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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1919, p. 3

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'j _____________l BWMAVILLE, DEC. 4t, 1919ý Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal. TACK FROST is the most hypocritical fellow that Jever aviated into a man's home. If hie finds you are burning our quality coal he'11 say, "llow-do-you- dlo-I-must-be-going,." Let us send you a ton of it right away. Juhn, A.Hogt & Son Queen aund Division Sts I3owmanville HAMPTON FLOUR MiLLS, Four -Big Favorites Graham Flour' Whole Wheat Flour XXX Pastry Flour Royal Flour for Bread, If you cannot secure these popular grades of Flour from your grocer order direct fromù us. 100 Tons Feed Jus,t arrived inolruding American Corn, Old Mani- toba-Oats, Mixed Chop, etc Get your suipply early. W ~ K ~ W - ~ ~. Phone 129 - IL- £a,&K9-P k.ILP U.I Cars Stored We have first-class accommodation for stor- î ng Catrsby the day,week or -month. --When you have friends visiti'ng you dont take a chance on leaving their car ont doors. Our rates are very reasonable. 'We Are Spcialists Briîng your wor k to us and have satisfaction Satisfied customers is the secret of onr be- ing so busy ail the time. Give ns a trial and be convinced. Gasoltine, Ois and Free Air. Corteouis trbatment to ail., Pickard's qG-arag-e King StreetBwmnil 870OSCK~T~Z ýe OPJ~ ~ JZ MUSICAL TALKS. Written by Prof. C. C. Laugher, Mus. Bac. Bowmanville. IX-BACH AND HANDEL. Bach and Flandel were the greatest musicians of the day. In some respects tbey were simitar to each othar sud in others verymuch differeut. They were lioru in the same year and in the same country. Bachi married twice having 2o chidren boru to him. Handel neyer married. Bachi was born in a family that was said to be the most musical known in history. Handel was boru to a family that was not musical at al. Bacb ne- mained lu Germany and was davoted to home life. Handel îravelled mucli and finahiy made England his home, Both Bach and Handel, in iaten life becante blind. BACH. J. S. Bach was the greatesi represanta- tive of a wonderful family of liusîcians, lie not only bad a long line of musical ancesiors himself, but lie is also said t0 have beau the direct anceston of about 6o well-xnown organists and composers of Germany. In the iowu where the Bach's livad tbey were knowu as th e town musicians. They beld thein family meetings exchangiug musical kuowledga anfd gave musical performances Joban Sebastian Bach was born ai Eisenach Mardi 21, 1685. fie liecame a papil of lis brother, but lie soon ah- sonhed ail of the teachen's knowledge and stili longeid for more. Christopli, the olcler brother, bas been accused of jeal- ousy and kept from J. S the fine collect- ion of manuscript ongan music which lie owued and which ziebastian longed mosi ardeuily îo stuôy. Su great was the hoy's eagarness to possesa the music, thai lie got hold of il by stealtb at nîght and copiad it ail by moonliglht, ouly 10 bave il desîroyed by bis stern eider brother wben discovened. T his copying took 6 mouîhis and the airain on bis eyes -cauüsed, -il is said, tbhave resulted lu the btîndness whïcb came upon bim laien in lite, In 1703 Bach was appoinied Violinîst in tie court Orchestra of Prince johan Ernst cf Weimer. He was appointed organist of the new churcli ai Arnstadt. la, 1706 lie applied for and obtained the position of organist aitie Ciîurcb of St. Blasias ai the sat >ary of $35 a yean togather with certain qusutities of coré, wood and fiali, to lie detivered witbout charge ai bis door, Upon ibis saîary lie was ale to arry. While ai Weimar as Court Organisi 10 the Grand Duke, Bachi becaine not only the finast Organisi of bis time, but the greatesi composer for tle Organ the world bas aven kîîown. In 1717 Bachi accepied the