.iI f Diown With The Hi*gh Cost 0f Livi*ng Dont kick about the price of food' being high-corne to the Cash & Carry Meat Market and help yourself to these special values: Sardines ..............per eau 10c Choice Canned IPears, pèr can 15e Pork & Beans ...3 cans for 25e Best Ried Salmnon per tin ...37c Piekled Hock, per lb .........15e Spmecial Delivery ]Zuring summer rnonths order SService ryour meat in BOWMANVILT-E, JULY 10, 19[91LcladOIews Local and Otherwise Miss Annie Coulter, Toronto, is holiday- ing at home. Miss L. Bounsaîl is camping with friends in Halîbucton. At Orono 27 candidates wcote on High School entrance. Miss Bouathan is visiting Mrs. D. O. Crossley, Oakvilie. Miss Eleanor -Wood is bolidaying witb relatives in Toronto. 1Miss Bertha Crago, Buffalo, is visiting Miss Bertha Osborne, Miss M. McKay, Lindsay, has been holidaying -with her aunt. Mrs. F. H. Bounsali. Mrs, Thos. Symous, Buffalo, N. Y., bas been visiting Mcs. J. G. Rickard aud other old friends here. Miss Ethel Bartiett, Toronto, isholiday- ing wiîh ber uncle and aunt, Mr. John and, Miss Ethel Moyse, Toronto, is visiting here Mr Ray Ives of Coîborne speut the week-end here. Miss Marzaret Crossey, Toronto, is visiting aI home. Mrs. Chas, Toliett, Toronto, visited aI Mr. Wm. Edgar's. Miss Marjocie C. King, Toronto, was home over Sunday. Mr. Chas. Legge, Pontiac, Mich., is visiting his parents. Miss Margaret Trehilcock is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Shaw, Huntsville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. J. GuI. Mr. Leland Edgar, LinÎdsay, was at home over the week-end. Miss' Elmo Mayer, Hamilton, is visiting ber anut, Mrs. Wm. Maynard. Mrs. E. R. Heyes, Motreal, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John McClellan.- I. No0tfccs of Births 50 cenSts; marriages 50 celits; Deaths, 50 centts, eacis Insertion,. When i linerai cards are prissted et this Office,.Issertlois fiee, BIRTHS. ROWE-In Orono, Juiy Ird, tb Mr. and Sirs. w. H. Rowe, a son., TAYLOR-In Clarke, Jue 241h, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Taylor, a son. MARRIAGEIS MOORE-McRîy-On Jue 241h, hy Bey. Mr. Williams, Etnumount. Minute. daughter of Mr. Alex. Moore, Riomount, and Mr. Mark McKay, Pontypool. WRITE-BAIN-Iu Oshawa, Jue 251h, by Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, Irene Mary, daughter of Mr. G. 0. Bain, nd Clareuce S. While, son of Mrs, E, White, gowmanvile. TÂYLOR-TRuiLL-At Simcoe Melhodist Charch. Efýsbawa, Juiy 2nd, by Rev. John Garbutt, Mytie Mildred, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aldon C. Tr. Hampton, and Byron R. Taylor, London, Ont., eldest sou of Mr. and Mc,. RobI. Taylor, Oshawa. DEATHS BENNETT-In Oshawa, June 29th, Wliiam H. Bennett, printer, in his 73rd year. SHAW-Iu Bowmanville, July 3, Eva R., widow of laIe William Shaw, aged 66years. JEWILL-At Port Hope, Jnly Ird. Mary Jane Petbîck, widow of iate John 0. .J ewill. in bringinig your auto to our garage if it requires overhauling or repairs of aniy kind. Our long ex- perience in the repair business, handling all niiakes of cars, placeës-ü-sin a position tiogive you the- best of service and satisfaction., Our prices are reason- able, too Used Cars For Sale Big 4 Overland Car. 1918 Ford Light Truck 1914 Ford Touring Car Also liussell-Knight Car ~~ Kirkendall & Dave Phone-Day 193; Silver and King Streets Night 101 or-294. Bowmanville * ¶ W-ite-Canvas Footwear theSolution- of Summer Comfort for the Entire Family. For the maîron and the' maid, the master and the man-to say notbing of the childen-every need is anticipated, correctness of style, cool comfort, and pracical economy. Righ White Boots, $300 to $6.00 White Ties or Pumps-42.50 to $5,50 For the Kiddies from $1,25 to $2.50 Couid anything benicer for Sommer? So cool, 80 comfortable, so dressy-wear a pair. FRED. R.FOLIW,ý1 Phone 12. "On the Sunnyside." Bowmanville. Brantford Roofiflg We have recentiy been appointed Special agents for