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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1919, p. 5

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A]lreadly this season we have installed or have orders for McClary's Sun shine Furnaces There's a reason. Ask the man who lias one ýwhy lie prefets the "Sunshine" to any other make, of fuarnace. Let us give you >an estimate today for installing a i"Sunshine" in your home. Greenaway &Elliott ]Division Street, Opposite Goodyear Hotel Phone 18 day or niglit Bowmanville Don'tBthr About your Chiristmas cooking this year-let us dIo it. You'1l be sure to have lots of other things to do, so just rnarlo "cooking" of£ the lists and corne to Tod's store for the -1'eats.", Christmas Cake and Other Good ,Things Our Chiristmas cake, as usual, will be in great demand so get your order in early. Wlien you taste it rou'l say 'lit's as good as mother used to make.", There are lots of other good thiîngs to eat but just corne in the store and see tliem for yourself. T homas' Tod Baker and Confectioner Bowrnmanville * 1~ A Matter oý-f Sci*entifi*c Test 0f Sill Prizes Awarded:, $15.00 First Prize 10.00 Second Prîze 5.00 Third Prize $3.00 each to Ten Contestants besides above prizes What Does This Mean? Here is the idea in a nutshelIl: In our store is a sealed jar filled with beans. With every $1's Swortli of goods purcliased in any departrnent of our store the custorner will be eutitled to judge how many beans are in the jar. The first tliree customers guessing the correct number of beans in the jar will receive orders for goods to the value of $15, $10, and $5, respectfully. To the 10 cust- omers Judging the closest number of beans will each be given orders for. goods to the value of $3. Mr. J. B3. Martyn is the only person who knows the number of beans in the jar, Ask FPor A Coupon Wlien you mnake your purchases ask the clerk for a coupon. Remember! with every dollar y ou spend at Stickle's you are entitled to one coupon, Contest starts Nov, 27th and ends Dec. 31,19. Vote Early and Often A. W. Sike Sn (Successor to J. B. Martyn) Groceries, Meats and Hiardware Bowrnanville IBOWMANVILLE, DEC, 4, 1919 Local and Otherwise. Major R. J. GuI is visiting relatives in Brockville. Miss Hîlda Tabh is visiting fricnds lu Hamilton., Ruy Artsvl Rope silks at Dingmian & Edmondstone's. Miss Alma Stevens, Whitby, spent Sunday at homne. Miss Aunie Coulter, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Sec Senor Barcelona-Master of the trombone-Dec. 15 and 16, Mr. Gordon Bruce, Calgary, bas been visiting ai Mr. J. C. Elliott's. Senator Robert Bejth visit'ed Toronto relatives a feir days recently. Skates sbarpened ai Luke, Boys & Crydermau's Garage, Kiug-st. Mrs. Chas. Larke of Crîborne, is visit-, ing bier daugbter, Mrs, Geo. Hindi.' THE STATESMAN for 1920 makes a bigbly appreeiated Christmas present. Thank-Offening Day next Sunday ai Methodist Churcb. You are invitcd. Reserve Dec. 15 and 16 for Royal Minstrels. Full particulars next issue. Mrs. Garnet H. Duncan, Riehmond- Hill is visîing old friendsansd relatives bere. Rev. E. A. Tonkin is assistiug Rev. J. F Everson, Yarker, in special evangelîstie service$.-- -M-rs. James Lunney of tbe Goodyear Club, made a business visit to Toronto recerîtly. Mrs. F. D. Mackay, Toronto'. bas been visiting ber moîber, Mns. Thos. Shenin irbo is quite iii. Mn. Warren ,Dingman and Mrs. G. A. Edmondetone recently visited Mn Andreir Wrigbt, Seafonîb. 