position offered by Prince Leopotd of Anhalt, as conducion and director of bis ciamber music. Wbileata Carlstad, on one of bis 'trips with Prince Leopold, Bacb's wife died very suddenly, no uews could lie goiten to hlm aud on bis returu he -found ber buried. Bach was tefi wiih a famîly Of 4 chîtdran but about '18' months afier manried Auna Wutkin, a youug womau of 21, a soprano singer. Iu 1723 Bach. was appoiuîed Cantor a position he hetd untîl .bis deaili. Iu 1747, after repeated invitations Bachi visited King Fnederjçh the Great, ai Potsdam. He was receîved by the king with the greaiesi courtesy, was taken ihrough the palace, whene lie played on Frederick's collection of pianos, aoout 15 lu number. Bach was atso inviîad to play ou ail the principal organs of the civy and shown aIl the sights. About oue year before bis deail Badh's eyesight began to fail, aud afler two oparations became: iotatlv btind. Ha diad on Juty 25, 1750, ai the age of 65, Bachi was an able performer on strngad instruments and w rotemucli orchestral music, aud as oua wriier says of hlm, "Thai withoui Sebastian Bachi and bis maichiess studies for the piano, Organ aud Orchestra, we coutd not have hid tbe varied musi- cal devalopment in sonata and sym- phony fromtthe. great masters thai fol- lowed". No one man bas lefi so deep a mark on the hisiory of music non lias exarted so siroug aud far reaching ain influence upon the subsequeut davelop- ment of the art as lie. Sebastian Bach is the great source and founiain haad from wbom well nigh l at hat la basi and mosi enduring on modern music bas beau aud Instrumental work for ait solo instru- ments also many Cautatas and Chorales, etc. 1HANDEL One of île wonid's most' gifted music- lans, boru ai Halte, lower Saxouv, of a famity ihai possessed no musical'talent. Hi& faiber was a Surgeon-barber and was 63 years of age wben is son was born. George was 10 lie iraiued lu law, consequeuty the failan discouraged the eaaly sigus of au aptitude for music, aven keepîng hlm, from achool for fear of learning the musical scale, aud fonliddîng the visite io the homes where music inight bca, yal durng ibis trne lha was practiciug upou the harpsichord lu secret. A ie latar the f aiber had au occasion 10 visit the duke of Sexe- Wtissenfals; hitt George begged of bis fat, to take hîm aiong. The Duke was a great pat o1q of music and youug George having been playfully piaced ai the piano astoniqh*a the Duke ai lis wondtnful talent. The Duke axpostîîlated witb tle eider Haiade4 and urged 10 encourage such extraordin- arv gemmeé. George waz tberefore piaced under the onganistLZachiere for instruction. George made fine progroes studying Sioging, Organ, Clavier, Violiu, sud all e ailier instrumnts used in Orches-tral playing. When eleven years of age fia composed s»earal numbers that skowed, great' akili and feeling. He continued bis studies, using the Ongan as bis favorite instrument, for le wap i a great ou improvising. Iu 1696 ha %,*nt to Berlin. Ha euianed tle University 10 sîudy law, thus carrying out bis father's wisl,but bis natural inclination conquered for mnusic was bis passion. Ha visited Ilaly and travellad mucli. Ha neturned io Germany in 17io was appointed chapel master sud acceptad ilon condition that hae lie grauted leave of absence for oua year to visil Eugiaud. In Lond'on le producad bis opera "Riu.a.ldoD' sud le appaared at the iheaine nighi a'tar nigbt fon weeks. Whan lha returuned 10 Hani- ovarle coniinually ionged to gai back to Engiaud wliere île oppotunities sud flec musical peopla were plantiful. 1lu 1712 lec again obiained leave of absence, on condition that lie returu in a reasouable tîme, biut onty as a visiior did ha aven returu 10 biïs native liaud again. Jiandet was appoiuied Musical Dinecion o)f the Royal Academy of Music, Loudont. Dur- îng phýli )f1ci w ýas brouglit Dublin liu the year14,fo eddiae yver iO oppose Handel ibhis great work 10 the Irisb people. 