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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1919, p. 6

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Muni*cipality of Township of Darlingtor By- Law NO. 780 A By-iaw ta autisorize a certain agrea- 'thereta. meut matie batween lise Hvdro-Electric z. Onlydm1>' qualifiati properl>' ewn- Power Commission oit Outario sud tise ers in te Townshsip ait Darlingion shahl Municipal Corporation oithtie Township ise autitiati ta voie an tise By-law, sud of Darlington, anti otiser Municipal Cor- an>' rate raquiredtiat be leviati for psy-. porations, for tise construction, aquipment meut oit tebentures an interesi thereosi anti oparatian ait an Eheclnic Raiîway shah hae raiseti, levieti anti colaecieti frein utier "Tise HydroelEictric Railwy'Act, lhe rateable propeni>' in saisi Township. 1914, _"anti ameutiments thereto: Matie, passati anti enteredti is Whereas it is expedieut -tisa tithe Cor- day oit , îq. 1 poration aithtie Township oit Darlinglon ... ý.......Ree anti otiser Municipal Corporations sisoultiRee enter ie oau Agreement untier "Tise _ .........Clark Hytiro-Electric Raiiway Act, IQI4," sud (el amandinants tisereto, with Hvdro-Eleclric ___ Power Commission ait Ontario, haremn- aiter caliedth ie Commsssion, fortise, NOTICE construction, equipmnt sud aperalion oit Takre atsce tisaitishe foregeing is a truc an Eiectric Raiiway in andt lrougi tise copy oit a proposati By-haw cfithtis Cor- Mnnicipality oithtis Township ait Darling- poration ait tisa Townshsip et Daringion ton, anti certain otiser Muncipahitias, te ha suismitteti ta tise votaeofthtie electors upon tisa terms anti conditions anti suijech on tise I3thi day oit Decernier, A. D, 9, te tise provisions set forth anti coutainati betweentiheuirs ci nine o'clock lutise, in tise Agreement sel oui in this By-haw, foranoon sud fiee 'ciock in tise aiterneen anti according 1tatise routes set forth n aitisae folhewing poling places andtih>'le Scisedule "A" te tise saisi Agreement folhowing Deput>' Returiî g Offices-s anti Anti wier eas tise estmmatati cost oithtie Poling Cierks, namehy., waork untiar tise saiti Agreement is Ne. j poiing sub-diviicon attise Scisool $8,360,794.0o; antiwisareas the portion aof House, in Scisool Section No_. -5, Ga.o. tisa cost of tise construction anti equip- Wîgist, jr., te ha returning officer; Artisuýr ment aithtie line a tbie borne by the' Bragg, Poil Clark, Corporation, oithtis Municipahit>' af the No. 2 poling sis. divisioýn attiseSoai Townuship oit Darliingion is estimefeti ai Tamperanca alin lthe Village oit $429,68tno0. se set 0outin Schedll B"" ta T,,....-. 5JJ,,, n es t, 5,,P Di,-,,, tisa said Agreement, subjecite adjusi- ments a nd appertieninent beiweeu tisa Corporations byth Comsinfm lime te time, as provideti b>'tise saiti Agreement; And wisreas tisa total amounn estiru- atedt t be requireti for thea maintenance of tise railway, spart frons apersiing ex- penses, is $i86,588oc (tisa apeasing revenue being astimated ai $î,îî5,oo3.oo, andi opeanion sud maintenance ai $658,135-00 ) And wheraas tise total annual amount astimatad ta be required. for tise period of tan yaars immediately foilowing tise date of tisa'issue of tise Bonds tfoisa issuad- undar thse saiti Agreement, for in- terast on thse saiti Bonds is $418,040-00 and thereafier,- for the next ensuing fort>' years, tise snnai amaunt estimatad ta be requireti fer sinking fund charges for the retirernent ofthtis said bonds is 583,6o8o sud for iuterest on tise said bonds $418,040-00. And whereas tisa portion ta be borne b> tise Municipalit>' of tihe Townsisip cf Damisngton ofithtiesaid -annuai mauts estimated ta b. requireti for.maintenance, sinking funti charges aud interesi is asti- niate t ai 31 ,073. 