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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1919, p. 5

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I ~ -~ B0<)WM'1ANVILLE, DEC. 18, 19191 CARD 0F THANKS. Local and Otherwise Sediosz R-asins, in 15 oz. pack age............ 25o Sede8Raisins, in buk, per lb .......... ....25e Filiatra Currants, per lb .. ........................ .... 300 Turkiib Dates, per lnu.................................. 30c O an nd Leinon Pe-, perl...........0 Citron Peel.............................................7-0 Mixed Pýel....................... >..................... 65c Jorda-a Sheled Alnionds, -J lb for ............. ......... 20e BordOeaux Shelled Walnuts,,lb.............. ....... $1, 10 D)ried Prunles................... ..... ........... .... 300 Practicaàl-Gifts In-Cia et Our stock in this department isnot a selection of odld extremes and odd curiosities, but includes well-eli.gen limes representing pleasing, serviceable aýnd appropriate Çhristmas gifts that meet the re- quir.mnuts of, everyone. LD YOUR SHIOPPI-NG EARLY ARCH-IE TAIT PHO.NE4ý 65- Prompt Delivery. BOWManville. il -'I i Need- c4q Christmas of Sensible G12ing TýHE world needs -so mucli as it need old-faslii6ned commor And this Christmas esl should be a time of cc sense giving. Our two stores, (Bowrn and, Orono) are fillei innumrierable suggesti( gifts that are really appi always acceptable, arn' ail, entirely sensible.- FURNITURE. -fl. ors& S Furniture end U-ndertakers Bow: ' two second nand iitters in-Rt lcas c- di- -1.11. 1-- Y- - c"" . ý11: , tion; a good youug Holstein ad Jersey îniïlch mas entertajumient, will take pilace on cou, due Ist. March. ApplY to ROaT. .BÀTTLE, Tuesday, December 23rd , at 8 p. m. A . i -vr R. omavle cordial welcome is extended t0 aI. 50-2 .- '- IRLS WANTED lo0girl-, wanted inimediate- Mr. Wm. Grtenaway's rsdce, Port '" ly to telin. box and pack he'els. meke Seed Hope, was burglarized Sndayenin Irjîlltubes and males Fan Belts 'Hi4hest r - Wage*paid- App1yat 4he-Iufeýmatiou -w,,kt-whilc they were -ai chrch anld Mrs. - . - of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Go's office, Bowman- Greenaway's purse stolen containing $12. vill, On. Ht The engagement is announced of Coral WjANfED-A reliable man with soiers buiness Leone, daugbter of Mr. John O. Gray, wwexpeenceaniong lainers to represent us, Baltimore, Ont., and Mr. Wm, Laing in Vu rhamn county. A Splendid chance for the right mnan te niake big sales, with the de. Plews. The marriage will take place manu' there now is for fruit stocks and th r quietly the latter end of December. newing etof'oldochards. Stone & WellinAton, ensa De.1,w teftih T1he 015 Iteliable Fonthili Nurseries," Toronto. Wdnda De.0,wsteftit 4W4 weding wrivetaryof-Mr and Mrs. N. Pethick, Port Hope. Abeut sixty friends DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE gathëred and presented them with a. ad- dress and a beautiful electric reading 156 acres, oe of the best in Burhamn County- lamp. every acre workable land, lot il, B. F.. at Port Bowmanville, first-clàss soit, not a stump. or Bowmativille merchanns neyer showed Stone on place. ever.ruunin3g creek, barn I90x45, finer stocks of Christimas goods than theý wlth stone and brick stables anderneatb. driving peetsao.Teesok r irr shed, implenient shed, aillu good repair: another peetsao.Teesok r irr haro 100x30. Fine 12 roomed modern brick ros. cd in the 'advertising columna of this dence with slate roof in good repaie. furrace. paper. You will find the advts interestingý bath rooni. Grand Truuk sation j mile f rom reading. remidence. Act gikl fTo at thâ farci. AppI? to a. H. Hamley, Owner, Box 83, Bow. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mulligan, Lifford, Imauville. Phone 29 announce the engagement of their daugh- ~ ter, Annie Edith Josephine, 10 Mr Gordon "LestWe Foget"Lamb, London, Ont., only son of Mr. and Les _____ret Mrs. Wm. Lamb, St. Thomas, Ont, The E. R.BOUN ALL5 marriage will take Place in December. -R. OUNS .LLl Mr. Jos. Weuber of Greenway, Man., Pesigner and »saler lia who was called here ýon accon of the Monuments, Tablets, Markers, @e., la death of bis sister, Mrs. Josiah Butson, eranite rnd Marble. has gone to visit relatives in Western BoýwanVille, Ot -rOtntario en route to his home in the West.U SIt is 17 years silice lie visited relatives M ake _________________________here. -Don't Forget"l that on Monday, Dec. 22nd.. the Salvation Army annual Christ- mas'Tree and concert wîll bie given when Mr. and Mrs. Sauta will (weather per- mitting> ride through the town en route to, their destination. A good program will he given starting ai 8 p. m. and will include action songs, dialogues and carols. S ho Also, on Friday, Dec. 2ôth., a special revival campaign will be started. This llRISTMAý - campaign will be conducted by Envoy Osborne. Ail are welcome. an effort-i Rev. C. W. DeMille, Regina, formerly the right pi of Napanee, met -with a serîous accident cheer. Truly,j recently. He lefi his home to catch a car and eitber stumbled on the frozen ground Just the an or siipped off the car step. He received one would care an ugly gash over hi -ý left eye and for some tume i was thought the sigbt of bis eve purse, and everi was bast. He was rushed to a hospital delichtful surpri and his wounds dressed, but il was about broken on Chris fouré hours before hie became conscious and able to be removed to bis home. l s iI Mrs. T. C. Jewell recently returned i ' ls LI from attending the funeral of bier brother- noth nê;in-law, Mr. John Maxwell, wilo died in not ingCleveland, Ohio, on Nov. 7, ag(-d 64 s pl in years. Dcae had been ailing for pl in 'hree months with a complication ofý Dress Good diseases. He was -a' former residentof i sense., Oshawa being born near Maxwell'sîî Chene, etc. Corners, East Whitbv. For the pais 27Goesi Vears'he basresided in Cleveland. He j lvs-i leaves a widow, (Ida Sweet), also former- ;peciall-y Iy of Oshawa and two danghters ' Mrs. oeri Harry Snîder and Mrs. H. McMyler, aill Aiso Casâmere, of Cleveland. ) JJ.mIJ n.J. On Thursday last'a successful Sale of Boudoir CQ Work was beld iu the Saivation Army; price. Citadel wbere there was quite a nice1 display of goods-artistic and practicali ansls The tiome-made cooking staîl was espec- iaily well patronized. At night the waists-in ISongsters from Oshawa corps, under Manville Ensigu Laing, casme over and gave a bright Handkerch interesting concert, the prograin included stitched, Embrc d w 'th Irecitations, vocal and instrumental, selec- dlît ions. The encouraging sum 0of $77 wns Plain and net'.ed. ible Lfficers and soldiers thank Table Covers, T heartily ail] the friends who played a part Ions______________for___________in bringing the bazaar 10 a sucecessful Corsets, Co reciated Have vour skates sharpened ai Ladies' Wh Ladies' Cou d above B N Pullovers, Scarf --GIV BANDGloves. ~- IV - at the alls, Scarfs, o KR£. INK.. We Tuesday. Oe 501Thursday S vmanville and Orono adAC ross fron Saturday - Nights .5 THE LADIES'! STORE A Joy ppinig APleasuire ,S giving is devoid of its sentiment when it becomes rhen selecting the right gîft for the right person at rice is a matter of mathematics rather than good good cheer emanates our entire store., mount one cares to spend will purchase just the gift to buy, for we have considered every taste, every - circumstance of giving-and they ofier as many bes as do Christmas packages when the seals are stmas morning. st 'n'as Assisted Others Why Not You ? [5-in Silk, Wool, Poplins, Georgette, Crepe de iKid, Silk and Chamoisette. in silk ail colors, froni $1.25 to $4.50 per pair. Lisle and Cutton tps-a delightf ni assoritment in color, quality and -in Silk and Lace iu endless variety iGeorgette, Crepe de Chene, Siik and Voile. -iefs-in plain and fancy Linen, Macteria, Hem- oidered, etc. ,Fancy Lineus-Towels, Pil]ow Cases, Napkins, rable Damask, etc. orset Covers, Brassieres. hite Wear of every description. ats, Dresses, Skirts, Underskbrts, Sweater C 'oats, s, Spencers, Tams, Wool Sets, Toques, Mitts and -Wool'Sets, Suits, Sweater <.oats, PuEovers, Over- 3tees, Infautees, etc. invite, your inspection. venings Utiîl Christmas n Standard Bank - Telephone 106 Bowmanvdie ce'

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