,e CU ei, Lrosi for55.Qu wîl pe~e, is 11 cueSoid by ail drgit r msiled ile Plain piqg. - o eipt ef pr r. e u armpte muiatfoeTSEWOOD MEDIIN2O., 05010, NT,(buer Wnds.). OPINIONS ON WORLD P OBLîS BY CHAS. M. BICE, B.A., LL.B., DENVER., COLORADO, Signaures Attached. Fi years, aimoist te an heur, ftec hs r' eieybad bheen set' ia niotiopw teO ièý AVe ,a cotinent in ýwar, hs peace treaty., împosinig ternis cf defeat uponl hs ensniy rsosb for Vhe war, was iîgaed at Vrsailles 'witbh eous;- ing ceremeinies. June 28, 1919, Willl hbave raisAd ietters lainfuture his-r boni-. IV Marke( Vhs begïinInJýg Of; a n vera in Vhs f s fei)" ,zain Be3 dqesinI pil idalfoi ',a difL! ferc t codle of itrntonlnorality; it is ?equaIIy ertain th1-at hs- document w1r lVvas si'ned anl;eaàIed on that day createal, ph-ysjIcalIY, a New Eýirope. AV ne tîmiýe, with d(ue. delib- eiation, was ever sncb chanýIgea iade in the manps of continents. The wrkdns w,;a accotplisbed undecr hs "fierce ligbt of pubirt" No p'àlane eryday person, hs v g svo9te-r, bcto be titken bntq, considera- etsÎin et every step among hs ciief niation-s atPaiFrneVh U. S., Cxrcet Bîitain1 tayandJ pen-ae suffra'ge, 'anal th-eir ýgorerinents can > ~be madxini ulnade by an adverse popuitw voV0te The trateÎi&gaed on .l.June 2Vbwa, noV h oWwerk cf diplomaots iocking. Vo tbeiir own inter- ests'a, anl klngs anal- courtiers bail very ittls ta do wiVh i. With every elanse 'aotaits effect upon millionsof E -4RVICE.R--This peo)pie bad* te lbe appreciatea by'the. 3 Bank, fr te pastrtymlea 45 years, hsdone At hs hae of this rsaty is.a roc- its share in the development ognttion of ths doctrine e f inteic- of the b1-viness of thse Doe- jnatiýonaliani. 'Tle concQrn of oas continent is the coiicemn of cli. I c minion. Ou)i.r experienýce and ibreaks out la the Balkans, Wal Street, equpm~t ae tteevç New York, wiVh a score cf other of98 veyc to em[centres througbho ut hs worl, feel hs effet àda-nal mai t ttee Y df Vhs nation. THE Sciencé, airdema inventions, coi- inechave bound hs continents o- tqî NDÎIÀRDjeter. For ths sieven moaths cf ths curreat fiscal ysar, U.S. exporta 0F' CANADA j reacheal the amazIng totai cf $7,850,- BOWMANVILLE ER.ANCH ý000,000. They went Vo-hsvery ends of tLhe ecrth, to our allies, nentrals, A. N. MCMILLAN, MANAGLES and, of laVe, Vo our enemies. Europe, -Is owing us a gigntîl bill, growig; every month, if Europe fails, If IV Î2heccines an anarchistie caîdron, we uffe esvery Qesof us, The treaty wa" made necessary hy s haw 5 hs advanc.e etdemocracî, iby ices I ngi1te.lllgeaee aniong_ hs masses.t sJL811IleJ 'Jk.I5,, l> Amsaof hs alliealnations were noV Toronto, appeai Vo Ambitieus miade up of ýmereenaries or slaves or Studeiits who do noV cars Vo lose illfterates. Millions and millions cfv two or threa monïths in'e. -Yen hs figbting men hiad -a keen apprecia- may enteray day andl continue te tien cf what hey ,folw ers Cestiono Graduation into a good position aniw tsoudflo Vhceain Frs oliet rieW. H'cl host1ilities, They -were determîlned Free BoklotthatterepresenVt"ives of hs@ nations In Shaw, President. union, faiiing Vo go the fuqIllength ______________________________ tomalte futurs laternationalwars _________________________impossible, ýshoul be dislodgeal at the t fatpossile amomnt. G-tthe Beet. It Pays. We have beeceme our brother's kesp-r IThe Versailles Treaty gives recog- Inition In h beisV sense Vo hs