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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 6

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IVunicýcepality of By-Law NO. 8 A By-law ta au thoriz.a a certain agree- é thereto. ment made hetwe en the Hvdro-Electric 2. Onhy duly qualîfied prnperty own- Powar Commissicon cf Ontario and the ara in the Townshïp 'cf Dariington shahl Municipal CorpDrEetion of the Township ha entit],ed to vota on the By-iaw, and of Darlington, auçà other Municipal Cor- any rate reqnîred to bie levied for pay- porations, for the sconstruction, equipment ment of debantures or interest thereon and operation of an Electnic Railway stiall ha raîsed, levad and coliccted fromn under -The Hydrcu Electric Raiiway Act, th;, rateabla proparty in said Township. 1914, " and arnoc meuts ï-hereto: Made, passed and entared thia Whareas it is ez2ipedient _that th Cor- day of 1. porat ion of the 'owushJp of Dat ington ... ................Reeve. and other Muncial Corporations shouhd enter into an A greemaut under,"rlke.................................Cin Hydro-Elactric ILailway Act, 1914," and (Seal) amfentdments thera ta, with Hvdro-Electnic___ Power Commissic:n of Ontario, haremn- aiter calied tha Commission,. for the NOI ICE. construction, equiLrmnn and operaion cf Take notice that the foregoing is a true an Electric Railway in and through the ccqpy of a proposad Ey-law ci the Cor- Municipahity of th e Township of Darling- poration of th- Township cf Dariingtou ton, and certain other Mun'cipalities, tu 0e submitted ta the vute cf the' electors pon thetetrnis andconditions and subiact on the' îeh dav cf Dacambar, A. D., 1919, to the provisions set foi-th anîd contairied between the' houris cf nine o'chock lu the' in the Agreemnent set ouf in this By-law, forenoon and tive o'clock in the' afternoon and according 'to the routes set forth in at the following polling places snd by the Schedula ",A" to îhie said Agreemen'i: following Deputv Raturning Officars and And whereas thie estimated coat of the Pol ling Cierks, namely.. wonr under th- said Agreeinent is No. j. poiling sub-division at the Sehool $8,36o,79400; andl whereas the portion cf House, in School Section No. 5, Geo. the coat of the construction and equip- Wight, jr., te ha refurning officar; Arthur ment of the lina f0 be borne by the Bragg, Poil Clark. Corporaton cf iie Municipality cf the No. 2 poliing subdivisin af the Sons of Township cf Da7iington is est'mated at Tamperanca Hall, in the Village cf $429,680.00, as set ont in Scheduie "B" t0 Tvrone, Wm. Staplas te ha Returninà- the said Agreernent, subject te adjust- officer; Leslie I'hompson, Poil Cerk. ments and appcKýtionment befWeeu the No. 3 polling sub-division at the Sons cf Corporatir ns by the' Commission fromt emperanca Hall, Maphe Grae, Mark time ta time, as providad by the said Mundav, jr., f0 be Returuing officat: Agreemnent; I Leslie Suowdao, Poli Clark. And whereas tl-e total amount astîrn- NO. 4 poliug sub-di vision at the Town ated to be requrcd for thea maintenance Hfail in the -Village et Hampton, J. L. of the railway, sp art f rom oparating ex- johns te ha Returning officer; Theodore penses, is $186,5 88 0e (the eperafîug 'Salter, Poli Clark. revenue being est imated at $,1 1,003.oo, N.~pligsbdvso tOag sud peraion nd aintnanc aIHall iu the Village of Enuiskillan, jas. A. $658,135-00) Werry to be Returning flicer; Albert And whereas thie total annuai amount Oke, Poli Clark. estimated t e r equired, for the period N.6pligsbdvso tteSho of tan yesrs imrrxediatehy folowing the Ho.saS S oligs, '(CisortteIvan L date of the issuc cf the Bonds ta e h ue o8,Cutc)Ia a issued under the eaid Agreement, for in- t a Returniug officer; Clarence Pan- teresf on the said Bonds is $418,040-00 found, Poli Clark. aud îhereafter, foir the next ensuing foty No. 7 polling sut- division at the Schooh yesrs, the annual arnount estimated f0 ha Housa bu S. S. No. 14 <Bradhay'.s) Leslie required for sîukisig fund charges for tht' C. Pascoe