Wh",-en fainting ùccuirs in yeung Iadulteý it is nec' necceýarily cause for alarmur.le-s te oemn i, krown to IFea~ h avediscc ftM ~r or unle s W 1 the-,attacks ïredur with g?,ctfre- Iuec.In the lottir-,~ there is a ai ngP~ss ibility or, aven probability tb'at F~iohc isa suden wakriss o pcmn is sufferiug froax the mild le',cft atrns orii of cpilepsy known as petit mal. itr OlcIiiac wig o casioaally -haprens that the heart ll)yfailure înrthie Circulation ot h-, cno eovris strength; aftcr, d te o-euataa'ia fanaaclccfofait gisbeats g roýw tha rain. Frsorne uycxlaîcd eaicrandl weaker until dcath ccrs reaon f~ntngisnet ce omm11 That is more liiely to hpp P lat'he it ued t be n th eary -Vctoi - ldhowever, andisxte lyre an i-Vcoi .It imay be be- lu the young or inhelyadts aIS e itis th! fahi at preCsent to Srnc e the faint is owmig to lack of Clentoandc. .D . wa~rcrsets tatdo not g. c, n- i tebr 1 h- i-thing te_ Greccara icLaiSors rct the Q iV,- orbecuf eYoung o o is to plae the sufferer at full Zgîu1-ir ca, nlino uchmore iat.b.c open fair 'th with h than they ued te.1i bgs head 1ower ta i b na i ttack bod-d 9ýy ifrpossible, and thon te loosen bond'i the mý)tOr hoirawhn ap-ý In na c f fainiing the -person te lohiag about bis wai§t and neck pco&hio i arain heroa orthebecones dizzy and semetimes nause- in odrt lo o ie'cruain browvofa ih,. atcd, hics, gbtf!,ls, hlic face is pale Spriakliig hic face with cold water aad often rcovered w mt a old lier- and-(1bathiing the temples ,with eaýuLde ________________ ~1spFirationi, hepulse is rai ndvery eon rbadywl fe ep feebe, ad iaaly he uif-re f ilsIf fthe patient is able to swallow, yeni I C41ngas~ D~a ~naul and býcornes uncoaisclous. Li a few __ . -- V ic.Causes Many Pol to SufrAgciy for Y cars From Piles-Dr. Chase's Ointment Cureil. Ratier tian conenît a doector or~ ln tear o! an openationl, which 50 mxany docters rccounmeni, mnay people live ia alnieet consatnmeony :frournpi]es -or-errro& Tiere te neonly ,tiie dîl strserm tice tinuruug, burnîng. t.ing sensa- tions, but thee oiea tan o tic syetem whrhund.euiues the gýn ral icaIC Many tiusae ld relief sud cure lu tic u,e )o!1-'r. Cia"ssOint- mre nt. Slowi'y tihe odWord, ms been paýscd aîug until Dr. Ciaso's intmept ias becomne kuowu tiougIhýut tic celillz, d( wonld as tie moat effecýtive tr.el,,itieatbtaînable WObNDERS OF A At'ter iilgbtest in u7pon thco Schwarzeribeerg'rrlatz ia picturecque; Vienna, sunreo f en thusia stic tou r- ists 'acre xicmt te threag about ta place te hear a well trairied outdoorv band peal forth ctrains of classiel musc and tW gaze upon the wondera, of its glorione feuntain. Before the palace of Prince Swar-- enberg is the ceiebrated 'lumineuse" fountaii, ligtcted by tweuty-seven hid- den refidotors, contaiaing a total pewer of 270 million candies. The bewl te tremendeus in size and sprays of water -aeceud-ta every celer and charte imwaginable, built withiu each other ij cirula fom.The outer part,. u example, wL hocrimeon reit,whl the treime muer centre sonde ot a britanit ray of gelit, and ecdi few,ý seconds the former changes t fainter tint, going