£ ?1AJAMES & SONS, Publishers. $1.50 a year in advance. BOWMAIïlLLE, ONTAI, CAINADA, l'HURSDAY1, OCTOBER L- 1919. VOLUME, LXV. Nn. 40 The MusicStore We, believe our uew music goîng to be of real service [community. We are sure it will be if vour ahare. j store ih to this you do, It is a new veutu ne for a Lowu thîs size and we need your suggestions and assistance to make iL a succees. To startwith we doubt ifany town this size bus a more complete or better assorted stock of sheet music. This wiii be added to every week as your requiremeuts are kuown, Caîl in and look through the sheet music. Ask us for unytbiug yen do not see. Theu heur sone of the lutest. pieces on the wouderf ni Pathephone thatj piays auy make of record. The Phouograph with the musical saphire bal. A 'needieý that neyer has to be changed. Etasy terme of paymeut. muke iL pesgible for yon to havei one o f th eso instrumentsilayour home adejoy' the best music fron the wor]lds 's met fumonus antists.- ý'very Day Except Wednesdays Mr. Jury May Be Consuktted Ini Ounr Optical Rocom 30.,yearsý Optical experience not only in Bowmanville but in fitrgcomplicated cases for Opticians in other towns and cities. There is no guess work in our Optical work. A careful, scetfeup to-date examination is given to every one and child- ren are given special attention, Juiry & Loveli (Chicago Ophth&lmic College raaesof NewYork School of Opties SDtroit Optical College It, anadian Opticai Coilege The Value of The Rexali Guarantée Over 300 Rexail preparations each for sorne special disease or ailment can be tested by yon and if any one of them £ails to meiet pur expectations yo ur money is handed back cbeerfully. The reason for this guarantee is that over 8000 of thie b!est Druggists in Canada-and United States have concentrated their elteon the Rexali IRemedies. Net one of these preparations has bee-n offeréïd for sale until It bs een'made as perfect as humian skill caýn make it. Jù ry &Loveli Drgts ad O tican A GREAT LIERAL THE EDITOR TALKS. SILVER WEDDINGHIHCHOSPR. IHON. N. W. RoW]ELLi, M. P., FOR Buy Victe)ry Bonds because you will REv. A. J. H. AND MRs. STRIIKE ANNUAL FIELD. DAY A GRAND SUCCESS. DURHIAM SHIOWED A GREATNESS get 5ý per cent interest on your CELEBRATE. O F CNDÂIM money. You will get full value for . your money practically ut any time -- Fine weather and large attendance On edesav epemerl7t or oumay require it. Yeu will have an A very pleasing event took place on marked the aniual Field Day sports ot member, Hon NewL(on W Rowell, investmnent backedup by the entire lhhethmmbrBwanieHghShool students on K. C., M. P., President of the -Pr*v resources of Canada, Yoji will have a and friends of Granby Methodist Wednesday, September 24th.' Most of- Council, made a speechý in the House guarantee as saf e as any greenback. Church gave a surprise Party to their the games were keenly contested and of Commons in reply te a taunt made You will be allowing Canada to do pastor and his wife, Rev. A. J. H. and interest continued te the end. by Joseph Archambaulî, M. P., foyour banking temporarily for you. Mrs. Strike, in honor of the 25th an- ineswr i re o et for ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~nvrsary of their wedding. Th ey are nerwr iodrofmit Chambly-Vercheres abýout charges You will be,,taking the advantage of srvedye made in an attack on Mr.