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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1919, p. 7

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O R P LIUNSUE Wo7 pe vwho pî,ovide, play lbard, -ail profit rom, a ML-al of "Car'2 Prkand Ienand strengt[h giving food. POKADB E A N Sjanýd W. LAtW LMITED N 0 N Tfi E iL C.489 GNAKE KILLERS 0F FRANGE. Obtain Five Cents -Apiece For tthe Reptitezs They Destroy. Iiu France there ïis a .profession n-- rcg in la Cr on country. It la tha th ie stnake killor. France is Lnuich îafe-etad hy-two species e! dangerotis serpents -vipers and edders. It la these tiiet a-e e-s- pecîelly songht by thse suakeý, huait'rs. H,2,wears leather legig - orpr- tectin aginatbite, a ind thee matra- meils ef bis craf t are -of the siîaplest. The la'tter ucoasistîta importantly o! two sticks, Giue o! wh,ýich is forked. Rocks ;warrned u-p bytise sanudy places ii weeded areas, îud y benk>-, o! pends-sch are' th- 'r os lt likely te be 'hauated hy t _u reptilian gaine. Descý(rY!ygils-piey, the 1hanter au-1> prealiesneieles~y. Wiexi witisiu rane, e iniesthe sueiike witàh the stick he hOlda in bis îight liand. Ir'- atnl hereupoün lie pins it down witli the ether stick, wh-Mh s fo !rked. Qu1ickinesa la the prime essentiel te SuCces lun this kind o! chase. Vipers and adders are swlft of movement and ready te taise alarm. Bat once pinîied te the ground tise creatuie is readily decapitated witli a sharp kuife., Tise suakýe hantera are called "vi- percides: Tieyget ive cents pic fer thse snkeýs rley llI dlivering the lienda. The moat famous Freucliman engeged professionally fl titis pursuit is-kniown as Jean Serpent, tiseugis is reel naine is Michael Vergue. Up te date lie laGslain 3&,000 adders. Decter Calmette, of France, lias, pro- duced na sruns called "an-tiviperjine,," whicli is a suie remedy fer viper bites and adder bites. It lins already siaved many !ives. Tise ietised o! itd utiliza- tien is by hypodermie injection near tise weund made by tise suake'a tootis. Prune Roses. Sammer thiuning o! limîbing- roses la desirable, c fter flowering, where tise plants aie large and crowded. Cnt ont tise oldest stems whîcli are begiu'niug te lese vitality. Cnt tisese downl within a foot o! tise greuud orj teonou or twe buds o! tiseir base, fremn whicli yoiýng shoots will start uext' year, This gets tise aseleas wood ont o! tise way, se tise yonng grewth will have more room, liglit and air te de- velop lu. A ncw cruteis hý as a spriug conceaied iu tic lower end te taise up tic ahock as it trikea thse groand, Ai lest colti, ica, snow anti fear of uPiîa conîpletels' qtoppedth ie heeer' 1isarvesi. Tisir fod suppîs', as seen itlir-iugi tise ceanlces, iras lesa tissa eue tiai!tise normal quanutits' iad tises' egato buru-ow in tise-pond for i-oets anti haîha. Again tise colti prevasted lisir -work, fer tise loir w'ter froze te tisa hottoîn _antiahi-t tisein of. Tisas' mrs net beastan, hem-, ever. Tisas dug a ei-anal frein tiseir1 bause te tise huart O! tise root amen, anti l'pt iopen. Wbntise reetaï gava ont, îles' lid te lenve tise pend' or starve. Tises' triati te guaw iup ilirougis tha ice, cuti neal-Is sceei ati; but tissh icqeainr!oa s-ertis undar tise dam ni iri(j t Sou tise snow et tise enter sud o! tle iopleteti tunnel todthitie nambar tisat sarvivedthtia colt i mter. Tises' live eiin isoles adeugtis anlo! tise tream until wiarn usatiser, wisan tisas drifitieues'a. Late tise nexi au tanin six banvars came liai-k te tise pend cuti put iis shape for minier. 