Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 2

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ON .lfflTFNAU% PUN BWAN"LfCran~~r r~gv T) u, il i(.û - '01.11KU N LEN A it3 ..~Ur LAItil FOR SALE IN BOWMANILLE. The NMMrtry piopanty, . tiae aast et Nursery Corera, iewnuvilto being ltl 9, con 1, Dlarling- ton, coitaiuing about tan acres, uiestty covaîad with apple beaiing orcharvl. The handacuis brick rasidance was berned sorealie ago. and there are about 70 000 brick suehabla toir rvbuiid- ing, TVhere are a large bain with ceioeit founda- lien anastables underueath, sa a shed in fairly good roi itioi 'Ibis propi'ity la watt situatad and AIlbe soldoun varyeasytarims, For toîther pig, ticlais appiy t J. E. L. Goodwitl, barristar, NOT ICE akof Montreall Ja pened a brandi office in the 'llOtt Block, Hampton and solicits your business. J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager Dated at Hampton, July 8, 1919. Paper langing Decorating .jý uî 1nds done to your satisfact- on 'itue at reasonable prices by Lewis Rowe (Successor to John M. Ro we) Cail &t bis residonce cor. Ontario [and Durham-sts., next door south of Mr. John Grigg's. 13-tf Chan ge 0f Business H1aving taken ever the business previously c4rried on by Mr. L. Pike in Bowmanviile as dealer in ail kirds of junk, live poultry, bides, furs, etc., we are prepared to pay cash for ahl we huy. Saturday we shall be at home et No. 7 Argyle St., Bowmanviihe where articles may he delivered to us. iPhone 289. We hape te do business with al Mr. Pîke's former customers and many new eues, promisîng te deal fairlv with ahl JO E CHIARLES J. SHANKER 47-3m BON mianvjlle Not'ice To Auto Ol"%wnersi The Jamiesen Lres. are busy doing all kinds of tire repairing. Bring in your old tires and have thorm re-tread' if they are worth it. We will' teli you straight if they are worth doing. Bring in those spare tubesi and have themn repaired. We repair punctures and blowGuts at short notice. Be sure and get our prices on New Tires before yen buy. We handle only the best makes. Jamiesonù Bros. Côrner King andi Silvér sts. Bowmanville Phone 193 Insurance! YOU are inter estel ini the High Cosý, cf Living. Suppose you bad te replace your bouse or the con-j tents cf it and liuy eveî ythirig ever again. Yen weuld need double ast n uch money le do it as lu Septetui- C ber 1914. Everythiug bas gene up.r The puirchasing power cf the dollar1 is about 47e couîpared with Sept- emiber 1914.t Building costs of ah kinds have nearly deubled; clething le geiug up eve, y day; boots and shees, fur'nit- une, carpets, feod, futel,-everyting cests more., Fine may destnoy yeur entire propenty any minute. Yeun $1000 peicy to-day wo't buy HALF ,what it would three years ag Se you need more insurauce. Only cne thing in the world bas flot lu- crpased in cost, that is insurance, the thiug you need most, Iu short, wbat yen rnost need le the cheapest thîng yen cqn buy- t Protection. Yen need the best kind of protection tee. Yen can bave it, The best costs ne more thtin the wetst. SPhone us how much more cover y ei require and we wil put it. on today, or we Wih cal, value your property and give yen the neceseary1 protection. I. J. MASON lisrneAgent Bowmanville THE EDITOR TALKS. We are very glad te see thal public schools in rural sections are 10 receive early and proper attention from Piemi2r Drnry and hils new MOinister cf Education. Premier Drury bas been deliveritig a number cf speeches whicb bave favorably caugbî the pecp.'e's cars. Cbildren le the commen schoos are getticg tee many exadmïifations snd ýtwo lu-tIle education, he