(77« ) If you have net ,erdered yeur Winter supply yet, you had better dû se as ït îis hable wo advancf-e any day. Standard banh BidnTemperance St, CONVEINIENT DÀYL-IGIIT TAN BET W'l EN TO1RON TOCIAMMD OTT A INO 31-"1THE RIDEAtJ"il Lv. ty Lv. Bowmanvil. Lv. Port Hope,,,., Lv. Cohbourgý... Lv. Coîbone... L-v.Treton... L.BellevIlle .. Ar. Perth. 1.30 P. ni. 2.37 P.-nM 2.47 P. sm. 3.05 P. nm. 344 P. nM 3.55 p.onM 4.27 P. nm. 507 e, M'. S.30 P.,i &Losu. Lv. SSmtih's Faliz Lv reon L.Cobourg.' Tv ortoe. YORK" 2,3 5P.n. 2.55 P. . 1.55 P.an,. 5.50 P. m. 7.42 P. i., 930vip . te. W.B14 .HWA iRD, üi tict> segrAgaTrn I Ç~~~~, KENT AAgent, Pos£ fie oravle building. If your sehool is the cen- j] 'JstC ~ tralized' type, the up-keep bas been gl or 'Yas great as lu tise city sciool; but tisefi '.9 ore,'ý The central sehool bas been found thse most fadeld, jatded, ra'iclsystem for -tise present-day over - worked rralneeds, givingÂciyeducational rwoman, with adrantages to a certain degree'. C j. painlihera or As an educational centrtseuei V h e r e ;,ogarnized rural shboolfulfils its obli- -. hould a a k gation to tise pupil, but does not give hem neighibor the fullest possible retura to thoseý fo ,avCe. who support it. Tise stage is aIl set *j To - ta- onefor some one to work out tisis lacking t à. ho - to- on benefit, and it may be your scbool- s h ew a sthat is witfing Vo be made tise social draggedcentre of your community. down by the Tise first more in tise development pains and ail- of tise scisool as a s-ocial centre is toi ments of lier or-anize imnlj or montbly meet-, max ad nseompletely u y ings for social ,gatl.erings. Calon) Visa taperucetonic made from lyes r county agent or homeo emn widbrsand roots,, and known for 51- staon agent V furis'0a tak at h yars asDr. PeceFavorite Preserip-,,frst 1meeýtin1g. Scr oetln tion. Wh1eà a woma omplains of baek- f£rom among ,your ev dsfor ts m ach, dzzieor pc-we vcrythiingi usement end ,of Vise prog2vrm. lokablck before ber eesa agginIýY-Do not expect ÈVise tenaciers flto-1or feelinag, or baigdwwt nervous- up tise prýogramn of activities; tis-,e nsshe shou u1 a Vo clthl;is "eprn chances arce Via.t tisey are as busy aýs herbaI tonDie, konasD.Pi(ees Favo. yI are,ifnoV busiýer. You sliould J almostevuydrug oviir cal'upon thern for co -operaý -%Ir eiaisaepine upli n- t cm iinerest's ,and share responi- li~hou ta wrpper Pu up n taletsor iities. The-re neel be n) fear as! liuxll r.)mPr pvidi, HteP uf o Lack of itrs on Vise part of tise 1q. Per,,o 1 VLý oeBf e-cher, ,For- tbiey are always iter falo, N. Y,, will eD, trials izeflQclt td in tb",Iing oc or euainl Toaarg~' ss'.-"Dr.Pisce~ Meicii 011-Oneof the bctt w,,s)Voarot,) been wonierfu biptniand I eco-1iet tme.Wheni 1was U girl ' I ws z aYa èet, oarng etig bnavefor My ', Iath~htse couic; nover rP!et i.sekro~ftelclby a Asfqd 9 iwelre doetor5 saiS I -wOSbenintesevce ftii i o j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) hbvetah irn peaio. sifraea te nuoe . e ,.M ifersatdgvngm osbe akaslirfrr ags îu~erisg, sudI cen ighly reco -> d " UEt w5 fOEs1111 1,cu- e Sire1! rn mportance of thiec-operaton, uidance and informatiI6û Lion nuancialmatters of iBaer BOWMANVILLE