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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 3

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- ~~BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 1, 1919 OBITUARY Warts will render the preîest hands Local merchants have beautifo1 art icles WiPameterumewa ecnl unsihîly Cl~r te exresence awaforXmasgifî an as oî 'are atcthe killed by a faifomrfofisbs. by using Hollowav's Corn Cure, which ear y buyers alwavs have the best choice. PtrComeon eri ,gt dco' X A1 IN Taà u ýer1 MRS. JOSIAH BUTsoN, BoWMANVILLE. acta tboroughly and painlessly. Pleasures of a hïllsjde town are thusiy prescription frsxone fachl1 LOCal a u IeVY We are sorry to report the death ofTonoGoderppeaegig to illustrated in Port Hope Daily Guid*~: rb on hais perîcbd. Mna L ~Mrs. Josiali Butson of this town, a open their new addition f0 the New ToronoGoya epeaeg .gr Walton street was a glare f ice yester- morning Petercohdu s rd$ for Packing Departmlnsent devoted wife and mother and highly onto factory witb big doings on the 13th. day, and there were many sudden meet- costs for takinbsexratahitrn Mr. Clarke Taylor, Toronto, Sei respecteid by al. The funeral of, the An orchestra will provide the music. ings with the concrete walk. ally in Cobourg Sunday at home. laIe Susantiah Webber, beloved wife Gue D XXe ORK Cobourg drunks paid between $200 and Monday, Dec. I. Airs. Butson a Ce$300 in fines last week. born in[arlington, Oct., 6th , 1864, WAGES Mr. James Blacklock is Fuel commis- and was the daughier. of the laie sioner for Haldîmand township. -Hetnry andwsunte Webher o W% After December 14th five per cent. arliion osabd sn ind1in9manni- ~~OI11IorLauIe w~~~i i be added to ail u; paid taxes. ae1 oîhBîo 89Se11 ColfrabeMewas a fatfu nember cf te Metho-, Adrs mlymM ueuAr. George A. Gummer is the new dist Chut ch for many years altbough F r ý'IlJ i AddessEmloyentBueauFu e Commissioner for Cramiabe. illhealth had >reveý4edher fromnactive' Stamped centre pieces, white or color- ser vicefor soute lime She leaves te ed, at Dingman & gdmondstone's. M ourn her loss a sorrowing hushandi Th uke asCo pn M.W ely dwgveu i an d two sons Edgar axîd Lor.e cf this 1 er uaannompanyri. ely, shc a vlonT esday. town, also three 'sisters anRd-threel TheQu k anul fiedlycal o Tesdy.brothers-Mrs. Wm, Lake, Newcastle,!aiu t e ont. 48-tf bCas Griffin, Osaa o 0 rsy in Mrs XVm Herring, Enniskillen, Miss ieur1rog', itby and contributed $1865 for bis Mary Webber and Mr. Wesley Web- frolic. ber cf tdwni, Joseph of Greenway, Complete in itself Mother Graves' Manitoba, and Williamn of Clifford, Worm Exterminator does flot require the Man. Thae service was conducted by assistance of any other medicine te make her pastoi, Rev. S. 0. Moore, B. A., M a o i ie effective. It does cot fLau 10 do its B. D., asListad by Rev. W. C. Vash- work. igtoý, .F.. O. M ason'swerW indo w Store iYour Car, inpg a tWbeo eobut ~igtoss. a O-, 1WThe rok was su r h pg0r intfe it, o John Curtis and Edward Witheridge _________ course. The rnany beautifulflrltiue ~ o "i.