1Ibe These ýrcu, iac1C mate- led,'to Messiah was next given in Lonidon in thediso~îù ~ ciey.1743 and'the audience -was quite 'aieîd If, 1738, --bkentinancially and ailing inu away withb us beauiy and wbea the Hatielujah Chorus began uihis "Forj healîli, ak-, (,f paralysis lanied one of the Lord God Omnipotent Reignetb" his and4 bu~f i a fw mutbswas e- hey al, the king inciuded, sprang to their stored t,< g9,'tia1 gon~d health. He flow feet and remained- standing untît the set to ~itn Oratorio of which "The chorus ended. This incident originaied Vlessia!f' is credited as his masiarpiece. the custom, of standing during ibis In 1753 1 andel was attacked with blind- chorus« ness aud an operation was ,Uusuccessful. His iast effort was to assist at a per - formance of the Messiah on April 6ttj AGE NO HANDICAP. 1759. Ha wa'î then seized with a deadly - faiutness and neyer agýain ieft bis bed, lie died April 14, lne was buried in Messrs. A. -A. Gamsby, "Lintonhursi", Westminster Abbev before a vast con- and Oscar Scott, Orono, returned home course of people of ail ranks. Handei Friday last from a two weeks' bunting was tati afid robust but his movements trip in the north country, about the Mapla weîe somnewhai clumnsy, lis features were Lake district, each bringing with him a auimated 'and digniified. Hie was very fine deer. This is Mr. Gamsby's fifty-fifthi ouispoken and occasionaiiy bis temper annual deer huni, lie is uow iin bis 82ud got the best ofbiru. He was- naîurally a year. On leaving Kinmount on the way wit vet ha was siniceraly devout, and 1a out from Lindsay, the party bad a very a higli sense of honor, and his fidetity to narrow escape, the train on wbîch they bis mothar was beautifut. He was gener- were travelling struck some obstacle, fous to' ail institutions, atways ready to tbrowing some of the coaches from the cfer belp. His life may lie divided into track, overlooking the river, and a few three parts, from 1685 10 1720 was pre- feet farther would have piunged them in. paratory, from that vear until 1737 he was devoted te, opera, and from then un- 'TîS A MARVELLOUS, THING.-When tii bis deaili ha was occupied with bis the cures effected by Dr. Tbomas' Eclec- real lîfe work, bis,,Oratorio. Haudel rnic Oit are considered, the speedy and composed the great- "Messiali' in 21 days p'ermanent relief it bas brought to the and it is recognized as the greatest work suffering wherever il bas been used, it in Oratorio. Handel said of the Halle- must lie regarded as a marvellous thing tujah Chorus "I did tbink I did see ail that so potent a' medicina should resuit licaven before me and ihe great God from the six ingrédients wbich enter into 42 himselt" for the tears feu ucuon the oaper its composition A trial wili convince -ý as lie wrota. The Messiah, was given in the most akeptical of its healing virtues. - OnieWeek Caps a n d Saucr 1000 Fancy China Cups'and Saucers Regular price 45e'c nd 50c each Sale price 24c and 29C ea"ch These cups and saucers were bought at a bankrupt sale and will make beautiful gifts for Christmas at less, than cost price. , See our window display. PHIONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. t! PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS Y 7OUR lighîing charge becomes a profit-maker inistead of a profit-taker when you screw HYDRO Cas Filled Lamps juto every Iamp sockat in your faciory. More light for the san-e money is one reaso n. Belier ligh-More lika daylight-is the BIG reason. HYDRO Cas FilIed Lamps enahie your em- ployees ta work beiter and faster without strain- ing their eyes. - You-get-las rejects.."