BRANCH GEO.k. HALL - MANAGER TUESOAYS AMr FRImAYS wiIl be si at oldi prices Up Loi time !o, 1ivt o u Jiampton 2 4-Passonï-ger LunSwings, reg. 6 LrnSet,îeg $2,25 for $P,5 9 ilainoks t ost Sereen dosadwinds-ow ren AeuoTiresuad Tubes ai cos Paris Green oni 6c per 11 Armsenato1oftLe dcear atcos Bu Junoth end Bug Finush at ce Sb, 1 leu Selarator, new, reg. $1 Jar mMachin(e Hie bect I b Guards, etosKiescmi 2 NowWshn aciesRg 1190lny gar Ily akeoioexis CsdrasWagons, iddoCars, llay Fork Supplies and Hope to 3 Lawn Mo(,rsqt cost Vo lear Lfien, cy Tet'fr oneakr.fof bousewvif e aprofe ssion of w1hiUh Ont esn h Fri--trs To Mrs. T.Î. Franksa medal bas' you are proud andý to te- oub in Slase xrariarinscesfll bee aaredasAmîia' bstyour înost intelligent attention? giving relef t thse uffecrînTg wîth hou~emaker Hereis th effiiency 2.-Do yoiu and your husband regaird osyaioTrdLveIdg. teat whî H e oldsubemýiit oeercy yuev as business, pa'rtnerq, sa~~ckoi -edceNuaga hoseeeertoanwe: ga knoxIIýe g fthe farrily finances -Kidney ad Pieder Tr1 be înd prospýects, and co-operate ins P. o yo osdryour ccupation spendig yor n7ome ýwisoiy,? Reraim ani h a 3. Have you a stated amoünttoE- penddmadenroforuit iee, I*I ar w are jfurýniture, recreation etc? a~ count for the incomne entrutled to iacis oundi apes rags ynu, and do you handle bills a-do1 er gsanIpues tgeter'P, h cuni cations systematically and f uierretonics adatspiso $12.00 for $8.00'ipouty proven reputo. o 5. H~îave you a cost kceping sysgemi 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50,tra ie2e 50i'h isa complete record of every! At ail djealers o etpspi Sday's expenditures? Can you give al by FutatrsLimîte,1 Otta"-wa. -yeýarly ,or-monbLhy statemenýit of whiat yoaîhave setadhw !S.'s yur ouse p 0nedtrougb- soktaigand tbe ba.lanced rationl out n snitay, conmic rinipls, 9 ~ae yu taken ah 11posýsible pro- duedprce bthfor yusefand- for aIl thers4 cautions against fire, thievery and IS.OO for ~"$.i withinif? Arefthe haig etia-ohrdangers Lto ýte house? Have av'e had i±L'a years inganlighd n sstem.s ul» totheyoua com lote invntory of al -your teadKife heamd Vo fit Dering m1mm nqalt-niqattyadhuseboldbeogns '-H~isMahiesat ,àoff down to the wmnmum cest ? 10. Have you comýpared ail your $5,00 for $10J09 7. Have you accýurate knowledge ofhoekpng etdsladtiih .oe for owerchie eclr al labrsa gdevices applicab!le tO thorofat leï'a n ozen Women of yû bueold apiîgl ou eau imilar incomes adorusacs afYrd1? Is the work of-youà bus-e Are ,you williag to b-e told that yourý 10.intel ýlty plannad, soa ht h thod î)gtb&ipovdb sujQh et. trlie rcs.wre as a clear idea of indiv-(idul pract-ical hous.ýek«_epeQs ?-b)y aln m- <s whoisale picies.responibilities and a reasonable timo ploy?-by anexrt cer t cst . f est"'In marking yourseilf on this te2st, Ï. IlS.tHve you _- practical knowledge allow 10 for eai:h- question, giinîg of cooking'? 