00 for tise irst tan years, as aforessiti, sudËtisereaftar ai $35,370.00 on- tise sama issus as tise portion of the1 cosi cf construiction sud aquipinent, as1 aforesaid, subject ta adjnstmenis aud sp-1 parî ienment betwiean tise Corporations isy1 tise Commission from lime te lime as provitied by tise saiti Agreement;1 And wisereas tise amount of tise wisale rateable property ofithtie Corporation ac- cording ta tise ast Revised Assessment Roll is $2,393987.23 sud tise amount of tise debenture debi oit the Corporation is 5NiU; Tiseretore, the Municipal Council of1 lise Corporation of tise Townsisip oit Darlingion enacts as follows:- 1. Il shall be iawf ni for tise Corpora- tien cf tise Townshsip of Darlington, andi tise saiti Corporation is hareby autisorïzed ta enter inta tise ioiowing Agreement wiitiste Hydro-Elecîrie Power Com- mission oit Ontario and otiser Corpora- tions, tise said Agr-amant bing isereis>t încorporatad loto sud forming a pari of i his By-law, sud tise Reave and Clerk of tise Corporation are hereis> autisonized anti directad ta axecute tise said Agree- ment upon beasatoit this Corporation sud 10 attacistisa Seal oithtie Corporation ofilcer; Lecslie Tisompson, Polil Clark. --No. 3 polling ;,ib«divisînri-at the -Sens of emperance Hall, Maple Grave, Mark Munday, jr., te be Returning offices: Leslie Snowden, Polil Clerk. No. 4 poiing sub-division aItihe Town Hall in the Village of Hampton, J. L. Johnus ta be Raiurning afficer; Theodore Salier, Poil Clerk. No. 5 polling sui-division at Orange Hall in the Village oft Enniskillen, jas. A. Werry ta he Returning officer; Albert Oke, Poil erk. SNo. 6 polling sub-division aithtie Scisool Hanse, S S No 8, i(Coutice) Ivan Law - ta -be- Returning -vfficer Clarence -Peu- found, Poli Clark. No. 7 polling sus- division at the Scisool House in S. S. No. t4,(Bradlay's) Leslie C. Pascoeý to ise Reiurnjng ofi7icer; George Gilbert, Poil Clark. And thiat tise îotis day of December, 1919, ai the hour of elaven 'clock in tise farenoon at the Clerk's office, in tise Village ef Hamspton, isas beau iixed for tisa appointment of persans to attend ai the aforesaid palling places, and ai the final summing Up of tise votes b>' the Clark. Andthtia if thse assent afit he electors is obtainati to tise said proposeti by-law it will be taken mbt considera- tien hy the Municipal Coucil of tise said Corporation ai s meeting ihereof ta be held afier tise expiration of one mentis frein the date of tise firsi publication of thiý notice, and tisai sucis irsi publication was made on tise 2eth day of Novemiser, 1q99 TAKE NOTICE FURTHER tisai a tenant who desires te voie upon tise saiti proposed by-law must deliver te tisa Clark, net latar ihan the tenth day before the day appointeti for taking tise votes, a declaration undar THE CANADA Evi- DENCE ACT,, tisat hae is a tenant Whiose lease extends~ for the lime for wiich tisa deisi or liaiility is ta hae creatati, or in whicis tisa moea'ta ba raised by tise pro- posed by-law is payable, or for at leasi twenîy-one easrs, andti iat hae has by the lease, covanantadti t paye ail municipal taxas in respect of the praperty aof which leis tenant otisar than fer local improve- ment ratas. W. R. ALLIN, Clark of the Municipality cf the Township of Darlington. AGREEMENT HEREINBEFORE REFERRED'Th-. MhI41ndenture mm.tise.Q............."Y e............. he y, r vrLerd.amuetbousand aMe bwn4red and................. POWERl ooMflTMsOeî 0F ON'rAPxO(beraîn- YC clledthe'Cýommission") ef the Firsi