gradually fre-in the original hue te garnet, ruby, andla- iy, light rcd. Meaiîwhiie, with h ne smId at,,.rtion runnion into bronze ai Whieu you wâWnt a. nio-, tedurc'ut c04 miiyou jusinM1lýahly ll, ot - ubber Tired Buggy good as new. CGreat Value. Phone 61 o nii Up to Date. Toewe'ihunusual beds of "How's this, Dauber? I ou've paint- naijl'ooeruotain CantQeliul.y ed Father Time wjtui 'a me'wing in ia-,beilsi ros, whL e and' d cýhine înstead of asctearneiein odblk. "That's ail riglit. We armte'ust1 It is be,_tter obbout up on keepup with rornietvep- porridge and înilk in tecutyta grecs, you knoxw,." on tea and sugar and ji i h on fim,ý EcetriOUhs be o heare wards o*.tbirty years and tri ta tne sf, ril e!.at has pýro v d a blessing to, th_ snd. is eiie odi be e f liimnt. fà were double thrce TECOKMD!EC, lit bouldoa cheapliin. mRo01f(trrIW1ï> Directîons of Special Value te Women ai-s with E y oz. ,.pre.eýed oi'bTlýasBecle,i.Hio Lce r-Ege4 uic '-et 'his gardon fDAI et onions." ,'ll, hart that anythiug te do witi your potý,atoes net grcwinig?"' 'esoi-r, Bcdad, thoin onions was thiat stroug tiat my petatoos couid't ccc te grow becaýuse o! their eyes A SURE CORRECTIVE 0F FLATULENýCY dustrious iver. -When the undigesteti foodi lies ia thep stomach il throws cff gases causing pains Small doses, taken reg- and oppression me the stomachic region. ualisr ht The belchiag or eructation cf these gases uA iïr ht is offensive and- the only wav te prevent thema lat10 restore lie stomach tb proper. actiei.. Parmelee's Vegetable Pilla w'l y eY u e1 do this. Simptrle directions gowilî ac ch apraiesmtms packot snd a course ,- o!tiem taklen hntk elre sytemlatically is certain 10 effeetË a cure. 1No Such Msta.kc For Hlm, epta . m ;i Tice tiugicct mran waa seoring the ilpyyu 3hdv- hired mn for hic extravagance in w3 t wantinig te carry a anitora in goiug dnd n elt nd19 to cail o)uie estgirl. "T1he ide-a!"e sc -offed. "Whon I Ha1ne~ was outrtin' Inoe carried ne ian- toi-n. 1 went ln the cdark," Tic htreti man proceoded to il tic1V lanteiEi, "ýYes," lho sa"! sadfly> "aInd hok what you got," Warts are disfçiguren).ects thiat disappear when treated wîVtHüI~loway's Coi-n Cure, CIr~ ae&otnSO tLo seceof îL'on i th ceesa~r VWs 5î, JulnsCacarwas y63ears old whüi. e hoas assassinuateàt ttie base CA T RS ONPLL o! Pompey's Pilla2ii-ltathle Snt iIhl hscnii Hueat Rouie (on t1ue- Ide# (1 - ln TO ANDFROM- IALArýE ONTARIO SHORE L!NEr 'à 'o 011 a EF.ýrFECTIVE JUNE 2ND, 1919 Tralh No, 3 Le. TO Ô T , ....... .... an. OTTAWA .,................1Oi.00 p.m c Train No, 37 .... ... ... ... ... A r. . ... .. - , ........ .............. m'aklulgail ntermv.4îAte top bîIREorCON7TINTO AND FROM KIOSTO EQUPM~T~Sok4g O PietCIaý O&ca*cEs CafPArIe Furhe patlMlrzv frbm Catlan Pal Ie4Ae WB. HOAC'tg',1tqet t. Toronto LGê pan. 9~,17 p.m.. 1,80 prn~ >r Car èmengor Agent3 5. B. KENT, Town Agent, ýPout>t Offio Mreord OCn eî Wo xwiii put a set of Ilaussier '--)Iock Absorbers o11 your car for 10 days free rtz'.aland â' you ar not perfeCtlY satisfied that you have the ases riding car on the mar- ket we %vill take them ofi again and it will not cost you one cent. Whaea fucll stock of genuine For'd parts on hi,.and t ept4 Ford Mdpchanics te handie Cie work. Satasfact. Whaaso heen appinted Chevrolet Service Station frt district and are prepareti to give yoti every at- t~to.A large stock of Tire, Oils and Àccessorieâ on _Pand at ail times. Yours for Service Ž~ghtPhonIe 18r3 Day hn 188 r2 Mil MA 1Aay gure fer the eure of th-a distvëssih& ý61!