è~~ iiter Cobourg Sentinel-Star will be a Thurs- showed the higli esteem in which Brer. Wilson. decision, neighbo 'helamong friands and ---I-Tl -a ea daypaperin future. Sensible decase wa hed -y-Policy I h am tC ristmasTme We re ow repredtostoe alimtednumer Grand stand and judges' stand on Osb- CARD 0F THANKS. We ae no prpare testor a lmitd nubr awa tair grounds were damaged by the of cars in our large garage for the winter months. rec 1ent cyclone. . Mr. Josiah. Butson and family desire "Not how mucli I eau get, but how much 1 can give for the mny Yonwil besupried t~ hever lo rae.Messrs, Manley & Son expect to bave to thank their many friends for their ihene wst-ndbrdgeredyfortrffc ind synipatby and floral tributes early in January. uigterret abravnn. ____________ ~~~~~Cati early at Dingman & Edmondstone's drn hi eetsdbraeet and pick out your stamped good- A young mac D. Moore near Cameron D)olis of ail kinds Teddy -Bears Mechanical ToysHossai rt W nderful asso rtm en t. had an arm m a g led i n a clov er tbre ser,S k t sR c i n l r e'D l C a i g s Sorry to be foroed froru limited space'bis mittened band being caught in the Sae .tca ~to hold over some achool reports and cylinder. Lindsay doctors amputated it o ether rticles la te e lsonJuat abopve the elbow. Hand Sleighs Games of ail kinds tohave your car overhauled bCî ete ahre h c ilso It's also a good Ldea b reary, get vour akàtes sbarpened at-___ durig té wnte mouhs.Brig i in arl fo we Luke, Boys & Cryderman's durig te wnte monhs.Brig i in arl-fo we Coal minera' strike la layicg off thou- are already very busy. And dont forget to bring ns sanda of men in other industries at a time W eevr otnt nodrn al eago 'Yrbteie o ae epn.when tbey can il afford id enesa. t liar ry E. orter adnwh yorbteisfrsf epn.Mr. Norman Taylor and wife of Fort ATMOIE E RT > rpW-earethery fortnt wetneodu emandonowtheavetagodrneofpoo Wl iam are specding the winter with bis AUOOIEEPRgrpshartepanssettndmcieotemretro $2.5up parents, Mr. and Mrs, Atex Taylor. Rev. and Mrs S. Sellery of Toronto, Consultations witb tbe trade on oper- ]Pickard's Gara-ge wre get of Mr. and Mrs. . C. Trebil- ating Techcicalities, Tirng,-Carbure- Bowmnvîle cckýhil in ownove thewee-en. tin ad al ElctrcalProblema. M King 'Street Twavil ehWe ? f u e For &ickard'î aragePhonographs and Records tewn trlSaurday week la spedilv, ROYAL BANK I UILDING R~ECORDS-New shipment just in-iatest popua ui u rmuwtl being rebuitt by Mr. Win, Culley, ua uscadf _______________________________________________ Mr. John B. Graham, Lindsay, accounc- BOWMANVILLE es tbe engagement of bis daughter, Etta, 48-3 w Christmas will seli regular 90c records for 75c. HAMPON FOUR ILLSand Mr. Orme A. Sharpe, 'Winnipeg, son HAMTONFLOR MLLSof Mr. and Mrsr. Andrew Sharpe, Orono, th1mriae otake plqce tate in Decemn-' 4d 1*he Home(11-F Santa f u- ber. Slc colWtxYu "~~ .a L a ~ James B ritton, Port Hape, aged 771Se deÀ Oen; i B usiês Four ~~~~~~years, was fatatly ii'jured by a 11mb belye d On;l Bses was sawing from atree. He was apasU CollgsAeNtlk. grand of Durham Lodge of Oddfeilows. leeMr NtAie P. G. N 1a: Chas. Britton, proprietor of Royal Hotel, i« ul is a soc. B ig 'F a -ý1rVo rite .1. ~~~~Durham Od Boys' Executive will meetPhn13.Oe aad.Ngt for business and sociabitity at the reai- Graham Flour XXX Pastry Flour dence of Mr. R. W. King, ioWalmer Yonge and Chartes Streets, TorontoOndorwsofochJhntn&CdeanLd R nad Tornto, n Moday eenit la D c ioted tbroughou t Canada for bigb n orws fCuh ontn&Cyer nLd Whole Wheat Flour Roya1, Flour for Bread 5,at 8 o'clock. Good program isex- grade, training. Our graduates are in pected. great demand. Get our Catalogue, If you cannot secure these popular grades of FloUr Port Hope doctors have raised their read our records, then decide. Enter rates, and, according 10 Daily Guide, acy lime. W. J. ELLIOTI, PrincipalI from your grocer order