sagely and tritely says. Hon, R. Hý Grant, Minister cf Education, wiil dowell tA~erefore, te gel a correct grasp of the rural chiidre 'a ne,-ds and endeavor te give th. county pupîls tbnough the con- solidation of rura, sebools or some other changes as nearlv as possible tbe same educalional adva.tges as tbe young peecie cf the city. q Canada la very much on the uîap of the world sinco the wa-, Tell your friends in the' ohfer countries Il-ar the Province cf Ontario la tbe wealthieaî aud m st pop- ulous province in the Dominion of Can- àda. The populatiorn la ever ene-thirçl sud the ancual production over forîy-five per cent cf the tehole Dominion. More than haîf tbe manufactured products of the Dominion, sevenîy-five per cent cf the fruit, and ibirtv-iline per ceci. of Canada's field crope are produced in tb s Prov Ince. lu the roceni Victi y Loan, people of ibis Province teck $354,000,000, or ever 52'/. of the total applîed for in the whole cf the Dominion, making a total of oer $89,o,ooo0, during tbe past tbree years, thus amply demonsirating in a very marked way the financial reseurccs cf the Province cf Ontario. ]The an nal appeal is beiiîg made by the Muskoka Free Hospital fer Con- aumptives sud teili as tmual meel with a liberal response. Consumption is pcssibly the worst enemy of the buman race, but science bas provenf thit countiess Ibeus- ands of vidtima migbî have been saved hdthey receîved _proper_ treal1ment in time. hla a gcod plan teben a persen bas a persistent cougb or is run down in bealtb te sce the fa.îlv doctor-an ounce o f preven lion la worib a louef cure where consumptive lendency je. t i la to t know, tee, Ibat a person teho keeps in1 good bealtb is cet burt by înberculosis germs. Pure air and -sunsbine, sleeping witb open windows tbe year round, gel- ticg plentv cf sîeep before midnight, frequeni bathingsud rubbing cf the body aud avoiding drngs and aicobobec stimun- lents and living a regniar sud simple lite teili dety al the ravages of Inhercnlosis. Our readers, teho teore se ferluaate as te biar Mr. Nelson Parlîsînt, Mi. P. P. for Prince Edward, tehen hoe spoke in Bcwmanviile ai the last annual meeting Of the West Durham Liberal Association, wilil be bhighlv pleased te learu that hoe is the choice cf Hon. E, C. Drnry for the onerens pDiýitîen cf Speaker iu tbe cew Onîtario Legisiature. The eboice lsaran excellent eue, for Mr. Parliiameut le far above the average parliamentarian ln speakinig ahiliiy. bas bad five years cf legislalive expe lonce, teas popu ar in tbe Honte wiib ail the members of tbe eid jLegisîntre, poss-_sses tact sud sound commoncese-alsplendd asseIs for a Speaker. His majciiy ef 946 over a stroug Conservatîve candidate indicates bis poplsrity lu bis oten riding. The Speakcrsbip is next in importance le the office o. Premier, honce roqiires a man cf transcendent abiîy, dîplomacy-and fair- mindednees. fThe editor beard Premier Drnry ad- dreas the 250 or more newspaper mon sud women at the King Edward Hoel,1 Toronto, the other morniug sud witbout exception, se far as was cbseved, the applause wase univers-linl approval and appreciatien oethie ideas aud ideals pr'> aented bv Mr. Drury. A~t the cutset bie bas certainly get the good-wihî surd favor- able opinion eftihe «"m, ulders cf public opinion". We cati advance ne valid reason wby Premier Drnry sud bis as- sociates ic the Provincial Legisiaturet cannet bandie the management cf affaira equally as tehI as any cf the former party Geverumoîlta, Tboy teili, but tee taut them te aurpas auy fermer party. Farm- ors and Lahor erganizïtions bave toit that