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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1919, p. 7

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Barn and Silo Roofed with Br 1fodAsphatRoig Flying sparks and embers frorn a burning- building often cause roof s near by t(? catch fire, espe6i-c-aIIy in a dry, bhot seasonUntder like conditiors, rooýfs co-veredvwith are in no danger from fiying embers, because any that fail or Brantford,.Asp)hait Roofin~g dieout harmlessly. Build a bonfire on a rocf of Brantford Asphait Roofing and the Ifire will flot spread and the boards undernieathte roofing will be protected in a surprising manner. if afire, starts in the interior of abuilding Brantford Asphalt Roofinig acts as a retardant and keeps the fire from spreading. Fine chîefs and insurance companies endorse ils use in the most congest- ed cities. .b-rntford AsrhI-,t Roof4nc does-net -absorb--wýater,-bu<t sheds the hea-viesit raia with ecase. AcId proof and aikali proof. Reliable, duraleeonomcal.Three weights-60 lb., 70 IL, 80 lb. per square. Brantford RubberRofn ma the same quality as Brantford Asphait, but lias a smiooth, rubbery surfî ce instea4 of the sand. It is particularly suitable for verandah decks and fioor coverings. Three weights-40 lb.,, 50 lb., and,60 lb per square. - Leathei'oid , oofing Slightly lower quality than Brantford Rubber Roofing. Used for same purposes. Has a leathery surface. Excceptîonally good roofing at a low price. ',5 lb, 45 lb, and 55 lb, weights. is made of the same materials as Brantford Asphait Roofing, but is lighter1 in weighit. A thoroughlyý reliable roofinig at a low price. Testeci for years and has given entire satisfaction. Sanded on one _ide. ()ne weght-40 lbs. per'square. Climaâx Setin a A tougli kraft paper coated with high-gradle asphalt. For, mak- 1ng bdildings damp-proof ad wind-proof. Also for roofing temporary bu>ýnk hiouses, lumber camps, etc. Samples o! any ffthese rooftngs and.priceszwilI befurnfshed on request. l office and Factory, Brantfo--rd, Canadla B9ýanches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax> FORJALE BY McCIellon'id& -Co. Ltd If ) I 5 c a ckage befoire'the war 5C a Package duringthe war 6C à Package NOW THE FIAVOUR LASTS 80 DOES THE PRICE 1 Do nots DIRET CONNEOTION TO AND FROM I týterda wi Cr Fi'tOaU Oo ig ed Do It Now LbayOsrainCr Dr C&»%e'snment will rehee you at once M MW and as ee!-taiinly cure Yo u n6e a 001; aulI~~fQ d 'le SoEan eozn, f Bemal07lates & Co., Lîited, lape an encose2Q. îLstpkâ py pasteo MUSCALTAL S. ~ -~ 'bThe editor bas received a nice gifi Mr. Geo. Pearock, who is Ieaving Or MUSICAL TALKS. li cl 1 LU1'11 from Miss Mibel E. 17-Bruce in the saeo li obcm atr aae ft black thorne canie brought shape f l i eqe atr-angro i Mus bifrom Kryat Ohaar-w - Wr ~ttenby Prof. C C. La ughr, Mu~ U LIl LII VUney, Ireîand. We value this present very NewOdmblefcoyatOhww Bac.,oeaele highiy. It bas beeni much admpired by presented with a handsome Club bag b- thos whohaveseenil.Mr, P. S. tRombough on bebaif of thi VI-SINGING. Meoe r. and Mns. T. M. Hcnry lefttenpioyees of, Tudhope Anderson Comp To Sinig" is to utter musical or melodi-foBomnil.aepttnfr Adt any, Mrs. Peacock with a heautiful wris ous sounids, The singer uses the vocal - Women's Organized Bible Class of Metb- watcb and Master George Peacock wit] orasor chords which are two lbbck Siùce Sh, Triec,~FUTAT E~ ds hrbpeetdle iha a ring. Mr. Peacock was also tendered orSn address and a very sutable presenit. Mr., banquet by the Canadiaa Club and Boari strong muscles in the larynx. Vocal The Famous Fruit Mtdicine. Henr y bas taughî the class a year and ofT'de. execution is the practice and art of sing- ladies wished to show in a tangible way o r ing in one or a serbes of notes which shonld result in purïty7 of tonie and equal- Ierapeito.M..Hnymd * iî ofthe oic. Al canotprodce hatsuitable reply.