the above Re- lhable and Fully Tested Roofing, Fireproof and 1.Weatherproof, and shall be pleased 10 show the goods and furnish estirnates. Portland Cernent Rogers Canadian Portland Cernent is the best -Cernent in the market today, we have a fresh stock in good, sound bags, ready for delivery at short notice 10 any part of town or country. .Scranton 'Co-ai Scranton C )al is the Standard Anthracite, and we are, [prepared to take care cf orc ers in aIl sizes. Now is the ime 10 put lu your supply, as tnere is every indication that the price will be higber later on, and those jwho take their coal ealy will be protected with regard 10 price. BulldngMaterial S Whave our usual stock in ail uines, and solicit your inquiry, and guarantee good service. McClellani-ý & Company Limited "àgStreet East Bowinanville Office Phone 15- Residences M2and 274 Miss Dorothy Orchard, Port Perry, and Miss Helen Jobnston, town, have been ap- pointed 10 fill the vacancies on the Public School teaching staff. Mr. and Mcs. Chas. McLeod and chiid- ren, Coehcane,-Mr. -and -r-sjack Living, andi Mc. Joe Edgerton, Toronto, visited aI Mrs. H. Edgertou's. Mc. Hall's rink from Oshawa, came over Friday evenîugz and played a friend- Iv game of bowls witb Alex. Elliot'srink and won by a few points. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Robinson and son Edward and Miss Madeline Biosen- haver, Rochester, N. Y., spent the week- end at Mrs. Geo. Barton's, Liberty-st. Mrs. Henriette P. Zuern, Toronto, announces tbe engagement of ber daughtec, Miss Maud Elizabeth Zueru, B. A., and Mr. lames Thomas Jenkins of King. The weddiug wi]l take place quietly this month. Mrs. F. H. Moorris and chiîdcen of Edmonton, Alia., are vîsiting bier brother, Rev. A. J. G. Cacscadden, Victoria Harbor They are expected here the end of the month.,1 Special meeting of the Girls' Club will be beid in the Council Room on Friday, July il:at 8 p. m. to assist in making arrangements for celebration on July i9, Every member please attend. Mrs. Richard Walter passed away at the homne of ber daughter aI Meaford, ce- cently. This is the first break in a family of nine, four boys and five girls.1 Mrs. John Douglas, Newcastle, Mcs. W.1 H. Creeper, Haydon, and Mrs. E. T. BrittainToronto,are among the daughter.- Manv old frieuds were glad 10 welcome1 10 his oid home town Mc. Charlie Burden (Standard> of Eugene, Oregon. He is accompauied by bis wife and they are visiting bis cousin, Mrs. Jno. H. H. Jury. and other friends. Il 15 19 years since Mc. Burden last visited Bowmanvilie and be is deiighted 10 see the mauy improve- ments in bis home town. Our citizens, who bave beard her well tcained voice- in solo- -siuging-in Bownlsn- ville Methodist Church will be glad'10 learu that Miss Gladys Westaway, daugbter of Mc. and Mrs, J. L. Westsway, Port Hope, basbeen successful in passing ber arîisî'c Course iu Senior Vocal at the Toronto Couservatory of Music, and securing ber L. T. C. M. Double con- gratulations' are iu order because-of the fact that Miss Westsway was aiso suc- cesful in winning the goid medal in conîpetition with a class of five. -Torouto papers make the following refereuce 10 a former Bowmanville boy, son of our lte esteemied Postmaster, J. B. Fairbairu: "Mc, Rhys D. Fairbaicoi of Toronto bas been appoiuted a commis- sioner on the Canadian Trade Commiisiin in place of Mc. C. B. McNaught. The uew commissioner, wbo bas been associ- ated with the commission foc some lime, is a native of Bowmanviile, Ont., was educated at Upper Canada College, and organized the R. D. Fairbairu Company of Toronto. He bas been associated witb manv public activities in Toronto, and formeriy acted as scbool trustee". The death of Mc. Nicolas S. Treleven, Cornder Garden, Stratton, Cornwall, Eng. land, eldest brother of Mc. Robert Tre- leven, Bowmu.nvilie, Ont., is recorded in The Cocnisb & Devon Post, aI 75 yeacs of age of brouchitis. Margaret MTreleven, sister, sud deceased were