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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1919, p. 2

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BOWMAN VILLE, DEC. 25, 1919 OIRCflARD ON TEN ACRES 0F LAND FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE. 't'he McMurtry property, lu mile east of Nursery Corner, Bowmnanville, being lot 9, con 1, Darling- ton. containing about ten acres, mostly covered with ape bearing orchard. The handsorne brick reidence was burned some Uie ago, and there are about M0 000 brick suitable foi re-build- ing. 'There are a larg'e barn with cenext founda- ti in and stables nnderneatb, and a shed ini fairly good condition. 'Iis propprty is well situated ad iiilbe soid on ver' -easy teins. For furtbcr paýticulars appi' to J. E. L. Goocwill, barrister. Peterboro. îtf NO 0.T IE The Bankl of Montreal bas opoiied a branoh office in the Elliott Block, Hampton and solicits your business., J. A. MeCLELLAN, Manager- Dated at Hampton, July 8, 1919. Paper langing Painting and Decoratinig O. tiils~d one to your satisfact-- o nat reasonahie prices hoy Lewis R<owe (Successor to John M. Rowe) Ca11 &t bis residence cor. Ontario ,and DUrhami,sts., next door south of Mr. John Grigg's. 13-tf ChanTge 0f Business llaving takea over the business previously carried on by Mr. L. PiËe in Bowmanviile as dealer in ail kirds of junk,, live poultry, bides, furs, etc., we are prepared to pay cash for ail we buy. Saturday wu shall bu at home at No. 7 Argyle St., Bowmanviile h&earticles may be delivured to us, Phbone 289. We hope to do business with al Mr.ý, Pike's former customers and manly new enles, promising to deal fairlv wth ail. JOE CHARLES J. SHANKER 47-3m Boaýmanvil]e To Auto ïOwnersi The Jamieson Bros. are busy doing ail1 kinds of tire repairing. Bring in your old tires and 'have thiem re-tread if they are worth it. We will tel] you straight if they are worth doing. Bring in those s pare tubes and lhave them repaired. We repair punctures and blowouts at short notice. Be sure and get our prices on ï New Tires before you buy. We ihanie only the best makes. Jamieson Bros. Côrner King and Silvêr sts, Bowmanville1 Phone 193 Ins"rnce!9 Phn Lu ow niuch morecor yo rqucean(" wu wihlput Io toda, orwe wli ea,Jvaline your prplty ad0iv. yu henvecesary protection. THE EDITOR TALKS. Counties' Couneil did wiselv t0 adopi thu resolution of Reeve T. S. Hrolgate and Ree ve W. A. Vart Camn, who moved -that this councîl memorialize the pro- vincial government 10 use tbe fees collected from auti mobiles and assume total cost of the provincial highwav." Wbaî more proper than 10, spend the monos' collected for using thu roads for improving and up-kecp of tbem. ? We watch each year for the appearance of rhe Christmas Farmer's Advocate. The i9î9 issue is an exceptionally bîand- sume and inturesting number. The fine engravings used to illustrate the specialis' seasonable articles, add very matunially 10 the attractiveness and value ot the magazine. The advertisements are models' of hu typographie Art and the pages are well gotten up and maku the number more attractive and of course ef greater commercial value lu the publish- ers. Evury Canadien farmer should bu a regu ler reader of " lhe Advocate". Club- bed with THE STATESMAN for $3,00 pur year. We have -received a copy of that fine publication "«Made-in- Hamilton" Quarter- lv" issued undur the managing editorshîp of Mr. Charles R. McCullougb, a well- known Bowmenville boy wbo bas long been an outstanding figure in the butter citizenship of Hamilton. The Quarterly is publisbed as a boomer for the IlAmblîjous C ity" and is a splendid pro- duct of the typographical art of that great industrieli berg claimud to bu "the manufactoring centre of Canada". The lutter press is foul of interust. We again congratolale the editor and staff on this attraclîve publication. Onue of the first acts of the uew Ministur of Edocation, Hon. R. H. Grant, is to fix midsummer examinationis for the pluasant,-montb of jueinstead -of during- the bot month of July. Students wîll bave shorler lime 10 preparu but the cbange. will bu buarlily approved bv tuachers, candidates and examinurs. jannary 5 is the date