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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1919, p. 3

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2000 ,bisWanted At Once ik~ ~UXý he highest market prices for ail kinds of Poultry. Christmas Display Our Christmas Display of AIf kinds of meat wiIl be à-ibig feature thris year. Dont fail to see it. Wilbert J. iDlddley S:5tore Your Car Tor The Winter ---- -Wre- nw prepa7red to- stor--aimited-~niiitver of c-ars in our large-garage for the winter months. You wiIl be surprised at the very low rate. A Good Idea It'a also a good idea to have your car overhauled diuIvrîng the winter months. Bring it in early for we are already very busy, And dont forget to brinig us your3 batteries for safe keeping. Pickard's %G-arag--e Klnig -StreetBwmnil HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Four Big O.-Favorites Graham Flour Whole Wheatý,Flour XXX Pastry Flour Royal Flour for Bread if you cannot secure these popular grades of Flour from your grocer order direct from us. 100 Tons rFeed Just arrived including American Corn, Old Mani- toba Oats, Mixed Chop, etc Get your supply early. IA ready this season- we have installed or have orders J5 McClary's Sunshine Furnaces There's a reason. Ask the man who has one why he prefers the "«Sunshine" to any other make of furnace. Let us give you an estima te today for installing a "Sunshine", in your home. j DiviionStreet, Opposite Goodyear ilotel Phone 18 day or night Dr. C-hsoe'c(l netWlll relieve you'at once and as o.rtîlxrly cure j'on. 110. a nox- ail &eslers, ox, Elminarson, Lates & o.. Limitedl, gweer Ledos , aA WmeP t ppl osmtag@ Bowmanvill'e BeaÉg/"i1?ae~ for$ adivgoa sth bi LiOd 0, ÎÎ es eroe Mr. James M. McDougail is visiting friends at Chatham. Stamped centre pieces, white, or color- ed, at Dingman & Edmondstone's. Cold Weather is bere, the ice will soop be ready, get vour skates sharpened at Luke, Boys & Cryderman's. Mrs G.J.Smale and family, Providence, have been visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peebles, at Coîborne- Owing to the extremely high cost of building, the proposed new theatre for Port Hope will flot be gone on with at present. Farmers' Sun quotes a man who says that exporting No. 3 appies is robbing the hogs and spoiiing the market for better grades,. No need of sendrng t0 Toronto now for stamped goods. You cao get jnst what you want at Dingmap & Edmond- stone's. ',Is not the cook wbo prepares a good dinner greater than the man who makes the after-dinner speech ?" asks the Port Hope Guide. .Mr. Bert Bounsaîl, Cupar, Sask., is visiting at bis father's, Mr. F. H. Bounsall, Bert will take a vocational course at Toronto before returning to tbe West. Dr. F. Howe, a Blackstock physician was fined by Magîstrate Horsey $50 and costs on a charge of illegally supplying liquor contrary to section 51 of the Ontario Temperance Act. Bowmanville Woman's Institute will hold the regular meeting on Friday, Dec. 26, aetbe home of Mrs, W, L. Keys, King-st. Ali embers try to be present at Ibis last assembly of 1919 December so far bas given a variety of weatber ranging froni zero up tg a Spring teýmperatureand from the calm of a jure morning t0 a cyclone. After ail Canada bas the finest, bealtbiest and most çquible dips and squeals. The Annuel meeting of the Bowman- villec Horticultural Society will be held in tbe Council Roomn on Monday, January 12, 1920, at 8 p. m,, for general busines- and elecron of officers. AMl subscribers and the general public are lîereoy irîvitea and urged to beý present. JOHN S. LiOOR- [CRAFT, President; EDITH V. SCOBELL, Secr'tarv. The Fali Ceremonial of Rameses Temple was held in Toronto on Wednes day evening, Dec. 10, when the followîng Sbrîners fromin owmanviile were presert: Reeve T. S 1-oigate, Messrs, A. L. M.il- mine, J. Ross Stutt, Geo. R. Mlasori, Fred. 11oar, G. Alex Edmoodstone, Mayor A.N. Mc.Millan, W. J, Bragg, M. P. P,, W S. Bragg, 0. B. Crowell and- Tu 'ker. Dr, B., V Hazlewood had the hoior ol election to the office of Orientai Guide. EXHAUSTED FROM ASTHMA. Marty who read these words know the terribit. drain--opon _halthb-and strength,-wbiLb cornes in train of asthmitic troubl, s. Many do n01 realiz.', however, that the re is one true remedy which wlllsureýy stop this drain. Dr. 1. D. Kellogg's As- tbma Remncdy îs a wonderful ch ck to ibis enervating ailment. t bas a cou xi.