- 1 gnl- " ~ ~X f 0 mnts oaiusesgad1l e aroiliatir spirits of ammeini in haif ment.yllw a csudden outburst cf dark u. v u.. turas, and, after a brief moment &'cf1slet] ii o-eie 'Al ior VYlLa ilass of water, oera cupfui of bot Tî etrwl iv o en dagreea emerges-from another spot, ai1 1confusofl esiusncsand blakceffee. The windows shou'ld be et what difficulty y people are hIeunding itc spray te an apple, olive, I arn now inaarposiionhstreatte patieptheyflnd ont Labout D~Caesoint- and-finally aile charte, with tlhe beauti- tolt.Rcueavugwua 0 yfana.Sein at hudb ot fui coatrast of a deep bine at i ts side, to givs~ ou 1uli service netnfaîlmheavily ut chooss a "sob andbes o~u-rkîîanhi spt" ndcine 11at0,ito s ne usfr'dvr aaiuitstestoga Mr. 1F. M. r ,29% Shannesn nis also chnin roa navy to its spt"ald ,i!:tibA11iff wculd he far from beneficial. IfSt morTerdté,icatewrttc: "o te sf o cr î g ha ee s hai- tos masre "o etprval n hes lu regýard tethe ments e, Dr,.moedlctclrs as ha e wo ssitans.Ieasn Cases Ontmut ay e bnedial Little apriaglets of quicely revert- miag-fentig îeted c fantig,-short time, yen should summon a te many peopie wIo iO r ufnu bebonpI a rnepa e WCrkbOL 'ý' Sale tre are lways prem0noiterY ys iafor the'conditien may prove hk ywtedid with ttching n ehr u invrec t.r for tLhat a p vrionwhha, once pyica, eotrurtîng ple. erseenmonchs havea ]i-tded sockof tfaited s ate be something much more 'Sros~î ufrd nodaeywt te'i dropping beck tuto the large pool in reonzwrig. than. a faînt. I tng and prtuiies, bleeding at an ýentircIy different, toueé, namiely, good Vbsan0a wr li: tbe least oecî i would make, violet. Immediately on top of this, TE forNT NerentAD remedies, but to ne purpose, Viu05 tt. lo'i H DVN NO AAAIspn olasaddolr i-hotrad oeyodonpale ander buncei viealeh~f a d' bavtng sent to Chîcago, Ciucinnati, up,an etygonawsilui- ales Of New York, Cleveland, Detroit and atiag the tiuy drops diff ereatly uponi jandc eh ýýinrtî'ît rao- mR~i f ~ tany ether cities, but met with no hi ocn pretW.I ace tligs.a redon a, With al these marvelleus iatorpiays «biciI iWhilc ta kinghto a lrteudeeueiday Pa'or en he told me that hé had trled every- of every exisiug hue, perhaps the ~io.FIrpage oos no ro h oteln .htbng fer thc came trouble, and the greatest spiendor ef tic sceule lies ta I 4! t Pssth csî ~ Selon cf a reiga be1ovcà, onliy tîîag tiat- cured hlmn was Dr. the tact that cach radiance of dew 1 j eed iA 1cL'asfefe And heir te far-flung realins, Cliase's Ointmeut. Se I eecured some takes turns at shQcting up tic highi- ~rmf Lydi, E. Pink-. 