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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1919, p. 2

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ORCIIARD OIN TEN ACRES 0F LAND' FOR SALE IN BWAVLE 'The MÎoMnrtry property, Imite eastoef Nursery Cone, ownsanville, betng lot, con 1, lDarling- W-on,)rntaýining about tee acresý, mostly covered wvith apple beaing erehard, The, handsoine bricit reidenc was bomned semtelieago, and theme are aboat 70 000 brick sci table forý re. boitd. ing. £here are a largje barn with ceet ina. Lion anjd stables nnderneath, and a he u arly godcodtion 'i., poprt i ell situated Iud aliiibe cotd on very easy tersas. For further pý,- ;îcaars apply te J. E. I. Goodwîl, barrister. Peteý.rbomo. ist i NOTICE! The lias opened a branGh office in the and solicits your butsiniess. -1- A. McCLELLAN, Manager Diated at Hampton, Pairning an Deco0ratî ng h uds done to your stsat o :it uatreasonable rcsb (Scesrto John M.Roe Cal! _t bis residence.cor. Ontario and urbm-ss.,next door southj of Mr, John Gi.gg's.13-tf preioulycariedonby Mr. L.j Pik inBowanxileas; dealer in alIs îd fjunik, live Puultry, hide fur, ec , weare prepared1 to a caýsh for i, ýl we buy- baudy wi_ sýhahl be at home at No Argyle St., Bowmanviile beearticles may bc delivered to u.Phone 289. uVehepe ,to) do business with al M.Piesformer customers and manynewone, pomiingto deai JE CýH ARPLE S J. SHANKER TceAuto Ownlers The JamiesonBros. are busy doing ail kinds of tire repairing. k, Bring in your oid tires and have tbemn re-tread if they are worth i it. We wiii tel] you straight if tbeiýy are worth doing,. Bring in those spare tubes and hv themr repairedi. We, reýpair pun-ctures and biOWoutbs at short notice. i Be sure and get our prices oun New Tiresý beforyobu.W hlanldie oily the b)eat makeCS. É Jamieson Bi-os. W Côrner King and SiWivr sts. Bowmanville Phone 193 ï a i h bl d At the commencement of thisd my fifth year in bus;iness, 1 take the, apportunity of ta.igail the ' k BROTHERHOOD BANQUET, GREAT GATHERING 0F MIEN TO BI RE-MEMBERED. l'The Federated Brotherbood Movemen ii) Bowý,maniviile received a zreat impetuý au te baquetgive inthelectuire'roon of e MehodîsL uChcbîonTbursda3 eveîig, y 27b.About aamonuhagc a Býrofberhood -Classa was or, an -1zcd il coniiaction wifha the Meuhiodîsu Suaaà School with Mr. Anthony M1itchell, Presi- dent, and Mr. W. J.' Morrison, B. A., teacher. The clasa bas made rapîc pmogresa and witb the purpose of increas. ing interest and spreading tbe influenct f0 the sister churches, a banquet waw decided upon,to tuclude aIl denominationt in town and aurrouîîding district. ThE r-estu attaiued exceeded the fondesi ex.ýp-ctations of the workers and thE lefluaence of the inspiring addresses and otbec features of tbe gathering will be fat reacbîug.' Oiver 225 men attended. About 35 members cf tbe f3rotberbood in St. Johus5 Anglican Church, witb their leader, Mr, Archie Tait, marcbed 9ver lu a body. A gond spriukling of men from St. Paul'.4 Preshyterian and the Disciple churches were also presenu, besides a number from Solina, Newcastle and otber outaide points. Everything,-counected wif b the benquet weut fbrough tike clockwork, the arrangements of uhe tables, the decor- afions, the supper, the program and the wa m spirit of hrotherhood that prevaîled ubroughout. fAfter the "muner man"~ was satisfied and every one comfortabte aud good-nauured, President Mitchell. witb that easy grace s o characteristic of 'Tou'y", presided at the intellectual feasta The vocal solos of Messrs. Wm Fergusn (Ding, Donig Bell) and R M. Mitcelel (ThmLee for JaLck) dehiglited-uhe menlboh being in fine fettie. Mr. FredtR Folev was aubis vary best with bis recitatioýn '1Meýatud Jim" wbich fitted so well into the spirit of the evening. The speakers of the evening, repreaeuutîng the Christianj Men's Brother- hood Federatioti of C1---anad, were Capt. Rev. John Coburu and Rev J . W. Wvii- liamausn, Toronto, suîd the-y prQved woruby representafives eot a wotuhy movemeut. Rey. John Coburn was a deleglate to the gieat InterniationialBrouherbod Congresý tu Oid London lest Septemnber et which 20 different nations were represenued and lie brouglif anme nf the enthusiasm of tha-t wonderfuliy imýportant andl historie gaubýering. Brotherhoýod, be saîrt, wa. aa ur s old astle!ihuman race, but how to putîtif mbpracuicýat effecu la the gr-e problem cf tbe day. The chuech bias. faîled beceuse tbe men of the cuc their place, but te business 'of