Rights Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto. la- noted theoughou-' Caniada for high gra1de business cdmcation. The de- mand ýor our1 graduate-s during the last four years bas been more Ilian tive ithyes o'tr sujpiy. O ýpcn ail year. Wr-ite- for 0,:rÏillustrated catalogue. Cousesmaybe comnienccd at any W. J. ELIL1QTT, Principal. MAIL CONTRJtACT SEAIRD TENDERS, addreeaed te the Poot. master deneyai, wili be receired at Ottawa utIl noue, on Friday, the,26Lb JuIy, 1919, for the coeveyance utof1 lM A et' alor a.propo<sed Coutract for tour veara', thirty moyen times per week on the route BOWMANVILf.E AND RAILWAY STATION, GRAND TR13NK, trom the Postmaster Generit1's Fleasure. Pîinted notices cotaining furtber Information as te conditon5e o propo4sed Contraçt mar btu sue and biank fornise Tender ma ble obtffined at tihe PueS Offcem otflesnaanvi e and at the office ofthtiel'est Office Inspectr.- Toronto. Poet Office Inmpectors Office, Toronto, Jue A, SUTHJERLAND, 21 S post Office Inspectr Is Your Car Insured ? If niot, you are taking mueb un- uecessa_îry chance. Our automobile insurance -ives absolute protection on these five points: i. PUBLICLIABILITY. Indemni- fies assured against loss on accaunt in- juries to the public. 2 PROPERTY DAMAGE. Prc- tecits owner againat cdaims arlsing froni. daniage to norperty of others. ,3. COLLISION1,Ta.nd TRANSPORT- ATlION., Reimburses owner for dam- age ta bisow.n car cauaed by collision o)r during tIra nsportation. ' 4. FIRE. Inaures againat fire frDm, aycause. ,. THEFI, Cavera theft of car or- equipment. I can place thiskInd of lnsurance, 30,% less than it can be secured in Many places. You need al Ibis Protection, Phone- mne or caîl at cffice and let me give you full> paricuilars. JJ. lMASON Insuranze Agent Bowrnanviile of Man., Selflýsh isolation îs ne longer possible. Logically Vhs Isciationists in and ont cf. Congress should bave hegun, their outcry five years ago andl caîied, upon Vhs U. S. Vo, pull np the Enropean gangway andl have neosisal- Angs with Europe until Vhs conflagra- ,tien hurned itself ont, Iu no ether wýay could we have remainied nieutre]; Pnal now with Vhs five yearsbehinal us sud-with a perfect, understanding of whist was involvedAll that, moat me- mentons, pereal of cii biatory, f ew wouid cars Vo Vhink of sncb an atti- tude for a great nation, The reaty wiIl noVtlie likeiy ,ta stanal witbout changea being maïde la Vhs League cf Nations covenant fronu ime Vo Vume as expeilence Veaches, Serions objecetion bas been Vaken Výo severai provision 's by Amierica citi- zens as heing oneroue Vo a nation that profits nctbing Verritorially nor financiaiiy £rom Vhs bargaýiýn, and sncb criticisms' wihi lie giv'en serions, con- sideration; but vas djo, noV belieýve that Vhs objectera te Vhs principie running..Vhrough Vhhe league yull have VbsjiNway. A step wais Vaken that cannot lie retracted more than two yeilrs ago, when we entered Vhs Enropean struggle. Japan Becoming Deanecratie. Since Vhes orverturning cf Vhs Ter- 'auchi cabinet, Japan bas had its -near- est approach te a, democratie ministry. ,Ia. the present cabinet comnmonsrs sit, with nien of tithe, sud its Priais Min- laVer confesses huiseif responsihie Vo a pcrliamentary .niajcrity, aithough under the constituitio.n, like Vhs Ger- man Chancelior hefore the revolution, be la u-esponsihle only Vo Vhs emperor. But this approximation Vo a demo- erlacy dos noV satlsify. The