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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1919, p. 5

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A Matter of Good Judgment, ýScientific T11est 0f SkI Prizes Awarded: $15.00 First Prize 10.00 Second Prize 5.00- Third Prize $3.00 each to Ten Contestants besides above prizes What Does This Mean? ilere is the idea in a nutshell: ,lI our store î a sealed- jar filled with bean s. ýWith every $1's- worth of goods purchased in auy department of our store the customer will he entitled to judge how many beahs are in the jar., The first three, custorners guessing the correct number of beans in the jar will receive orders for goods to the value of $15,.$10, and $5, respectfully. To the 10 cust- omers judging the closest number of beans will each be given orders for goods to the value of $3. Mr. J. B. Martyn is the only person who knows thé- number of beans in the jar Ask or A oupon When ,you mPakeyour purchases ask- the clerki for a coupon. Remember! with every dollar y ou spend at Stickle's you are entitled to ,Qne coupon., Contest starts Nov. 27th and ends Dec. 31, 1919. Vote vrEarly and Oftlxen (Suc-cessor to J. B. Martyn) Gro ceries and Hardware Bowmanville Diont -@WèSs cli. 'The Bargainsý Christmas is only a few w'eeks ahead of us. 'We have already sold and put away a lot of odd chairs and tables bought by the early shopper. This week Jardinere Stands iu Oak, MahogaiEy.and Walnut from $3.75 to $10,50 Kitchen Cabinets, regular 55.00, reduced te' $48-7b 2 New Sewing Machines, regular $60, for $35 Oak Sideboard, used, regular $50 for $32 .Roeking Horse at $2.26 UNDEIRTAKING Und.rtaking receirves prompt and personal attexiiea without any extra charge for disate. WIL LIAMS"Oa4hjg Furn(tare, For Home and Office Phone 58 or 159 <Bowmanville Mehod iatCbrch. Mrs. John James and sons, Mr. Archie James, Columbus, Mr. Howard James, Oshawa, visited on Sunday at Mr. M. A. James', Lorne Villa. It's safe ta say that Sunday next will be a 'red-letter day in the social and- spiritual life of the churches of Bowman- yille and surroundiug community. It hasn't taken the waomen long ta realize the wonderful values we are offer- îng in ail wool suits at $25, $3!; and $50. Couch, Jobustan & Cryderman Ltd. Pastor Moore of 'the Method'st church will preacb next Sunday a. m. on "Wby Go ta Church, Auvway?" and lu the evening on "A missing Link lu Church Life". Dr. and Mrs.J. J. Hare, formerhy of W hitby, who have been living lu Miami,i Fia., for the past year and a bah, have1 gone ta Nassau, Bahamas, ta spend six1 months. Bowmanvilie Women's Institute will meet on Friday NOV. 28 at the home of Mrs. L. Jollow, King-st. Came and hear about the Provincial Convention doings and other matters. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Powell, Las Angeles, Caîf., were guests this week of Mrs. W McClung. Mrs. Powell is daughter of the late Mr. Thomas McClung, head of the leading business firm lu Bowman- ville for many years. Mr. William Prower of the Bank af Motreaif' who has been lu Landau, Eugland, for some years during the war, bas returned home and is visiting bis moiber, Mrs. W. P Prower, and bis' sister, Mrs. Blake McMurtry. ,Mr. and Mrs. H L. Pascoe, Taunton, announce engagement of their eidest daughtcr, Hazel Laverrne, ta Mr. Thos. Win Scott, youngest son af Mr. Thos. Scott, East 'Whitby, marriage ta take place quietiv early in December. Notices have been sent toal~al News- papers, Boards