neyer bappier than wben entertauning friends from Can ada sud many a Canadian visitor found a home and sincere welcome as long as they chose 10 dtay aI ýhe hopit- able Treleven Home. The editor, on bis visits to the Old Land lu the 8o's aud 9's of last century, was, sur. of a pieasant sejourn witb Mc. and Miss Treleven. Deceased was a 'lfriend 10 ail" and many a citizen sougbt bis advice sud every good cause received bis assistance and influence. His funeral was very largely atteuded, the floral tributes being many and beautiful. Miss Treleven was guest of ber brother in Bowmanville about 15 vears ago., A former West Durham school teacher's success in a real estate enter- prise is reported in The Orono News recently. Mr. W. H. Tonkin, who taught Solina schooi and was a splen- did teacher as ail men who have taugbt that sehool have been, so far back as our memory goes, says The News, about tbirty years ago taught echool at Leskard, and Newpark ïW now living in Oshawa where he re- centiy complete'd an important reai es- tale deal. Property in Oshawa is on the upward bound. Soine yeal-s ago Mr. Tonkin sold some garden land at1 Five Points and bougbt 82 acre garden In Oshawa at $100 an acre. The other day he sold 4 acres of this land for a site for over $14,000. He expects to lay the remaiuiug acres out in town lots and dleanU p $100000. He is the Deputy Reeve of Oshawa. We con- gratulate our old feiiow pedagogue on 1his reai estate expecience. Mc. snd Mrs. Alfred Fox of Wolseley,' Sask., have been visiling Mr. John A. Holgate. Miss Eva Osborne, Boston, Mass., is holidaying with ber moîber, Mrs. C. Osborne_ C Miss Mari ocie Tcebilcock, Toronto, is hoiidaying at ber grandfatber's, Mr P. C Trebilcock. Mrs. (Rev,) H. H. MtIon, Melville, (Hallowehl Circuit), recenlly visited fciends bere. Mcs. Jas. Gale, Toronto, bas been visit- iug ber mother, Mrs. S. F. Hill, and other relatives here. Mrs. J. W. Noble and daughter Helen, Indianapolis, Ind., are holidayung at Port Bowmanville. Mc. and Mrs. R. H. Riggs, Pasadena, Cal,, are visiting their daugbter, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers. Mc. and-, rs. J. T. Bragg spent the week-end with their daugbtec, Mcc. E. W. Rundle, Osbawa. Miss Margaret Dingman and Mc. Harry Bruce, Rocchester, N. Y., are visitiug at Mc. W. Dingman's. Mc. sud Mrs. Wm. Sonley, Wbitby, wece guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stevens over Sunday. Miss Nora Coleman, B. E., Torouto, a former Bowmanville teacher, is visitii g ber home in Newcastle. Mc. and Mcc. Kimbali Morrison of Birmingham, Alabama, are visiting bis father, Mr. D. Morrison. Miss Mabel Couch of Albert Colege, Belleville, is holidayiug at ber fathec's, Mc. Wesley Couch, Ontaric-st. Newcastle's vetecan chief of police, Mr. W. Coleman celebcated bis 84th birthday June 30 and is hale and bearty. 1i Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dunnett and son, Jack, sud Mc. Garnet Dunnett, Dundon- aId, visited relatives bere recently. Mc. and Mrs. H. A. L. Anderson sud childcen, St. Marys, are visiting ber brother, Mr. M. J. Wight,-Providence. Mr. sud Mcc. R. T. Hoskin and two childcen of Rapid City, Man., are holiday- ing witb ber mother, Mcs. J. W ickett. Mc. Jack Hanna wbo bas receutly ce- tucned trom overseas bas been visiting bis sister, Mrs. Fred Knox, Beech Ave. Mcs. G. Tomlinson and Mrs. J, Moore and Master Andcew Moore, Toronto, are guests of ber sister, Mrs. Wm. Mavnard. Hic Bowmanville friends will bepleased fo know that Sergeant Chas. Garside bas arrived ai Halifax via tbe steamer North- land. Mc. sud Mcc. W. K. Sampson and daughter, Miss Olga Sampson of Bagot, Man ,are visîtiug ber brother, Mr. David Morcison. Sergt, Major sud Mcc, Lorne W. Sanders sud babe, Kingston, are visitiug aI bier fatbec's, Mc, G. H. Bickell, sund other cela'tives bece. Rev. Dr. sud Mcc. G.. Marvin, Bay- side, wece given a grand weîcorne in the form of a Iawn party by the Wesley con- gregation on Juiy -Ist. Miss Helen -Rocs, Belleville, and Mr. sud Mcc. Gordon Rice sud daugbtecs, Toronto, are visiting at Mc. Chas.