ta ha Refurning officar; George retirarnent of the zsaid bonds is $83,608 00 Gibert, Puli, Clark. and for interesti on the said bonds And that the ioth dav of Dacamber, $418,040-0.o 191, aI the heur of eleven o'clock lu the A.ad..whe=rasLthýe portion f0 ha borne forenoon at the Clark's office, ln the by the Municbpsity of the Township cf Village of Hampton, bas beau ixed for Dariiugtou cf the said annual amounts the' appointment of pansons ta attend af estimated te ha naquiredfor maintenance, the aforesaid poiling places, sud at the siuking fuind charges sud interest is asti- floal surnmiug up of the votes by the mat ed at $31,073 00 for the firsItan veans, Clark. And that if the assent of the as sfuresaid, sud thereafter at $35,370-00 electors is otaiued f0 the said preposad ou the same basis as the portion of the by-law it wiii ha taken into consîdera- cost of construction and equipmant, as tien bv the Municipal Council of the said aforesaid, subject to adjustmeufs sud Sp- Corporation at a meeting thereof to ha portieumant tetween the Corporations by hahd after the expiration cf oe month the Commisson from ftnie ta time as from the date of the firat publication of providad by the said Agreement; thîs notice, sud that such first -publication And whereas the amount of the whoie was made on the 2th day of November, rateabie proparty of the Corporation at'- 1919. cording te the last Revisad Assessment TAKE NOTICE FURIHER that a Rollisl $2,393,987.23 sud the amount of tenant who dasires ta vote upon t ha said the debentura debi of the Corporation is proposed bv-law must deliver te the $ Nil; Clark, net latar than thetanth day hefore Thareora, the Municipal- Councii cf the day appointed for taking the votes, a the Corporation of the Township cf decaration under THE CANADA Evi- Danhingtou enacts as foliows:- DENÇE A~CT, that hae is a tenant wtose 1..It shall eha iwfuh for the Corpora- lasse exienda for the time for which the tion et the Township of Danington, and debt or iability ia to ha created, or ini the said Corporation la hereby authforized which the mouay taelha raisad by the pro- to enter int the following Agreement posed by-iaw la payable, or fer at ieasst witb the Hydro-Electnic Power Com- tweu y-oua years, and that ha bas by the mission oj Ontario 'aud other Corpora- icase, covenanted ta pýy ail municipal tions, the said Agr amant being herety taxes bn respect cf the' property of whict încorporated icI o sud ferming a part of hae is tenanît other than for local improve- tbis By-iaw, sud the Reeve and Clerk cf meut rates, the Corporation are hereby authorizad W. R. ALLIN, sud directad f0 execute t ha said Agnat'- ment upon bahaîf cf this Corporation sud Clark of the Itunicipalitv of the fonsp te attach the Seai cf the Corporation 0f Darliugton. ét. e'AIRRYING six-pound > C,. irons back and forthl from a hot stove for heurs is soniething ne sen- sible woman should put up* with. Why flot banish this by tgetting L The Néw You is iply turn on the crrent and tht drudgtry la gene, And this iren takes heuxs eut of ironing time, N. u Yen t even have.telit the Canadlian.Beauty Iron en te à * zest-sLauiu. w nen nuî un usa, juet up ne i ou uj> un ~ne nanuy sached back-stand. It wili not fafL. E And it dots its work to perfection. litehlghly nickelled ironing * S surfacED glides over the heaviest linen wth euse. As the point mC of the #ion stikes the cold, damp mateial first, the tip of the Canadian Beauty is extra hot. à Remenaber tiiis, too-the bandit is realîy cool. à W. w-elcome inspection of out splendid stock of Electrical Appia-nces, which înludes the, Canadian Beauty Theet-Heat Grill and the Electrie Toaster, Corne * The Ilydro Electric Pôwer Conm i!sion of Ontarî The Hydro Shop -m n - m n n . -n102' A.GREEMENT hEREINBEFORE REFERRED TO- Thâs buintture made weht---------------dayr et----------...ilathe yeari est aétho'usaud ine >andréd a"d!................ 2 RZlDRO-BLOCTRMC POWEIR C01IISIR ON 0F ONrAIO (berain- 9. called tht 'C0ommfss1on"') af tht Final Part, and