-Cobourg World, desired puriî1y of tone,. for somte produice Her hosts of friends in tbis town and Tc teIDEna'- l y atone that sngests a tbroty, tongueyvicbnty will be înterested bn bearing that T u~yusuu ae p paaao1 ~ be oe Miss Mabel E. Bruce, thie former super- y u fe u o nt Agilbty is acqnired by pracîiçing series intendent of Bowmanvilleç Hospital, since of notes on yowels, passing from one note bier retnrn from overseas, and feeling a r c elh p ete 10 aothe, cangîg te qulbt of onedesire for a change of occupation has left Grea cae msI e taen n dctinier old profession as nurse and purchased an a 50-acre farm and bopes to make a suc- choice of words, etc You must not upon cs ffutfrig tlat o ie any occasion takre breath between, the syllble ofa wrd, r beakup fieHer farm is just five miles ont ofthïe Cbty person esreechingont a olo ateak ecep- phraes.Howoftn w her o snb aof St. Thomas and tbree miles from Port Stanley, the famous !wmmer resort for lion. A man wbo apparently bas no ear Lnoeso aeEb.TeLno for musie may say to yon, "Surely sbe's a --.adPr tne lcncRiwypse fiibdmusician, don't yon tbink"? I near the farm. Miss Bruce writing 10 a friend says she had'hoped 10 visit Bow- von are candid you niay reply, 11 hope avletiaumnbtfdshtfr- so, but 1 was afraid she was going 10 sing mavileIbs utmnbutSedltst aro f aa Mdicneinth~e WoeI again." Il is indeed bard 10 bave 10 sitMISANEWR ers need 10, keep pretty, close to duty 10, Sold ï»zwhrli ae,25c, an itnt o-besner make a success of agriculture. pride berself upon neyer takbng a ".1t is ith pleasuire that I write to singing lesson yet bier singing may remind one,0f the following; "I hear you ca-a-aî- telli n 'ouo tegra enft ecie ing mae", warbled the danghter from the fr:om thec, use of your Medicine, parlor. "es" sang the moîher from the 'Fu/a-ies'. I was a, great suffererT H t B I kitcen, I wnt yn 1 com bee.reand for znany years froni Nervous Head. belp me with the di--ss-shes". Profound sadCntpto.1tid silenceý followed. The voice of girls of he an Cnszli. Itre LIQUI DS «.,,DPASTES: ForSBick,Whlite,Tan Hih coo ei1 dae exFml everything, consulted doctors; but and O'x-Uood (dark brown) bhoe5. nothing seemng to help m until -Attention. Girl sopranos, sbould be able I tried 'ýFruit-a-tires'. t to vocabize up 10 G., The voice tbat can After I had taken se-reral boxes, T v ' rcalizçe welb from middle C up 10 E - Pboxes, I 14 ,& fourth space, sboubd sing mezzo-soprano a opeeyrlec fte Girls wbo eLau sing down to G, below troubles and have been uiiutsually 0 e mb4ldeCnd not -abo-ve- C-zzhirdsp-ac e U-vrsne. shoubd seing alto. The necessary qualific' Mis AYN1E W.ARD. ations that a pupil needs to make a singer -are -as--fol1bon-s: Tt, a. good-voice;- 2nd, <'Fruit- -tirýes' is fel fruit jniees, « musical aptitude;, 3r.1, general intelligence; concentrat <1 and bncreasedý in 4tb, good health; 5th, character. strength, combiniedwith finest tonies, The instrument and tbe performer are and is a positive and reliable remedy combined in one person. The process of for Ileadaches and _ons;tipation. forming or training the