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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1919, p. 7

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Auctionléer Having secured a license as auction- eer I arn prepared to take a limited number of sales. For terms and dates apply too THEO. M. SLEMON R. R. 6, BOWMANVILLE Phone 239-1--4.: 32-7m fMontreal traveller tells that two feet oi snow fell ini that city Thursday night. We juagt get ridof the lawn mower when we have f0 look Up the snow 'shovel.- Guide. A .sa/e, reliable r'et/uiting 7-e- medicine. SoId 'n tbxrede- grees of streîgth-'Jo. 1, $i, No. 2, $3; Noý 3, $5 per box. ;5 Sld by ail drtiggstsor 9ent preoaid on recept of price. Frýc amphlet. Address: THE COIOK MED9CINE CO, TOONTO. STU-(Fermedy Wiids,) IT (L~ S ~ -43-Sm FOR SALIE BY McCLELLAN & CO@ LIMITED Bowmanvi lie . 1 RAIL WAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE, GRAND TItuNK RAILWAY (COINGEAST GOING WEST Express 8.52 a, m. Local 9.45 a.mr.* Express 10.30 a. m. Pass'ngr 1 56 p. rn.* Passenger 3.28 p. mn.* Pass'ngr 7.16 p. Mn. Local .7.14 P. rn." U ail .58 P. M. Daily except Sunday. CANADIAX PACIFIC RAILWAY 6oING WieBT GOING EAST Expresr.5.58 a.nL Express 10.20 a.m *Local 8.20 a-rm.* « 3.05 p.m. Express 4.44 p.m. Local 9.48 P M- 7.42 P.m.* Express 12.03 a.m *Dailv except Sunday C. B. KENT, Town Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL WAY GOING EAST GOING WEST Express 6.45 P. rm. Express 9 .40 a. m Daily except Sunday. WhenYou heart, it is watch your stomach. Palpitation t and other signs of "heart trouble" usually mean t -indigestion, produced 1 by food poisons that irri- , tate every -par t of the r -body - heartinudd and L.arirest sale of Any Medicine in the World g Soin ýerywhr, in Canada, la balsi .. e.. t9 ~0 y~on*.S*S*aa9.*aSaêSeoe~eflâe*eaeeoaosee~aem**eosso .*&*t5 5*.S55O*SflO. 5,*500, SSO..............@....**GeQf4 e T he Road-As Itis and As ISems In Overlalnd 4 ion Three-Point Suspension Springs OVERLAND 4 does*flot change the, road, but if does change the manner in which you can ride the* introduction of pneu'matic tires, is made possible by the wonderful cushioning ability of Three-Point Suspension Springs-exclusive wit h Overland., The Diagonal attachment of the Three-Point Suspension Springs at the ends of a 130 inch frarne gives the road steadiness achieved by a car of ong wheelbase. 4 Phone 248 Yet Ovýerland 4 retains ail the advantages-ight= ness, econorny, and ease of handling, of 100-inch Overland 4's equipment is, no less admirable, than its construction. The list is complete frorn Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting to Demountable Bims. Corne in and sec this remarkable car. Ask for Bookiet. Overland 4 Touring, $1195; Roadster, $1195; Coupe, $1845; Sedan, $1995. Prices f. o. b. Toronfo, XVar Tax included, subj ect to change without notice. A.W. Piekard Bowrnanville ,eeaee.e...., C.e.e. ...,e,,oeeoe o*ee.,se,,ea, Cao.,, Ceeoaea *efleeeae#S5 ~. p.. * las~l I *0~ Years 0f Sufferiog Ended Dy "Froit-a-tives" 112 HAZEN ST., ST. JOHN, N. B. <'It is with pleasure that 1 write ta tell you of the great benefit I received front the use of your medicine "Pr-ui-a-tives", made /rom fruit juices. 1 H/as a greaf sufferer for rnany years frorn Nervous fladaches and Cnstpation. 1 tried everything, consulted doctors; but nothing Seerned to help me until I tried "ýFrui.t-a-tives".. After taking several boxes, 1 was eornpletely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since".' Miss ANNIE WAIRD. