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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1919, p. 6

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~iiM FR boa-11 acres, lot, , con 4, In t, owilnhip ol ClarRe o md day ioam suitabla for nis aoigC.B station on farin. Chu-ch andseho jalhin half a mis. 'Two batik barns, banýk sAle nIcniorLàble hon e. Good orchartljnst sraetiing to' near. Gwood roads arounnd latin, For furttier parLienlars applyto F. J. Mitchell, Royal Bank, lowui mvillie, or to W. FI. Gicldy, Port Hope,ý or t T. J. Ilallagh, StarkviIle, Trustees 38 2t Phone 208 When you Require the Services of an Expert Electrician G, PARKIN, Silvet & Church Sts. Bowmanvilie A itness Testifies CO3WM A.NVILLJI., DEC, ý, l19 " Iik W E AK AN!) ERiVOUS 1BOWMANVILLE liAS THEM1 Bramoptor, Ont.:-' 'About fiveyearý, ago I begari stifiring with wonan's trouble., I becrme alI run-down weak, and nervous. \1 wa ocompletely d( wn ndout that I eould ne1 do any- cing. could scarcely urras mys'cl. 1 had the rioctor and took otiier medicine but w-thott gtting bot.. ter unttl I began i .talking Dr. Pierces 7.~.~ Favorite Prescrip- '~tion and bis Golden Yiedical Discovery. t waa oniy noces- stîry for m e take 'ý about tbree botios when I was completuly restored to health and strength and 1 have boen in btter health th an f ove"'vas belore. 1 have had no use for niedicine since, but should 1 need it I wjld take theso sanie remediea, kn ig thnui to be excellet."-MES. RARE KNIGHIT, JeissicSt. OWES HER LIFE I t. 'Sakatchewan, Alta. :-"It is with tiotît pleasure tbat 1 write the following and 1 bonpi it wili help the many sullerers who tont know the gond Dr. Pierc's medi- ei net would do them if they would try them. "In regard to my condition, I will say 1 dIsuffered fromn cbildhood from a very t k bar-k; I.bad the misiortune of ha-ring nil I n tîglbis thon Iwas one year nid 1 untti 1 was 13 1 did not see a well day, a vcy i d lady told my mother about .rce s Favorite Preacription and she a 1 ýt1<' to try it, Lt did me so rnuch n It î other nt anc 6 bottles. Recent- 1'I u e wth a cit accident and hurt My baid b ay. My 1etor gave me up q'iu saýi d.t would rot live. but 1 tili stick to Dr, 'ýîce's Favorite Prescription and te ,ictrpe i n. tbrc i7e..ks 1I was out of bed ,d bctor. i ove mvlfe toit and nothinz Factorie shouid locate in Bowmanville because il possesses the tree essentials t0 succesîful manufacturîng-cheap electrie power, gond shipping facilities and a satisfactory labor market. Va bat lown anywhere bas cheaper -electrir, power orbetter sites witbin thec corpora- tion and convenient to the heart of the m'unicîpaliily? What better shipping facilities could be desired-? We have main fines of Ge, T. R., C. P. R., and C. N. R., and are edon t0 have in operalion Toronto-,Eastern eîectric raîwav, Bow- manville being at present the terminal. The labor supply has ever been salie- factory and at the prestnt lime several peopie have homes here who work in Oshawa and Toronto. It is one of the healhîest and best residential towris ini Canada wiîh excellent schools andý churches, a splendid water-svsteni, sup- plving the best water in the world, coniplete sewage systern, and near the lakeside where is a very fine summer re- sort. What more is required for factory or residence.? WEDDING. WILLIAms-ASHLEY. On Wednesday eveniîîg, Dec. Inth, at 7 o'clock, at the Norwood Presbyterian church, Winnipeg, Man., by Rev, D. McIvor, the marriage took place of Bertha May, Ashley, eldest daughter of Mrs. 1. H. Asbley of Oshawa, Ontario, and Cecil H. B. Williamis, of Souris, Man, in the presence of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The bride, who was unattended, entered the chnrch t0 the strains of "Lohengrin's" wedding niarch, rendered by Mrs. J. Herbert Cowan, cousin of the groom, The bride DI LUde t 'o'atu "Foritha-tiveas Ruered ger -l spcaiT o PerfecI musthudeg an opoeration. I refused. I heard iabout "FroUt-a-tir'es'go/i m aecided Io try il. .ul/'yie The first box gave great relief; and 4 1 - J eontinued the treament, Now my i heaith is excellent-I arn free of ... ........ __... pain-a«ndI1 give "Fruft-a-tives" my eaV.>44~~.- Mme. F. GAREAU. "'S eea '-'a 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e,. Vf a "........ ..... At ail deaiers or sent postpaid by / ~ Fni-tt-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. \ e MÏ.1-5 o.. USE THE PUBLIC LIBRARY.\ : 'S ./ a One thousand faniuiies in thie town and f~ ~~ vicinity could and ehould use the Public g~e Library, especially during Winter months, Bowmarîville Public Library Above is ebown the new, mafle-in-Canada Overland 4. It is contains a collection of books for general being manufactured at Toronto hy Willys-Overland Limited, wha use, and is niaintained for the benefit of announce that production on a quantitv basis bas now heen reached. the wholc community.' There are hund- reds of works of fiction, books on art, The chassie is, iliatrated along witb the finished touring car architecture, the varions trades, and social1 model because of ils radie il departure in spring suspension. Lt will be " 11 1 înANTT SI" 'q and T P Bc-w-,, A N. TILa Nna repblished' every 'Tbursdlay and 1? rdaîn oein e eactiVelY, atT IE hSTATESMÂI4 ü(fiee, 1amîes ..ck, 26 ami -27 Ring-st. West, Boamapnv ijje, O)ntro, Canaa. M. A. Janmes & onpnbIiaher snd Proprietors. et $1,50 per annum, payable iadvance; $2'00 alter firsI three DR. F. T. TÎGLE, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON BOWMANVI LLE Day or Night Cals Prtamptly Attended TFo Office - King.St. W., Statesman BIob Phone 243 Companies - Service Rates are of the best when you insure with NINA E. NEADS Insurance Agent. Phone 16-> Office Wellington-st Bowmanville FU iEIRAL DIREC TORS L. Morris & Son Mo st oCM; 2t a j promptly attended to, B ranehes: ORONO; HAMPTON DR DENTIST ', Graduate of Royal Dental College, Office: King-St, East, Bowmarïvi'.le Office llours: 9a.ni. to 6 p.m. daily CANADIAN PACIFIC CONVENIENT DAYLJGIIT TRAINS BETWEEN TORONTO AND OTTAWA (Daily Except Sunday) NO, 38-"-THE RIDEAU" Lv. Toronto..... 1.30 P. M. Lv Whitby...... 237 P. m. Lv. Oshawa. ..... 2.47 P. m. Lv. Bowmanville., 3 05 P- .ni Lv. Port Hope... 3.44 P. ni, Lv. Cobourg....... 3.5S P. ni. Lv. Coborne..,. 4.27 P. ni Lv. Trenton,.... 5.07 P. ni. Lv. Beleville. 5.30 P. m. Ar. Kingston... 9.10 p. mn. Ar. Perth ......... 8o5 p. m. Ar. Sniith's Falls 8.25 P. ni Ar. Ottawa...... 10.00 p. ni. NO. 37-"ýTHE Lv. Ottawa.. Lv. Smith's Falls- Lv, Perth........ Lv, Kingston .. Lv. Belleville .. Lv. Trenton.. Lv. Coîhorne.. Lv. Cobourg,.. Lv. Port Hîope.,.. Lv. Bownianville.. Lv. Oshawa.. Lv. Whitby.. Ar, Toronto... YORK" 1O,0p. 2.35 P. nM. 2.55 P.n. 1.55 P. m 5 50 P.n. 5.S3 pni 6.25 P. m 6-49 P. nM. 7.00 P.-m 742 p. m 8.04 P. rin. 8.17 P. M. 9.30 P. m. Equipnient, Smoker, Coach, Cafe, Parlor and Observation Parlor Car. W, B..,HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto C. B. KENT, Agent, Post Office, Bowmanville. .VaVr...........7114 19 j019 b2 îîwr.......... 773 2ý 375 53 Hiinad........ -3979 18 1913 72 Cimh....... .... 2676 86 1070 74 Percy .............. 2442 18 128o 69 Blrighton ....... .... 4118 93 2301 47 Murray.. -..... ....291497 16.57 oi Seynour ............ 3763 30 1582 78 Machinery........13075 78 5230 31 Superintenderit.. 1618 50 647 40 Bowmarivil]e ... ..... 1193 OU 477 20 Cobourg... ..... ... 542 43 216 97 Neaat~........ 229 09 91 64 $78258 71 $38139 56 Miller's Worm Powders will purge the stoxrach and intestines of worrrs so effectively and s0 easily and paifflessly that the niost delicate stomach wjil ot teel arrv înconveniience froni their action. 