0f ecnoica bying, , yourseIf a fair. per enta' if you eaul- rottfarycai te eti10 pointls. ddesults for yor ttlpret ndNgi. Bowm în11le anôisr da' mILIof10,or"CrecI _______________________________ HowVtoBoil Cori ukts as - Dr. ChaseArOnment wvvIl reieýve yov. ilonce ~mv the silk with a egeabl ____________________________ iriad as certainly ic . Sca aoolaa dejror Edeoo, ts& C..LW 1ed ru, s O i1V wiflal copie off, Have raono ampiQ e I f rU on ienin water boiling and boil cora rapidly ~YTE LD. ape afn scle. 2.Stip 0 py pstae, for fire minutes. Remiove fro waer UD. ï~t, once and place: on a plaýte wbic-h bais been covcred with a nýapkii"nn ~~ bwing tise ends up so tise corn wiil ho ecveved. Do not add saIt 'fnd do not Ru b p yLI IKI D 'Eîelet thse ears stand in tise water. Serve flOW inovisng; freely IrI il eo'nltrlo&ý Ask for our INVEN- a ne bOReïDVIre lai. IfI o sntfre VWen B"oiling Corn la Huský-Re- r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.mX beoý er f fMRO AlN move a f ew of the outer hss then hoe tinie te seil, bring 64 nlest .0Mtra turu the inside onles back; rmv h - ~~silkc carefully; bringbckteus. We wîil l ean it for ~a'1oh~G adi.fo aea bv.Ti - The reat Eglish eseedf addIo the sweetnes, of hecon aud pay yenfultl nevE5I~.tr.mtk0feWl04 fr*ý-sh coraI, ±~cul)p fleshbradrobU if ouwih e I~ fl ~ es~o- cp mlk itaiespanbutter, a aine f kiergr Palîtd u ,9 t4elittle 1dnrieg Mix corn witli hoe future let ashave iplanitof.oi h Pedfrl Mi-V !WOOD Brsh eartben bakedish svitis butter. los Ve are here ~OT IruryWon. Pour in mixtuire and cover top witli buttered crumbaUs. Bake 30 minutes in the year and are ini moderate oven. To butter cruînbs, put butter on pie-,tin,. When màelted, t kbusne Go d N +j ôr add the crumbs -and shake untilth N oice crumbs have al entuhdwt ScýrambIed Cora and Eggs-1 cup Far erD grated fresis corn, 3 eggs, 1 cup milk, LIl i 91' tablespoon finely eut green pepper, O1aw tablespoon butter, drippinga; or oil. Jl r. J. Rosenvaldlias open- 1/ teaspoon sait'. Put the corn, pep- ed are tail feedi and farmers' pro- per and ha-if tbe mulk oàn l saucepas S duce store in Toronnto. Mr. Pike and cook 5 miue.Beat the eggs and isaîf cup of milk until ligblt; add is L býis B lmaill agen and is tocrnand cook slowly, stîinco paig hig&stpries -for aIl sorts stantly until set. Add but-ter and of gfrain, , a ad farmer3' produce. sait; serv on thin scso os i Th ha isp~r~se an ui prss-Pepper ean be omitted and parsley or celery, tops useýd instead. 143iûg free of cha Ze.___ CieWhat Youi Rral School May Lack. y , outîsfiedwth the returns oÙ'W kepDL a s eWood of iPlease phono 289 Bowmantvîîîe Aeyuiua sboYuhv befoo diposig 0fyourgood. t rub bben paying inc.res1sng taxes in ore o hbive btter teachers, e anA norij .9.ene p r pont lin JI Phone 131. Open Dayo yen CtiniK this is t y Our, sýecd alongy. you free of charg-e rnarket a1cfo taice a chanrce on t,. sanles of your1 eyery working day al)ways pleased tot 'hn,203- Use ik Lest ga 1-so- al all kincis IL 1 aut cantoriment organztin Laarning tJe vQue of 2rg-iztio wi 4 is1f ehelpful in bidn up your comr-uity ok fe o are razd s ~ejrtre olwrin yOllr commoruity t ) for the experieces oi the men- who wen;ý over will continue to îtrs us foi alontîme tu cimr. Y Lrmo, the main oilmetns, mary beusupplemunted by ssto at clubs, cnon clubs, or frut cand orcmad studyclurs,;f yu are in acfrit dis- trîct. Dmsicsi nce andbread- makinigcusae utbefor every . - type of Sso o'uiy Parents ans pupsLs ohbecome nteesed in