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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1919, p. 2

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ORCI-ARD ON TEN ACRES 0F LAND I!0R SALE IN BOWMANVILLE. The NicMrtry property, j mile east of Nursery tCorer. Rowxanville. being lot 9, con 1, Darling- ton. rontaining about ten acres, mostiy covered with a1ppie bearing orchard. The handsome brick esdnewas burned some tine ago, and there are about 70 000 brick suitable for re-build- iog. There are a large barn with cenet founda- tio a.detables underneath, and a shed in fairly gond condition. Thbis proprty is well situated and wili be sold on very easy terms. For further paiticulars apply to J. E. L. Goodwill, barrister, Peterboxro. t3tf NO0TICE! The Bankoxf Montreal has opened a branch office in the Elliott Block, Hampton and solicits your business. J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager IDated at Hampton, July 8, 1919. Praper, Hang-ing Painting and Decoraing a. ail icýnds done to your satisfact- ion'Wua at reasonable prices by Lewis R-"owe (Successor to John M. Rowe) Cali --t his resîdence cor. Ontario, andS'Durham-sts., next door south of Mr. John Grigg's. 13-tf Changte 0f Business IHaviog taken over the business previously carried ýon by Mr. L. Pike in Bowmanviile as dealer in ail kipds of junk, liVe poultry, bides, furs, etc., wc are prepared to pay cash for ail we buy. Saturday we shall be at home at No., 7 Argyle St., Bowmanvilie wbere articles may be deli vered te us. Phone 289. We hipe to'do, business with al Mr. Pike's forner custonmers and many new ones, promnising to deai fairir wtb ail. JOE CRARLES J. SHANKER 47-3mn Boihmanviile NotLice To Auto Owners The Jamieson Bros, are busy doing ail kinds of tire repairing. Bring in your oid tires and have them re-tread if they are worth it. We wîll tel you straight if they are worth doing. Bring in those spare tubes and have them repaired. We repair punctures and biowouts at short notice. Be sure and get our prices on New Tires before you buy. We handie oniy the best mak-es. Jarnieson ÏBros. ônier King and SilVêr sts. J owmanville Phone 193< YOU ae ineres e i he1g Co'c9 Lvn.1ups yu a Phone us bow miuch more cover you require and we will put it on1 today, or we wilh cal], value your1 , property and give you the necessary JJ.MASON Insurancoe Agent Bow manviiie BOWMANVJLLE, DEC. 18, 1919 THEý EDITOR TALKS. Do our readers realize what is being done for the blind in Canada? At 36 Kîng-st., E., Toronto. is located head- quarlers of the Canadian National In stitote for the blind. E. F, Lambert is General Secretary. It is reported that ho Canada are 6,000 blind persins. How sad 10 think of so many being deprived of the sense of sighl!1 Here are some cf the lhings that are being done: Industrial Iraining and empioymentis being pmovided for the blind in centres estabîished in H-alifax, Toronto, Winnipeg and Van- couver. Useful batndicrafts and the read- ing and writing, of embossed characters are taught in the homes of those bind piiopie who for various reasons are un- able te rakte training aI eue of the egular centres. The produet of the homne- workers is bought and soîd. Persoual contact is establisbed with recently blioded persous, and with cases which are sometimes so old that they become new in a verv real sense. This womk ih doue by an experienced Field Agent, Books, magazines, and music in embossed types are circulaled free t0 the blind et Canada. The Instilute also arranges for the transcription of music for any of ils members at cost-price. "«He was always good te hbis men" was the Iribute paid bv a farm hand ai the funeral of bis old master. We atîended the tuneral of a Durham county farmer who owned 200 acres of land soute years ago and conversing with another farmer who for several years when a single man had worked for deceased paid the above tribute t0 bis good qualities of bead and' beart. The clergyman who officiated aI the obsequies said many complimentarv lbings about Ihis faîlbful and loyal mem- ber and officiai of bis cburch but wye have forgotten everv ore-of them. Only the- tribute of the ired -man bas lingered in our memory. We îhought such testîmQny was goider', for the man w ho was aiways good to bis wokmen was in the generai sense a good man. Hence, we agree witb the sacred writer that "A good naine 'fmom one's