1Mn. Byron S. Vanstone, Toronto, speut tie -week-erîd-with bis brother,. Mn. F. C. Vanstone, "Cedar Ciiff'". Cold weather ih bere, tbe ice wil! soon be ready, get vour skates sharpened at Luke, Boys & Cryderman's. Mrs. R. Wendling Cooke and daugbten Catherne, Chicago, Ill., recently visîied ber moîber, Mrs. E. J. Carr. Misses Mac and Edna Bottreli and Messrs. Len and Norman Botineli, Ton- onto, vere borne over Sunday. Mcn's Broiherhood:enteniainmeni vas spccially reported by a member for The James Papers Sec report on page 2. Mn. L. W. Veale, representing, the Canada Carpet Company, Toronto, vas lu town last week and gave us a friendly eall. Now is the time 10 gei your skates sbanpened ai Luke, Boys & Crýderman's garage. Jusi irbat the ladies bave, becu looking for-siarnped gooda iu linen and crepe, big assonimei. Sec them ai DinRman & Edmoudstone's. MIs. Almansor Gamsby arnived here [Tuedday with the body of bier husband, irbo died iu Califcrnia on Nov 2o, The interment takes place iu Orono ccmetery ou Thursday. Mn. James Stanley is sclliug ail his farin stock on Tuesday Dec. 9. His coirs are ail bigb -grade Durhams and gond sellers. If Fou need oue attend the sale u.n above date, Methodisi young people promise a good programn nexi Wedncsday eveuing lu the form of a debate by four of the older members. Note change of evening.. At- tend sud cnjoy the arguments. Collection, The Womcu's Guild of St. John's lu the Parish House on Fiday, Dec, i2th rhene will be home-made candy and haking and five cent draws for the chil- dren. 48-3w Tbis viii interest the ladies: Dingman & Edmondstone bave just neceeved a large cossignmeuî of stamped goods lu linen ansd crepe, including day slips, centre pieces, searfi, cushion tops, toweis, ki- moudts, etc. Mns. J. H. Asbley, Oshava, announces the engagement of ber daughtcr, Bertha NMay, to Mn. C. H. B. Williams, Souris, Man., son of Mn. Chas, Williams, Bow- manvilie, the marriage to take place in Winnipeg, early lu December. Master Reid Pearu, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pearn, i. the happy possessor of a book of Poems sent bima by Dr. )ames L. Hughes of Toronto lunrecognition of the splendid manner in wbich he recited "Ben" ai the Publie Sebool concert, Dr. Hughes being the author of ibis poem. We direct attention to tbe neir an- nouncements of our merchants ibis veck. Great preparations bave been made to supply the hest for holiday nequiremenis and ire suggest thal our readens do their Christmas shopping eanly for besi choide. Read the advertisemeuts, then go to the shopping. Lieut. Frank Nonîbeoti irbo bas just returned from several vears overseas, visited bis aunt, Mr,,. W. E. Tîlley, Beech Ave,, on Friday previaus la leaviug for Neir York City to resume bis position with the J. W. Ellis Co., wholesale jeireliens. Four' generations of the Caldwel family were photognaphed Friday includ- ing Mn. James Caldwrell, King-t., his son, R. S. Caldirell, Wattou-s'., the latter's daugbter, Mrs. H. M. Foster, Bcwrnanville, sud ber daugbter, -Helen jean. So our good fiend, James Cald- irell is a great grandfathcr sud ire ail hope that he will be spared ta add. assother "Igreat" to bis title.-Port Hope Guide. Mf. 'R. H. Hamley is offering bis splendid farm of'I55 acres ai Port Boir- manville for sale. This is recognized as one of the besi farms in ibis district sud sa convenieut ta loin sud railway. Wben the Hydro Railway brancb from towu ta Lake Ontario is built Port Bowmanville mill become a favorite sommer resoni sure. Sec the.advt.in ibis paper. This farm sbould be.,snapped up venv quickly. Lait ireek' "Christian Guardian" con- tained a photo sud irrite-up of the in- augural. service of Rcv. Penny S. Dobson, M. A., a former Bowmanville boy, irho1 bas become the neir Principal of, AIma College, St. Thomas He vas formenly Principalof Stanstead Coilege, Quebec, sud also did considerable Y. M. C. A. work during the ir His mauy aId fniends lu Boirmanville wish 1dm the besi of suecess in bis neir position. Cali eanly ai Dingmnan & Edmondstone's and pick oui your stamped gooda- ironderful aissanmeni. T'he Churches Cburcb of Crisi-Rev. 0. A. Graham, pastor' Subjects-Sunday, Dec. 7: Il a. m.