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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1919, p. 7

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Have Yeu Ever Thcug%5htc This? -That a Cup cf B581 properiy infirsed, is oine el Nature&s greatest blesigsas a harmless stimnulatîig everage. f ThaPlays ALL R~od I~ ~ ý This is the noutorah iLîhe wurder- THE Dept. W. L. Witbout obligation :send_ ine, fret of charge, your booklct explaininag prin- ciples cf thet Ultona." tinct places for-noîi nldn the di<amoind pomot that atay s perïac ilupsin n Tht ' tiîa"'is the oniy "il-recordi" repro- ducci- providirng the exact Nvight, needie and d,aphragmin or, ecdi aikc of record. Another exclusive teature is lht ali-w-ood tonse chiaijer-built like a Nllîn entirely frep front tin or cast iron. .ILL liq TRIS COUPON MIUSICAL MERCHANDISE SALES CO. Excelsior Life Bdg Toronto Name ... ............................. Street or 3.R ................ ..... Town ..............PO.... CORIN IN THE EARLY DAYS. Indians Gave Careful Attention to Seedi Selecti:on and Testinig. W/heu (hoeh[ mon firs[ arrivet lu North America [lîoy founti an ah- ) original population mainiy seentary anti agri.cultural. The Intimas were lnostly farînere, peacefuýly disposeti a ni dweiling lu villages. Prodatory anti usccrupulous after tho manner of hic kinti, tho iu[ruding Cuucasiau drovo themn to war anti forcot them to atopt a roving anti ulîsettieti moto o! existence. Cor-n was the-' principal foot crop- a cereai unku ý,ný to Europe. The Indiaus of pre-Columbian days ,pur- sueti agriculture ,on a co-o porutivo plan. Large fields o! corn were matie up of huntirets 0f indivituai fields. The squaws stirrodt[ho fmnitful ourth anti plantoti the grain. At hamvest [imo, the mon anti bons heipet to gather the ripe ours, SMuch attention was givon to seat solection, the biggest, best-filet ours, wItb bIasf percoutage o! cob, being. chosen from year tu year for the next soacon's plant ing. To no emill exteut tho liigI quaiity o! our moeto- teemet varioties o! coma to-day is tue j to the Intelligent effort of [he eariy Intians la [bis lino. To test [ho vltali[y o! the sooti, thoy wrappet it la wet Mose or soukot [tho graine lu wiliow baskets until they stantedte( germinate. Those [bat fail- edt[o ý,proîî[ wore tiscardet. Havs ng no mens o! nocortiing time wi[h accuracy, they plautodt[ho corn seben wlld tumnipe bogan to bloom. The appearanc-e of the first flower- buds on the buttouweed indicateti that' the growing ears were in the 'milk" stage. W/ýhon the buttonweod had fluisheti biossoming it was time to gather the corn. The early Indiafis grew fliat corn for hominy and -foeur corn for breati andi soupe. They iuveuted "succotasb," composed of maize and beans, with butteý andi sait added. W/e owe to theni ail of our beet recipes for the preparation of corn, not' excepting 'hoecake" and cornbreads. Bo Thoughtless of Hlm. After a miserably wet day, the un- happy holiday-maker retired to hie boarding-house bed, thinkiug it pro- mieed littie for a happy holiday by the sou'. Wýorse'wae to come. About 2 a.m., the ramn found awuy in, and beganto drîp with unpleasant persistonce ou hie beti. Ho tugged madly at the bell, anti prosently heavy footfalls soundeti lu the passage outsido. "W/bat do you waut?" demanded .au irate feutale voi5e. "-Yoàù muet givo me another room!"ý eaid the visiter flrmly, as ho wout on dressiug. "The raiu's leakiug lu here like fury! " "'Oh! Is that ail?" suappoti the voice. "If you look under the beti, you'll finti an umbrella. Just use lt, and don't disturb everybody ut this time of uight!" Save rÎce water to make hasty pud-. ding with, and cook the pudding ail day ia the fireleias cooker. Il 85855 ness Szes 6 nOntSb.to 5ycarF Pr.ece, 5 ccits Trang(er Design Ne 69n This lilte drese miay ho smocked or ehirmeti ant isiecut from McCail Pat- tera 8858, wbich cornes ia six suzes, six moaths to five years, puice 15c. Smockiuýg pattera No. 690 <bine or yeiiow), price 10c. . ' WC' mn Q25 Acbarming modol, matie of organ- due, le this misses' tirùes. It --nýrbe matie as sbown or with an ovesit Thoe kirt meacures ab-out two, yards. MeCali Pattera 8384, four siz 42 years, price 25c. 