lbey were side-tracked for bon efit etf more influential parties. j Note that îbev bave ibinga lu ibeir banda, îbev .should have the bearty support ot ail parties in ibzir efforts te legslate in a mancer Iwbîcb telîl ho fair te ail. A good live, reliahie, succesaful local ietespaper le au invaluable assel le the cemmunilv, possessing a real value sud importance that cannot be estimaied ini dollarsand cents. Sortie'business mon lu Noew York State muet hold this ides for a correspendenltenrtes Ibat persons teho visited the State Fair aI Syracuse were grtzeted by a placard readïng: "Has yuur edilor doubled the subscriptiou price sud advertising raie cf bis p sper? If net ho needs 10". fTbis declaration teas backed up hy the stalcmecl Ibat in tour veara 125 country newspapers e e'ulout ef busi- ness lu the State. Stili anoîber card pointed eut Ibal "il folks cf the toten did ýhait as much for the tewu, tt.wor contry papers wouîd go out ef business." Tht, kolloge et Agricîiiiure ut Ithaca explain- ed on a placard tbal the cellege b h.-ieves the local uewspapens aie makîng a rosI contr ibution te the life et thier towe s and may ho rankoîl witb the cburch, sebool sud home and farm bureau, ai factera lu the lite cf a co.nmuuîîy. 'Give back our healtb, naughl do tee ask But tbis-to du again Dur daïiy woric, 0cr hife-time task, To tui1 sund figbî lîke mon.", COURTICE Report of S S.- , D.,rbnn.,on, for November, names in orJd'- cf menti: Jr IV-R. Brooks, Hi-. Wait ens, C. Short, F. l-'ancock, A. Clarkg, W. Allun, G. Couw.-c. *, F. Balaunv, E. Courlice. Jr III t. irok, D. Essery, W. Oke, B. Nicils, V Pnberthy, R. Armour. Sr Il- . hair*, J d 'auceck", K. Walters', G. Cochranîe. Jr I --D. Biaison, B. Gay' M Courlice, I, Gearing, E. Viallers, A. Cochrane, J. Wilkins, V. Weleh, G. berry, Wa. Everson, J. ferîy, S. Kinsmcan, O. Wcs. Sr I-J Cornisb, E.1a4on S. Gav, S. Essery, R. Wenn, V Gaýy, F. Kinsman. Sr Pr-B, Allin, M. Kînsman, A,'Gardiner, L. Countice. Jr Pr-Hl. Gay, K7EOnv. UlssN alters, D. Courtîce, L. Wenýn, A. Weisb, L. ar-j herur. BCic-R errv, M. Nichois, E. A. îH. LEARý, M. R.DEANS, ieache le- Milton Public schîeols cost oniy $II per pupil. How's ibis? December caught the teinter spirit from November and is continuing il. Christmas ie near. Let yonr presenîs Lbe Of the practical kind. Shop early. Bowmanville stores are showing a bpautiful Cîîristmas character Shop If YoU make or seil eider don't forget that the fine for eider me~n iiest the samie as for whÎskey m2n. Last year it was the fln; now ht is srnailpox and sleeping sickness Science and sanitation have net eiimînated ahl the scourges. Fifty cents a pcund foe. the Christmas lu key ïspredicted in Toronto. Happy the poor macntehose taste inclines te tripe or liver, Rev. S. C, Moore aud Mr. John A. Ho!- Sgaie attended Thursday a meeting cf Board cf Governors of Albert Colilge, Belleville, of wbich ihev are meuibers. Mayor Slacey's opinion et eighty edd business mec of Os.hawa who signed the petition 'condemning the condition cf the streels, is ativthîng but cemplimentary. Suggestions for growing tobacco have been sent te the editor, but he is net ad- vising farmers te grow the "weed". Tee many weeds are seen cf many farms every year already, Col. J. E. Farewell, an ex-pupil ef Wbitby High Sebool and ex-Chairman cf the Board, la presecting seme valuable books te the High Sehool from bis ex- tensive library. -Returuing -ta- the question--cf Jack of- parental training, s friend says tee many pions mothers forget the teholesome adage that "Lt is bard te pray anu n- spanked baby throngb". Rev. W. Hl. Black