BOWMAN VILLE, DEC. 18, 1919 HAMIPTON The members of the Senior. and junior Leagues are preparing a Christmas cantata entited "Santa Claus and bis Fairies" wbicb will be presented in the basement of the church on Monday even- ing, Dec. 22-rd, Admission 25c and 15c. Mrs. H. Thompsorr, Neepawa, Man., is visitirig her sister, Mrs. F Ruse and other relatives... Mr-s. Goodmuan bas r eturned after a visit with Toronto triends .. .. Mrs. F. G. Kersiake lias heen with lier sister, Mrs. E Wàrd, CJolumbus, who bias beeu very ill.. Court Archer 1. O. F. will meget at 8 p, m., Friday evening at Mr. A. E. Jesnnings. Full attendance of rner- bers requested. OnSunday, Dec... 2lst., _ special. ENNISKILLEN Reserve Tuesday evening, Dec. 23rd ,to hear "How Grandma spent bier Christmas, eve. Wednesday evening, Epworth League and W. M. S. held a combined service when Mis% Mountjoy, Haydon, gave a very interesting and instructive paper'on our educational work in West China, aiso a verv soul stirring and effective address from Mis Turner of Campbellford. Miss Grace Slemon and Miss Alice Werry rendered a piano duet which was much appreciated, ' Mr. H. J. and Miss Helena Werry sang a duet «'Telf me the ouui, old storv." Rev. G. TMcKerzleclosedwith prayer. Misses Helena and Aima and Mr. Gor- don Werry entertained their S. S. class mates Friday evening and had an enjow- able evening, ...Sorry to bear of Miss Helena Smith's sickness. Hope for ai speedy recovery .. . . Gad to know that i MAPLE GIROVE Remember the Christmas Concert given on Friday evenîng Dec. Iqth., in Sundav School Hall. , Take vour skate3 to Pickard's Garage when they need sbarpening. Early -Lv e, Rigof Friend'Shifp Xmas Gifts- Sur prising, isn't it, the Friay .... T e box social was very sý"I Ior-stanpect goods in linen and crepe Icessful, proceeds $84 .. .. Mr. Geo. Or- big assortmerrt. See themn at Dingman & I miston attended-Gueloh FareiiinI Edmondstone's.II s, andi many other gitti bable for this seasono Il'il ttoekty Bioots Rubber Boots Bypirr'Sh Colored Spats Slipper Soles any Boys" FIaDKeLrrcesvcu a seegram ofthe- ueil]ar.d nuiveswils. i-J-S. i r is-ina i. - vreu.Il - you'--- ---- -,'-.', n, cas of Mr. Tom Lammiman at Currie's1 Prayer by Mvr. Peter Vveîr,'. Thsre o ave a dlaim. Crossing near Wodstock. Hie was born Flarold Clemei-s continued the aireoplane I I will draw your WîiiI, Deed, Mort- and raised near Bradiey's School House fligbt to Chung Ring. ,l F~r r n~ ~ SensibleGf t Suiggestions At Money=Saving -Prices il IT IS UP TO THE FARMERS SHAWS I arn là a great way., Have dozens of Shaws School Concert wiI be held on orders to fil for Christmas poultry and: Fridaiy evening Dec. 19 at 8 o'clock.» so far haven't enough to MIi the demand. Everybody corne Siiver collection. Farmers, corne to the rescue and hring 4. your ducks, 'geese, turkeys and chickens When Pickard sharpens skates ne does to ruy store and get the top notch prices. a good jb I must have the poultry and am willing b to pay the price. RD. SNOWDE\N, Oshawa, phone 181.; Take this vaDer and wïth pencil and b 3IiOj paper, in the quietness of vour homi., go over the hargains offere i hv the local f"h tB a merchants and make out yonr Iist before- ù f s ,h doing your shopping. ,ý 1 ý. - m illilllimmil MIN miffl i