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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 4

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r ____________________________________ AUCTION SALES. SATURDAN, Dec. 13, i91-Mr. Lyman Gifford at farm of Mrs. Gifford, near s Ross' corners, north of Oshawa, will seil by auction a number of milch cows and springers, grade Durhams, Hois teins and Ayreshires. Sale i p. m sharp. For terme see bis. JAMES BisHoF, auctioneer. 50-1- WEDNEsDAY, December i7-Mr. D. J. Gibson, wiIl seli by pubtic auction on k4!31, con. 3, Clarke, î'/2 miles north- west of Newcastle, anumber of horses, Q*ep, milch cows,' pigs and hens. See bIs. -Sale at i p. m. L. A. W. TOLE, Skat.m sharpened at Luke, Boys & Cryderman's Garage, King-st. [HE STATESMAN for 1920 makes a highly appreciated Christmas-present.--1 See big display of stamped goods in linen and crepe at Dingman & Edmond- stone's. p The Churches Si. Paui's Chrch-Rev. 'D. W, Best Minister. il a. m-Home Religion; 7 p. m. -The Modern World; 2 30 P. M.- Snndav School and Bible Classes. Church of Chrst-Rev. O. A. Graham, pastor. Subjecte for Sundav: il a.m.- "Abraham tested and rewarded by God",; 7 p.m.-"'Cain's Religion vs God's Salva- tion". Ail are welcome. Seats free. The Women's Guild of St. Tohn's chnrch, Bowmanviiie, 'wiil hold a Bazaar in the Parisb House on Fridav, Dec. 12th There wili be home-made candy and baking and five cent draws for the chil- dren. 48-3w. Methodist Church-Rev. S. C.Moore, pastor. Sunday, Dec, 14, subjects* II a. m-"The Church on Triai"; 2.30 P. m. -Sabbath Schoob and Mens. Brother- hood; 7-p. m -"Tht- hurch -in Amour". Good music, C. C Laugher, Mus. Bas., Choir Director. Strangers made wel- coule. f Good Things For The Holiday Season We are Christmas caterers, so f ar as the term apphies to hakers of Cakes-fancy and plain; Pies, Pastry, Bread Rolls, Doughnuts, etc., for the holiday season. We ai- ways have on hand an ample supply of staples in the l3akery lino, but just at this tiîno of the year wo put forth, if possible, a littie more eff ort to produce tompting and delicious things to eat. Christnmas -Cakes-- Our Cakes are made from an oId English recipe-a home made cake of the very finest quality. The ingrodients have ail been carefuliy selocted and the fruits thorough- ly cieaned. The main ingrodints-butter, eggs, and fruit are sD expensive that wo beliovo you could not mako thosoas cheap au wocan. ORDER YOUR CAKE NOW. Home Made Candies The kind that meit inyour mouth-made by an expert in this line. CIIOCOLATES-a gif t that nover fails to ploaso. We have for the holiday trade a choice assort- ment of SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BOXES. See them displayed in our window. Have you triod our Home-made Bread? Phono us and one of our wagons wiil caîl on you. Wo dolivor to any part of the Lown. THOMASTO Baker and Confecioner Bowrnanville Mow n BeaslTheJ'ar? Great interest is being shown in our scientific test of skill as to how many beans are in the jar, There is certainly a wide range in the- guesses being made. Coîne in any day, size up the jar, and the beans it contains and ask for a coupon. lienimber-e e ýy-llaxýs--wtth ol -gowd-y-on buyhere until December 3lst, 1919, entities' you to one vote. Yon have just as good a chance to share in the $60.OO Worth of GOoos as yoiir neighbor. This offer stands good in every departmentof our store. We Dont Boast About Or et DPt. We dont need to. We leave it to our cust- omers to spread the good niews about the excellent qualities of our meats and the reasonable prices charged. Send us your meat order today. A. W