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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1919, p. 3

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CANADA LEADS ALL COUNTRIES! Hoian.......lc. p er capit'la Switzerland.......e K England ..........1e. France......70 Unitedî States. ..27 Callada. ý... .....$40 W if thecse fig!ures applîed to Productiona we would have every reason to be Droud-but they do not. 'They show the per capita FIRE LOSS ii, six Couintries. We taik of THRIFT and yet larg elv, through CAR.ELESS- NIESS we burned UP $!5,tD73,240 0 oo0i w ort Merchandise, Buildings ard Food Staffs in Onrtario las, year. Irdi*v-I*dual responsiiliýty rests uponi the citizenis of Ontarfo to do their Part ini preventing thiis terrible wiaste of our substance. What is Fire Prevention Day-October Niinth E! L lIN twýJINO l Affiliated with ON-TARIOû FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Department of Attorney-General PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO GEORGE F, LEWIS, Sec.- Treas. MU SIC AL TALKS. abo)ut by an poigeeenàwocuh naed onocii Hande av pea Writen y Pof.L1~C. au gter Mu. ad. ookto writing oratorio for whichi Ba.Bom~nvl.we know is faine as a genius retsts later onnc1iha to leaveL L lnon ha ving NO. VII--THE OPERA be diovrdl, a dishonorabte effort, (if c laianthjer's cmoiinashs The Op-era is a dramabic entertahnment own sdHadei ws leftmatroth of wjhich Music forris an essential, a i(d. flot Merelv anilaccessory part. Mýusic andGLÇ atghaebee sscated fromthe verV earty savage days when the music was AohrmnIws to speakof is only the beà tine, of the Tomi-Tomn, and Giuck, a9rt 1or iginal thinke2r. He i the acting was the wild mnovemnent of th-e smecange,2s n opera. He was bornl in war dance. We now regard opera asa57inluBohemis but sîu1die-d opera iM great dfisplay of action, beautiful scenic 1tal y, but !fhe ater ,Part Çof his life was effect, a big orchestra and fine sinuging. spent lJI Paris. Gltcck, broadelied out The aimi of the opera is to intepe eoe rsalso making thie ovetue one drmyet therlu ti paigrd h hrc efthe play bthe sp£ctato)r. much singiug. There, are various forms A gainsýt Guck was placed anjother inusic- of opera and I wilt enin ut thl ot'an nscýned Piccini, Ii-,1776 ti a n important: opera baltad--sentirneuitsb bis parcýy sOlight to oppose G1uýk by in- oper bufa-cmicor low comnedy; oer troduicinlg the old formi of Ibaianopra ýdramaic-rcomantic; grand H opera-sîlejat0j ni oiý,ea_ sigfull orchestra, high musical bepryfeig.Temsclwrd thrctr w'a's slit into two Po-w er fulp Dar tiï,, cha ac k n er.t cnurinaGÎluekissýand Piccinists and there vwas a fewv gentlemen gathered together to dis- spiling of bîýood. Thi1s is the way it was cuss how to discover or recover the miusiccsltl,:Ec opsrt rt h of the ancient Greek drama, which had musical part 10 the opera called "Iphi- been lost for many centuries. The names genia in Tauris" and the music considered oif these gentlemen were Gaiileo, father the Most aopropriate wouid be oronounc- of the astronomner. Caccini, Peri, Surozai, ed "winner of the day". Gluck produced Renuccini and some others-. Tliey met lis opera in 1779 and proved bis master- at the palace of Giovanni Bardi, and thev piece. Piccini's appeared somnetime called themselves "La Camerata". They later and suffered sadly by cumparison. talked of ilhe ancient Greeks and of 'the, WAGNER. Romans who sang their tragedies through- Opera cannot bc spoken without'the out on the stage, accompanied by an or- name Gf Wagner. Wagner is spoken of1 chestra ci lyres and flsgtes. This group as the reformer of Opera. He made it of men thought it would be a great thing, more real. He arranged that music be and worth the effort to revive that saule set to words sud not words bo music. kind of s tatety entertai nment. Wagnerý is the Most important figure in RENUCCINI aIl the three hundred vears of opera. Fie One man of this compsny named brought music bu ils true purpose to Renuccîni, wrote s story for a drama and support the poem 10 strengthen- the ex- named lb "Dafue" sud prbduced it aIt the pression and feeling, The world is wit- house of Count Cors, but the score lias ling to say that the atrt for which the] been lost. Three years lter the same "tehcaur wi dbds b mait, Renuccini, wrote another pciem, the recnembeýred is the muýica] and dramatic stüry of s musician uamed Orpheus sand art ofi Ric7hard, Wagner. tlie opera was named "Eurydice" Two In c) sg', it Will be seen thic, t lIe is musicians of the company, Peri sud fi'st eI n ible for operea ad Italy is Caccini, wrorte music to it, but the music justiy pr of n the. honor atso t 1 Verdi, of Peri was considered the most appro- the grand cd man in opera o.t the 9[. priate. Tis opera "Eurydice" is con- Centurv, is an Italian. Vtrdi wais born sidered the firs opera ever written, snd 1814 and died î iu.j He wro'e many was presented aI the festiviîies to cele- operassud nus-opera Fatstaif is supposed brate the marriage of Hen-ry IV if France 0 l5e bis nasterpiece ald was written ta Marie di Medici. 