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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 7

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7ýý' ýN G (i&~ ta FOR SALE BY McCLELLAN & CO@ LIMITED Bowmianvi lie 43-3m Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor The comoctition is not a liîerary c ou- t-est, "Literary sye correct spEinget. wiU irot be cnidrdesseufal Tl vour story lu your o- wn words." FuI] defails a tI Ihocompetition are ,Wverion a poster bsnngiîiu up lu ever pnet offi.,e throu-ghoul Canada, o,rayb trad frQm Rob"iert ï C. SýOcad, Director o )ttawva, Of Sold only lu m.aled packages 1 For furîherparticu1ars ap,îlIy f0 bhc -execufor, or, 10 D. B. Simpson, its Solicit- or, or L. A. Tale, auctioneer.' Daf cd December 2nd, 1919,. THE TRUSTS AND GITJARANTER C'OMPANT ' LIMI!TED, of T1oronto, E!xeruntor«. D.B, SIMPSON of Bowmanivillc, Solicitor.503 BOWMANVJLLE, DEC. 11, 1919 COUNTIES' COUNCIL NOTES. December session waa hed iast week, Warden Henderson ini chair. Bowmanviile bas 3 iumates îu f-bu-e of Refuge, Cobourg 8, Port i-Iope 6, Camip- hellford 6, Darlington 3, Clarke 3, Hamil- ton township 7, Cavan 6, Brighiton tp II. InmaÊea at present 76-3o men, 46 women (2ouncillor Geo. A, Stephens, Darling- ton, rcported for Road and Bridge comî- mitlee, and said, if aay municîpalîf y wanf s the old Bowmanville bridge tliey can bave 1. Reeve T S. Hnlgate, in connection wiîh the Bowrnanville bridge, wanted to kuow what expeuse thle îown would be put 10? The bridge fhey were taking down would ho gor.d for 15 years under normal conditions, and tliev understood they would only bave f0 pay fnor thcir share of a bridge for tbeir conditions. They bad received a bill for $6.000, for t wo amaîl bridges, thcv would flot have built 50 elaboraîely. Cauns. Thos. Baker tbaughf we shouid send a deputation ta fthc goverrnent fa proteat agaisitis autocratic systecm of goverrirnent. Coun. Geo. A. Stephens said a deputa- tion bad asked the governiment 10 fake over tbe bridge, wbicb fhey did. Tbey are building a new bridge there, and if la a good one, and are irnproving the road very much. Premier Drury was in favor of using the auto license fees to build the road, and he mav now. Coun. Bowen said lhey built a new bridge in Clarke, and it was a good one. If coaf $2,ooo, but they were satisfid.- ,Sentinel-BReview. THE TWO HOMES As' Christ mas approaches and the happy feativities of early years corne 10 mind, we involuntarily Iurn our thougbts f0 the home of our youtb. And this sug- gests--fo us-tia- otber home-bretter--and- larger than this. We like to fhînk of go- ing f0 lt. Wc are on the road but nof quife tbere. This world could neyer be home because there la in it 50 much un- cer tainity-men are digging pila under Otlr feet wbich thcy cal graves, but at home there can be no death. Some contend thaf men and women -who-liv-for -Ibe-future -do-nut-malte tlIt-- beaf improvernent of ibis world'a oppar- tunifies for enjoyment and work. If la only necessary to saae this theory 10 sec Ibat it la precisely contrary 10 the fact' None live so nobly and so happily in this lfie as those who live for eter.nity, and Ibis hope and prospect of thc final home is th be hea safe-guardagainal discourage- ment and despair amîd the trials wbicb are tbe common lot of humanity. Ac- cordiugly,, the moat symmetrical and use- fui lives bave been the lives of men and worncn wbo wcre wont f0 think much of heaven. Sucb we uadcrstand was the life of Abraham, the father of the failli- fui and the friend of God. He confessed Ibat he was a sîranger and a pilgrim on the earf b, sceking a city wbicb bath foundations whose builder sud maker le God. The faitb wl-ich inspîred and con- firrned tbe choice of Moses, wbereby he chose affliction witb the pe-ople of God ln preference to the pleasures of sin, had re- spect f0 the recompense of reward. And even our Savior was