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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1919, p. 6

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cownship cf àCiarke. Guoodaiy la-E suitali for mixed fa nming. .. station oýn aru arch and ochool within baîf a mile. Iwo bai ,rns. bank stable ani comfortable bouse. Goi ,rchard just starting 10 bear. Good roads arcur farm. For further particolars appiy to F.. Mitchell, 1Royal Bank. Iown inville, or lic W. 1 Giddy, Port Hope, or to T. J. lialiagh, Starkvill Tr ùstees 3 Phone> When you g~equire tUle ( Services of an Expert Electrician I n- JER)T ~rruIF1~ns~I>Uwmaffvn1{ ecWomen o-zf Can-,-aaAvin i e, Dame', Ont. -"Iarn mor) tharini alci D ecision ý2 with Dr. Pec~ Favorite Prescrin)tion. - was run-down an i so nervous that 1 could nt even stay By ARTHUR W. BREWSTER in the house alien in the day-time and' cre vory kind of medicine I heard (A My uncle, Nathan Travers, was a but got no resuit. ricb man without eilîdron of bis own, One of My friends adIwst ebsbi.H a advised metetk ad1w's to teksher e a 'Favorite Prescrip- man Who nver forgave an injury. If would cure mania' advantage of hlm ho would beat hlm, it did. After takin f 1be ndln1a f4-otls -- f _pseh- n nayeen oI like a ncw woman never forgive him. He llved ln a sub- and it is also the very best miedicine for a orban town alone except for the serv- woman bringing up a farnil3;. 1 wilrc -Bt re cevd ocopnyad ee mend 'Favorite Prescription' to any ori n ts eevdneopn n ee sufering ike 1 did."-MRS. JOSEPÎT went out socially. I went to sese hlm BEAIJDRY, R. R. 2. at least once a week, often remainlng WEAK AND NERVOUS "Il nlgbt. after Oe mornlng, bavlng dîned wlth Tillsonhurg, Ont.-"I fuund Dr. Pierceos hlm the evenlng before and remalned Favorite Prescriptioa an excellent medicine ail n1gbt, intendlng to take an early for the ailments cf women. 1 had becon taitotectIw t tobsoom very weak and ncrvuus. 1 was just miser- rîtothciy1we nobsron able when I began taking the 'Favorite to bld hlm goodby and was shocked to Prescription' and it proved most beneficial. find hlm dead In bis bed. He bad been It so completely restored me to heaith that stabbed to the heart. I was abount te 1 have never had any return of this aliment Caîl the servants wben It occurred tO I do advist the use of 'Favorite Prescription' me that, being my uncle's beir, 1I was by women who sufer with womanly troub- In a position to be suspected of hMs le."-MRS. GEO. WALKER, P. O. Box udr 490. Wonld It be better for me to be be- Dr. Pierc's Favorite Prescriptionh, fore the world the diseoverer of My made of lady's sipper r oot, black eohosh nncîe's bavlng been kllled or to leave root, unicorn root, blue cohosh root and - Oreg~on grape rot. 1>r. Pi'erce knew, Ihng about It? 1 bad been asked the wben lie first made this standard mediemne, nIllght before by -a maid If I would that wiskey End morphine were injurious,- - -- andc sU -has always kept them out of bis remedies. Women who take tbis standard remody know that in Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription they are getting a safe womanaa tonie se gond that druggists everywhere sou it, in liquici or tablet form. Fresh, richA, fuII-flavored t. -the same every tinie bad snid that 1 would breakfast lu the etty. If I went ont, as was to, be ex- pected, the servants would dIscover and announce the murder. 1 gave but a few seconds to deliberate wbetber 1 bhould leave the bouse thus or an- nounce the murder, thon declded on the former course. On My way to the City I was mucis agltated and foarful that I bad declded wrong. It turnod out that 1 bail. A mald bail arisen andl was descendlng from tho story abovewbcin I was leav- Ing my uncle's room. Sbe saw me andr later, wben she went to awakon ber master andl fouud hlm dead, remeoe- bered havlng seen me leaving bis éhamber. The resuit was that whon 1 was told of the tragedy and iooked surprised andl aboceilI1 was at once arrested and brougbt to trial The expianation 1 have given bers was without any effect on the Jury. ,My attorney only relled on It so far as It ctould be corroborated by othor evi- dence. Hle lntrodniced the statoments et those who knew my uncle andl wbo swore that bo was a man baving many en emies. During bis long 11f e sevorsi persons bail aaîd to hlm. "Vou shali pay for this," or "'il b - ave your heart'sblood," or "J ust you wait." Miy defendor took the grounil that some one of these persons bail done the deed. But my nnwise action on dis- Covering my uncle's deail body bail fixed bis doatb irrevocably on me un- less the real murdlerer coulil be dis- éovered. 