0f thisf opera we when 80 yesrs of age. know very tittle concerning the costumeitS --i they wore or the stage settiug, but we d' ~ a 'know that bhe composer sang the hero)'s 1Pf rolýe, sud back of the stage Signor Corsi U I5 presided at the harpsichord. This litl 1giathering of men' who worked ouIthîis 'K oupera. jntende d it t iearvival cof Greek musical work, but in place of that __ __ _ __ _ they unkiowiNgly becanie theorgaos of opera as we have it todyEu2rýdide MarveIoUS Story ofWo a' lbn -m No mnatter hGw deep)-rooted the cru or)t or wart mn-ay be, it ust yietd ta ottWo- way5s Corn Cure if used as diirected. f Port Hope Fair struck unfavorable wetebut gate receipts rau vr$60 Good show cf horses, cattle, ladies' workîl anddoestc cieceBaby show had 1S1 enîies evry aby be-ing worthy of si prize, tG0. Mrs. Griffin, Zion, won IsI sund Mrs. Giddus Jones, Ciarke, 3rud oui boy baby. lIt Helps Uiers W1iIIH71IplaMe 1With This Belieýf Many Thous- ands Have Learned the-- Exceptional Value ecf Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. -Prices Low i Af 1 . -- .. - .1 û uaIilLj UitDLe FoMei Suits that fit and satisfy Ready Made .............. $18.0to$ý50 OÙ Tailor Made,............. e25.00,to $75.00 Fail Overcoats ............ $15 00 to $35,00 I3uy Dow (prices xiii be higher) ýSuits, ail sizesand styles, prices reasonable Boys' odd Bloomers, $1.25 to $3.00 Blue serge Bloomers, a bargain at $2,50- You hear peuple talking about Dr. Cnase's Nerve Food. You, read about il in the newspapers. You wo'nder if it vvouid, beneflt yuu. And v-hile 'you are hesibasing otbers are Using it to great advanitage, This treatment for the. restora- lion of the blood and nerves la cc âifferent to most nie dicines thatyou may not realize why you can be cci cectain cif benefit trom iUs use. ln order to inait--n the vigor of the nervout. systern an abundance uf pure, rich biuod is n4hessary. When th~e nervous --yseni becomes exhaust- ed and you are easuy ired and suffer frrm headacheasl seeplessneas, jr- ritability or indigestion, it ia because lte blood is ailatng to supply proper nlutri'tion to the nervous system. By torming new, rich Iblciod, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food naturhlly and certainly restores the vigor of the -nerves, Sinc t I 0 i'ks baud-in- haud with nature, if cnn ai to ba uf beaefit and rhe.re 1ic eao Why it w:Itflot belp yoo ut si 1has the wr v', ta -f '~t Mrs. ,t ;i &en U E,1ý½ies, EBox 205, Jordan, O11twý,ites;. jk-ocr about a yrear I was troubled with nervousness, arnd tooc dioctors' medicine, but it didflot seem Ici re- lieve me. I Could nef sleep ucir con- tent myseit te cany thing I had sever, headaehe. , was tuced ail the time, ai-idatrtd ta Stay alone. 1 aiso tiried severai nerve medicines until almost discouraged.. At last 1 disccivered Dr- Ch se'a Nerve Food, and found relief ln, thia. I had oniy raken uebxwinIbegar tt-te better. Itutiued ngtistet îetutil my Iner1ves 'We-e e sýtcIred 10 eret elt t1 h Nerv oc,--STyIeadýI -.riid us F: r ee&,Tr ri al O)f Fre Mr. Ford Owner: We wili put a set of Hassler Shock Absorbers on your car for 10 days free triai and if you are not perfectiy samtiýsfied tat you lhave the easiest riding car on the mar- ,ket-' wýe 'x;1! take thbem off again sand it wiil not Cost -you Geniluin-le FordPat We-,have a full st(ock of genuine Ford parts on badu expert Ford Mechauics to haudie the work. ýSatisfact-, ionT guaranteed. We have aiso been Eponeit-oioe evc tto for thjis dfistrict and are prepared to give you every at- tention. A large stcef Tires, Ois andl Accessories, on Band at ail times. Yours for Service LvuK E & BOY ,. Night Phone 188-r3 Day Phone 188 r2 Pi*cklingS eason -L you are to have appetizin.)g and delicious pickles and relishles you must be Sure that the Spices are freshi and of the best quaiity and -Viniegair of die very best gýýrade. 1 We are looking atter pur iuiterests by selling you pure Sp-ices and thle best grade of Vinegar. Fresh Vegýetables and Fruit dailY. It oosts -riomore to ha-ive g'oodcs deiivered. 