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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1919, p. 7

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t-%1 I1 2 IIIIIII liluVANCOUVER - OJkPETpR N * ijLig- ef - FOR SALE8 McCLELAN ~ CO.LUIlTED Bowr-naiiv ili / Il ~A1 S ve ir Cast Iron il This Souvenir Range i8 a new and plain pattern, pleaaing to thse eye, and easy ta keep I dlean. Gives the same satis- faction as Souvenir ranges have always done, onIy a new design. s- 'Wi' verg range cardes our guar- -aubee ta be a perfect b)akerý GIas8 oven door enables the user la uee thse baking bn operation. Thermorneter re.- 7Ïlitable and tels the aven Seait ai al l imes. White Porcelain Enamel Bacis, fulil widlh of warming clasef. Pipe uip the back, Nos. 8.20 or 9-20-18' x 18" oven as iilustrated, $ 74,00 Without warming closet, $55.00 Nos. 9-22-the same Range but with 20" x 20' oven, $79.00. Withuut warming cioset, $60.00. SOLD BY RICE & CO.,I Bowmanville, Ont, T'here is aou5mvcesA' îler in your town - if you cauiot locate k/m ,write us for his ntame, /4HEF HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER CO., Lins-ited sUccesso0rs ta THE GRE TIL-DEN CO-,, Limîted, HAMILON, - CAND viny-rlvE/EASOF sUccEsýFUL 5A-JUFCTURING" ILLE, DEO. 25, 1919 PREMIER DRLIRY'S VIEWS. TO SPEAK IN NEW YORK. NELsON PARLIAMENT M. P. P., WILL [ORARYMEMBERS Elvery true Canadian wjîî agree i4 DDRESS CANADIAN CLUB. with the decýaration made in Toronto by Pr'-i'q Ernest C. Drury, as-ho was Mr. Nelson Parliament, M. P. P. for known newspapcr -men in the piilîcipal guest of honor at the Prince E ýward County, who is ta bie lecedl-onoar Yem bers zeý given MVosîdày rght at the appointed sj eaker of the Ontario Legis- Annual à-eeting of the Oaisis-Itite by the Dominion Grange, lature when it assembles next February, sAssociation, Inc., held at As a Past Master of the organ-zation, Las oeen invited ta address the Canadian ward- Hotel, Toronto, onle told of the great debt the Faraners' Club of New York on "Fdî mers' suave- ind 28, 1919 These were rnaxenent owed to the institution and ment in Ontario" He will visit the M-acKay, former Business and theii discussed the policy of bis American Metropolis early in january, âe à ronto Globe who re- Goverriment, touehing at the conclu-1 for that purpose, pt a more lucrative puai- ý drs n nentoa E. Smallfield, prop jetor, relations: 'ear aor of that entMer- y I elieve one of the things we al diar mofRnrew Maeer-y bN tce Ceîtr )ut who owing to iid-healtb shouta work for is good-will between Noieto rdt s business; and Mr. M. A this cotintry and the country to the ired tram the newspaper south of us," liesaid . The con ing , i the inatter of the Estate ef CATHERINE, 31,îy8,andissuced- forward of the carumon people in the PEARSN f the toWn Of Bowmaville in tue s, Norman and George. new mavement sweeping the country, , uuiy slti,WyidOecersantsee.5 wsoeof the oldest nmera- e observed, would be a great surety NO'I 11 hre giOl useu o e. 6u as one1 Chap. 121, tO, 1914, that ail persous havÎn sociation, having joîned in ofinternational relations, " We must claitnis or demande against the e soate of the said iears ago, and Las Leld the frown on anyone sa wicked as ta stir Catherine Pearson, deceased, who died on or ithe Weekly Section, that up passions between these two coru- about the third day of October Pn), are reqni red to oeod iiy post, prcpaid or deliver te tire coder- Bath Mr. MacKay and Mr. tries,' said the Premier. Suai a thing signoti Executur, Ihe Trusts and Guaranres ex-Presidents of the As- had been doue in the past by politici- COmpay, iited, Toronto, or to theunesr- Lav ben vry ctie ad as or hei ow ens. It s art of 1dJ .1 Simipson, . K, its solicitor, on or bie- have been very active and ans fors their sed,'Iti oeteecond day of