and fsmily expeet te beave for Wbitewoed, Sask., Ibis monîb. Whitewood was Mrs. Black's fermer home. Rev. MIr. Black--bas-te- cesse preaching at Port Perry for a lime owing te tbroat trouble, Oshawea Police Magistrale fined jam~s Stewart, Wilbert Oliver and Jos. Labbatt $200 sud ceats each for carryàig liquor on their persons. Tbey tank the sltercslive-3 monîhs in Whitby j ti. Harry Burns paid $te and costs for im- h'bing tee lreely cf tire waler. There was a voung lady cf Guelph, Sere afraid qsbe'd bo left on the sheif, So she piaced a wanit ad., "Wanted man verv bad," Now sbe's married and prend cf herseif. BROTHERHOQD. God, what a world, if mec in'street and mari, Felt that same kînship of the human heari, Whicb makes them in the face cf fire and flhod, Rise te the irne mesriing cf brotherbood. Ella Wheoler Wilcox CANADIAN -EDITORS MEET. The 6[st annuai meeting cf the Canad- ian Press Association teas beld recent)y in Tronte and was largeiy attended,1 -ditors from Botemanville, Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering being in attend- ance wîîb possibly 250 others frem Prince Edward Island on the Atlantic te Briîisb Columbia on the Pacific. A fine spirit characterized the proceed- ings. There teas evidence of the keen desire and earnest purpose cf the news- p- permen te continue te make the Press cf ".anada a poteerful and effective foreq ini the dcveiopm-ut cf the Dominion aleug sonnd and ssfe line-to mske Canada a hetter p'ace te live in," as Mr. W. J. Taylor, of Wooýdstock, put il in his Pre- sidenlal address H-e urged the Press te cultivate an alert oye for social and indnu.trial itijatice, te advocate the abol- ition cf privîl ýgo, te cocoru iseit with the inlerest of the masses, te show char- 'icter and leadership, to domonstrato courage, energy and hocesly cf purpose. Lt is a bigh standard. But the news- papers eau render great national service. The daily and weekly nowspapers have a greal opportuniîv. They eau do mighly Ibings by nnited actien. More than auy other agency lbey ect encour- age eco'omic education. Thev catn discuss with thePeeple the problems ot th- pro luction and the distribution of woalth. Tboy eau point the path of Irue- progressansd set ils face slernlv agsinst the machinations of revolutienaries and the impeluosily cf irresponsibilitîts Tbey caoi give sound cocslitulîonai and qound ecocomic leadership te the worthy cause cf greator prospority for the people snd a bighor standard cf living and it is up te evorv edilor and publisher te turc cut better aud more bepfnl jsîuruals Iban have been with their widor visicn aud renowed inspirationu ebtaiued aI Ibhis, annual meeting. - ]ENFIELD Two very Iragic deaths wtlîin six months bave occnrred lu the adjoiniiîg sebool s ection te the west. Tbursday, Nov. 27, James A. Luke, aged 66, a weol knootn resideni et East WhiIby, died suddeuiy, his oody being found by Harold Asbton of Colmbuns, on the read nuder a load cf pressed] hay. Tiinrsday moruîng at bis home ho was tempe anily over- corme bv a soveetaintiîg spefl, but by noon ho had recovered fromt the weakness te ail appc-.-rances, andid îch d bis herse for the purpose cf cwing hay from ibe farm of t;,- J 10 bbs. Ho eas rcîuruiug wicu deaîh v- xtook hlm ou hoi road opposite the îdcx MeKenzie f rm wbicb adj 3ius the Hobbs place Oshawa P. S. Sehool Teachers appear well sarisfied wiîb the new salary schedul. iaîranged hy the Board. (OMFORT FOR DYsPEPTIC.