1 was convicteil. My iawyer resort- edto tbe usual metbods to secure de- lay, andl My execution was put off from Urne to time. Finaily, ail these subterfuges bavlng falloil, a day was saffrm l-.A4 at JE 1 LE ECLEMAi Suiffered Three Years Until She T-Aed «" IlT-A TIVES" Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q. "I think it my dnty to tell you how much your medicine has dune for me. I suj-ered for three years with terrible Eczemea. 1 consultcdseveral docturs and they did not do me any good. 1Then, 1 used one box of 'Sootha- Salva' and two boxes of 'Fruit-a-tives' and my baný,ds are now clear. The return. 1I hink, it is a marvellous cure because nu other medicine did me any goud and 1 tried ail the remedies I ever heard of, without benefit until I uscd 'Sont ha-Sel c' and 'Fruit-a-tiçes.' 'Fruit-a-tives' coolcd the blood and removed thc cause of the disease, andi 'Sootha-Salva' completed lte c uie.- Dame PETER LAMARRE (41ls). 50c . a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. A\t aIl dealers or sent pustpaid by tnit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. N'EWCA STLE.A-Sle Durham Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 66, last regular meeting elected officers for 0 rc wligadlti suing year, viz: fbikd eligadlti I. P. M.-Dr. J. A. Butler Bowmanville. ESTATE 0F W. M -W. F. Rickard CATHERINE PEARSON, S. W.-William Jamieson J. W.-RE. G . Fishe r m PURSUANT to the will of Catherine Cbeap.r-Re. . M cCrmi c Pearson, deceased, there will be sold with Tereaurer-JamSbiiph the approbation of the executor of the Sec.-rey-. C o ath a wili of the said deceased, at the Bowann 1. D.-FredL.ohe Hotel in Bowmanviile, at the hour of 2 S. D.-C. W. Shacker o'clock P. m. on Friday, january 2nd, S. S.-J. a s onls 1920, the foliowing lands: ALL of lot 186 J. ofS.-mesW.ei and the north 47.5 links of lot 185 in block 0. of .-. W iggîI, fronting on Scugog and Wellington Tyler-James Parker. streets in BowmanVilie. The fol lowing buildings and construct- -ions r saidro be on sad lands. a so i- ~XT1...wo-storey, brick residence, 26ft 6in x 36f t ram ou vva n ; brick walls gin; with connecting frame % m o us W ash building 1oft gin x 7ft and again a frame i ~fuel shed and storebou-e 23ftx i5ft; a H eal Ski . sone foundat'on and cellar under brick tortion. On the laydsis agood well and -1 cistern. T) * D. D., the grea test of skin remedies The property will be offered for sale Ili remove those skin afflictions thatI subject to a reserved bid to be fixed by iv made vour life a burden. That in- the executor, The purchaser will be re- erable itching, burning and discomfort quired to, search the titie at bis own ex- ill disappear under the magic of this pense, and the executor will not be bound niedy. It bas cured many cases pro- to furnish any abstract of title nor pro- )nced incurable and will reach your uce any titie deeds not in its possession, tle. We guarantee the first bottie to nor copies of same .ng you relief Jury & Lovell, drug- . Furtber and other particulars will be ts, Bowmanviile. given as conditions of sale at the sale. Terms of sale: The Purchaser shall MI *'y to the executor or its Solicitor at the D . ime of sale, io'/, of the purchase price, D e D ie D e nd tbe balance in 3o days thereafter, and __________shall sign an agreement to complete the e -M For furtber particulars apply to tbe executor, or, to D. B. Simpson, its Solicit- your moutb, taýtes like ail the mean Dated December -"d, i919. things you ever did-mixed together, THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY thnyum ei LiIFED, of Toronto, Executor. D. B. SIMPSON of Bowmanville, Solicitor. 03 Your mouth îs a good SNE017 î ndicstion of the con- dition of the stomach , and bowels. Worth a Guinea a box roSf Sod averywhore in Can&is, la ê««o5., SCe. k , L) ai-n-i ý;; ne and t' ý 1 - 1 Tus AEADAa SATEMAS nd TE B andS Friday oioraing, respectiveiy, at Ti, TAT, MA filceJames Blockc. 26 andII 27 Kn-t West, Bowiniaville, Ontario, Canada. M. A. J_ es& ý.ons, Publishers and, Froprietors, at 51.50 par anuuni, )aayable inadVance;$2,0COafterfirgt threc months îIR. F. T. TIGFRE, V. E. VETERINARY SURGE014 -BOWMAN VILLE Day or Nigbt Calîs Promptly Attonded To Office- Kin-g=St. W., Statesman Block Pbone 243 ICompaniles - Servie_ are of the best when you insure with I NINA E. NEADS IInsuranco Agent. Phono 162 Office Wellington-st Bow manville FUiERAL DIRECTORS L. ?Morris & Son Ment Complets LEqsdpMeuiî 1unday amagltcol promptiy slte!ided tu. Btowmanville Phones 10-34 Býranehe% - OBONO HÂMP'JTom DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Toronto. Offc : in -St. EastBw a~ft Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 6 p. m. daily except Sunds.y Phono 90a House Phono 90b Alan M. Wiliams Funeral Director - Embalmer No extra charge for diîstance in country or to city or outside places. Embaim- ing done in the most scientific manner. Charges reasonable as may expenses are low. Phone 58 or 159 43ý6m* G. C. ONNYCASTLE L.DS., D. D. S., î N

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