St li Ckle a& Sonsi (Sucessor to J. -B, Martyn) Groceries, Meats and Hardware Bowrnanville 1BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 11, 19191 THE EDITOR TALKS. Boys, why don't you go to the Reading Roorn moi',.? A frese read- ing rooru le kept warrn aîld supplied1 with beet magazines, papers and other literature and is cheery and pleasant. Yet, we seldorn see a Y oung Maninu thore excepting an occaSional student. If the youths of Canada are thei nation'@ one best asset, wo cannot understand why the young mon and women of Bowmanvîlie are not at- tracted to the Public Reading Boom. By paying one dollar ayear a person eau get ail the books tbey cab i.ead, at the Public Library in the saine'rooru. These institution, are maintained at public expense; why don't \the people use thern P A TRIBUTE TO A LADY Mrs. Geo. M. Carruthers, Centre-st., Bowmanvibbe, received word of the dc:ath of hon brother's wife, Mrs. W. D. Rus- sell, who passed away on Nov. Igth, at 248 East Belîcrue Drive, Pasadena, California, The family moved frorn Winnipeg fifteen years aga, and the Free Press contains a very fine tribute from Mrs. Colin H. Campbell, a dear friend Of 35 years' standing. She siys: The passing of Mrs. W. D. Russell, at ber home in California, cornes with a deep -sense-of boss-_and -sorrow-ta th.e pioneera of Winnipeg, who were proud to count her their friend. Miss JessiE Morrîse of Montreal, came a bride, in the early 8o's, to Winnipeg devoting ber time and talents bargely ta cburch work and settler's welcorne work of the higbest type. She was one of tbose splendid pioncer women wbo belped lay the foundations, of the social life of the city. Always a webcorne visitor ta the humble1 pioneer homes. Her gifts of mind and beart fitted ber for a large place in chnrcb, sahbath school, missionary society and the-life-of Manitoba Coliege.- Mrs. Russell was a pioneer Preabyterian leader, a member of Knox Cburch, a pionc er founder of St. Andrew's and Westminster churches. Froin ber Sun- day School classes' have passed scores of men and women in Manitoba and the west wvho hold positions pf trust and bonor, wbo indeed cail ber ble.ssed. Her bospitality was unbounded and was dispensed with a queenly grace. "'All that pertained to the social welfare ofj Winnipeg lu establishing the kingdom of God in the bearts and h mes of its people was ber chief jov. Her passing is ta the rich reward of one, who ike one of old it was said, "She bath doine what she could." THE NEW YORK HERALD Tho New York Daily Herald of Monday Dec. 28 arrived at THB STATESMAN Office on Tuesday marri- ing at 10 o'ciock. The Sunday Herald came Monday morning. This le quick despatch, eh ? With the -eleetion of a Fariner Premier lu Ontario and the embarka- tion of the Western Provinces of Canada on ambitions post-war pro- granîs of progressive legisiation, at- tention has been cailed of late to the varions provincial goveruments as distinct froin the Dominion govern- ment. As those Provire*al bodies and their leader,. spring înto print, the readers of the New York Herald in Canada and the United States wilb want to know, more about themr and about their relation to the Parliament and the Governor-Generai at Ottawa. To fill this want, the New York Herald Sundav Magazine of Dec, 14 wibl carry a thoroughiy interesting article explaining these points. In addition ta this Civic side of the question it will tell something of the history of the provinces from Con- federation Day down to the present time, Th e Rotograph Pictorial Section wilb have a photograph of a large Gathering of Toronto Children. Per- baps you know them. You may ordei' ither direct from the Ne .v York office or through Mr. J. R. Tanguay, Aanager of the Mon- treai News Company, 386 St. James- st. Montreal, Quebee, It pays to patronize the merchants wbo advertise. Beautiful Dresden rihbons for camisoles IF RAIL WAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. GRAND TRUNIC RA1LWAY COING HAST GoiNG WEST Express 8.52 a. m. Local 9.45 a.m. Express 10.30 a. mn. Pass'ngr 1.56 p. m.' Passenger 3.28 P. M.