-Tbere is ne a liment se barassirîg andl exhausting as dvspepsia, wlîich arises frcm detective actio i cf the stomacb sud liver, sud tbe vdm cf it is te ho pitied. Yet hoe au fiud readv relief lu Parmeiee's Vegetable Pia preparaîiou Ibat bas establishoîl itseif by voars cf effective use. There are pis ibal are widely advertised as the gr -ateat ever oemtpouûded, but ne one et tbem eau rank iu value with Parmeiee's. Shoes Repaîred While Youi Wait 1 arn now In a position to give you qulick service and best of workrnanship as I have two assistants. Work Boots for Sale I have a Iimited stock of good substantial work boots for men. Also ser- viceable shoesfor ladies and children' at reason- able prices. Geo. lHumpage Hyacinths Tulips Daffodils Hyacinths, different colers, peiÎ doz $150 ,Darwin Tulfips, finest mixed, long stemn ed, flowez s cf great sub- stance, 45e doz. Double Tulips, fine miîxed, 40e Narcissus, Erriperer, single trumpet van ey, dcÎ 75C Narcissus, paper white, dez. 50e Oitder nowif youwaut early fiowers S. J. Jalckrnan & Sonsi Florists and Growêrs 1Bowmanvili'e Phono 801 S~ ~~S,- 1 Local and Otherwise 'SERAL DIRECTORS, I~ &Son mlost co'ipk a fHqi ofi ni Runday and oighl caih proiuptty sitentied lu. Btswmanvilie Phonos 10-34 RTîsnehes' I OO HAMPTONO Carpenter or Ladders Made Saws Sharpened W. P. MOSES Bradshaw-st Bowmanville 40-Im GrandT r 'uoiik ailway The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto, Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dîning car service. Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parler Cars on the principal Day Trains. Full informa-tion frem any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C.E. Horining, District Passenger Agent, Teronto' J. H. H. JURY, Town Agent, Phoneo'78 Bewmauiville Winter 4ornforts Cal] and inspeet our stocki of Men's and Boy's Heaxy Rubbers and Stockings, Gloves and Mitts at prices, weil within the reach of ail. Also f uli stock of Woin en's and Misses' IRubbers now on band. Hampton I DR. F. T. TIGRE, V. S. VETERINAHy SURGE014 BOWMAN VI LLE Dav or Night Calls Promptly Attended 'fo Office -King-St. W., Statesman Block Phone 243 Auctioneer -HavLitig--sc uied-a lcîs - autiLn- ýer I arn prepared te take a irnited nunfiber of sales. For terms and ates apply to j THEO.M. SLEMON R. R. 6, BOWMAN VILLE Phone 239-r-1-4. 32-7m Learn W.rk2-55! operating and win a goodj'al' ary. Shaw's SchooW, 395 Yonge St., Toronto, has the finest set of modern apparatus and gives best instruction at smali cest. Write for facts. G, W. Crewson, Se-zretary. G. C.BONNYCASTLE L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Delitistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of - --Dental-Sujieonýs-of -Onta-rio---- Office Kiog-st -Bowmanville Office Phone 40- Flouse Phone 255 DR. J. C. DEVIrT -DENITIST---- Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office; King-St. East, Bowmaruvipe Office Heurs: 9 a.mn. te 6 P. m, daily except Sunday Phone 90a House P hone 9% Companies - Service Rates are of the best when you insure with NINA E. NEADS Insurance Agent. Phone 162 Office. Well ngton-st Bowmanville Alan M. Williams! Funeral Director - Embalmer No extra charge for distance in countrv or to city or onîside places. Embal m- ing done in the most scient ific manner. Charges reasonable as îny expenses are Phone 58 or 159 43-6m* W ASH day is the least wl corne day of the week in Mnost homes, though sweeping day is not much better. ]Both days are most trying on the back. The aIrain cf washing, ironing and sweoping froqueu tty daranges the kidueys. The system la poisoued sud backaches, rhaumatism, pains lu the timnbs resuit. -Kidney -aetion rntusl-be--an-oused-- the'liver awakoued te action and the boees regutated by