Part, and THE MUNDbEPAL CORPORAÂTIONS 0F TURE TO>WNSHW O F YORIC, TH~E TOWNSHtEP 0F SCALRBORO, THE TOWNSIP-0F PICRERINO, THE n'WNsSH1? OF WRITBY, THE TOWNSHIIP OF' EAST WI=IBY, TE OWNSIMP 0F DARbING'rON, THE TOWN 0F, WHTBY, TE TOWN OF OSHAWA, THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVLLLEjýýI AND TE CTY OFTORONTO (hereinatter called the "Corporationsý") ofituhe Second Part: Wiiereas pursuant te tue Hydro-Eiectric Railway Act, 1914, sud amendinenis tisereto the Commission was retquested te enqumre into, examine, investmgate sud report upon the. cosit onstruction and operatien of an electrie rallway or railways to b. constructed thmrugh certain districts lu which tise corpo»rations are situnted, together witu tise probable revenue tisai wouid resuit from tue operatiu of sucis raflwys,'or rAIlways; And wiserens tue Commission has furnisiied tisecorporations wltii sucis a report showlng (G) lie total estimaied cosi, operatiug revenue aid expenses of ttie rail- wa>' or-ralilways, sud (2) tisa proportion oft he capital cost te o be brne,-b>' éh of- the corporations as set forth iu scisedula "B" atttached herate; And wiserens ou receîpt of- the. sadd report tisýe corporations requested tise Com- mission te coostruct, equip and operate a syýstamn of eiactric railwa's <iserainaitter called tise railway) over the routes laid dow-n in scisedule "A"' attacised herato, upois tise tarins sud conditions and in thse manner haremn set forth; And ,lwieraas tise Commission heas agreed witi tise corporations on bahaif of tise corporations te construci, equip sud oparate the raiiwýay upon the teris and, con- ditionis and in thse manner iserein set fortis; but upon the express conditions tisat theý Commaission shall rot in an>' ta>' ha hable b>' reasen ef an>' errer or omission in an>' astimiates, plans or specificathons for an>' financial or etiar oliigation or ioss, whatsoevar hy virtue of tlsms agreement or arisisg eut efthtie performance ef itise taris tisereof: And wisereas tise elactors oft ncisofethtis corporations hava assentedl te hyiaws autisenizi'sg tisa corporations te enter into this agreement wltis the Commission fai tie construction, equimient and operation of tisa raiiwa>' as laid down in tise said chedules, subjact te the following tarins and conditions;-é And wisereas the corporation have aach issued debentuires for tise amounts ses ortis ln scisedula 11"' sttchad iserato, and have depositad tise saifi dehentures vtiseisaCommission; Now, theretore, this indenture wltuasseth:- 1. Iu consijderatIon cf 'eh(,,rmia and efthtie agreements of ais corporations erarin contanued, sud subjet ot th ie provisions ef the said Actiaeid ameudments ,ereto, tise Commission agreas with the corporations raspectival>:-_ (a) Te censtruci, equip sud jperatetise reilway tisrougis'thaedsticsnsiwiici ha l corporations are situnte on bahaîf oethtie corporations; (b) To construct aud operate the rail-ia>' ovar the routes laid dewn in -celýduia "A"; (c) Te issue bonds, as provided in paragrapisilofit tiss agreemaut, te covar -the cost of construcig and aquipping tise raîlway; o(d) Te turnisis as far as possible flrst-class mnodem nand standard aquipinent ýor se o therailway, te ýoperate tisis equbpinnt se as te gîve tise hast service and accommodatien poýssi'ble, havîng regard te tise district servad, tisa type of con- struction sud equipinent adopted and ahi ethar equitahie conditions, and te exorcise i due chili and d1iligenice se as te secure tisa mosi affective operation sud service of, the railway -ýConsistant witis good management; (e) To regulate sud flistise fares sud ratesof toll te ho