flot indifferent to sucb motives, since for tbe ji,.y that was set before bim, he endured bbe cross, despised the shame, and la sat down at tbe rigbl hand of the throne of God. Tbere la sornctbing in love wbich tbrives on location, and wben we meditate ou God's home somebow if opens the door of our bearts that bc rnay corne in and dwell witb us. And so if comes f0 pasa tbat Christ lu us la the hope of glory, and Ibis hope helpa us fo retain the conacious- ness of bis preseure in us. Nor la Ibis an unuatural result. Now the cbildbood bornes bebind us belp to caîl up the features of the loved ones wbo lived with us there, and how the recollec- lion feeds our love for tbem. As we Write Ibese Uines the oid Dar- lington home lu wbicb we were brougbf up riscs before us. Our heart opens 10 the sbower of érnotions wbich corne with ihe thoughîs of it, lîke a thirstv flawcr la the dews of the morning. How distinct are t he features of those who dwelt with us Ihere!1 Tbey are dispersed a broad lu the earlh now, and some bave reacbed that fairer country far away. Those wbo have always llved ln one localîty cari scarcely appreciate the fee lings of those w ho bave been absenit from the spot of their nativity for fbirtv, forfy or fifty years, nor the feelings they cutertain for old scenes and associales which they can sec ouly occasionally. So, at Ibis festive season our bearl la softened by the recol- lections of the borne bebind us, and by the tropes of fhe borne which la before us. We enter into the blessing of fbern of wham it bas been said "Blessed are tic homesck, for they saat gel home" In the meantime we are separated, "iAnd auch la our lot; launched on the deap Fitfui and lowcringý is our day, 'taQ mock-ing s li- bls4wep Nervous Prost1rtion R. R. No, 4, GîLaacr PLAINS, M sot. "Th the year T9O-Lbad Nroe Proslraiztuo in its worst farin; dropping fromn 170 to 115 pounds. Tuýe doc/ors had no kcope of wzy recoveeiy, and every medicine I tried proved usoless untîl a friend induced me to take iiFrufi;.atvesmm -I began to mend almost at once, and neyer liad such good health as 1 have enjoyed the past eight years. Ia rnneyer witkoui iiFruil.a/-ivesii in the ho use". JAS. S. DELGATY. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At ail dealers or sent postpa.sd by Fizuit-a-tives Iimited, Ottawa. LONG SAULT R.eport of S. Sý 13, Darlington, names in order of menit: sr IV- Verna Davey, Mabel Abbatt. Jr IV -Ruby Virtue, Donald Davey, Maggic Tape. Sr III-Gordon Sargent (ab- sent). Jr III-Marley Harîper', Morley Farrell, Jessie Haoey, Stella Strutt, Ora Abbott, Elsie Abbatt. Sr Il-Rena Farrell*, Ruth Lowden-, Geor-ge Smith, Archie Virtue. Gardon Cowling, John HatherieY, Vera AI- dread. Sr 1-Irene Frrguson, Stuart llooey. Jr I-Fred Smith, Ivan Smaith, Te&A4bbatt.- Primera (abs entj * honons. MABEL L WIGHT, teachen. Hiow Lyclia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Clompound Is Prepared For Woman's Use. A vieit to thc laboratory wbere tbis succeseful reinedy is made impreeses even the casual baoker-on with tiere ci- abiiity, accure-cy, shill andd canlines Wicb attende thec making of Ibis great medi-cine for wornan's 1, Over 350,000 pounds af varlous herbe are uecd anuaiîy anîd ail have to lic gatbcred at thc season af the year wlien their natural juices ar-d rmedicinai sub- stances are at their best. The mast successf ni solvente are noed ta extract the medicinal properties froni these herba. Evecy uteneil and tank that rom Ps-ir cotact witb the randicine 15 ateriL ne and as a final precalion in c!eanifne-e the melicine la pastcurîzed and seaied lu sterile baIlles. lb le the wanderfui combination af roots and bcrbs, tagei-er wïtth the skill and cace used in ifs prepacatiari wbicb bas made thie famous Iredicine so succýul lin he bctreatment of female lls. The letters fram wamen who have been restorcd to bcaltb by bbc use