* Pass'ngr 7.16 p.m. Local 7.14 P. m.* Mail 9.58 p. m. SDaily except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFic RAILWAY eonMe WEft QOINieEAST Express 5.58 6M. Express 10,20 a.m *Local 8.20 a. m. " 3.05 p.m E xpress 4.44 p.m. t Local 9.48 P- m- * " 7.42 p.m. Express 12.03 a.mn *Daily except Sunday. C. B. KENT, Town Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL wAy Goi HAsT GoiNG WasT Express 6.45 P. M. Express 9.,4o a. m. Daily except Snnday. liarry E. Porter AUTOMOBILE EXPERT Consultations with the trade on oper- ating Technicalities, Timing, Carbure- tion and ail Ebectrical Problems. Mechanic For Pickard's Garage ROYAL BANK BUILDING BOWMANVILLEF 48-3-w ENFIELD On Sunday, Dec. 21st.', special Christmas services wil be held in the chureh at 2 30 and 7 p. n), Worship with us. Strangers muade welcomne. A Christmas Sunday, Sehool Enter- tainment will be given at Enfield on Friday evening, Dec. l9th, to begin at 8 o'elock. A good program conexet- ing of dialogues, drills, recitations and songs is being prepared. Mr. O. A. Gamsby, Orono, the popular Enter- tainer and singer, will assiet.1 Corne and enjoy a happy eveDing with us. Admission 25 cents. Report of S. S. 15, Darlington, for November naines in order of mrit: Sr. IV-Luella Moore. Jr. IV- Mvrtle Vice, Dorothy Pascoe. Jr. Ill -Helen Pascoe, Florence McFadden, Herb Ashton, Merle Ashton, Henry Sannders- -tI--Harold-Cochrane,- Cora McFaddeu. Jr. I-Norman Stinson, Amy Ashton, Verna Orniieton. Pr. Sr.-Grant Orruiston, Grace Niddery. Pr. Jr.-George MeFadden, Bossie Pascoe, Evelyn Stinson, Leslie Coch- rane. Honore-* ANNETTA BRaowN, teacher., W#EDDINGS. SeOl'i-PÂeeoB . On Wednesday Dec. 3 the marriage of Hazel Laverne, elde t daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. IL. Pasce, Taunton, and Thomas -William -Scott,- yoiug.-- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Columbus, was soiemnized at tho Methodist ,Parsonage, 'Brooklin, Rev. E., W. Rowland, offiiating. The happy couple lf tbon the ovening train for western points. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Scott will reside on the homestead, East Whitby, and will ho at home to their friends after the 15th of February. iMETCALP-ALLIN A quiet marriage was solomnized at Courtice Parsonae liy the Bey.- W. S. P. Boyce, B. A., B. D., on Wednes- day, December ird. when Nova Beatniêe, second daughter of Mr.ad Mrs. John B. Alfin, East WVhitby, o came the bride of Bruce Wellington, second mon of Mr. and Mrs. John L.j Metcalf of South Dariington. The bride, looked charming in a tailored suit of navy bine choviot, with black' fox furs and large picture bat. The bride was attended by Miss Elva Van- Dykeý of South Darlington. The gromwa upp)orted by Mr. Cly ton HAlin, brother of the bride. The' groom's gift to the bride was a gold1 Ënl with diamond setting, to the, ridesmaid a cameo ring and to the! groomaman a peari tie pin. The happy couple left on the C. P. R. evening train for Toronto, Listowel and Moorelleld. On their returu they will reside at South Darlington. Now is the time to get your skates sharpened at Luke, Boys & Cryderman's garage. INSURANCE INSURE against fire and lightning damage to your