collectafi b>'tise rail- 'va>'fer ail classes ei service;0 (f) .,Te utilize tise routes and property ofthtie railway fer ail purposas frein wiicis if ls possible te cubtain a profit; <g) To combine tise prop--rt>' and w-ks of -the raiiwa>'-and the power lno of tise Commission wisere, sucis combinatiou is feasibie and mn>' prove econonsicai te houtiste railway sud tue users ofthle power Uaes; (hs) Te permit sud obtain intercisange of trai h with otiser railwa>'s wherever passible and, peallttahl.e; 1(1) 'Te supply electrical power or energyforoperation of tise raii-way at ratas consistent with tiiose ciiarged to municipal corporatioffl; '(j) Te apuporti*n ansuail>' tue capital mests sud operating expensos cf aIl w\orkrs, apparatus and plant used b>'tise rahlway in common with tise Comnisslan's transmission liras, lu a fair manner, isaving regard te the service furnishad b>'tise expeuditure under consideration; (k) Te app>' tise revenue derivad train operation of tise.raiiway sud an>' ethar revenue derived frein the undlertaking to the paginant oit eperaing expeusas (includ- ing electricsi power), tise ceai cf administration, sud aunuai charges for Intereal and sinking -fund on tise moea>'Iuvested. sud sncb other deductions as are haremn provlded for; (1) To set "side tro-n any revenue tuereafter remaiuing an annuai sum for tise renewsi of an>' works belenging lu whole or in part to tise undartakîug; (ným) To pa>' over annual>' le tise corporations, If deemned advisahla b>' tue Comn- mission ip tise ntarasts ofthei undentaking, an>' surplus that ina>' remain after provldiug for t'he items sihove mentioned. Tise division ef sucis surplus hetween fie corporations te hae fixeS h>' the Commission on an aquitable hasts, isaving regard lu tue case oft enciscorporation tetise capital invastad, the service rendered, th'e comparative henefits derived, anS all otiser lika conditiens. (n) Te take active steps for the purpose oft constructing, equîpping and operat- ing tise rîilwa> at tis e aniest possible datea atr the execution oft tiis agreement b>' tue corporations sud the deposit ofthtie dehantures as calied for undar clause 2 (b) hereof sud ta commence operatIon oft aci section as soon as possiealatar its compietion; (o) Te niake sucis extensions te tue rsmilwa>' described in scisadule "A"' as me>' appear advantageeus sud profitable frein tîme te tune. Provided aiwa's that as part etfsu>'Itneofoi railwey te he cansiructed and operatei b>' tue Commission tise Commission msy purcisase, lase or ebtamn running rigisîs over an>' steam. railway, ellectnicai raikwa>' or streai raiiway or au>' part tisereof. &, Iu cousideration 0f tue preusisas anSoi t ha agreements herein set forts, escof the Corporations fer liseif. sud net oue for tise etier, agreas with thse Commission:-1a 4 (a) Tc bear Its share of tue -cosi oft enstructing, equipping, oparating, main- tainlng, repsirIng, reuewing sud insuriug tise ralwn> anS lis propert>' and works as establlised b>' the Commiissiou, subject te adjusirnenis and apportieument batwaen L tise corporatý,ns b>'tise Commission frein ttme te turne; (b) To issue debentures ter the amunta set ûteu't u sebelueW matoebg tu flft>' years frein the date of issue theroof, and beantag tutereltet a a rate of ne" Ions tissu per eoutum per anuni, payable yeanly, at tise Bank etMt T s'et, Outarl. Sucis Seben-'l tures sha.ll t. depslbel with tise Coimlteu prav1oust.e ba e fthb.bonde mentlona.eboe, unan a>' b. held or dis.i ofrnbasd et tlIme r'lt e Cà ommits- iou, au prevlded fSr lu dmiD -,î e in.., ti ge.,kanuats et -snqb reLQ2 otdiscount or preminolui ou en mzh ternais u d