1 DEEP SEA FISHERMEN ARE VERY SUPERSTITIOUS All sea!anug minuare ceadfted i wth hslug supqrsitions(,,ý, bot noue la se comUpltsis' u tia taisîflu1enca as the i olti dee p-saafisisermant îHa believas Iu 'aiguis" anti omana o! ailkiatis. Noihing ireult iinduce ealikpper of tise olti sciool te salilou a Fnitias. Ruiner sital, scys a writer lu tise "Railwas' anti Travel Monuhis'," tisai oee intrepffl unheliavan rise daredtietoleave ,tise docks ai Grimsby' ou a Gooti Frides' mes isootedti lroagis tise ol-gaies hs' tise seaudalizeti populace. If a man's liai bleir everbeerd while leaviug a, port, mas'skippesa onîdti rabacis anti deleys seliug antil tise nexitins'. It wns au ome a tisaoee o! tise crsw wealti le lest during tise trip. This igu, bowsver, hecan-me diserediteti, as wity deckhianda, desirous o! anotiser jday esisore wuts tieir irivea anti fend- -lias, ceutracuedthie habit o! goîng alofi anti essisting use wîndt teforetel disasiar. - Vs thia la oe sthing I leeru te know, Eaec day more auraIs' as I go, Tisai doora are epen, .maya arc matie, Burdeus are lifieti or are laid Bs' some great law unseen and st, "Net as 1 will." -Helen liant Jackson. 'Tea or Coffee i j I ~ The quality is constant ant tthe'. t J r'ch, even %ver peaSes. IýfS I Noi i Price tropical climats. But il muai have lisse a vers' longý lime ago, fer te-day nearîs' tise ioe et Greenlant ila covereti lis'n ilesj siseat %vth an avarage thidhusas o!, 1,000 fesi. Frein a mounitain range two miles higis meat e! the grant is- land siopas dowuward and westward toward Baffan Bas' anti Davis Stra il, au,ýd se tise le s eet la coutilualîs' rvin utiiat direction. Off tise wasi consi ara naumerous-ia- lands anti, as tise ice siseet forces is was' b2twaeu tism, ilta srippedti t pieces. Rauge fragmîen-sts dop off, torming iriai ire ccliicebergs, ai-d are set afloat lu tise sea, WJliýlia- rapes te, nnnndiue-c- begafiar tIiaidepauýida pncc-et al circumanceaý. I maýNru asisore on, Baffin Island (tise weai aide of Davis Sirnit) on ou tise coasI o! Labi- rader, !arthesem uttisIfi L ecepes thia fate, its passage sotad tismouglitiese arait wiiIli e verzy slowi, bacanse it mnuai ploir its was' ilrengis fieldi ice mens' fasi tiie Tise lads' iceberg la eue tisai man- ages te kaap iu tise main clinal and is carrieti soutîuuard bs tise Labrador carrent u te tise nonsh Atlantic. Once arriva inlutisai ragi-on e! 6'bon sec il -mas' trift about for nians' menuisabe- foe going te places. Large berga have -ou occasions get as f ar as tise Asores. A sizeabie liarg mas' hava nearîs' vertical walls 100 footbigis, uts pin- naclea tewering .tote nee tisai eleva- tien. Ofian tisase floating mutains o! ices-have vers' fautastilesisapes. h la net ail safe for a ahi-p te go uer oee for linge fragmienta sornatimea feul off, and ti llane uncomiýmn tiing for an- iceberg satiticls' te m ap- side demn.,Tise perieti o! dangar from icebergs ia Aprit, Mas'andsudJne. Blinarcls Liniment Cures Dancrumk. An Ode to Health. Reanîtin