ý Rowell 18 your last chance to subscribe to a dese dyppular with their people GIRLS. mionths ago by Hon.Chre Murphy Canadian Victory Loan.' and with the townsfolk generally, Girls' Championship won by Miss Sicily that efu__________________ wn fo which fueL was evidenced by the large Laugber. i' o yards dash-S. Laugher, tha reute sad hares nd on orcompany which met at the church M. Bentham, B. Devitt;, potato race, 50 him higli praise from bt rides of'the We commend this common sense and marched to the Parsonage, where yards-S. Laugher, M. Benith-ar, M. House, Indeed, soeat was the ad- statemen t from The Belleville Ontario: an address of congratulation and ap- Found; whistling race-B. Devitt, J. Mer-. miration ofThe Toronto, Mail and Citizens' Liberty League is concernied preciation was read by Mr. J. A. chant, L. Bentham; basketball throw Empire of the position taJken by Hon. only with the liberty to drink booze. Tomkins, while Mr. C. H Bradford accurate-S. Laugher, B. Devitt, R. Mar-. Mr. Rowell that on Fnidlayý that puper For liberty in the larger sense iL cures presented a handsomne silver dish con-. tyn; basebail, catch and throw--M. Ben- came out with an edito,,rial part of not at ail. We neyer heard of the taining four huidred and forty new tham and R. Martyn, A. Werry and H. which we reproduce hereýwith . League until an opportunity was prjtwentyfive cent pieces as a mark of Knight, 13. Devitt, and N. Bounsaîl; Under the heading "A Great senteilinl the "roposedl referendum oe the affection and esteem of the con- blindfold race-S. Laugher, M, Bentham, Liberal" The Mail and Em-,pire suid in brng buck the whiskey to Ontario. gregationr. Fitting replies were made B. Devitt; nail driving contest-M. Grant, Ats issue of Sept. 19Lh in its leadiug League tells the electors to vote - Yes' by both Rev. and Mrs. Strike,, who L. Bentham, M. Bentham; slow bicycle éditorial. on the first question on the Referen- referred to the pleasure of luborieïg race-E. Swallow, S. Laugher, M. Found; Though the speech delivered by Lj~ea,î,,Lire his es hat othe among such a loyal and sympathetic basketball-won by Manian Woýrden's Hon. Charles Murphy in. his attack peie h etrto fteope After a number of musical Teani; three-leýgged race--M. Found and upo M. owllin heHeseofonce popular bar-roomn with %Il iLs items hd been excellently rendered, M. Grant, L. Benitham and M. Benthami, Commons soine eighteen mionths agosliadsiladoue ample refreshmeuts were served and N. Bounsaîl and J. Merchant; obstacle was venomous enough, ithe sting of iL the company broke up about nid- race-S LaugherL Benthami, A. Werry could not hurt a man of Air. Rowell's Next year will be well udvancéd night, leaving with their pastor and Boys politicul health. Mr. RowelI's choice before Canada's main expenditures his wife, sincere and hearty __wis hes -The -Senior- Chanipionsh ip was won-byT at the Lime of his country's crisis was f"-rwar, cun be - ompleted. - -Every fr many more vears of- happy miar- Percival Muirhead, the Junior Champion-. so much loftier than Mr. Murphy's dollar that can be raised for the ried life and successful Christian si yAbr nesn oevut that none but the eýnemiiies of the Victorv ban of 1919 will be required. service. seior-P.MuAlbertAdP. T ole . ur-, former eould regard the speech as Although hostilities ceased in 1918 te Fligwthehe 1dess essistancMreaft, u;Po leyauMuir oterthn pec o ipoent spite wrepne eton hs1 uta Granby, September 19, 1919. -A. Anderson, G. Martyn, distance 6 ft; IL therefore did not prove the se.ns1- much a war year as last year was, as 20'addssno-.MihaM ionit wus meant to be. Had the far as the need for money le concernied. (1894-1919) 2Burs, , asn, e 40 s, Mied; M2 worst things said in iL about Mr. Pressing liabilities incurred by the DEAR MR. AND MRS. STRIRE,-We, yard dash, junior-A. Anderson, R. Tîlley, Ro)well been true, iL would stili have war and involving ,vast sums of money a few of your many friends of the H. Jewell; running high jump, senior-P. been undeserving of public tiattention, have yet to-be cured for. The simp- Methodist Church, lu Granby, areMuirhead, P. Tilley, M. Burgess, height eýspecially ut a time when ýýail minds lest and most profitable manner, in guthered here to-night to congratu- 4 ft 10 in; running high jiimp, junior-A. ouight Lo have been1 