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At ail dealers or sent posfpaid hy P'ruit-a-tives Lirnited, Ottawa. BEWDLEY PIRE The beautiful brick residence of Mr. Hilliard McAllisîer, Bewdley, was com- pletely destroyed by fire on Wednesday affernoon. Some of the rooma weXe being papered and as the old paper was tomn off it was burned in the kitchen stove. The pipes became overheated and before this was discovered the bouse had takçn fire. AlI efforts to exfinguish the blaze were futile and Mr. McAllister's fine home is to-day a mass of ruins. Through the assistance of the neighbors rnost of the furniture was saved. CLARKE The last act of the Newtonville fxIa- gedy, as far as Herbert Copeland., the murderer of bis mother, le concerned, olosed when he was placed in Hlamnil ton Asylurn for the Insane where it le ex- pected he will spend the rest of hie life. The Copeland home where the fragedy was enacted stands on the roadway, and if reste with the township council what disposition shall be made of it. There seeme fte be a ýsentiment thru- ouf the village and district that if should neyer again be occupied, and feel that it be given f0 the f orch and fthe ground where it sfood ploughed in order that the spot be effaced from living mem- ory.- Cobourg Worid. BEAUTI SECRETS! Sgets her ' her pin - every on%, not due to cosrnetics, paint and powder. But the true womnan[Iy beauty cornes frorn good health, and this good health is a, woman'a secret. Ilealth cornes with good phys- kâi rnachinery and good spirit, an active digest'ion. A body frcs frorn pains and aches cornes' with a tonie known for over fifty ye- as- the best "temperance" toni ind nervine for -womsn-naneIy', Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptionl. It can be obtained in any drugw itore in Iliquid -or tablIet forrn, O, send 10e to Dr. Pieýrce nad' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Cleansing of'Lthe itetinlraC Is important. Tk castor oil or select a vegeta-ble pull. Such a O-ne is cornpoýsed of May-apple, leaves of aloe, r1oot of jalqp, aad maeinto tiny sgrco dpel- lets, to be had at evef.ry drug store ias Dr.n c' ?estPellets (From the News of ov. 13) Mrs. J. A. Jerome is visiting Cobourg friends. Mr,. Sarah McPhersori is home from Toronto. O Mr. and Mrs D. M. Gibson and two daughters, Oshawa, visited Jno. Gibson.' Miss Kate Willîamson attending Busi- ness College, Toronto, and Mqiss Kathleen Staples Victoria College, Toronto, were home over Sunday. Corns, cannot exist when Holloway's Corn Cure is applied to theme because it goes to the root, and kilis the growth, Mr. Thos. Adams, Newpark, was tramped on by a beast breaking several ribs, with internai injuries, ýýHis life is desp-iired 0f: Mr. Isaac E. Chapman bas received word of death of Mrs Dayid Morey, aged 64 years, at Mitchell on Oct. 24. Mr. David Morey, husband of deceased, was a former Clarke boy., Miller's Worm Powders attack the' worms in the stomach and intestines at oiÈce, and no worm can come in contact with themn and live. They also correct the unhealthy conditions in the digestive organs that invite and encourage worms, settîng up reactions that are most benific- al to the growth of the child. They have attested their power in hundreds of cases and at aIl times are thoroughly trustwor- thy. Clarke reached its objective $212,000 in the Victory Loan on Saturday the higb- est objective of any rural municipalitv in Durham. Wednesday nigbt the grand total was $250.000. Saturday November 8th, a quiet wed- ding took place at the Manse,when Annie Gray eldeï;t daughter of Mr. 'William Lownie, was united in wedlock to Mr. Frederick Churchill, Toronto, by Rev. j. 'W. RS. Both are" residents in Toronto. FAULTLESS IN PREPARATION. -Unlike any-otherstomacW regulat-for, armeleë's _ Vegefable Pilîs are the resuit of long stu- dy of vegefable compounds- caculated to stimlafe the stomnachic functions and mainitain themn at tneir normal condition. Years of use have proven their faulfless charactèr and established their excellent reputafion., And this reputation they, have maintained for years and will con- tinue to maintain, for these pilîs must al- wavs stand at the head of the list of stan- dard preparations. Mr. O. A. 