l itsîf maltes lifç a per- patual jos'. Nothing daunis, notiîg ovar-aese, neihing discouragas, anti uoihin-g over- powera tisei-man anti woman possesseti of issaltis. Healtis menus net enis' vigor anti suargs o! tiselieds', bat aise denrts' anti strenglis et mid,parus' o!flieds' anti e! seul. Tise iealttis'person doinatas tifs, inatenti e! a-llwing lil!e te tominete hlm. He' acareels' tiinla o! ha lieds' ns consisting e! parts, or, as per!ormiiag separate functions. To lin tiselieds' la but oee iaxuonous, isole. Hie is a unit,nalieing, a m-ana; comn- plats, vigorona, perfect. Te sueis a man work la jes'. He re- garda obstacles as but epporinnities for testing bis strengthi. Ha hardis' kuews wisni weakness la. lie neyer1 gras.plis Sent isl apleasure. Toe gaze lao ie as yca l a'jes'. To her is voies is te feel a thril pessaover eue. Te rp-sr luto lis mmnd aaes as nl stimiulus te higiser acisiex ermeuIta. 1 HVeaiti susppties tise couragetise! aggressivs ness iu life. W/usent i iseeltioee labanîmapt, rega,,rdiass o! misai bis financial'capacits' mas' ha. lis becemea a cipisar lu tise world o! real minuanti womau. if s'eu have beacl, tissu, fnisuda, cherîis il, guard it anti treesure it as s'eu irewmnn life, for eut o! il are tise issuIes o! lit e. 1War SavingaStÎýaiups ;net onis'sav 1moiney but caca !it. - SUNI LK J1I"Ui'lEn 5- At thse flrst aigu of illuiess during the hot weatlier give the littte ones Baby's Own Tablets or lu a !ew hours lie may bc beyond nid. These Tableta will prevent summeu-r comptaints if given "eccasioially te the well child and will promptly relieve these trou- bles if they corne ou a uddeuly. Bnby's Owu Tableta should alwaya be kept lu every home where there are young children. There la ýne other imedicine as giood nnd t lie mi other haIs the guar- antee of n goverum.-ient analyist that they are perfectly ýan!e. The Tablets are sold by metllcine dealers or by mail at 25 cents n box from Thse Dr. Williams' Mediciue Ce., Brockille, Ont. God Bless the Prince of Wales. Among our ancieut, mountains Aud frem our Ievety vaien 0 let the prayer r-co "Ged blcss the- Priînýe o!(j Walesp" -.With hearteuedývoice awaken Thoae minstrel strains o! yore Till Britnin's name and glory R esouud frem shore to shore, Ameug our ancient mountains Aud frem eur levely vales, O let the prnyer reecho, "God bless the Prince o! Wales!" Shoud osil banda or danger K1er thi-eaten eue fair isIe, May Ged's strong arm uprotect ns, May Henven still on us smile. Abeve the throue o! England May Fertuue's j star long ahine, And round its ancieut bulwarks The olive branches twine. Ameung our ancieut, etc, A Welsh translation of thse words o! the Priuce's Anthem, wvhicli were writteu by George Inley, were made by Ceireg iHughes. The music e! the anthem la by Briniley R-'icýhards St. Iaidore, PQ., Auig. 18, 1894. Minard's Liniment Ce)., Lmtd Genitlemien,-I have !requently nsed MINARD'S LINIMENT and aise pre- scribe it for mypains always with tihe utet gratiïying reanîts, and 1 con- sider it the best nil-round Liniment extant. Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUGI SIROIS. 