THE MUNICMPAL CORPORATIONS 0F THE TOWNSIP OF YORK, THE *TOWNSHIP 0F SCARFBORO, TEE T0WNISHIP 0F PICKERTNG, TUE TOWNSHIP 0F WIIITBY, TEIE TOWNSHIP OF EAST- WIITBY, THE TrOWNSIP 0F DARULNGcFON, THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, THIE rO'WN 0F OSHAWA, THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILL.E ANDO THE CITY 07 TORONTO (heneinater esilta 1the "Corporations") 0f tIse Second Part: Whtntas pursuat te tht Hydro-Electnit' IaAlway Acf, 1914, sud ameudments thereto the Commission wss reiuesfed te enquire inta. examine, investigate sud report upon th.et'est et construction sud operafion et an electrie railway or railssys ta be construt'ted through certain districts in which tht corporations are situatefi, tUjyether vith tht probable revenue that would rescît rmmtfhe operation ot such r aorraîlweys; *And whereae tht Commission bas furnished tIse carporations wlfh su-cb a report showIng (1) tht total estimated cosf, oparating revenue sud expenses efthtIe rail- ,May or railsesys, sud (2) tht proportian cf the capital coal ta bt borne by each cf tIse corporations as set forth in schedule "B"' aftached hereto; Aund whereas ontret'eLpt of thte sd report the' corporations requestedthe Comn- mission f0 construc , eqluip sud operate a system ot elactrie railways (beraiuafteî calefi the' rsilwsy) over the routes laid dowu lu achedule "A" attat'hed hereto, ispoi tIse fermas sud conditions sud in tise manner herein set forth; Andi whtr.as tht Commission bas agreed ws4ifh tise corporatioens on bahaîf oet1he cerporations 'ta costruct, aquip andi operate tht railway uipou the' termis sud con- ditions sud lu tht manner'harein set forft; but upon tIse express conditions that ho Commission shah nef lu any way b, hiabla by reason of any error or omission n auy estimates, plans or specificatiens fan any fluancial or otbar obligation or bass whatsoaver by virtue et this agreement or arising oct of tht' performance oî the' termnitereot: And whereas tht electors et esch oi the' corporatdons bave asseutefi ta bylaws authonizing the corporations ta enfer mb Ibtis agreement with the Commi-ssion fat tht' construction, tquipmt'nt sud operation et tht railway aslaid dawn lu the said -'eauhes, subject fa tht tollowing termas sud conditions; And whereas the' corporation have esch Issuefid dhtnturas ion tIse amounta set orth lu sebedule "IB" attaecbed herelo, sud have dapositefi tht saifi detenturas ,ith tht Commission;, Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth:- 1. Iu consideration ai tht premises sud ef tht agreaments ofthtIe corporations derain containefi, sud subjeot ta the provisions eft h. saifi Acf sud ameudments Itereto, thse Commission agnats sith fthe corporations raspectivly:- (a) Ta construct, aqoip sud Qperate tise ralhixay through tIsedistricts lansehicIs ,'ha corporations are sdtuate ou behaîf of the' corporations; (b) Ta construct sud op.rafe fthe rnslway aven tht rcutes laid down ln eh.edule "A"~; (c) To issue bonds, as provided inl paragrapis Boe this agreement, te cover tIsa -'st ot caustrncting sud aquippiag thse raiiway; (d) To furnish as fan as possible firat-class modem suad standard eqcipmant for use on tht' railway, fa epçrata Ibis equipment sa as ta give tIse test service aDd accommodation possible, hàving regard ta tIse district servefi, tht' type cf"cou- truction sud equipmnenf adoptefi sud ahi ather equitable coenditions, sud ta exarcise %11 due skill aud diligence se as te secune tIsa mot affective operafion sud service ef tht' rallway consistent witb goad management; (e) Ta regulate sud fln tht tares sud rates ot tell to ha collected by tIse rail- wsy tor &Il classes oft se rvice;0 (t) To utilise tht racles sud property of tht railway for ail purposes tram which if le possible ta obtain a profit; <g) To combine thse prapert'y sud works of tht railway sud tIse power Ues et lbe Commission where such combination le feasible sud may prove ecouemuÈical te bath tht rsilway sud tht ustre of the power Uaes; (h) Te permit sud