occupied with the which this cau be doue is for the late you on this the Lwenty-fifth an- Anderson, H. Jewell, R. Tilley, height 4 lif un dathisuesfo Caad, te eople to provide the money theni- niversary of your wedding day and Lo ft 4 lu;34 i le race, senior-P. Muirhead, Empire and. civilization Chat were selves. Save Up for the coming Vie- wish you mny more years of the joy, H. McClellan; %~ mile race, junior-A. thien hanging lu the balatnce onrih tory Loan. happiness and usefulness that have Anderson, H. Jewell, R. Tilley; 12 mile ba),tefields of Europe. been yours ail through your merrnied race, senior-P. Muirhead, Hl. MeLlellan, VWhen the attack was mnade upon Several imes this surumer we have life. Froin the ime you flrst came D. Warnica; V,4 mile race, junior-H hlm, Hon,. Mr. Rowell wats too il,, te motored Lhrough the splendid apple un.ong us, you both have endeared Jewell, A. Anderson, R. Tilley; running be lu hais place in the Hcieuse. Even section of Darlington and Clarke and yourselves to us ýalI by 'your genial, broad jump, senior-M. Burgess, P. Muir- had hie been well, lie 'mýight have gladly publisha this paragraph from courteous, Christian marnner. Your nead, S. Mason, -distance 17 ft 4 in; run-' chanced to be absent, for nlot the Orono News: Iu many Clarke town- great helpfulness lu church and choir ning broad jump, junior-A. Anderson, smallest intimation had been given Lo ship orchards a good s4owing of and your earnest devotion to every H. Jewell, R. Tilley, distance 13 ft; rmn-. hlm that the flcod-gates of Mr. apples. and of a good quulity is found, good word and work connectedl with ning hep step and jump, senior-S. Masorv, Murphy's bitterness were Lo be opened alLhough this is said to be a poor apple either Lhe city or the ehurch, and we P, Muirh.ead, M. Burgess, distance 34 ft upon hn The debate huving been season. Mr. D . J. Gibson informs us look forward with. sincere regret to I n running hop step and jump, junior cloed unehe e ak to his place hie will have ut least a thousund bar- the ime (new so near) when you musut I-?' Anderson, H. Jeweîî, R. Tilley, in the Houeie ad un pp-ortulnity rels, and Mr. W. H. Gibson, the leave us. We would1 take this OP-, distance 28ft 3 lu; putting shot 12 lb,ý for answerýinghis sln, and, act- Durham Apple King, will also have a portunity ef wishing you Godspeed in senior-M. Burgess, S. Mason, L. Pluw.i- ing upon the adviee of colleaguies, he fine pack. The problem will be geL. yeur new field of lubor and we pray mer, distance 32 ft;, putting shot 12 lbs, Look noopportunity ofding 10 l ter ing piekers. but there are lots of that the saime stioeess that bas attend-, junir-A. Anderson, H. Jewell, J. Mc- prefernLo le te a er , s oung fellows that might be avail- ed you here may cro wn yeur efforts Murtry, distance 22 ft 3 in; 100 yd dlash', rather than bing on ea crllionlous able in the villages and on Saturdays wherever you may be called to go. senior-P. Muirhead, M. Burgess, S. iscussion1 at a imie whený things of so1 the high sehool boys might niot be ejiyointthrsMaOim12ecd;,I ddsb peron felng rqure enr d Tere wllcrainya be woxrkpîeol yorrs to-dayas vyou,,bookbackwýar-cljunior-A. Andei-ron, R. Tilley, Il.Jeweli, Theracroas the years of a quarter of a ,(ime16 seconds; standin g broad- jump,ý ment ocf inler '?e ui the ime ti ail teocad.century cof happy imutirnied life,withou',t senior--PMNu;ýiead, S. Mason, M. B- 'of Purliamient. A ta-unt fro r.ablek uth om irl, n us ess, distance S ft31,i2 l; standing broad Archambault bouh Mr. Rwl to Univer-sal regret, is felt among our that you have wvith you to-day your inump, junior-A. Anderson, R. Tilley, J. bis'feet ou -Wednesdlay, and' he did citîzens over the departure of one of two gullant soldier boys, who respond- McMurtry, distance 7 ft 35/ in; obstacle not sit down uniilihe disposed very