January 1920, their cýhrist- rs in many ways aud in My religion that I should do ail in mY Ian and surlames and addresses with full pa r-. fLahir valuable services Power ta cultivate good relations tieulars in writing of their dlailms, sud sta trent with illuminafedaddresses between Canada and the UTnited rfheîr accourits sud rthe nature ut the securitils rat the îast aunual meet- States, We want that boundary kei d(sîainh. yteidl eîidb tttr -totgu-or--lort-not--no(w, but --And take notice thga fterfliesaid asnnd d&v1 fareer"-offJanuary 1920, thie ssid Exrecuter wilI proteed to distribýuteUse asets of Use said deceased.t anopg th e pa r ti1es entltl ed t 1-e reto having regard Ouly te the cdalia cf whjcb 15 shal1then have FELL WSHI notceand the laid Exeeutor will notlbe, RoR fiable wýfor siiase, or any part, thereof, te anv! 'IDERSN DECAVED &iA/ La MIRAVAAA R have besnareceived 'iv Iit or ui aii Soitor a tNERONDELAEDA AT Tthe tinisetfsu stibti OOD FELLOW, Wh en a Datesi Deceinber 2nd 1919. HogtReeve af Bow-Lite Coougete, -Sare- j U RSSAD:At:ECMAY cotncil gaing into coin- Ï healthy- JAMES J. WARREN, F. B. STOdKDALE vhle, Reeve -Holgate who 1t he r e aSbD. B. Sinipson, K.C., Bowmanville, Ont. r, said the cauncil's pro- -, l sparkle inl soic.itor, for the saisi Executer. 494 lrawing ta a close after a .le ys Vear, with gaod fellawshiP jwe have Lad a head that rose tint i gs congenial to al. le her cheeks, ADVERTISEMENT 0F SALE. Wiarden Hendersan their sdsela Ysof respect,. i Reeveai Nwcasle, Under and bv virfue af the pawers of espct ndb i o O d. contained in a certain mortgage which Le~~~ noni o L a Th e r es will be praduced at the timne of sale there Hendrso La coduced ~ -t ~ easteît j~will Le offered for sale by public auction îLe ouncl, a Le ad mve-ou Saturdav the 27tL day of Deceniber, Lighest -standards of Lis -eeyA.'D., 11,a L ara he ite We ad lecedhlmby ~« ment and a o'clock in tLe afternoon (3.15 P. s.) upan nd e hadne cred i o, -sprmng sinler the premises at the north wesf corner af )n bhai ofLis ollagus stp. oveWellington and Liberty Streets in the resented Warden Hender- cornes to every womanwho hi awna omuil, yL .W ae idsome odwth ai Esquire, auctioneer, tLe follawiug pro- goldl waichachain bloundinig health-bUt When she 18 perty: iderson wba is Rleeve af pallid, duli eyed, lauguid, suie bai Lots Seveni'sad eight ln Block 33 ai A the council for' their no magnetisin nor does suie appeal, plan of lots in Town af Bowmanville tl'ed him. Hie Lad came ta <to anlYMn.- by Hanuing and Ussher in i86o, and being ars, and slways found tLe Sucli a change inueelng and situated at tLe corner of Wellington and fhe asi ear 3reSa aeslus and Liberty Streets in Town of Bowman- ltels ermr ooks! ville, There is ýaid ta Le erecled upon' id for tLe harmauy and10 :isting Lie thanked tLern, Aiter sufferiug pain, feeling uer- tLe prapertv a solid brick dwelling with id appreciatian and kind VOUS, dizzy, weak sud dragged Stone foundation, coutainiug about feu ý roanis sud with hat air furuace, seater alygaad Fellaw" wa dowu by weakuesses of lier sex- and electria light.leprhs cheers and s figer, led Ly with eyes sunken, black circles aud Ternis: Ten percent ai tLeph hs cbairman Tom Hiolgate, pale cheeks-such a -woman, 18 mauev ta Le paid down at lime af sale ug sud given. quickly restored to health by the and balance wîfhin thirty days tbereafter, ppreciative af tLe manner Favorite Prescription of Dr. Pierce.