ttimhastisha uOsi~lu Ibm sle dis- cretiom shp-11 eeinu te b. ln the5 t--torea «f the Trelbaz, thepeeeis 4e Èmesisdêee- tures belug usedl soilly for tihe purposes besulu oecislaei. he ameuInt et debentures e ees eermatlou nId orispesei et from i Ure tt tse hah b s ick proportion as me>' b. aixel b>ty teéCeinni«Luste etthýe totwA aenaI etwbaire duo regard belng givon te thi.e i.pla!l nv.slted, tise sesvloe m«w1e& 4ý à ennzaw*v revenue dr~eaa il ehSo'eutilee5 (c) To mnake no agreement or arrangement wits, sud te grant ne bonus, ltcemse or' etiier inducoent, te an>' dises railway -or transportation cosupan>' wiiisoub the written consent of the Commission; (d) To keep, observe sud Peuform bise covenauts, 'previses anS conditions *et fortis ln t Ibisagreemsent luteudod te ho kepi and observaS sud pertormedb>' tise conîseralos. and te exeent, sucis turtiier er ouiser documneansd te Pas, suc b>'- law au mu>'6b. recquestedb>' the Cominssion for lise purpoeoof tuhi>' effectuating tise object and tuteut'oet bie agreemeant; (e) Te ful-ntsi a fre, sjgist et way for the, ralway and for tise power lires ef the Comsu siaon ovor an>' properi>' et tise orporatiosis upon being se raquestad b>' clus 2(bît d o - itdehentures hehd b'c tha iCosmmssion tas scnt'for an>' sucidofiit. n>' arrenre b>',an>' orporation i sall bEair interesi aitishe lýegal rate. 5SouSa>corporation- fail to parfornyn>'ai te oaiîgatiens oth ie Comra- mis!sion under tliis agreemnent, tishCmisinay n> u diio alafi ter remiedies and wiou ntice, disconItinuat1ise ser-vicýe of the railway te suLh corpor-ati>on lun defauhi until the saiS obligation lias beeün fulf.lleS, sud ne sucis dIsontLunauco oit service slsalh rahlieve tue corporation lu Sefaul i tra tie pr!thsao e Sb.cvez- antga. previaos anSJconditions; harem containad. 4. In case the Commission shall at any Urne or trnes -De preventeci troin oper- atng the railway or an>' part thereof by strike, lockout, rict, fire, invasion, ex- plse.act of God, or the. King's enenieâ, or an>' other ca-use reasonaibly heyend lts control, thon the Commission &hallfnot b. hounid to operete the. rsâlway or such Part tiiereof during such time; but the corporations shall net b. reli.ved frem any llialâty or payment under this agreement, and as zoon ai thie cause of auch in- terruption ha removed the Comission shall, without amy delay, continue full ope,.- ation of the raUlway, and each of the corporations shallt>, prompt and d4llgent ln dolng everything ln its power to remove and overcome any such cause or causes of interruption. 7. It shah hae lawfui for. and thie corporations heret»' aut.rls the Commission te unit. the business of the rallway witii that of any other railway sysl;em operatec in whoie or in part by the Commission, and to exchange equipment Mid operators from one system to the other, proper provision being made se that each systei shall pay lits proportionate share of the, cost of an»' .quipmn>t used in comnion. 8. If at any time any other municipal corporation applies te the 'Commission for an extension of tihe railway intc Its, mnnicipality the. Commission' shahl notify the applicant and the. corporations, in writinig, of a time and place te hear ail repre- sentations that may he made, as te the teris and conditions relating te such pro- posed extension. If, an the recommendetion of the Commission, such extension shall ho authorizod, without discrimnination In laver cf the. applicant, as te the cost lncurred or te be incurred for or b>' reas9on of s.ny suds extension, the. Commission me>' extend the raliway upon such ternis and eonditions as may appear equitahie tb the Commission. No such application for an extension of thti rallway Int an>' municipalit>' the coriporation ef which is rot a party te this agreement shahl be granted If it is est!