of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound wbich wc are couinually pub- lisbing attest ta ils virtue. "CHEER UP,' My grandpa's geftiug oid and gray, But ire bas sncb a merry way. He always says the crickets say, "Chee-eer-up 1 Cbee-eer-up 1" And that if be la vexed at ail, It makres bis troubles ail seem asmal To bear a cricket lu the wal, Caîling, "Chee-eer-up 1" Mv grandpa says tbat baîf the thinga We fret about, would jut ftakre wings, If we'd beed wbaf the cricket singa, 'Cbee-eer- up! 1Cbe-er-up 1" RtOMDRY~[SONL 'Ml-e Japanese Give Good Example It la apro. verb of Cherry <~ ~ Blossam Land that beauty of f ace and fig- -ure depend Notice to Creditors lu the matter of thre lstat,, of C IE'N P 1 -4S Ntof thre towrî '01 rowrarviiie il, the C.omit, of fluihým, widow, Deceasecd NOTIIE isfrerelvy giron purrto rut 10 Sec. 56 of tirs 1,Iv S u 1911, Jiat ail prs ne h trng claiis or dem idîs agairst tire etaae or tire said Cathie Pearson, deceas f. wuo died on or about tire hird day of iictob-r 1)19, are required to srod bv post, prepaid or deier bo thie on er. signed Ptxecrtor. 'lire Trrusts and lluarantee Comoauy. Lirnited. 'Toronto, or tr thie uridersign. cd R.I. Simpson, K t' , ils Solicitor, on or be- fore tire second day of lartuary 09,tireir chriet- iaruaiold enripaes and address swiîir fulpar- iculars iu wrjtjng of tireir cliirr, aod eta1tnrent of tiroir acconuts and thre nature ,f the socnii4dasq (fiatiyjlt d iryttem dniy verifeliby statutory declaration Arri laie notice that aller tire sr.id second day oflannary 1920, tire '.ard lxecu tirvirIl proceed t0 distribate the rissets of tire said decerrs-r amrorrg tht parties ertitied tiereto iavirrg regard offy 1tofirccli rsif rriiîi it tiror iijihave irotie anditire said Executor s iiinoit re liable f ir -aid assees or aul part tire-oI, t anis persani or persous of wirose erarro n tic.. shall 001 have beeri received oiltir ils said Solicitor at tire lime of snoci distribution. Datedflecember Ldnd 1019. TUit TRUSTS AND) QUARANTRE COMPANY, Lirnted 45 Kinrg St. West, Toronto. JAMES J. WARREN, E. B. STOCIÇDALE Presi dent Generai Manager 1), B. Simipson, K.C., Bowmanviihr,-ont. Solifcitor, for lire said Executor.' 49 4 Notice to Creditors AND LIEN IIOLDERS. PURSUANT to a judgmeut of tbe Suprenre Court of Ontario lu an action. wirerein William Cryderîrranl and Mary Cryderrar on were Plaint!iffs and Artirur Cryderman and Clark Wiib'rr Cryder- mari were Defindants, ail creditors of William Cryderoran late nf tire Township of Darlington iu tire Couinv of Duinh nr. arnrer, who died ou or aboutlire Rigirhi day of Deceniber 1893, are on or before tire Eigliteenth day of December 1919 to send by post pre;pai te D. B, Simpson, Es- quire, K. C., Bownranvilie, Solicitor for tbe Plaiurlifs, tiroir clrristian and surnames. address- es and descriptions, tire full parliculars of tireir claims, a statement of tireir soiuriies and the nrature nf tire securities jfilauy) ireld by-t15cmý or in default tirereof tbey wiill ie perenrptorily excînded froin tire benetirt if thre said jadgnienl. itacir credilor holding any securily fs to produce tire saure before me aI my Cirambers in Victoria Hfall in tire Town of Cobourg en the Twetielh day of Deceurber 1919 at eleven o'clock lu tire forenoou, bourg tire lime appoiuted for adj udica- tion ou tireir claims. AND every creditor who iras any specific or general lieu or encombrance eltirer on lire real estate left by lire ssid William Cryderman at tire lime of iris d.,atir, or on any undivrde-esetatoe or interest tirerein of auy of the airove mnition ed parties, or rtf any otirer party entiîled tirere- to, h. tb produce before me on or beforelire sald Tweutielir ray of Decet-iber next full par. ticulars of every sncb lien and encumbrance toLetirer wilb satislactory evidence of tire amount due lirereon, or in defanît tirereol ire, sirc or tirey 'iill reeie noubeirefitbfronitire pro-. ceeds of any salle or sales of lire said real estale ort any part tîrereol, and tire proceedirg.s mn tfmm' action wiil be carried on witirout furtirer regard 10 lire existence of auy sucb lien or encunrirance and wiliroul furtirer notice b tire iroder tirereof. Dated Ibhis First day cf December 1919, G. M. RIOGER, Local Master i Cobourg. D, B. SimpsoN, K.C., Plaintiffls Solicitor. 