0 A Pagan Fashion. The fasbieu o! keepiug littie dogs as objecta o! luxury I, s net 'at al modern. Botli Greeli and Roman wo- umen used te have srnntl pet dega as does a f ashionrihie laidvyoftô.aev Fighing a Fo d hA ~ & T IALS WE E lN LJCK AIR 18 FREE. J --Whi'n tise S'teei Trust was orgaized, Ca r erag o .mean ChldrnOf- Aadi7ew Cruge rmai-lsd tia1thtie * ~ tnCa~ssa4r-k w, commion sokWa1s înet even wate h vre Causteais'. Colt weatlier caeebefore ims'ba- Ts o1ne oe epi ius-iTssm ar e4bcvewrl or naîglibers had laid lu tisair feüod isold duties aud the ceres o!fiotir-1nrtcngae' thuts t! yuUî'wat, saùpplles ,forvtIse uiter, any a n- isood, neeadaoccasional lielp te k0eep Un til e must pay for it et tise, tuaibt. A ferVti-e drove tenoui einlugood iseaitis. Tish ead ie o!A$1 a nsisare. o! tiseir eld hmand tlc-- iay selcteti on a mùutier's isealtis are mens' aid i Ordinary air, ihaul geoduesa! has a new siteeo a43i-eam etffr frein sevare. Re-r own healtis trials andi net gore u ip pice. Il is about tise r-ryci.Aon t;ise atream wa n ber chldreui'a welfare exact lieavY oaly tising tisat lias net doue se.- Even reged rowlio!f is-ig apons. Tise toils, wiu iisnîrýl"dmuais, broken reat ts utmbl garages a]tiartise' ces rsbaîta huetc, sticks, soti ai-t mueninoo living tend te weak- "re as aod i-nt, i-d ee orisg on a a dnmennlier constitLution. No vwoader tbit ai Tis Jlail eu'vr o nte, lie- wisn t-ai-crcai.lae is rg 1iln. tise womau at breislao!ten idapsticu e wneed i air oto-Atiy te lreatmo, lie rek tie dIh lrue or ftur tii-ns. ilrongisweakuess, headaclies, bi--bu isefoi-1,fuel.W epteliîe W/lie lie '(,eilit, ninînwas hal! aches ai-d nerveusuesa. Te-m1t' iwrmlawinte r, adteiag on, gene tie de tiaes te mals tiielwomien have growu te acc-t these by bnrining air., penýd d:eepenugs ' prevent tii-e 1risiietions as a part o! tis e toi o! Yen ti-oughi t wsceai ? WeIl, 1 waolloînteeigtesebottein waa mioiierhood. But maus' and varieti as tisati lasncasars asebuttisLe ceaI nntiisled, nd e !od led eenlier isealtis troubles are, tise cause lawadb ! ets sfulats e stoicd.simple anti tisecure ni linut. Whoa lad air te hum wiýtjlILh. L'îte lu Ocieber 1 visited tise nsw well, it la tise wonian's good bloodt iat Yen ce-n'i hurm ene tiig. Borniug, wilderneas home. One crew o! log- loups lier well; wisen 'ill se iust lu kitchen raýnge or furacmeu gais ware cuttiig aspens. Tbey 'lied maIýe lier blooti ricli te irnewý lier tise comIng togetiser o! tise oxygen of cleai- d a tre'Ilway te drag tise wdisealtis. Tise nursing moiher More tise airanud tise cr io! tise ceaI. tisrougi to tise pond'. Tise beeve(,ra ia any other woman la tise world Tisey effeci a cisemiicaýl cminto isat netitisstî teir harvesîing nieeda icli blood and planits' o! I.Tise air la mait as u1eeasar;ý.y to the f wlhiîîa ieavý1-yfeu e! ýsaow camne, and Tisere ilaoeealWasanufniling Yway ta proceso! combustion as trecoal. ;isey31a1respllerd te turu tisais- et-ý get this good blood se necassar' te Our attenton lsU!xed up)on coail as tise teo-qto te a peio! aspena tisai was perfect healtis, ai-!lt ith lroag1- tise fuel fer tise sole renson tisai we have eis' about sixis' feet frein tisa pond use e! Dr. Wilinmiis' Pink Pilla. TIi-ose t a'fo-.Ifcaweereaid but was sr'paî-aiad frope h by a tltlck plilla maIe ni blood abundantly, andti ar uss moues', we sonld lool aitise huit o! pii-e8 aiid a couttusion o! faîlen ilireagi