obtaln Interchange oft trafi e wifb ther raîlways wherevar possible sud profitable; (1) Ta supply thectrical power or entrgy for operation of the railway at ratas consistent with those chargedi to municipal corporatious; j) To apportion annually thtetcapital coste sud operating enpenses cf al uonks, apparafus sud plant usefi by the railway lu camînon with tht Commission' s transmission, Unes lu a tain manuer, haviug ragard ta tIse service furnished by lh. expenditure 'under cousideration; (k) Te apply the revenue derived trom operation ofthtIe railwey and any other revenue derivd fnom 1h. undertakiug te the psymeut ai epenating expeuses (Inclufi- ing electnîcal power), tht cost et admninistration, and annual charges for interast sud sinking fund au tht mouey invtsted. and such ather deductians as are berein providtd for; (1) To set aside tram any revenue thereaffan nemaiiug au aunual sum tan the' rantwal of any wvonks belonging In whale or lu part to fthe uudetaking; <iii) Te psy aven aunually te tht corporations, if deemefi afvisabla by tht Comn- mission Ili the inteneste et tht uadenfaking, any surplus that Masy ramain atter previding ton the items abbaye mentionefi. The division af acch surplus between tht corporations te te fixefi by tht Commission ou an aquitabît basis, having regard iu the case of esch corporation ta thse capital investefi, tIse service readened. tIse comparative benefits deîivedi, sud ai ether 1k conditions, (n) To take active steps ftan'the purpose of construtfing, equipping aud eperaf- iug tht' rsilway aftIsae earliest possible date atter thse execotion of Ibis agreement by the corporations sud the deposit cf thse debantures as caihedf on under clause' 2 (b) hereot sud te commence operationoet asch section as seon as possible afte tanis complet ion; (a) Te malte sucIs extensions te the nalway descrited lu achedule -'A!'ase may appear advantageouesud profitabe tram lime te tîme. Provhded always that ase part ef auy lin. af railway te be coustrucfed sud eperaf .4 by tht Commission tIse Commission may purchase, lasse or attain running rights over any steam railway, eectrical rallway on streel naiîway or any part thereof. L Inu consideratien of the premnises sud o tht agreements berein set forth, each ot tht Corporations for ituelf. sud net on. fer 1h. othan. agreas whf h tht Commiîssion- 0 0 (a) To bear Is ahane of tht cost et censtructlng, equipping, openating, rmain- tsiuing, repalrlng, rentwing sud insuring tIse railway sud ifs preperty sud works as established by tise Commission, scbject te adjustîments sud apporfieumeuf befween tht corporations by thse Commission fnom timetat tise; <b) To Issue debenturts le. the ainouats set forth lua chodule -Mr maturbu ta fift y years ironstIse datet of Issus thoetf, sud bearla.' Intenet sta a rate oft ae lesa Ihan per ctntum per asnum, payable1 yeanly. attthe Bank at Toronte, Ontarlo, Buck deben- lunes shah bth dtpoeltedl with the Commisson prtvious te thte rn.' si tht bonds meutIoned abaye, sud nmay bé hhd eor dîeposed et from Urne te üoijsth the Commis4- sien, as provlded for luclaset 4 hereit, Inuchi amouats aIts rat"s of discoun* er premlum sud on suais termni Sdtileusasa the OormInssloa laifs sole dis- eration shaU deem te b. Ia the latertats ef the raway, the proceedi oet mach debea.. torts being used sololy for tht purposes horela conto.iaed. Tht amouat oet dt'bentures of tacIs toapration sold or dnposd of from lime te lime shall be snck proportion as may 1ýe ftd by the Comissinon ofithte total amenaI ef debenture, due regard belng given tb tht caial nvtuted, the serviot s rmd . Sb.omPrai revenue dtrlved, sud ail ather tiqsiIsblt tomd&toffl (c) To malte no agreen,en~t or arrangement with, sud te grant ne bonus, lîcenat or other Inducement te any other railway or transportation cenrpany withuut the wnitttn consent et tht Commission;0 S(d) To keep, observe sud pentorm the covenants, provîsos andi condi tiens set forh u Iisagreement inlended te be kept sud ebservefi sud pertermed hy the corpratinsd