- F. Rice's and wiîh other fiends. Mc, Norman 'W. Allun, wife and baby, Mcc. W. C. Allin sud Roy Allin retucned on Satucday from a short visit witb Mr. sud Mcc. Howard Grills, Little Britain. Mc. and Mcc. H. C. Garbutt sud Mc. and Mcc. Leonard Lackland motoced fromn Sycamore, Ill., sud are visiting Mcc, Garbutt's parents, Mr. sud Mcc. Alex, Wight, Providence. Mcc. I. K. Smith, B. A., ieft Wednes- day focra trip 10 Moosejaw sud Wilkie, Sask., sud focra visil witb ber sont, at Oakland, Cal., via Seattle, returning by Denver sud Chicago. Mr. Norman W. Allin, Manager of McKinnous Limited Dcug Deparîment, Weyburni, Sask., wife sud baby are visit- iug the focmer's moîher, Kingston Road, east, afler au absence of 7 yeacc. Mr. an d Mcc. Nelson Barton, cons, Nelson and Thomas, sud daugbter, Grace, arrived fcom Engîand on "Metagama" C. P. R. steamer sud are staying with ber mother, Mccs. E. -Wrenn, Tempecance-st. Parties who cemoved plates, bowls, etc., in mistake on tbe nigbt of the S. A. banquet 10 thc soidiers kindly returu at once as tIse officers are snxiouc 10 retucu them 10 the owners who so kiudly helped witb provisions ou that occasion. Rev . C. M. Wcight, B. A., of Toronto, preacbed excellent sermons lu the Pres- byterian cburch lasI Sunday. Mr.Wigbt la conuected witb the National Council of the Y. M. C. A. in the promotion of the C. S. E. T. Movement amonàg boys. He bas taken a cottage aI Ge.p'e-- Park foc the summer. Mcs. Wright, (wbo was Miss Pearl Osborne of Bowmanvilîe) moved up from the city on Moday- Orillia Times. Mvorris & Son Most Complebe Equipment uday aud nighb calîs prompbly atended 10. Boùwnan ville- Phoues L10-34-- SBranches: ORONO HAMPTOI GIRLS WANTED Girls ta learn fur sewing and rinisbing. API31Y ta G. X. Thurston, Bowrnanville. 28 4 WOMEN WANTED-To pick cherries.Apy to Willardl Stevens, Bowmanville, ehone 246. 281I TEAMS WANTED-$7520for9bhoirs. Appiy to Bvers Company at Axie Factory, ison Rd, Oshawa. 28 1 F IRNISiIED HOLISE WÂNTED-In Bowman- ville, n cildtien. Apply Drawer B, Bow- Fmanvilte. - 21tf MEAGBE WANTED-For S.S. No. 4, Darling. Iton. State salary and experience. Ap5ly ta H. F Osborne, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 282 ilAY FOR SALE-S acres standing hay, op- posite entrance to John Darch's farm. Ap- ply to Thos. Peate, Liberty-st, Bnwmanville. POULTRY AND JIJNK-A. Dillick pays highest cash price for al l inds of Pouitry and Junk. PPhone 299 or eall aI bis residence 77 Ontario Street.,i 19-tf LOST-Belween Bowmanviiie aud Orono, a 4-loch, bras screw cap, plated, off a carrnage Lwheel. Finsder please leave with L. Morris &Son, Bowmanville. 28t FALLRY FV WANTED-Any amount of fait rye wanted. I wjll aiso pay the higbest prices Ffor poultry and junk. Apply J. Rosenvaid, Bowmanvilk. Phone~ 289. 7tf WANTE- Experieuced generai for bouse- work in the city, no lauudry. family of tbree Wadnlts, wages $12 per week te commence. Apply to X, Drawer B, Bowmanville. 281t FOR SALE-A Canadian Carrnagebngîy lu first-ciass repair, with uew cushion tire, aiso Fasecoàd-bandi0fthavrake. Applytolheron S Mountjoy, LE 6. Bowmanville. Phone 239-rS2. 28t &ZBLP WÂNTED-For pulling Fia. at $15.00 FI ger acre. Work ta start on or about July 14. end name or application ta E. Weiler, Manager Durham Flax Go. Ltd., Bowmanvilie. 26 1V -H CU5F WANTEfl-To cent- or -purchase--on- easy terms, small boue with gardeu and fruit preferred, within waiking distance of Post Ofice.' Apply ba J. H. N eedham, cio Cana- da Scais & Slucer Co., Bowmanville. 281 ORCUARD ON TEN ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE. The McMnrtry properly, à mile east of Nursery Corner, Bowmanville, being lot 9, con 1, Darling- ton. conlaining about len acres, mostiy covered with apple bearing orchard. The handsome brick resideuce was bnrned some lime aga, and there are about 70,000 brick suitable for re-build. ing. There are a large harn with cernent founda. lion and stables underueatb, and a shed in faiily good condition. 