tl!eir use tisousanda O! woal, incr !rom au opposite peint o! view. sprnce loga_. ailing wivaa sud mou-ara hae b,ý ieau i Evers'ihing else la taxetinowadas's. Trecla la tise suow îstiowed tisai matie bnigisi, ciseerfal antid rog If Suppose tise governinoat were te taes durio-g one nighit ive heever lied s'eu are ailing, easily tirati, or dera-,cni-otion tepu a tex on air, placing welowedti Iotht ie uspes and bcd ed, h lisa edois' s'u owe yoursel! and 'an air-mut er i ii-Pcl,) dwelling. Would fallietiand dragged rsaverai irees te s'oar famiýe 1 te give 'Dr. Williams' net tisai ha horrible?1 lte Pond; but irelvea lad peucad Plisk Pilla a fairria. Whlait tisa Tisera lias long basa n ta-Y ou freaýis est one o! tisei vh!i-e lie wus at irn, madicine lias doue for- cubera h it l air lu Germany. IL is calleda"wn anti bcd ovamieken and kitled anotisar saxely do fer s'eu. dow tex," beiag nssessed ncordling, to in tise deep snew. Thîe wolves aeened ~tise namb.en o! wiudewa w iths v hicisa te realize tise distresa o! tisa beavera, WHERE TrHE ICEBERGS hous is providet T1ise resiltis ai a-d Iukedi-abeut- te-sle-b rur-e--ARE-HATCHED. -peuple emcneMize On Wýindows,-redue-- driven esimais. Ai tisai point lu tise ing tise nai-niso a minimum, sud atmaggte tisa beavers decidedtet builti If oesioulaut au ordinars' map, eue tisein allowauca o! freas air is tisire- 'a tunnel. Beglnning aitishe boitoin et is surprised te flnd-tisai Grsenland is lis'ect dowa. the Pend near tiseeasiore, .tisas dug consideraisîs biggar ilian Sentis Amenf- Air is mach lianvier staff tisan la outward ioweý,rd tise aspen groe. For ice.W/his Ilinstratea tise diaieriion commoals' imagined. Thirteen cublc tltteen foui tisai snhwcy ran aboutiet tise Mercator -projection, inamacis feet o! it weigis a poani. 'Bat lb la two feet under tise surface, tissu h in- a etsAmrc sacnîs b uncks' we are net obliged te store ht, cliaud upwart, anticamne ouitsînder a six urnes tiese ise o! Greenlanti. ofile ceaIefor i 20l0wou aeup a Jeft pine ires uclose te tisa aspens. Tises' Ail tise saine, Greenland l isaebig- e om n o 200pnd)o bu lît e dnamas' frein tis ensd -Oftise geatIisland lu tise world, andi once up- air will f111 a lin tisiris' feet long, tunnel totis a2espanaanti falled n an- oun aturne i must havý eess a pîesanut thiris' feet wide anti thiris' feet higis. branti worlad tisein ibrougis tise'place te ive lu. Plant fosaila founti tunnel te tise pond.tiere nove tisat anctentlv iat ad a mwu.s- Write for iBooklet. The Great West Permnanent Loan Company. TrnoOffice 20 Kinlg St. West cI rades. "Write fr rJc T 0R ONTO0 SALT WORK83 Q. J. CLIF TORONTO ThE HA aveCOdPnY, Lrniued Send fullp-articulars of your-land[ UNION TRUST COMPANY Winnipeg, Man A Lite Boy. They were crossing to France and the ship pitclied and tossed about lu an unjisually bad storm, Most of the pass'engers had souglit refuge below, but little Miss Sturge, an elderly Spiu ter, was braving th 'e terrors. on deck'. As the gale inc-reased in fury, a chivairous physician from the lady's home town camne to hem. "Pardon me, Miss Sturges, but it seemed to me you might e in some trouble. Can 1 help you? Have you chosen -your life preserver?" "Oh, doctor," cried the maiden lady, wîth a gurgie of joy, as she tumbled