such treatmant a.s Dr. Chase's Ridney-Liver Pilla. This favorite prescription cf the weoU- kncwn Recelpt Book author wit! not fait ye n luthe heur cf need. One put s -dose,-25e s box ai al dealers, or Edmansou, Dales & Co., Ltd., Toronto. îi. yur Dnuggist or wntte us for ur new - ' Dr<n0, ï42. Ring West, Toronto>. Wei ,,,.ii aywheo)oureCeipt of $1.04. Sole Agents for (saaand wmo ville Messrs. jury & Loveli,Dugst aud Opticians. M.Ford Owtier: We will put,,a Set of Hassler Shock Absorbers on your car for 10 days free trial and if you 'are flot arety satisfied that you bave trie easiest ridiig, car on the mar- ket we will take them ofi again and it will flot cost 'you one cent. We have a ful stock of genuine Futd parts on hand and expert Ford Mechaniics to hafidie the work. Satisfact- ion guaraniteed. We have also been appointed- Chevrolet Siervice Station for thig district and are prepared to give yeu every at- tention. A large stock of Tires, Oi and Accessories on hand at ail times. Yours fur Ser vice LUKE Night Phoiae 188-r3 Day Phonoe1M& r2 ii~ -- Lehigli Valley- Anthracite Coal. TACK FIROST is the rnost hypocritical fellow that Jever aviated into a man's home. If he-finds you are burning our quality coal he'1l say, "llow-do-you- do-I-must-be-going,." Let us send you a ton of it right away. Jùhn A. Holgate & Son Queen aiid Division Sts X, Bowmanville Name 0f Feeder Guarantee 0f Quality Unsurpassed Here is a partial list cf the stock tee have brought for our Christmas Meat display purchased from hbeat hreeders lu ibis district. ô Steers, F. Hihi. 1 Heifer, J. & A. Allun 1 Heifer & 1 Steer, Wes. Allin 4 Steers, J. Fouud 2 Hleifers, cwn stale- 1 Baby Beef, Wesley Allun 1 Baby Beef, B. Goode 8 choice Hogs 15 Ewes and wether lambs, own stable 1 Baby Beef, Arthur Welch. We also have a car load of very choice cattle which muet ho seld before Xmas-our prices weil ho equalled by noue. Poultry Wated-auy qîaantity, for which tee pay highest cash prices. Cuttter for sale-good as new. C. Cwke &Son Purveyors Phono 61 Bowmanville Brantford Roofing We have receutly been appoiuted Special agonis 'ton the above 'Re- liable and Fuliy fested Roofing, Fîreproof aud Weslhcrproof, aud shahl be pleased ie show bbe goudsansd furnish estianates, Portland Cernent Rogers Canalia i P Hiland Cemeut ile bebt Cernent iu tbe markel today, teh bave a rocoa stock lu good, sound baga, roadv for delivery at short notice te îîy part eftlowu or country. Scranton Coal ,era îtn C )al la the Standard Anthracite, and tee aie Ipnepared te tcao cale i-t or(,ors in ail sizes. N,,w îstheIteirme te put in yeur enpply, as tiiero is ove y îndîcation that lte pnice teili ho higher lter on, sud those teho lake their coql early teill hc prctecîted witb regard 10 pnice. Building Material We have cur nsaa stock iu atl linos, sud solicit your inquiry, and guarauteo gecd service. MeCelan& CompanyLmid King Street East Botemanville Office Phone 15 - Resîdeuces 228 and 274 G. W. V. A. DAN,,"ýCE Oron.,o G, W. V. A. areholding a big Christmas daîce lu the h rmouries, COrono, inMoiî(,-day Dec. 22, te rusetutîdefor c fibe Clun. Reireshments ser ved-,. Double î.kes 2.00; ingle tickets $t 100 Fuîr ti panliulrs mvh btalud trem FRED PEASON SerearybresurrOrono.j k vi- ~ n ,....a ff'.~ s aito~..o ca a ~klg '~Offlprni~a. ~ 1~/ tcobie'ye ' i g v * S-,~d on t'~ t de- -' -. -~i-'trto~t' I So p r ho S-i i k y ait dît ggists or Si-ni ~ t rnaid ou tri-viol ut puce. ~ 'c lit "~ t' -itlet. Adtlreaa: T, .. 10, tlî£îe t, Cnisîîl~ ktIictîsc~ - aum îi-,ý 0 i m Bowmanville

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