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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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J Thýe Shop TJ.hat Leadst 'We Are Now Ready For Your Christmias Sho ping IN FURS RED FOX HU,ÎDSON SEM.L HATS CAPS WOLF AUSTIRALIAN OPPOSSUM Ats Specica1 Prices -Men's Wear SHIRTS, CRAVATS ALASKA SABLE \NATURAL COON BOCKS CGfLO VES î Your Gltrstmas Slhopping Early G. 6Ne.rTHuRSTO N Bowb-nyjaile s U-'p-to-date 1H4aberdashery I and fur Shop. Fruits For Christmas Laaîes and Gentemen- I ýwish to thank you for your kin4 patronage. 'olks, l think I havesaved you apeau.y ortwo. Now Christmas îs ,at hand 1 wish toi .elp along stili furtber. I wishl. could afford to ofler you mo, but these few wil be to youradvantage to Zgt ini and buy now while I have themn. 10 cases nice table Sunkist Oranges 7 cases of extra large Suakist Oranges à cases of Grape Fruits, prie will surprise you. 5 cases lovely large Lemons- Nuts, aJI varieties, fresh goede; Fresh Roasted Peanuts Winter Grapes thab will keep wel Iotatoes and Onions are 'nounting in price every day. 1 Iibyve a small stockn on hand that will pay you to get in on while .-1-Iy are gorng. 1 I arnhandling a1J kinds of Fish, Fresh, Selt, ,%nd Smoked, Yours truly, j.e ari )Id Standard Bank Building Bowmanville v [W IA V l L DC. il, 11 UIR33 1CLNBTEETRT AI1N. Bojwmanvïile Girls' Patrioîieclub has doue an, excellent work during È-he four yeans of tbe wan, every miemben doing bier best to produce the splendid resetîts wbich have been publisbed from time to fine. Wben the wan ceased, they turned thein attention ,to-entertaining the boys as tbey returned., giving a banquet when a sufficient numb>er were homne. The third and last of these banquets was beld on Wednesday night iiithe Meibodist lecture room, which was 4icelv decorated withý ifLags, streamers, etc. WCovers were laid for seventy-five, ýthe, tables being pretty witb mvwtle, poinsettas; andi carnations, whil>e lovely colored jellies, etc,, added to the attractivi ness of a splendid menu of cold pork and tongue. Iscailoped potatoee, salad, lemon pie, ice cneam, cake, coffee, etc. 'After the ban- quiet, a round of speeches was given, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, acting as toastinaîter, who proposêd "The King" follewed by singing "The N ttional Anfhezeý' Speech- es wene made by Revs. D. W. Reat, S, C. Moore C. P. Muirhead and Gordgn D. Jury; Dr. Reddick, Mr. Clarence Hall, Lt.-Col. L. T. McLaughlin and others. Musical numbers were contributed by Miss Evelyn Joness, Mr. j B. E. Seguoi, who grandly sang as an encore, "The Marseillaise in French.' An Orchestra led by Prof., Laugher, funnished music during the japquet. The remainder of the eeening ,qas spent in contests and a social ti me was enjqyed by ail. A vote of tbanks, mov-gd by Mr. Norman Hamley and seconded tiy Mr. Day C Watnica,and beartily supp orted by the guets, was accorded theChibj for this, another splen- did evidence of their lovaltv and good will, and acknowledged bv Miss Ethel Morris, the President. A PLEASANTSURPRISE. It bas been a pleasant surprise to me to bave so many of mv former customers from Bowmanville and Danlîngton con- tinue to patronizenme at mpv Oshawa store. Hardly a day passesthat some of my Durham County Ifriends -dont call. I cannot help but consider fhbs contin- ued patronage and con idence in me a veçy great bonor. 