into lis arms, "how sweetly and ro- mantically you have expressed it!" Minard'a Liniment Eelievez Nenralgia, Entirélý Free. "You sign tbis deed of your owu free wgill, doyoru, miadam n?" askedff the law-_ yer. "What do you miean by thIat?" de- manded the large,ý florid-faced woman, looking threateningly uponi the law- yen. "I men there lias been no compul- sion on the part of your husband<Has there?" "Hlm?" she ejaculated, turnlug to looki at the little, mneek man sitting be- hind lier.' "Fredericli? Fa like to see hlm compulse me," GIRLS! WFUTEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remnove tan, freokies, saIiownes* Your grocer lias the lemous and any drug store or tollet counter will supply you with thred ounces o! orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice o! two freali lemona into a bottle, then put Iu the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter plut of the very best lemon skia whitener and comiplexiôu beautifier knr'wu. Massage this fragrant crenmy lotion dnily into the face, neck, arma and linuds aud juat see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redxpesanud roughnes disappear and how smooth, aoft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It la harmiesa, and thse beantiful results will surprise YOn. YOU "iCAN1TELL ONLV TABLETS MARKED WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN, if YOU Don't Sec the "Bayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Them-They Are Not Aspirin At Ail. Tisere is ouls'oesAspirn, tisai a-arked witi tise "Bas'er eross"l-all other tli- tat fre-nil'-i-id imitatiCos." T over lier poodlfi is real Aspirin, for wsc ieei Evenmeit, iroaly oreigneî-s, were ne substitute, netashme test-itabout tise Ro- Aspirin la not Germnan but ia made na- streets crrin doga in their la Canada by Canadinus, and la owued r ims. It i,,aai lit Jullua Ceesa,,,, by a aaie o-nay onice qseelig souse ma tii-bus ecpci enan ByrTabIeta o!Aspirlu" surcstialt ihqire e!them if' tise] javýe ba rvdsf ymillions for womea o! tiseir -uty-idnec-dPiaedchNurliCelds, rau. Rieiait ubgNeuritia. * Raudýy ti boxes e! of12 teblata,-also "He only la adveuong lu life whose "la.rger "ýBa.yer" patckages,-can-be liail lieart la -gettsng softer, w hose blood. nt ans' drug store. / ,i wanewhosu bralu qîirer, v--bss1 Alspirin l is tae maýrk, ragister- spirit is eu-teriug juteliving peý e ed lu Canada, o!fae auatr -Jon Rskn. f o! caceticacidestet of Sallcylic- mia iT inimnt Oni-s sec M.nsrdsu Linf=ent for sale everywmerc.- Doing Hem Bs:t. "Yes, ganu , siti tise îfairis'ouuig tisig, "I ai-a te hacîarried duning tise bright ai-d gledaomne mentis o!Juls'." "But, ms' dear," aaid tise oid lady, saruestîs', "s'en ara vers' souug. Do- 'on feel tiat s'on are fltad fer imer- "I cm iIIngfttted uow, graudmia," explninied tise prospective bride, sireetîs'. "Seveuteen gowns and ilirea Senti Order. MONEV ORDERS.