makingý tbe churcb dominent in thé' 111e of the nation la a man's j,,b. The cbumch bad seemingly bai5t ifs grtp on the masses hecause if as. made the tîfe in the church as brothler y as it ouglit to be. Lodges, ofvaiu kinds exfend ftbe right hand of fettowsb1iîp atnd meet on a commun level. The cburch sbould he more tfrateru-al thari any lodge on the face of the earth. There is a grtat change coing. Shaîll if be the red band of socialism or the warm band of fraterniuy > Mr. Cobumntifold wbaf greaf thinga the Bmouberbood coutti accomplîsb if if onty had a,. chance and maie a ýery and eto- queut appealf o the churcb membera to infuse the spirit of brotherbood into eve-ry acftviuy of tbe chumch and f0 reach ouf a hielping hand to those fon long on the outside. Rev. 1. W. Williamson, Generai Evangelisu of the Federated Brother- hood, captivateti bis andience with bis beaming amile, bis flashes of humor, and bis wholesome advice. Hie spoke of the Brotberbood movement, and bow to "p.ut 'if acrosa". The personal fouch, the chumming up, the cbeery word, the happy smile, the "'Come Iu" aigu over ëvery door, etc. The'cburch bas heen crippted foirlack of ibis frateruat spirit, and the Brotherhood bas heen organized Eo betp restore if. The Christian Men'a Brotberhood lsa an organization of men for the purpose of studv, feltowsbip and service. If stands for definite work by men for mec iand tuhrougb men seeka to enlist aud train. men for fruiffut service lu the cburcb, the comnmunity aud the nation The appeat cof Mr. Williamson and the spirit lu wvhicb lu was given met wltb a warm suad cordial response from the men to wbom it was addressed. '.I. W. W." cer:uaiiuly preaches the righf kiud ot Sociatlisml and weee he goes men wilt grasp bis bhaud aud tbank hlm for hus message. Mayor A. N. MMla on bebaîfi of ait préseut moved a bearfy vote of fhaplks tc, alI wbo had coutribufed to mnake the occasion sucb a grand success. Mr. A. Tait, President, cf the Anglican Bro bher- hood, in a- neat speech aeconded the resolution wbich was carried wif h a hurat of enfhuisiasm and now everyhody wanfs And wb-,Ieu ou earfb my w vork is douec, Arid my ntew work 'lu eve' begun, MIay I1frgt hecmwul've Won, btethinýkm iug slîlof others. Oitbers, LoDrd, yea s es Let uhsmy mtobe, leip me ifo live for others rit 1 may live for. Thee. -C. D. NIIGG -iOUSE ByTI-ISI DEOF THE RO AD (He was a friend to man, and lived in a bo)use by the ide of the road.-Homer.) There are hermit souls that live with- drawu 1 tlie peace of their self-content;- There are seuls, like stars, thaýt dwell ap0art, Inafellowless firmament: heeaeplineer souls that' blaze thýeir Wý'heredtlhe highways neyer ran; Butletme ivein my bouse by the sidie of A ïd b e a ti to man. Let me live in a bouse by the sida of the- Wihere the race of men go by - hemnwho are good and the men wbo are bad,, As good and as bad as 1. 1 wNould not ait iu the scorner's seat, Or huri the cynic's ban; Lect me live in a bouse by the aide of the road And be a frîend to mani. 1 sec froin my bouse by the aide of the road,- By the side of the higbway of life, The men wbo press with the ardor of hope, The men who are faint with strife. But I turn flot away from their smiles nor their tears-. Both are parts of an infinite plan; Let-me -ive ia- bouse-- b-y the ide of -tye- road .And be a friend to man. I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead, And mountains of wearisome height; That the road passes on through the long afternoon, Aud stretches away to night. But siti rej>ice when the travellers re- j o1ce, And weep wi-th the strangers that moan Nor live in my house by the aide of the - road - Lite a mani who dwells alune. Let me live iu my house by the sde of the road, Where the race of men go by- They are good, tbey are bad, they are weak, they a re sr on g, Wise, foolih-s am J. 1 Then why should I1aitju the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cyn)ic's bain? Let me live lu a bhouse- by thec aide of the road And b2 a friend to man. -SAM WALTrER Foss. G. W. V. A. DAINCE Orono G. W ' V. A. are holding a big Christmas danice in, the A rmouries, Orono, rm Monday Dec. 22, toraise funds for the Club. Refreshments served. Double tickets $2.00; single tickets $r 00 Further particulars mav be obtained from FRED PEA~RSON, Secretarv-Treasurer, Orono. G. C. BONNYCASTLE I. D. S., D. D. s., Honor Graduate lu Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Cotteg-e of Dental Surgeons of Onitario Office King-st - owmanipiville - Office-PhOne 40. IioiisRPhone-255I DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. 