- mated b> the Commission tSait the cost ot service of thte rallway to the corporations parties hareto will be thereby increased or the reývenue and accommodation ho In- jurieusly affected witheut the wrltten coneent t oftlib majority of thse cor1porations- parties hereto. 9. The consent of an>' corporation reQuired under- ths agreement shall mean thse consent ot the counicil of sucii corporations, sucii consent being in the, form of a muinicipal by-iay dul>' passed hy the council of the. corporation. 10. The Commission shahl, at least annually, adJust and apportion betwaen the corporations the. coat oft construction, equipment, operation, interest, slniking fund. and aise the cost of renewinig the proparty of the railway. 11. Every' rallway an(! ail the wonks, propearty and affects iieid and used in con- rection therewith, oonstructa, acquirad, operated and maintained b>' the Commis- sion under thîs agreement and thea said Act sisali ha vested in the Commission on L2ehalf of thse corporations; but tisa Commission shall ha entttled te a lien upon tise samie for ail moea> expendad b> tisa Commission undar this agreenment and rot repaid. 12. Bach of thse corporations covenants and agrees wlth Vii. other: (a) To carry ouitishe agreements and provisions haremn containad: (b) To co-operate by ail means in its power at ail times with the Commission to croante the most favorable conditions fer the carrying eut of the objects of tise agreement and oft the said Act, and te increasa tisa revenue of tisa railway and en- sure its success. 13. In tise event of an>' diffarencaý between thea corporations thea Commission ma>', upon application, fix a timo and place ta hear ail representstions tisat mnay ha made b>' the parties, and the Commission shah aàdjust such dffarances, and such adjustments shah hae final. The Comnmission shah bhave ail tise powers that me>' ha conferred upon a commissioer apypointad under the. Act rlaspecting Enquirias Concerning Public Matters. 14. This agreemenit shahl continue and extend for a _period _oftif ty yearq irosu theýi date hereof and at the expiration thareof ha subject te renewai, with ie con- sent et tiste corporations from time to tîma for tika periocis 0f fif t>' yars, 11ubject te adjustmant and re-apportionment as haremn provided for the purposes Jf this agreement as thougis the termis hereof had rot axpired. At tisa expiration Èf this agreement the. Commission shahl detarmine and adjust tise rights of the corpo; tions, hiaving regard te the amounts paid or assumad hy thain respeotival> undý r tise tarmns of tuis agreemenst, and such ýother considarations as mn>' appear equitLhie to tise Commission and are approvad hy thse Lieutenant-Governor in Council. 15. It is understoo-d and agread thnt thse rates imposed for the share of the cost te be borne by tisose muniicipalities llsted In scisadule "C" attacised liareto, shall ho imposed upon tisa rateahie propertyý set forth rasp)ectivel>' in the said scsedule. 16. This agreement shs.ll mot cor,ý ne e effeet tinti it ha, been sanctiioned hy the, Lleutenant-Governor ln (Counil.