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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 1

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kI In purchasing gyoods for our Christmas trade we' had in mind latest styles, best qualities, genuine values. and an assortment in every department from which our customers will have no difficulty in choosing just what they wanted., Suggestions For B5usyShoppters Ladies' Coats Luxurious Coats of rare beauty. One recognizes at first glance that they are far above the commonplace, modelled in the latest dis- tinctive desigas and at prices which will instantly appeal to yen. Ladies' Suits A most interesting opportunity -to obtain a handsome suit at a modeiýate price. Gabardines, Serges, i3roadcloth in al uew shades. Ladies' Dresses The winter season will be full of 'social events and the large and exquisite variety of Silk, iPoplin and Serge dresses we now have on display will meet the demand for these special occasions to allow miilady to appear at lier bost. Ladies',Blouses Truly our stock of Blouses is simply wonderf ai and includes Voiles, (repe-de-chenes, Georgette Crepe. Some have the round neck with pretty littie frilis, while others .teature dozens of the tiuiest tucks, etc. Sweater Coats More charming than ever are the attractive Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Spencers and Wool Sets. Many fancy weaves are shown and the shades are sof and becoming. No trouble -to pick out gifts in this department. Furs of Quality Our reputation for dependable furs goes back veli oven a quarter of a century. This season's stock includes a splendid assortment and at remarbable values. In fur sets we have Badger, Australiari Oppossum, Arnerican Oppossum, Racooh, Wolfe, Hudson Seal, Austmajan Fox. Dont, think of buying furs until you see our stock. Ladies' Gloves Gi oves are always an appt opriate and acceptable gif t. la some cases they bave been bard te get but our lai ge assortmout is complote and, includes Kid, Chamoisette, Washable Kiif and Woollen Gloves in ail sizes and populan shades. Fancy Handkerchiefs We pride ourselves in thre beautiful collection of farrcy gift llandkerchiefs on display. Our advice is make selections sarly. MnLike Practical Giftl S Each yean more and more women are choosing just the things mn and boys like te receive, and hore are a few of them: Ties Scarf$ Glove s Mufflers Shirts Suits flandkerchiefs, Sweaters Sweater Coats Socks Caps Overcoats When looking for gîfts for men bejsure te visit our Men's Ciothing Departinent. THIE STORE WITH TIIE'CHRISTMAS SPIRIT CouchJOhnsiton&Crdr n Bowlianville Pbone ~104 Limited. stick. Speaking in a reminiscent vein the grand old man told of the early days of his career and how he barely mis- sed being a farmer istead, of a car- niage builder. "Father decreed 1 should be a fariner", he said, so we bo0 h a ftrm at Ennigkillen and 1 made al wagon. We bought a span of horses frein mv wife's uncle and oes of theniwas balky. But te even mat- ters up 1 bought a cew frim one of j îy lriends and ber milk was blue, so we had te seil her for beef-. After a couple of years farming 1 get very tired-in fact 1 was tired before 1 started. There was a peculiar incident that settled the fate e f whether 1 should continue farming or ge into, the manufacturing business. There was a fariner wbo ewned 50 acres to the west of aur 50 acres' and 1 cou- mng which Messrs. G*eorge W, and R. S. MeLaughlin have been associated with their father in the inanagement of the business, and speaking of -bis Lwe worthy sous, witm pardonable p du rid, Lr.ÇLaUghlin said, "While I hàegot te say it bef ore their faces, they are good steady boys, and they neyer give me aüy heartaches", Put character inte whatever you're doing ard neyer try te turn a short corner or do a crooked trick -on any ene", was Mr. McLaughliin's aidvice. Again thanking bis old friends for their, thoughtfuluess in rememnbering him on bis birthday, and referring te the speakers that were te follow hlm, with accustomed modesty, Mr. Me- Lau ghiin said, "I would suggest that Ven pile ne more on me." He felt pleased at the good feeling that exist- ed between ail cennected with the Capt, C. W. B. Meath of the Informa- tion and Service Branch of the Depart- ment of Soldiers' Civil Re-Establishment, Toronto, was lu town Thursdav and appointed a Local Representative lu Bowmanville to look after ail problems which may perpiex the returned mani or, his depeudents, also the placing of returned men in employmnent, Mr. Fred. Cryderman of the fim of Luke, Boys & Cryderman, was appointed Local Repre- presentative and will look after the interests of the returned men at bis garage on King Street, West. Employers having vacancies at an>' time for perma- nent or temporary work, sbould get in touch with Mr. Cryderman Returned men, who are ln need of emplovinent or assistance ln straigbtening out, their