0ffice: King-St. East, BowmarVi'i1e Offie fours: 9 -%.ni. to 6p.mi.diy except Sunday Phone 90a flouse Phone 90h Compaies -Service ar o te Rates aeothe et wben you inaure witht Insurance Agent. Phon 162 Office Wellingfon-st 62Bowmà,nville Funeal Dire etcr - Embalmer- No extra charge for distance in country or tocit or outside places. Emnbatm- i! n in ulte mo-st scientific manner. Chags reasouahle as my expenses are 7URERALDICOR L. Morris & Sc MààosaLo mple t eEqnut pme nt promptly sflssided tb. Buwmanville Phones ÏO-34 Brasschea: OltoNo HAMP' Dn FON ULNAwsare oNpu.bÏilihed everv Thursdlay ana F'ridav n.orning, respectively, at THE STATESMAN Offie, ane Block, 26 ad 27 Kin-st. West, ttowmsnv!Wle, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James & -os Phublshers and Propuietors, at $1.50 per aurrnm. payable in advance;$200 afterflrst three Hlaving secured a license as auction- cerj 1 amn prepared to fate a Iimited oumber of sales. For fera and dates appty to THEO. Mv. 8LEMVON R. R. 6, BowmANVILLE Phone 239-r-1-4. 312-71nr LearniWireless operating and win a good-sai- ary. Shaw's Scbool, e395 Yonge St., Toronto, has the finest set of modern apparatus and gives best instruction at iamail cost. Write for facts. G. W. Crewson, Se-iretary. DR. F. T. TIGRE, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEO0N, <BOWMANVI LLE Day or Nighu Cals Promptty Attendi-e d lTo Offic-e - King-St. W., Statesman Block Phone 243 Caelrp3enf-ute ok Ladders Md Saws S-harpenied W. P.MOE Bradshaw-st Bomvie IF THE GENERATOR OR IGNITION SYSTEMI IN OUR CAR IS GIVING TROUBLE Bring The Car To Us We Can Fix .4t We are tboroughly experienced andi are î10w special- ly equipped, to take care of this class of work, Kirenal &Davey Phoneo-Day 193; Silver and King Streets NS;ghft 101 or 2114, Mir. Ford Owner:- We wiil put a set cf Hassler Sbock Absorbera .-on, your car for 10 days free trial and if yen are netpefetl satisfied that you bave the easiest nfding'car n h mr ket we wiii take thiem cil, again and it wuiinet>cotY(u eue cent. G ehv uloko enine Ford parts Li exerhae Fuleies cf gonuine F or atkn a. n ion guaraniteed. We have aise been appoiuted Chevrebet Serviceitatlii for this district and are prepared to give youn everya tention. A large stock of Tires, Oila and Acsoiso band at ail times. Youra for Serv-ice Nigbt iPhone 188-r3 Day Phono 188 r2 iii TIIERtE is nIo tim e in woin- an's life that she cannot benefit by the use of Dr. Chase 's Nerve Food, in order to- keep- up the. supply -of pu re, rieb blood and to ensure a healthful condition of the nervous system. H-eaedaches, neuralgia, sleepiess- 32es, nervous spolia, irritabtlity, tfred, wo-n-ouf feelings, accu disap- pear when fthe vigor anti enemgy of tht nerves are resfored b the use est tlis great fond cure. We cuitc a box, 6 for $2.75, al dealers, or EmnnBates & Ce., Ltd., Terente. It Pays To Patronize A Well-Establîished SchooL Yongje and Charles Str-ets, Trno Enosan ecletrplto p l a c u g r a d a t e a i n p o s i ti o nls . any time. I TEMPLETON'S I.j RHEUMATIC CPUE FOR RELMTIM,N EURITIS.SCIATICA LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA,GOUT ETC. 1 1 ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WOrS;1THIEADACIIE $M02 PER BOX 7EMPLETONS Y0 MGasl142 11156ST.W TORONTO, humanîty lias lacked a praCtica1 lrheumatie reniîedy since tinie began. Fortunes are àpent yearly e, t hot spriogs, elect rie baths and hospi- tais to obtain -relief, y et better resuits are acliieved rightat hoie by ustur T.R.c.,s "the common ceuse treatmeut." Just compare cost and' resuits with ana' other treatment and you will be convinced, Asic yout druggicf or write us for om new bookiet; it is înterest- iug and costs yeun0nthiog (Temupletoos 142 King W. Toro'nto). We .ail anywhere ons receipt of $1.04. Sole Agents for (Jshawa ,vand Bowman ville Messrs. jury & L-oveil, Druggis and Opticians. J MIPA IRE1D e.vesiglit la fuen ýi!the ca se of mn h physicat muisery :;'d pyiai alments offeit affect the vision Oui, expert caeti Itin ili aie ear the eve-troubiet tht abotheýring ycu. Yen canl n if puri-hpse gimsses Of us uleas' yon oneed th.ým. Ii we discover a cataract or some ettier ailment that needa rnedic.at attention we wili advis;c von as t i the facta. R. . Mtchll& Co. DmuggitfandOptomietrists Phono 92bOwnanville We gnarantee all our work.

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