movement gains strength for a mors fuada- mental reforni-the extension of Vhsý franchise. To-day, Ont of 60,000,000' people, only 1,600,0,00 men, wi.th speci- fled qualifications, are entitiled Vo vote. Public demonstrations la favar of universai rnianhood suffrage have ho- P orne freqenît sia'cE Vhs armistice, 1Men of promînence have idsntifiedl theniselveis iith Vhs canîpaigu, andý esnthusstiâstic 'Support cornes froni Vh students incolleges sud universitiesi jTelatt ýr, indeed, have gýone se far' I i asU. Vopeetapetition directiy Vo Vhs E nip r o r a s in g th a t t e b aillo t bh e grne o Vhs men of Vhs nation orn iats.Tihi, s iJ,'à V ibn-' writer, is ndvocatinî uirag orha Sex. She ayastrss n te iet that even if Japaingat maodsuf- frage, 1Vhs-epuntry iii liefar bhe- he,ýse crazy nd blood-thirsty crirnin-1sfa îls bve hegun their, deadiy wQrk in I5S -Ue he Dominion, anal ý111 probhabiy het iadfrom inVhe eastera ýcitieýs ho- bre ong.Erery precaution 'sbould !e tL-!en Vo starnp'iV out, as eariy as, Z possibýle, In its inception.-- Ink stains of long sianding on car-, pet can lie removed by reating, witb oxalie acid. LaisasSal cEaayL~ cia tihe WOAl hind oits associates of the western democracies wbich bave extended the Frinch as Spoken by franchise to woxnen. the Canadianý Tommiry Japanese labors, is seeking z y: . 4trger recognition. Strikea ïl-(e ula As ToMnj cornes allnghomiefrom- fial in Japan, and this fact bas, MiEq Y1 ance be l inýî1glng witbh hila t'ated against organizat,n, sice t-h e L;and-nw siang to wbich bis fred atrike, is the one effective weLapoýn of, and relativesý, unles,, they aea labo)r unions. But .recemtly, in spite! le aata smatt.er-lng of Frenc, ill of thsie aw, thers bave bLeen serious!i laten in blank bewIlderment. ECven if strikea of a local chbaracter, in which they know a lifte French they wll výiolence lba deveouped aiarmingly,1 have difficuity in understa dlglm and the pro.hiem of 1,abor is forcing for le has pltlessly mangel n itseif upon the attentin of the state.1 twisted such French words and ItV Is Wosthy to note that Japaneseý phrases as lie has been able to pick-up lahor w'as permitted t o ssnd, repre- Into a peculiar ldloni of bis own" sentatives to tbe conf,îerence"at Plaris. Perbaps thehmfiawoda b All tiiese tinapaint to the ohang- so- few of the Canadian soldiers imaude i,-, spiiti of thec nation. The day la a serions s-tudy of the French language not far 4distanit when Japan Will, whlle ,abroad.- There are several reai aau4odo-nt!e Prussian type of govera- sons. 'l'le firat Is that Vhey bad toco ment and juatify ber p1«ace, poiitically, rmuch else to do. To enabie thernselves i council with those othler nations Vo order steak with no fear of gettlng wb'ethe riglit tae l lies wboily in liver, and cognac wiVh no danee of the handa of the people. getttng seitzer, was ail the p ort _________of them b lad Vume for. Alsc, they wera I The Worid's Greaitest Criminais. withottVhs incentlve,ot necesslty. It Was not as If Vhey bad been throwni Before Troîtz'ky left the Unte among.strei.ngers, speaklng a strange States for Russ-,!