of Trade and similar arganizations re tbe critical conditions of the coal situation. Railways notify the public tfiat if the situation don'r change on Sunday next material reductions will be made in al passenger train services. Messrs. M.. Jamiesan, L. Vicker.y, H. Ridge, Hubert Stacey and K. F etcher have returned from their bunt ai Tory Hill, bringing their full quota af dear Mr. Jamieson showed us four fine beaver peits whicbh e was successful lu bagging. Thov, were beauties i The bunters al bad a gaod outing witb their gaad luck. Some sixty employees af the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca., wbo bave been with the -Company in Bowmanville for five years and aver, enjoyed a banquet an Saturday atthe King Edward Hotel, Toronto, and a good fimie af ter the sup- per, ail prayided by the generasity af tbe Company. An aid Orono boy, Dr., Harry Arm- strong, of Billings, Montana, bas been selected as chief Surgeon lu a new bas- pitl they bave bult there, witb a capac- ity of 2C0 cats His preferment over some farty other Bllings pbysicianswbicb comprise the staff certainly'refiects banor ou is old bame-town. We bave received a copy of TheDaily Tribune af Great Falls, Monana, con- taiuing write-up of onie of the biggest ail Wells lu Western states at Roundup, Mou. Mr. I. N. Wvalk er an aId- Leskard, boy, owns tbe cortralliug iuterest. The stock which was selliug at 1ac a share, since the big "',usber" bas jumped ta $Ç.oo. Mr. Walker, we uuderstand, 18 also bead of the Tri-City Oul Company. C 5515t.15445 J. Â~. LflJISLJ, v. n., lin iv. itou Utuers vs.. malte qto t.. qzv pet uu.y sel.- yçars head of Oshawa High School, like our former Principal John Elliott, B. A., bas been appointed on teaching, staff of London Collegiate Institute. He is a very excellentteacher and a good citizen. The Methodist church loses an active worker, too. Harry Chipiak was fined $300 for seli- ing liquor and $20 for not rep rting as a foreigner and Arthur John Hearl $200 and costs for carrying a bottie of sr irits in bis pocket hy Oshawa Police Magis- trate. Oshawa and Bowmanville are bad towns for violators of the O.T. A. A quiet wedding was celebratad at the Archbishop's Palace,, Toronto, when Winnifred Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W Walmsley, Woodbine-ave., formerly of Bowmanville, was married to Mr. Robert E. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor of Brookmount-ave. Rev. Father McGrath officiated. A reception was later held at the home of the bride's parents. B %UOGY FOR SAL-Red running gear, mub. ber tires, as gond as new. onlyrmn one seas. on. Selat abargainas I arn going away. PEaCY LOWE, Scugou-st, Bowmanyille. 47 it Iiarry E. Porter AUTQMOBILE EXPERT Consultations with the trade on oper- ating Technicalities, Timing, Carbure- tion and ahl Electrical Problems. Mechanic For Pickard.'s Garage ROYAL BANK BUILDING 1 1BOWMANVILLE 48- 3 W, I OWMANVILLE. NOV. 27 1919 Local and Otherwise. Dr. F. C. Trebilcock, Toronto, spent Sunday here. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Spargo spent the week-end in, Toronto. Miss Martha Connors, Toronto, spent the week-end at homne. Miss Beatrice Persail, Toronto, is visit- ing Miss Reta R. Cole. Rev. A. H. Foster, Belleville, gave us a friendly cali on Friday. Use your telephone in inviting Vour friends to "Go-to-Cburch" next Sunday. Mr. jas. Ashton, Colurnbus, has sold hs fam to Mr. Fred Ashton of Enfield. Six famous end' men with new jokes and sangs-Roval Minstrels Dec 15 and 16.