our leading and enterprising- business ed so readily Lo their eountry's caîl, race, seniors-S.Mason, P. Muirhead, H. completely of Mr. Murphy's charges. men-Mr. Alex. Elliot, expert watch and who, thougba battie scarred and McClelIan; obstacle race, juniors-A. Iu these MAnes of Party dislocations, repairer and jeweler, who bus opened' wounded, have been spared Lo returu. Anderson, G. Martyn, H. Jewell, of coalitions ýand the emergence of up business in the lurger Lowu of We wisha for Lhem and for you a THE OFFICIALS, uew political groups, there la scarcely Oshawa, last Suturday being bis open- peaceful, happy and prosperous future HiGH SCHQOL Boys-Field Manager unything else so uncertalu as the ing day' when hie reports a splendid after thetumultuous, rying unxious -Principal W. 1. Morrison, B. A. Start- chances of stateamen going on togeth- day's trade. Besides being one of the yéurs.of this awful war. es-F. C, Petbick, Dr. J. C, flevitt. er who areý assoeiated lu the work of most enthusiastip and skiliful members 0oe .L ihls Goverument under the British fiag. of Bowrnanvîlle Lawu Bowling Club. And now, dear frienda, pieuse ac- Judges-F. C. 'VanstnA.LNiols Thee my r' her my nt b p rM. Elliot aerved the vown lu a very cept this little iken of Our love and Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle. Clerks-Rev, D. manent unions of what before were satisfactory manner in the TownapectonadweheyubtlW.BsTM.ervB.A distinct parties. We caunot bc sure Council and was a meniber of the will enjoy the contents of this dlsh. GIRLs---Starters-Mrs. Jas. Deyman, that public men now pulling lu the Board of Managers of St,* Paul', They mai' have a somnewhat metallie Miss Donnelly, B. A«, Miss M. Worden. sam butwil otfaî aaranaginPresbyterian Church, where hie will fiavor, stili we trust you will net find Tudges-Mrs. Devitt, Mns. Vanstone, Miss fac euh ohe asoppuens.One be rauch missed. We are sureie theniuaoe] e upeasunt Lo' your Jane Grigg, Miss I. K. Smith, B. A. Lhing we eau bel sure of and that is good wisbes of ail go with Mn.i and' Luste and willgieyuvrhpyJdgsfrpcalvnt-sKrske puet service teo the State. Whateven Mrs. Elliot and littIe family Lo their recollections of this youn Silver Wed- Mrs. Best, Miss Pethick. Baskcetbail a man may do lu the future, IL cunnot new home in Our sister town. ding.1 Referee-Miss I, K. Smi th. caucel bis title to praise and honor for May the God of, peace and love doing bis duty as a patriot when bisi VictorY lban for 11919 is entitled to shower upon you and yours bis choie- PUBLIC SCHOOL GAMES. country was lun.!te sorest stress. just as much consideration us was est blessings, and when the good fight Hon. Mr. Rowell was a sronz Party given to iLs predecessors. It 15 up to le fougbt and the vietorous race is mun man, a thorougbgoing opponent of every- loyal Canadian te do bis utmost may there be laid up for you a crown Names in order of merit of winners in anme of the things for whicb SKr to make the new boan an overwhelm- that fadeth not away reserved in the Field Day Games on Wednesday, Robent Borden hud stood, but that did ing success. The continuance of the Heaven for you -Granby 1, Que, Leader Sept. 24, on High School Grounds, are: not prevent bim eoming forward and prospenity Of the nation ie wboily We are very sure their many fnienda Running hop step and jump-C. Laugh- using ail bis influence for the adoption dep-Iendent upon iL. It-was naturally in Bowmanville and Dulington wili er, F. Hooper; kicking the football, 'open, and carrying eut of a defensive policy toI be expected that trude depression join us heartily lu the good wishes -K. Foster, H. Rice; running broad jump Lo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i wibheprylaewastogyuthe Dominion would bave b lowedepesdaoe open,-V. Westaway, F. Hooper; under opposed. Mr. Rowell showed a