f0 execute sucb further or other documentsansd fo pasa such by- taws as may be requestefi by tht' Commission for the pornos.et fully effectuating the objecte aud fInent of thie agreemntn; (e) To iurnish a free ight of way for the' ra'lway sud for tIse power lines et rIs, Commission over any properfy of the corporations upon being se rt'qOt'stt'd by tht Commission, sud te execufe such conveyance thereot or agreement sîith regard thoreto as mav te desined b,', the Commission. ý 3. It shah b. lawful sud tht' Commission la hereby authonizefi te create e- cause te ha created an Issue ai bonds, sud te sell or dispose et the sama on behali of the corporations. SucIs bonds to be charged upcran sd secured by the' railway, and ei the assets, ights, pivileges, revenues, warks, property sud effects belonging thereto or held or used in connection with tht' railway coustructefi, acriuired, oper- sf84 sud maintained by tht Commission under this agreement, sud te b. for the' total amnounts mentloned lu achedule "B"~ herefo sttached; providefi that tht' Com- mission may. upen obtaining tht consent as Ierein dafinefi of the' majoity et tht' corponationg, Inerease thse said bond issue by any amount necessary te covar the' capital ttof exfeuding tht railway, sud may aisoesithout such consent increasa tht sald bond Issue te caver tht cost et afiditional -works on ecuipmeut of any kinri for use ouÎ the rallway f0 an etent net exceading tan per cent. (10 per cent.) of the- bouds Issued trom lime ta lImai. ha order te meet sud pa3, such bonds and Interest sa thte sme liecomes due sud payable thse Commission shahl in each year atter thtex«piration of feu ytars tram the date of the issue of tht bonds out cf tht rt'q'nue of the railway aiter payments of operafiug tapeuses (Includiug olectnîal power) sud the cosf ef administration set asIde s sutficieuf auua te provide a sink- ingitund for the purpose oft nedeemaIng tht samne 5f matunity. Dabenturas issuefi by tht corporations lu compliance witb clause 2 (b) hereof, shahl, to tht' extent of tht p" valiue et any bonds outstanding tram time te time, te held or disposed of by1 tht ommiennssion la trust for tht holders 0f such bonds as colaferal security for thro.It bing ua ,nd-estood sud agreed that lu tht evauf et sny increase -itthe said bond Issue esch crporation shahl, upon tise recuetIof tue Commission, deps iwthth Commission afiditlonal dehentures as descnibefi lu clause 2 (b) her«te. be held or disposed of by the Commission as collatersisetcirlty for such incrtast eftu b. sald bond Issue, sud-th&t any debeture held by thse Commission' iu .nctss of tht par value ai thte outatanding bonds tram Urne ta limne may te held or dtspeaed ef by tht Cormitda toee B al' tymnt t oisaw deielt arýP!ug trom tht operatien 09 th rsilwa. 4. Iii lb. eveut oit the revenue dtnived fromn thte peration oit the undertaklxig Wntfin nsuffIclent lu any yean te mneet the operatinge ,upenses f includtng electrical power), tht ceaI ai administraton sud thse annual chargea for interesf sud slnking tunfi ou the boude, sud for tht renewal of any worlts bahonguna lu whohe or lu part te tht raitway, snch daticit shail b. paid f0 tthe Commission by tht corporations upon dem1and 0of sud lu tht' proportion adjustefi by the' Commission. iu the event of lIse failore aif any corporation to psy ils share ot such a deticit as sdjusttd by the Commission, if shah b. lawful for tht' Commission in tIsa manner pravided Iin clause 2 (b) to dispose of debentures held by th, Commission as sacurity for any such deficit. Any arrears by any corporation shahl bear interest aItIshe legal rate. 5. Should any corporation fail te perferns any efthtIe obligations 10 tIse Com- mission under Ibis agreement, the'Commission may, Iu addition te ahi other remedies sud withouf notice, discontinuet1he service 0f the railý'eyta such corporation ln default. unlil tIse "saxd obligation has been itulfilod, eud n ehcbd*onuantt et service shah rehieve tht corporation ilu-defallt from tua Peerrensace