'These patterasmay ho obtainedi from your local McCall dealer, or from the MeCall Ce., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. S>AVE THE CHILDREN Mothere who keep a box o! Baby's Own Tablets iu [be bouse may f001 [bat tho lives o! thoir littie ones are reasonubiy sufe during tbe bot wea- them. S[omuch troubles, cholema lu- fau[um anti tiarrhoea, carry off thou- sauts o! littIe onos every summor, la Most cases bocause the mother doos not have, a safe meticine ut baud tg gîve prmrptly. Bahy's Owu Tablets relieve [hese troubles, or If givon oc- casionaily to [ho weli chilti will pro- vent their'coming on. The - Tablets are guaranteeti by govemumeut analyst to ho absoiutoiy bummiose even to the uewbomn babe. Thoy are ospeclaliy goot Inlusunsmer hecunse [boy egu- lutq, tho boweie anti keep the stomuch swoo[ anti pure. They are soit by medicine dealers or by mail ut 25c. a box fromn The Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BOOM IN BRITISH SPORTS. 4Classic Turf Events Run and County Cricket Resumned. Sports o! aIl kints are eujoying a wouterful boom-a real comneback- throughout tIse British Isios this sou- sou. Mauy familiar faces o! puet champions are missing on ail sporting fide, but tIse gumes are carmieti along with Intense ou[buslasm. The king o! sports, horse racing, le now lu full swing, sovomal o! thse pre-wam cia soes having been run off, wbiie mauy more are echetuieti turing the season. Cdunty cricket was resumeti met moath after a stoppage sînce Anguet, 1914.' Witb thse exception o! W/onces- terebiro, alltIse counties whlch com- ptet for the champiouebip bofore thse war are piuying two g'ames eacb weok, wbicb attract large crowtis. W/hile the open champlousbip wiii ho omîttoti this yoar, golf Is s[eatiuiy rosnîniug Its pre-var appeamance.. Lawn tennis lsenejoylug a trong re- vinai, nmauy o! the fumons olti tourna- .mente being scbetinleti. Too Literai, As ho welghed ontt ho sugar the grocer's boy whistlod lustlly. "Don't you know that it lo veny rude to whictlo whili you are waitlug ou.a' lady?" salti [ho _eldely custome))ýr severoly. "W/eu, tIse gVn toitir'me tuo(do)it whon I somneti youl" oxplainietitIse boy. "Ho toit yon to whistle 7" saidthtIe customer, lu great surprise. "Yos'm! Ho sait if ever we soit. you anything we'ti have to whistle for [ho3 m-oney." TJIRED PEUePLE 1 ARE DEBILITAfED U 26 GEO. Y. CHOWN, Regietrar. ~ W.L ~Kann Dean R. Pettes 1 miàkîng Mia GetIsawsY. ý"Evomyspragwh1e'lî Ihave My an- loù to ry B onds nual housecioanig Mm. Fmieby 15 caloti out0f tho city on important Sellera of Victorýy Bonds wlll find delluto bsiiposu," remnamked Mrs. Frisby. "I Toronto mornag -paliers. cor-i'drtà uodcicdec. W. L. eKINN N & c. i'" dou't," enys Mme. Jibway. Dcalers ln Governeet andi municipal "It îoolis to me liko a piece o! strut- XcKlnnon Eldg., 19 ulellnda st., Toton.)to egY, LIVED UNDER FIVERLERSi-, MONEY ORDERS., The suie wuy to senti mouey by mail Noted Canadian Dies ut the Age of le by Dominion Express Mouey Order. Ninety-five Yoar.s. 1 Fîne minutes a day anti balf an Dr. William Wedd, of Toronto, who bhoum extra for the weekly cleaing- entereti Upper Canada Coliege han 1837,1 a littie more ýthan un bour a week- became heati boy in 1843, anti who wac; wili keep [he efrigerator in eauitary claseicul master of thé college for anti satisfactory conditionu through forty-tbree yoare, bas dieti ut the ugo the warm wea[her. of niuety-flve. Ho iveti during tho, reignselo George IV., 'William IV'., Minard'eo Liniment Cures Distempver, Victoria, Edwarti VII. anti George V. He wae the oldeet graduate ofý the Onions, if boileti in pure soft water,l University of Toronto, wbichhe enter- are tasteless. Use bard water salteti. e tinl 1843, wbea it was known as