# Mrs. E. W. Rundie and daughter, Doris Oshawa, spent the week-end at Mr. J. T. Bragg's. Mr. John Nesbitt, Columbus, has re- turned from bis annual deer hunt with a fine deer. Miss Marion Morris spent tbe week-end with bier aunt, Mrs. <Rev.) J. F. Chapman, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Sandersrecently visited bis sister, Mrs. Wmn. Stanley, Pickering, Full of surprises, 'Parker's Peerless, Players, seats on sale, now. Mitchell's Drug Store. Osbawa's objective to tbe Victory Loan was $525,ooo and $598400 was subscrîbed. You are earnestly invited to help fÎIl our churches with devout worshippers Sunday flext. Misses Mary and Lola Richards, Tyrone, recently, visited their aunt, Mrs. C. G-.-Curfis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mason and daugbter Heen spent tlhe week-end with friends ini Preston. Mrs. Rettie, Orono, bas sold hier millin- ery Jusiness to Mrs. M. Bellamy and bas moved to Oabawa. Mrs. Robet t Failis, Manvers township,, passed away Nov. ii, at the ripe old age of eighty-two vears. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and Mr. and Mrs J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, spent S;unday witb relatives here. Mrs. Andrew Devitt and son,, Black- stock, have been visiti-g lber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dickinson. Rev. and Mrs, W. J. Jolliffe and Miss -Edith- Jolliffe-o$Toron-to7are spending the winter in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Gieo. H. Bickell is visiting at Mr. Fred Bickell's, Oshawa, and attended the wedding of Miss Olive Bickell on Wed- nesday. Mrs. F. W. Kirkendall was in Toronto last week attending the Kirkendall- Rowles wedding reported in another column. 1W. C. T. U. will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday Dec. 2 at -1 v m.., in the nrimarv class roorn of the I ng the Prince of Wales Photo For fUn par. ticnlars write MRS. CULL, 65 0Goucester Street, Toronto, Ont.~ 46-1w The Ryal ln Musical R evue Bowmanville. Opera ouse Monday, Dec. l5th Tnesday, Dec. i 6th ln aid of Bôwmanville Hlospital A blaze of color and Electrical Effects Four big'added attractions RESERV'ED SEATS 35c' Plan opens Dec. 1Oth at R. M. Mitchell's & Co's Store. L. I Wash the Time SaverWay 1Yox eau do ml ýyour own waahing wth a Time Sa-ver'El- ectrie Wa8her. It saves tbree whole hours on wýasb. day!and makes the day an easy one. Bath washer and wringer are dnivcn by electrie power and run For 2c anhour In this way yau save lauudry bisb and washer waman's wages. The Time Saver saves euoughi money in onie year ta psy for itselýf. Cali arounid to tise store and see this machine, it makes an ideal Xmas gif t. Mason& DaIe's llardware IPhone 145 Bowmianville DI -Miss Ruth Durrant, Stratfordii visiting ber cousin, Mr%. H. Brock.' Mr. Sam Bartlett, Toronto, was recent guest of bis uncle, Mr. John Hellyar. Réeserve Dec. 15 and 16 for Royal Minstrels. Full palticulars next issue. Mrs. John Hocken is attending the funeral of the late Mrs. W. Rodman, Mariposa, A maie choir of 3o voices will lead the service of song next Sunday night in the Methodist Churcb. I Mr. Chas.