Imm*ttevea- anuIs. province sud conditions herelu. containtd. S. In case the Commilssion shali at any time or limes be preyented tram oper- ating the rallway or any part thereof by etnike, lockout, riot, tre. invasion, ex- plosien, sot of God, or the. Kiug's enmies. or any other cause ree.sonsibly beyond its coutzel, thon the Commission shall.net b. bound te operate the rsiltway or sucb part thereof durIng sucli lime; but the corporations shall net b. nel«Ved fror nr4 liabihity or paymeut under this agreement, and as soon as the cause oft euch In- terruption le n.rnoved the 'Commnission shall, witheut any rielay. ontinu full *pin% &tien of the railway, aud each of the corporations shail lie prompt aud dîligent lu doing everyfhing lu its power te remove andi overcome auy auch cause or causes Of Interruption. 7. If shall he lawvful for. and the corporations hereby autherlze the Commission te, unité lhe business eft1h. railwsy with that of any othen rallway syslem operated in whole or la part by tht' Commission. and te exchange eQuipmenf sud operatora fro one systeru te tIe other, proper provision beiug made se that each systenu shah psy Ifs proportionate share of the coat of any' equipment used luncormon. 3. If af any time auy other municipal corporation applies f0 the Commission for an extension efthtIe railway lîtto ifs municipality the Commission shall notify the applîcant sud fhe corporations, lu wriliug, of a lime aud place fa hear ail repre- senlistions that may b. made, as te the termeasud conditions relating f0 such pro- posed extension, If, ounfthe recommendafion of 1h. Commission, such extension shah bu suttorized, wlfhout discrimination In favfor of the applicant, as to the coaf lncurred or te b. incurred for or by reason oft any such extension, the Commission rnay extend the railway upon such termesud conditions as mnay appear equitable te the Commissian. No such application for au extension of the railway into, any municipality the coriporation cf which la not a parly f0 1h15 agreeRnent shall be granted If if la et!t- mated by tht' Commission thaf the ceat of service of the railway fa the corporations parties heretoe will be thereby ýiucreased on th. revenue sud accommodation be in- juriously affect ad wifhouf tse'written consent of the majoniity eft1h. corporations parties herete. 9. Thse consentuf aiteny corporation required under- tht, agreement shahl mean the consent of the' council of such corporations, such consent beiug ln the forra of a municipal by-lay duly passed by the council of the corporation. 10. The Commission shahl, at least aunually, adjust and appontion betweeu tht' corporations thtet'est of construction, equipment, operation, interest, slnktug mcnd. sud aise 1h. cost of reuewiug the property of the railwày. il. Every raiiway and ail the wonlcs, property sud effecf s held sud used lu con- rection fherewlth, consfrncted, acquired, operated and maintained by the Commis- sion under Ibis agreement sud the said Acf shah t e vestad lu the Commisaion on behaîf et tht' corporations; but the Commission shah tbe entitled to a tien upon the same for ail mouey expauded by the Commission under this agreement sud net repaid. 12. Eacb oi tlre' corporations covenantesud agrees with fth.e ther: (a) To carry out the' agreements and provisions herein coutained: (b) To co-operate by aIl meaus in ifs power af ail times wifh the Commission to creafe 1he meat favorable conditions for fthe carrylug out fet1h. objecta of th. agreement sud oet1he said Act, aud te Increase the revenue et the railway sud en- sure Ifs succeas. i3. In tht' avent of any difference between the corporations the Commigsdon msy, upon application, fix a f imeansd place te hear all represeutations thaf may be madea by thse parties, sud tIse Commission shahl adjust such dffereuces, sud suceh adjcstments shah b. final. The Commission shaîl have ail tht' puwars that may b. coufarrefi upon a cemmissloner ap'pointd under the Act Respectiug Enqluirie,. Coucerning Public Maltera.1 14. This agreemsent shahl