'Gamsby was ln Toronto and engaged Al Linfon's famous 4 piece orchestra tor a dance under auspices of Athletic. Association on Friday eveni ng, 2Ist insf. He attended luncheon with the Rotary Cl;sb at -the King Edward hotel. No child should be allowed to sufer an hour fromn worms when prompt relief can be gof in a simple but strong remedy- Mother Graves' Worma Exterminafor, Clarke Council was served with a writ Friday at instance of Loraine Randaîl, Clarke, through bier parents Henry Randaland Eliza Jane Randail for un- stated damages for not keeping in proper repair the hîghwav near the school in Newtonvil le. Randali girl caught hier foot in a hole in the sidewalk while run- ning along on the way to school and falling injured hier knee if is stated. ORONO PEO1PLE HURT Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leigh are -home from Parry Sound. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. John Steel, are sti11 in the hospital there but making steady progress towards recoverv fromn the serionus accident, Oct. Ist, when their car which was standing on the sîding at Ragged Rapids, was run into by a heavy locomotive from Toronto. If was fitted int o three apartments-kitchen, living- rGoom and bedroom-and comfortably furnished. They were asleep but the concussion must- have heen terrific for the body of the car was knocked dlean 'off and hurled iio ft. and landed on a rock, the mattress on which they were lying still under them. Mr. Steel was the first to regain consciousness and had a doctor summoned fromn Parry Sound who hapý- pened to be a one-time Orono boy, Dr. Milton Limbert, son of Rev. Wm. Lim- bert. Mrs. Steel was more seriously in- jured than hier busband, head, neck and body badly bruised and an armn fractured between the elbow and shoulder. Their piano with other furniture was complete- ly wrecked.-lÇèws. Reduces Feeding Costs ro a Minimnum McClellan & Co Ltd, Cane Mola Co. of Canada, Limited .e Montreal, Que. IIIIIIIIIIII VANCOUVER (Both Ways) *osmaenciag SuNDayS OCToBER atih, soient TORONTO (UJNION STATION) DAILY MOST MODERN EQUIPMENt Standard Sleeping, Dining, Touristand Toront~Wnie Colonint Cars. First-class Day Coaches. ~ '~~ Parlor Car through the Rockias. S.nd.y, M.nd.y, W dnsd.,.Friday t...aday. Tin.rsday. Sat..rday Via 0 .S., SertiBay, Cechrane and Ca..adlaaN ation&l. ry ONRLPASSýER a IPRYMENT, r"tORNTO, .0 - y' -- Wra3pped to insure îts perfect condition in aI( climates and seasons. Sealed tight-[ kept rig.,ht. The Perfect gu min the îlerfect Package. O0 , .. e 5e e t~1~ ,YA Pure Sugar ýCane Molasses e tlîat adds palatability to whatever roughage you have on hand. Stock will greedily eat all straw, old hay, corn ýtover, foc1der, en- silage, screenings, etc. The cost of Cane Mois is very reasonable. Saves You thie Cost of Expensive Preparedl, Feeds Successful dairymen and farmers are constantly re-ordering in ever-increasing quantifies. Live stock gain weight rapidly, and lok1009v better. Cows give moreml ae~1I stebs 'Aconditioner you could posibly have. Endorsed 1,y Government Experirnent Stations."- 11Ï Write for VFaluable Feeclîng Information st150 W. will send you our bookiet and expert advice on economical feeding. Cane Mola is sold in 600 lb. barrels, ~RL FIN 24 il Car ioad of "Cane Mola' is now en route, Place your ýýRdlD order with our distributor. ,9 a. en it. i nis comiort aemevenienti tfie--g-reatest since wile ase. -F- .1 *y- 1 m M- i 118 St. PaW St. West, 1

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