affairs, viii also do well to communicate with hum. Tl'hat le Sale Hundreds of dollars ver sa'ved by vise customers at our big le sale last week. Hundredi o,'f other customers vho hear from their neighbors &bout the sensational bargainm, wiii agree that they did not take advantage of our woaderful oflers. We vers so crovded Saturday night that many had to go avay unserved se vs have ar- ranged te repeat the sais on Fday and Saturodcay,%Dec.a12 &1 This plan of giving a full, size package of thé finest remedies produced any*hers, for only'I cent waa.adopted by thes Rexail Company years ago and each Rexail Store isg glven these) adver- tising conce4sions occasionally in order to introduce therctaedies in new homes. Ch rst mas Goods Our stock has'ail arnived. Tihis year more than ever before our customens vili gain a great advantage. lligh grade goods are scarce and the managers of our 15 big drug stores have been kept busy picking up the best values in the many huaes we carry in stock, The highest quality at the lowest pos- sible price wili make it worth your whiie to buy %Il your Christmaas goode at our store PIy Vour Early huyens viii pick up the, snaps this year. Do net put off your Xmnas shopping. When our present supply rus eut we, cannot replace it at tire, pices va are now askiug. Ivor>' Goods, Ebon>' Good8, Chocolates, Out- Glass, Fountain Pens, Stationer>', Perfumes, Brush, Comb and Mirrer Cases, Safet>' Razors. Kodaks, Thermios Botties, etc. -DtotOptical Collae Canadian Optical Collage p*~~oursmn,ý np clcier gve in Mis church two better of more practical sermons than he gave at this anniver- sary occasion. Prof, C. 0. Laughsr, Mus. Bac., and bis choir of 40 members are truly dessrving of heartisst commendation for the ver>' excellent musical 8ervicea richly enjoyed by ail who wsre se fortunats as te be present on Sunday last, One musical person was heard te rernark that the musical prograin in the iéveuing was well worth 50 cents admrission if given at a concert. The mornîug prograin included an organ prelude-Gavotte Pastorale, Skackley. anthein "Behold, O God, our Hope and Defender"; Miss Reta R. Cole sang ver>' impressively ' Like as the Hart Dwelleth"-F. Allitsen. During the offentory ',Tanfare lu D' -. Lemmens was played and the organ ý postlude was , 'Triumphid March"- J . C. Marks. IThe evening music was ýsurely abundaint and evêry number was par excellence. The auditorium and gai- larics were packed te capacit>' and several -thairs vers requisitioned. Prof, Lauglier aud Choir vers lu place five minutes te 7 o'ciock and after the organ prelude-Adegio lu E. Minr- Schtuman, the inspîring anthein "0 Savieur of the Wonld" b>' Sir Johin Goss vas suug, followed b>' an original composition by Prof. 0. C.. Laugher entitlsd "Great Kiug of Nations"ý spiendidi>' suug by Mrs H. M. Poster1 whomi ail were glad te see lu the choir again. After th e open- ing exercises in whlch Rev. W, H. Spargo assisted, offerîng a fervent praver, Miss Reta R.,Cols and Mn. R. M. Mitchell sang in duo "Jesus Re- desmer"-Hamond. The nendition of this fine duet was exceedingi>' credit- able and greati>' eujoyed. After the announcements the choir sang the authern "fiel>' Fathex' b>' G. F., Cooper, aud after the sermon the popular authein "The Enemy> Said" -E. A. Dicks. Iu this number the choir reached the day's climax in seng and had it been au>' othen day would assuredi>' have receîved au enthusiastic, recail. Thre morning anthent, "Behold, 0 Ced, our Hope and Defender", was repeated to 511lu the tinte whils the thank-offering was leiug counted. After the sermon, while the offen- iug was being taken, a double quantet of younz girls sang "Thou my ever- lasting Portion"-Fanny Crosby. This sele',tion was aise veli sung and bîgh- lv appreciated. The singers were: Misses Dorothy Bonnycastie, Theo Martyn, Dorothy Plummer, Jane>' Mason, Helen Osborne, Marlon Pick- ard, Jen nie AMerchant, Florence Laugher. Mr. J. B.E. Segonin, the possesser ef a splendidly developed veice, sang b>'request, "The Fourth Wý,ord"-T. Dubois, fnom the last seven woi ds cf Christ. IL le a difficult composition te sing with effect but vas weli nendered by this singer., It lesls.1vays a delight te hear Messrs. W. B. Tapsen, %V. B. Pollard, H. Macunespie avd Sainuel B. Leg- gott in quartet, but'neyer have the>' sung with more spirit and harmen>' than on this occasion their selection' beiug "Manch On"-G., S. ,Schooler. Rev. S. 0. Moore, B.ý A., B. D., vho had 13een preaching auniversary ser- mons at Hampton arrived home lu turne te announce tire result of the day's tbank-offering lu a tew co-n- gratulaton>' wordsý and the con)ýgrega- tion led b>' the ch-,oir sang "Praise Ceod froin wýhomi ail Blesssings Vi'ow". T-h4lower aruuthe pli-er ver>' beautiful. It was a great in- I~ ~~t 3M-. Sle>tesstbe brlatl]' Ij ligted auitoium eUd with lu i- ctretesd ttntiveaudince an

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