% Inwtneas whereof thé,e Comissioýn and thse Corporations bav'e respetivply- afxed tiseir corporate smais and the hands of theïr preper efficers. SCHEDULE "A ROUTTES: Tornto PlkerngSection, Cammencing at the. proposed terminai in tise Olty of Toronto, tise line extends over the property of the. Toronto Harbour Commission, thence nortiseni>'to thse C.N.R'., therce easterly to a point near wisere the. C.N.R. crosses St. Clair Avene, tisence extending easterhy in a generai direction parallel to tise G.T.R. crossing Kingston Rond at a point near where tise latter la intereected hy tint railway. tisence ensterly roughly parallahlng thseilngston Road, te Pickering. Pickering- Bowmanvilie Section: The lins follows the. ight of way of thse present Toronto Eastern Raitway through Concession Il. of the Townsbtpst cdFIPckeing, Wiiuthy and Wblhy PMost, passing tisrough the. Towns of WhMItby and Oshawa, thence throtigi Concession Il. ,of tisa Townshipof Darllngton, te Bowmanvmel. SCHKEOILE ",B Total amounit cf de- bontures, to h. hq- Wameof Mnicvqd orpratta.sued is>'respective Neme~f uniipa Copoe±tomunleipaîlties fer depasit wlti tise Commrission under Townsip ofYerkClause 2 (b). Towshi ofYor ....................... ......,......381,587 Townsip oft Scarborougis............... ....... .............. 892,686 Township of Pickering............... , .......... ..... ....... 482,M5 Township oft Whlthy ..................... .......... ..... 280,304 Townsip of East Whithy ............................ ...... 2",943 Township of Dariington ...............,.............429,680 Town oft Wiithy ............................................ 77,95 Town of Oshsawa ......................... .................. 771,894 Town oft Bowmanvllle........................ ................ 216,030 City of Toronto......................... .................. 4,328,666 Total amount cf bonds te b. Lsued. m.tntd ta u ffatt 3..$8360,794 OM ~SCHEDLPLE l," Naeiof Municipal Corloration. DIstricts, rateable prepeni>' oftwh @hahl hear rate leyled against the. Corporation. Township of Darlington. Souvnir astIron J This Souvenir Range is a new and plain patter, pleasing ho the eye, and easy to keep clean. Gives the same satis- faction as Souvenir ranges have always clone, only a new design. Everij range carrnes our guar- antee Io be a perfect baker. Glass oven door enables tise user ho see the baking in operation. ThEermometer re., fiable and tells th-e oven -heat at al l imas. full width of, war-ming close. Nos. 8.20 or 9-20-18' x 18 oven.as illustrated, $ 74.00 Without warmning closet, $55.00 Nos. 9-22-the samne Range but with 20" x 20W oveni, $79.00. W"ithout warming cIo8et, $60.00. SOLD BY RIC E &COU BowmnvileOnt. Titre is a "Sue d-delr in your town,- if Yom cannotloctehim Write us for Jus noms.e THE HMLO STOVE & HEATER CO., Lm,'mited SuýÂce.,îosto 'SVETYrlE EAS FSU CC EES-,F UL M AN UFA C i-UFr, iG White Porcelain Enamel Back,i Pipe up te back. Hyacinths Tulips' Daffodils Hyacinthe, different eolons, per doz. $1.50 Darwin Tulipe, fin'est mixed, lonig etemmed, flowers of greal sumb- stance, 45o doz. Double Tulipe, fine nuixed, 'toc Narcissus, Emperor, single trurupet variety, doz 75c Narcisss, papr wh0t , z50C Ord(er nowif yen want ear-ly fioer S. J. Jackmani & SonsIII Florists and Growêrs BowmavillePhono 80 'x 7IUdutbr U êMee Yigkt ih avalabW..Why 4delCht cooking « the rnge wheA t be Madm way Mht.e 0 * 11 e wei »î TkaT - flk-z y eA *.ymÂl r&aYw g. eI ls the ctt for lrchidt ïp biga afl% «Yol cmalti ribot lol, edu or ig iibeayl b c Thekiieggs. Flin er <uey bii eau boûsekn4er lis nie I any thar gril, being C.ight i hIn &ludaMeter.I * e WwilbeOfilytboeplesaedlobavyotn and îwie.t.ue ew.at am BleJiutIcINAppa,ýmos. CeQ&I The Ilydro Shop Local anid OWàerwise. Lindsay cltizens psy 14C Par quart for milk. Mrs. T. H. Kuigisi visitati orania frientis last week. Mr. W. T. Allen et Big 20 waS on a business trip ta Toronto on Fritiay, 'Six famous antimn uwiîis new jokes aud sangs-Royal MinstraIs Dc i5 and 16. - Corus cause