1 bis propprlv is well silualed and willi be sold on very easy termns. For furîher paiticulars apply ta J. E. L. Goodwill, barrister, Pete erb oro.isîf PAY ACCOUNTS AIl accounts due me must be paid by Tuesday Julv i5th or wili be put in other ha nds for collection. W. Caldwell, Box 339, Bowmanville. CHERRIES FOR SALE 1 now have ready for immediate de- livery Montmorency Cherries, also Black Currants. Goods deiivered in town. Phone 246. WILLARD STEVENS, Bow- inanville. 28-1W. Auctioneer Having secured a licenge as auction- eer I arn prepared to takre a limited number of sales.. For terms and dates appiy 10 THEO. M. SLEMON R. R. 6, BowmAN viLLE Phone 239-r.-4- 32-IM TENDERS FOR COAL.. S EALED TENDERS addressed ta the under. iud and endorsed IJender for Coal for Ihe Domnon Bnildings, Ontario and Quebec', Will be received at Ibis office anoli 2 oclock, noon, Friday, Julv 25, 1919, for the snpplv of coal for the Dominion Buildings tbronghout the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Combined specification and focm of tender can be obtainesi aI Ibis office and fromn the Caretalr. ers of the different Dominion Buildings. Tenders wii not be considered unoiss made on the formes supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth. therein. Each tender must be accomparddhy an ac. oted cheqs on a chartered bank payable ta the order of the Miiter of Public Works, equai a 10 p. c. of tbe amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion wiii also be accept. V,~ as security, or war bonds and cheques if re. qired ta make up au odd amounn. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Deparmtlf 0tf Public Works, Sceay Ottawa, Juiy 8, 1919. 2 aillaUr -)I Jlop. II Ca Yu Beat îThese Hot Weather Specials ? Try our home-made cooked meats which are very appetizing as well as economical. "Home-Made H[ead Cheese 13e lb or 2 lbs for 25c. Hlome-Made Jellied llocks 35o lb. Home-Made Jellied Veal 35c lb. Ham Loaf 35o lb. Ail kinds of fresh, cooked and cured meats ailways on hand, Cow For.Sale -Jersey Cow just renewed, C. m. Cawker &' Son Purveyors Phone 64 iBowmanvîillG ~1 Pr Lety New Dresses for Spring H EREABOUTS there s not more cbarming or ]ess expen- sive group of Spriug dresses than this. Col ors and styles are delight- fui. Finishiug details are the best. These are made of very fine quality Sîlks and Silk Poplins. Ladies' Silk Dresses A very fine assortment of Ladies' Silk Dresses in ail the newest shades and styles with combination trimmings, and fancy Embroidery work, in ail sizes at $13.75 to $35.00 Ladies'Serge Dresses Ladi.s' SiIk Poplin The very newest styles in'Drse Ladies' ail wool Serge Dress- Our new Spring Stock just 10 es for Spring. In Navy, hand of Ladies' Si]k Poplin, Brown, and Black, with braid Dresses, in the very- newest and embroidery trimmings, styles, light and- dark colors. large and smnall Collars, Cord including black, with em- Sashes, at broidery and plain fronts, al sies, at $11.25 10 $30,00 $15.00 t0 $23.25 ILadies' Dress Skirts SHI Georgette and j Voile Waists laIi shades: Mustard, Myrtle, An endless variety to choose ISand, Navy, White, Black, in, from, in shades 0f Maize, Pink ISilk Poplins, Tricolette, aiso Mauve, Sand, Navy, Black. Serge aud Tweed- and White from $575, 10 $15.75 $1.5o 10 $1200 S. W. M aso&Sn Next door t:) Standard Ban1t Telephone 106 Bowmanville jCompanies - Service I Rates j jare of the best when you insure with NINA B. NEADS Insurance Agent. IPhone 162 Office Wellingtcon-st j Bowmanvil]e Alan M.Williarns Funeral Director - Embalmer No extra charge for distance io nun or 10 citY or onîside places. Eiba- ing done in the most scieutifie nmaner. Charges reasonable as my expenses aie 10w. 1' Phone 58 or 159 4,m '5, rThe Shop That-Leads, FURS IDo It Now--Dont Leave Them r-_ m illim 1 -âý 1