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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1919, p. 7

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Fuli weight of tea in Fl eery packae' Sold nlyGa The. Greatest Farm 'i IS THE HOME SYour entire fa=m Rf, 2p-d abod can'ti nt lest retibuld the o dione. Thila cth-, month when you ehould go over aIl you bidI BOWYMANVILLE,DC.4, .1919 WEDDINGS. LAI'P-McGROGAN. 1 he mnirrîage was quietly solemrnzed iný Newt Yo ^k ity on Saturday, Nov.. 22, of Mr.i -Frank W. Lapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Lapp, Cobourg, and Miss AliceLoreta MGrogan, second daughter -À the late P. McGrogan, and Mrs. S. J. Jenkins, Cumboerland, Md., U. S. A. The Rev. Bernard Cochrane officiated. rhe bride wore a tailored suit of navy tricotine with fur collar, and bat to match, and was unattended. Mr. and Mrs, Lapp after the ceremony left for Cobourg, spending a day in Montreal en route. They are occupying' the new apartments over the World Office, MCCLENNAN-HOGARTH. On Wednesday, November i9th., at high noon, at Narwich, the marriage of Eva L., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, to Lorne O. McClennan, of Aylmer, o îly son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J- McClennan, was solemnîzed. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Barnett. The bride was unattended and wore ber travelling suit of navy blue gabardine, Mrs. Otto ErLach played the wedding march and Mr. G. -Beebee of Aylmer, sang, i"O Promise Me"-during the signing of the register. The room in which the ceremony w as performed was beautifully decorated with plants. The bridai couple stocd bexîeath a tail palm and along the walls were large bouse plants having a grand foliage. One 0f the prettiest features of the whole event was the music provideci by the bride's pet canaries. The hearts of these feath- ered songsters were filled with joy and during the whole service they poured forth the sweetest of music, which, we trust is a harbinger of jDy to the bride. During luncheon Mrs. Wm. Matheson sang a solo. Mr. and Mrs. McClennan left on a short trip, and. on their returu will, reside in Aylmer, Ontario.-Nor- w.ich Gazette. PETLEY-BICKELL. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bickell, 448 Simcoe-st., south, Oshawa, was taste- fully decorated on Wednesday to solemnize the marriage of thcir only daughter, Olve Isobel, to Ewart Petley, formerlv Boys' Secretary, Oshawa, Y. M. Anda anerus peaton b MRS. M. J. GONSE 3928 Union St., Vancouver, 1.0, "I suffered with al the symptomsa of Female Trouble, with chronic (Con- stipation and' constant Ileadaches. I'had pains low down in thes back and sides of the body. 1 tried vario-,; remedies withont relief, and thien put myseif undler a doctor's care and lie advised me to have aun operation. 1 refused. Then, I started. taking 'Fruit-a, tives' ; and from the outset, 1 feIf better, and this medicine has conpletely relieved me of ail my misery and suffering. My weight was only 1-13 poun 1s and novr it is 16S ponr k 1 amufree of pain and headaches ai. lie terrible Constipation; and what saved me fromi misery is the splendid. fruit medicine, 'Fruit-a-tives'."1 MIRS. M.J. GORSE, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, tri-i size 25c. At al dealers or sent postpaid by FrititiesLimited Ottaw'a, Ont. Whïe You Wit 1 an o in a position to gv you quick service a-ad best of workrnanship as 1 have two assistants. WokBoots Focr Sale I have a liîited stock of good substantial work boots for mnen. Also ser- vicèable -shoes for ladies and cbildren at reason- able prices. Geo. Humpage Winter Comforts Cal] and inspect our stock of Men's and Boy's lleavy R tbbers and Stockings, G!cves and Mitts at prices well within the reach of ail. Also full stock of Wom- en's and Misses' Rubbers n ýw on baud. Il. Elliott Estate Hampton WAIAINT :ED! for Packing Departmient u rs must be over 16 er fae GOOD WORK GOOD WAGES 'Comfortable Work=Rooms Address Ernployment Bureau L2he Quaker Oats Company Peterborough, Ont. 48-tf Dont Kick, About HRigh Prices Shop at F. O. Mason's 5 Perfection Oil Stoves, regular $7.5o for $6.5o Large Electric Majestic Heaters, regular $io.oo for $9.oo oats' Crochet Cotton and Sewing Thread at prices that will surprise you. Granitware and Household Utensils at very low prices., Fulllline of Soaps niuch cheaper than you have been paying. Harness. 2 Sets Teama and 4 Sets Single at $io.oo below today's prices. Horse Blankets, about 5o of the old stock bargain blankets left. Broomns, just received, a choice lot at much reduced prices. 13 dandy Broomns for 65c Wheelbarrows at'a low price Phonographs and records at prices that wilI astonish you. Corne' in and see and hear themn. Predigest 'Beef scrap $4.50 per cwt. 0OYster Shell and Grit. Chicken Chowder and ail kinds of Chicken Supplies. Fur Coats and imitation fur away below today's prices. Mîtts and Gloves at 2 vears ago prices, Hockey Skates from 75c up. r-b "-

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