-God tesîing Abraham. 7 P. M- The bouse that the devii found, emptv. St. Paus's Cbiurch, Rev. D. W. Best, minister. ii a.m.-"The Coud of Wjt- nesses". 7 pm.-"fbe King'e Higbvay".' 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School sud Bible Classes. Wednesday, Dec. 10th., the Epvortb League of the MWethodist Cburch vili bave s speelal cvening whben a debate 'Resolved that the Influence of the Churcb for good i declining" will be given. The affirmative viii he taken by Mn. W, J. Morrison sud Mn. F. R- Foley sud the negative by Mn. H. L.Quinu sud Mn. F. A. Haddy. Good musical pro- gram. Meeting opens ai 8 p. m. Offer- ing lu aid of Soutb Oshawa Mission. League Cousecration service ai tbe Methodisi Cburcb Mouday eveuiug vas in charge of Miss Spargo, Finit Vice, Mn. J. J, Mason, Presîdent, couducting the openiug exercises. The tapie "«Tempta- thon" vas nicelv given in a paper by Miss Lois: I. Soueb sud. quotaîhous on the subjeet vere given by ten mnembens. Miss Allie L. Bragg sang a solo veny nicey sud Miss Rets R. Cale led the membes lu a suitable song. Roll Cail brougbt many respauses. Next veek the progrsm wmli be a debate. Corne, bear sud help. Two very caruest discourses vere delivered by Rev. S. C. Moore lu the Methodisi Cbunch on Go-to-Cburcb Sun- day. Tbe evening subjeet "A Missing Link lu Church Life" based pu the vordts "I bave no man, vhen the mater le troubled 2ta Put me ia tbte pool" vas s direct message ta everyone preseut ta sxpply the lhnk irberever sud vhenever oppontunity offencd. No anc vhîo ibten- cd could heip but be impressed viîh thein duty. Miss Jeunie Merehauit sang iveet- iy "Lord Makre Me Clean" in the morning sud a pliale choir of about forty voices led thesiuging lu tbe cveuing. A duet 0"Sirply Trusring't by -Mesrs. T. S, Hol- gaie sud W. B. Tapson iras very impres- sîveiy sung sud s solo "Is the Saviaur who loves you Youns"? by Mn. R. M. Mitchell vas verv bigbly sppreciated. Alil viii vecome tbe men's chair again; considering the severe veather congrega- lions vere large. SHAW9S- Shairs Sehoal Concert mIll be held on Friday evening Dec. 19 at 8 o'ciaek. Everybody come Silver collection. _________ 49-3. THANK-OFFERING SUNDAY. Thauk-offering services of Boirman- ville Methodist Cburcb viii be beid Sun- day nexI irben a former pastor, Rev. S. Sellery, M. A.. B. D., noir of Toronto, wiii preacb atIlîîa. .rn.sd 7 P. M. Prof. Laugher bas prepared a splendid program of mue. The Board is asking for a Thank-offening Of $1,500 10 be piaced on the collection plates. Publiecocrdially inviied to ail services. Came early. Ail seats free for theday. Retrig romr Grocery Businîessa. CARD 0F THANKS. Mr. Albert Gilders des;ires to thank bis many'friends arid'neighbors for the kind- ness and sympathy extended to him and bis daughter during the illness and death of bis wife. S. A. BAZA AR Salvation Army Home League will bold their bazaar on Thursday afternoon and evening, Dec. iith, Chiidren's wear, aprons, fancy work and homemade cook- ing will be fojr sale. In the evening, the Oshawa Songsters will put on a splendid program of vocal and instrumental music. Come and help a deserving cause. 49-2w. You may now buy Artsyl Rope silks and Dresden ribbons at Dingman & Ed-. mondstone's. Notices or Bivihe 50 cents; Marriagees go Whoufnetrai caris are V -Isted et tIZi off ice. insertion i ee. BIRTHS. CALvE.