thesýe cub nd wlll ýscon be compet- dng for the same jrime. Do nW try to hae onetswihotprizes or ribbons, or you -wills much of theý , inte2rest. IW your ognsto is vig- J orous eog to supp-ort at least cor. re of tecussgetd o ilhv even urMes, The hîg1% Al lsosi ngih cC r pulimseain , "a)c sk to wrk u ~b t ad aaturplays A1 nome talentpuay and an occabsiC debute can lea aranged to be giveni j A1c i h,, îjhi patrons ihs gývýiveteta- er of publicseekn an opportÈunity to help and ethig quite equas am h,me-taient p'layfQ bigigJu an interested iaoudience. A small ad-, mission fee wili ca)ver expencer. If there is a balance, itcan be usedfo We aie now faeia the grýave prob... lemsof rconsructon. Producers areanimortntecno i oce inl r this~~~~~~~~~~ qusino upyaddmn.lEnw tidea in rWaiÏgs 5Ut thik Why nt -ha e urconiniyogf- tthe ti-e-and -eost-of Iabor Saved ài ized from this 0oc11lcme e nd be iayingthe.rof of abg baril,îîfreit recadù -y toimalee a studyv of your partshde ote Iag~ i4lg wt thine aus a con-structive uni- latodAp~t$a it h~ ~fu A Dazzlin;g Totalfï. sh-jingieks in one iower nails ae ato required Ntigless thnia RWhite Paper Brantford Asphait SSlb as uare ceerlydesigned14: l' has een ssuef i En~and n whch hat a roof laid with them hos t0e appearance of an ateni has beeh mnade to total "2dSZ " ,up the numberof lartices of cotng bigcvrdwt rdVdaiesigs and sur-gical cmforts macle by the (C~ e e o1y: 12 inch x 1 2 itic, with cut oiits fu Sistýer Susies for sick and wvounded inches. They are lai nc1e jces tc the weather. Red soidiers under the ArMY councll's y or gree-Q color. sehee, ad Si Edwrd Wrd fadsBrantford Asphfait Sl-ab Stàtes ýarc mad,- of the .ams neri l sthat the numr turned out slea7hed car famous BatodAs;phaft SItes w hithve given su-h the amazing toaloi 8,000,0K); the n~ifction for artuistLi homes. cwiorkers who ac ilit totaed 400O,- î-,esn rdfn i.rolit is zcalIed Lrantitrd Cr3-tal 1 ofn 000.i The Drco-eea pays tri- anu4 weighs, 80 tLa 85 lbs. per square. 1bute Wn the paper tvthonoble self- Prtc a about these rooflngs furnished oni request. *sacrifice of the great bau of work- * ers at home," New.,Apple Pnes 'd fieand FcoyBa~frCanadaz One cup foeur, one and a hafc- )rce iTrno Mnra.HllaWaie 1 milk, two eggs, haif teas-pýoon sait. Sift the four and sait înto bowl add A Che nMk ai dell-beaten eggs; beaterslb 5c11al C. iie minutes. Have au ironi pan veybot,! remnove from ire, pula o n ,e teaspooni of V f ishkepan! soe ie wf ________- reach aýroundi. Shake pan the samle Tomatjoes paia! ev1dounto a parti FinJtmestýilitobelernngso as you woýuld, when frying an omelet, with butter ad appropriateseason- what go,-d(, and give up beug desul.. When nice and browa on both sies, ings make of a dish of propérlyv eck- tory.-Marcu3 Aurelius. spread ith apple sauce, sprînkle with ýed rice amost savory pleasure iasteadl ml oy Fter bti chaos?" sugar and cinnamion, and roîl same of a prosai duty and they ad a lit! Father: AI dos!'tknow? exactiy, mY 3as an omelet ofý protein to thne starchy cereal,ý as1 boy; but ît -'3s someýthing they always highly-developed sericeis vaiable at aml tcnaes forthe 'breefit of ouLir cuis. Look for 0ca tomrs,~vey ellgrondd te nme