voice incdudes botb the development of techinic and the 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25a. r r adjusîment of macbinery, as il may be At al ealers or Fruit-a-ti yes Liiite, calbed. , The tuning of tbe voice le, that Ottaw-a. wbbch includes the production, breathing _________________ ability t0odc and reco-gnize true s- piteli of tones, and enunciation of wo3rds, many aid sevene. Ifeldawasuer etc. alsbeî ed privations and often cold and hunger, 0f neglecîed by choir and He of teu had riot the iilevy to buy even chorus c9nouctors, Diction is an easy first. thie mnsic paper on wbich 10o write bis "'s i - S S The singerý may bave a voice ike a saw îbougbîs. He was bu the habit of bor- or rspbutthewelbpaternd wrdsrowing small sius of monev and leaving make up for mucb vocal deficiencies.amaucîtssertywtbicedor Every condnctor éboud have as his moto and bu Ibis way many of bis greatest *MMM MSMMM MMMM R 'Words', 'Words', 'Words'.- The girl works were undoubtedly Iostý He seemed witb a new dreas and proud of compli- t1 lve for bis art alone, for bie spoke, ' ~ ments said that on entening the church, thougbf, and lived lu music, Thougb the choir were the first 10 notice hçrnuew Schubert lived but 31 veans lhe wrote * i s a i . a dress, for they sang out as with one voice more tbian eleven hundred compositions- 1t s a R e l ' e aJ.ty s "Hîardly-knew-you" "Ha;rdly-knew-you". mostly songs. His music is of the most She wap afterward told they were reably wonderful beauty, tenderness, sweetness N XTHY flot enjoy this toaster-that will enhance a sbnging, "H-al-le-bu-jah", "Hal-le-lu-jah". and puriîy, blended withstrengîb., nobility thoodppaaneciy. tbe? Od 112 and grandeur. Dvorak the great Bo- thIod perneofyu al? 0d Here is a good mollo for cburch choirs, hemniati composer of modern limes de- fashiôned toasters were designed witheut suffi- M * taken from the Tenth Degree of the cbared Ibat hee bad no hecsitation in plac- cient regard for appearance.- Now, houwever, wý,e can Fourth Council of Cartbage in the year ing bim uexito1 Beethoven andjar above ofeyuatasryoralyanbpodc.Itwl 3o8 A. D.: "See tbat wbat tbou singest Mendelssohn and Schumann. ofe o' ose o elycub rido.I with tby lips thon dost beieve in thîne.N staind on your table a proof of good taste. e heart, and that what thon believest lunM"IcIh le- ebee' tiehatto otso otinty A STANDARD MDILEmPamle' works". ds bwfrhb b Vegetable PibIF, compouinded of entirely I ' Jus awod bot oîienssbusigig.vegetable substances known to bave a ne-W The Freuch have apnoverb, "Politeness digestive organs, bave tbrougIl yeans of 0 sa iv ehatcost&s-no -a pasi t elaIo eeu th ris trandtbey nank as a standard medicine. Tbe tbeauine. f donbetcornstbefrteidailinig should rememben Ibis. Simple bu the udince Ifliecones efoe tefutheir composition, they eau be assimilated Ri*afrto lhwvr prepared 10rspn to Ibeir good wibl by by tbe weakest stomaéh ahd are certain 10 i fiAL of ASE.i, howeea an inclination of the head and a smile, hie have a healtbful and agreeable effect on the nice, evenly-browned wîll flnd thçm more ready 10 lîsten 10 bieslugs ietv ras os o attqsie song and give bim fulappreciation. If Ib lgidgsieogn.tat yfunweT-eetw se bie takes their webcome cob.)dly, bie muet wat a u nihequee wt s not be surpnbsed if lbe meets witf coulnesi, u weun n aiu wy o in retnrn. Do not be afraid 10 showhateahs veybto appreciation of the ýcourtesv of your LETTER FROM RUSSIA t e acstig srce. of hearens. Il will make the anistic taskM1 And you will net bure your easîer and more successful. Capt. Arthur Keunev,' C. A. D. C., fingera. The toasl-rack la orne women bave wonderfufl vOi*c4s, wriîing to bis parents at Acton, sa3s.