continue sud entend for- a perfl of flfty yesr from thse date hereof sud at the expiration thereof be subject toneuev.al, with thse con- sent of 1h. corporations trom lime te time for like penioda et tif ty years, sutîject f0 adjustment sud re-apportienanent as heremn providefi for the purposeseofthIbs agreement as though thet' erms hereot had not expirefi. Af tht' expiratior eft this agreement the Commission shahl determine sud adjuet the' rights cf the. corpr rations, fiaving regard te the' amounts paifi or assumed by them nespeotively ui -'r the' terme of this agreement, sud such other cousiderations as maey appear equl i ie te the Commission aud are approved by tht Lieutensut-Govarnor iu Council. 15. If is undenstoofi sud agreed that the rates lmposed for tht' shgrê et the cost te b. borne by tIss municipalitits lsted Iu echedule "C" attached hereto, sbal h imposefi opon th. rateable property set forth respectively In fthe said scheduit. 14. This agreement shall net cora neato effeet until if han been santioned by fhe Lleutensut-Governor In Oouualil. Iu wtness whereof the Commission aud the Corporations have reepeetively aflxed their corporate sealesud the hands oit their proper officers. SCHEDULE "A" ROUTES: Toronto- Plck.rlîig Section: Commencing at the proposed terminal in the City et Toronto, the linsentends over the property et tht Toronto Harbour Commission, thence northerly te the C.N.R., thence easterly ta a point near wher* the C.N.R. crosses St. Clair Avenue, theuce, enfending easterly In a general direction parallel b 1the G.T.R. crosaing ilngston Itcad at a point nomr whtre the latter le intersected by that ratlway, tIsent'. easterly roughiy paralleling the IKingston Reafi, to Pickering. Plckerinà- Bownianvlle Section: Thtelin. tollows the rîgbt of way ot tht present Toronto Eastern Ra£way through Concession Il. et the Township& oft Pickering, WhiUiy and Whftby EssI, passiug fhrough tIse Towne of Whitby sud Oebaw'a, thence through Concession IL. ot the Township of Dalngton, te Bowçmanvile. SCHEDULH 'Aum Total amnount oftcde- bontures to ha la- ouied by respetive Name of MMunleimalcorxpesu41eu. uniotpalitiee for deposit with tht Commission under TownshipofaiYork .........................................Clase 321(b). Townshuip oft Scarborough ..........,.... .............. 892,686 Township et Pickernug .....................-4.. . ........ .,'482,050 Township et Whitby ............................................28.0 Township ofiEEst Wbitby............................... ....... 29,943 Township ef Darlinglon ............. ...................~..... 429,680 Town et Whitby ....................... ....... .................277,9655 Town cf Oshawa ................ ............. .................. 771,894 T'own of Bowmauvllle................... .......... .......... 316,030 City of Toronto .............................. ................. 4,328,666 Total amount of bond» to b. Issued, m.uttoutd inCMase 3 ...$8,.260,794 SOMEDULE "" item* of Municipal CorprattesL Township of Darlington. --W Districts, rateable property et which shall bear rate Ileid agalnef the Corporatilon. tr Dr. Piece's Favorite Prsrp ilu tJAùt ,err. I tried a couple eto bottitcs sud bctore I uuw t, I was welî sud strong sud hýi '-ied 9V2 pcaunds. 1 eaunt'ecommeud tir Ple;rce's Favorite Prescription te t build OTun."-MilS. E. MARTIN, 'W9 At ersuffering in, feeling ntrvous;, iweak sud dragged Jdowu ty veak- ne- fu t er sex-with eyessuneblack rIsdpaie ceeaka-uch s woman is 't 'lry rsteedte heattb ty1wthe' Favor'" Io uit f Dr. Pierce. Changed, , tutbai, ~r atertakng r.Pierce's FaVees iL' Prscrptin te ein ecomfes ceite, thtâ os rîIs~r th' hekaplump. It i1 uuuriy egeabl, cntano nealcohol. uà.,g The Souvenir Range las a guoranfaad baker and heafar. WTF Will give every sanlifaction ancd with cane will jast a }ei~ 'Special Feaf unes :Nickel- plateci Base, Clasa Ovan Door and1 Thýrmometer. Bread, cake, etc. visible whîle bakîng. Thermo- mater talls exact heat ln oven. Remnovable nickel ecige for easy