employees) is better than great riches.". Tbis leads us to say Ihal Ico many employers of labor fail 10 consîder seri- ousiy and svmpatbetically the workman's condition and viewpoint. We believe Ihal more than ever before large industri- ai concerns are of late vears giviug more consideration and attention to the wefare of their employees. Oniv îodav we read et a big Toronto dry goods firm present- ing every member et lis staff wlîh a $500 insurance policy as a Christmas present, Others are preparing lunch rooms, recre- 5h00n rooms, gyranusiums, club rooms, etc., for the exclusive use cf ibeir work- ing men and girls. While considering the conditions of the laboing classes and trying t0 accunt for the frigbtfui prevalence of industrial, strikes, corporation sîrîkes, sympathetîc strikes, and so on, we received an advance proot cf an article soon 10 ap- pear in Deutrborn Independent from wbicb we qucle a fevý questions that wil interest many readers: How much profil dûes a workman reap from bis da's labor? How mucb ougbt he 10 reap ? Does a «"good living" coe under the head of pro t, or is il properiv a part cf the cosl of producing a day's labor ? How far cao human energies be rneasurf d and human values standardî7ed in order that the cosl of a day's labir may be standardized ? We, hope' empioy ers in Bowmanville and elsewbere who read these questions wili give serions thougbt 10 what foliows in rcp'y, for a more than academic inter- est attaches 10 these questions for they are the real, even if unspoken, basis fer mnch cf the irritation and contusion, whîcb exists in the industrial world today. The workingman is beginning 10 undersland that he is in business, dis raw malerial is buman energy. 1115 product is a da 's work. Ail other business men seek a profit above* cost of production, why sbonid not be? The difficultv thus far bas been lu mnakiog cul the cost sheet. How much does il cost to produce a day's work ?-that is the question for which there seems 10 be no satisfactory basicanswer. t is doubîful if one employer in a tbousand ever gives. positive tbought 10 a workman'$ viewpoinl on wbal is invalved ini a day's work 10 hlm, aitho il la perhaps, possible accualy 10 deternine-albeît with consderable interference with the day's work isif-bow much energy the davy's work takes oul of a man. But il is flot aI ail possible to accuratejydetermine how much it will r(qiire 10 put back thaï energy îwo h bm against the next day's demands. Nom is it possible 10 determine bow much cf that expended energy vcu will neyer be able 10 put back at al- add the profit. Can we do that with men ? Ritherý, e'au men do that for teievs se that « eliing a day's work they avili bine asin teliligent an idea cf the cost of tha ay' work and the profit il ought 10 brîn,,g, as any manufacturer ought to0'have of bis produet? (To be continued next u'eek) HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Home for Christmasi1 There's a joy For the weary grown np boy Or the title girl who now Feels the years upon ber brow I Hoîie for Christmas!l Back once more To the mother at the' door And the old hearth witb ils blaze And those happyyesîerdays. Home fer Christmas 1 Tbere's a IbrilI For the toiler p the bill, For the îudger on the road Heant sick wilh bis bcavy load. Home fer Christmas!I Back 10 be Once again on motber's knee And 10 feel ber fond caress In that speil of happiness. Home for Christmas!I Girl and Lad Goiug to the kîndly dad Who bas waited througb the year For bis loved cres to appear. Home fer Christmas!I Back again To the simple joys and plain, To the reluge sweet with reat, Where is love made manifest. Home for Christmas! Oh, that I Could recafl the years gone by, And could know once more the bliss 0f that glorieus welcome kiss Home for Christm as!1 Girl and man Clalîn that gladness while you can. Swift must corne those years of pain When you'tl long for home in vain. EDITOR TALKS The Port Hope Times in the 80's of the Iqtb century was by long odds the best local newspaper, editorially speaking, in Ibis part of the Province. A decline set in after the death cf J. B. Trayes and for many vears lb was only a faint shadow of is former self. A former Bowman- ville publisher, Mr. James Gale, bas racently become editor and meebanical superintendent and the transformation is truljy wonder ful. Net for manvyeams bas as good an issue of