- We N cool. Ils spnrings will net thonsauds cf womten may hold their crossed mbt Mancbunia, the nortberly * burneut; lhey're pnolecled * thylyit bu a, cradle and rock il 10 We remabned until the next day. It is h a ew ay. sbeep,bu'e me 'é'yt fara iie.vr rtyct n a etrcaso Caîl and see it for younself. Th otfamnous soprano of the 19tb people Iban Vladivostok, Altbougb a lragesokofEetf M cnuy hnscity ilis evidently Russian in its à 0pincsalol ADLI-NA PATTI customs, except lu the Chinese quarters. rladas the famous Canadian A borul sing-er' was Adelina Paîti. Manchuria is ail prairie and immense 9I Beallty Eleclrlc lion- and Bornu ibe v2ear 1843 iu Madrid, The berds of cattle, horses, sbeep, goals, don- *aheeHa family moved 1 New York wbeu she was keys and camels may be seen; practicl Î very young. Althougb Adellua bad no fanmiug except bu a few districts whene The Hy o ShIOP several teachers, she knew bow 10 sing beans are raised in abundance. Millions I12ydr intnitivelv, and sang the shake perfectly, of bags may be seeu piled up-ready to be wben but three vears of age. One sbbpped. 1 biographen says of ber: 'Adelina Patti Suuday morniug we neached the City of Im sang ah the important roles of the great Manchuria. fHere the train was searched ÇM %î5* ** *sM Cà W*MMnMs Ms Wn operas; that bu Eugbaud aI the Coivent for contrabaud, befone re-enterng Siber- L. Gardens, she compjleteîy cou.quered bier ia. Officers cgnflscated about, $50,ooo audience-, in Paris she sang the noIe of worîh of liquon, cigarettes, sugar, saccar- Amina and 'brought aIl Paris to lir feet; in, silk, silk stockings, etc., the people of St. Petersbung weut wild No streel cars were ceeui in auy cities j over ber, and in Spabu and Italy ibe en- we passed sinice. leaviug Vladivostok.C A NA N îbusiasm _was bigb. Tbrougbout the Streets are very dusty bere. Tbev have IAA A world she reigued «"Qneen of Singers".' nicer droskies and borses are langer. * We wilb now peep behind the sceeues, and tbey also have a sort of Irisb jaunting J. Hi. Jury, Town Agent. - 1 TRAINS E ot oeO r- VETERINARY LOCATED ne '~Dr. F. 1. Tiglie and his family have by arrived in town and are no* bocated in he the west end of THE STATESMAN Block,, ý second flour. Persons desiring the servces of Dr. Tighe should cali at a rd ýBalance of stock on hand wiIl be sold at old prices up to, tirne of arrivai of our11 new stock when prices will materially adivance, Prices now range from $1.25 to ~7.O0O. Il Elliott Estate Shoes Repaîred While Youi Wait I am -now in a positioni 1to give yout quick service and P(lb est of workrnanship) a s I have twç) assistants, Work Boots For Sale I _ae a Iimited s± Lo good substantial, work jbootk fur nieti. Aiso ser- viceable shoes for ladies and children at reason- able prices. Gieo. Humpage Good Notice Fôri Farmers! Mr. J. Rosenvald, lias open- cd a retail feed and farmers' pro- duce stare in Toronto. Mr, Pike ïgis Bowma'nvïlle a-gentand i-s paying highest prices for ail sorts of grain, hay and farmers' produce. The hay is pressed and the press- ing free of charge. Please phone 289 Bowmanville before disposing of your goods. lime Table Changes A Ch ange of time will be "made on 5,eptember 28th, 1919 Information now in Age-nt's hands.

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