fixed for opening of schools efler Christmas holidays which begin at 4 p.m. ibis Friday Duc. I9. Easter bolidays wili bu (rom Aprd 2 10 April ii, boih inclusive Midsommer bolidays will bu (rom Jue 3o 10 Augost 31 in the public scbools and until Seltem- ber 6 lu the high schools. This is tbe season for discussing with ene's, household wbat papers and maga- zines 10 wbjch to sobscribe for next year. It is a wise plan tu folow-censtllt witb tbe family. The fether should not bu selfisb or dictatorial about tbis matter. Tbu womun folk bavetheir pireference and should,in their own interest sobseribe le one, at least, of the good ýwomen'- joornals. Young people have literary tastus-that may diffar (rom thuir eiders and tbey, 100, should bu considured. Our advice is, Give the youngsturs sone gond, wbulesome, reading malter suited 10 thuir age and tustr. voi.d as yoo would a rattlesnake tbe cbeap, trashy story papers. Don't admît onu to vour home. Parents and eIders should ux,.rcise strict vigilencu over the charactur of readîng malter the ehidren ruad. The best is none too good-always gel the very best. Lut quality rather than prie govern yoor ordering or purchasing. Muskoka Freu Hospital for Consomp- tives is makin g an urgent appeel fÈ r nancial assistance to help in carîng for those wbo are poor and afflcted with consomption Whun the disease gels deep suated lu the longs to build op tbe constitution and hual the diseasud parts is a vury wuary and up-bill fight, but the Moskoka sanitaniom is working wondurs in restoring tuberculosis patients. At prusent tbere are in the Muskoka Freu Hospital, 269 patienis, 201 of wbom are onable 10 pay towards tier keep. Many of tbem are on the road 10 healtL and will sbortly bu restorud to happy bornes. Thiq is the tangible evidence of the good w 'ork; a stili greater reuot bas been aI- taintd in safe-guarding tbe lives of others exposed 10 infection Ans' of our read ers who wish lu help this splendid homanitarian institution may forward their cbeck or donation in monuy 10 Sir, William J. Gage, 84 Spadina Ave., Tor- ôoito, Ont., who will gladly acknowludge the gift. __________ Rev. S. F. Dixon, Lakufield, Ont., bas sent us No. I, Vol. i, of "The Metbodist Trumpet" issued ;n inturust of and undur authority of tbe National Execotive Commitee otf the Muîhodist National Campaign of whicb Rev. S. C Moore, B. A., B. D., is one of tbe members of the Board of 'Directors. Tbu central diamond of great' brilliance on the first page is on "H igh Cost of Ideals" as follows: "Witbout vision wu perish; wifhout ideals lite is barren; the fruitful lite costs; sacridece for a just cause is wortb wbile."l The only pursonal of a local charactur in West Durham is this onu: W. J. B3ragg, M P. P. (Libura) West Durham, is a Methodist officiai, uspcial ------stu-- Ib srvie f tu our spiritual, tpbivsical aqcd temporal i ntnetcintbe mnse who preparus uw sermons weekly andJ scores of ad- drese dring die year bsdetot other cIlsou lime, unergy and tugl s n 't lms eYor' riicsmOffic in i is;try for want cf surius lhougbts. Mr, Criticask yoorelt bis q jihu If evu yother berun my chureh liwas î te kiwd of memben I amn, wurAt iudutaiacUrcb would our cburch bu ? To MEN WHO LIVE INACTIVE LîVîs. -Exercice in tLe open air ic î Le Lest loniec for tLe stumacb au)d sytemn gener- aly ut t hene are thoisu wbo are comi- peilied te foillow se-deulary ccupatueuns and sieknu>sc olîowc.PreuesVg talble Piilis reu he e estomch iand- ivrudrustore hei'alths'action,.l iý wiete bi.sve a packut utf tllepiliu alweys To- Our Mlany Customers and Friends We Wisli a Merry C!