1 sncerelv thank tbem for it and am putting forth evry effort to warrant their good will and continued eptronage. Witb the additional stock of Jewelny, lÇpgmmunity Plate, Cut Qlass, French I Iypry, Diamonds, China, etc., which 1 nowhave, it far surpasses anvthing a&- tenwpted in Bowmanville. Thse immense varie-ty in every department makes ià extrexnelv easy to choose Christmas girts andI pnkes are verv moderate in many cases, by comparison, people are finding our values fan superior to others. To the good people of Bowmanville and Danbington, wbo do your shopping in Oshawa, we invite you to caîl at'our store-14 Since-st., North. ELLIOT BROS, per ALEX ELLIOT. S. A. BAZAAR Salvation Army Home League will hold their bazear on Thursday afternoon and evening, Dec. iîtb. Cbildren's wear,, aprons, fancy work and homemade cook- ing will be for sale. In the evening, the Oshawa Songstgrs will put on a splendid program of vocal and instrumental music. Come and help a deserving causé. 49-2w. ILocal and 0Othýerwise Faýrmers, vote for Hydro by- law-î) Mns. il. 1. Osborne left Monday to ne- side in Toïrnto Mns. Geo. Proctor, Toronto, is vîsiting Mrs. D. W . Best at the Manse. Mrs. C. McDonald, Port Credit, spent Sunday witb Miss Alma Poliard. Miss AllieOke, Courtice, spent Suncay with ber cousin. Miss, Reta R. Cole. Mrs. Wm. Ledger, Pontiac, Micb., is visiting at ber -fathen's, Mn. Albert Manning.' M rs. Hanry Edgerton, bas retunned alter spendiig ae Ways w*iÏh-relatives--in1 Toronto. Five Pin League-,Vetenans defeated Goodyear team in finst game of season by good margin. Y'on may now hny Artsyl Rope silks and Dresden ntbbons at Dingman & Ed- mondstonel's. Mn.. F. A. Fosten spentthe week-end in Toronto at Dr. James Bnay's, 288 Gerrard-st, E. Many country fricnds etjo-ied the Thank-affening services in Methodist Church orn Sunday. Mn. Fred R. Folev is in Montreal, at- tending a meeting of the National Shoe Retailers Executive. Mrs. (Rev.) D. ýW. Best, A. T. C. M., will sing at St. Petil's Choir Concert iet Pont Hope next Friday. Messrs. E. Doncaster, A. A. Battle, Harry Bnock and C. F. Rice attended the Guelph Ponltry Show this week. Mrs. Harny Canet left on Wednesday to visit ber father, Mn. Richard Wontli, and other relatives in Vancouver, B. C. Read the merebants advts this week. Tbey are exceptionally interesting and bave more than ordinary news value. Eveny page of tbis paper contains local news.z No othen paper reaches s0 many homes int Bowmanville and West Durham Latest reports indicate that Dalington natepayers wîil carry Hydro-Radial by- law by a big majority on Saturday. Misses Gertrude and Anna and Capt. Hugb McLaugbltn, Toronto, spent the week end at Mr. W. W. Down's, Kingston Road. Among local prize winners at Guelph Poultry Show wene Z. F. Rice, Roy Dii- ing, Hary Bnock, Noble Meicaif and A. Ayre.' Mns. F. Roblin and Mn. Otto Mayer, Hami!ton, were called here owing to the serious illness of their mother, Mrs, M. Maver, sn. Orden this great familv journal sent 52 times in 1920 to a distant friend as a Christmas present that is sure to be ,appreciated. Princess Zanzeleia, court dancen to bis Royal Highness, the Omir of Persia, in an Oriental Extravaganza-Opera House Dec. i5 and 16., The Women's Hospital Auxiliary wisb to thank ail who heiped i anyway to make the Bazaar such a succesa. Fu report nextweek. Mn, and Mrs.' T. E. Knowlton, Miss Donotby and Miss Marjory King, Tor- onto, spent the week-end here, guesta of Major W. C. King, P. M. Mr. Milis, Manager Gruere Watch Co., and Mrs. Miii. and son and Mn. Duncan d'Esterre, Toronto, motored here and spent Sunday gu ests of Mr. R. Dumas. St. Paul's Sunday Scbool annual Christ- mas ententainment will take place on Tuesday, December 21rd , at 8 p. M. A cordial welcome