King's Coliege. Four of Doctor Wedd'. gandsone servot in uthe overseas H W ou ,CAN TELL Full Health -and Strength Can Only be Regained by Enriching the Blood. People, who are tired ail the time and nover f001 rested, even after a long uight la beti, people who cannot regain weîght anti stmeagth, who feol no joy in living, are la a condition describeti by doctors as general de- bility. A medical examination might show that every organ in the body le acting normally, but the pallor o! the face will usually show that the blooti is weak and watery. This is the moot of the trouble. Debility is a 105e 0f vitalîty, not af- foctiug any one part o! tho body but the systemi geuerally. The blooti goos to evory part o! the body anti the use o! a blooti tonic like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills qnickly toues up the whole system. The firet siga of returniag health le a botter uppetito, un im- proveti digestion, a quicker stop andi botter color lu the cheoke. The rich, reti blooti, moching everyorganî anti muscle, carnles aow health anti vigor. The nerves are quleteti, sîeep becomes more refreshiug anti with persistent troatmeut anti a gooti diet the patient le once more enableti to enjoy life. The case 0f Mr. W. Doxtater, R., No. 4, Tilsonbumg, Ont., Illustrates tho great value of Dm. Williams' Pink Pille la cases of thîs kinti. Mr. Doxtater -saYs-q-was t-oubled --Wth pains- throughout nîy whole body, was ex- trmeîly norvous, titi not sleep ut uight, anti wus furthor afflîcteti with rheu- matieni. Ia epite of different treat- ment this condition persisteti, indeeti I was gowiag womse, anti hMu fallea away lu weight to 130 pounde anti wus ecarceiy able to do any work, Thon 1 began tuking Dr. Williams' Piak Pille, and after a few weeks there was n noticeable impirovement lu my condi- tion. I continneti takîng the pille, con- stantly gainiug until I feit as woll 1as ever 1 titi. W/hile tuking the pille my welght increaceti to 170 pountis, andi I cun now do as good a duy's work as anyono. My ativice if you are not feeling well le to take Dm. Wiliams' Pink Pille anti they will soon put you right." At the firet sigrn that (he blood is out 0f ortior take Dr. Williamns' Pink Pille, anti note the epeetiy improve- meut they make lu the appetite, houlth anti spirite. You cun get these pille thmough any metilcine dealer or by mail ut 50 cents a box or six boxes for $250 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont. Who Claimeti the Flowers? The minister who matie the follow- ing announconieut ceorne to have been propareti for untoward reenîts fmom Ihie peaching. "There are corne flowore bore," ho sait, "for those who are sîck ut the close of this service." Miuard's Liniment Co., Limltoti. Gents-I cureti a valuable hnnting dog o!fumange wltb MINARD'S LINI- MENT after severul veterinaries bati treatet i hm wltbout toing hlm any permanent gooti. Yours, &c., WILFRID GAGNE. Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drummontiville, Aug. 3, '04. Weak. Lundlady-The coffee, I am-sorry to suy, is exhausteti, Mm. Smith. Border-Ah, yes, poor thing. I was oxpecting that. V've noticeti for corne time that it haen't been strong,' A squeakiag wheelibarrow andi a cock that wiil not go are wtorse than a sore tbuinb to get aon with. A drop of oîl will cure tbern botb. Take time to apjly t, andi do il; before the trouble begipe. There le ne difl'ereuce in food value betweea wbite andi yellow cornineal IN TEN ýYEARS. 