É, tie latter part of tongue, ýftndlng thenieseives eut off. Marc, 117,he eid faewel me4-froin idrsocial intercourse without a ingwit bi faiowra a aGerenworlnlg kaowledge of the native ing iththi folo-ýe, d ina-eredn language. The Canadian soidiers la bail a NewYarkClty nd iFrance associated for the nîost part_ Vhs fllowng prtin ehage~ 1 wa t h E gllsh-speaking peopies. There- yen eope brs o oganze nd eepfore.thelr own language was qulte as ùrganlzIngý in tihis eounitry in order useful as -at home. Another reason th#ar we may bc aiMe taC overthrow Vh,îs la la the fag.t that se many Frencb and dirty,' rotten goverment of the BelglanpelesakEgIh UnitediStates! 1 arni golng to Rus,%îa epesakEgsh te oërtrý, ý1e veii ien, tere But eveý though tlîey dld flnd7 IV un- to ~erVrowthegovenmet terenecessary or Impossible Vo mnaster the anstop tliis war wih Germýany," French language, the Canadians did,- 1--The- Russiajn-revoiution-ihad set up inevlt abiy borrow a nuaner of attrac- a reprublic witb ,aconsLttutËion'modeieýd Vivebits bers and there n blcb Vhey aifter that of the U.S,, and býad rai-lied. înterpreted and applied to suit their to lin support many of Vhe most 1n-own purposes. teligent andpatriotic men and women For instance, what wiil the folks, of, that great country. The German Vthink Whon tbey bear their bero from autiocracy could -not talerate the de- France say to a frlend: "Here's your veioprnent of, a free government. next chapeau, what's- your tout de suite?" door, so they financéd a- counteýr- Unless Vbey, know a littie French Vhe re'volution tbrou.gh the bhelp, of Trotzky assertion wîîî mean nothing, b ,ut liet and Lenine, witb. resulta that cause will explain that this 15 the C.EPF way ail the world to shudder1 with horror. 'o0f saylng: "Here's your bat, wha t'a Madam Breah,kooslcy, who devoted your hurry?" Nearly everybêdy a, lifetiie to Vhe clause of liberty ia knows that "chapeau" mens "hat," usia, declares that, the Bolshevikti but noV unitil recently bas the publie Save c'arried tbe tyranny of -the de- generally becorne farniliar with "toutj throned Czar up Vo infinity. "It la de suit,' whlch la the Fr ech way of ' Vhe entbronemeat," §he says , "of sayîng "rlght away" or 'iImmedlately."j 'brute force, guided by passion, bats He pronounces It "'toot sweet.' and luat, mnoving toward chaos, andj And suppose 'the returaed bero ýwitbout any court Vowbich the su£- rushes ie the kitchcn, bungryftr ferer en apýpeal." a bard day's work, and exclairna, Maxim Gorky watched tbe Soviet1 "Woof! Woof?" What saill rnother Goveriiment for a year and then made, think cf tbat? Maybe as will feïas bis escape frnTc sIa 1etestifies: ber,-son bas suddenly caugbt hydro- "In Russia conscience 'a dead. The, phobla. Bu she wll bc reassured by Russian peoiple bave lest ali sanse et Vhe explanation that this Is hile ver- riýght aud wroag. Pill-age whatever sion of "Deux oeufs," Frencrh for ,"two' there la Vo pillage, 4,a thé moVto. eggsj." IV bas been bis habit to rush Chu7rches:, museuts and stores are Into a Frencb restaurant, cravin g e gg, roibbed, Every l3ol1hev1sV abares ia and dernand them la this fashion i Vhes poil, The Red i Guards shoot he wanted oae egg, he slmply said witbýout trial anyonie wholm tbey suis-1 'Woof. If hie wanted two lie sald pe-ct?