is extended to ail. 5-* Mn. and Mns. D. H. McMullen, Lotus, announce the engagement of thein yonng- en daughter, Avelyn P., and Clarke W. Williams, Nestieton, the wedding to take place iniDecember, UI).ATHS, BRITTON-At Port Hope, Dec. 4, H. James Britton, in his 77th year. MEADER-In Bowaianville, Dec. &hb, Emma Lucilla Fletcher, beloved wife çf Mn., Henry W. Meader, aged 59 years. LITTLE-On Dec. 3rd, at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. Turkington, the Manse, Whitbv, Mr. Robert Little, fin bis 92ànd ~year. GERRY-Accidently killed near Brook- lin on Dec. 6, Garfield James Gerry. Tor- onto, son of tbe late Samuel qerry of Oashawa. a-ged 26 vears.. TA'sON- In Bowmanville, at the resi- dence of ber daugbter, Mrs. W. H. Tbickson, Dec. 9, Betsy Ann Rowe, relict of tbe late William Tapsqn, aged 74 years. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Deaier tu Monuments, Tablets, Markerrs, etc., in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville. Ontarlo. LOST-Hand-bag on Kîng-st Bow- manville, on Wednesday Dec. 3, contain- ing sum of money, pair stockings, pair glasses, etc. Finder please leave at the STATESMAN Office or Knigbt's store. MEN WANTED-Good wage e. Bowmanville Bridge. Apply at work. THbs. MANLEY, & 1 PIGS FOR SALE-iow and 9 Yorkshire pige, 6 weeks old, will Bel eeparately or the lot. Apply Norman S. B. James, Bowmanville, BOARD AND BROOM- Wanted by working girl for five d&VO of the week. Ste.te terme. Apply Drawer 9, Bownianyille. 50 lt FURS FOR SALE-At about one-third regular price. one met of-mink fure jin perfect condi- tion. ApplV ST.TESMAN Office, 40 St OUS13E PARLOR MAID WANTED-Ât once. $db0per month, Apply in mornings. MRS. J. NU ,rV~flfl 'at. 0*Pnwvu -lo47 t BAND at the RINK Tu esday Thursday and Saturday Nights Notuos of Births 90 cents; Maetiages 50 ceite; leetho, go colt oa e etotion.- Wlonfauneral cei'ds M epvîtte et tit offIce. lusorti on Irae. BIRTHS. GOODMAN-in Oshawa, Nov. 3oth, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Goodman, a daugbtcr GÂRBUTT-On Dec. 3rd at Oshawa General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Garbutt, a daugbter. MARRIAGES HopKiNs-.McLEAN-Ait the Metho- dist Parsonage, Whitby, Dec. 3, by Rev. W. B. Tucker, Robert Hopkins, and Mrs. Jeanette McLean, both of Oshawa. SNUDDEx-HERRING - At King-st. Methodist Parsonage, Oshawa, by Rev. A. M. Irwin, Fannie Herring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Herning and Mr. Frank F. Snudden. Phone 97 The Cash & Carry Bakery Bowmanyille -~ ~- hop Early - Trhe Time Hias Corne To TaIk About Christmnas (~t The eveniîngIls' Ia doubly sweet _ With comnfy slippers For the feet. Slippers!1 Slippers! More Slippers I They are very useful and always appreciated by every member J Get i ~:heof the faniily, even the littie tots. I Getitat heShoe Store and it will be douoly apprecîated, for __ -the pleasure it brings and the usefuiness aq well. Step in and see. Beautiful Boots, Evening Pumps, Overshoes, Fur Trimmed Juliets, ColoredComf ys, and Colored Spats Shoe Trees, Slipper Soles, Shoe Cases, Club Bags, Trunks and Moccasins. HoceyBootsS kating is the - siports. The young folks will appre- Sciate hockeys. "Fred. R. Foley » Footfitter Bowmanville g On the Sunnyside 'W'TT1~ T A 9%i tiir - - - - - - - - - - - lm Christie's for iPies Christie's for Cakes Christie'8 for Buns Christie's for Bread -Christie'.- for Candies Christie's for Ohocoates Christie's for Christmas Cake And You Will Get The Best Carry Your Parcels And Save Money. ALEX. CHRISIE

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