0f valeur poeonVcrysfedof this for my wife, and eau satelir khnvd ovahorields and truly. say that withiu two est, and often fiue must cast hic ~ eeal opu4 Yet gentle, kndand lvbl.montli.cnet a aigu !yCOUld be glauce te a coidaehiF o ght when Canada webcomes thee, aenl. She used four boxes- alto- gzn pntetietlti ube 8sethir. and we caninot speak tee___________________ ________ ~itepnrisndlylhrt hghyehamrt.Ieudntb To ber rich and vaqt domains. wtheu- t In la y hense, asI aso tlnd A fipecAe cclim heet, aluable for lots et In oi en-. Urhnrl,"lai Cï,geot s frocpeoleaccsix teeno ether oianent ii aditof. o tsadoyngt np ht 031By of'sgrace u uWr ie T cf A-ulo Owuers ha~~~~~~Ti att te of irEmpive's eorftr ig rpewihlse u hope and bond. latawehC amVatd ilintaer ak-noti tMa e el cf Ponce Laites & Co., Limlted], Tcoonto. Ther H ~j oniton Iet t Encircle thy brow! Ure nt, riv4J alet Dr. Chaa's 0: Prices of Cream are bigh. Ja c UtS -c uy ~'ties ha Iwoud nd igteusness and truth ïuerit as a Ir-taet fo pliIs. doîî~ai k ii f it' ea'in. e-erewelaa.nij uiehelp and'preserve thee. ___V___- e pay gpod prices for good in cli cýad f L'da teehpymmnsToo 'Bad. Ilili tel! hapy riodîdefor BîIingUinths spareeat) "ay1 aîý nnlyo have 'eur, rpaired W1 1,cter IwouldrabYbPNSE. ToIfand et dolars, ave benneh? at choWattott pull udmths tache, ngl wDdKaipogg'ateRea phon ios suanceo! enefI, oatsse hîl Tie ernein u. e 1 a tad m wl, to g àmn 5 -naicncl?èmedy for shti rem oved ev ath o, I a s t th ce iword 1'ooie' rw it Ornn at si i é ork. aan d c e cl Ues o! donh u lid erf. r t t o nildae t w s o hi oibhent ae rcmetiLdaE ikam'sVee-mental. r earýg'atons. Your deer ,"Watw.? caP, Ja ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~sýion 'iesI.CIF-iKHNSN136ofichrt ccil lstissujctt wrsbease__________________ Al a Wms deT ,rohelî y cstr etintrni ,ùRU0 rl4' er K îg a ~n dilvgr sVe tI b 1 e m poil A u, Immnse F or '. dstranestatrs tiheeopet n Wome whosuier fom ervosnes, Tc lagcs e! il he fowcs o ic!cuse serions weake.MlrsWm _____ L'est_- Ctnpeudflcr, t par, di ce nîped o fierine alli icoJorscdfagesc ______________ET______________________ woreinecton redeeaeleant sais i-cudoealno!aIrlkih cle, ac îaty groî ase okdfo , h mgasrin a ootocres. icc ar co.rc wth ucroc ireulr ol- A Voyelh yetarian Sie rnd, Anwe I nse lgs. Thepotîs urruar a ap eary iA fu faddct hatranguI eteI amet aon foot wiet efmai gine fo!wiici earthe niaiolosw bnefs ittelle obtained c. remevunsTheaos h~pe h nflsafenavgtra it is ild i tea uiethey dlii, thaupn "Fitos," hlocrî d tw ar oagoe ill bles"sboldtrythi faoustpe o~f Sta cf whii is' c ersih fiaal n weracion cetna he ggard o t andherb emedy Lydi E prPnk- tieiis hiafe aTisia m e thws' ierale ffwere \ htrd o you sup V flowerici-us, Teamup!wîeîî fre'offrein f te pos brol tts gmfreatdcangetaof I contenteewtionhore aboutetweîvenpinte. mc1 When your aefooachessst Tsessuariy Thvered toe wîgs aicreu f/teenl epue esc i teto h "Wfodbat chan"c?" d amo o quickly d~apear as son as the somahh petal surou h;a up W0all a nefrae!sngorcire yorstmch~.ii e:4, n on ~r u rg:' of forbersth uroas becneuhar b tra. rapidl imp~-v~ cadi ion and rompdyt k 'aar, ad tro mie O thoi 'ih to rta e! 1,1 h wrede tyeneacx-g isfi ish dsk teIp 1 &&