- a, Dominion Express Mouies' Tisas' are pâs'able avsrs'wisere. Some Sed "Mýamnma," oomPaInýïm a little girl recently, "teachter w,' let müe >siug any more, and IFm the fastest singer iu the school, to)o." Australia's rew dayliglit saviu 'g iaw an liour at the end of September and back again at tli&end of 2Mardchinl each year. It W or k S î Ty 4Tells Iiow te oog0Ien a sore, S tender corn s80 it iifts out wit opt pain. Good news spreads rapîdly niddr- gi-ta here are,,kept busy dsesn rerethe ethe ioe ry o! aj Ctjr- culiman, wichis sidtolote aIv' cýoru SCtllt ut witlh the lugers.' Ask atfuy pa111Y For a qIP1uarte Litiebt taSalto be sflie o Ild one's feet of every bador - tcr or callus. Von applylust a few dro)s ontle tender, acau c r. ad(ita tly t soreneeýý s laelied,,ad oc te br la Bo sh.rivceldthat it Il! s ouit ith- out pain. It is a stcysutnc which dries w T-e1 ape3i~ nee Inflames or evein irritatea the djoIn. Chis 'dlscovery wilI prevent thoa- Sandg of deaths nnnualty froma loci- iaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidai habit of cuttîg corna - iYfnutmae Cuti- cuaSoap your *day toitet Cuncura Ointmnent .?là Cuticura Tal- fs~ah Csneed(,andli2en free from dadu!an-d irritation, good attin frea fro ei ihnjhutrait ing to tireome, Qexpensive bauy fada? Cuticura Cos ti ttie alid doias much. Sample ea3ch free by mnail cf " Cutieura, Dept. N. Boston, U. S. A." 1 Sold by dealers throug;hout the wortd. Cultcura Taleum Powder Do not fait to test the faaçinating fra- grance of this exguiaitely sceniedfae baby, dusting and skm l rfuming pow- der, detîcate, oefightf ut, distingué. it imparts to the peraon s charm incom- parableansd -peculisi tu ilself. i A C han IIN T E N YVE R5 Boas ise eatlier'7s pretty boýt. I'd i -le n'c ou, pletof weleks . A chango, ~eo Dollarsould do m-le good," said tisedert in. ivegted i 3ý%-;il!t amiut to e17.75 "er hriiedd"complaiued if inIn,~ a 1,lteresi coin- sotladd j tsebes."Wliat are yen la uow?" ,pu1fdq in a r t e r 1 s', willl meatute...... ...........74 ~ Bn~5 But Ifive8ted In aur 6!/2% "Watt, I cen give yen a sensenabte Debenturea will amount te... $860,20 change. lIlI put yen amon9 tisebath- 1 -2- -.ing sais."l sve pipes-easýy toapy Fo r S aleïï byAi DaiCà e Parker's can clean or dye carpets, curtahi, cs, draperies, gowns, etc., ~n aetl,&en looik like new. Send your faded or spotted clothipg or househo1d-goId, n __________ ill renew them. -We pfuy carrnage charges one way and guî-intee sat sfactory v k ýOUr hookie!t on heueodhlps that gave mioniey wil he sent frfe on request to P A R-KER-S DYE WORKS, Limited Clea-ners anid Dyers 1 1 1 1 1 1 .LC0UntV. SptendId ocrui~.Writo lEG: T. WiJson PutishlrtCo.., Lizmte. 73 AeE1a1iukSt, . .. Yrontû. W nrE1-jUprýn NEIP3WPAPIEFK an ob prtfltipse priant in raotfrl% Ontarîo. Inuurane e-rri ,lSî.Q0û. W!!; irp fer el21)o on ,lc,«îâ FARXS P081 SALE% E~ V E R Y INTELLIGENT FARMER: J111ckes my terms. Why,? Rcause 'o net wnnt exclusive sale r a ny ad- vatae ver any other agent. f aslc cf yo r ro e est irce andl terrq andI ,-,0do the fst. ;wr;ite foi! tîst~g frm. ndre' Rier. tieFarut Sellrr.85 RingStreet ast, Tfno IyHTHAýVE, TOU FORSLI lt LiePovitry. 1ý7a ens.Pigeon%, Egset(-.? Wrlta 1.ernb & Sons. re-aL. Que. cpY; SOc. ya.Frat Fo I.Ytaer apd ruJ.er witts- eu sît hy oum ir realmnt ,ý-Write 7, t Lma - --ed, , co,.Lmr. -,-, -,%%. On Co-H AS TiLE,,T WAâTR A Valuable Face Lotion for Ten-déi Skias. A Powerful 5dresGerm. icile that IsatyAarsAll Other Odora. MADE 1-1 CANAi.,DA Cocmpouuckcd'Sely hy'ý Plione M. 5877 29 !RICHMOND ST, LFAST TORONTOONT,

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