iBOWMANVILLE, DEG. 4, 191L91i/iECIR'EA.I ~4 RFork & Beans, large can, reg. 15c, this week ............. 2 for 25 -X)avies' Pork Pies, we sell about 50 doz. of these weekly 8o each lince Meat ........................ ..................... .20c lb" 9ýardines, per tin .......................... ........ ...... .10e lb Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, lowest price in town. Flickled Hocks.................. 3'ickled Pienie ]3ams............... eýmoked Pienie Rame .................................... FPresh Tripe.......................... ..... ~i~lo Mrgarne. ................................. 00easiMrgarie........................................... Watch Our Windows For Specials GA'* (One doorq Phone 21 .15e lb .25e lb .28q lb .10e lb .38e lb .350 lb Ed mond stone east of Levi Morris & Son's) Bowrnanville Now Ready For Christmas Cooki.ng It isn't too early to think about preparing f or Christmnas Cooking-Plum Pudding, Mince Pies, etc. I have just received a shiprnent of fresh fruits inciuding: Seedless Raisins, per lb 25e Seeded Raisins, per lb 23c Choice Currantp, per lb 30e Mixed Peel,...per lb 60c Also Turkish Figs, Dates, Mince Meats, Sheiled Walnuts, Almonds -Special This Week A few 25 lIb boxes of Seedless iRaisins, 6.00 per box Farm Produce 'Wanted As usual I arn paying highest prices for ail kinds 186tarry Ali Bowmanville WHAT ? Cali at Christie's Bakery and take home a bag of those very appetizing cakes you seein the win- dow-fresh every day. Maybe you'll want a pie, too. Well, they're just as good. And -Don't Forgret when you eat Christie's Bread you are eating the best bread to be had. ALEX2. CHRISTIE Phoüe 97 The Cash & Carry Bakery Bowrnanviile subscriptions were taken, the choir rendering several selections of music, Report of S. S. 18, Darlington, for November, names in order of' menit: Sr. IV-Margaret Moore, Grace Virtue, Hazel Wcrry, Irving Clernens. Jr. IV- Levi Annis, Wesley Little and Dean Hodgson (equal), Hilda Prout, Harold Burgess. Jr, III-Harry Hatherley, Richard Gibbs, Fred Goodman, Kathleen Gibbs, Verna McCoy Sr. II-Bessie Prout, Flora McRoberts, Frank Hather- ley. Jr. II-La Verne Burgess, Kathleen McCullough, Helen Argue,' Leon Moore, Arthur Richards. Primer (sr.)-Clarence Goodman, Eleanor Tbornpson; (Jr.) - Milton Potter, Teddy Woodyard, Clar- ence Hatherley. No. enrolled-27; average attendance--26 BESSIE B. MULLIN, teacher. THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. Bowmanville Women'e Institute held their November meeting at the home of Mra. Lewis Jollow on Friday afternoon when a splendid gatbering of ladies was present. Iii was decided to hive a Leap-Year entertainment next February. Interesting reports of the recent Provincial Convention were given by Mrs. J. T. Hooper and Mrs, Geo. H. Bickell. This 23rd. Provincial gathering was, one of the largest in the bistory of the Institute, Medical inspection in schools, child welfare, Public Healtb, classes in Llousehold Science, Rural sehool bot lunches, etc., were the chief topics discussedl by the speakers. Summer delegates bave been discontinued, but specialists along above subjec ts wî]1 be sent to local institutes on application. Medicai Inspection in schools was strongly advocated by ail speakers and lu. je believed will soon become general throughout the Province. It was stated that the Women's Jostitute is the largest orgarizd b 'ody of womnen in the" world, having a merci- bership of 100,000. For the fhist time in its history, the city of Toronto re'3ognized iAs importance by entertaining the 600 delegates to a dinner at the King Edward hotel. Premier Drury, Mrs. Judge Murphy of Edmon ton, and representatives from ail the Provinces -(excep--P ~UIslnd)bu-ght-greet t- ings Mrs. Watt brougbt a mmesaate from the Institutes in England and from Her Majesty, Qtseen Mary, wýho is President of Sandringham Instiute. The collection was in aid of the Hospital fund. At the close of the local meeting the mombers were invited to Mrs. W. L. Mallory's residence to inspect the collection of knitted caps, pull-overs, socks, mitts, etc., that hadl been made by Institute members and others for Soldiers' dependents-. The ladieswere afterwards pleasantly entertained to af ternoon tea hy Mrs, Mallory and a social hour was enjoyed by hostess and visitors. Notice to, Creditors In the natter of the Etate of CATHZERINE PEAR,90N of the town of Bowmanviile la th, Counaty of ]Durham, widow, Deceased. NOTICE is hsreby giron pursuant tu Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, tLS.0.. 