2 bey recommend theniselves 10 niothers as a preparation that will restore strength and vigor to their cbjîdren arnd protect themn frorni the debilitating effects which result from the depredations of worms. Shoes Repaîred While You Wait 1 arn now in a position to give you quickz service and best of workrnanship as 1 have two assistants. Work Boots For Sale 1 bave a limited stock of good substantial work boots for nmen. Also ser- viceable shoes for ladies and children at reason- able prices. Geo. ilumpage The installation of a new Chtan- cellor and a new Prineîpal on tbe saame date wiil biing a great many diatinguisiaed Canadians and AmerÎ- cans to Qneen's Universtty, Kingston, on Oclober Sixteenth. For alltougit a cornparativeiy smaii University, Queen's bas sent so many dis'in- guLiffied gr'aduates mb toe world and has gadîed sncb a chara cter for sonnd learning and enterprise In re- soarcit and r-ducaton. titat,,it stands highÈ among lte institutions o-f ils kind on titis Continent. .ý Qneon's came b lite front under Principal Grant. whto veas a bora leader of mon and gatiered round hlm a brilliant staff of lecturers and profesînors. Undoer Principal Gordon, -who succeeded Grant, lte University continned to proasper and te num- ber of students donbted w-hile lte nunibeo f buildings was lrebled. Thte new Principal, Dr. Bruce Tay- lor, nas already siown hie motie by raising ltee llmillion dolilars re- qulred to fulffil lte ternie of an en- dawment cf a further hall Million, dollars promised by te late Dr. Douglas. uweth a You19 ani ative new Cit-e'lolor sncb as Mr. Di. W. ]Beatty. fres1delt Ot the Q C4nîai Pacifie Rallway, to lend his support, Qneen's has every rc-ason 10 expect 10 continue to go ahead. Recognizi'ng -the importance of In- dustry to Canadian development, Queen's has carried on important in- dustriai researcht work, and Mr. G. Y. Cbown, te popular Registrar, bas contribnted $50,0O0 0 t te endow- ment of a Researcit Chair. Profeasor Clark, wbo bolds thte Chair, of Physes, bas establisheod a labora-tory for the inÎvestigation 0f substances under o-,t--emely low tom- peratures, wfth the use of liquid air and liqui'd hydrogen, lte only labora- tory of its kind in North America. Dr. Reid lias been investigating thte causes and suggested cures for in- fluenza, and has made valuable dis- coverîes tending to combat lte re- currence cf future epideruics. Pro- fessor MacClement le an expert on thte noxions fungi which wouîd de- strcy our great Canadian foreste if left to tteiselves. Dr. Lathriop bas been carrying on -raluable researcht work on trench nephritis, with thie object of discovering lte true nature cf this curions disease o-f te Enro- Dpa bttefls The Arts Faculty of tho. Queeai'u is conducted by Pro-ressors, who ini their owa fields of work, are juet as enterprising and lte man or woman with a Queen's degree has an exce- lent chance of succeeding in wbat- ever learned profession ho or she may adopt. Dueing the year 1918- 19 titere were 861 studonts registered in te Acte Facnlly. Special efforts were made by ail faculties 10 meet the requirements o-f relnrned soldiers whose sebolastie career bad been in- lerrupted by the w-ar. A summer Scitool in Engineering restricted to men who itad been overseas, saved an acadeîmic year to a large nunîber of sncb returnod men, and was con- ducted wltiioul Goverament assist- ance aI lthe exPenlse Of the University itsoif. For lte last hhree years lte aoW Arts building and lte Grant Hall have been used as a bospîtal by the military autitoritieS, and ltere bas been abundant testimony 10 lte satisfaction that te patients have fel in being boused 80 weil amid sucb beantiful surroundinge, The soidier patients are no-w transferrod elsewhere, releasing the dlass roor space for lte growiDg requirem"I ts of te Unlversity. Grand Trunk Railway The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Slieeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on the principal Day Trains. Full informationa from -any Grand irunk Ticket Agent or C.E. fiorning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H. H. JURY, Town Agent, Phone 78 Bowmanvî1le TOR'f ADVISERwhich wilI be sen,- fr.ea 0 MARION & mARlON. e 864 University et.# NMoftrm ai

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