great- the armistice but this was aveî ted by II vears-O.. Williams, R. Shrubb; boys' ness, of Canadianisn that ouight to be the application of a large proportion l00 yard, open-R. Shrubb, H. Gui; under acknowledged by every loyal son of of the lust Victory loan as credits .Lo 12 years-L. Williams, A. Cameron; this eouutry He sbowed that bais Great Britain and our Allies for grain, of The Agricultunai Gazette. He girls' l00 yard race, open-F. Laugber, pa yoinwsgetrta a- duiry produce, fish, lumber and sbips. sautes that the London agente of our Pièkard; under 12 years-E. Curran, F. tylen. and his example counted for These crédits were'absolutely neces- Canadian-paekers neviewed lu disap- Greenfield; boys' 5o yard race, 7 and 8 much iu thre binging of the parties sary, and strictly gond business. They poiutment the ordere for Cunudian years-J. Vanstone, 0. Jamieson; 6 years together for the eaving of the country. must be continued. Tbey are nation- goods-bucon, eggs, etc., for wbieh and under-M. Vanstone, C. Osborn; Mn.Rowi ala re-învestmente. The debte wîll be Lhey could obtalu but a Lenth of the girls' 50 yard race, 7 and 8 years-PD. Weer rer iu Lbre o ad vntlyaîd temantiieproduet Lbey required. The unwar- Thickson, M. Moore; 6 years and under- neyr troge wih he ibral tanindustriai and agricuitural workere rauted high pnice of bogs lu Canada R. Bale, H. Curran; boys' and girls' he ie to-day, for, be was neyer more wiîî be kept in busy and lucrative duning the pa montb is butý a refiee- 3-legged race- VI. Pickard and, F. Laug- deserving of their confidence aýud empboymeut io u h rpttinofCnuiner,-S. Jamïes and- H.-Cameron; -girl1s'-3- regard. He neyer bfre led so iuîiany ________ Liberals as bie bas doue since hie bacon, as compared wlLb American, legged race, under 1i3-A. Jackman andi enteredý the Union Goverumeut und Sunday afternoon after enjoying the and demonstrates the effort of our M. McGregor, E. Cýale and F. Oliver;boys' Liberuis have no regrets foi' following childreu's exerclees lu Rally Day packersto0maintain their connection, 3-legged race, under 13-L. Williams and- hlm. Tbiey have no thought of Luru- serv cee we enjo yed a noter trip west wîîb old establisbiedclients lu the face O. Williams, E. Wood and R. Shrubb; ing lu bebind Mr. Murphy and the as fLin as Mn. Harry Bulson's corner oun o short, supplies Sirice Denmark, boys' 5o yard sack race, open -C.Laughe r, othere wbo stood nut witb bîn against the Kingston, Road and then weut within a year, wlll agalîl be a factor L. Williams; girls' chariot race, under i2j the reinforcements of our volunteers southi two concessions to the Buse , on the bacon market our only seeni ity -H. Osborne, F. Laugher, MI. Pîckar<,, by the selective draft. Line and home by wuy of that lhue Lo for the future isfuli production and E. Osborne, R. Hailman, D. Culley; beys' Mn, W. E, Jewell's corner and north sncb a substantial expont eupply as chariot race, under 12-E, Wood, O THiE'BOWMANVILLE STATESMAN, al- to the fluet eonces-,ion (past Mn. John muet command recognition by iLs Williams, L. Williams, F. Jackman, J. ways a high-class local newspaper and Lane's) and home vua Nursery Corner. volume and quality. Short hog pro. James, H. Williams; -girls' relay race, worthy nepresentative of ils conslituency, Iu thia trip oven wbicb we have ductionle unquestionably the mnost groups of.6-F. Laugher, T. Martin; boys' bas placed itsdîf lu a higher class by ruvelled muny imes we saw many dangerous policy Canada cau adopt. shoe race, open-D, Brown, S. James; adopting the alI-home-pnint plan Eer excellent fa'rmsteade, no betten baud This is true of e ggs us well as bacon, girls' shoe race, open- Ada Jackman, eue of ils eight seveni-columu aesi "lies out of doors", and sever'al of 1 he _________Inene Halman; gzirls' jumping relay,gnroups VOLUME. LXV. N-oé 40 ý><z