493 ADVERTISEMENT 0F SALE. Under and bv virtue of the powers contained in a cerftain mortgage which will be produced at tbe tîme of iile there will be offered'for sale' by pubi c auction on Saturdav the 27th day of December, A. D., 1919, at the hour of three fifteen o'clock in the afternoon (3 15 P m.) upon the premises at fhe north west corner of Weliington and Liberty Streets in the town of Bowmanville, by L. A. W. Tole, Esquire, auctioneer, fhe following pro- perty: Lots seven and eight in Block 33 Of' planof lots in Town$ýf Bowmanville filed by Ha2ping and Ussber in 1869, and being situateW at the corner of Wellington and and Liberty Streets'in Town of Bowman- ville. There, is sraid to be erected uposn the property a solid brick dwclling with atone foundation, containing about feu rooms and witb bot air furnace, water and electric ligbt. Termas: Ten percent of the purchase money fo be paid down aI limne of sale and balance within fhirty dava Ihereafter. The above property will be sold sub- jcct f0 a reserve bjd. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply f0 Macdonell & Boland, 2 Toronto Street, Toronto, Solicitors for the mortgagec or f0 L. A. W. Tole, Esquire, Bowmanville, auctioneer. Dateçl at Toronto, this first day of Decemrber, A. D., 1,19.1,- Auction sale . 0f brick dwelling and lot in Bowmanville. ESTATE 0F CATHELRINE PEARSON. PURSUANT to the will of Catherine -arqon, deceased, there will be sold wiî h lie approbation of the executor of the eill of the said deceased, at the Bownan If you have flot ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as il is hiable to advanca any day, E. W. LOS COMBE Standard Banli. Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 E Il DON'T FORGET LAST WINT, àER MAKE SURE 0F VOUR FEED SUPPLY YOU SHOULD FEED ANALYSIS le flot a irpared Stock F-ed is a Selected 100% Pue ugr an -4i a§ses andislrighlýy rc cmeddby Uhe s t 'DairymeindC teBreedere. Tealhd and Fased by Chiot ïChom§il, Central Exporimonfgial Fari, Ottawa. Produce More Milk. Buî14de Flesh Faster, KeepaStocHaltbiei. Cute the Co@t of Feeding. 'Increases Feedcr's Profits. E asy te Use No Special Apparat us Required, SPIÎnle it on your straw, old hay and ensilage and Bave meal and grai. Sold ln strong froa-hooped barrels at a very responable price. VVrite for full information and bookiet giving exrpert advlce on feedtags stating uumber of live stock you are feeding. OOOD LIVfl AGENTS WANTEO EVERYWHERE. CANE MOLA CO. 0F CANADA, IMJTED U1 t, PAUL STREET, MONTREAL LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR Local Distributors Mc Clellan &,Co. Ltd,9 Bowmanrville When a woman compiaina of hack- ache, dizziness or pain - wbn every- thing looks black bofore hec cye- a dragging feeling, wifh i ervouenees, she shou1d tInata thie nnbcmperancmm herbi tonie. It can ho obtaineia nalmost revery) drug stare ini the land aaid tle ingrediU-,ts are prvinfed in plain JEnglish on 1he wrappe. Pnbup in tab'Ief eorlqid N. Y, will se-nd a tria i.ze-, o! 1h. tabl1ete for ten cents. NO STROPPING NO HONING fr MAE.7E triNADAI Men who shave themselves with the Gillette Safety Razor ,wagle no time with srop or hone!1 Every shave is with a Fac tory-sharpened blade an edge keener by far than' moa men could put- on a razor. $5.00 the set., Dealers everywhere. l Jlr]llhlîîîLETTE AFTYRAZOR qýCO, 0F CANi"ADA, LI7MITED 73 ST., ALEXANDER STREET, MOCNTREAL.50 CoaI,&0Wood I3est grades, of all kinds. Coal only kept, also Wood of

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