ý"Woof, Woof." And If lhe wanted-theri la Vhs June issue of -McCiure's Vurned, hie added "Comrne-ca" (lke Magazine, Dr. Neweil Dwigbt hUiis, this accompaaying Vhe expression the greatdaivine, contributes an article with a ges -ture meant Vo, indIcate. Vwo, an Vhs' ruis of the Boîsheviki that sggs iooping-the-loop In a red-hat pan. should be rea.d by every Vhougbtful Se moVhers must noV be..aiarmed If Canadiai1 andl Amnerican. He says their heomes Vry some of the Sarne an- that Boishevisan js plain, straigbt- tres at borne, f or'ward -anarcby and nothïig else. In "Beaucoup" la a word whleb Vhs Te- New Yýork thers are mna anarcbistic turned soldfer wIll, make lîberal, use, ns-wspapers wiVb a circuliation of 600 - of- IV bas nearly supplanted bie own 000. There are 500,000 ithabitanýta slang phrases, such as "a whole buncb' te 'whoni our language la an unknown or "a gang." IV la the. French Word tongue. These allons are talal, la their for "many" or "mucb," 1He will ho ferejign language anurchistie papera, beard demanding "beabcoup (pro- thaV for everydoliarithey contribute anounced bokoo) food" and "beaucoup te Vhs revointionary f undl Vo ove1r- roney," and exciairnlng that such, and throyw Vhs Governaient of the Uniteýd sncb a person, "believe me, la north States tbey wiîî geV at ieat $10 la, bsaucouiis francs.'» m returii, possibly $1Mo There are many French words and 22 The United States is belal up as phrases of wbicb Vhs soldiers make- the riceaet prize ia Vhs world Vto l'ot. legitimate use, These, Voo, bave prob- The ignorant and the crimninals :are abhy become a part of their vocabuiary appealed Vo and offered ail that. they, for ahl imre, and Vhey rnay be accepted can make. wlVb gratification, as Vhey are ai> ver- The Ukraénian staff isays Dr. Hillis, blaqiiin fVssr htln secured a, copy of 1thea secret general1 color Vo our own ianguage. To mon- insrucion teBolabeviat agents in Vion only a f sw there is Vhe distinctly intrcios opretty word "mherci," 'pronounced aii eountuies. There.are six iases and 26 articles. A few wiîî gIve a mair-ses," Vhs French "thank you,,' hairide ofthewhoe ambe: "ro- now in common use aiiong returaed fagiaoftion inoder Vo br: ro-soldiers; "bon soir" and "bon jour" volteagttoinod t in* about1 (good eveniag, and good imoriiing), international conflicta; compromise Vhs "bonne nuit," Vhe Fke "good.nigbt" reputation of ahi influential mien; atir- and Vhs ahready common "au revoir., ,ip ýstrikes; destroy m iacbinery and booilers; blow up bridgeas and diaorgan- ize transportation; binder Vheshsip- Coincidences of Peéce. ment cf foodl to Vhe cities; flood Vhs countries witýh counte4Teit»banituotes; The signing of. Vhs peace Vîeaty ls. P1hone 203 nei Oshawa iFood Control Licetses 3-633 and 112,4 and 6-38362. A NEW T-RAIN THE TRANS-CANADA ALLSLEEPING CARS DA 1L Y BETWIEEN TORONTO AND VANCOUVER P-IRSI TRIPF lNJDAY,,JUNE FIAST Léave TORÜONYTO 7,15 p. n Arrive WINNIPEGU 9.05 p. va. 2nd day C4LGAJIY 980p. m.rdday BANFET 12.40 p. m 3rd day ZrIveYNC OU VER 10 00 a. rn. 4th day FlRSI (JLAS8 iSLEEPING CAR PASKENG;ERSI ONLI Full particulars eýfroili any agent,.- W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toieît0o CI. B. Rýent, Town Agent, Post Office. J3est grades of Coal orily kept, aiso Wood of e]1 kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you hajd better do so as it îs 1iablEr to advance any day. E. W. LOeS CO mBE Stanidard Bank' Building, Teneperaxice ~ Phon.e 177 IIOGG & LYTLE LIMLTED Mr. Farmer:- few e1bra acres of CO-lN, BUCKWIIEAJ%_ MlLLýEIT or HNAINGRiASS and the Feed rnay, corne in handy before another Crop. We hive- the Seed for you. Mr. Pea Grower:lor Ifrany rao you bave cAetbeen able te sowvail your Seed Pes7pljs et wu, know aV liQO wHllevat you have left.' Phione 2Q3 Hogg & Lytte Limited"

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