-In Bowmanville Hospital, Nov. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calver, a daughter. WILLIS -On NOV. I4th., at 52 Frizzell Ave., Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilis-a daughter-still born. (Beatrice Loreene.) MARRIAGES HoopER-MACPHADDEN-On Nov, 26th, at Central Presbyterian Church, Marion (Minnie), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. MacPhadden, Beaverton, and Mr. S. F. Hooper, Toronto. BUTSON-In Bowmanvilie, Nov. 28, Susanuah Webber, beloyed wife of Mr. Josiah tlutsou, aged 55 years. POLLRD-In liUrford, Nov. 25, Arthur Pol- lard, aged 74 years. Brother of Mrs A. P, Ditchburn, Bowmanville. LANDR-At Detroit, Nov. 24th, 'Wm. Lander, in bis 61st year. Interneent at Oshawa. -GAmsB-Y-At- Uplands5,- Cal., Nov. 20, Almansor Gamsby, aged 76 years. Form- erly of Orono. TALLING-At Fenella, Nov. 25th, Mrs. Ruth Talling, widow of the late Chare Talling, aged 77 years. SALISBURY-At Mitchell, December 2, Mary jane TjlIey, in bis 86th year. Father of Mrs. J. E. L. Cole, Hampton. RUSE-On Nov. 28, at 570 Spadina- ave., Toronto, Rosalie Sydney Ruse, be- loved wife of Cha rles Ruse and daughter of the late Rev. William .%cCullagh PG FO.R 14SALE -Soir sud 9 Yorksahire pi s, 6 veeks oid, wiii seli separately or the lot. Aippiy Norman S. B. James, Bowmanville. MEN WANTED-Good wages. Bowmanville Bridge. Applv-àt work, mHos. MANLET, & SoN. 45-tf, P TUS F0OR SALB-8yrunugpige, 6 weeks old. IPrie. reasonabie. Appfly Chas. P. Smith, rEnnisillen. Phone 2ll.r24. 49 1 FURýS FOR SALE-At about one-third regular price. one set of mnik fur& in perfect condi- Ftien. ApplV STÂTESMÂN Office, 492t BUFFALO ROBE LOST-iietweeu Pont Office and Meepital on Nov. 26. Reward for return to Fred T. itobbs, Boirmanville. 49 if S TOVES FOR SALE-i Parlor Cýook andi i Hoater "-Standard Oak". APPly to SILÂS FOSTER, Scugog-St., Boirmanvilie. 48-tf. 1OUSE PARLOR MAILS WANTED-At once. fl 20 per mouth. Applyinumorulugs. Mss. J. W. ALEXANDER, Centi e St, Bowmanville.47-t POULTRYA. cash price Owing Ïo ili bealth 1 have decided to Street. seii my entine stock of grocenies and offen f same ai prices greatiy beloir present day I lILOST- I j bsst rayE prices in order to dlean the stock quickly. P for returu qjuickly sud you'll not be disappoinîed. Thèse Prices WIII Gréatly Re- dùce' The Cost of Living Bulk Teas, reg. 75c lb ............ ...6oc Bulit Teas, reg. 6oc lb ..... ý......... 50e Pure Gold Jelles, reg. 15c...2 for 25C Jamns, reg. 40Ce.................. ... 30C Mixed Pickles, reg, 40C.e............ 20c Mixed Pickles, reg. 25c ... ........ ..I5c Tomatoes, reg. 2c................ 18c In case lots ................. ... i5c Large Lamps, complete............ 5oc Crown Syrup, reg 65ec.............. 55c t.rowu Syrup, reg. 30e............... 22C Pure Gold Baking Powder reg. 40 .... 35C Pure Gold Baking Powder reg, 25C .. . .20C Matches, reg. 15c .............. 2 for 25c Oxo Cubes, reg. 25c ................ 20e Oxo Cubes, reg 10e ...........9 Lamp Glaises, reg. i5c .... ......... i0e Dustbane, reg. 35e .......... a........ 30C Cow Brand Bakiug Soda, reg. 8C.,e.. 5c Cod Fish, 20e pkg.................. 5c Non-Sueb Stove Polish, reg. 20C ... 121/2 C Black Cat Polisb 20ce........... .... 