- F. Nutting, Whitby, leaves for Walkerton, where be bas been ap- pointed Postmaster. Everybody goes ta church Snnday next. Conveyances will caîl for any making requet ta their pastor., Mrs. J. K. Galbraith and Mr. DonalId Galbraith, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. A. G. Maybee, Port Hope., Mr. Frank Kirkendall and bride and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Kershaw, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kirkendal.. Princess Zarzelela, court dancer ta bis Royal Highness, the Omir of Persia, in an Oriental Extravaganz-Opera H ouse, Decc. 15 and 16. Miss Gladys Westaway, L. T. C. M., Port Hope, wbo is visiting in Toronto, sang Monday night in Walmer Road Baptist Church. Classes in Housebold Science were re- opened Mauday at Wbitby. Miss Dow- son, of the Ontario Latdies' College, will be in charge. Mrs. job' Cobbledick and daugbter, Pearl, and Nursing-Sister Meda Couch, Newcastle, recentiy visited Mr. and Mrs. W J. Williams'. Mrs. Tom Thumb, famous dwarf, died at Middleboro. Mass, Nov. 25, aged 77 vears. Gen. Tom Thumb, ber'busband, died 37 years ago. Beva booster for churcb atteudance ln Bowmanviile Sunday next and ever after. Be sur-e to be lu yourý-own-pew-and big your family and friends. "Eyes af the Blind" by BilleBurk, a story of Iheatrical lufe, bubbling oper witb comedy and a strong beart interest, appealing, Seats -ou sale, Mitchell's Drug Store. Mr. Thos. Scott, Tyrone, recently re- ceived a verv painful wound while kilI- ing sbeep, when the kuife slipped cutting through the bail of the thumb of the right baud. Mrs. (Dr.) B J. Hazlewood and Miss Ethelda Hazlewood recently attended the concert in Massev Hall, Toronto, given by the New York Symnphony 'Orchestra. It was a rare treat. -Mr. -and- M-rs -Thos, __J. -Couc-h, -New- -astle, announce the engagement of their dangbter, Eva Louise, and Mr. Jonathan Applebye Awde of Seneca, South Dakota, the marriage ta take place quietly in December, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Brown, Part Hope, anunce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Edua Beatrice, and Thomas Stevelev, anly son of the late Hugh Stevelev of Rochester, N.H., the weddingI ta take place in December. The Shop That Leads III Notices of BIrtles 50 cents9; Mas'riages go cents; Deaths,50 cents, oachltsestionL Whels fsanieral cards are prllstod et tkle office. Insertion free. BIRTHS. ALCHLN-Lu Oshawa. Nov. lAth, to Mr. and Mrs. George C. Aichin, a sou. (Roger Roy). MARRIAGES MOROAN-GLANVILLE-At the Methodist Par. sonage, BownaniVille, Nov. 25, by Bev. S. C. Moore. B. A., B. t,., Mr., John Harvey Morgan, Kirby. and Miss Beatrice Helen Glanville. Orono. LAPP-MCGROGAN-At New York,' Nov. 2 2. bv Bey. Bernard Cochrane, Miss Alice Loretta Mc- Grogan, second daughter of late Pbiiip Mc- Grogan, and Mrs. S. J. Jenkins. Cumaberland, Md., U. S. A., and Mr. Frank W. Lapp oi The Cobosirg World, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Lapp, Cobourg. DEATUS GROAT-InI Hamipton, Nov. 21, G. E. Groat, in bis 85th year. HENNSNG-At Port Hope, No,. 24, William Henng, aged 75 years. MOTT-In Belleville, Nov. 18, John Ketcheson Mott, Esq., in bis 92nd year, PsssLP-At Western 4lospital. Toronto, Nov. 191, Captain John R_ Philp, in bis 85th year. In- terred at Port Hope. SMITH-In Whitby, Nov. 24th, Elizabeth H. Smith, eldest daughter oi Mr. Chas, W. Smith. Interred at Groyeside Cemetery.. M'EN WANTED-Good waze e. Bowxuanvîlle Bridge. Appiv at work. 11105. MANLEY, & SON. 1.tf. STOVES FOR SALE-il Parlor Cook andi Heater "Standard Oak". A ppiy to SILAS For-rER, Scugog-st., Bowmanviiie. 48tf. aOUSE PARLOR MAI» WANTED- At once. ffl 0per mouth, Apply in mornings. Mas. J. W. ALEXANDER, Centbe St, Bowmanville.47-t WANTED-Married man to work on faim free house, usual allowances, ApplY ALAN CAMPBELL, "Rabs' Head Faria", RI . 