cleaning, Pcrcelain Enamael Back full wid1h of warr-'ing closai, arnoke pipe up theback. No. 9-20-1 Sv % 18" aven as fllust.aa-aE"'re $84.50 Without wasrnîng cioset, 5 0 No. 9-22--the aame Ransge ibut «-v____20' ux 20' oven, $89.50. Without warrmingt, ciose&&, $70.50 SOLD BY RICit : BowmanvIlle, 'Ont. Th'e n a '~,~ez"de-t,,rin you.r town,- if >uOu CainnOt lrate hzm write su /or ki4 nrn. THE HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER CO., Lirnited successors ta THE G NYT1LDEN CO,,Lhnited ,,H M U'"ýON CA DA '«SEVENTY-FIVE 07 O~SJ -ZZ7JS-UL 1MaNWiACTURING"__2 B? WMAN4V ILLE, DEC. 1-1, 19 19 BREEZE FROM- SUNNY CAL, Sta ff.-Cgpt. Mark Ayre, Manager :of Salvation ýArmy 'Industrial Branch, 135 West Colorado st., Pasadena, Caîf.. has our thanks for a copy of the "Star-Nelws" containing a'photo of President McDýon- aid of First National Bank and an accoýunt of his trip East, also an articl about Staff Capt. Saýue1 Bradley, ivho came out from Whitby S. A. Corps andwa Lieutenant at H-ampton in the early daX of the Saivation Army. He has had a very lionored career. Bro, Avre savs, Here we are in sunny California after al these years stili in the war, doing our best for the dear people around us i these perilc us tirnes. We are having a great fight yet with the Demon Drink but we shall win as you have at last won in Canada, "Litt!e Mark" says in closing 1 amn being kept real well for a 63-Year old asthma m'artyr. -We regret that space does n ot permit publication of the articles sent us. Famous Wvash, Heals Skin D.P. D, the greatest of skin remediesa will remove those skmn afflictions that have madevour life a burden. That in- tolerable itching, burning and discomfort will disappear under the magic of this remedy. It bas cured many cases pr- nounced incurable and wilI reach your case. We _quarantee the 'first bottie to bring you relief jury & Loveil, drug.- gists, Bowrnanville. D. D. --De DARLINGTON GO UNCIL Towis HALL, Hampton,t Nov 29. Regular meeting, members ail present, Reeve Stephens presiding. Minutes were read and adopted. J. A. McFadden waited on council re- gaîding gravel being taken from bis laind. Clerk ordered to prepare an agreement. -By-iaw No. 781 was read three times and passed for ho!ding municipal elaciions for 1920. These orders were'drawn on< Treasurer- Hedley Oke, gravel$ 2 87 John Spry, gravai and work 3 O0 J. H. Werry, gravel 3 62 E. Martin,. do 3 75 Howard Couch, cedar 4 00 John Sonley, gravel 4 87~ W J. Suliey, gravel 5 00 Geo. Ginn, work on road 5 6o W. S. Oke, gravai '6 75'ý H. Ridge, bridge repairs 7 50 Municipal World By-law supplie-, 9 52 Geo. Gibson, work on roads 22 40 F. C. Orchard, work and material 23 40 John A. tiolgate & Son, cernent 24 40 Geo. Gibson, work on bridges 24 45 A. Beech, 4' 33 50 McCielion & Co., cernent, lumber 78 38 Pediar People; culvert tubes 146 25 H. Wilcox, work fil ling in bridges 155 75 Jos. Clatworthy, cern nt bridges 4('0 00 N. F. MacNachtan Counties S Rates 11712 50 F. Courtice, W. F. Bonus 7 50 J. E. Hopps, -' "10 00~ S. Poilard, registering deeds 4 07T W. Hooey, sheep damages 10 0 B. J. McLaughlin, sheep damnages 3o 00 Council adjourned to Monday, Decem-, ber 15, at i p.rn. W. R. ALLIN, Tp'.Cl;erk. "This week's paper is a splendid onec" remarked a lady reader hast week. VVe aima to make every issue interesting. HELP FOR ASTHMA. Negleci gives as- thma a great advantage. The trouble,. once it bas secured a foot'iold, fastens lits grip on the bronchial passages tenacions- ly. Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Asthma Reniedv is daily curing cases of- asthma of long standing. Years of suffering, however have been prevented had the remnedy been used when the trouble was in its first sta- ges Do not ne glect asthnia, but use thir preparation at once. 'IF -,nug c. I foucnd Dr. Pierces Favontl r cIo.nn Veiy boneficial drn exp-'. tancy. i tfe ~.S quite poorly, waas nauseatad and sick, coukt not est an- thin ý-a1 Y I lu ý Re i --t 0 1 1 m.

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