15C Dayton Seaies and Meat Cuiter in good condition, ai a bargain. Horse, delivery wagon, slcighs and barisess must be sold. William '3)cott Groeer Phone 44 Boirmanville Notice to Creditors AND LIEN JIOLDERS, PIRSU47NT to s judgmeut of the Supreme, court of Ontario iu an action, wbereiu william crydersman sud Mary Cryderman were Pltintiffe aud Arthur Crydeliman sud Clark WiIbor Cryder- mnu ere Det0ndauts, ail creditors ot Wilfiism Crydermanl late cif the Township of Darlinuton lu ti0c ounE! utDuih vin. Farmer, wbo diefi ou or about the Eigltls day of December 1893, are on or bef,,,e the ightssntb day ot December 1919 to send by post prcpssd tu D. Bl. Simpson, Es- quireK'. C., Bovmsanville, Solicitor for the MlaintIfs, their Christian and smamss, address- es sud descriptions. the fult particulars ut thoir dlaims, a statemeut ut their sectiritiessaud the nature tof the securitise (if any) heid by thein; cr in defanit thereof tbey will be iseremptorily excluded f rom thbu beet t fbth saifi judgmenut. Each creditor holding auy security se to pe-iduce the mamie before me at my Chambers lu Victoria Hal lu the Town of Cobourg en tue Tweutieth day of December 1919 at eleveu o'clock lu the toreuoou. beiug the time appointed for adjudica.i tion ou their dlaims. AND every creditor who bas auny specific or generai lieu or encumbrance eitber on the reaJ estate ieft by the said William Cryderman at the t:iniýofut is deatb, or ou aýny un(ui&dd estate or in tereet therein of any uftlthe acve mention cd parties, orutf any other party ent1itiefi there- tu, je to produce before me on or betore th e said Twentieth day ut December ànext funil par- tîculars of every sncb lieu sud encumbrauce together with sstisfactory evidence ot the amount due thereon, or lu detauit thereof he, she or tbey wiii, receive nu benefit f rom the pro- ceede of auy sale or sales of the saifi real estate or auy part thereot, sud 'tie proceedings lu thie action mil ho carried 'ou V ithout furtber regard1 to the oexistence out sny sncb lieu or encumbrance aud itotf nrtber notice tu the holder thereot. Dated Ibis First day utofDecemlber 1919. G. M. fRUR. Locazl bMater at coboarg. AND JUNR-A. Dillicir pays higbest for al i m ofu Poultry aud Junk. or cail at his reeldence 77 Ontario 19-tf -Yo rkshire pi g veigbiug about 40 ed âway Saturday Nov. 29,.iteward to Ernest Freeman, Westmount, Pold, some youug cattie. 2 milch cows to re> new iu March. APPly Sulas PoserMann'$ Point, Bovinanville. 49 i* R ESIDENCEeFOR SALE-- Newr two-storeY bric-k resîdence containiug 7 roome. pantry and closets. Good garden sud garage. Ap- ply Jos. Pattinson, Bowmanviile. 49t HEATER FOR SALE-Crown Brilliant Parlor Cook Stove in good condition. Must sell at once as have furnace sud ueed rons Bar- gain for quick sale. Apply at STÂTESMAN Office. HOUND ESTRAY-Pup about 6 month' coid, coior mostly black, grey aud tan Reward for information leading to his recovery. RUSSELL L. WORDEN, hox 54, Bovinanville. 48-2wt PROPERTY FOR SALE-2-storey brick bouse, 6 roome. batbrooma and 2 kitchens. combin- ation furuace, ý acre land. Apply to MRs. A. A. SUTTON, Liberty-st., North, Bowmanville. 43-tf.1 -,EACHER WANTED-For S. S. 4, Darling, on iSalary $700. State experience sud qualifics- tions. fluties to commence Jan, 8. Appit to H-. F. Othborne. Se'y-Iruas. RUt 2, iiowni il- ville. Phone 176-12. 49 2f OUSE FOR SALE-F rame bouse otiin il 6roosue, also voodehefi. 1 acre land su wblru- are fruit trees, and cssu lfruits. Foit Irl- appiyon the premises to Mas. 'Ti1Ss. Nsi Anu etBowrnanyille.4-f TIRE LOST-Frosn car standing near foundry during church service Suuday uight last. A TDominion "~Nbby Treafi" spare tire with rîm. Lberal reward for returu to Lloyd Suow- den, Rit S. Boimauville. 49 if flOUSE FOR SALE-9.roomed trame bouse. waterworks , electric lights, lu good repair, hi arn sud driving shed, fruit trees on 3-4 acre lot. A pplv J. T MolioD. Tailor, opposite Good- year Motel, Bom manville.49 4f FURNITURE BOUGIIT-I am preparesi 10 boy Fail kbio.de ot- used turniture for which I psy hhetprices. Notify nie before disposiug ot your old furuiture. Write or phone 271, B. VI ÂiNER, -4.1 Ring st West, Oshawa. 