direct from us. natives tbreaten to go back t0 epsom________________ salts, sulphur and cream of tartar. But i O 'Fos ee ~~ on U t aferfl __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ A REMEDY FOR EARACHE-To bave Just arrived including American Corn, Old Mani- the earache is 10 endure torture. The tobaOat, Mied hopetc Get ourear is a delicate organ and few care to de ithi, considericg it the work of a W e cn m sFrt C nsid S peucial S r i e T supply early.co. Dr. Thomas', Eclectric Oit offers a simple remedy. A few drops upon a piece of lint or medicated cotton and eration Our Store Serves Best Co nry us om r p!aced in the ear witl work wonders in uS relieving pain. eivt orisetoofteqaiyadpc fou C;W a , luor, Uanit flAveîiet n na Eglsmppr:Weivieiornnpetinoaheqaltyad rceofor ltoghI ae ieotiud y eivr Phone 129 r ts Four bachelor ajters, up againat it, re- goeisD orCrsmssopn eead~uwl esr on in the couutry for the winter mnhI arstl ceiîtly demobilised, no parents, no rela- of getting best values. Our Christmas stock of goods includes: tives, no qualifications.' no notbing, able to give yon first-class service. Ph1 ou r Chances 10 make good aomebow, singir FRUIT-Seeded Raisins, Seedless Raisins, in bulk or package, ders for meat and yuwl eev _____ or en masse, jumped at". 'urrants, Dates, bulk or pa ckage, Figs, table or cooking. 1,,YUwl eev hmb is Mr. and M ra, F. M. Tait, 22 Summer- mai1 F Lraos, veefrit bill Gardens, Toronto, announce the en- FR HFUI-ragsLeoGapfut gagement of their daugbiter, Frankie NWPESOageLemon, Citron. Chit a ipay% vounger sonr of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. SHELLED NUTS-Almonds, WalniutsOr hitaDspyofilkn fmetwi ___________ _IbI NUTS IN SIIELL-Wa1ýnutq, Almonds, Filberts, Brazils, Peanuts b i etr hsya.Dn alt e t _________ Fity ear' oseratin bs cnvicedOne thing essential for a good Xmas cake or dnner- _________ /\~ " Orîllia Packet that the average man witt UWate vote for a candidate for public office for. buy your groceries from PJ oultry X atd almoat any reason under the suni xcept --- -that lie la fit for.the job. May we appeal i f 1# in "f __an xepi ~ L-~--Z year, and exercise some measure of dis- prices. cretion. -ngAt Canadian Press Association meet- Pure Food Grocersu igat King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Phone 62 Bowmanil week, Mr. A. E. Calcani, edîtor of Pîcton Gazette, was honored by being elected Yeu pay no more here to have groceries deiivered. ll,ï orsey Block Phone 225 House 272Bo anie C.Ïla flap i»1 îLdm41 firat Piesident cf the new Cana-diani Ray, Springfield, Minnesota, Justice of Peace,' Notary Public, Loud-Talkicg Do ntsfe Q1 b h~~,in Reat Estate, ,Improved Farmsanad G e n w y & Ellio t&ea e another dayw,,ith, Y'eG~,'fpli ue tcsFrmosasHmso ~ ona m g~ e----ba-o-as-era suace~n Division Street, Opposite Gxoodyear HotelSierad igStes Bo anle surgical oper- ALulcdfii o soisf charge." L Eallen requfre&d. Lo>es cf J' i-erge, Pc p ,cn cf t Dr. Chase's oQttment will relieve you aI onceHatSala enrj rc tprbxs No need 'of sending 10 Toronto now Phoneo 18 day or niight Bowmaniville an scerani cure i'ou. ti10e aox' i- o odb ail Ifor stamped gooda. You1 can get juat dealer, or EdmansoGn. Bates & Co., Ltm1ted, rgir rmai i1ï i kgo Cp twbtyuwn IDiga dod Toronito. Sample box freeif yourmentionthta prîC. Aî- pî'înpl t'rîoind rrer&TEdmond- papar and onQq9eo.tarap té pay potage. MDCN O, OCSO NT tai tone S,

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