500 Dollars C uNEASPIRIN ONLY TABLETS MARKED- WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. If Vou Don't Ses the "Bayer Cross", on the tablets, Refuse Them-They Are& mot Aspiri At Ail. There ile only one Aspirin, that mnarked with the "Bayer Cross"-all other tab- lots are only acid imitations. Look for the "Bayer Cross"! Thon' It is roui Aspirin, for whlch there Is no substituto. AspirIn is flot German but ie made la Canada by Canadians, and isl owuod by a Canadian Company7- Genuine "Bayer Tablots of Aspirin" have been proveti safe by millions for- Pain, Headacho. Neuralgia. Coltis, Rheumatiem, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy-tin boxes of 12 tablets,-also largor "Bayer" packages, can be had at any drug store. Aspirlu is the trade mark, register- eti in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylic- aciti. army. GIRLS! LEMON JUICE lB A SKIN WHITENER How to mnalte a creamly beauty lotion for a few cents. The Juice of two frosh lomous straiued iuto a bottie contalhng three- ounces of orchaid white makes a whole quarter pin t f the most re- markable lemion skin beautifler at about the cost one must pay for a seil jar of the ordiuary colti creume. Cure shoulti be taken to strain the -lemon Jn4ethrough-afine cleth--ao--no- lemon pulp gets lu, thon thîs lotion will koep fresh for mouthe. Every womau knows that lemon Julele usedte t bleach anti remove such blomishes as frockleh, eullowuoss and tan, and le the ideul skin softener, whitenor anti beautifier. Juet try it! Get three ounces of orchard white ut any drug store anti twolemons from the grocer anti make up n quarter plut of this 1sweotly frag- raut lemon lotion andi massage It daily intothe face, neck, arme and hande. End of the Hunt. A young Swede appoarod ut the~ county judge's office aud askoti for a licence. "W hat' kiuti 0fa licence?" asked the jutige, "A huntiug licanse?" "No," was the answer. Aye tank aye bane huuting long enough. Ayo wuut marriage liceaso." Minard'a iLinimnent Cures Garget la Cows He Meant Weil. As they approacheti the conutry h.n- tel the English traveller epoke admir- lugly oflits beuuty te the Irishman who was driving the hotel 'bue,, "It's a very fine building," ho sali, "especially for sueh an out-of-the-way place !" "Sure un' it le! " agreed Put. "But phwat you're lookiug at now le the other side o! it; the front o! It is ut the back." It Works! Try Itf Tells how to loosqn a sors, tender corn se It Ilfts out without pain. Good niews spreads rapldly anti drug- glets bore are kept busy dlspensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Clu- cînuati mali, whlch le sald to loosen aay corn se It lifts out wlth the fIngers.1 Ask ut any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freezone, which wlll cost very little, but is saiti to bà sufficient to rld ono's foot of every hard or soft corn or enlias. ýYeu apply just a few drape on the tender, nchlng corn and Inlstantly the sorenesle rellevoti, and soon the cora les Se shriveled that lt lifts out with- out pain. It le a stlcky substance which drios whena pplièd and nover Inflames or even irrîtates the adjoin- ing tissue. This discovery will prevent thon- sands of deaths anaually from lock- iaw and Infection horetofore resulting from the Bulcidal habit of cuttlng corne. Ail grades. Write for Prlees. TORONTO SAL.T WORKSC 0. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Wliat it Profits a ILn To Fertilize Ris Crop At Rntbams.ted, England, fer- tIllizers Increasedth te yleld of wheat (61 year av-erage) 1$. 4 bus. per acre, anti at Ohio (20 year average) 13.5 bus. peracre. The unfertiliza« wh"eat of A. L. Modklns. Bttrick, Ont. (1918) y1,jded 1,2.5 bue-,. per acre as atgainst the ferilliyet yield 64.1 bus. per acre. ]Petizod whoet yiel1ded more than four t1imes' the Not total areae but yielti ver aceiswhat countz. Fertilizer- on w Initer wbeat pro- vide roadi,!ly aýýatlable plantfood whic,,h trogtbes theý, wheut to Withctand wintereather, startAe it ctrong lu inthe prnad imakes it go 'ovor th' ýe top" w1th a sub- ctantialiy inraeiyeDper acre over urriteiWheat. Whzat rertilization. li Ail branches. 