- lessi record of relief 10 its credit. lt rý sold almost everywbere. Hospital for Sick Cidren TORONTO Ulc. e eBig Charity Requires Pifty Cents a Minute. Dean Mn, Editer: The 44th annual report of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, shows a notable advance ia every department of its service to the quf- fenlng and crippled youngsters of this Province. The ward accommo- dation has been taxed to its capacity, and the sumnmer annex, the Lakie- aide Home, was opened for the _first time since the outbreak of war. The daily average o! cot patients bas increased during the year from 192 to 223, including chidren fromn practically every coutrty in Ontario. -Evert had the cost of sup- Plies and labor remtained stationary, the sîihstantial increase la the num- ber of patients would alone accourt for the addition te the charity's debt, wbich at the close of the fiscal year was $109,000. This debt bas become an embarrassing burden. Further Increase must threaten Impairment Of an enviable efficiency. The Hospital la ln the forefront o! aIl Institutions upon tala continent devoted to the cane of sick bilîdren. It ceaI $335,399 to maîntain lest year. This'-gr-eat-suni not-only puts- 1 t the service of thsebhlidren o! Ontario al -the resources of medical $aClenee, but, in addition, Provides for a training school for 120 nurses and for unsurPassed clinîeal -facilities for the -University students who are prevarlng to engage in their proý grether with any otner -information de.Ired, will be gadyfnrnlahed on arpicatioýn ta thceSereary, thse Hospital for BbeisChlreCoîlcgen atreet, Tc4nento, Ceentibutions should &à" b. Pddreffled 1te our.t! y TIVING B.RBRTO oeaasan et Appeu Cmits Brer Sam Cutteil knows a real simon puegnleman when be sees hlm in broad dav;îgbî and neyer fails t0 give proper and beconîr g recognition. Re- cently tço well-known Hampton gentle- muen, both retired agriculîurists and fan above the average intellectually and conversa tiurialily. Like the sensible per. sonages thev are they paid thýeir personal respects to the village printery, and their visit is thuslv accorded in the columns of Thte Orono News: Messrs. John J. Virtue and Charles Stonhouse, two prominent f armers and local politicians of Darling- ton township, now living retired in Haçapton, were in the village one day this week and made The News a frierîdly cail. Chariey is a son of the late r. G, Storîhouse whose namne appeared onmost of the sale posters of Darlin15,ton ini the old days, he being as popular ait auction- eer in the west part of the county as jim Kerr of Port Hope was in the east in those days. It was Stothouse, snr., who later brought Harry Phillips,anoîben very popular auctioneer, into the field. Speak- ing of Municipal politics in Darlington, they- named Thos. Baker for Reeve for 1920, in succession to Geo, A. Stephens who will have completed lus two years occupancy of the Reeve's chair with the December session e 1 RUTS Th' world is full o' ruts, my boy, some shaller an' some deep; An' ev'ry rut is fuil o',. folks, as high as they can heep. Each one that's grovelin', in' th* ditch is growlin' at bis fate, An' wishin' hee bad got his chance before it was ton, late. They Iay it ail on scrmeone else, or say 'twas jýst their iuck- b-Tey- rrer-nnciadrlbi t caused by Jack o' ponck. But bere's th' word of one that's lived --eean-through, from -soup t-o- outs, TiL' Lord don't send no