- The save praperi y will Le sold sub- rden Jiendersan Lad con- Chauged, too, in looks, for aftcr *ett1 esreLd 1proceedings and af' Lis t akiug Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- For further particulars sud conditions infegrity, were given Ly srpion the bil 'msclapo al ppyt ki iMacNaclita., Coans. srp tbcmscer isl pl a- TanCamp, Maybee, Greer, the eyes brigliter, thie checks MACDONELL & BOLAND s, Burnham, Allun, Smith, plump. It Îs purely 1vegeta blé, 2TRNOSRE Hart, Bowen, Cairns sud contains no alcohol. TORONT0U e,. Only four members 'S'ctr o h otae rt .A who were there when Lie Druggists seil it in tabletS Or a ciOLErsqforet Le maile or t L. A. ears aga. liquid. Seud Dr. iPierce, Buffalo, DTOEd EsqTireBownv tile, auctor g"God Save tLe Kiug" îhd -N.Y., 10r for trial pDatg. ed ai Toronf1),, isrs1da9a ned.pake.eeejA ,99.53 zomASTHMA. Asthma is Fortym n e r t-~ e T r tl ;dislressîng troubles, sud- acks and prolonged in ifs quenily rnany things are ot-nyer ing seems ta give hope aof ryon er J.D. Kellogg's Asîhma a niuu e- Ëone help wich, - eLe viceas & ac 1.If you Lave tried aiher motive enigineer Lotsu cceis, do not fail ta wstbout one a- apackage of this.uniformly cidenita usMar bis sration. wrrI iere markable recor4 e st a b lshed bY - Mr. Lew Patrick of Kerrisdale, 1eelstake, B. CJ., and previaus t (-thr31, 19'9 ,/~ ating trains ont ; c f R.-veistroke onr - division of tise1 Canadian Pacifi Raiiway m a i Mr. Patrc record la ane tisa it will lie Lard f duplîcate. 11e1i1 man stih le and bearty u iu f ill enio ment j Mr. PatLi zis an oarp ofaitheIlp!enclid type developed by tise ralioasisor<o. ils disty t'ý h-,- c0L'rV'flV and Lis passengers wsLis goveningla unaeTheCa1ix.dn Pp.cifi>itaalway Cozapany tbrougi ths ae, mt z offiiasandi men, Iransprosident ta the newo t brakeanfeýls pride la t e record af ibis veteran hngg. r. ti.Pi i aqbr uSus ula,6 il-s 05sf ai Mo'itreal, isy~rc ag- i prnts were farmors ansi Le iolawed thse saineOCe- c~î lfanunith wef wet b allroasi. 11e wa s married inla1886, snd Lasibuerhîdr-nMisca Jàu and Mir. John Ppitrick ot Vanicouver, issd Lira. R. Baya. o! C-9 aY,_iXit L. Y . -- --- Good Advice Don't be careless and leave your batteries in your car ail winter., Bring thern to us and we will store and keep thern in good condition. It doesn't cost nmuch either. Another Thi'ng Why not bring your car to us early this winter and ýhave it overhauled se you can have àt for early spring use? Ail work guaranteed and rates very reasonable, Kirkendall & Davey IPhone-Day 193; Night 101 or 294. Silver-anti Ring Street-s Bowrnanville- HOGG & LYTLE LTD. Farmers Attention!? Fanicy Peas We are now booking orders for the 1920 crop of -Peas at advanced prices and will be pleased to hear from prospective growers while we ean furnish the variety you prefer. FIV sokso Feeawysa higher prices as the seasan advinces, Grain and Seeds We are Loyers of ail kinds of quote you prîces. hand. Every prospect of Grain and Seeds. Lot us LIM1ThED Phone 23-Usç it. Oshawa Best grades of Coal onIy kept, aiso Wood of ail kincls. If you have flot ordered your Winter supply yet, you had 'better do so as it is liable te acivance any day. S-tandard Bank Building. Tomperancov St, Phono 177 LiV STOCK (1007 Pure Sugar Cane Molasses) A Sprinkle Cane Mola over your strawold hay, corn stover,en-U o silage, fodder, screenngs, etc.CA L Reduces cost of feeding. This is not a stock feed, but a selected, 100% pure su-gar.. cane molasses. It is flot a beet mnolasses or a Louisie-,aa B3lack St.rap. Cane Mola has been anal yzed by the head chemist of the Central Experimental Farni, Ottawa, and is reconi- mended by the best dairymen and breeders in Canada. Whon y>u arc using CANE MOLA- i 1 Horses wiII winter at liard work better, Cows wilI give more milk, Hogs will gain healthy weight quickiy. Sold in strong iron-hooped barrels at a reasonable price. Send for fu particulars of this wonderful product and aur bookiet on econamical feeding, stating namnber of live stock you have. 23 CAùioe KOLA CO. OP CANADA, Limited, 118 St. Paul Street W., MON,:TREAL,; Que. McCIeI lan & G Ltd. Bowman-)v Ile rl zý-

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