ý-gristmas REFORESTATION ADVISED Tbe sobject of reforestation is still a live onu in thesu counties and we are giad 10 sec mrntiibers of Coonties Council taking action te brin i he question tu attention of provincial authorities. Ou motioeu of Councillors Coolcun and Allhn of Newcastle il was ducidud lu mumunial- ize the provincial goverumeut te taku il up et an eariv date, and t'uat the initial stup bu sartud lu thusu uniied counties. Coun. les. Coulson said wu bave a govunu ment now thet is interested in the question, and WilI do e certain amoont in tbis case. Why nut invite them 10 start ibis mevement in these united countties sebere the land bas been roed uf ils native imber, and is nul as productive as it sbould bu and la cuiîebly adapted for tbis kind of treelment? Coun. Thos. Baker caid wben the agitation' was first starled the coonty council w-cs eskud 10 finance il. Some peuple in the north end ut Derluglon and Clarke are poor un account of the sandy wasîes, tbuy stay Ibhere sud eke out poor existence. Lots of pine is thure, but is cut as soon as il is any heigbt. If the goveromnent would boy ut and reforest il. il would bu a peying investmeut.. He was mucb lu favor of the motion. Coun., Geo. A. Stuphens said bis brotber-iîî-law trîud it on 10 acres, and evuryonu tbougbl it a wild cal scee then. Iu 10 years if bas grown wonder-. fu ly, some being 20 fel igb, and bue demonstrated whet coold bu done witb ruforustration. There is no guarantue of supply of sofl coal, and we sbould take s,,mu 51' p 10 providu for future genera- lions. Motion carriud Movud bv' Courts. Allin and Coulson tbat in view of the interust taken lu retorestration that committeu 'composud of Courts. 'Slade, Stephens, VanCamp, Bowen, Baker, Henderson, Herrington and- tbe mover and seconder bu a deputa-- lion lu wait on the Ontario Governmunt. Carried. Sweet and palatable, Moîbur Graves' Worm Ext o-rminator is acceptable 10 cbildren, and il dous ils work surely aud promply. CHURCH F114ANCING Tbe larger chorches, are nearly al having difficulty in making ends meut 'financially. The trouble, espucielly in city' and town churches wh ch are large and tbe upkeup and sal aries are elso large is that the members and adberents are giving the came amount of Sonidas' offer- ings and other contributions thet îhey gave in pre-war limes, wbiie the expeuses of ruuning the eburch have enormously iucreased. The salaries of paid cLuch offiçials, caetakers, choir directons and the wages of men employed 10 do repair- ing and ouber necesasary odd jobs in tLe course ut tLe Vean inciuding cust ot material and supplies bave advanced and lu some chunches thusu items mean a very considerable cum, Then, the cost of fuel Las doubled, and more, so that lu the larger churches, like Bawmanville Muibodist, the coal bille are very large. Lest vear's coal supply lu Ibis cburcb cost $552,30 and Ibis year's will bu mueb igLer. The upkeup and other uxpenses of Ibis cburch lest year cost areund $7,50O and tLe Boards bave pnactised evers' econumy consistent witb efficiency lu conducting tLe business, and thunu is no ikelibood ini evidence thal churcb expenditures are going 10 bu any less for corne yearc, et leest, se thet il le up t0 members and adberents of ahi churches tu iruase tîteir contributions. Financiug a cburcb la a vury simple and easy mnalter ifthe people wbo attend it are reasonabile and conscientos.Ru- terrine again 10 the BowmanvilleMetbud- icI ChureL, of wbich the writer bas for 30 years been Treacurer of the Board ut rrustees, the Tbenk-Offeriug asked for -now about $1800-was freeiy placed on tLe plates wliuu the peuple wuru told of the condition of tLe cburch obliga- tiens, and we doubt if any person who con tributed fuels ainy poorer for wbat Ibus' gave, for the Lord returns 10tbuthm wiîh profit and greatllessings, as we are told lu "1-onor tLe Lord with our sub- stance aud with tLe first fruits cut un l- crease, tLe promise ii, so shah] tby barns bu filled with plents' and tby presses shahl borst eut wiîb newîwine". Tbis is clear- ly e pledge ot God's financial blessing and applies flot ouly 10 the fruit-growur bot, 10 YOU and uveryonu wbo eccupts and obeys Ibis offer. The dols' then, as il appuars tu us, ut every supporter, sympaîbizer and attend- eut ofthîe churches, le 10 double-up on their chureh contributions; or if Ibat is giving more than a (air proportional amount lun accordance with tLe require- meute, ncreace -as rnuch as the floancial conditions 'of your church dernandc. Evei'vbody, ohd and yoong, should gve Cuttter for sale-good as new. C.;M Cawker & Son Purveyors Plhone 64 Bowmanç Can't Beat This List 0f Choice Meat:- You will eertainiy want to bave -Me Of t nis meat for Christ- mas, when you î-ead this list bought f r-oui îLebest breuders in the di8trict: Jobu Baker, Solina, 