1PHOýNE 65. Prompt eir. 13owmnanville. tue growtn of opera spreau ctu uLlier large cîties particularly Vienna and Paris. LULLI A boy named Lulli- was brought fromn Italy when a- chiid and worked in Paris in the kitchen of the niece of Louis XIV, later being dismissed, his musical ability earned for hlm a position as violinist in the King's band. He afterward became the greatest musician of that time. Lulli wrote 20 operas in less than thatnumber of years, and he is regarded as the origin- ator of the overture. He is also calied the father of Grand Opera and is im- portant as having put the French sehool on a firm basis. HANDEL. 1Haildel was born about one month earlier than the great J. S. Bach in the year 1685 and lived 74 years, his father was a barber, and was strong against Hiandel being a musician. It was his desire that youug George should be a lawyer. He was not allowed t0 attend ichool because lie wou!d bfe tauglit the sele but somehow a saial piano called a spit was srnuggJed -up _mb the garret- and George learned to play while his father was at woýrk. Handel was recog- nized as a great composer, and when I fell Vou that he wrote 321 musical works, it, seemis hardiy be lievable and included -in this is the priceless herfitage 'The Meswl siah". 1 trust that every music student will hear this work, it is the "King of O)ratori'es." The former part of Handel's liewstakzen up in the writing of operas of which hie wrote 41. Then in deep disgust at his own bankruptcy brought 1 ;ha' Vegetable 1o unItook' it with the3 resuit * that I arn now well \ "iand strong. 1/get up in the morning at four o'clock, do mny housework, then go to a factory and work' ail day, corne home and get supper and feel good. 1 don't know how many of my friende I have told what Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound has done for me. "-Mrs. ANNA METERIANO, 36 Wesýt loth St., Peru, Ind. ments sould l t iltotry this!a V The Work of Six Meni A Toronto Litter Carrier xiii astonish you with the amount of work it does. Enables one man to cleail the-stables as fast as six men in the old way. Hampton * Cuts out the dirty part of the job. * Takes3 away the danger of the old wheelbarrow and the slip pery plank Encourages dlean iiness in stables-.-_ and that meanis heaithier cattie. Ail the Torouto St a ble Equip- meut'is designed to save ýwork and mnake cattle big- ger profit pro- ducers. Time is saved.- Sold by Chas. Hastings Agent Il vA Mark Your Ballot wt an X atrEc Question un'.der th~e wr N Ik1I~r__________ i-i Above is an exact reproduction of the Referendum 'ballot, showing the correct way to Vote in order to sustain the Ontario Temn- perance Act as it stands. £verybody should, study the four questions and reàsize exactly what they mean. Do not be mnisled by the insidious demnand for «'light"* beer. The beer of the ballot is 118% stronger than the Ontario Temperance Act now allows, and over five timnes as strong as the limnit allowed for beer defineci as ~, non-intoxicating in Creat Britain and the United States. Answer Each~ Question 1. Unless you vote onevery question your ballot ' is spoiled. 2. You must mark your answer to each quies- ion with an £"X" only. Anything else would spol your balflot. ý 3. tlnless a majorîty vote "1No" on question 1 the bars will be restored ànd the sale of ail kinds of intoxicants permîtted. 4. Unless a mj~t oe"o on questions'),'4 and 4 the Ontario Te= perance Act will become almost otlm 5. The only SAFE Course is to mark yur ballot as shown above, "No!Four' Timies- N! Notelr4peal; No gove1lerit beer shopa; No beer saloons; No governmp,-e whiskey sope.FourX's, each unider h. orN. Ointario Referendum Cmite JOM NADMAÂLD-' D.A. LDUN-LAP, ANDREW VS. GRANTýj UGO I~GsUrer VicceCàatr,*uznaiA d reary 7 ! Ecir Life B~. oot. Garters Coatls_- - - Ar* l'eU la faveur or the rep.al of Ch. c ar TemPLV.N Are Yeu in favout of the tale of lhght L'ec,' cünainug,,ý VIS N 2mene teha n tad floe.-e.eAtt emtfo aO A rt e nfvu fthr sajoe ,ghec cnCann e lTht On tau Temfteran e , te permi t eu h ale A" peU n faveur o le s t-l Teimuu n at VS N hth mregh Gveren aaes-h,jcadeennnet teTeOtroTepernce Act to pemit such sale? Bought amnpeae to buy ail kîicds of used(u!itr for which I pay lhighest P!ies Natity me first heforedips ing o vour, old furniture. Wrfite or 4tfonie 2t B.Warner 541 King St., West Oshawa 'U Shoul'd C Big Stock of Mien's and Boys' Wvearing Apparel. FPurnishings,- Shirts -Neckwear -Hosiery - A11 good values. See these. A ý'ý ' il

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