The T imes ap- peared as ibal cf Dec. Ii wben a well balaneed sheet was publisbed witb fine pages containing intcresting local news, a splendid editorial page and the leading business bouses are well represented in the advertising columns with our old frien'ds, Norman E. Jennings and J. L. Westaway, boîb West Durham Oid Boys also occupying the preferred positions. We hope Ibis is the hegînning of better days for The Times. What an inspiration il sbould be from lime to ime 10 the hundreds cf young farmers and growing boys of 12 years and upwards in farm homes to read in The James Papers of the succescf tb* members cf the junior Farmers' Improve- meut Association at the varions competi- lions in which Ihev engage during tbe year. Sports are a necessary part of a boys' educalion but the usetul and practicai qualifications in life's sphere of activilies. wbetber in city, town or country, must net be. subordmnated by the realm cf sports and amusemeuts. Whaî a prîde and deligbt n ot .nly 10 the suc- ce>sful young men Ihemseîves but ta Ibeir parents, relatives, friends and neighbors 10 know of their progress and success wben they enter int competitions c-f a Provincial ebaracter and their naines are recorded among the winners. rhese tbougbts coursed îbrough our brain at we read the report cf the live stock judging aI Guelph Winter Fair whicb we pubaish bib tis issue. One of the most beneficial and belpful organizations for boys and young men is a weil couducted beys' cooference Fammers arc cucouraged by Government assistance in varions ways to ituprove byve stock. seeci grain, drainage etc , and women's institutes are similarly heiped te improve conditions in their bornes and surrouudings. The Drurv Govemnment mighî we]l take early action to encourage financiaily and olherwise the holding cf boys' conferences in conve-nient centres cf access. We are glad 10 Ieamn that a Boys' Conference will be held in Belleville under the direction cf the advisory comn- mittee for co-operation in boys' work January 30, 31, and February Ist. Ful partieulars ne the conference can be had by writing to Angus Buchananî, Boys' W'ork Secretarv, Y. M. C. A., Belleville, Ont, Durham county cornes in the îerritory covered bv Ibis conference, and we hope wilIIbe well represented alhbo the place cf meeting la somewbat distant. R. H. Haibert last week won in the by-election ho North Ontario over the îUnioin candidate by 131 majority Professor H. Strausis, M. D-1 of the Royal Charity Hlospitli, asys, "Thse cause for an attack cf gont, rheumâtismý lumbago, is supplied by the increaae of mie acid in the blood sernm, the resuit of vaious causes, the most frequent cf which is renai Bof ore an attack, ena snfers sometimes frcm headache, neurak. gin, twinges of pain bore and tIsere." Wben yonr kidneys feel like lumps of lead, when the back hurt9 or thse Urine is cioudy, f nilof sediment,. or yv-, 'are obliged to seck relief two or tbrea imes during the niht; when yen sufer with sick beadache, or dizzy, nervons spahIs, achd sàtomach; or you have rheumatie laine or lumbago, gent, sciatica when -ce weatberis bad, do net neglect thse war.ning, but try simple means. Tak Bix or ei4lt ghasse.s of water during lise day, then btinat -,ournearest drus T.is hthe dscevey of Zr. eaof tIs Ivaidi Ietl, ui ao, . . An- peisonin 1--n!dissolves ue ncid in th acMu ntn lwWtm u oi Sed!0 cents t Dr. irc' Invalida' Boteli, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial packagq. TEMPLETONS MFs.4 16SWORlT RuaiyhEUAsIC C A P SUcL ESt mamresitbs lweth ay thra icaremnti von wy il e cotinccd. Ask Fortuesrge-lît tas o bt us frifncw bket; ir;l s utr< Vioig rid cotte you uothing (Tempîctons, 13-1 Iciog W.,Toto). We mail anywhcrc on ztceipt f 61.04. S oie Agents for (jehawa and Bcwvman ville MNessrs. jury & Lovell, Drugsîs and Opticians., Yen may now buy Artsyl Rope silks and Dresden rïbbons at Diugmnan & Ed- mondstone's. Shoes Repaîred While You, Wait 1 amr ow in a position to give you quick service and best of workmanship as I have two assistants. WokBoot s For Sale 1 bave a limited stock of good substantial work boots for men. Also ser- viceable shoes for ladies and cbildren at reason- able prices. Geo. Humipage k j Name 0f Feeder Guarantee 0f Quaity Unsurpassed Here is a partial lîst of the stock we have 'rought for our Cbristmas Ment ']isplay purchased from nbest breeders in Ibis district. 