3 year course. Âges: Il,-, .Apply Super1ptendeýnt cf Nurses, Sainti Elizabeth Hospital, 2e41 SOutlî Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. MV ANTED-PROBATIO-NERS P O R T the Montreal Womekn's Hospital. Tw- _Years' course. Y Mtnkbiysaiary'dur.. ngperiod cf training. Apply Lady Superintendent, 1002 St. Catherine Street Weýst, AMontreal. TIMNSIEXTIHS' T06LS WAeTED W A N TE D - SED TINSM1ITHS'ý WTools, SouarIng Shears, et,-. State size. make, condition and best pi,îice. Box L., Wilson Puilishlng Co., Toronito. PIZOBATIOMBaS WANTED ' V HAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE IN 1YLive Poultry, Pancy Hens. PI geons. E99à, etc.? Wite I. Weinraucfi'& Son. 10-18 St. Jean Baptiste Market. Mont- real. Que. peu SALE. 13Adeirtide St. W.. Toronto. WELL .EQIYIPIED NEN-SI'APEltz W nd Job vrinting plant In lEastern Ontar!o. I2nquranca carrled $1.600. WilI o fo', $1 200 on ciulck sale. 130% 6t Wi!0n ubish!oeCo.. Ltâ,. Torente. ROME BUILDERSI W )tRITE FOR QUIt FREE BOO0K OP5 VYHouse Plans, and Information tel]- ing hovw 10 cave fromn Two to Four flun- dred Dollarsý on your new HIome. Ad- dreË as layCmpf '.23 Jacksola W.. Hamnilton. Ont. C" ANCER. TUMOItS. LUjMPS3. ETC-. ~)internai sud externial, cureS wlth- out pain by our bomne treatmnent, Write tg before ton late, Dr. BolWan -Miedlica.I Co.. limiîted. Colingwýood. $h t Force at the beginning of the- war we nover could have taken the extremely daring and oven audacious step of sending practically the wholeý of our Regular Army at once out of this country, ýat a moment of crisis, as we did at'that timo. Mr. Churchill. Minard'a Liniment- Cures Colds, Etc. Mdl)lk ualone will sustain if e inde- finitely, wrlhhis true of n othor une food. WHAT is your doctor"s firsi' question? Wby docs ho sus-' pect constipation? Because 90% Lf h is patiente arc suffering from . ailments caused di-' nectly or indire'cdy by the action of' poisons oi mcd in a sluggish intes- tinal tract. These body poisons are absoj-'bed b 1y [he blond and carried al ov.er the body until the wcakest organ, unable to withstand the poisonous c ontact, becomes infected 'and refuses to act properly. Unforîunately it is us=al not until tben that the dnctnr k 'Co-- suhted and nekedt r treat the discasoti organ. The sumest way of pur ffin t blooti and peventing thc formation > of these destrtuctive body poisons is. ta preenu stagniation of food wastu< in the intestinal tract-- 10 prevcnt> constipation. Contstipation is flot a malter ro b., taken ligyhtly ornuegylected. Nor is cither sufficieux or caf c 10 take castor oul, pille, salts, minera] waters,. etc., in orden to "force" boxvel' action. Such action dees nut cure' constipation, it makes constipation & habit. Nujol ia entirely differtnt frosa druge as it doesnont force or irritate the bowels. Nujol Prevents stagn.ionby coftrning thse food Wuten ecouragmng tise in- testinal muscles to act naturally, thus ce- moving thée cause o! constipation1 and self- poisoning 1, is absoluteiy hax,/mie,eanti pleasan ta take, Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thor-, o h bowel eva-uatioms at r'gular intervals ,ule healthiest habit i the-world. cï, t a bottle from vour druggist today. -Warnng :Nuiol le soid lu sealed Warningbottles.bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. AIl druggists. In-1 sust on Nujol. You nîay i-aJer fren%ý subg*iutes. R 9 e V.91 PAT. OPSI Pobr C04;tipatton. "RegeLorh. ISSUE 28-'19. Ar 4LER~ E~; ~fr~Ž~* What abo ut the, c h ildr e n9s he alth? food hèps onderfully answer. YurF grocer sels lit. Buy Cuicura Soap Wlien, You Buy A SafetyRazor And double razor efficiency. Nu mugi, no.slimny soap. ngerme. nn wasten irritation even wbe h ve d wc di Af1er shaving touch sotso!dand,,ruif!or irritaion, if anywth Cutur Ointmeut, TIssu bethe sud sbampoo mith camne cake of aoap. One soap for all uses. R7inceè with tepid or Cold water, dry geutly and duet ou a few graine of Cuticura'Ticum sud note how soft sund velvety yor ekin. Abeolutely .nthing like the Cutieura Tio for every-day toilet uses. Soap to cleanse sud purify, Omesment to ' mftensud so 'othe, Tai.um t. powder.anti perfume. Sample each free bymail. Atdress: "Cuticura. Dept. N. B.siomi. U. 8. A." IS A OVERNMNTOIARANEE' OF PURITY. CELARO K 1SESDNE2 W. CLARK

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