-Con- sequently there's less matenial wasted and leu time spent in unproducîive labor. Even if HYDRO Cas Filled Lampe uceal more electîcity îhey'd be worîh the extra test. Thcy acîually consume but litile current. You should inveestigzate HYD RO GCu Flleal Lamxpe if the responsibliity of factory production ratseon you. We can show you how ta increase resuite witheut a proportionate increase in coat. Cal1 at thes Hydre Shop for a demonstration that preves the merits of HYDRO Gas Filled Lampe. HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO The Mlydro Shop ASK TH-E HDOMAX Naine 0f Feeder Guaranttee 0f Qual*týyUnsurpassed Hlere is a partial list of the stock we have broughit for 'our Christmas Meat dispiay purchased from best breeders in tflua district-,. 3 ,Steers, F. li, Heifer, J. & A&. Allin 1 ileifer & 1 Steer,-Wes. Aliin 4 Steers, J. Found 2 Heifers, owu stable 1 Baby Beef, Wesley Au Il Baby Beef, B. Goode 8 choice Hogs 15 Ewes and wether lambs, own stable 1 Baby Beef, Arthur Welch. Weý also have a car load of very choice cattle whicb nmuat be sold before Xmas-our pnices will bc equalled hy notie, Poultry Wanted--any quantity, for which we pay highecst cash prices, Cuttter for sale-good as new. c. ý Purveyors Phone 64 Bowmanville. Bra ntforcl Roofing We have recently been appoinited .-Iaiagents ý for t above Re- fable and Fully Tested Roofing,, FrpofandWahAroadsa býe pleased to show the goods adfrihetmts Portland Crnen Rogrs andia PrtlndCeren isth bet ernntin the market today, we have a fesatcklagoodi, ound bags,idv --for--deliverya- short notice to aïiy p11rtof town or countrv. Scranton UCoal Scranton C )al is the Standard Anthracite, and we are Êprepared to take careûfot oers in aIl szes. Now is the lime to put in your suppiy, as tnere is evev indication that the price will be higher later on, and those wbo take their coal early will be protected with regard to price. Biuilding M Naterial We have our usual stock in ail uines, and solicit your in.quirv, and guarantee good service. McCIeIlan &,Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15 Residences 228 and 2 74 HOGG & LYTLE LTD. FEED We are now unloading a few cars of Molasses Dairy Meal. This is the great milk producer aud the pnie is low enough to pay you for bringing in your Coarse Grain and cbanging for Meal. Also have in stock Fecdiîîg Corn, Sterling MuaI, Sarnpson Fecd, with Cotton Seud and Oil Cîtke to arrive in a short time, It wifl pay you to investigate. The price this year will bu high. When your Seed is ready for sale we will be pleased to clean it for you sud pay the top market price for your crop. Send us lu samples aud lut us quotu you. Phone 203-Use it. in #AK . . Oshawa 114 k i3est grades of Coal only kept4 also Woodl of all kinds. If YOu have flot ordered your Winter supply yet, you had botter do so as it is liable to advance any day. Siandard bank Building, Temporanco St,, Fhon, 177 -'y' 'I Do flot su!feî c5dUaBO'nOanothar day wih IcngBleed- lotsadtvgristhe whole ïjg, Piles.!v narou~tytan, mka1ne Biodsargical opeit. 1>(ny,~l,îufesd ron orrDe~pn.Dr. CaesOlt twil releve non ai once ji ~r( Elitq iJeu~r, Pi< SIparbo, , sd as centainly cure y ou. tiSe. a oox- ail ior 55. SoId l daas or Edmaluson, Baies &Co., Linîtedi o'avt~o. ~ ý 0 ooto. Sample box freaif you menilonlîhie t.. (~.jt,,,a TEWOO ape anDàencos, 2c, stamp topay vosta, 'A Piece of Pumpkin Pie Baked in a Range bias a crispness and a flavor that is distinctive- 0 ly ifs own. If you have a range now that is not giving satisfaction,, and are thinking of, buying a niew one, corne ini and look over our stock of ranges. We have tbem lu diflerent styles and prices but theyare ail the same first-class quality. Mason& DaIe's Hardware K LI alcutre.Ask for our IVN EOit'S .tîVISEwhjch itthasentfr. IWMAPION _ MIllON 1 ME 5-1 1 : ý -a fý ý.ý rçlrý Vb - --- - - 1 -- -- - 1- rq-- -Twý i -B4 - ----a - Phone 145 Bowmanville

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