2, Blowmanville, Phonoe1-n 48.1w HRATER FOR SALE-Crown Brilliant Parlor Cook Stove in good condition. must seit at once as have furrace and need room. Bar. gain for quick sale. Apply at STATESMAN Offie., -O UND ESTRAY-Pnp about li menths, old color mostly black, grey and tan Beward 1 -for-ifrato eai -to-bis-recovery-.-; RUSSELL L. WOROEN, box 54, Bowmanville.: 48-2wt "ROPERTY FOR SALE-2-storev brick bouse, -'6 rooss batbroom and 2 kitcheus, combla- ation furoiace, ý1 acre land. Apply to MES. A. A. S UTTON, Liberty-st., North, Bowmanville. OR SLEZ-ay mre, yrs infirst-class con- F diio; r.at sngle 1 ha 4s od fora, drier w Gnerl urpse.AppytStephen, CLATTON, 30 Liberty-et, EoLwmanville, between 12' noon and 6 p. m. 47-2t OUS13E FOR SALE-Frame bouse coutaiuing 6 roins, also woodshed, 1 acre land on which -am fruit t-rees-aud emuall fruits. Fr-r termis apply on the premises to MaRs. 'tROS. NORTON, Anst., Bowm anville4 6f. gIANO FOR SALE-Domninion, special quality jin excellent condition. At $450 (e saving ofJ - *250-on-new-piano.- Also-pair beds and-w-icc-- er chairs. To bs seen at resideuce of J. H. H. Jury opposite Public Scoool. Apply to GOaDON Jury. 47-2t FURNITURE BOUGfIl T-I amn prepared to bay ail kinds of used furniture for which 1 pay Fhigbest prices. Notify me before disposing of your old furniture. Write or phone 271. B. WARnEit.5f4j King st West, Oshawa. .4(.tf C OAL AND FLOUR FOR. SALE-I now bave plenty of coal itt tbe C.N.R. station, Tyrone. Also on baud a quantity of that fanions Five Roses Flour. Phono 146-3 or 181-12. AppîT to R. H. Collacutt, Bowmanville.3t jj»ALE HELP WANTE-Returned Soldilerm Haberdashery Furs Rubbers SLife Buoy, Snag Proof Rubbers ~ are made of the very best m' teniais and guarantLeed to give entire satisfaction. We are. also well _sup- plied withHEAVY SOCKS at reasonable prices. Rtubber Foütwear Means Economy 1With leather- prices 8ky high, it -is-real -ecinomy wo proteet your sboes, and, doubly wise in protecting your health with good rubbers. in these days of advancing prices it gives us great pleasur@ to announce that we are selling NE W RUBBEIRS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES and Overshoes even- below hast ~seasonls figures. Fine Rubbers Ail shapes and sizes to fit prevailing styles correctly. Fred. R. 'Foley Footfitter Bowmiauville THE LADIES' STORE Speciais Thils, Week! Ladies' Voile Waists Assorted sizes aind qualitios,. sizes 32 to 44, your ohoice, 25 per cent, ol regular price. Ladies' Silk Poplin Ski*rts Ail the desirable colors andlatest styles. itegular $675 for $5.07 Regular _$8.25 for 8$6. 19 Regular $7.50 for $5 63 Regular $9 00 for $6.75 Regular $12 75 for $9.57 20 Ladies' Coats We have placed on sale t1tis week 20. only Ladiat' 1918 Coats at a reduction of * off regular price for quiok clearante. These are wonderful value at the prices offered New Christmas Goods New g oods for Christmas presents are arrv nad are on sale. See our New Winter Coats-unsurpassed in. the -trade for Style, Qua]ity.and Value. se~ S, W.Mason &son, Across from Standard Bank Telephone 106 liowmanville p dl 15 j s ------- - -- Argonne IS THE NEW ARROW form -fit COLLAR Il HAS TH E FORM.. FITTING BAND, THAT ASSURES A PERFECT FITî We now have tliat new Collar, thé A4rgonne Ask For Il: FURS Sonie Excellent Vàlûés stiIleft Do your Xmas Shopping Early. G. N. Thurston Il t

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