home, furniture, cloth. ing, buildings, stock, produce, etc. IN-URE YOUR IN2ýOMý,E againet sickness and accident. It can ho done., INSURE YOUR LIFE for the ben- efit of those dependent upon you and also as aninvestment for yourself. The obd and reliable SUN LIFE 0F CANADA which I represent je the very best company for your purpose. The 20 companies I represent are among the very best-there are none better-the rates are the lowest poss- ible for your proper protection in case you have a dlaim. I will draw your Wiil, Deed, Mort- gage, Farm or House Lease, Agree- ment for Sale, etc, etc, at very reason- able charges. Prompt and careful' attention given to al unes of business entrusted to my care. -Mm. EdIth-V Y-S0o40 Instirance Agent, Phone 189 Bowmanville Phone 208 When you Require the Services of an Expert Electrician G. PARKIN Silvei à Church Sta. Bowmanville Chnristmas Footwelar- and giye the best, mako your selec- tions from' our stock -and you are sure to receive the best values.ý A partial list to chooso f rom- Slippers Moccasina ----Ovorgaiters Overshoes, Hockey Boots Leggings Pumps Oxford% Club Ba:. Cushion Sole Boots for Mothor at $6.OQ. 'You are cordially invited to in- spect our stock which is complote in every lins of footwear. Shýl-oe Storme Phone 120- Bowmanville Plan Now Open For The Royal Mi*nstreUls ln Musical Revue Bowinanville opera Ilouse Monday, Dec. l5th Tuesday, Dec. l6th'- Ini aid of BôwnianviIIe iHospital r 4 yM PIRE i eysiglt isofte th Ica ~se ofrnu~ h pi' isr and~hy PUB a L ICt tenale Dhyiin.Oeprteaia I Druggists and Optomotrists Phono 9~2 Bowmanville Nights or Sunday Phone 280 £~ i j, 1i BUY CHRISTMAS GROCERIES NOW W E now have, in stock for Christmaq trade a briglit, dlean, fresh assortmeùt of pure foods. Your good judgment demands that you corne in and look them over. Everything is here to help make you and your farnily's Christrnas the brightest 'and happiest of them al, Order From This List: Bleached Sultana Raisins, per lb ..............40e Seodod -Raisins-, in 15 oz. package............... 25e- Seedlese Raisins, iin 15 oz. package .................. 25e Seediess Raisins, in bolk, per lb...................... 25o Filiatra Currants, per lb ........................ 30 Turkish Dates, per lb.......... ,.............30e Orange and Lemon P, el, per lb...................... 60o Mixed Pool... ........................... ....65c Jordan Shelleil Almondes, î lb for .................... 20e Bordeaux Sheiled Walnpts, Ilb...... ...........1.10 Dried Prunes ........................ ............ ....30e Practical Gifts In China Dept. Our stock in this departmenit/is not a sélection of odd extremes and odd curiosities, but includes well-chosen lines representing pleasing, servicealile and appropriate Christmas gifts that meet the re- quirernents of everyone. DO YOUR SHOPPING EAi<LY ARCH;mIE TAIMT PHONE 65. Prompt Delivery. l3owmanvill. &fiow Is 'Wh"e i me <To Select Yur 3urniture For Chrtmas We have b een very busy this week unpacking case after case of new fuîrniture of eïery variety for every roorn in the bouse. Space will not permit ite4~ig-te-gods-so-ooe-in--sfo~e-an4-look- around at your first opportunity. cPc4flLOR TABLES, We now havé a large variety of srnall Parlor Tables which will make excellent Christmas gifts. Pick one out while the selection is complete. IcRON BEDS Another shipmient of Iron Beds with Bras Trimmings bas just arrivéd. 'c4cTTcRESSES Enjoy a good night's sleep hy having a Mattress. We have thern at $6 75 to $25.00. meOw WILLIAMUS "\CAIvN Furniture For Home and Office Phone 58 ýor 159 cDowmanvdIte --MA-.

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