2 heifers, 1 Bab)y Beef; Frank Obon, Twn-- Lir)e, 2 Dur-ham Steuî-s. (These won I it prize at the F aIl PaÀirs). W. Rickard, Sha-v's, 2 [)urhain Sueers; John Russell, Cobourg, L Durham Steuor; W. Woods, Dailington, 3 ]ambs; E. Burke, Dr lington, 1 iarnb. Also somne very fine pou]try from Mu-s. Fred. Lane, Mrs. lledley Oke, Mrs. A. A. (Jolwill and Mrs. Frank Osborne. Merry Christmas and A Happy NewYear G. A. EL:dmôa-dstoPne (One door eastý of Levi Morris & Son's) Phone 21 -Bowmanville Merry 7-Christmas ToAl Iu your hurry-to do yottr Christmas shopping dont-f orget- to get supplies of good îhings to eat for the holiday, season-tue Christmas dinner p]ays n smail part in the season's festivitie-s. We are well stocked with ail the groceries that you want. You WiI I Want S,ý,ome 0f These Seedless Raisins, per lb 25e Seeded Raisis, per lb 23e Choice Currants, per lb 30c, Mixed Peel,-...per lb 60eý Also Turkish Figs, Dates, Mince Meats, Shuhled Walnuts, Almondsî Farm Produce Wanted As usual I arn paying highest prices for ail kinds of farm produce. tlarry AllEn Lgille When Economy Is First Consiïd- eration 'Our Store Serves Best We invite your inspection of the quality and pnieu of our groceries. Do your Christmas shopping hure and you will be sure of gtting best values. Our Christmas stock of gooris includes: FRUIT-SeGded Raisins, Seedless Raisins, in bulk or package, u r- ,'i Dates, bulk or package, Figs, table or cooking. FRESH FRUI rS',3-Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit. NEW PEELS-Orangu, Lemon, Citron, SHELLED NUTS-Almonds, Wainats NUTS I N SHELL-WaInuts, Almoncis, Filberts, brazils, Peanuts Onu thing essential for a good Xmas cake or dinner- buy your grocuries from Merry Christmas and Happy iNew Year Cawker & Hoper Pure Food Grocers Phone 62 Bowmanville k The Ideal Gi*ft'- Automnobile Skates Nothing will please yonr eidren more than a pair of Automobile Skates. We have them in ail sizes and prices. Buy them today. Mason& aile's Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville digestion,.bt ie )imortant, work is dcii i b Qc)1 , ver and kîducys. F-iec ho to aet efficienti ellowsthwhole body to BEEHM'SPîLS dlo more tanl SOMdveywvbere lînaa.Ibo.,5eOc Phone 186 Buaanville pi' Lehigh Valley An thraci 'te Coal 'v'ING COAL, and bis adjutant generals, Warmth A' and Comf ort, unfurled their flag of fire and King Winter and bis sly lieutenant, Jack Frost, were driven from the home trenches into the outer dark- ness. Respond to.the cal of the colors. Fuel up and fire. John A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts. J3owmanville Brantford Roofing, We bave recenlly been appointed Speciel agents for the above Ru- Hable and Pulls' Testud Roofing, Fîreproof sud Weatherproof, sud shah- bu pleasud te show the goods aud tornish eclimates, Portland Cenent Rogers Canadua-i ?Drtland Cernenl is tLe best Cernent in tLe market today, we have a (rusa stock in good, sound bags, reads' (or deiivery at short notice to any part ut town or country. ,Scranton Coal Scranton C )al us tLe Standard Anthracite, and we are [prepa'red tu tà aire neet er es in ail cizes.' Now is the tirne lu put lu your snpply, as trenu îs eve v indication that the pnieu wil le bigLer laler on, sud those who take their coal eanly will bu protucted witb regard 10 pnice. Building Material We Lave our usuel stock in ail lunes, sud suicil your inquiry, and guerantue good service, MecClellani & Company Limited King Street East Bu wmanville Office Phone l5 - Resideuces 228 and 274 II~ G. W. V. A. DANCE rooG W. V. A. aehlding a big tikt 2.oo; cnl icesIr00, ute parte ulrs e b obted(romFRED 'I Cc~a Lot Com A acâeibl eLaii Name 0f Feeder Guaraiitee 0f Quality Unisurpassed Hure is a partial list of the stick we bave brought for our Chnistmas Meat display purchîasud fromi best breeders in thîs district. 3 Steers, F. Hill. I Heifer, J. & A. Allun 1 ileifer & 1 Steer, Wes. Alliiî 4 Sieurs, J. Found 2 Heifers, uwn stable i Baby Buef, Wesley Aluin 1 Baby Beef, lý. Goode 8 choice legs 15 Ewes and wetber lambs, 'own stable i BabyBeef, Arthur Welch. Poultry Wiýanted-any quantity, for which we pay highest cash pnieus. m'--

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