13 Steers, F. Hil1l. 1 Heifer, J. & A. Allia 1 Heifer & i Steer, Wes. Allin 4 Steers, J. Fouad 2 Heifers, own stable 1 Baby Beef, Wesley- Allun 1 Baby Beef, B. G code 8 choice Hegs 15 Ewes and wetber ]ambs, own stable i1 Baby Beef, Arthur Welch. We aise bave a car load of very eboice cattie which must bel sold before Xmas-our prices wili be equailed by none. Pcultry \Vanted-ffly quantity, for which we pay highest cash prices, < ufttte-r for sale-good as new. C.M. Cawker &Son PurveyoIrs Phone 64 Il, Can't Beat This List 0f Choice Meat: You wili certainiy want to have somne of this maeat for Christ- mas when you read this lhst bought from the best breeders in the district: John Baker, Solina, 2 heifers, 1 Baby Beef; Frank Osborne, Town Line, 2 Durham Steers. (These won lst prize at the Fali Fairs). W. Rickard, Shaw's, 2 Durham Sbeers; John Russell, Cobourg, 1 Durham Steer; W. Woods, Darlington, 3 lambs;. E. Burke, Dar- lington, 1 lamb. Also somne very fine poultry from Mrs. Fred. Lane, Mrs. Hed]ey Oke, Mrs. A. A. (J lwill and Mrs. Frank Osborne. Get your order in early is, our advice. G. A. Edmods-JJLctone (One door east of Levi Morris & Son's) Phone 21 Bowrnanville 1 h*w L a Chrstms inner Most Important In your hurry to do your Christmas shopping dont forget te get supplies of good thîngs to eat for the holiday season-theý Christmas dinner plays no smail part in the season's festivities.. We are well stocked with ail the groceries that you want. You WiIIWânt Somie 0f These Seedless Raisins, per lb 25e Seeded Raisins, per lb 23c Choice Currants, per lb 30e àlixed Peel,. ..per 1h 60c, Also Turkish Figs, Dates, Mince Meats, Shelied Walnuts,,, Almonîs. Farm Produce Wanted As usual I arn paying highest prices for ail kinds of'farrn produce. Phone 186 ~ omnil Bowmanville When Economy Is First Consid- eration Our Store Serves Besti We invite your inspection of the quality and price of our groceries. Do your Christmas shopping here aud you wýiii be sure of getting best values. Our Christmas stock of goodls includes: FRUIT-Seeded Raisins, Seedless Raisins, in bulk or package, Currants, Dates, bulk or package, Figs, table or cookiug. FRESH FRUITS-Oranges, Lemons, Grapefrui t. NEW PEELS-Orange, Lemon, Citron. SHELLED NUTS-Almends, Wahnuts NUTS IN SHELL-Wa]nuts, Almoncis, Filberts, Brazils, Peanuts One thing essentiali'for a good Xmas cake or dinner- buy your groceries from Coawker & Huooper Pure Food Grocers Phone 62 Bowinanville You pay no more here to have groceries delivered. j r The Ideal Gift Automobile Skates iNothing will please your children more than a pair of Automobile Skates. We have them, in ail sizes and prices. Buy them today. M7,ason D.aIe's llardw are Phone 145 Bowmanville Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal. TJACK FROST is the most hypocritical fellow that Jever aviated into a man's home. If lie finds you are burning our quality coal he'll say, "H1ow-do-you- do-I-must-be-goîng,." Let us send you a'ton of it riglit away. Jûhn A. Holgate & S)on, Queen and Division Sts Bowmanville Brantford Roofing We have recently been appointed Spec-al agents for the above Re- liable and Fullv Tested Roofing, Fîreproof and ýWeatherproof, and shah ( be pleased to show the goods and furnish estimates. Portland Cernent Rogers Canadiaa Pirtland Cernent is the best Cernent in the market today, we have a fresaeaock in good, sound bags, readv for delivery at short notice te aay part of town or country. Scranton Coal Seranton C )al is the Standard Anthracite, and we are Iprepared t take came cf o.r< crs in aIl sizes. Now is the lime to put in your supply, a2 Ina-re is eve y indication that the price will ho bigher later on, and thosc who take their coal early wili be protected with regard to price. Building Material We have our usual stock la al unes, and solicit your inquiry, and guarantee gond service. McClellan & Company, Limited King Street East 'Bowmanville Office Phone 15 - Residences 228 and 274 G. W. V. A. DANCE~Cr'orG Oro-ýno G. W. V. A. arehligabg or date-euai~ Ch ri sîmas da nce ina the Ai-rmOur ieS, 'DronoC, utdecSodltmcd- on Mooiday Dec, 22, le eliefunds îfor k N.2 s;N.s oper bo>x. tickzets $2,00; S'ingie tiCkets 100. Fuirther peradou recpi o prc F:q. pamplet. Addrcss, pateaasm2.v be otindfr-om iFRED THIE - EDCIFO PEARONSecetav-TeasrerOrno.ù.

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