1914, that ail persona having dlaims or dcumands agaimi the estate of the said Catherine Pearson, deceased, who died un or about the third day uf O.ctober 1iff, are required to send by post, prcpaid or deiiver to the under- signed Executor. ' ihe Trusts and Guarantee Company. Iimited. Toronto, or to the undersigu- dD.B. Simpson, K.C, Its Solicitor, on orbe- fore the second day of Jaouary 1920, their christ. ian and «urnamnesanad addresses with fu par. ticolars in writing of their dlaims, and statemnent of their acconuts and the nature of the $ecurities (if any) heid by thera duiy terifici by statutory deciaratiomu. And take notice that-after the said second day uf Jannary 1920, the said Executor will procedà to distribute the assets of the said deceased amommg th-ý parties entited th,,,ctu laving regard only to the clainis of wiich fi shahl then have notice. and the said Executor will net be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to anv person or persons ut whose dlaim notice shahl not have been reelved oy iii or its said Solicitor at the Mime of such distribution. Dated December tnd 1919. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTBE COMPANY, Limited 45 King St. West, Toronto. JAMES J. WARtREN, E. B. STOCK DALF, President General Manager 1. B. Simpson, K.C., Bowmanviiic, Ont. Solicito r, fur thes aid Executor. 49 4 nat to Afmfaicn, ana i.at orLJi Uucison seai trimmed witb sable, the gift of ber! father. On their return they witl live at Foston Farm, Providence, near Bowman- ville. Tbe Bowmanville Branch of the Nay League gives the following notice to members of this Branch of the League: Admirai Jellicoe will speak in. Massey Hall, Toronto, on Saturday Dec. Gth at 1 p.m. AJi members of tbe League are invited, and urged to corne and bear England's greatest naval authority. Ail seats free. Famoues Wash Heals Skini T). D. D., the greatest of akin remedies wiIl remove those skin afflictions that bhave made 'vour life a burden. That in- tolerable itching, burning and discomfort will disappear under the magic of this remedy. It bas cured many cases pro- nounced incurable'and will reacb your case. We grtarantee tbe first bottie to bring you relief jury & Loveil,. drug. gists, Bowmanville. D.D.Da î"Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer In Monuments, Tabiets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marbie. Bowmanville. Ontario. AUTOMOBILE EXPERT Consultations witb the trade on oper- ating Technicalities, Timing, Carbure- tion and ail Electrical Problems. Mecbanic For Pickard's Garage ROYAL BANK BUILDING BOWMANVILLE 48-3 w The Royal, In Musical Revue Bowmanville Opera Ilouse Monday, Dec. l5th Tuesday, Dec. l6th lu aidof Bôwmanville ilospital A blaze of color and Electrical Effeotsý Four big added attractions RESERVED SEATS 35C Plan openie Dec. iOth at R. M. Mitchell's & Co's Store, Good books owned and read in childhood are enduning contribut- ions to life'e grue wealth. Bo oks are, ini faet, a deight ail through life, and there are voluimes em- inently suitable for mnen and also for women of ail a"e. Prices from 25e upwards W. T. Allen, SBig 20 Bookstore1 Bowna.nvili Iiuy It At XVebster's Store The Store where QuaIity cornes before the Price Young Me0n's Modela, waist line, eto, to olear $25,00 wES RS Wheve You Got Mont Value Fer Ycou' $ Our Mail Order Department at your sevioe. i&{wIs GThe iT/m;jl 'To- Select Your jurniture Fdor Chrtstmas We have been very busy this week unpacking case after case of new furniture of every variety for every roorn in the houise. Space will not permit itemizing the goods, so corne in our store, and look cPO45L ORPTABL ES We now have a large variety Tabl~es which will make excellent Pick one out while the selection is of srnall Parlor Christmas It complete, -- IcR ON BEDS Another shiprnent of Iron Beda with Brass Trirnmings has just arrived. Enjoy Mattress. a good night's sieep by having' a no-w We have them at $6,75 to $25.00. WILIMSa nCAh1V Furnéture, For Home and Office Pl."One 58 or 159 "Bowzmanville IaryE. Porter S5oes Give Shoes For Christmas ---What-gif-t--ca b- e -rnmore- practicabie than shoes ? We have a very complete range for ail ages. Pumps in lBlack, Grey or Patent for evening wear; suitable buckles attached to any pump. Spats in ail skades priced from $1.25 up. Purnps in patent leather; Boots in black, brown, or patent on ail the popular lasts and priced from $5 50 np. A complete range of rub- bers and overshoes on hand every one to be nuruber one qnality. Knox 'LS Shoe Store Phone ý120 - Bowmativille ITEACIIER-S' EXAM. IN 18741 Harry