44-tf T ACHERS WANTED-Two teachers wanted Tfor Bowsnanille Publicefichools for year be- ginuing Jauuarv ItS, 1920. Apply. givirg experieuce. qualifications sud testimonials. per- sonaily or by letter, to Principal R. D. Davidson on or before Saturday, Dec. th. 491i WN Â1SED-A reliable man witb some business experieuce among farmers to reprefieut us Win Du rhami county. A splendid chance for the rigbt mn to maire big sales., witb the de. maud there nov is lor fruit stocks sud the re. uewing ut old orchards. Stoue &i Welliugton, ThJIe ulf Reliable Fouthill Nurseries," Toronto. 49 4 I-ARM FOR SALE '131 acres, lot 9, con 4, su 4township of Clarke. Good dlay oain suitabke Ffor misxed farmiik. C.N.R. station ou farm. Church sud secool within haîf a mile. Two bauk barns, bauk stable aud coinfortabie bouse. Gond orcharfijust startiug to bear. Good ruade arund tarta. For further particulars applyto F. J.' Mitchell,,Royal Bank, Bowminuville, or to W. Ml. Giddy, Port Hope, or to T. J. Ballagh, StarkVile Trustees382 DESQiRABLE FARM FOR SALE~ 156 acres, one ot the bestinsuDurbain County- every acre workable land, lot Il. B,,F.. at Port' Bovinanville, first-class soul, not a stumrp or stone on place. ever.ruuning creek,, barn 90.45, wlth stone sud brick stables uudernestb. driving sbed, implement shefi. ail in gcLod repair: another barnU oxlO. Fine 12 roomefi modemn brickresi. dencýe with siate rouf iiigoofi repair, frae bath roomi. Grand 'Truir statiosi j moileo inl resîdenze. Act qikyi o atthis-flarin.' AVppiytoR.H. l'amiley, Oveer, Box 83, Bow. [nglvll)Es4Phione 2k. j- The Shop That Lead s.i DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOUR MONEY BUYS MORE HIERE -DEPIENDABLE MERCHANDISEÀ- Prompt -Courteous - Service Why Not Prices ranging frorn $9.00 to $1j 80.00 - Men's Wear Special-Amlerican Velour Hats Black, Brown,Green Do Your Christmas Shopping Early G. N. THURSTONU Bowrnanville's Up-to-date llaberdashery and Fur Sliop. - -- Shop Ea.rly M Î The.Time lMas Corne To Talk About Christrnas (iifts - -Th evening rest 1 ldoubly sweet WîVh --oinfy-Rlippers Foi the feet. Slippers!1 Slippers!1 More Slippers!1 'Ilhey are very useful and always appnecîated by every member of the family, even the littie tots. Wha t Shall I Get For?? Get it ati the Shoe Store aud it vwill be doubly appneciated, for the pleasure it brings and the usefulness as veil. Step in and see. Beautiful Boots, Evening Pumps, Overshoes, Fur Trimmed Juliets, ColoredÇomf ys, and Colored Spats Shoe Trees, Slipper Soles, Shoe Ornaments, Polish Outfits, Suit ,,< N Cases, Club Bags, Trunks and Moccasins. flakinga of " w Sksti sports. The young folks wili appre- Sciate hockeys. Fred. R. Foley Footfitter Bowmanvilie THE LADIES'STORE Specýials This Week! Ladiîes' Voile Waists Assorted sizes and qualities, sizes 32 to 44, your clioice, 25 per cent Af regular price. jiadiîes' Silk PQplin Skirts Ail the desirable colorsand latest styles. Regular $6.75 for $5.07 Regular $8.25 for $6.19 Regular $7.50 for $5 63 Regular $9 00 for $6.'75 Regular $12.,75 for $9.57 20 Ladies' Coats We have placed on sale this week,20 only Ladies' 1918 Coats at a reduction of' off regular price for quick clearance. These are wonderful' value at the prices offerped New Christmas Goods New goods for Christmas presents are arriving and are on sale. ~2~i Seour iNew Winter Coats-unsurpassed trade for Style, Quality and Yalu&e. ;n pthe S.~~ W0Msn o Across f rom Standard Banik Telephone 106 tiowmanville, --- -------- ==2;2rý - 1 - dU - Im r CI See Our Furs?

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