derricks round t' h'ist folks out o' yu ts. Somn£ folks has staid i ruts until tbey didn'c like th' piace, Then scrambled braveiy 10 th' road an' e tered inith' raco. Sicb orres bas a]Wavs found a biard beld ont for thero t' grab Ais' clinm 10 tiJl ttey'd ïcst the move peculiar to th' crab Bot oniv thein thal helps th ,msr-lves an' ties r etter 'hings i îever 'te' ifi' h Ipiri' harid t' which each cli nber ciings. Tis lere's th' bard, plain, solemn facks, with-ou no il ,or buts: Tih' I n don'tsend ho derricks roun d t' h îst folkq ou. o' ruts, -STRICKLAND W. GILLILAN DBEST MEOICINE- FOR. WOMENiq What Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound Dîd For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth, Oho.-" I suffered from Îrregularities, pains in my side and wae, so weak at times I could hardly get .r lund o do my worýk and as I had forl y family and three' boarders it made it very hard ý1 for me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound was recommended ~ ~ to me. 1 took it and it bas restored My health. It is certainly the best medicine for womnan's ailments I ever saw. "-Mrs. SARA SHAW, R. No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Shaw proved the menit of this medicine and wrote this letter in order thatother suffering women may find relief as she- did. Women who are suffering as she was shouid flot drag along from day to day without giving this lfamous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pirrkham's Vege- table Comnpound, a trial. For special advice in regard to suchiailiments write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Go., Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty years experience is at yiour service. -VP ROGRESS can only be w-assured by lookingahead JLand preparing for it, Farmers -by exercis- inç orpsio±t i-rai.cino.poltle- hogs and other readily sale- aide products-can add to their worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. ' TH ïE 0F CANIADA GEO. L. HALL MANAGER 01-FICE HOLJRS: 10A. M. To0 2.30 p. FATAL FLASHES. Zool afoat, Rocked boat, Wooden coat Ignored belîs, F]agtnan's yells, Immortelles. Silly kid, Gar skid, Glass lid. Mushrooms aIe, Tasted great, Silver plate War t cut, A Mutt, Nailed shut. In the street, Watch your feet, Life is sweet. Texas Utility News. Local and -Otherwise---I----THY VISITIID URONO._ I - i For Children's Toys and Other Gifts See Fi 0O. Mason 's Window My Policy Is The Sameé at'Christmas Time: "Not how much I can get, but how much I can give for the money:." -Doils oàf ail kinds Skates H, Teddy -Bears Me Rocking borses land Sieighs Gaii echanicat Toys Horses and Carts Doli Carniages nes of ail kinds We were very fortunate in ordering eariy and now have a good range of phono- grapls-hear the plainest, sweet-toned machine on the market from $27.50 up., Phonographs and Records --RECORDS-New shipment just in-latest- popular- music -and---from nowti Christmas wiil sel regular 90c records for 75c. "The Home 0f, Santa Cla us-" Phone 131. Open Day and Night. On e door west of Couch, Johuston & Cr yderman Ltd. Bowmanville I ~- CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Regular meeting Dec, 151. Accounts passed aI December session. Jas. Gordon, work and gravel $ 8 30 Dr. Howe, Sanitary Inspection 6 oo T. Stacev, refund statute labor 4,00 Mrs. Muirhead, graveî 9 40 N. Taylor error, assesment 5 Io B. Thompson, work 4 00 T. Wbitfield error, aýsessment 2 00 J. Ginn, gravel 2 50 1. Reeve, services 30 0 J. J. Jobb, services 25 00 A.- Devitt, -25-00 F. Hylànd, 25 00 J. E. Elljott,' 25,-00 Clerk, 'I,2 year salary 100 00 H. Galbraith, work 2 50, Recelpts-S. Crawford $2.00 for tim., ber. Council adjourned to Dec. iqth at 2 p.M. W. BRAÇOCK, Clerk. NOTE--We find it impossible to read the carbon copies sent and guessing at, trames and resolutions is not wiSe.-ED. 1 1- ---M-L Imm

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