mucis suffering, houit ,Hali way's Cern Curae ffer a speeti>, sure, sad satisitactor>' relief, Tise rasitience oit His Houer Jutige *Fustcke, Peterisoro, was sligisthy damïïageti by tire ou Waduesday morning. Cause isot asises. Rev. W. A. Bee croft, B,.D., a fermer Woodviile boy, wha spent tisrea years overseas, isas beau invitedti t Fenelon Falls Prasisyterîsu Churcis. Cabourg Town Council isas passeti a reselution unanimousi>' carriati providing tisat womau over tweuty-one yeasnoua otiserwise assesseti, be assesseti for polI tax. A pleasaut medicine for cisiltiren leMa tiser Graves' Worm Extarminator, sud tisera is notiigisetter for drîvîng warms from tise systein. L. G, Bennett, Qeen's Hotal, Paît Hope, isat a wortisless cisequa for $15 put over on hum anti H. B. Rosevear, a worthic-ss cheque fer $12 b>' s young man frein tisat twn, vise sai ha neededth ie moey ta attend bis grsndratiser's fuerai1 in Toronto. Daceusier stasion ofithtie Coannues Council ait Northsumberhandi anti Durhsam openat iMonda>' evening, Tuastia>'tise Prince oit Walas henor fiag won isy tis countv in tise Victory Loan campaigu was presentat ed tiseCouncil. T, seaengagemýýîenit anonctioitLn Leise, voungest da-ugistar f !tisae NMr. andi Vrs. John Hawkins, te William Roy, oui>' son oit Mr. anti Mrs. Ahýex. McCaise, -boili ofttise-Town$hrp- oitMav -s. 'Tise usarriage ta take place cari>' iu Decens- ber. Burglars entaredth ie beautiful home of Mr. H. H. King, Penryn Park, Port Hope, on Tuestiasy nigisî anti rausacked every romr freintise ceilar ta tie atlie. In evar>' roans tiinge ware tineti tops>' turvy, but a tisorougis investigation faileti ta discover anytising missing. TEE BEST LivER PILL.-Tise action oit tiseiver is easil>' disarrangeti. A cutiten chilI,unudua exposure ta tise aliments, over-induigauce lu somnelfavorite focd,- exccss -iu diiking, are a few of tIha causes. But 'whatever ma>' ie tisa cause, Parmeiee's Vegetable Pîlîs can ha relied upon as tise bast corrective that can be takan. Tise>' ara tise leadiug iver pills andt tsa> have ne superiars among sucb preparatioÜs. AUCTION SALES. TEURSDAY, Dec. 4--Gea. J Nortiscott, lot 24, con. 4, Darlington (C. N. R. Station Solina an farm)) yul saliantime farm stock, nciuding a numiser ait ragistereti Holstein cows, impiemeuts, etc. Sale at 2.30 e'clack, Sea bills. L. A. W. TOLIt, auctieneer.. FRIDA>', December 5-Mr. John Hil, lat 26, cou. 9, Darlinglan, wîll sali ail oit uis farin stock, implemeuis, saine iousa- isolti iuruiture, etc. Sale at 1 p ni. Sea bills. GEO. JACKSON, auctiosîeer TUESDA>', Dec. 9-Mr.,James Stanle>', Kingston Rd. West, Bowmanvi'e, w;ill salli alcf his tarin stock, implementsý, etc. Sala at, 12.30 P m, Sea bille. L. A,. W. TOLE, auctioneer WEDNESDAY, Dec. IO-Mr. Robert Wonuacott, lot 25,,con, 6, Darlîngten, wil salli alisis stock, impiements, etc. Sea iills. Sale at i p. mn. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer, RAIL WAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMA.N VILLE. GRAND TlWNK RAIL wAy COING EAST COING WEST Express 8.52 a. ns. Local 9.45 a. m." Express 10.30 a. M. Pass'ngr 1.56 p. m.- Passenger 3.28 p. ru.* J'ass'ngr 7.16 p. ms, Local 7.14 P. m.* Mail 9.58 p. m, Daily except Sunda>'. CANADIAN PACIIC RAILWAy Gonue WMwr GoiG EASM Express 5.58 a.m. Express 10.20 a.mý -Lcal- 8.20 -a m.* - --"- -3.0o5 p.i Express 4.44 p.mn Local 9.48 P. ni. 7,2pm'Express 12.03 aM- *Dailv excepl Suntay. C. B. KENT, Town Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL WAYKý GoING EAST GOING WEsTr Express 6.45 P. nM, Express 9 .40 a. m, Daily except Sunia>'.

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